Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Nov 1880, p. 5

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>•?' ••MriiaaawaMiMMiMkaHMBMHiMiiiigMiii^ Htt ]|^fwy piaialeaie*. WEDNESDAY NOV. 10. 1880; Railroad Time Table. KUKO SOUTH fe*«*a UV«! Pi«4^«nnr Qetteva Lake ExT»re«s.. ••••Iv* T^kfl Frelsrht. Bteasaboat Express rtouro iroarn. 7:*$' Steamboat KxnreM r>»ke Freight... Aeneva Uk« Kx press Itnm Uk« P»M«mwr P. * ..v.3:Mir, H. 10:00 k. *. ......10:09 4.|*. ......^.5:4» T. 'Jt .. B:5S P.K $ - She the new advertisement of F. R. Well*, Wauconda, In another column. CALL at Besley's an.l see the ^indus­ trious *ora*ir" It will pay. A Ann stock of new Wntrheg, Clocks. 4kc~,at Kobt. Murfitt's, Nnnda. THE youngest child of B. ,8. Grosve- nor. aged about sixteen months, tiled on P Saturday ls»st, of Membraneous Croup. ANOTHER new lot of Millinery Goods jju?t received at Mrs. H. H. Jflchols. ? .w jf you pay Cash for you*1 jfooife. and you expect to do any trading this Fall, .you tn*y save a little by trading f-with FITSIMMOXS & EVAXSQN'S. CAT the time of going Id press we have not received the official vote of McMenry County, hut learn t at the majority for the straight Republican picket was a little over 1700. THE Ladies Church Aid Society, of Bingwood, will meet at the house of Mr. J. YV. Griuiolby, in the village, oil Thursday, the llth Inst. Mas. W*. LANOHA*. $«er«tary. Alln. O. HELL is the name of a deacon /in a Chicago church. When the choir I finished a poorly rendered song the I minister impatiently calls out: "O. \Hell pa«s the contribution box." JT EDMUND KNOX, JR , had the misfort- ftine to break his lei[ this Wednesday | morning, whl!e wrestling with another 1 young man. Dr. Brown was called I and he ia doing as well as could be ex- \|>ected. MRS4 SKARLKS lias just returned from the city with a Hue stock of Cloaks, Dolmans, Cloak Trimmings, and the latest styles In Hats, Bonnets. &c., to 'Which she invited the attention of the ladies of McHenry and surrounding - country. , Colby Bros.,have.)ust received a fine line of Youth's and chWdretis clothing, and can now fit any .from five years ol d lip. Their stock of clotniiig is com- pfete in every particular, to which they Invite the attention of the buying public. MRS. RKVOIR, wife of James Revoir, who formerly resided here, died on Tuesday morning last at tne residence of Levi Lawrence, in this village, vliere she had been for the past few Weeks. Her disease, was Consumptioii, With which she has been a long ahd p:i- tieutftiiffiprer.. TIIE Soc'aJ Hop at Grand Hall on Friday evening last was not largely attended but was a very pleasant affair, and was highly, enjoyed by those pres­ ent. I'he music as usual was excellent and all present seemed in ttie best of tuiraor and bound to have a good time, Which they did. F So far this week has been emphat­ ically a Hog week in McHenry. Smith & Snyder shipped four cars on Mon* day. three on Tuesday and two to-day. making nine in three days. On Mon­ day the 1:15 freight had on thirteen Vears of [logs. We believe the price paid has averaged about four cents. G. W.-MILLKU. the new I'hotographe'* who has leased the old Ford Gallery over Perry A Martin's store, in this vil­ lage lias arrived, and will have the Gallery open and ready lor business I the#last of this week. Mr. Miller comes I liere well recommended as a first-class \ Artist, and we bespeak for him a lil>- \«ral patronage. UNCLE Samuel Stockor has left us the following receipt, which he in­ forms us is a sine aire for Const i- fMtion. and as the remedy is simple and easy taken, we give it for the benefit of our reader*: It consists of a Table- apdohftil of Wheat Bran, taken in a little water before eating. It has never been known to fail when through­ ly tried. ;£ • - . C. B. CURTIS has arranged a place on the West side of the Central Market* where one of the village Ladders can '* always be found in case of necessity.-- frt»e other Ladders should also be lo­ cated in convenient places in diflerent parts of the village, where they could Ue easily reached should they be need­ ed. * A little care now might save much trouble in-the future. TICKETS have been issued for a Thanksgiving party to take place at the Riverside House in this village on Thursday evening, November 25th. ta'he best of music will be in attend­ ance, and with the enviable reputation which this house has for getting up first class parties, we need not assure > Chose who attend that they will be well taken eare of aud have a good time. THERE IS a nuisance in this village which demands the attention of soiue one and that is the crowd of small boys who nightly congregate around the Post office, and by their boisterous ac­ tions. fighting,4^wearing, etc., make it very unpleasant and sometime') almost impossible for ladies to pass by on the Walk. If pareut!