Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Dec 1880, p. 1

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'* ""iftj.--!-* £\> : tar tioe of tlio United I Strong. • Jt PffBLteHBSk # O.Bl< 'Roc«i« m Teds popnlation by the eensua 157,ft61; femal^«V*asii»« ^ SI,US0KIPTro«' •' ..Advanca,). , Thgac Month# ... |#i|»rthroei>r»ix month \:..:"ispIsetatadfWy' . ; 'J sranial, kindly;- ^t== -- „. •<••. .:: finely eaueate#R0wx"M w* •It tu . <D HTJRtiKOS. Office oyer neither her dev. opposite Perry # ItasMfi'a A TtfOR>TE¥ AT fcAW *nd Kotary Public rv/Wool stock, Illinois. Office »>«? 8to»eN Dpg Store, % •f*. ARPJSNTRRand Builder, Nnnda.IU^- V/ Wsil put up buildings by ttfsJobor •art gharautee satisfaction JOSEFII X. FREUXD. new i ^ •iSaflp'ffli ' * " JS*Sfc. fin# Law; OIS, w The rotar* *r sculling tonr» on lias been one *l»wu to of foa d to parts of tb Canada a America; winning--§2. iiataansgiug bri t tea iuclu bo Oordon-Le r» of ParHa ai»4 tr as. GREEK. SUUiiSOX, VETERINARY Illinois. BALDWIN Chan eery, .twill ]^aceicefn4(G£ta and in Fed era! Courts, Office, 3d Floor, ««w Qwt&stu. House, Chicago. ^TTOitK|jy at Law awiSoiWUnr in be fonndtba e of w ho fei- inti ft •a™ nee of the «, Booroei, 4H hhta services c*» tact.for CHAS. &. DOSSKLLY. ther para B3i»r3 «#pijr stable at SllJAI! ni'CK. Crystal Lake, Oafsrt eept.jSMI,-|NNi. •pBff mar ler a v ' ** *»U \ . y, * : -• v- •vors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe§vt SDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1880. SALOON AXD RESTAURANT, old stand, opposite Bishop's --tr EG Kit*, M, n- •. -:trS The EmpertVD ^URUROX,* Johnsbhrg tiviiy and man'"" atft 111 A'w' ^Luaod*J-"^AR«?. M D. AN SURGEON. Offlco at ^ ®**Yf^deacef opposite 11. B. Church, I'l. "I R, V. A7f OI?R«iOK. M, ftllTMCl tH ind SmttMB. Office " Mc<d«-" I>rir' Store", Op; Bouse, Mctfehry, Illinois. #t lie Parker • PRATT HOU3E. _ A, PRV^T, Proprietor. Flrs^claM ae- SI r vn n nations. Wanron li. III. Goo! Barn in connection . F. J. ff»<«oHcite l **r P iH'lc "un»ro BARniAX. , - t «r6" McHonrjr/UI. V Olf- Shop, ?ft»rtli SUst Oar. |{ ICHAitl> P"BI0^ of the Peice0-»»«*?yancer,-i» ""111 nitty to tHo collect Ion "Of t«. lAkO'Cio'iiiity-, III.-, HAS » wmpleito Vbiti# 11" M l|c»rv tjj*, floun^y < lii^k, JTo't'lstoflf itles. to land ft ' -I R08T. . WltiaiT }, •&&:?}, iJaMuWc^nircsr of (Justoih Ma re Boot* ari«i |; "Sh >v Hun a Hut the b#rt of mntorat' •4 *n 11 work w*vr:intcl. Show Vnytb- raiitn k j~ r âUU:? fcU. .. Bonslett's Mill. Me Hc«rv. 111. The c loinest Wines, Liquors and Oijtnrs to befmuni in the county. Frosh Oysters in their season served up in a»y shape rtesireil or for sale by the Osn. GOOD STABLIXO FOR llOftSB^ • 8IOXEY DISBROW, \f(lf A*T PUllLlC wd Oonreyancer, 1^1 rten, III. JWcHENItY BAKERY, -A\D- TAU3ANT. OPPO»IT«Mk[1)ritlKa, Mcflenry, III.-- Warm jjppwli a: all hours. Farmer# Lanch servotf on Miort notioe. Ovstars by the Can or IMih. R. P*TT E ftSO*, fS R!<feR II. Defwbv , 131 \crcn t'". ia T,teirt*i f.rlce#'lo«r*nrt Ter ' n- 9' •.CIIE)#!^, IH, , Sp.Hii.-l; MeviiUf wh'-fij jk, II fSbian-! •'"*»» aSwla«». .1- UncIc si iiik 'ors^le. Pic It i . ing elsewhere. iii-ninerr.-- ^eder, of jkj Hn'rSi Uire i'»t f- J OUHJ? aa4*..^u Uu; •, r-mommy, in. • li'altHftteiiwuiv of -tiw i>est material and fully warraittod, $8^'0.... ... , 1" 3j>S'-riAif ^ ratvs.. S jcl lal -«ttcntion ysiid to tftgiilatfng "Sittl s!iaj»oit ten tit, TeeJU ivxtractoit without pa I tt free of e,!i#rf«;\t ;i0r^ Al'iiJloiaT'fwj'-a aro lu- bKhiiiv •. ' '«• /"*•*' AH Work fully wavvitnted. ?Slw N itrous Oxide Ons a.itft;fj»r t'ii> j»-unii<44 tKicu • - Village Property Fur ^ For ̂ ale, in this Tfllage, the following pn. pcrty,' . • Hik ae«»s of janii, i^joje or lem. on the towm. in the rHlaRe,. of Mcllenry. Ia finely Bill he.r-* * ! and Wl sold cheap. Alao one Hon an and Lot. Is in » pleasant localltv, has a jf-vnl Well aad OtBteia, Bars, and other conveniences. Also one Block containing two Stores, a id a fine lot adjoining. Kor further particulars inqnire at this of He®. . . .