Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Nov 1880, p. 5

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W7v WEDNESDAY NOV. 17. 1180. Railroad Time, Table. ou*o Imm take f*n«v»nuer j .o.iiTWA.** &••••» Ltk« Rxoret* »:» K M. T,*%« Fretttot :. l*tt r. n ltcamhoat Birpreaf • ••***•*»>• S:W P. H. Steamboat Kxprr** ...W:0FT A. *. #*«»»* Lake Fmirtt ." 10:0! t.j*. Renevft take Expren* 5:«t P. V R«n«r« ?ituen(tr...i d:M P.* WE are under obligation* to H. 0. Mead for a copy of the Slate Journal. published at Lincoln, Nebraska. HER the new advertisement of O. F. Hill, of the Diimld# and Richmond Store* in another column. HON. GEO. H. HARLOW. Secretary of tftate will please accept thanks for a copy of his Biennial Report t&the Governor. F WE learn that a meeting, for the I purpoae of reorganizing the McHenry I County Teachers Association, will be Vfcjld at Xundaon Saturday next. g JOHN STSN|KR has opened a Shoe i Shop In the East end of Lansing's 3 Block, where he is prepared to make 1 Boots orShoesor do Repairing on l^jliort notice. • WE are u-ider obligations to Robt ' E. Stanley, the "boss"' hunter of Fox Lake, for a ftne string of Ducks, left at our sanctum one day last week. He will please accept our tlianks. A little unpleasantness which occur* red on election night resulted In a hearing before Esquire Perry on Fri­ day. and a contribution of 95 and $3 to (he Scliool Fiutd. QUITE a young Winter made Its ap. pearance here on Monday. Coming as ' It does after th- flue, warm weather of the past month, it seems a little more Hvew than it really Is. r SEE the card. In another column, of r Joseph y. Freund. Saloon and Reatau- rant. He keeps the (lii«*st brand of Oys­ ters in town, and serves them up to a ; fftyle second to none. THE Ladies Church Aid Society, of ? Mngwood. will meet at the residence ot Mr. R. Carr. on Thursday, November 18. All are invited, i; MRS. WW. LAHOHA.*, Sec'y. I REV. PETER AKVKIVSON, of Algonquin I l»quite sick and withdraws his ap­ pointments for Sunday the 21«t lust.. IJ. O. Keeler of, RidgefleM will conduct ##rvlce« at Crystal Lake in English at tteiial time and place on that day. f AK Oregon prencher had one of his ^horses stolen, and he went to his •tudr and praverl that a qti'ekeued conscience might oblige the thief to return it. That very night the fel­ low returned and--stole the other. (To those of our subscribers who promised to pay in wood we would say if they Intend to bring It at all they mutt do so now. or we shall be obliged to ask for the money to buy it else-where. Its getting most too cold weather to keep warm on promises. WHEN a blear-eyed, bald-headed weather prophet, is asked whether it ie goi ng to be a hard winter, he shuts one *ye,looks at the sun with the other, digs up a clump of grass, examines the roots, and says: "I don't know." He to generally correct.--Ex. WE would again remind the dancing jmblic of the Thanksgiving Party, to Iw held at the Riverside House, in this Village, on Thursday evening, of next week, the 25th. We can assure all that RO pains Will be spared to make it p*lea«ant for all, and we bespeak a good crowd ami a good, old-fashioned time. / 1 T MESSRS Crlsty. Walker A Co, of / the Pickle Factory, have decided to I enlarge that institution, the large in- I crease In their business making it ab- I «ointoip neccessary for them to do so.-- They are also puttl ug in a new Vine- gar Works. We shall get full parti­ culars and speak in«re in relation to this-next week. 'THE Omaha Bee contains more far western news th*4ti any other paper on our exchange list. The efforts of the publishers to draw Immigration to that fertile region by circulating sample copies of their weekly among Eastern farmers, is commendable. The Ree Is mailed free to auy applicant who forwards liis address to DAILY BEE. Omaha, Neb. WE understand that a man working for A. 11. Hattly. on hU farm, decamped on Sunday last, taking with hlra about $60 worth ofclo'liing belonging to Oeorge. and up to the present time no trace of him can be found, lie took all his best clothing, leaving him noth­ ing but what he had on his back. A i good job for the Tailors but a bad Job (or George. MISS ELLA CLIFTON wishes us to in­ form the publis tlMvshe is prepared to five Lessons on the Piano or Organ, the present Winter, to all who wish In this village, also where she can reach thein by cars, or to such as will call at her residence. Miss CHft<«u is one ol the Teacher* in the county, and we take pleasure in recommending her to those who desire a thorough music course for their children. Where she has once taught she needs no recom­ mendations. EDITORS are long stifle ring and kind, but tliey cm not consent to take post- hole augurs on subscription. As one of the suffering fraternity once said to A patron. 