> cannot remedy this evil, we hope the authorities will take it in hand. Such actions as were in­ dulged iu there on Tuesday night la a disgrace to our village, and we trust a stop may be put to it at once. Toilet Sets. Lamps. Vases. Auto­ graph Albums, Wax Dolls, Doll's Heads, cheap at Besley's Drug Store, opposite tbtt l'arker House. PERSON 1LS. A. F. Parsons, who has been visiting here the past month, started for his home in Nebraska on Tuesday. s H. C. Mea<), Clias. Granger, son of Hon. F. K, Granger, and Henry Smith, son of H. C. Smith, took iu the Excur­ sion to Nebraska, which started from Aurora on Tuesday. Thos. Noonan. Chicago's "Boss" Po­ liceman, made his mother a short visit last week. Nick Paul, of]the Chicago Fir® De­ partment, was sftii ou our topk» op Montfky. ' " ~ Chas. Revoir. ot Chicago, was here on Wednesday attending the funeral of his mother. ^ / ON Tuesday evening • last the Re­ publicans of McHenry held a grand jollification meeting over the glorious victory achieved in the State and Na- tiou on the 2nd I list. A large bontlre was built on the hill opposite E. M. Owen's residence, the McHenry Band was out. the reside ices of Republicans in the village were illuminated, the bells were rung and the crowd shouted themselves horse over the Appomat­ tox of 1880. It was a grand victory, and the Republicans have just cause to ^feel happy. ON Friday moruingl^t It wai, covered that some one had draped the;- Democratic and Greenback Liberty- Polesjln mourning. Who did $|*w<Ndo not know,"butjit is generally believed that the Democrat* and Greenbackers done It themselves,but the next morn­ ing the Deinocratlprohablylhavliig'heen reading'mule Irarnum's cry of fraud, prompt-]}'pulled theirs down to await results.3But It's no go,*,rgent]emen. That*«?orpse can never be resuscitated. "And the mourners go about the streets.*' The Greenback Pole still floats tliej black)*cr*pe, and although their mourner? are^few, and the child young, theirgrief and 'disappointment at not being able to raise the babe is genuine. ° THE Nursery Is a monthly magazine for youngest readers. This unique and much admired work begun in 1867, and now a welcome and trusted visitor in every family where tliere is a child, gives iu every number a profusion of the choicest pictures, executed iu the best and most costly style, and in most cases from original designs made ex­ pressly for the young. Its articles, wlrether in prose or iu verse, are adapt­ ed with the greatest care to these ca­ pacities of children, and are, with very rare exceptions, wholly original. A song set to music by a skillful com pos»r ami especially adapted to chil­ dren's vo'ces is given iu evt ry nn in iter. Subscription price, postage included. 91.50. Payable always In advances^ 15 cents a single number, A sample'num­ ber will be sent for 10 cents. Address all communications to the NURSERY PUBLISHING Co., 36 Bromtield Street, Boston, Massachusetts. T. J. Ci.tproN. who for the pan two years has run the Blacksmith and Wagon Shop opposite the Parker House, has decided to move his busi­ ness to Woodstock, and will close his shop here the present week. While the citizens of McHenry will very much' regret Mr. Clifto-.'^removal, they will all take pleasure in recommending him to the citizens of Woodstock both as a citizen and a workman. Asa workman he has few if any equal* and no supe-,. riors in the State. He is proficient In every branch of his trade, but m ikes •* specialty of Horsc-slioeing, and the fact that horses are sent from a great distance to hi* shop is a sure guarantee that he knows liU business. We there­ fore take great pleasure iu recommend­ ing Mr. Clifton to the citizens of Woodstock and surrounding country who may need work in liis line, as one who is sure to please them. As we said before we are very sorry Mr. Clifton has decided to. leave u«. but what is our loss-Is Woodstock's gain,-- "T'was ever thus," WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDKALER: --NO more "Eight to Seven"*or "going behind the return*." The result is so positive that it must he accepted." without a •why or wherefore, and taking Tllden for authority, the party winning the race in 1SS0 is quite sure to remain in power tor se veral administrations to follow. Four years the country was financial­ ly unsettled. Capital was hoarded and fought shy of investment. There