• ••• • ,"•* • T. J, CLIFTOI1 Practical Horse - Shoer. UKNBftAl^ 4 Shop Op^oslt# theJParker House, McHenry, * v - IllinolH. HaTtag an'expe- ricnce of mam' yoar^ in thisSbusi- ««s.« I flutter my M>li that, in the i»oe of Horse-^hoc us; I can please all vlio wiiy give me * <•!• !!. I rcsiifict. to Hy ask all "who havo lame horse« or horses with bad >»«**. ihgive, me a t»»tc(^|tt?reitt f can. help them if Wteff^c«r*rHt«ni. Hi of tee fiEPA!RI3%Gt GK ). ^STOUMII'T; NEARLY FJJPOS _ ."'lihe-v.-. I i'-ni-e, l»?.-'tlC'Hry, ll'fr irl Psoai Ttmiofi.,- J. A. SHERWOOD J^cro^ior^'isi m ^ A S J A P P R A I S E R > Algonquin* III. Tuning and a# 'kinda- of <j.9nerat "BtaclEl ?,«:«I>b»g«I""® piiwB ptly attti i« a W0fiknia«. Ii|« uianu'er. - ' •* • ... ily Motto will be Prices Low and'work C*i\ 1,1 S'li'l liire mea Mcllenry. Sdr.fe in lio n! OfTtf mei u. 3t'* Al-E^ of Stock, Farming T<m%, aHkmrtsprunptl llfbelu^i advertisement. TliU featnre of the true, as far as ^ta«orv Mils us of «am«»« ordinal f«Ux »ae only a It telb wi of men by 6i tn mystery. 'Wi«rtl» ttlfriron and relj hartlly more jealously- Saint lltra than the Thames rowing prlaos by the Dritlah ptesi. aelf wa; styled the Inti hot the* II B---, gentlemen who went to^ oash for the prizes was to as "1'ho Prwddeut olf^ company,*1 The ocean day and night for twoi prelimtiiary details of tj never revoaied the in] benefkctorl^aHit?, oh tl pany3 He boriotia and^^|naiye never a* Smith or j9|»gaiM»r \vliat«ver It h tld in most re­ nin*]*. It «ed oara- from the ?»cli a» United tea were 9, #800 and ttec «f elx pair of lords ppident, and a couple srn. J. K« famous renowned ino«t r»* ntest, af» business U , ia ippreesed.-- is for whose its might law- mlocution; • or call-, nt edict even the . mask was riled by #et of the covered up contest it* ittonal, and atta. The land with ly alluded American throbbed ilitlis with Anatoli, but of this f hla com- ibed in la> periphrases-- \ AN KAGL£'S PfST. A plca&ffit story is told of the fa tnous war eagle, -'Old Abe," who la now reposing upon his laurels at Madison, Wis. His dally allowance is a live chicken or some otfter kind of meat.-- The juvenile fowMs at one? slaughter­ ed by the king of birds, and eaten at pleasure'during the day, One day a white chiclet: was put in his cage and in its fright crouched In one corner.-- "Old AbeM ivent up and looked at the little creature, but did not harm It.-- On the coutmry, he cjiressecHt, and all day long went without his customary repast, until at night, as he would not devour the chicken, other food' was provided. In short, "Old AbeV, heart was won by the chicken, and it became his pet. He saw that it went to roost at the proper time, and if the weather was cold spread the warm shelter of his big wing over it. Other white chickens had been thrown In to him, and lie never before or since failed to make a ineal of the®. Something about this particular fowl touched him in a tender spot, and the theory of the survival of the Attest had a fresh illus tratlon which done credit to $jta big heart of "Old Abe." I OUR Here is a-farmer, a bank clerk and a journalist iu our office talking, we write.about going west, its ad- ?!ts concealed nam! this nameless belt ale sitpple mcnt *^ft all details to JtlHMp'owing that he w enthusiastic, sti Of the match «maiued M3«e something too hoi?! creil to mention. Of course he got his of advertising. No incut prevented his pn i »z known, T'h© it Although to concili- ;ng that he entlemen,w t himself a purpose secret, « or too «a* t^lioa'iras tha cheapeat. a t - f o a r l i f e a n d p r o p e r t y a t r e a s e n a h i a ate*. 