4*It's natural for us to accom­ modate. and we will cheerfully take threshing machines, meeting homes second hind teeth, or any such articles as are of every day use. oil subscription but we have no earthly ti'e for » mi «ltiue of such delicate Intricacies as a post-hole augur, and prefer not to take oue unle*» «e are obliged to."-- JE*. iss ADA GRANGER, took the posi­ tion as teacher <>f the Primary Depart" ment of our Public School, on Monday Quite a large number or scholais were also transferred from the Gagetown Division to the PnbUe School Building. as that Division h id become'too large to be handled by oue Teacher. Our School now, under the direction of Pi of. Baldwin and his able assistants. Is in a very prosperous condition. FRED SCHNORR, the old reliable Boot and Shoe maker whose shop can be found in his new Block, near the De­ pot, is now prepared to make to order- on short notice. Boots and tthoes, either coarse or fine. and warrant tliein as re­ presented. He is a:i old experienced workman, uses none but the best of ma­ terial, and his work will always bear the closest inspection. He also does repairing of all kinds on short notice and In a workmanlike manner. SMITH A SNYPER, Lumber and Pro­ duce Dealers, at the Depot, are doing an extensive business. It is imquestlop. ed that they handle more Lumber than all the other dealers in McHeury Coun­ ty, and In the matter ot Grain and other Produce, they buy anything the farmer has to sell, paying the highest market price id cash. They pay out on an average, over $1000 per daj*. and some days as high as three or four thousand. They are live, go-ahead men, and will not be outdone iu any­ thing they undertake. PERSONS who pay cash down for what .they buy should not be com­ pelled to pay the same prices that are charged those wtio have six months or a year's credit--and per­ haps do not pay at all. Every grocer, every dry goods dealer, every trades­ man or manufactu'-er. iu fact, should discriminate in favor of those who pay cash for what they buy of them.-- This will eneourage people to imy cash, and will also greatly lessen the percentage of looses from bad custo- mars. PSKSONtf* Mr*. Benson Hanly started for a few week's vlslt to Ohio on Wednesday. James Crow, of Crystal Lake, made our Sanetniua call on Monday. •Mra. F. A. Hebard started for a visit with frteud* in Massachusetts last week. * Vic Btigbee arrived home from Ne­ braska an Thursday la*t. He Intends remaining about one month. Frank Going, who has been in Kansas for the past year and a half, arrived home on Saturday. Miss Barbara Snyder, Mr. Jacob Sny­ der and a young daughter of Mat Sny­ der. of Chicago, have been visiting at Smith Searles the past week. D. S. and Byron D. Smith,of Burton's Bend. Nebraska, are visiting with friends in this village. They came down with four cars of stock for the Chicago market, and inform us thoy still have flfteea hundred head on theirranche. John Salisbury and wife, of Buffalo^ N. Y., Miss Ida Jarciau. of Buffalo, N. Y..W. J. Buckliu and O. H. Wade, of Pecatonica, HI., are visiting with Mr. Parker's family,at the>Parker House, in this village. OUR townsman, A. A. Martin, of the firm of Perry A Martin, while iu Colo, ratio. a short, time since, attended Church in a small town where 'lie was stopping over Sunday. Now there l« nothing very strange In this, as Martin is known to be a church going man. but the story he tells of his experience there is ludicrous In the extreme. We shall not atcetupt to tell it. but would refer the curious to Mr. Martin, who will tell it hotter than we can. We have no doubt in our mind, however, but what every lady iu the congrega­ tion done just as requested by the minister. They ought, at le;ist, to ! Jiave obliged him as imieli a* that. WHEN you have a lew dollars do not gooff to some otiier place to spend it. When you have employment do not go away and hire persons from other pla­ ces to perform it for you, when the same labor can be performed as well and as cheap by your own townsmen. Help to build up jour churches and schools. Help in any way you can any enterprise of merit. Never speak any­ thing to the disparagement of your own institutions. Patronize, and iu every other way. aid your own laborers mechanics, merchants, doctor*, minis­ ters, printers. and every other " man with an honest employment. Encour­ age every enterprise that will bring a dollar to your own town by honest means, and discourage everything that tends to drive away labor and cupitol. WK are glad to be able to inform the citizens of Mcllenry and vicinity that T. J.Clifton has decided not to move to Woodstock as we stated la»t week, hut will remain at his old stand, iutliis village, prepared to do all work iu his line, on hliort notice, and all who have patronized liitu heretofore know it wiii be with satisfaction to all He has a flue location for business as there is in the comity, and is sure of a liberal patronage. Persons who wish to see some flue samples of hand turned shoe*, both heavy and light.should not t tjl to call at the shop. His new advertise­ ment will appear next week. THE matter of advertising, as a bus­ iness, i« often misunderstood. It is an undeniable rule to the trade that ad­ vertising pays. Of course the same jndginmt and prudence must be exer­ cised in advertising as in auy part o! one's business. It Is more recessary to advertise now than it was flfty or a hundred years ago. People are more biny now than they were then. They have less tint" and leisure to look about for what they want. They look to the newspapers to learn where their wants can be supplied, and they accept It as a settled rule that a man who ad­ vertises tiie commodities lie has to de­ pose ot. instead of waiting for the peo­ ple to And it out theiusi-lvcs,is (he be I man to deal with, and the uio#t likely togive satisfaction; and if you wish to know who ilnwe men are. we would reler y">u to tiie columns of the PLAIN- DEAL hit. ** Colby Bros.,Iiavej ist received a Hue line of Youth's and chll lreus eliMiin jf and can now lit auv from live years old up. Their stock of clotning is Com­ plete iu every p irticular, to which they invite the attention of the buying public. The largest stock of Ready Made <'lotliiiig iu I he Northwest, at 'J. F. Hall's l>undee and Richmond Stores. Tka IttmiMt Yet. We have got used to irate citizens meandering into the sanctum and in­ quiring in thundering tones "who wrote that article." We have become hardened to tiie sobs and tears ot un­ fortunate females who wish the names of relatives of the masculine persua­ sion suppressed from police reports.-- We were, however, taken a trifle back the other day, when a man appeared in a stato of temporary alteration of mind, because we had failed to notice the arrival of a new comer at his house­ hold. iu the shape of a diminutive specimen ot humanity, weighing about seven and three-quarter pounds. We mildly inquired bow under the canopy we could be expected to he cognizant of tiie important fact, anil gently in­ sinuated, that though the PI.AINDEAL- KU was liot deficient in enterprise, there were some brandies of journal­ ism iu which it w.i4 ii;irdly proper to show too progiesslvc a spirit. On our promise "not to let it happen again*' tiie wrath of the stern but proud par­ ent. wis slightly appeased, and lie at length departed. Staking oH the mud of his pedal appendages as a Judgment against us. THE Marengo Repu'tlica t has the following in relation to tlie coirity ap­ portionment: •• l'he Republican vote of McHeury County is 3.5l«; Democrat, 1.799; Greenback. 194. Total* vote, 5,/HH). Republican over Democratic 1,717. On tiie former basis of repre­ sentation--one delegate for each town, one for every twenty votes, and iW for each fraction of ten or over--the various towns Sould be entitled to the following number of delegates, as computed by the Republican vote:-- . Town. Vote. New rep. Oht rep Riia/ 1.1? 8 « Mireniro 337 *0 10 I Mi n ham i3-»; 8 7 rvicinunx 402 J| 21 Vl'ten l.Yi 9 & lltrtlamt St 4 | Senen* 157 9 * Coral ani | | n <;rifton iiw a n D(»rr...