seemed to be on the part of capitalists everywhere a doubt iu the ability of the government to resume specie pay­ ment, and such doubt penetrated the minds of the masses, and all seemed to stand tiptoe lest the first of January 1879 should prove the usher of hard times not often experienced; and such being the condition of things, it was not strange that many, very many should be led honestly' to believe that the party in power was responsible for a calamity almost sure, in their minds, to come upon the country. This doubt continued until resumption became a fact.and so quietly was it accomplish- CRYSTAL LA K E - EDITOR PLAIXDEALKR:-- The under­ signed sends to you greeting three times three cheers aud a tiger for the victory, aud 1 think yon will agree with me in this. "All H»»il Mighty Day" was the 2d of Nove nber 1880.-- Shake, Van. Yes you just bet*we will. No more Southern dictation to the loyal North. Traitors to the rear.-- Northern Democracy have got enough thistiineof Solid South and it has served them right. Some admit It and say that the very word Democrat is odious to the loyal people of the North. Some of tiie $r)em ,K ,nUs are Inclined to blame the Mfule Barnum*for the forged >"Morey Letter" and the "329" lie and all the other slanders that came back on them. And some blame old Bill English for lettiugVBen Harrison get away with him iu In­ diana soj badly. "If Bill had come down with his barrel as he promised lie might have carried Indiana in Oc­ tober." Of course that is all bosh.-- The facts are the loyal North did not think this government safest in the hands of rebels aud their allied. That Richmond Department. CONTRIBUTED BT 9. P. BENNETT. 8. C. BKVNKTT is horehr authorised to take subscriptions and oriers for vl verilsMiir and Job Work for the PT.\IMI>BALRR. receive money therefor »n.| roceipt for tiie atme. All or tors left with hi.n will receive promut attention.--Editor. ved that all doubts and fearS vanished j isAti^Bum total. The superb soldier, as i t were "lu the twinkling of an eye." tpMHSDck, backed by the Solid Smth. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Having lea«dfc my house and gone out of husi nejw. I would respect fully request all persons-knowing themselves indebted to me to call and settle the same without delay as 1 am desirous of closing all outstanding accounts at once. A word to the wise--. J ANON ROXSI.KTT. IF yon want your Watch put In first class] Order, call on Robert Murlitt, Jeweler, Nnnda, Vwriona Causes-- Advancing years, care, sickness, dis­ appointment. and hereditary predis­ position--all operate to turn the hair gray, and either of them incline* it to shed, pre Maturely. AYKU'S IIAIK VIGOR will restore faded or gray, light r* d hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may he desired. It softens and cleanses the sealp, giving it a healthy action. It removes and cures that- so to speak we went to bed night with load of hard times weigh­ ing us downjllke the^ night-mare.' but awoke with the dawn breathing an atmosphere of prosperity and cheer­ fulness. Capital was withdrawn from the vaults and sought Investment. Oi^ day might be seen the laborer haggard with want and anxiety (or his family sallying forth with desperation seeking employment wherebv to stay the panars of hunger, and cover the shiver­ ing limbs. Tramps swooped down upon the'eountry'.like* Nebraska grass-liop- pers ; on the next the smitiiV forge Is in full blast, the workers of wood are every where busy, the weavers shuttle is on the fly and the spindles are no longei'quiet. The masses are happy, because their labor is in demand.and it is the capitalist who is now the more anxious how he shall make his money yield him the greatest profit. Where but yesterdar was in doubt and dis­ trust. now confidence reigns supreme. Under such cirumstat^.es is it surpris­ ing that the party which alone, by favor of the Omnipotent, Is entitled to credit for so great aud so happy re­ sults, should continue to retain the con­ fidence of the people aud still guide the ship of State. The campaign Just closed is likely to prove the mo«t absolute iu its results, of any known iu history, lu the Old Colonial days there was for years a con­ flict raging between royalists on the one hand and popular rights on the other. That conflict culminated in the Revolution, which terminated In favor of Freedom. Great Britain failed to crush out out liberty by force of arms, but the Tories, re fuse-d to allow the contest to, die out and clandestinely sought to ir.iugle royalty with our polkics in hopes-to get a party in power which would renew