'PlC'ise give no a <•:>!'• lMiTBiriLEllCKEM. t •» vp AIRS Watcliest, Clocks anil Jewelrv o* R ,!1 kinds. Also Repairs Violins m thebost I^saihle manner, on short notice and at 1®** ."to"rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop rs; ioor Voath <»f Riverside Block, McHenry ri' % t 4 OUTFIT furnished free with rt" *11; ^ 10 atrr.-i'iidns for conducting ihe most * " lii sinessarty one ran engage in. SHitsiiu . s is so easy to learn an<l oiu in- n-.tio'n" n e so simple and plain, that any (tiii inrsie great prolits from the *«r> tiri. Ni> ' o can fail who is willing r. k. Wo: en ar« as successful •inaii'isi Is can earn large sums ,ve ui t lis t the business over one iolHrsin * sinale week. v«, to inen. Many hundre'l Nothing like it r fcaowr before. All who engage are snr- ••-•I at the ease and rapidity wtth which her are able to make money. . You can on- is?'« in tins business during your spare time t treat profit. You do not have to apiuiinit. Wo take all the risk. »i > nee l ready money should slioaiu v o* it once. All farnis4ied free. nt JB ,t CO., Ausrusta, Maine. invest Those write Address Ths UcHsnry Brewery. O ottlelb Boiey; Proprietor. rllE best of Beer shtpped to any P*rt ofthe country and warranted aareprcsenteil.-Or Inrs solicited and promptly attended « W. H. 8ANFORD, Merchant Tailor. In the store of O. H. Dickinson, Baat aide of Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A cood Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al­ ways on hand. Suits made to order and a nt warranted- Give me a call. W. H. SANFOttP. SfOpdstock 111.,Sept. 47th. 1875. - H.E. W'I(i HTM AN, Proprietor. First class rigo, a Uli or without avivevps, fiirnished »t reasonable rstes. Teaming of all klads iloneon short notice. Scott & Qreat "Harris to the f Northwest." M. 135 anil 137 Mm St., NEAR CLARK ST. Have a larger stoek and srroater variety j»f »tyle» for •• on choose from, than can oc *oand in any other establishment in Chit-ago »r the W-!u'. It will nay yon to call nnti see iheut. Price* the lowest in the land for goou .{oods. BRANCH STORES S. E, Cor. Clark & Lake st» & S. E. Cor.'Halsted and Harrison sis., s L CHICAOO. M. E^GELN. C4-XJ IS' SM ITU! Scale Repairing, Grinding and Pol­ ishing Razors and Shears and Table Cutlery a speciali­ ty. Repairing of all kinds done in 'steel or Brass.-- All work warrant, ed. Also dealer in Guns, Revolvers, Table and Pocket Cntlerv.Gun and Fishing Material, Pipes, Cigars," Tobacco, Violin Strings, Ac. Shop and store near the Post Office, Mc. Henry, III. tit £S OUTFIT sent free to those who wish 1^tf> enieage in the most pleasant ano profitable business known. Everything new. Capital not rejolre I. We will furnish yon everything. tlO a dav and upwards is easily made without stav ing1 away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new work­ ers wanted nt once. Many are making for­ tunes at the business. Ladies make as much us men, and young bovs and girls make irrcat pav. No one whois willing to work fails to make more monev in a duv thsn can be made m a week at any ordinary employment. Those who engage at once will find a short road to fortune. Address, H» flALLoIT m CO., Portland, Maine. GO' WEST -VIA CHI AGO & NORTH f ESTEEM 11AIL)VAY 2,330 Miles of Road M A R C H CERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS -DEALER IN-- PUREWNES, LIQUORS AND Hfi. '• CISARS. :v7 *%lfoo!lstook 111.