Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Nov 1880, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY NOV. 14. 1880. fr *'* ' • -- I RatlroadTlme Table. OMHtfO SOUTH. :*--=cneer 7:«Pa.Jh fimeva I.tfcd Kx|ir«s8 A. M. Lake Fs-eisht... ......... 1:15 r. »» ooixo irOBTtt. tiaaeva T,alce Freirht A. V. Ontra Uke Express 5:W r. m fteaeva LIK« Passencer 6:33 P.K " 3°S1 SKR the new advertisement of T.-'- i„ in another column. SIOTH & SNTDER bought of Aaron Htoitman, on Monday last, twenty-six Hogs, where, net weight was 8380 pound*. 1'hey were the best fit ted lot of flog* that have been shipped] from till* Station this uwon. Iris Mid that kerosene oil will cut diphtheria. But they don't My hod yon are to take it--the oil, not th| diphtheria--whether to nwotlow ltke a medicine, or light the kitched . fire with it. JOTSWW only thirty ceuts per quart || the McHenry Bakery. ^ v^C»rd Photo* ft per dosen at Miller** ry, McHenry. 111. UNION Thanksgiving Services will %IMM to-morrow at the Unlversalist <|>iurrfc at 11 o'clo >k. J; !!*•. L.D. BOTH TO*, of Elgin, will ffeeach in the Universal!»t Church next {fonday morni ng Nov." 38th. /^JOSEPH Hn KHANS, of Stacyrilie towa, brother of John Huemanu, of this town, made his brother a visit last ; T*®k- ' • - - *^- MRS. NICHOLS is In Chicago buying ljer second stock of Millinery, Cloaks, dc. Do not fail to call at her store be­ fore purchasing. / MR. FKTKKS. a track man at this Sta- /tlon, lost a young child on Saturday I Inst, from diphtheria. We did not Yjparn its age. ' JKHIKL COMPTON.-'Of Volo, will ac- eept our thanks for copies of New Tork and Indiana papers, viz.. the Truth Seeker and the Seymour Time*. FOUKD, in this village on Monday, a log chain, which the owner can have by tailing at this office, proving property tftnd Paying tor this notice. fas. FRAZKR, a widow lady, living «n the East side of the river, died on! Saturday evening last, after an illness .•f only a few days. G. T. KLOKKDGE has commenced buying, dressing and shipping Poultry to Chicago and Eastern markets. His Poultry House^itow presents a lively appearance. "NOTHING," remarks an exchange *10 takes the conceit out of the aver- 3;e man is to order .his paper discon-nued, and then see the editor going «long and getting rich without liiin." f A t.ITTLK stranger weigiiing about /ten pounds took «p his re«id«Mice with [ Henrv Colby last week. He will vote 1 the Republican ticket in about tweuty- Vone years. ETKKTRODT and his girl should bear in mind the Thanksgiving Party, at the Riverside House, to-inorrow,Thurs­ day evening. Let no one who ever dances fail to be on hand. THER&WH! be a Club Party at Wau- «**tida. on Thursday, to-morrow, even­ ing, November 25th. The best of mu- etcJu attendance. and every thing thnte for tiie com fort of those who attend. °BRWARK of a young man named Oliubb who travels around the country, representing liimselt as an orgauicer of Good Templar lodges in distress.-- Our exchanges say lie is a dead beat, TIURRT (Ip young ladies, make your pick and proposition. Only a little over a month more and leap year will Itave taken uuto itself wings and flown away, not to return for four long years, f«|- im- GEO, CURTIS brought down from the Lakes yesterday about one thousand pounds of fish, consisting of Pike. Pickerel and Bass. They were caught through the ice, and were the finest lot of fish we have seen together in- a long .time. He shipped them to Chicago. "WHY don't he come when the moon !a fulIF" is the first line of a sentiment­ al poem. We can only conceive two substantial reasons why he don't. The first is, that probably it is not his de­ sire. and fcecomlly, it is possible, that he Is in the same condition the moon la. VKNNOR, the Canada weather proph­ et,about the 10th Inst., predicted warm Weather for the rest of the mouth, be­ cause birds of many spiles still re­ mained in Northern latitudes. *We would like to have him here about now We think, by standing hiin on the cor­ ner we could convince biin in a few minutes that he lied. Tim Thanksgiving Party at the Riv­ erside House to-morrow evening prom­ ises to b« one of the most enjoyable •f the season. Good music, a rood sup­ per, and everything that can oe done to make it pleasant, will be done by mine host Wightman, and with the spleudid roads we shall expect to see a good turn out. Remember the day and date, Thursday. Nov. 23th. THE young people or the Universal- ist Society will hold a Fair at Riverside Hall, on Thursday evening, Dec; 2nd.