ne-gtMiif*- tions with the Mother Country with a view of a final return to hev royal arms. Nor was thi« strife be­ tween Tories and the friends of Am­ erican liberty abandoned by the Tories until, the war of 1812, which termlnat-* ed and settled the question, favorable to popular government. So in after years did a strife arise between Free­ dom aud Slavery among our own citi­ zens, which ripened iu the war of re­ bellion to which history fails to fur­ nish a parallel In magnitude. It also resulted in favor of Freedom. But no sooner had the conquering party ex­ tended to those so lately in rebellion the rights of citizenship, than they forced issues upon the people, tlierby endeavoring to regain, by fraud, de- cejf and pretended fairness what th*y had lost inli ittl '. And as the war of 1812 concluded the cotit roversy|betv«een Great Britain and the United States of America, so it would seem that the people of the South ought to »ecept the viciory just won in behalf of a free ! ballot, and a just count, as final -and ac­ cept the situation by setting them­ selves at work to reclaim the waste j places, to vie with the government ill j protecting the rights of all. Black as j well as White. Poor as well as Rich.-- j Let. them cease to intimidate anil bulldoze, let them change their shot gnus for tiie plow and cultivator, let them Inaugurate free speech and free ballot, and free competition iu labor, in business and iu politic's, aud the North will most cheerfully bury the bloody shirt out of their sight for­ ever. It is in the power of the South to eliminate forever from American politic's all the issues growing out of tiie war. Will they do it? "We shall see what we shall see"--Let us hope J^iey will. i'he family of Jason Mi Her Is sorely alfiicted. Last week they buried a promising lovely daughter aged about thirteen years and to-day Monday, agfafriHt tne Solid North for Genera"! J.ijaitiS A. Garfield, the true and tried, wlte U«$30 Often declared "the . ii"iou. most dear, shall be preserved if it takes the last dollar." What patriot is not proud of such n declaration. Well, Vjfii. I wllljbying this to a close by sayitfjjc'iiiat we will still continue to sail iiilrtw olft^JMpublican Ship of State, au^et ffclhieiWl!* howl aud re- |urn to their hole u^<l live like a skunk aud die drunk atw j»e despised by the Devil. Hip, Hip and Hurrah! lam just jolly. Respectfully Youis, daudrufl snd humors. By its use fall­ ing hair .z checked, and a new growth j while we write the Hearse is bearing will be produced iu all cases where the follicles are not destroyed or the glands decayed. Its eftects are beauti­ fully shoivn on br-ishy, weak, or sickly hair.on which a few applications will produce the tjloss and fieshness of youth. Harmless and sure iu its oper­ ation, it is incomparable as a dressing, and is especially valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone it imparts. It contains neither oil nor dye. and will not soil nor color white cambric; yet it lasts long ou the hair, and keeps it fresh aud vigorous. A fine line of China Mustache Cups. Handkerchief Boxe« Cufl and Collar Boxes, at Besley's Drug Store. Cloaks, Do'.mans, Circulars and Shawls at reduced prices at FlTZSIM- MONS & EVANSON'S. Ladies Portmonleg. the nobbiest town, at Besley's Drug Store. in CHEAPEST Cloaks iu town for the money at Mrs. H. H. Nichols. THE "New Process" Flour, manufac tnre,d by tlanly & Sons, McHenry, is giving unusual satisfaction wherever used Ask your Grocer tor it. a son about eighteen years of age to hl« final rest, and we are Informed another son from Chicago lies danger, ously jick at home--Diphtheria is the cause If theirsorrow. We are also in. forornied Prof. Borne's little daugh­ ter is suffering with the same dis- sease. But our people are congratul­ ating themselves that the scourge is somewhat abating. NUNDA- EDITOR PLAINI>KAI.ER : -- Election lias passed, we have fleeted our man. and now we resume our usual quietness. We noticed In the Chicago Sentinel, (Greenback) that iu Columbus, Ohio, the Grand Jury iiad Indicted the Elec­ tion Board for not counting Greenback Votes, and tiiat makes us think that it will be the duty of all the grand juries iu the United State|, for even here, where it was supposed the nucleus of Greenbackism was located, they only counted 100, and lesa than 200 in the county. They are like the Democrats, a dead party. Ye free trade and states rights men will have to get^ up some new dodge now to win. Charley*Barnes <eti'l keeps in the law business, having sued Clayson last Saturday before W. Hill. Charley won. Some one said