Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Nov 1880, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY NOV. 3d. 1880. Railroad Tlmfc Table. OOINO BOOTH. tonera take Pimeawr f„.7:WA.1w Qeaeva Lake Express A M. #*«•*•» Lake Kreixlit. .l:W r. m ftteautbofct Express It. oomn WOK Tit. Kxun-fm ... ...........10:00 A.*. Renff* Ijfike Freight.. A. |M. 8«neva Lake"Kxprea»... « 5:W r. |M #to«tra Lake Ptueniw........ 6:53 r.K CALL at Besley's an»1 see the Uindu8- woman" Ft will pay. ^ * JACOB BOKSLETT. having leaned Ills Saloon, has more(IsInto the D. S. Smith JtOUM. , OR90N BDGBKB has BEEN quite sick but is now better and able to .be around. '^^UCK llnnllnf «I ̂ e river MuftaVea is A. No. 1, and hunters are bringing in i£ead loads of them A. WE hear that several of our citizens Contemplate going to Nebraska on the Railroad Excursion, which starts from Aurora on Tuesday next. A SOCIAL Party an d Oyster Supper 'fiHI be given at Sayles' Hotel, Fox T»ake,on Twe&ilav evening next, Nov. 9th. All are cordially invited. * JOSEPH N. FREUHD had leased the saloon and restaurant of J. Bonslett for a term of years, and taken posses­ ion of the same. WE learn that our Barbei s have been Obliged, since Tuesday, to charge -democrats 25 cents for a shave, owing to the extreme length of their faces. If you pay Cash for your goods, and you expect to do any trading this Fall, you may save a little by trading with FITSIMMONS A EVASION'S. K. M. OWEN has been qnlte sick the past week with Erysipelas ifi the face, but was able to come out and vote on Tuesday. It I? to be hoped he may be )e to be around again soon. A HUNDRED years ago, when you called 011 a girl she kissed you good *>>•«- Boston Post. Yes, we believed •he did; but w«'d i«b|dea that It was *o long ago. THJC youngest child of Joseph Buss. « littld girl about two years of age, died on Tuesday last ot Diphtheria. Mr. and Mrs. Buss have the sympathy f all'in their dnep affliction. THE true heroes are those who can #it down and talk politics half a day on tlie stretch, never say an insulting jford to their opponents, or show a bit «t tyieir temper when the other fellow gets ahead of the argument. H LITTLE stranger ca^ie to town 011 Vednesday «»f last week. He weighs ten pounds and has taken up his resi­ dence with ,W111 ThurwelJ. _Jrtr*llf. re­ sides over the FLAiNi>KAMfft office.-- Such is the po#er of the press. THE Services on Sunday 7th at St. Johns Church Algonquin, 10:30 A.M. inducted by G F.Arvidson ot Car- penterriville. English Se'rvices at Doles Chapel Crystal Lake. 3:00 P.M. conducted, by L. C. Keeler, of Ridge- Held. ••CAN DOGS And their way home from a long distance?" asks an ex­ change. It's according to the dog. If it's one you want to get rid of. he can Hud his way home from California. If It's a good one, he'fe apt to get lost if lie goes around the corner. REPUBLICANS. Democrats and Green- backers are expected to attend the So­ cial Hop at Grand Hall 011 Fr'day eve­ ning. Castello's music will drive away the blues from tfoooe who feel sorry, and those who laugh can dance tlie better. WE have received from A. IX Lynn. •Of Knight & Leonard' ! Job Ofliee. Chi­ cago, a neatly printed copy of the •"Memorlum," on the death ot Miss Addie McOmber. It Is very hand­ somely gotten up, and is a just tribute to a dear departed friend. JOHN M. MCOMBEII has been doing •some substantial repairing on and about his residence in this village. He has re-painted the outside, built a new and handsome verandah, re painted Ihe front fence and made other im­ provements, which adds greatly to its value and appearance. WE would call especial attention to the new advertisement of Fitzsimmons A Evanson, to be found in another col­ umn. I'iiey are offering extra bargain® in Overcoats and Ready Made Cloth­ ing generally, and in fact their stock of Goods, in every particular cannot be excelled in the county. Read their advertisement in another column. A NEW horse disease, the epizooty, Is appearing in various parts of tlie State, and in some ptfcves it is causing considerable trouble. The symptoms of the complaint are somewhat differ­ ent from the epizootic, that raged come years since, and we learn that it Is much more liable to be fatal iu its « fleets. BUBOLARS broke into the Depot one night last week, broke open a trunk in the baggage room, but finding nothing they wanted departed, carrying