-- Good music will be in attendance for the entertainment of those who wish to danjgp. Come out with all your irlenfls and purchase adornments for your houses, from the beautiful things for sale, and pass a social hour in danc­ ing. The proceedsVill be devoted to the purchase of Sunday School books. A SKW way of furnishing liens that are confined In a small place with an abundance of exercise is recommenced by an exchange. A piece of meat is suspended by a string, just so high that the fowls will have to make a good jump to reach it. We suppose other kinds of food might be thus placed, and no hen would he without the in­ centive to take tin necessary exercise while eating her food. WK inadvertently omitted to men­ tion last week the invitalion Party at Grand Hall.on Tuesday evening of last week, gotten up in honor of some friends visiting at Mr. Parker's. About twenty couple were piesent. and a re­ gular good time was had. The party .broke.up>,About tVro o'clock, all feeling that they had been bountifully treated and enjoyed a regular old fashioned time. A JUSTICE out West sentenced a low the other day to thirty days prisoninent for stealing an umbrella.-- f Enlarge the County Jail at. once and •eud that Justice to McHenry. Re­ venge is sweet. THE Sycamore Republican says: "'A queer coincidence of the congressional vote in the Fourth District Is that the Greenback nominee received 101 votes In Boone County, and the same num­ ber in DeKalb County." THE Animal meeting of the McHen­ ry County Board of Agriculture will be held at the Court House, In Wood- etock. ou Monday, Dec. 6th, at 1 o'clock r.Sf. General attendance requested. W. H. STRWART, Secretary. / THE Geneva Lake New* says: Both /pascengar trains on the North-westeiu I Railway that at present run to t.his [ point will be continued through the I winter and the company will erect a I new engine house near the sight of Che yold one. HOLIDAT goods are eomingiuto town In large quantities, and Santa Clans will have no trouble to make good •ejections for all the children. John Blake and O. W. Owen 1i*»e Just re­ ceived and put on exhibition a large display within the past (ew days. FOR seme good and sufficient reason, no doubt, our Richmond correspon­ dent bas failed to put in an appear­ ance the past two weeks. /We trust the cause may soon be removed, as our readers miss the "Richmond Depart­ ment." THE Photograph Gallery in this vil­ lage, is now open and ready for customers, and those who have tried him say that Mr. Miller is without doubt one of the best Artists in the county. His prices are reasonable, and he guarantees a good Picture to all who give hiin a call. What can be more ap­ propriate for a Holiday Present to a friend than a flue Likeness of yourself? We bespeak for Mr. Miller a liberal patronage from . the citizens of Mc­ Henry and surrounding country. F D. S. SMITH and his brother-in-law, B. N. McKiustrey. were robbed at. the Commercial Hotel. Chicago, on Wed­ nesday night la*t, of about 970 in money, some notes, a Railroad Pass t«» Nebraska, and a number of other pa­ pers. Their pocket books were taken from under their pillows during the nl" lit by a lodger in another bed in the same room. The supposition is that he was there expressly for that pur­ pose and unbeknown to the proprietors of the house. It was certainJy fortun. ate that he got no more. It is our opinion the next time D. S. sleeps in a room with a stranger--he wont do it.. ^ > A FEW days since we had the pleas­ ure of inspecting some of the new styles of Photographs lately introduc­ ed by Mr. J. S. Medlar, of Woodstock, which in pur Judg-oent are hard to ex­ cel. The new Permanant Photograph comes the nearest to perfection of any picture we. have ever seen that was produced by the Photographic nrt. while their permanancy commend them to everybody who wishes to keep a likeness of their friends. When in Woodstock w« would advise our read­ ers to call on John and inspect liis work. We can assure them that they will be welcome whether wanting work done or npf. GEORGE OWEN accidentally walked into a hole cut for catching Mipuows. fn the creek, back of his residence, on ^londay night, and was obliged to break his way through fhe tee (Q the ahore before he