he was studying law. If so he Is taking a good course and putting it in practice as lie goes along. Potatoes are finding a ready market here at AO cents per bushel. Our post office wa« moved to the building lately built by J. B. Butler, our post-master, atid things look very tidy and cozy their. Many gathered ftfef he M. R. Church, on Sunday last, expecting the McHen­ ry minister to fill the place of Elder Bacon wiio is absent, but said preacher did not put in an appearance. Mrs. DeGrushe is Sufleriiig terribly from some form of Neuralgia. A few of the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Petti bone, congregated at theirhome hist Saturday night and gave them a surprise, reminding them that the; had come-to celebrate their loth anniversary and bringing with tlieui a large number of glass dishes of various designs. A pleasant evening was spent aud they were again re-<(li­ tigated in the presence of the company by Elder Collins, who was present and who also made the preseT^tatiou speech. John thinks he will sell his farm be­ fore attempting to foot any more such bills as salmon, oyster^, etc.. and rec­ ommends ^millionaire* to conic litre to buy such goods. RING WOOD. ~ EIHTOR PLAINI>EAI.KR:--Our village quiet after the great contest of Nov. 2d. All party squabble is over and the right man is now sure to hold the Helm of State tor the next fi-iur years. May he always be right. i We heard a terrible groan the other night and ou examination found it to be tlie wail of a poor, 'U'iug Democrat. Jie wm worse than the^ick chicken of Oct. 14th. | Nick Blake iahome alter a tour of two weeks, he havlug gfJt lost in the streets of Chicago. r? The new fence arninid the School House huti made a deajded improve­ ment. Prrift iVi'u. Nicile will teach this winter. Go to J. W. Crlst v's for good Goods cheap. Bargains in Prints and Notions Wm Lan^ham is dofinu a driving business thi« fall, audi Always pays what tiie market will afljlrd. The M. E. Church hWr a fine new Chimney and now ought?" have a Bell Levi Waterman h<ts aIrig with six leg*' % The Dance at Shoemaker Smith's was a failure in the way <>r a crowd.-- Only the "upper ten" hoiri£> invited. Diphtheria lias appeared in the fam­ ily of John Sumuer, a few mile* west of the village. On Monday morning one cliiM. a little girl, was reported past recovery. Our merchants have all got In an un­ usually large stock of seasonable goods and are better than ever prepared to do the people good by selling them good goods at reasonable figures. Workmen commenced putting up the cornice to Aldrlch's new building on Monday. The front, when finished, will be handsome one. The store will soon be ready for occupancy and will be filled with a fresh stock of sea­ sonable goods. We notice tliat our village homes are being put Into comfortable shape for the winter; the gardens show the same care, where delicate or half-hardy plants are covered.or otherwise shield­ ed fro'in the frost. The coal bins are filled and the wood piles replenlshed.^- All this reminds us of the long, oozy pleasant evenings to conic, cozy and pleasant at the fireslile„ though the winds may howl and tiie snows drift outside. Ah.well, friends, enjoy It! If a few fellows will be Doctors let them sufler. THE UJJIVERSAMST STATE CONFER­ ENCE:--We hope our readers, where- ever the PLAIN HEALER circulates, will not forget the Univ»rsalist State Con­ ference to bo held at Richmond, com­ mencing on Thursday. Nov. llth. The Rev. Sumner Ellis will preach on Thursday evening; Rev. L. D. Boyuton Friday evening; services on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, serinon by Rev. D. C. Toniliiisou, and evening sermon by llcv. LeGraud Powers. Or. Sunday there will be preaching morning after­ noon and evening. Meetiu<r8 of pray­ er and praise will be held during the serits of meetings. Everybody is cor- diallv invited to come. Any one who is attracted to really flue and artistic work in any handicraft should spend au hour or so In going through the establishment of F. W. Mead, one of the most complete in Northern Illinois. Any vehicle pro­ pelled by "that noble animal, the horse." will be turned out for you, first- class in material, first-class in work­ manship, and first-class in finish. His strong .hold is in keeping first-class workman in all departments of his ex­ tensive works. Ample preparatiocs are being made to meet all demands for anything on runners that mav arise from a w inter with plenty of snow.-- We have never seen prettier cutters or better sleighs than are turned out by F. W. Mead. Call at the shops wheth­ er you want to buy anything or not.