^ i fhfl best Tonic in the world, Fat apStflt Ipiut aad tinart Bottles. P, MARCUS, Patsnts®. ? Geo. H. Stewart, A u c t i o n e e r , Richmond, III- llas ah experience of 15 vears, and _wlI guarantee satisfaction in all cases, where sales entrusted to my care, are properly *u. vertised, or no charge will be made. Terms, from #5 to #10, according to amount All orders addressed to Richmond, III., Will receive prompt attention. (institution Water. WEST FOR Cedar Rapids, Denver, Marshall town, Leadville, Dcs Moines Salt Lake, Sioux City, San Francisco Yankton, tfhe Black HilU, Omaha, Colorado, Couucil Bluffs California Columbus, the Territories EAST FOR Otilcago How York, Boston, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Monreal, Toronto, New England, Canadas, Buffalo, and all Points East! SOUTH FOR Cincinnati, Nashville, Louisville, tfew Orleans, St. Loris, Jacksonville, Columbus, and all Points South, • -the- x" "North-Western," V Is the most DIRECT ROUTE, offering the traveling public Greater Far.iliticsana More Advantages than any road in the West. • It la the only line running Palliai Hotel and Sleeps Can, Between Chicago and Council Bluffs. Pullman Palace sleeping Cars are rna on all night trains. This Is the great Pullman Line of the Northwest. Palace Par or Cars run between Chicago and Milwaukee. « First-Class Meals only SOcepts .at the Eat ing Stations on the North-Western. a„rl> unit cloee connections at Chicago with all Railroads, and at all Junction Points with all roads thnt crops its Lines. All Ticket Agents can sell yon_£|5<r®0£! Tickets and,check yonr Baggage FREE b, this Road. For information, folders, maps, ere., not oh- talnable at Home Ticket Office, address any agent of the Company, or w ARVIH HUGHITT W. H. STIWH1TT, GeneralSnpt. Gen'l PssseugerAgen Mf\ Drops of dONSTlTCTION WATER three times a day, curat Briglit's Dis- ease, Inflaination of the Kidneys, Ston? in the Bladder, Ositarrh of the Bladder, Gleet, Dia- betes, Gravel, Brick-Dust Deposit, Childhood Weakness. Tor Femals Complaiats a Speciality- Tor sale by all Druggists. Rend for Clrcn a r s . A d r c r . W f i C / i K A # L L I K , 6 9 John St. N Y a week in vonr own town. 06 outfit free. No risk. Reader, if you want a businc« at which persons of either sex can illthc time they work, v ill* * " - ort- biisinc make great pay al .. _ _ „ for^arUeujAai to |I. ALLfcTT & Co., |o YOURSELVES by making moo- ri F j i j l ev when a jtolrten chance is off- ered therebv aiwavs keeping poverty from vonr door. Those who always take adv itaitc of the good chances for making money thatare offered, (tenerally become while those who do not improve such chances remain in poverty. We want many_ men women, boys and ffirls to work for riuht in their own localities. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. We furnish an expensive outilt and all tliat you need, free. No one who engages fails mai e monev very rapidly. You can devote vour whole"time to the work, or only your spare moments. Full information and iill that is needed sent f§ee. Address, STIN9QN *OU., P«rtiana, iiafc>e. y> worth il donceal- frotn he- >~^l*a.n,rv^mwary stelhe more, of ronise. It was inquired about. The ingenuity of the conceal­ ers was foiled by the curiosity of the isearollers; and it might, have been as well to follow the example of America, where, at the two previous ventures of the sort, the company and its I'resi- dant were mentioned recklessly In the press, regardless ot unpaid results. When we come to look at current athletic sports, we find them overrun and dominated hy business advertising Tl>e British press sought to prevent the Putney-tn-Mortlake course from being metuphorically plastered witii a patent drug advertisement; but what is Wimbledon but an advertising range Its annual pocket book programme, the envy of Creednmor, has its hundred pages tilled with advertising prises.