could get out. A lit­ tle too cold to g<) iu battling, George. THE party of ladles and gentlemen KrtfO treated the editoF and family to a terenade on Wednesday evening last, will pleas* aocepf our thanks. May they all "live long and prosper" is the wish of yours truly. Ooipe ag*}n \yhen you happen this way, > /THE boys are now having a glorious f time skating on the Pond and River, and as we see the small army daily wending their way with skates slung pver their shoulder, we almost *?vi*h we were a boy again." The youtlf are the ones who epjoy life but they don't JTUOW LIT V HOLIDAY GOODS. In endless variety John B, Blake's, MuHenry. ^ If you want to make a substantial Present for the Holidays, buy one of the celebrated Estey Organs, of O. W. Oweu. They are the best iu the mar­ ket. and are sold reasonable. Mrs, $. W, HOWK is oflering induce­ ments to purchasers of Millinery, Cloaks, 4fco. Gjve her a call. Store four doors North of Riverside HOUM. A JUST RECEIVED. Que of the finest stocks of Holiday Goods to be found in the Couuty, at John 0. Blake's. McHenry. Minet Ph«»tos, a new thing, only 75 ceuts per duceu at Miltei^ Gailery Mclleury, 111. Toy Goods, for the Holitiavstin anti- less v»r|ety, at O. W. Owen's, reason- ilcUen? PhatOS and Phereotype* at able rates, at Miller's Gallery, ry. 111. Jfot itjrlo Braoeletf Q, W. O.wen't VOCN0 DEAD. On Thursday morning last a report was circulated in this village that the dead body of a man s had been found in a sited adjoining the residence of John Winkles, on the road from here to Johnsburgh, and upon inquiry such proved to be the case. The man was an entire stranger, and nothing could he found upon the body to Indicate who he was or where he came from.-- Coroner Cook, of Woodstock, was no­ tified, who came over, held an Inquest juid ordered the man buried, i e were away from home oh Thurs­ day and Friday, and did not hear any of the particular* until after our return and then there were so many conflict­ ing stories, we concluded to write to the Coroner and hear what he had to say about it. We didso and below is his answer: WOODSTOCK, ILU, Nov. 3M, 1880. J. VAN SLYKIC, Dear Sir:--The facts In the case were these: The man came to the house of P. Wiukel* just as they were go'ng to bed. and asked for food and lodging.-- The former request was granted, lie taking a good meal and several cups of coffee. The latter request was refused and the matt left the house, when Mr. Winkels and family retired. In the morning when he arose he went to the shed for kindling wood, and fouud the maif lying on the grouud iu the shed with his hotly bare froiu abdomen to knees. lie raised his head, and think­ ing lie'saw-some signs of life, carried hiin in by the stove and built up a fire, sending immediately for Dr. C. H. Fegers, of Joliusbnrgh, who came and found the man. as he testified, dead, having frozen to death. It 1s true, as the Time* reporter has it, that there was little ceremony at the inquest, but what ceremonies could there be? There was not a scrap or parcel about the man that gave any clue to his name d? whereabouts; nobody knew the man; nobody had ever seen him save on the day before his death; nobody knew how the man came to choose the old shed to sleep in. The act with him tnay have been premeditated. He may have had a lit. He may have chosen that way to rid himself of this world. These tacts it was impossible to bring out. But this we do know, there were no marks ot violence about his person and the gash over the eye was not there when I left the body, as I gave the body a careful examination person­ ally, and the blood that filled the mouth and nose, according to our Time* reporter, was not there, but there was i u the place of that Tobacco juice on lips and in his mouth, which might (to a wild eye.) resemble blood somewhat. The verdict of the jory was this: "That in the inquisition ou the body of person unknown, we, the jury, do find that lie came to his death from exposure to cold during the night of Nov. 17th, 1880. and was frozen to death. Signed, C. It, KKOKRH, Foreman. JOHN- Mcukk, P. Wl-KKUs JOHN WINKKI.S, J ACi »B ItOT II KltM KL, JOIIN P. SI'KINER. Yours, w. w. COOK That there are many here who cen­ sure the Coroner for the niauner in which he held the inquest, is true, but whether justly or not we are not pre­ pared to say. That there was to much mystery about