-- You will be shown around and treated like a gentleman. Anil now that the election U over, the batTle fought and the victory wan, the newspaoer Solons at the North be­ gin to see abundant signs that the dis­ comfited Brigadiers are ready (for a consideration) to join hands with the Republicans in Congress a"d everlast­ ingly turn the cold shoulder to their late Democratic allies at tiie North.-- By such a bargain, could it be cousttma- ted a part of tiie ruin which their de­ feat involved them in might be re­ trieved. But the tiling can't be done. The situation reminds one of the fa­ ble of TIIE SERPENT ANII THE MAN. The child of a cottager was at play in a field at the back of his father's house, aud by chance trod upon a snake which turned round and bit him. The child died of the bite, and the father, pursuing the snake, aimed a blow at him and cut oft a piece of his tail.-- The snake gained his hole, and the next day the man came and laid at the mouth of the hole some honey, meal and salt, and made oilers of peace< thinking to entice the snake forth and kill him, "It won't do," hissed out the snake. "As long as 1 miss my tail aud .you your child there can be no good will between lis.*' / Hapc fabula docet, that both sides have lost t?o many tails and too many children to be easily reconciled. Celuloid Sets, the neatest thing for a Wedding Present out, at Besley's Drug Store, opposite the Parker House. I make a specialty of Repairing fine W itches, and warrant all my 'work, Robt. Murlitt, Nuuda. Grand Opening. Of Millinery and Ffiuev Goods, Cloaks aud Dolmans. Cloak Trimmings Children* Hoods. Rouetyinsr. Laces. Satin Plushes and Plume^L Ornaments of every description, siz^ and color, will lie sold both late and early every day from this date to Juu.^lst, 1881, re­ gardless of price at ; MRS. H. H. NICHOLS' MILLINERY" STORE, One Door North of Perry ? A Martin's Store. McHenry. III. WE LEAD AND DO NOT FOLLOW In prices, styles, quality and ttuautfty of Fall ami Winter Goods.i? ilj Our Cloaks arc thorough^ shrunk King self rising Buckwheat Flour for j before cut. Tliev are sew<»d strong and trimmed with a view (to : securing harmonious eflects of d4sign. We know our Goods are superior In Rhape, CA ItuIAG i;S, BUGGIES, &c. We-a re now exhibiting a fine line of Top Buggies. I'haetons, open Bug­ gies, Platform Spring Wagons of best make, aud warranted at lowest prices. K. M. OWKN A SON. Ladies of M-cHenry and vicinity don't buy your ilats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. S«arles. Am now oflering greater Ijarg^ins than ever. All work iu repairing done on short notice. CLOTHING. Latest Style, well made, good Cloth, warranted to fit and wear. For men. youths and bovs our prices are always right. FITZSIMMON'S A EVANSON. Hats and Caps for men and hoys fur or cloth, high crown or low crown, late styles and good goods always cheap in price at FITZSIMMONS & EVAN- SUN'S. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe for Cloaks and Dolmans. sale at FITZSUIMONS & EVANSON. Reeds Gilt Edge Tonic cures Fever For the celebrated Beloit Shoe, the best lu the market, go to Colby Bros. FOR RENT. The celebrated Kord' ^Photograph Gallery, the only Gallery in the village of McHenry. A first-class location.-- Possession given at once. Apply to E. M. OWEN. and Ague. Take a look at those Cotton Balls 10c. KITZSIMUOV4 * EVANSON. Dry Goods and Notions for avcry body and pricas low at FITZSIMUONS & EVANSON'3. finish, aud quality to anything ever iu this market before aud our prices ,are as low as possible consistent with ex- cciieiiLc of quality i>-liiiuiii iy of work. We invite the public iu general to call and examine our stock. We jA pleased to &huw goods at any time. Jilt*. II. H. Niciiui.s. re Bargains in Underwear, at FitasJm- mous & Evanson. A choice stock of< andies, all kinds at Besley's Drug store. The finest lii-e of Toilet Articles to Ue louud in the county, at Besley's Drug Store. ^ Business Notices. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic mtorM the appetite. 60 Trimmed Hats from fifty cents to two dollars apiece at Mrs. S. dearies. 'have the Boss Glove Depot. VITZSIMMONS A EVAN .SON. The beat Threshing Knnckle^ *S JS. M. Owen's. ' WE have a large stock of the llasou Fruit Jars at reduced prices. STEVENS A SCHNOHS. The Molina Snlkf Plow at ..'It.' 31 Owen's. The Furst A Bradley Sulky Ptofir at E. M. Owen's. When in want of work in my line, give inea call arid I will try and please Robt. Murfitt, Jeweler. Nunda, 111. Dress Goods Stylish durable and cheap just received, we invite inspec­ tion. Fitxsimmons A Evanson. Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets un­ til you have seen and priced goods al Mrs. S. Searles. We are selling our- large line of Embroidery at greatly reduced prices. STKVENS A SCHNOSR, CARPENTERVILLE FLANNELS. All those wishing to secure some of these Goods should cull on iim. We have about forty pieces ou hand, but are fast closing out We have bought all of these and when gone can jfet no more. STEVENS A SCIIN«I&R. The largest stock of Millinery Gobds In the County, at Mrs. S. Searles. For that new dress pattern call on Stevens A Sehnorr, They keep the la- est styles, and sell cheap. Buckeye Force Pumps, at E. M O wen'ar JF|r linhrenal Aceord #5 Ayer's cathartic pills are the best if all purgatives for family use. They are the product of long, laborious aiwl successful ebeoiical Investigation. au«l their exfcn*i%*«» use by physicians i* ilieir practice, and by ull civilized na* I ions, proves them *he best and inonf successful purgative | 'II that tuedfeaf science can devise. B« iug purely etable no harm can arise from theftr nse. in intrinsic value aud eurarivp jKiwers. no other pills csu Iw compare^ with the in. and every person knowing; their virtues mill employ them w|je(| needed. They keep lhe>j>lem tit feet order and maintain In healthy a«M,v tion the whole machinery of life* wild searching and »• flee; ua;, they ar* socially adapted to the needs of tb»; digestive apparatus, derangements Which they prevent and cure, if tituelf : taken. They afe*the best and safejit, physic to employ for children an4 weakened constitutions, where a mild but efleet ual cathariic i«i re^uir«>4. For sale by all dealer*. • * V*-/' E. M.OWKN A Son h*** Jnstf«$, eeived a new lot of Top Huggiesi, tjfcj: which they invite the attention those wishing to purchase. They ar#i as fine an any to be found in the matC ket. - S:5 Bob# Low Prices aud good work. Murlitt, Jeweler. Nuuda. 111. All the first-class Plows at E. M. Owen's. A fine line of Gents Furnishing Goods at Lauer A Becker's uear the Depot. Parasols. Fans, Ladies Lace Gloves and Mitts now cheap at Fitzsluiiuons it Evauson's That Tea sold by Fitzsimmuiis ft Evanson at B0 cents per pound Is the finest new Jap for the money sold iu this county. If you don't think so, just try some. PRICES REDUCED! One half on our entire line of Em­ broidery. Call and secure these bar­ gains. STEVENS A SCHNORR. W.e have the largest and best select­ ed stock of Gloves and Mittens of every dlseription, ever kept in this town. We are sure we have just what you want in this line, and, at close prices. STEVENS A SCIINORR. Hats and caps lor men, vouths and boys in endless varieties and at such decided bargains we are bound te cre­ ate a boom iu this department. Come at once and sec (or yourselves. VFITZSIMMUNS A EVANSON. INVENTORS employing attornies fas miliar with practice,In the Patent OlHce, rarely fail of securing patent Experience ensures success in prosecut­ ing contested entries and Mineral I.and claims before the General Land Office. Long practice gives success in securing pensions. Presbrey & Green. Attor­ neys, 600 Seventh street. Washington D. C. have had long experience in all branches eft practice before the Depart­ ments. Parties having bulsuess should address them (enclosing stamp) for in formation. New Prints, latest patterns, at prices from five cer.ts a yard and up­ wards, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block FOR SALE. The undersigned has a fine young Poland China Boar for Sale. He is from Hunt's celebrated stock, and is a very desirable animal. I wish to dis­ pose of lilni as he Is too closely connect­ ed wltii my present stock. Will be sold cheap. 30HN W. SMITH. 17 cents will buy one pair of LadlesP • Balbr'ggaii Hose at Fitz»immous < Eva use if*. I" ' /; FOR SALE. 40 Acres of land in Section 12. al! fenced. Also 80 acres of laud, with a good house aud bam thereon, with timber and water iu abundance, in Sec tion 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good new bou3e,(barn and other outbuildings.