-- To say that the leading gunsmiths, cannon founders, heavy artillery plants and powder factories advertise thers by annual prizes with tlielr name affix­ ed, is nothing; there are pickles ad­ vertised no less than powder, beer as well as batteries, ale with artillery, and there could be advertised sausages as well as swords, and guano side by side witli guns. In this country we And Creed moor turned to the same business account, as the advertisement, through prizes, of newspapers* rifles, revolvers, repeating arms, and even cigarettes and tobacco. We And horse races at Saratoga made the advertisement of hotels; the same at Baltimore. We Hud base ball clubs dubbed with the intuits of business Arms. anM sent to travel, like stray Broadway walking advertisers, as far south as New Orleans and We Hod target shooting companies founded by and decked with the names of perennial candidates for office. We find prizes for runners and walkers turned to the account of business. In short, the tendency of modern times is to use athletic sports, from polo to pigeon shooting purely as trade advertising. And this tendency is sure to increase, because, in our util­ itarian age, athletes, work less lor laurel than lucre. Luckily, the .ten­ dency has some advantages. It is probable tnat If a few patent tnetM- clnes or other advertisers would estab­ lish big prizes at Crecdmoor, the eflect on the country's rifle shooting might be beneficial.--New York Sum. as vaiitagesand disadvantages. S^s the farmer, I've tried going west, and don't like It. I never worked so hard in my life as I did there, and I staid there till I got so poor I had to trado of! ' ray last coat to an Indian for something to eat, and then I caine away. I can make $6, here to #1, there and ei^oy it bet­ ter. No going West for me." Yes say^ the young banker, there may be places In the West where money can be made In hanking by some reckless fellow who is up to all the sharpers tricks, but tor a straight legitimate banking business there is no room, I travelled ' through the west a year or two since extensively, to find a place to start business but the country was full, the banking bus'ness was every­ where overdone. Talk about the pluck to start out West and go in for your­ self: It takes twice as much pluck to settle right down at home and make your fortune here.'* jwro.--»- The faTther yon go West, the greater is the competition. 1 know of comities in the East neaily twice the sise of this, where there are only two news­ papers, and tow us of 300 Inhabitants where there is none; yet this county haimhirteeu; ever}' vlllasre of 500 in­ habitants has its newspaper, and aa you * go farther west they are more numerous. The Star of Empire may go West, but the enterprisiug#journ­ alist should go East. -~ §SmA Chicago firm has adopted new plan of advertising and selling goods. They send out an elaborately painted car, the interior of which Is arranged for carrying samples of goods. When It arrives In a town, the merchant goas to the car aud selects his goods from the artlctes on exhibition. This new feature In sell ing goods was inaugurated along the main line of the C. B. A two weeks ago. * If yon wish to please your w (and who does not) be sure and get a Sack of that celebrated "New Process** Flour from Haulv's Mill. It certainly beats anything now in the market, WASHINGTON COHHKSPONDKNT Washimgtow, D. C.. November SS, im Unusual interest Is already manifest­ ed in the coming inauguration. The event will be the occasion of most lav­ ish expenditure. The people of the whole country seem to liavecaught the Inspiration and application for rooms and board in Immense numbers are coming from all sections from Individ­ uals military organizations and excur­ sions. Special rates are expected on all leading railroads to the Capital.