him is more cause why it should have been thoroughly inves­ tigated. Officers are well paid for their services and we believe they should be compelled to do their whole duty at ail times. The Coroner says: "But this I do know, there were no marks ot violence about hl<= person, and the ga«h over the eye, wa* not there when I left the body, as I jjave the body a careful examination personally, and the blood that filled the mouth and nose, (according to the Time* report­ er.) was not there." Now we saw the body ourself before it wasjtturied. and there too* marks of violeuce upon it, but whether made be­ fore or after death, by himself or some­ one else, we have no uii aus of know­ ing. There was a gash full one and a half inches in length over the left eye. the moutli and nose full of blood. (no< Tobacco juice.) aud the left leg was one mass of bvuises from the hip to the ankle.- The Coroner says these were not there when lie left the body. Surely it is a mystery how they came there afterwards. As we said before who the man was or whore became from could not be as­ certained. as not one article could be fouudoo the body by which to iuden. tify it. He was about o feet eight or ten irclies hyrh. sandy hair and oom* plexion. and evidently had not been shaved iu ten days or two weeks. Ho had the appearance of being about HO years of age, ani would probably weigli about 130 pounds. He was dressed to a well worn stee|.mixe<i coat, dark pants, a striped cotton shirt and no vest. His boots were but very little worn. He was seen around town on Wednesday, and nothing particular was noticed abon^/fiJsqi^ only that he was considered a tramp." He was buried in the Pottefsfield. at the Cemetery, on Saturday morning, and his indeutify will probably never be known. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's, Nunda, for Millinery and Dress Making* E. A. GOLDING. Wauconda, III., dealer in Gro­ ceries, Canned Goods. Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco. Notions, Ac. Also Headquarters for Piatt & Co's Celebrat ted Baltimore Oysters. I am now pre­ pared to furnish Fresh Oysters by the Can or Dish, at all hours of the day or evening. My Refreshment Parlors are cosily tinted up. well warmed and light­ ed, and uo pains will be spared to please all who call. I also make a specialty of all kinds of Can Goods, and keep a flno line of Coufeutioqery. Give me aoall. E. A. QOLDIKO. Do not pnrohase yoar Holiday Pre-; *euts until you have examined the splendid stock of J. B. Blake, Special attention paid to taking pictures of children, at Mille.r'-s Gallery Mclleury, IU. WAUCONDA "CHIPS." *T SKf BOCKBT. ' EDITOR PI.AINUKAI.KR When, in the course of human events, it becomes nece*<»ary for sucli a thriving, busi­ ness. bustling idty a« Wauconda to re­ main unnoticed mid unknown Iu the literary arena simply because one of the literate of our prosperous town is not always at home to Inform the pub­ lic of the momentous events that daily transpire in our midst, we think, as others will naturally 'infer, that her literary interests are either sadly neglected, or are beginning to wane. Mrs. Dr. Butterfield. of .Barriugtoti, spent last week in Waui*onda. visiting her parents Mr.and Mrs. J. R. Wells, and numerous friends of her old home. She returned home Saturday. v Prof. Derby, of the Wauconda High School, hasannounoed a Literary En­ tertainment for next Friday evening to consist of declamations, orations, select reading, recitations, Ac. Prof. Derby is a very energetic young man and is giving general satisfaction In the school. Mr. Z. H. Osmfcn. bookkeeper for the firm of S. H. Harris, ot Chicago, for­ merly a resident of this place, . will spend Tlymksgiviiig with us. 'Che young folks here had quite a pleasant skating party on Wnuconda Lake last Friday evening. The ice was in fine condition and the evening lovely. Winter has at last come in earnest, and with it the host of customers that Ushally swarm the well stocked, old re­ liable store of J. R. Wells,of this pUce. His stock is unusually large ami well selected, and his prices still lower than ever, lie seems determined, by small margins and quick sales, to command the confidence and patronage of the trading public. Mr. Hammond, usually known as Captain Hammond, died last Sunday afternoon after a short illness. He i« an old citizen and li^s death was quite unexpected aud is greatly lamented. The Baptist Sabbath School here Is in a very prosperous condition and un­ der the supei-inteiidency of Elder Green continues to grow, both In in­ terest and numbers. We trust the youug folks of Wauconda generally will attend more regularly and add still more to its interest. Our fellow townsman Mr. Coggln and his daughter, Misd Nellie, are at present visiting friends in Nebraska.