« 21 is 1J reen wood 152 9 7 llobrnn .90S 11 II fi limoinl 211 |g |2 fiurton •» ,1 . .... s M" Henry 201 H 1! Vntnl* 229 12 12 Algonquin 3li 17 M Total '.91516 194 178 The Committee appointed at the last Republican County Convention to make a new apportionment of dele­ gates for the towns, may take a new basis of representation and reduce the total number of delegates, which would meet with general approval and tep- resent tiie towns equally as well." A Fine Organ For Sale. A good Prince Organ, six stops, E. ">well. Is offered lor sale on reasonable .crnis. This Organ is as good as new is oue of the fluent instruments iu town, and is only sold itecause its place has been filled by a Piano, Will be sold at a bargain. Inquire of MllS. LOLA WALSII. UeHeuay, Nov. 16th, I8ST. AUCTION SALE. T«e undersigned having fold his farm will offer for sale bis entire stock and farm implements, without reserve, oa his late premises, situated 2} miles north of Xunda village, ou Wednesday, Nov. 21th. 1S30, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M.. the following described property: 25 choice cows--some new milch. 3 two-year old nelfers. 6 calves^ I horse, 9 hogs. 1 double harness, 1 lumber wagon. 1 combined reaper and mower. 1 fanning mill. 1 Cooley Creamer for 30 cows, plows, drags, cul­ tivators and other farming tools iu variety. Also 15 tons of hay. Will al­ so sell my cheese factory, includiu • building and apparatus. TERMS OF SALE.--A credit of one year will he given, on approved note*, at 8 per cent interest--1 per cent off for cash--on all sums of 910 anil over; under that amount. caBli. E. BECK LEV. J. A. SHERWoon.'A i-tlmeer. Substantial Holi li.v <»oods. at C. F. .lall'i-. Dundee an I It'c'i-nond Stores. A flue stock of new Watches, Clocks. &c.,at Robt. Murliit'o. Nunda. ANOTHER IIHW lot of Millinery Goods just ,received at Mrs. II. 11. Nichols. If you pay Cash tor your goods, and you expect to do any trading this Fail, you oiny save a little by trading with FITSIMMONS & KVANSUN'S. Toilet Sets, Lamps. Vases, Auto graph Albums, Wax Dolls, Doll's lleads. cheap at Besley's Drug Store, opposite the Parker House. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Having leaded my boust* and gone out «»f business. I would respectfully request all persons knowing themselvc indebted to me to call and settle the *anie without delay as I am desirou* of closing all outstanding accounts at •O'ice. A word to the wise--. JACOB IJONSI.ETT. Ijf jou want your Hatch put in first da-s Order, call on Robert Murtilt, Jeweler. N nulla, CLOAKS! CLOhKS! CLOAKS! Don't forget tocsli on Mrs. Searles and price tier new t^oaks and Dolman*. She has also a large stock ot the latent MylfS of Hats. Bonnets, Scarfs. Hoods. Cloak Tfimining*. Yankee Notions. Ac. Please call before purchasiug* ' MUNRA- KDITOR PLAINDKALER Dan McClure it home for the winter, having been 5n the Southern States during the past season. He wished bi« old friends to note that he is ready to sell sales on short notice. John Darby and Men are home from Lake county and have commenced work for Dole at the Lake. The dance !n Bsllsu'a Hall last Fri­ day night, for the benefit of Mrs. An- drus, was a success, not only in netting •231 for her but was pronounced one of the most enjoyable affairs of the sea­ son. Fred Buck and wife were In town a few days last week and took lu the dance. Leroy Beckley was out from the city to attend the party. It Is thought that the Union Sunday School will postpone for the winter after next Sunday. Those lock boxes at the Post Office are a great convenience for our busi­ ness men. A long needed want. l'he LO.of O. T. installed officers last Tuesday night and is iu a flourish­ ing condition. It is hoped that many more of those temperance workers will unite and help forward the cause. Mrs.Smith went to Wisconsin to spend the winter with her brother, on Monday last. It beats all what times for coal.-- Tlicre is quite a number of families who have had to let their base burners go out. for the lack of ooal, that could not be procured here. Charley WiHard's .family are here and they are now keeping house In Gib Hunt's house. O. Mansfield is soon to move into Mrs. Barnes' house, its she does not want to give up her old home and can­ not live aloue. Geo. Vermilyea's wife Is In the city, expecting to be gone some time and now he may be seen cooking bis own hash and buckwheat cakes. We hope all school teachers who have auv Interest In reorganizing the McHeury County Teachers Association will be at. Nunda on th!