-- Not less than 100,000 visitors will be called here to witness ths magnificent pageant, ' Those who propose to be present should lose no time in securing quarters. The Bureau of Statistics report a most marvelous ineroase In our agricul­ tural Interests showing a growth of cereal products from 615,000,000 bushels In 1840 to 802,000,000 In 1850, 1,238,000.- 000 in 1860, 1,387.000,000 In 1870, 3,178,- 000,000 in 1877 and 2,431,000.000 lu 1879. The annual product Increased from $3,- 951,000,000 In 1850 to #7,977,000.000 in 1860 and #11,000,#0,000 in 1870, yielding exclusive of labor and wages, a net amount of #2,170,000,000, being nearly twenty per cent on the total. There aro still 400,000,000 acres of land avail­ able north of the Ohio river which can produce In wheat or other cereals at least 4.8000,000,000 bushels annually to meet the demands of our rapidly in­ creasing population. It Is such infor­ mation as this that inspires the people of tlie'old world to seek homes In this republic now Just in Its Infandy. Noth­ ing but a Chinese wall around the monarchies of Europe can stop this cease less tide. More than U000 emi­ grants sailed for America from one single English port lu October. The U. 8. Fish Commission, under the direction of Prof. Balrd, are now distributing the carp hatched here this season In the carp ponds to individuals an«f fish commissions of the different States. Two attempts were made In 1870 to bring a few of these fish to this country from Germany, both of which failed. In the spring of 1877 190 carp were landed for breed ing purposes, and from these have sprung all the flsh of this kind now in this country, and it will no: be long before they will be frown In every State In the Union for C1IKWINGFINLAND NKtSfNUM. The other day a lady of this f&y tloed her colored "help" chewing ] fish--COAd--JJtc, 1 *iy>, Mitrta *"J ne€(llc>- The fady thinking A Washington dispatch of last Friday, says that Mr, Burchard Super­ intendent of the Mint, Is very enthusi­ astic over the silver dollar with the people. Ilo think* that we can go on with the the present rate without disturbing the money market or the relation between the two pre­ cious metals tor fifteen years, or till we ave as many dollars In circulation or in the Treasury as France has ffve- france pieces.,which is about 306,000,- 000. He thinks that it would be possi­ ble to run the business of the govern­ ment without trouble with a gold bal­ ance In the Treasury as low as #25,000.- 000. All that is needed in his opinion, is to have enough so that the govern­ ment can continue to pay out either gold or sliver Indiscriminately when called for, and as long as tills can be done then silver will not depreciate. Experience has shown during thelast few months that the people are really more loth to take gold for ordinary purposes than silver. This, Mr. Bur- chanl explains by the fact that for small amounts in the way of change merely silver dollars are found to be the most convenient, and for large sums the bills are preferable, so that tor actual circulation gold And* no place. Should any attempt be made by Congress to interfere with the coinage of the silver dollar. Mr. Burchard will oppose It streimoiisly. Jobn Sherman now charge! that his defeat at Chicago was due to the opposition of Governor Foster to the proposal of the Blaiue incu to change their votes on the Monday before the nomination. President Hayes lias suc­ ceeded in bringing about a good un­ derstanding between Garfleld and Sherman, and the new executive has ex­ pressed a desire that the secretary re main at ills post. The chief objection of the latter to continuing In fhe treas­ ury department is a hot desire to get even with Foster by balking his sena­ torial aspirations. Garfield's main ob­ ject iu visiting Washington is to Btop the threatened light. ; ggy'l'he report of ComuitaskWier Raum shows that the largest collec­ tions