-- Mr. C Is the "boss" miller of Lake County, Elder Green, of tlie Baptl«| Church, preached a very Interesting sermon last Sabbath morning, taking for a text Hebrewes 13:2. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for there by some have entertained angels unawares: His sermon wa* very pointed and practical, consist!ng-largely In an ex­ hortation to his church to be more cor­ dial iu the receptiou of strangers. Mr. J. R. Wells seems to have -'taken it ail iu" and turned it to account At the con­ clusion of the serviipJtie wgf fen*, filial^, itig hands with all the good looking young ladies In the church. There is to be a praise meeting at the Baptist Church Thauksgiviug evening aud also a' %all at Maimau's Hall Wauconda. Which will be the more liber^Uv patronized? Mr. Van Slyke, of the PLAINDEAIER, paid Waucoidaa flying visit on Satur­ day last. The people out here some­ how like ye editor of the PLAINDEAL- ER. They think he's "sorter genial." As ye editor of your paper requires the contributors to his columns to write o:: one side of the paper only, we shall have to shorten the items this time ou account of scarcity ot paper. IT IOCONDA Al>VKKTISe:MENT8. We would call the especial attention of the citizens of Wauoonda and sur­ rounding country to the new adver­ tisement of H. Maiinan, Merchant Tailor". £nd dealer in Ready Made Clothing. Hats, Caps, Gent's Furnish­ ing Goods, Ac. His stock is unusually large and he is giving you prices not fouud outside of the city. He also keeps a full stock of Millinery, Cloaks, •tc.. 13 which lie invites the attention of the Ladles Read his advertiseuieut in another column. Robt. Harrison, who keeps a Gen­ eral Store, has a new advertisement this week, to which he invites the at­ tention of the buying public. Ilis stock is full and complete iu every particular, and consists in part of Dry Goods. Notions, Boots and Shoes, Ilats and Caps, Groceries, &c.. which he sells at bed rock prices. He is so well and favorably known by the buying public of Lake County that lie needs no re­ commendation from us. Read his- ad­ vertisement. E. A. Golding. who keeps a full stock of Fancy Groceries. Canned Goods, Ac. is a public benefactor iu his line, and i6 therefore receiving a liberal patrou- age from the citizens of Wauconda.-- His Refreshment Parlors are the finest In Lake County. And no man keeps a better brand of Oysters, or gets them up In hotter shape than lie does. Read his notice elsewhere, F. R, Wens have just started |n the Hardware trade, and knowiug the benefits of) Printers Inl( is bound to succeed. He Informs us (liat he will inr crease his sfqcK soon, aqd will be ready at all times to supply al| who oal) at reasonable rates. F. B. Hnrr^on, Druggist, has in adr ditipn to hi< large slock of Drugs, a fine show of Holiday Goods, which/the people will do well to examine. At our next visit we shall speak fur­ ther of Wnucqn^a, her business and business men, ' There is no. more en-, {erprisiog little, tqtyn li\ Luke County. The finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to be found iu the county, at O, W. Oweii'^. Bottom Prices for Holiday Gqods, at J. B. BlaksVs, McHeury. I make a specialty of Repairing fine Watches, and warrant all my tyqirk. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PI.AINDRAI.KR:--We have heard you severely criticised on ac­ count of our notice of the death of E. E. Sherwood. We very much regret to l»e the cause of censure toward oth­ ers, aud regret equally much to have given pain to any friend of thi de­ ceased, and II*M! we supposed excep­ tions would hafe been taken, or rather, that, the feelings of any would have been wounded thereby, we certainly would either have said nothing beyond the simple fact of his deatli or kept silent. But it appeared to us then and it still revolves in our inind that the language we used wis more ^fra­ ternal than otherwise, and that those who criticise its propriety give it a meaning not implied