with them an overcoat and some other arti­ cles belonging to Station Agent Buss. Now as these light finge red gentry are known to be about our citizens should be on their guard. PRESIDENT HAYES has named Thurs- ly, the 25tli day of November, as a of Thanksgiving and Praise, there- foe look up your Turkey and the &o., to |p' frith it, but do not forget to look arotud among your neighbors and see if th\re is not a poor widow or some Iath^jess children that you could help enjoy Vis National Holiday. This is the trUyway to give thaukf. IT is said that a hen held by one leg will not eqttak half as much as when both leg* are grasped. Thanksgiving day is only a short time hence, and persons who are accustomed to pur­ chasing their poultry at night--a few hours after the owner of the fowls has retired--will do well to Cut this out and paste It In their hat. THE Geneva Lake Ilvrald says: Prof Dare, a dare devil who has visited many neighboring towns, giving ex­ hibitions on the tight rope, made a misstep while making a similar exlilbi- bition at Racine last Thursday, and fell to the ground, a distance of forty- five feet, breaking Ids neek. He visi­ ted Geneva a couple of years ago, and many of the boys, after his departure, were filled with an ambition to equal Ills fool hariv tricks. TICKETS have bean issued for a So­ cial Hop, to take place at Grand Hall, in this village, on Friday evening or this week, Nov. 5th, to which all are cordially invited. The Germania Band of Chicago, J. CasteIIo, Lea-ler, will furnish the music, and alt who have heard this splendid music know that it cannot be beat. As this is the first Hop of the seasou we shall expect to see a good turn out. The tickets are only 91. WE have received a new. advertise­ ment for Geo. W. BeSley, the West Side Druggist, which will appear in our next, in addition to his former stock he has lately added a choice line of Confectionery, Toilet Sets, Lamps, and holiday Goods generally, and is now prepared to offer inducements to purchasers seldom before offered in this section. Look Out for his" new advertisement next week, but in the mean time call and examine his goods. THE newspaper is ubiquitous. It is everywhere, in every man's home, for a man has no home who has no newspaper. He may have a place to stay, and so do the Digger Indians. But there can be no home without a news­ paper. There'can be no business estab­ lishment without it. There can he no general di(fusion of knowledge without it. It is life and light in the world. It moves the world iu all its enterprises, in all its great philan­ thropies. and all Its majesty of wealth and power. PhR8CN.1L. F. A. He bard returned from hi* trip to Kansas last week. * I. A. A. Martin, of the Urtn of Perry & Martin, retuned 011 Moniav from quite an extended trifPthrough Colorado, He came home just in time to put ttt it straight Garfield vote. W. Parker, of the Parker turued from his visit East last week. Jesse A. Baldwin. Assistant U. S. district Attorney, of Chicago, and H. R. Baldwin, of Crystal Lake, were visiting with their brother. Prof. S. D. Baldwin, on Monday. C. A. Knight and wife of Chicago celebrated the third Anniversary of their marriage on Sunday last, with Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Brown. Paul Brown, son of Dr. H, 1\ Brown, spent Sunday with his parents in this village. He Is iu the office of R, W. Bridge, Attorney at Law, 15 Tribune Building, Chicago. Paul has the ability and go-aiiead qualities to make his mark in the world, and his many friends here wish hi in the fullest suc­ cess. "The Lord reigns and the Devil is a fool," Is an old double-barrelled proverb, which might profitably en­ gage thelitteutiou of W. H. Barnuin, "Mule Buyer, and chairman of tlie Democratic National Committee who introduced tlie methods of the sneak- thief into politics and covered the country with copies of a self-evident forgery, which could have deceived no intelligent, honest and sane man. with or without comparison with Gen. Gar­ field's hand-writing. The result of Tuesdays election shows how the In­ telligent people looked upon this and like dastardly acts. ... *'i*totpn!»tiott wHieh has agitated the Aincr- WIIEN F. A Heb.trd returned from 1 . , - * loan iniiid for several months past. In NUNDA. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Old time has been, among us gathering in the harvest. Onley Andrus succumbed to the fell destroyer consumption after seven years of constant suffering.