ol internal revenue are made in the First Ohio (Cincinnati) District where, the receipts for the last fiscal year were #11.556.840. Next W magni tude is the Peoria District, the tious in which amounted to «l U-4.o7U Then cornea the First Illinois (Chi^igo) District, in which the internal reuenue recci pis were |8,936.G4l. old that moss grew on its back, yet aa active ac those a y«ar o«i. rue*e nsn grow to weigh 30 pounds and upwards. Only 40 carp were put in Government ponds here at the Capital, and the pto- duct Is over 100,000, which are now about six Indies long. The Ash are distributed In tin cases by four travel­ ing agents, each can containing 100 Ash. The railroads make no charge for freight, the agent simply paying fare. The applicant are required to be at the nearest station, with suitable vessels to remove the Ash to pools pre­ pared for them. Two more large ponds, covering thlr;een acres^ are now being prepared" in the Monument lot, to give Increased hatching grounds.-- The demand Is constantly increasing for this species of Asii food. Shipments have been made already to New York. Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio. Missouri. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Con­ necticut. Tennessee, Georgia and Texas, These young carp were about six incites long, and Prof. Balrd has information that at recent State agricultural fairs where they were ex­ hibited they weighed from one to three and a half pounds each. During fifty days last year one agent traveled 16.000 miles and delivered 7,000 carp, mostly in lots of 16. taking receipts which are always required, giving name and locality, of which a record is kept, in order that correspondent* may be held when desirable to learn as to successor otherwise of the trial. Nearly all the States have commissions, and a general Interest has been awakened iu this Industry over the country since Prof. Baird has Inaugurated his system Candidates for speaker aud clerk of the next House are coming to the front iu sufficient numbers to satisfy the most fastidious. Pennsylvania has three aspirants for thespvrkersblp aud two for clerk and It Is said not to be much of a year for candidates either. The Cabinet and heads of Bureaus are now engaged in preparing their re­ ports for submission to Congress to be in session in a few days. Many Mem­ bers are already here arranging tlielr winter quarters The old system of leaving the family at home while pater fauiilias was having a jolly time at the Capital has fortunately passed away, and th# families of large numbers ol Members form apaitofour cultured winter population. The pastors of onrolty churches have opened a formidable crusade against the District Commissioners who have in the past beeu very iax In the matter of granting liquor licenses. They are seconded and sustained lu this movement by all |the law-and-or- der loving citizens. It Is high time that a halt was called and that this city should be freed from this Iniquitous traffic. It was here that the dark curse of slavery received its first stag­ gering blow, by a provision that In­ voluntary servitude should henceforth be no more in this District. From that honr until Lincoln's proclamation U ' became a olty of refuge for the dares of all the surrounding Let Congress, following the of the noble state of that liquorshaU tieyvr or sold ill the District, and will be a sin He on the solid taoe of figure of Justice on the done of Capital. Then will this bWSllW be an asylum for the tempted, habitation for fnnoefcnee aiP like unto "The city of the Ledp Zion of the Holy one of Israel^ speed such a day add the peojita Amen. ' v.i... " r WTThe Chicago Sotirnat, Is to the question MHas there ever in the political history of this been a case such as that In publishes