and surely not intended.'and if we could now recall language more apologetic we would deem it an honorable duty to further teiider our apology. The cold weather Is the principal topic discussed since the awl dent or fatality on Montgomery's Grade--yft., the killing of an unknown man who was endeavoring to obtain a ride on a freight train without paying fare: From papery fouud upon his person he is supposed to be a man named Frank Shepherd from Buffalo, N, Y, John Young has started out anew i^ the blacksmithing business. John knows how to shoe horses and If lie will remain long enough at one stand to hold Ills customers, he need not lack for custom of the first class. He stop* this time iu Barrows shop at the foun­ dry. Give him atrial aud verify the truth hereof. The Epizootic is about as common as horse-flesh but we hear of uo serious cases. We have In oar famify two pets to which our better half is very much attached, viz., an owl and a chipmunk. I would ( were an owl, Y"i I «to, yes I do, And then she wouldn't scowl At me so, nt me so. Or else a chipmunk were.v fthrowd ami »hv, shrewn and ahf, And get such goodly fere Though so sly, though so sly. '•You bet!" It turns out that the man killed on the Montgomery's grade lived at Cam­ den, N. Y., aud started West with a large sum of money with which to purchase land iu Nebraska, but evi­ dently had been well rid of it before found by the authorities, but how, when or where will probably remain a mystery, at least till It Is known •'who struck. Billy Patterson." It is more than likely that It was through some confidence game, or possibly in some less honorable way Sr. Chicago. We have mentioned that John Young would be fouud at Barrow's foundry shop. By some changes made since we wrote the above, we find him again at ills old stand south of the Bank, in the rear of Marcus' saloon, and busy turning hand made shoes in readiness to give his customers a choice between hand made and niachino made shoes. "The oldest inhabitant" pronounces tliis the severest Winter lie ever ex­ perienced iu November. "I should dink so." Watchef.. Clocks, Jewelry, &c., cheap, at O. W. Owen's. The largest stock of Ready Made Clothing in the Northwest, at C. F. Hall's Dundee and Kichuioud Stores. A flue stock of new Watches, Clocks, Ac., at Robt. Murfitt's, Nuiicla. ANOTHER new lot of Millinery Goods just reuelved at Mrs, H. H. Nichols, If you pay Cash for yoiir goods, and you expect to do any trading this Fall, you rn*y save a little by trading with FITSIMMOKS & EVANSON'S. Toilet' Sets, Lamps, Vases, Auto­ graph Albums, Wax Dolls, Doll's Heads« cheap at Besley's Drug Store, opposite the Parker House. A Fine Organ For Sale. A good Prince Organ, six stops, 1. Swell, is offered for sale on reasonable terms. This Organ is as good as new is one of the finest instruments in town, aud is onij' sold because its place has been filled by a Piano, Will be sold at a bargain. Inquire of MRS, LOLA WALSH. McHeiuy, Sov. WHt, isso. Substantial Holiday Goods, at C. F. Hall's. Dundee and Richmond Stores. ^ro WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Slaving leased my house and gone out of business,! would respectfully request all persons knowing themselves indebted to me to call and settle the same without delay as I am desirous of closing all outstanding accounts at once. A word to the %vise--. JACOB BOSIIKTT. Business Noticed. Reel's Oils Edge Tonic mtoiM the appet IVO have the Bos* Glove Depot. RITZSIMMOVS* KVANSON. The MoIlltO Oweirs. Sulky P-io# *t The Furst & Bradley Sulky Fkrnr mi E. M. Owen's. When in want of work In my line, give mea call and I will try and please Robl. Murfitt, Jeweler. Nunda, 111. Dress Goods Stylish durable and cheap just received, we Invite inspec­ tion. Fitzslmmons & Ev&nsou* Don't buy your Hats or Bonnet* im- til you have seen and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles, The largest stock of Millinery Goods in the County, at Mrs. S. Searles. Buckeye Owen's. Force Pumps, at £, M All the Oweu's. first-class Plows at E. M. •arktua Advancing years, care, sickness apf ointment, and hereditary prwlla#-. ' position--'all operate to rnrn the hsir gray, and either of them incline) It if |-y Shed. pfeniuTUfely. ATKR'S HAIIf " sy Vi<iOR will restore failed or gray, light r» d hair t«» a rich brown or dee£ black. :i.