-- Deceased was raised in this Township, was a member of Co. D. 95 III.. Vol.. and Was known as one of the bravest as well as kindest of soldiers. He was outspoken in hlsconvictious but kind audjeousiderate as" a father and neigh­ bor. H» leaves a wife and family of fivejchildren to mourn his loss. Although young in years, owing to a neglected cold the fell destroyer gained the vic­ tory. The funeral was held in the Deciples Church 011 Thursday last. Elder Collins officiating. His remains were deposited in the uofl Cemetery, Uncle Win. Barnes severed his earth­ ly ties aud quietly passed away at his home on Saturday last. He had been confined to the house only tour weeks, but Iris family aud friends have seen for some time that his race waa nearly run aud like tlie "One lioss shay" gave way all at once. Deceased was 82 years old, one of the oldest settlers of Nunda Township, was always known as au honest, industrious, kind father and neighbor. By his industry--like many of the old pioueers--lie gatliered to­ gether a sufficient amount of this worlds goods to insure comfort to his aged companion who still survives •ti 111. They had lived.togt-tlier as| man wife 57 years. The funeral was held at the M. IS. Cnurcli on Sunday last, He v. Powers, of McHenry, performing the last rites. His remains were also de­ posited iu the Gofl Cemetery, near his old iioine aid anions 11 is old neighbors. Our loss is his eternal gaiu, "Prepare to •'ollow uie." Before these locals shall be read^the Country will have decided the great Kansas last week lie brought us sam­ ples of the products of the that State which shows, that in some parts of It at least, as good crops can be raised as in any other part of the coun­ try. These samples' were all from Rooks County. Among the sampled were Sweet potatoes and Flat Turnips from the farm of Henry Raymond, formerly of this village, and some corn raised 011 land owned by Mr. Hebard himself. Also a very fine sample of Rice Corn,« Buffalo Grass. «fce. These specimens of corn and vegetables are all very fine and equal to tiie best to be found in this county, and proves that Rrooks County, Kansas, Is not be­ hind many of her sister States in the products of the soil. ONE of the beauties and charms of an editor's life is iu his deadheading it on all occasions. No one who has nev­ er tasted of the sweets of that bliss can begin to take iu its glory aud its hap­ piness, He "puffs" a concert 910 worth and gets 81 in "colll|)liillentaries,' , and is thus parsed "free." If the hall is crowded he is begrudged the room he occupies, for if his compli.neiUaries were paying tickets the troupe would be so much more in pocket. He blows aud puffs a church festival free to any desired extent, and does the poster printing at halt rates, and rarely, gets a "thank you" for it- It goes as a part of his duty as au editor. He does more work gratuitously for the town and community than all tlie rest of the pop­ ulation put together, and gets cursed, for it all. while iu many instances a man who donates a few dollars for tiie Fourth of July, base ball club or church is gratefully remembered. Oh. it is a sweet thing to b3 an editor. He pass­ es "free" you know. LIST of letters remaining uncalled for in the post office at Mclleury, Illinois November 1st, 1880: LETTEUS.--Thomas Powers, Geo. Criui. Michael Ryan, Louie Hills. Peter Smith, Clias. Koster, Esq., Widow Tonyon,Oriu Siliier, Mrs. L. C. Will­ iams, James Pursley, Mr. Gwian, Matthias Kelir, Mrs. Alary Atkiisou, Mr. Wm. Wray. Miss Emily Ualbert. C. L. Golc, Win. Gavin. C. C. Durland, C. D. Parker, Clias. H. Crirty, J. M. Kirkpatrick. John Adam Aluller, iieriu Conrad Strohmeyer. POSIAL CAKDS AND Duop LETTERS.-- H. Vogler, II. V. Shepard, Frank Steyeus, R. Camp & Son, Geo. E. Brown, Jauies Nealen, F. F. McCoy Si bley Wnlllice. F. J. Cooper. DEAD LETTERS.--Mrs. M. Hall, Ben- nie Lippiucott, J. W. Duuuiug. Persons calling for any of the above named letters will please call for ad­ vertised letters. ^ JAMES B. PEUBT, P. M. Toilet Sets, Lamps. Vases, Auto/" graph Albums, Wax Dolls, Doll's Heads, cheaptat liesley's Drug Store, opposite the Parker House. The finest ih.-e of Toilet Articles to be found iu the county, at liesley's Drug Store. Richmond Department. COWTKIBCTBO »T 3. F. BENNETT. 