* Saturday to help iu the good cause. Supt. Young will be present and will propose meas­ ures for the holding of au Institute at ito distant day. It is urgently request­ ed that all turn out and talk the mat­ ter up aud settle on settle place and time. ' Grand Opening. Of Millinery and FancKy Goods, Cloaks aud Dolmans. Cloak Trimmings Children* Hoods. Rouching. Laces. Satin Plushes ami Plumes. Ornaments of every description, siae and color, will he sold both late and early every day from this date to Jan. 1st, 1881, re­ gardless of price at MRS. U. H. NICHOLS* MILLINER f STORE. One Door North of Perry A Martin's Store. McHeury. III. WE LEAD AND DO NO I' FOLLOW In prices, style-, quaHtf and quantity of Fall and Winter OHHK>J0. - Our ("oaks arc tiioronghly shrunk before cut. Tliev are sewed strong and trimmed with a view to securing harmonious effects of design. We know our <>oods are superior iu shape, finish, and quality to anything ever in this market before and our prices are as low as possible consistent with ex­ cellence of quality and reliability of work. We invite tiie public in general to cull anil examine our stock. Wt» are plea«ed to show goods at any time, Mits. II. 11. NICHOLS. In the Whole illatory of Medicine No preparation has ever performed such marvellous cures, or maintained so wide a reputation, as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which is recognized as the world's remedy for all diseases of the throat aud lunge. It* long continued Series of vyouderful cures in all climates has made it universally known as a safe and reliable agent to employ. Agai»st ordinary colds, which are the forerun­ ners of more serious disorders, it acts speedily and «ure|y. always relieving suffering, and often saving life. 'l'he protection it affords, by Its timely use iu tlie throat ami lung disorders of children, makes it an invaluable reme­ dy to lie kept always on hand iu every home. No |M>rsoii can afford to he with­ out it, ami those who have once used it never will. From their knowledge of its composition aud effects. Physic­ ians use flie ('berry Pectoral extensive­ ly iu their practice, and clergymen recommend It. It i« absolute^* certain iu its remedial effects, and will always cure where cures ait! possible. For sale by all dealers. If In seacrh of Bargains call at C. F, Hall's Richmond and Dundee Store#. Celuloid Sets, Mie neatest thing for a Wedding Present out, at Bes|*»v'g Drug Store, opposite the Parker House. More Groceries for the money than at any other place iu the Northwest, at C. F. Hall's Dundee and Richmond Stores. King self rising Buckwheat Flour for sale at FrrzsiMMoxs A RVANSON. Reeds Gilt Edge Tonic cures Fjrver atid Ague. Take a look at ih«»se (Cotton Balis 10c. KITZSISI " A EVANSON. Dress Goods in all i des, cheap, at C. F. Hail's Richmond and Dundee Stores. llats and caps for men, youths and hoys iu eudles* varieties and at such decided bargains we ar* bound te cre­ ate a boo n in this departmeul. Come at once and see tor yoursi-lveit. Kl I ZSIMilON s A Kv ANSON. IxvENroRS employing attoruies fas miliar with the Patent Office, rarely fail of fccuriug patent Kxperieiice ensures succ»*s» iu pro->'cut- ing contested entries and .Mineral Land claims before the General Laitd Office. Long practice gires suecees in securing pensions. Presbrey A Green. Atior ney>,5<i9 Seventh street. Washington D. (J. have had long experience iu all nraticlies of practice before ill" Depart­ ments. Parlies having liuisuets should address them (enclosing stamp) lor iu formation. New Prints, latent 'patterns, at prices from Ave cents a yard and up­ wards, at Colby |Jros., Riverside Block Ladies of McHeury and viclnltv don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until yon have looked at aud priced goods at Mrs. S. S»arles. Am now offering greaier bargains than ever. All work iu repairing doue ou siiurt notice. " WOODSTOCK- ' EDITOR PLAISUKALKR:--Tlte event of this week is to be the sociable at National Hall for the benefit of St. Mary's Church, which Is to commence on Thursday the 18th' and continue three days. The'Woodstock Guards attended St. Mary's on Sunday and report them­ selves well pleased with the pro­ gramme. The hoys have decided upon a course of literary aud musical entertain­ ments the approaching winter. and as the boys do nothing "by halves** we shall expect a success In this. Fights are tiecoming very common on our streets, almost too common to note as an "item." Bad whiskey, as well as blood wllHell. The Democratic National Committee ar^ finding enough iu the forged Chi­ nese letter business to occupy tlieir thoughts for a time. We have just learned of the death, at Sharon, Wis.,of E. E. Sherwood, for­ merly aJpromlWut citizen of Wood­ stock but latterly--but we forbear. Let the "Mantle of Charity"' cover what. iMoo well known of fallen hu­ manity. Since our last, Lewis Peterson has buried