« may be desired. If soften# 4 and* the M-alp, giving ft healthy acilou. It. re moves and eurc*- - - By lug hair * checked, and a new gruwtlf Will be produced Iu all cases where th#,\ . V fnllicie* are not destroyed or tli^f glands decayed. Its effects are beauti* fully shown on brasliy. weak, or fickl# hair.on which a ft w application* *ff| produce the iflOss and fiexhnes* of youth, nawule^s and sure iu Its oper% aiion. it i« liMwiiparnble as a dressing^ aud is especially valued for the soff lustre aud richt»e*s «»f tone It imparts* It contains neither oil nor dye. and will not soil nor color yibi'e cambric| Yet it INSIK h+ng (lit the halt, M*# keeps it fresh and vigorous. J i'-. Bargaij mous A iu I'ndt-rnoar. at vanson. FitSSlfl*; - ".*%• FOR SALE. The undersigned has a fine young Poland China Boar for Sale. He is from Hunt's celebrated stock, and is a very desirable animal. I wish to dis­ pose of him as lie is too closely connect­ ed with niy present stock. Will be sold cheap. JOHN W.SillTH. FOR SALE. 40 Acres of land in Section 12. al! fenced. Also 80 acres of laud, with a good house and barn thereon, with timber and water in abundance, in Sec­ tion 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good new liou»e,;barii and other outbuildings.-- Apply to JOHN FLUSKY, Hats and caps foijj men. rrnifh* *»•! boys in cndles* vju iet ies and at nuclt decided bargain* we art bound te vref %| ate a boom in department. Coiu% at once wilt -"»'«> If r yourselves. FnZsiMSH'NS & KVAKSUR. - NEW Fall Miiliuery, latest styles, just received at Mrs. S. Searles'. OVERWEABFAND UNDERWEAR. You will need both before Spring. Come and see us we never sell an un­ dershirt unless it fits. riTZSIMMOXS * EVANSOX. Just received all the latest Styles artd shades of winter Millinery, MRS. K. W.HOWB. Heat Ye! Hear Yet When buying your fall and winter Clothing <)ont fail to examine the stock just purchased by F. G. Mayes, as his stock is now complete and bought for cash at the late decline In goods. His assortment of Cassimeres aud Worsteds for suiting Is worthy of your especial atteiitiou and will be made up to order at the lowest prices for fine goods and superb workman- slii p. r. G.MAYES. McHcnry, IU., Oet. 14th, liMl Writing Desks, a very appropriate Holiday Present, can be fouud at Bar­ ley's Drug Store. We will save any one a little money on a good Overcoat. FITZSIMMONS & EvANSON. Dry Goods aud Notions for every body and prices low at FITZSIMMONS A EVANSON'S. CALL at Besley's and see the •'indus­ trious woman " It will p«f, clothing; Latest Style, well made, good Cloth, warranted to fit and wear. For men. youths and boys our prices are always right. * FITZSIMMONS A EVAN SON. Hats and Caps for men and boys fur or cloth, high crown or low crown, late styles and good goods always cheap In price at FITZSIMMONS A EVAN- SON'S. .Holiday Goods, iu endless variety, at Besley's Drug Store, West Side. If in seacrli of Bargains call at C. F. Hail's Richmond and Dundee stores. Celuloiil Sets, the neatest thing for a Wedding Present out, at Besley's Drug Store, opposite the Parker Houee. More Groceries tor the 'money than at anv other place in the Northwest, at C. F. Hail's Dundee and Richmond Stores. King self rising Buckwheat Flour for ale at FITZSIMMONS & EVAN SON. Reeds Gilt Edge Tonic cures fever and Ague. Take a look at those Cotton Balls 10c. FITZSIMMONS AEVANSON. New Prints, latest partfrns, ak" < ^ prices front five cents a vai-d and up* v r wards, at Colby Bro*,. Riverside Blo**!^- *** ' Ladles of M'-Ileory •and vicinltj^.r (ioii't huyVour lints or Bonnet* ii«tif "'h yon hafe looked at. and priced $rt>oda 1 at Mrs. S. Searles. A in now nflerlng^ • „ greater bargaWire than ever. All work; }ii repairing done on short not ice. EAT THE Hi Ml >You «nn always And itfgood A«Kirtac»C of Pure * re»h * Dye Stuffs First-flu** good* mono! he aol.i as low aa "eiitld"nmi infetior gnodscan. We blT lb#,, beat we can iln>l and when you coasklfls#. >'f' '« QUALITY,; ou'wlll alway* find our pricea " . RIGHT. >.