8. F. BENNETT is hereby authorized to take subseriptionB ;ind orders for advertising and Job Work f<>r the PI.MSORAI.ER. rcceive money therefor and receipt for tlie same.-- All orders left with him will receive prompt attention.--Editor. On Saturday evening a young man employed at the cheese factory was out riding with a lady, aud in attempting to pass Fred Sherman, who was driv­ ing ahead of him. he ran his buggy up­ on the sidewalk In front of J%rry Robinson's aud tipped itover. He was supposed to be badly hurt, but the two doctors who were summoned could find no injuries. The young woman was not hurt. The horse "lit out" and smashed the buggy into kindling wood On Saturday evening the Genoa Gar­ field and Arthur Club made Bichmond a visit and paraded the streets with their torches, making a fine appear­ ance. Our boys set np the cigars and cheered them lustily, and Geo. Vinton invited thein down to Ids house where they were treated to sweet cider.-- Jack Billings, for, whom a warrant is waiting iu the hands of the constable, was among the visitors and an attempt was made to arrest hint, but he sudden­ ly disappeared and could not be found. It Is announced that J. V, .A Id rich will, in November, open a full stock of general merchandise lii his new store, which Is now approachiiig completion. Mr. Aldrich. when iu trade before, was very popular and will, tto doubt rally around him a host of his old friends when he opens his new store. The old saying is that "Competition i% the iffe of trade," and so we may welcome the new enterprise as a benefit to the com­ munity at large, as well as the mer- ehantile interests of the village. Pro­ bably uo village In the State has more liberal or accomodating merchants than Richmond, and their reputation iu that particular will not suffer by the addition of Mr. Aldrich t<i their ranks. Mr. Canfield, has moved from the Kelbouru place, and is now located nearer his paint shop and Is more eas­ ily accessible to those Who come to geft a job done. He has rented a portion of Mrs. Councils house. He is "chuck full" of business, but is ready to con­ tract for any new job that coines along. It you want a good job get Caufield to do it. our humble sphere we have done all we could to further the principles of Re­ publicanism and cast one vote as our honest convictions led us for the straight Republican Xomiitges. Business of all kinds has assumed a decided improvement over former years in this place. The new firm of Butler & Warner have an ipiinentie "Lock of good goods, and are selling lots of them. Colby Brothers are securing a heavy trade, especially iu dry goods and ready made clothing.-- Hamilton is tending steadily to the llanlware trade, especially stoves.-- Da«ly you cau see new stoves going front there, which shows that he is down to bottom figures and means business. , Our new druggist Geo. E. Dickinson, of Barringtou. is gaining many friends by his gentlemanly treatment of all who favor him with a call. Smith Bros, iu the grocery department aie s«curing a good trade aud also a good assortment of pure drills at living rates. And one would think from tlie amount of new goods arriving at the store of D. C. Mallory that, his trade is good and It is a fact that people have learned that every article sold there is always as represented. Floyd W. Covalt, of Barriugton, has hough', the Geo. Darby house and lias moved hi&family therein, lie is a valu­ able addition to this town. We welcome you.aud wish we could gaiu many more such. J. B. Butler is building a good sub­ stantial building on his lot near the Depot where he will move the Post Olfice as soon as completed. On Saturday afternoon last, Wm. Miller and wife of the old town came up to call at Geo. Piatt's. After stop, ping iu front of the house lie jumped out and the horse--which isaccd>,gave a sudden sp,riug which threw Mrs. Mil­ ler out upon the ground badly dis­ locating the right arm at tlie elbow aud injuring her otherwise. Dr. Watson was duly suuiiouneU and by his skill tiie dislocation wgj^gp^dtl'y adjusted ainl such other m^diigiit aid was administer­ ed as was needed. At,this writing she is comfortable as possible. The I. O. of G. T. held their election of Officers on last Tuesday night. The changes were J. A Sheldon for W. C. Fred Howe for Secretary, the others holding over for the next quarter. J. 11. Dole & Co are making prepar­ ations for the building of extensive ice houses this coming winter. John Darby hasjbeen secured as. the "Boss" bui Ider. F. B. Doran has sold his farm and moved to this village, occupying the house owned by J. E. Beckley. Dr. G. W. iloru is now ready to at­ tend all calls with promptness and in­ tends giving his whole time to the practice of medicine. Give hiui a call. . They are making arrangements at the factory for the feeding of about 40 head of cattle from their still which, they are ruuuing successfully. Mr.GilmQre. of Woodstoek. delivered a stirring aud able political address to the citizens of Richmond, on Friday evening. The meeting was held at tlie Methodist Church which had been tastefully decorated for the occasiou by the ladies. We don't care to praise anybody, generally, but we here haz­ ard the prediction that young Gil- more will make his mark. He is one of the ablest, if not the ablest young man in Mclleury County. He -would double discount Charley' Farwell for the U. S.'4ei»at<ur.' - C. steeet &Son have about 100 Po­ land China swine. They keep none but selected stock. Their crosses are per­ fect. These hogs are celebrated in beauty, size, aud for easy keepers.-- They have sold hogs to shippers that weighed from 800 to 1000 lbs. They often ship pigs several hundred miles to fill orders. At local--county and state fairs they have won scores of prizes. The season of 1880. this stock at Elkhorn. Wis., was classed with hogs that took 1st premium at the Wisconsin State Fair in 1879 aud were awarded 1st premium--also sweep­ stakes for largest and best show. At the Waukegan Fair they took six 1st premiums, a special premium of 95 for best litter of pigs--and sweepstakes over other breeds. WAUCON OA- EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Our enter­ prising friends, Messrs. Hughes aud Goiding, are raising their furniture store and putting a stone foundation beneath it, thus adding a commodious basement to tlie premises. Mr. J. R. Wells had au auction sale last week, Mr, Henry Seipp officiating. Mr. F. W. Morrison, who has been absent for some little time, returned on Thursday last, thus silencing a ru­ mor that he was not going to come back, it would seem that by the time these ruinor starters got fooled a few thousaud times more they would quit tlie business of rumor starting, and go into a better an<J a more elevating one as tor instance, that of loafing about some little one-horse town as au agent (?) for some Democratic politician to be known for example as "Perry Suiitii's man." Don't start silly little rumors, go into a big business. Mr. Frank Wells has opened a hard­ ware store iu the room adjoining his lather's. Mr. Alonzo Harris has again sold out his barber shop, and is going to lbcifte in Chicago. ^ ' ' The Bicycle fever having died out elsewhere, has at last reached Waucon- da aud the small bo J' with his leg- breaking machine, is "around, about and ainougs^." The last ^jfasp of our Democratic friends occurred on Saturday evening last iu Mr. Joint Pratt's new hall--by the way one of thf finest little halls iu the county, a real little gem of a hall Col. H. A. Wilder, and Alexander J. Walker were the speakers. Nufl ced. A choice stock of Candies, all kinds, at Besley's Drug Store. Ofand Opening* Of Millinery and Fancv Goods, Cloaks and Dolmans. Cloak Trimmings Childrens Hoods, Rouciiing. Laces, Satin Plushes and Plunnv*. Ornaments of every description, size and color, will he sold both late and early every day from this dat« to Jan. 1st, 1881, re­ gardless of price at MRS. H. A. 'NICHOLS* MILL1NERV STORE, One Door North of Perry A Martin's Store. McHeury, 111. WE LEAD AND DO NOT FOLLOW In prices, style«. quality and quautity of Fall and Winter Goods. Our Cloaks are thoroughly shrunk before cut. They are sewed strong aud trimmed with a view to securing harmonious effects of design. We know our Goods are superior In shape, finish, and quality to any tiling ever iu this market before and our prices are as low as p6«sihle consistent with ex­ cellence of quality and reliability of work. We invite the public iu general to call and examine our stock. We are ods at any I us. H. ll. XICIIOLS. pleased to show goods at anv time. Ml si look at. those Cotton Balls 10c. FITZSIMMOJii & EVANSOS. Dry Goods and Notions for avery- body aud prices low at FITZSIMMONS & EVAN SON'S. BEST. your Grecerscall BUY^'HE When yoif go^o for the Hanly New Process Flour, and take no other. If he don't keep it lie ought to, and no mistake. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES.&E. We are now exhibiting a fine line of Top Buggies. Phaetons, open Bug­ gies, Platform Spring Wagons of best make, aud warranted at lowest prices. K. M. OWEN A SON. " ^ : Business Notices. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic restores the appetite. 50 Trimmed Hats from fifty two dollars apiece at Mrs. S. fiearle*. Wt liaVe the Boss Glove Depot. ITITZ-MMMON'SA KVAHJ»OJI. The best Threshing Knuckles at E. M. Owen's. WK have a large stock of tlie Mason Fruit Jars at reduced prices. STEVENS A SCHKORR. The Moll ne Sulky Plow M Owen's. The Furst. & Bradley Sulky Plow at E.M.Owen's. w/ When iu want of work in my tine, give me a call and I will try and please Robl'. Murfitt, Jeweler. Xuiida, 111. Dress Goods^tyllsh durable and cheap jiist recelviStl, we invite Inspec­ tion. Fitzslniinous & Evanson. Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets Un­ til yon have seen and priced good* at Mrs. S. Searles. We are selling our large line of Embroidery at greatly reduced prices. STKVBKS A SCHNORBi CARPENTERV1LLE FLANNELS.! All those wishing to secure some of these Goods should call on us. We have about forty pieces on hand.but are fast closing out We have bought all of these and when gone can get no more. STEVENS & SCHNORR. WONDERFUELY INTKltESRIXQ.-- Brick Pomeroy has made a great hit with his new paper THE GK<£AT WEST, which he started in Denver last June, and which he sent to more than 25,000 subscribers to his old paper, POMEROY'8 DEMOCRAT, after it was suspended, following the forgeries of his partner. THE GREAT WEST is a handsome eight- page paper, illustrated each week wiih views of Colorado mines, mountains, scenery, etc, and is ail iu all a wonder­ fully interesting paper with its Satur­ day Night chapters, its valuable editor­ ial letters describing that rich country, its letters from tlie pecple, its red-hot editorials, crisp items, wit, ugliness. Home Corner chats, news, etc. It is now a red-hot. slap-dab. independent paper, above all party lines, but is death against United States bonds and all robberies of the poor. It Is sent, one year for 9'2. or six copies one year for 810. Since "Brick" made his big strike iu the mines, he ('{making a paper more lively than ever. Address, M. M. Pomeroy, Denver, Colorado, and send for tiie paper if you wish something you will read from end to end. We will save any one a little money on a good Overcoat. FUZSIMMONS & EVANSON. FOR SALE OR RENT. The Store lately occupied by J. E- Vasey In the Village of Ring wood. Possession given March 2fith. For further particulars Inquire of Mas. ANK VASBIT. King wood, March 17, ISSO. You are paying 15 to 25 per cent for your credit. Pay the cash; trade at a cash store, and make this saviug. STEVENS A 3CHNOKR. IF you wish to please your wife (and who does not) be sure aud get a Sack of that celebrated "New Process" Flour from llauly's Mill. It certainly beats anything now in the market. Ladies of Mclleury and vicinity don't, buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. S»*arles. Am now offering greater bargains than ever. Ail work in repairing done on short notice. I AM GOING To make my fall purchases of STEVENS «S SCHNORK. They have tliej largest stock of Goods iu town, ^ud, sell the cheapest.. CLOTHING. Latest Style, well made, good Cloth, warranted to fit aud wear. Pot men. youths and boys our prices are always right. FITZSIMMONS;JFC EVANSON. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the premises, 2$ miles East of Richmond and one mile North of Solon, on Thursday. Nov. 4th, 1880.-- Commencing at 10 o'clock A. M, the following property: 3 cows, 1 pair brood mares. 1 pair roadsters, 13 sheep, 14 shoates, 1 Lumber wagon. 1 top car­ riage, 1 pair bob sleighs. 1 fanning mill, .1 corn shelter, 1 cutter. I cook stove, I parlor store. 17 acres corn iu field. 300 bushels in ear, 500 bushels of oats. 75 chickens. Household Furniture, aud other farming tools to numerous too mention. , TERMS OF SALE:--All sums of $10 and under cash. Over tiiat sum a credit of one year will be given ou ap­ proved Notes at 7 percent. 