a daughter about fifteen years ot age who died of quick consumption Michael Eckort, "Red Mike," lias lost another child from diphtheria. When an Insurance company finds it necessary either by itself or Its agents, to falsify in order to secure business it ought to put people ou their guaid. aud make them more careful how and where they put their insurance. There are companies which ask the patronage of the public because of fair dealing, ability to meet their liabilities to the last ;*cnt. always canceling their debts by paying dollar for dollar, and never resorting to false statements for the purpose of inducing patronage. All through the Summer of 1871 there was agent traveling through this county, soliciting risks of the far­ mers for the Yonkers Insurance Co., of New York. In the first place It was a high sounding name and lu the mouth of a traveling man became very effi­ cient by way of deception, but the main deception consisted in represent­ ing i t as purely a fannercompany, doing no business in cities or villages and hence very much safej for farmers to insure with. But the 9lh of October 1871. proved all", this pretense of the agent and his company a glaring false­ hood as the Chicago Fire wiped out of existence the Yonkers ftitd for a time the said agent retired from the field but soon started out under new odors aud now sails with the "Agri­ cultural of Watertown, New York" flying at the mast head. The word Agricultural is purely a farmers word and upon Its face betokens honesty, hut iu the mouth of the old Yonkers agents It becomes a cheat aud a fraud, because it does what it claims it does not do, viz: Insures city property and reiidirsjis small capital liable to be wiped out at auy time, wlieu a com­ pany of larger capital would weather the storm. We clip the following from last Saturday's Inter Ocean: The alarm from box wuh r .Au8«>d by 8|>nrk« front a locomotive on the Northwestern Kailr-wl, igniting* frame barn ill UK'ro ic ot So. 19 North i>l»ro, ownoii by John Miller, and occupied •>> Ornnsley Law. A lioi'rfo in ttie !>irn, valued at f 100, was burn­ ed to death, The building wns completely destroyed, the toss beinjr estimated at *130; no liirturum'c. Tiie il» -e communicated to the frame eoit;igc in front, <I:nii:t^i 11« it to the ex­ tent "t'fltXi. The cottage wag insured in the Agricultural Insurance Company of Mew York for $500. Mr. I,PW Rii»tained a loss of $7ouon furniture, on which these in no insur­ ance. The adjoining rottage, No. 2t Miller atrcct. owned and occupied by Mr. MIIIT as a ri:»idenee. also cauitht lire. The logs on that building was $5i)0, nnd the insurance waJS in the Agricultural Insurance Com- pany of New York. Miller's loss on furni­ ture was W*i, on which there was no inaur ance. The total loss by the lire is 92,000, on which there is#1,000 insurance. It appears to us that insurance com­ panies should be treated like witness­ es, "false iu one tiling false in all," that is. if they deceive you In one thing they are not to be trusted safely iu anything. When the Agricultural Insurance Company represents to far­ mers that It does not Insure city prop­ erty such items as this prove it a liar, and unworthy to be trusted. t»o to Mrs. E. W. Howe for Cloaks aud Dolmans. For the celebrated Belolt Shoe, the best in tho market, go to Colby llros, FOR KKNT, The celebrated Ford Photograph Gallery, the only Gallery In the village of McHeury. A rirst-class location.-- Possession given at once. App!y to E. M. Owkn. Bargains lu Underwear* at Fitxs!m- IIIOIIS A Gvanson. A choice stock of Candies, all kinds at Besley's Drug Store. Various CAuses- Ad va 111'i l ig years, care, olekness, dis- api oiutment. aud hereditary predis­ position--all operate to turn the hair gray, and either of thein inclines It to slie.'l, pre naTurelv. AYKK 8 HAIM VIGOR will restore faded or gray, light r. d hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action. It removes and cures daudriiff sud humors. By Its use full- lug hair * checked, ami a new growth will he produced in all cases where the follicles are not destroyed or the ••lauds decayed. Its effects are beauti­ fully sho»'n .HI br.i*hy, weak, or sickly liati.ou which a ft w applications will produce the glos* and freshness of youth. Harmless and sure in its oper­ ation. it f* incomparable us a dressing, and is especially valued for the soft lusire and richness of tone it Imparls, it contains neither oil nor dye.and will not soil nor color wlii'e cambric; yet it la*!" long ou the hair, and keeps it I'resli and vigorous. A tfne line ot China Mustache Cups. Handkerchief Boxes Cuff nnd Collar Boiif#, at Besley*s Drug Store. C|oaks,_ Oo'matis, circulars and. Shawls at reduced prices at Fi I lilM* >1UN» A Kv ANION'S. Ladies Portmo'iies. the mbblest in towu, at Bc»ley'* Urng Store. CiiKAPrfgr Cloaks in town for the money at MM. il- II. Nichols, Business Notices. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic restore* the appetite. We have the Boss Glove Depot. RRR**IMMOXD* KVANS<»N. The Moline Sulky fi»v at L E Owen's. The Fwrsf & Bradley Stt&jr Mew at E. M. Owen's. When In want of work In my line, give mca call and I will try and please Robt. Murtitt, Jeweler. Nunda, 111. Dress Goods Stylish durable and cheap just received, we invite inspec­ tion. Fitzsiuinions A Kvauson. Don'C buy your Hats or Bonnets un­ til you have seen aud priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. rlffKIHMVT-Or TH* We are selling our large III or Embroidery at greatly reduced jirtces. STKVEXS a 8CHXOKK, CARPENTERV.ILLE FLANNELS. All those wishing to secure some of these Goods should call on us. We have about forty pieces on hand.but are fast closing out We have bought all of these and when gone can get no more. STEVKXS & SCIIXORR. The largest stock of Millinery Goods iii, the, County, at Mrs. S. Searles. For that new dress pattern call on Stevens & Sell no rr. They keep the la- est styles, and sell cheap. Buckeye Force Pumpi, at E. M Owen's. „ O O N B I T I -or- THE FIBST NATIONAL Bill At Woodstock, Illinois, --AT-- ' _ Cote of Basinets Oct, 1st '8t BESOCRCKS Loans and discount* .........ItW.iST M Ovent ra t ts ' i,«S» • 17. h. Honda to seeare ditabnmi... fK.twni U. S. Bonds on hand...-. lT&uM Due from approve* reserve a great*. M,Wtff Due from other National Brut* M.MSfB Meat estate, furniture and fixtures, ^ Current expense* and taxes paid... I'reiniiuns Checks Run other cash Bills of other banks Kn 'l pa(ier cur. nickels A pennies.. Specie Legal tender notes Redemption fund with 17.8. Treas­ urer (o per cent of circulate**).... 2,8900#.. Due from U. 6. Treasurer other than 5 per cent redemption fund -- 1,714! 1,M»I I I .<114 « i; All the flrst-clam l'lows at X. , If. Oweu'a. FOR SA1.R. The undersigned baa a fine young Poland China Boar for Sale, lie is from Hunt's celebrated stock, and Is a very desirable animal. I wish to dis­ pose of him as be In too clo»ely connect­ ed with my present stock. Will be (told cheap. JOHK W. SMITH. FOIt SAL .E. 40 Acres of laud in Section 19, al! fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good bouse and barn thereon, with tiaiber aud water in abundance, in Sec­ tion 22. Also uiy homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda roud. Cond near housed burn and otber outbuildings.-- Apply to JOHN FLLSKY. Total........ UABILtTIXL Capital stock paid in .... Surplus fund.... Sis."... 30.HUI If: Undivided profits 4.43SHe Kationnl !->uik notes outstanding.... 45,000 0# individual dejiositx «li!>jcct to cheek 134,3*4 4S Demand certificates ui aepotit.... .. I.Ml 9ft " total STATS OF ILLINOIS, I v^- • Metfenry Onitnty, t 1, John J. ilurphy. Cashier of tfee sbor named Bank, do solemnly awear that above statement is true to the beat of kuowlcdpe and belief. JOHN J. MUNPIIT. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7tUk day of Oct., lt*«t. 4. C. It. PotfURLtT, Notary Public. ». ,Tf • OoavKCT--Attest: x W. H. . X. A, MURWIT. S "v3 .8 If NEW Fall Millinery, latest styles, just received at Mrs. S. Searles'. OVERWEAR AND UNDERWEAR. Y<>u will need b6lh before Spring. Come aud see us we never sell au un­ dershirt unless it tits. KITZSIMMONS & KVANSOX. Just received all the latest Styles and shade* of winter Millinery, Mas. E. W.IIowa. Hear Ye! Hear Ye! When buying your fall and winter Clothing dout fail to examine the stock just purchased by F. G. Mayes, as Ills stock is IIOW< complete and bought for cash at the late incline lu goods. Hi A assortment of Cassimeres aud Worsteds for suiting is worthy of your especial attention and will bo made up to order at the lowest prices f«r tine goods Mid superb workman­ ship. F. G. MAYES. Mclionry, 111., Ort. 14th, lMk Writing Desks, a very appropriate Holiday Present, can be found at Bes- ley's Drug Store. We will save any oue a little ittouey oil a good Overcoat. FlTZSIMMONS A EvANSON. You are paying 15 to 25 per cent for your credit. Pay the cash; tnttie