-- Apply to JOHN FLLSKY. NEW Fall Mlllluery, latest styles, just received at Mrs. S. Searles'. McHenry Cider Mill. The Cider Mil!, at Bishop's Wagon Factory, is now in tip top running or­ der, and Apples will be made into Cider on short notice at2ceutsper gallon. Bring along your Apples aud we will try and please you. McHenry, III. Oct.lSth, 18*0. OVERWEAR AND UNDERWEAR. You will need both before Spring. Come and see us we never sell au un­ dershirt unless It fits. FITXSIMMONS St EVAXSOX. Just received all the latest Styles and shades of winter MIDIiierv, MFTS. K. W.HOWB. Hear Ye! Hear Ye! When buying your fall ami winter Clothing dout fail to examine the stock just purchased by F. G. Mayes, as Ills stock is now complete ami bought for cash at the late d»elin« in goods. His assortment of Ciissiineres and Worsteds for suiting is worthy of your especial attention and will bu made up to order at the lowest prices for fine goods and superb workman- F.U.MAYES. McHonry, 111., Oct. 14th, W* Writing Desks, a very appropriate Holiday Present, can be found at Bes­ ley's Drug Store. We will save any one a little money on a good Overcoat. FITZSIMMONS A EVANSON. FOR SALE OR RENT. The Store lately occupied by J. E» Vasey In the village of Riugwood. Possession given March 2f>th. For further particulars Inquire of MRS. ANX VASAV. r Ringwooit, March 17, 18*1. You are pay in? 15 to 25 per cent for your credit. Pay the cash; trade at a cash store, aud make this saving, s STEVENS ft SCHNORR. Autograph Albums, fro.n 1$*. upwards, at O. W. Owen'a. . ceief MAHKIED. m ;5 V : , - T *"> MORTON--SUTTON--At ih« l>ai *on**e, i>»- % ft Uetion, Wis.. Nov. filh, tSSt. hy Rev. F J, 1 JL Douglass, Mr. Charles kV. Morion and Hannah "tutton, bolh of Solon, III. S (JitAXTII.VM--MTIf.I.AU1>-- In Woo.1stn<-k, "'^4$ on Nov. 1st, at the ri'jii<lem-e nf thciiflciatinK - j clergyman, the Rev. |{. K. To i«l, Mr. Tboui. . 4$ as Urantham, of Nua<la, HI«( Ml IS daughter of W 11, Wili&ril, KSII , of Barrevill*'^ 111. Ormndmcthsr's TC&air I FULL &IXB 1'ojrular HOI-TIN P}AN0 MUSLC- "0a the Tramp," March I ery tiixj, it tiny. Twickenham Ferry tSpU iiiiiti- It'oras Afanr Adelphian Galop /I//./ «»,( jtieaKing, A I.I. 4 1'IECKS Mailed on receiptor* four 3 cent <1 fi K. Stoddart fc Co. Philadelphia. <ij',.rainf f * if ^ •- REPORT OF THK CON DITIOIS --OF -- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK a At Woodstock, lljinotov Cose of Business Oct., I st '8&> | ' 'V-i-RKSOL'RCKS ; Loans anrl <ltaoouats #mo,387 t#-- OvenlntfU IT. s. lton<l» to mwiirt) circulattaHk... U. S. ItonilM on h.iini I»ue i'voin a|i|ivm« reserve agent*. Due from oiliur National Ui'iiks.... Itenl entate, furniture ami fixtures. Current expenses aud taxes paid... I'reiiiiuiu* jmit! Checks nml other cnwti item* Hills of other lmnki> t'rr-'l paper eur. nickels ft peuniea.. Specie - l.etptl tender noteit Redemption funil with IT. 8. Treas­ urer (5 per cent of eir<-illation).... Due from U. 3. Treasurer other tbaa 6 per cent redemption funil 1,064139. ,: ';%f- 6U.000 00- Vis! 1790 Ot r M.I*> a* 4,910 M 1,714 34 ** m Ml ! 7.8S-2 <1 8,000 §«fil Total .«)!»,614 i *'•' ' LlAKILltllC*. , \ V'.'vi j Capital atoek pai.l in -.Vi... .... ! Surplus fiuel SU.HW9| >. - tTu<livi<te>l pi-oilta National Imnk notea(HitsfMnlltnff.... 4S.WIMK Individual de|iot<it» wnUJtcl to cheek ISl.iM 41 ; DeinaaU certifloates of <i«|teat| 1.131 *%•-., $§i Total ...Hii»5.814«l . -1 STATE Or ILLINOIS, 1 , „ J >as • , -Af v-* McHenry County, ) # ? I, John J. Murphy, Cashier of the abator - "• named Rank, do solemnly swear that th# \' alxtvo statement is true to the best of myK' - , knowledge and belief. , - JOHN J. MCHPHT. Cashier. UM Snbscrihed and sworn to before we this Tlkt S day of Oct., liWdi. i'-v'/fSj'-i c. it. UoNXBLtt, Notary Pablto^ COBRSCT--Attest: ^ FREEMAN WIIITIIS, -LL-: Y. W. 11. ^TKWAHT K. .V, MI IU'IIV. - r- Were Sleeted* Vet It will he remembered h)r «tt Mat t- hare on hand a good slock of y Hardware,^ • That willl>e cold at«ok bottom prtoea • for CASH, comerisinif: BOLTS! BOLTS! BOLTS! - Nails! ICailxI Niiils! SHOVELS! SHOVSLS! Barb Wire! Barb Wire I I nlso keep n irood supply of PATSNT MKDICINKS which 1 desire to close out *r " Cash, SCHOOT. BOOK!* of every Tarietr CM hirt at low r;»ies by calling at my Stor^-- Come ami see me. F. R. WELLS. Wauconda. Is.' t» yijij wiah to nloaaA rniii- »•'(« (and who dries not) be snr<» ami jfef. a 8ac^ git' that celelirateil "New l*roc«Mt** Flour fmm Hanly's Mill. It «N»r» beats any tiling uow U» the luarltot. Who are always interested in buying- GOOD GOOBS j ^tiiEAP, ; r| We wonldlike to call their attetittoa tt a ehoice lot of .,'*!>'£ ." BEOCADE BBESS B00D8» --AT-- 10 Cents Per Yar4 A Full Lire of OVERCOATS, • At SI50 and upwards. Auottun- »rrln) • , -«s P B I I N T 6 4 * . ' 5 Cents Per Yard*, That sell so fast. In tNe Oroewv Ua* «• have a special Ixirjrtiii offer, rta: 1Rtb» Goo»l Pn»»<»K f«»r §1» T lb*. Rio I 'olN-e l"«T $1. National Y••-•>>t 7c per ' a tl> c.-ins Strlnji Bean» 10c por t f o r 4 5 c . - v V I . K ^ , ' Come autl tm*. m Mil Wmm "V. ; ' , •/, c H. RCGOiiMa. j •r -I VolQi 4H-a 1 -1*^r

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