2 per cent oft for cash. ALONZO BECK. GEO. II. STBWART, Auctioneer. BREEDING SOWS FOR SALE The undersigned has a few choice Breeding Sows, with pig, which he offers for sale at a reasonable price. Also a lot of fine Slioats. Call at my residence near Methodist Church, ill felcHenry village. STEPHEN RAYMOND. The largest stock of Millinery 'Goods in the County, at Mrs, S. Searles. For 'that new dress pattern call on Stevens & Schnorr, They keep, the la- est styles, aud sell cheap. Buckeye Force Pumps, at, B. M Owen's. All the Owen's. first-class Plows at E. M. Afine Hue of Gents Furnishing Goods at Lauer & Becker's near the Depot. ParasolsvFan«, Ladies Lace Gloves and Mitts now cheap at Fitzsiuinioiis & Evaiisoii's That Tea sold by Fitxslmmuns & Evanson at 50 cents per poirtid Is the finest new Jap for the monev sold in tills county. If you don't think so, just fry some. -PRICES REDUCED! One half on our eutlre'liiie of Em­ broidery, Call and secure these har- galus. STEVENS & SCHNORR. We have the largest and best select­ ed stock of Gloves and Mittens of every description, ever kept In this town. We are sure we have just what you want in this line, and, at close prices. STEVENS & SCHNORR. Hats and caps for men, vouths and boys in endless varieties aud at such decided bargains we are bound te cre­ ate a boom iu this department. Come at once and see lor yourselves. FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON. CIDER MILL. The Older Mill of JOHN W. SMITH, at his farm, one mile south ot Ring- wood. h now in first class running or­ der. where all can have their apples made into cider or. short notice, and In the best of manner. This is one of the best Mills^li this section, and no pains will be spared to please all who come. JOHN W. J»MITH. Cook's Cider Mill. Two miles Northwest of WMttconda, Is uov prepared with rwo FIRST-CLASS PRESSES, to make your Apples into Ci­ der on short notice and in the best man­ ner. PRICE 60CENTS PER BARREL. Give me a call and I will guarantee satisfaction In every (particular. M. COOK. INVENTORS employing attornles fas miliar with the Patent Olfice, rarely fail of securing patent Experience ensures success in prosecut­ ing contested entries and Mineral Land claims before the General Land Office. Long practice gives success In securing pensions. Presbrey A Green. Attor­ neys, 509 Seventh street. Washington D. C. have had long experience in all branches of practice before the Depart­ ments. Parties having buisuess should address theui (enclosing stamp) for in formation. * New Prints, latest patterns, at pricex from five cents a yard and up­ wards, at Colby Bros.. Riverside Block FOR SALE. The undersigned has< a fine young Poland China Boar for Sale. He is from Hunt's celebrated stock, and Is a very desirable animal. I wish to dis­ pose of him as lie Is too closely connect- >MI with my present stock. Will be sold cheap. , JOHN W.SMITH. la the Whole Hhtwy «( No preparation has ever r such marvellous enres, or mai»tllii# so wide a reputation, as Ayrr's CfMVfJT Peel oral, which »* recognized tlM World's remedy ror.illl disease* M tbf throat and lungs. Its long cnstlMM series of wonderful cures iu.illdltitaMf lias uitide it universally known ne as®ftl and reliable agent to employ. or dinar} colds, which are tlie fore MM" . uers of more serious disorders. If ads speedilv and surely, always leiieviitg suffering, and often saving life. Th® protection it affords, by its timely us* in the throat aud lung disorders of children, makes it an invaluable reiuo- dy to be kept always on baud iu fWf home. No person cau afford to be tklUfr* out It, and those who have ouee WW. it never willl From their knowledge of its composition ami effects, f*hjr«»|j|N ians use the Cherry Pectoral exUtusiv^k ly iu their practice, and clergy®#!!;; recommend it. It is absolutely certaiB iu its remedial effects, and will always cure where cures are possible. For sal# by all dealers. E. M.OWKK eeived a new A k»*e JiirtwiS: lot of Top Buggies, t« v FOR SALE. 40 Acres of land in Section 12, all fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house aud barn thereon, with timber and water in abtindaucc, in Sec­ tion *22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake* and Nunda road. Good new hou«e,' tbaru and other outbuildings.