( * * * t 1 Tor several week* to roue I shall b» t* Chicago, on the keen look «ai fur aovelMeo" iu the • • j Book, Stationary and ffotis^ ^ SipUtafBt. Yow tire onnliuiiv^inritwl ti* <.;vT; call an«l look through the stock/ HARRISON. Were Sleeted, Vet it will be remembered *bjr jatl| tt*» # dare on liaiHt a good uiock of Hardware, * Thai will be aoM at bed-rttek fcottoa* nrio--• for CASH, com ttriaiajf: */ BOLT! BOLTS! BOLTS | Nulls ! Nails ! Nails 2 SHOVELS! SHOVELS 1 Barb Wire! Barb Wire! keep % |pH*t supply of PATCMljy NEs which I desire to close oat fwl I also MKIUCI Clinll, SCHOOI, ROOKS of every variety can h* had at low rates by calling at mV iion.4 Come and see me. F. R. WELLS. Wauconda. Ht, Dress Goods in all styles, cheap, at C. F. Hail's Richmond and Duudee Stores. Go to Mra. E, W. and Dolmaus. Howe for Cloaks Colby. Bros., have.just received a flue |ine o.f Youth's am} cl\ihlr.eii* clothing and pan now At any froin five years old i^p. Their sto^k of c\utn(iig is com­ plete in every particular, to >vUU'h twy invite the attentiono( tl^ buying IF you want your Watch put In first clues Order, call on Robert Murfitt, Jeweler, Xuuda, CLOAKS I CLOAKS! CLOAKS! Don't forget toci:ll on Mrs. Searles and price her new Cloaks and Dolmans. She lias also u large stock ot the latest styles of Hats. Bonnets, Scarfs, Hoods. Cloak Trimmings, Yankee Notions, &c. Please oall before purchasing, JNVKNTPKS employing attornles fa miliar with the Patent Office, rarely fail of securing patent Experience ensures success In prosecut­ ing contested entries and Mineral Land claims before the Qeperal Land Office, Long practice gives success iu securing pensions, Presbrey $ Green. Attor­ neys, 509 Seventh street. Washington D. C. have l;ad lung experience in all branches of practice before the Departr inentt). Parties having buisuess should address them (cucluslug staiup) for in formation, A flue line of Chii\a Mustache Cups, Handkerchief Boxes- Oufi and Boxes, at Besley's E>rng Stp^e, Cloaks, Dnhuans, Ctiv")*" Shawl* at reduced prioes *t FITS*!*-. MONS Ai EVANSOS'S. I.a'lies Portiuonies. tlie uo.bbiest Ln towu, at apsley'a Drug Store^ For the celebrated Beloit Shoe, tlie best in the market, go to Colby Bros. A choice stock of Candies, all kinds at Besley's Drug Store. By Gairartsl A«wHI Ayer's cathartic pills are the best of all purgatives for family use. Tltey are the product of long, lahoHous and successful chemical Investigation, and their extensive use by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized na­ tions, proves them the best and most successful purgative Fill that medical science can devise. Being purely veg­ etable nu harm can arise from their Uf=e. In intrinsic value and curative powers, uo other pills can be compared with them, aud every person knowing their virtues will employ them when needed. They keep the system iu per­ fect order and maintain iu healthy ac­ tion the whole machinery of life. Mild searching a:id eflectnal, they are specially adapted to the needs of the digestive apparatus, darangements of which they prevent and cure, if timely taken. They are tlie best and safest physic to employ for children and Weakened constitutions, where a mild bpt effectual cathartic is required,* For sale hy ail dealers, from five cent Apograph Album", fwn upwards, at O. W , Oweu's, Cloaks in towi^ Jif*- B- S-sichoiiK lev tfo To Tin Fulfil!, Who arc alwuy* interested in buying GOOD GOOD# CHEAP, We would like to call their atlentio* ta t! ,cb<*iee lot of , BROCADE DBfiSS QOODS» -AT- 10 Cents Per A Pull I.ine of OVERCOATS, f\t*S£A0amf upward*. Another antral P R I ! \ T S , " v : -AT-- 5 Cents Per Yard, That $<;ll s<» fasi. In the lirmmji tkM w® have a s|ierml iinrgaio l»> offer, via:, l<i lbs Good Prunes for#!, 1 R»o t'ollee for #1. National Yeu*t Cakes «VpMrpMkag£ 2 tb cans String lWaos Vk per (M, % for S«c. t^oute and ns wi4 w» esm Mm H. Roecm* Yoio* nu ot. ltfth, iim. 4QSbiKH X, FHi;UN<k O ALOOH AND RESTAURANT. BoaslMt'* «hl stamt, opposite Mill, l|e. Henry, 111. The c mieest Wines, Lioo«r» and rfigars to be On»nrt in thocoaaty, Preab Oy*ters in their 4e*»«n aervmt up in any abupu (iesire<t or far sale by the Can. ooon^TAiil'tNQ rem uoitaKS. JDS. WIEDEMANN, Â ent Franz Faltt . K1L1A0KEI LiGEB BIO, McHaary.IL ^' The gi\e&t U>*e of Toilet Articles to be fouud In the oomnty, at BesWyV drug store. » • We have the iargesr and best aelevi­ ed stoc^ of Gloves aud Milieus of evmejr discription. ever kept iu this lawn, W-e a»a «ure. we kave just wtiat ynik WtAtU tW* Hue, and, at close pi"H*ea» _ ^SC^NOKIK «nsaU .Ki«C»w VMV* (wlMiHt cheaper Has aay tv ' m«> dour a world p>oil judec> »ck«owltt4ca K intUe Qrdtm by nmafUy Klwirtt li JOI. 3l«H*i>rvt tu. nm

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