the following , iBtiefeetii facts: %,In 1805 Maryland gave nine of bar eleven electoral votes for Jefiersou and two tor G. C, Pit New York iu 1809 cast thirteen toral votes for James Madison' six for Georga Clinton; and in same electio i the votes of Maryland^ and North Carolina were equally di* vided. In 1813 when Madison was ##^ elected, the electoral vote of Maqria#; was again divided, six of her eleWMS' votes beiug cast for Madison ana remainder given to De Witt Clinton. When James Monroe was a nmMI / time elected President In 18S1, N««r Hampshire cast one of her eight TPt-- •>? for John Quiucy Adam*, the rest bifay .|#' thrown for Monroe, More complieat* ' - ^ ed divisions of the electoral votes of States occurred at the election of John Quincy Adams iu 1835 when tlafpj devolved upon the House «^|| sentatlves; and in 1829 when Jackson was elected for the first time, ^ , * 7 „ when Malnev N*w York andSwyiwd divided their electoral votes between the two candidates. The tw>m de- - feat of George Terry Iu California however is the first circumstance thai , we are aware of where one of the «an- didates on an electoral ticket was de* fcated by be ing scratched for personal reasons or ou account of his unpopularity.** 'No chile," she said, "In de slabe times I had heap obUM ble. I sought whiskey but dat gib de headache in de mo*nlug. So 1 tried *. sinokin*. 'Twasde berry same. Den *, cliawin' I tried. Jlut that was fM(H good. Hay'ly one mo'uing I tboaghfe ob pins and needles. I puts a bWMft ob plus or needles In my mout, ehaws detn and dey gibs me a heap ob - solid comfort. So now wheneber I feels wearied ob de trials ob dis wtdd, I puts plus and needles In my mouf chaws dem. You liab no Idea solid comfort dere is in pins and les.w Don't you ever swallow any fey dentr* the lady asked. 'Guess do. chile, guess do, for nights I go to sleep wid my motif an dey're all gone in do mo'nln*.- einnati Gazette. , foil. 10""The re is a very valuable bride building in Cheyenne, A resident of that town noticed shining yellow pa*» tides In the bricks,and imagining that the colors wore gold 1» took oat * brick from the wall for the purpose of ascertaining the facts, This brick he first pulverized and then Spanned ©nt** the colors, lie could uot get rid of all the dirt, and concluded to send tbo residium to an assayer iu Denver, la a few days the assay certificate arrived, and showed that there was thirty-eight cents worth of £oiu iu the brick, im geutieman then took out two other bricks from different parts of tb* building, and pulverized aud p#tt(N#d them as he did the first. The SMKV assayer gave his certificate as followSt Sample No. 1, gold forty-seven «sa|^ " sample No. 2, gold, tweuty-four With remarkable secrecy, the man proceeded to learn whenpm the bricks. After considerable- ry It was learned that the bricks made in a yard that was formerly it a ted on Crow Creek, near but which is now obliterated. Investigation among tit© oMvt nab dents divulged the fact that place* mining was at one time carried along the creek ij ; * . ! |ggr A gentleman of a • town lost two very valuable week froiu biting of! and m tips of corn ears while mtbftl crop iu hi* tield. The wo#i|l§iii thus deposited in the stomaehS Sf . animals are supposed tal cause of tiieir death. To accidents we «tt(»poe%|i|iMi to be muzsled while UMllg fiields of standing Fr*e Pre**. INYENTORS oaspioytng miliar with pfamleejtt the Office, rarely rail of tecui Experience ensures si ing contested entrieaandl. claims before the General' Long practice gives t pension*. Presbrey m ii*ys,(00 Seventh streot. D. C. have had long « branches of practice raent*. Parties liavl address theui (e formation. _ ^ % having 1 sucioaiaf stamp)

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