-- Apply to JOHN FLUSKT. Celuloid Sets, the neatest thing for a W'edding Present out, at Besley's Drug Store, opposite the Parker House. King self rising Buckwheat Flour for sale at FUZSIMMOXS & EVANSON. THE "New Process" Flour, maftufac tured by Hanly & Sons, Mclleury, is giving unusual satisfaction wherever used Ask your Grocer for it. Ilats and Laps for men and boys fur or cloth, high crown or low crown, late styles and good goods always cheap in price at FITZSIMMOSJS & EVAN- SON'S. NEW Fall Millinery, latest styles, just received at Mrs. S. Searles'. McHenry Cider Mill. The Cider Mill, at Bishop's Wagon Factory, is now in tip top running or­ der. and Apples will be made into Cider on short notice at2centsper gallon. Bring along your Apples and we will try and please you. R. BISHOP. McHenry, III. Qrt.Hth. 1**1. OVERWEA&AND UNDERWEAR. You will need both before Spring. Conic anil ^ee us we never sell au uu- dershirt uiile«s it tits. u VlTZSIMMONS A EVANSON. Just received all the latest Styles and shades of winter Millinery. MRS. E. W.HOW*. Go to Mrs. E. W. and Dolmans. Howe for Cloaks For the celebrated Uelolt Shoe, the best in tlie market, go to Colby Bros. FOR itfcN'T. The celebrated Ford^ ^Photograph Gallerv, the only Gallery iu the village of McHenry. A first-class location.-- Possession giveu at ouce. Apply to E. M. OWEN. Bargains v1 Underwear, at Fitx&'itt- uioua & Evanson. which they invite the attention those wishing to purchase. Tuej as fine iu any to be found In ket. Low Prices and good work. Murfitt, Jeweler, Nunda. III. 17 cents will buy one pai* of ' Ladle* Balbrsggan Hose at FitsslmmotM « Kvansen's. Autograph Albums, UUJI •« •#•!/; , upwards, at O. W. Owen's. -A>L* i4: " =*' V : MARRIED. € '*•$% •> .A TWEED--BELL.--At the residence «f tfcf officiating clerfrvman, Algonquin, by Mr ^ Rev. t'-ter Artliiwn. Mr, Robert Tweed*- of Spring Grove, ami Mis* Fanni« K. Bell, of 'At* the town of Richmond. ' s REPORT OP TIME C O N D I T I O * -V«- '> 1 . , -v*: '"•fey/ % •- s -or- TEE FIRST NATIONAL BANE At Woodstock, IllfnolSf Cose of Business Oct, 1st '8 HBSOUBCKS Loans an<l discount# •4J9Q.M Overdrafts l.DBCi (J. S. Honda to secure elteutaUoa... IT. S. Ikmcls on liantl I>ne from approve* reserve agents. Due from otlter National IlPiikt.... Kcitl estate, furniture aud fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Cheek* Hint other ca«n item* Bills of other banks....» I'rc'l paper cur. nickels A peantaa.. Specie Lewtl tender notes Itedempti«n fund with U. 8. Tteas» urer (6 per cent of circulation).... !>!» 9$ Due from U. S. Treasurer other thaa 5 per cent redemption fund 1780 »,«•» is, Me ON 1,71« 44 m i,»si a» T,8#t 8,000 Total-- LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in .... Surplus fund .v Undivided profits National bank notes outstanding.... _ Individual deposit* tintijcct to check 134.M4 M Demand certificates of deposit 1,13! It Total STATE OF ILLINOIS, : 50,000*, -aisoest M» •§ --i m 188 / PMU# McHenry Cionnty, I, John J. Murphy, Cashier < named Bank, do solemnly I*I above statement is true to the knowledge and belief. JOHN X Muarar. Sufoscrit>ed and sworn to before me day of Oct., lrist c. II. DowwMXrT, XoCary FibU*. CORRECT--Attest: . &' A, MvUfHTe Hi Comprising Barb Wire, Nftili ot all Sizes, Bolts, fiinge^pr Hoes, Carpentering Tm-w&xrn, - CROCKERY* Glass Ware, Baskets, Braihw, of all kinds, wbich will be < ' MAT RO K BOTTOM Pnifc ^ ®-Call and See I F- WELLS. = Waucoiida, M-» Oct. Zdth. To lie Public, Who are always interested ii buying GOOD GOODS yliS CHEAP. We won Id like to call their •Meatta* il(^^ ' choice lot of BROCADE SBISS --AT-- IO Cents Per A KUL I Line of OVERCOATS; Hear Ye! Hear Ye! ' When buying your fall an«l winter nothing ilotit "fall to examine the stock ju*t purchased by F. G. Mayes, as his stoek is liow complete and bought for cash at. tlie late <|e«-lliie In <r*x><is. His assortment of Cassimeres "ml Wnmeri* for suiting is worthy of your especial attention and will be in>i<le np to order at the lowest prices tor tine goods and superb workmau- ship. P. G.MAYSS. McHenry, 111., Q?t. Uth. MHO. At 02.30 aud upwards, those Another arrival P R I I V T S t isas -AT-- ; Vv1 * : 5 Cents Per Yard, That sell so fast. In the f^-v Vf'VFting Desk*; a very appropriate JloWi' " "-'"sent, can be fouiitl at Bes- e y"b Drug Store. have a special imrgHin o#tf, 16 tbs. Gornf Prune» fi»r4l, 7 1t«s. RU» Coflee for •<*<». National Yea*» Oaken ?e per p»eka 2 tt> fans String Beaiia lOu |irr < for 23«. Come and set ttf ant! we its < money, !!• ft* Qet. 18iii# i

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