at a cash store, and make this saving. STKVBNS & 3CHNOUR. Dry Goods aud Notions for svery body aud prices low at FITZSIMMONS A EVANSOK'S. CALL at BesleyV and see the "indus­ trious woman " It will pay. V - . _ CLOTHING. Latest Style, well made, good Cloth, warranted to lit and wear. For men. youths and boys our prices are always right. FITZSIMMONS A EVANSON. Hats and Caps for meu and boys fur or cloth, high crown or low crowns late styles aud good goods always cheap in price at FITZSIMMONS A EVAN- SUN'S. Holiday Goods, iu endless variety, at Besley's £>rug Store, West Side. By Universal Accord Ayer's cathartic pills are the best of all purgatives for family use. They are the product of long, laborious and successful chemical investigation, and their extensive use by pbvsicians in tlieir practice, and by all civilized na­ tions. proves them 'lie best and most successful purgative rill that medical science can devise. Itcing purely veg­ etable no harm can arise from their use. In intrinsic value and curative powers, no other pills can be compared with them, and every person knowing their virtues will employ them when needed. They ko«»p the system In jier- fect order mid maintain in healthy ac­ tion the whole machinery of life. Mild searching ilnd etlectual, they are specially adapted to the needs of the digestive apparatus, derangements of which they prevent aud cure, If timely taken. They are the best and safest physic to employ for children and weakened constitution*, where H n»Hd but etteetuai c;illtarllc is required. For sale by all dealers. Yon cvn always flad a good assortment of Pure fresh Dye Stuffs First-class goods cannot be sotd as low "ciill8"and infetinr grinds can. We b-ir best we can dnd and when von consider. QUALITT, -• oa£wi!l always And our price% •1' j RIGHT/' ""V; V; For several weeks to cotae {"•tiMKflF ' Chicago, on the keen look uit for noveltiaa .4'; in the '• Book, Stationsry and Ho Department, You are cordially invited to call aud look through the stock. ^ • • Fr B. HARRISON. • GarSeli & Ait Were Selected, Yet it vrlll be rcmemhered have on hand a good stock of 1 > r v rVi Hardware, That will be sold at bed-roek bottom priest x <5 for CA^ll, coou«risinj 'fcj BOLTS! BCLTS! BOLTS! Nails! Nails! Nails! 8HOVELS! SHOVELS Barb Wire! Barb Wire 1 . ̂ 1 also keep a good supply of PATEXT *i MICHICIMCS which i desire to close out tot : Cash, SCHOOL BOOfCS of every rariety can b# T had at low rates by ealUng at my (ton.-# c: Come and see UIM. , ^ F. R. WELLS. Wauconda. 1U« Who are always interested in buying , ,f i • GOOD GOODS > CHEAP, - We would like to call their attention to a choice, lot of BBOCASS SSSS5 BOOSS, -AT- 10 Cents Per Yard. A Pall Line of OVERCOATS, Autograph Albums from five cent upwards, at Q.\V. Owen'*. JO*KM! X- FBEITND. O AT.OOS AND ItKST VURAXT. O old xtaud, op|»o8ite B'.siiop S Ronslett's Mill. Mr- Ilenrv. 111. The ' c nicest Wines, Liqtvrs ami iix:trs to lie found in the comity, tresh Ovsler* in tlieir sown served up in any sliaue ilemred or for sale by the C»n. GOOD ST.VHIDING KOR UOItSBS. Oraadmothir'a , Chalr (r-- Byrti* •*0a the Tramp,". March 1 cry tnxjj ritiny. Twickenham Fsryy,. . Aji/i II'""(is MU*k Adelphian Galop iS'pi iy,uiy <inU jileaatnff: ri'LL SIZE Piano Wuslc- A 1.1. -t flKCKA &laile>l on iveiptof tour 3 tent st.unps J, X- Stoddart k Q*> ftiladelphia. Atie.SOauii upwards. Another arrival those P R I N T S , -AT- 6 Cents Per Yard,; That sell so fast. In the Grocery li|M w* iiavea speeial bargain to offer, via: ItSttis Good Prunea for 9\. 7 ltio Ooftee fur $1. National Yeast Cake* 7c per pitklg* 3 lb cans String Beans 1(K- per cau. $ for 25e. Come and see its and «r» raa save JM mouey. H. ROGERS* | Yolo, III., Ot. l#th» 1W0. 1 'I'lie finest lice of Toilet Artlelee to be foun<l in the county, at Besley's drug atore. We bave tbe lurjfear and heat •elevt- oil stnek of Qloves ami Mitten* of every <li»cri|ilion, ever kept lu till* town. Wo ;>re fine we have jnwt what you waut ia tbla Hue, and. at olow» price*, A ScuKouB. JOS. Wl EDEMANN, - i- a 'f.V-.v A^ent Franz Falk'a ^ MILWAUKEE LAG1R HQ, MeHeary, Ui. " * Beer in l.arjr or ^.nall Keg* o* Itottlesttkl. wa> s on hand oheaper than aay otbar. iy ronsidered. This Doer has a'wortd WI>1« RAPNUTTM. MM (joo«t ju teei arkaowledse U eauaot ae pas-ed ii> the world. by mail |ueu«a|»tly altowM la JOS. WIIDUMIN Mclleary. lib Mat Uh, W)M ,v ($•_ ,$C-' m i X.:

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