Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Dec 1880, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY DEC. 1, 1880. f aJ!a::rssdT!.-r.=: Table. •>?*« •« 4i.;| OOIHO SOUTH. Im«r» Uke Pa^seBter;.")..........iff rWA..* • &*««•• liKkn ExT»res«.'i'£/i,..».'Ui-...y|:W A.. *. |H«H Luke freiifht.:....... .1:15 P. M soma KOITO. , Tiake Freisriit W:1i. H. *. Oanara Lake Express P. M H«n«r« f,ak« Vassenzor ...fl:53r.K i^OTstEM only 35 cents \|» the Mcllenry Bakery. per quart *' ' J / wV, . JMAKT choppers are begiimingto ex­ amine the content? of the storei irftti AO eye to Holiday Presents. v,;.'-FIFTY cords of woo«l wanted, lit once tpayment for subscriptions to the A1NDRALEI MRS. II HA^LKT. daughter of F.A. ard, irtTJn-Ufe Sick with Diphtheria, •t the residence of Mr. Re bard, in this A DAVOHTKa of Yho*. Knox. ageit about Ave year?, died on Siiimlj|jr eye* til ng last, of Brain F^rari She was sick nearly two weeks. „ ^ ' - \ «* TUB Ladies Church A id Society, of Ring wood, will meet at Mr. I. Harsh'*, Friday next, Dec. 3d. all are invite'd. Mas, WM. LAHOHAH, Secretary.. ALL Should remeuvber the Fnir for tile benefit of the Uiilversalist Church, to be held at Riverside Hall, lo-mor- f|nr, Thursday evening:. 'tnB youngest child of R. W". Howe, of this village, aged about one year, Mod on. Tuesday exiling of onvui- aloft*. It uad been sick only a few days. . • - + . ; JFitzsimmons & Eyanson boasts of r ring far the best wool lined Boot d In Mcllenry County, it being made from the very best kip and strictly handwork. Farmers should l«ok Into JPitBOXS «od the public generally will bear in mind that we have tin (leading ^Drowned While Skating,' already set up in type, and are prepar­ ed to furnish obituary notices at live tits per line. T J. CLIFTON has been quite sick the past week, with Congestion of the Lungs, but at the time . of writing Tuesday, is reported .much better. Dr, Anderson Is in attendance. His many friends hope to see him around again on. t, Tragedy at Cjenoa, Wis. T. From our Hlohmotut Oorrovpondaat,, Ricattoiro, III., Monday evening. Iffov*4|fc A horrible tnadegy oecurt$d at Ge­ noa Junction this aveuing, in which Isaah Hawthorn, of Hebron, lost his lite. He was at Genoa after a grist of feed which had been ground In the mill of G. W. Pierce, At the mill the two men got Into aqnarrel and Raw- thorn knocked Pierce down. He then got Into his wagon to go home when Pierce followed him up and dealt him' a blow over the right ejrf with a - stick or instrument used to f»a£k flonr Into barrels, crushing In the5Skull and kill­ ing him almost Instantly. At this writing a jury is being empaneled for the post mortem. Pierce will proba­ bly" give himself up. We have since learned that an In­ quest was held on Tuesday, and after due deliberation Pierce was arrested and lodged in Elkliorn jail to await the action of the Grand Jury.--£JEi. PBK8'»NAt.. Iff. Pfe^ce, of Buffalo, "tfew TfoHc Is visiting at the Parker House. Casper MeOmber and his sister* Mrs. A. D, Lynn, spent Sunday wltil their friends in. tills village. ' Smith Colby and wife, of Chicago, took their Turkey with B. S. Gregory aud family on Thanksgiving day. John De Gru«lie, of Nunda, paid our village a visit on Thanksgiving, and took in the Party at Riverside Hall. J. M, McOinber spent Thanksgiving with his family, in this village. Ed. Adams, of Kenosha* took It's scolloped Oysters i^| tillage Thanksgiving day, ^ A brother of Mrs. Jos. Wiedemann arrived iiere from "the Old Country last week,and is uow stopping at Mr, Wiedemann's. THE youngest child of H. E. Wlght- m:in. little Harry, has been severely afflicted of late with inflamatory rheumatism, For one so young this is iudeed a sore affliction, and little Harry has the heartfelt sympathy of all. who wish for hint a speo.dy recov­ ery. Dr. Brown is in attendance. GEO. CURTIS bought and shipped last week twenty-five hundred' and sixteen pounds of Fislfc tfiostly Bass. Pickerel and Pike, He took in on Saturday thirteen hundred and ninety pounds, and It was'itt much of a day for fishing Ither. . , HKKRY ROGEMS. Jthe wide I|«tl»ke merchant at Voto. has' something new • to say to our readers this week, which they wiU,ilo.well tp read. In his new (advertisement. In another column, he gives prices that cannot fail to astonish Read it.. • SKB the new. advertisement ofHiram IVier, Boot, and Shoe Maker, VVaucou- da, to be found in another column.-- •vJge is a No. 1 workman, and orders en­ trusted to him will receive prompt at­ tention, and a fit guaranteed. Read advertisement elsewhere. F«CNCB board advertisements are ~il?n enough, but if you are desirous of ||irchasiug an article, it is easier and itfore convenient to look through the columns of a newspaper to see who lias It for sak},than It Is to hook up a team «hd drive arouud the country reading fences. " \ " * ' THB" Mclleniyr Brewery, Gottleib "' <• J|oleyi Proprietor, is a£a in in running Order, and in a few weeks will be readr to supply customers with the best of linger Beer. Mr. Boley is an experi. enccd Brewer, aud will undoubtedly furuish a quality of Beer second lo ;jr<«nie. . • "" REV. DANIKL DOB«ETT, who lived lie a r Elgin, died on Friday nfght of last week, aged 100 years and live months. He was a Primitive Baptist Preacher, born, in England. And had lived in this country over twenty £ears. He was In good health until a few day8 before his death, and his Mfnd was as clear and strong as iu his younger years. Such longevity Is not „ often attained among clergvman. «, * WK would invite the attention of the liadles to the notice of Mrs. Geo< Mc- 4!iollura, Hair Worker, which can he found in another column. The editors Hetter half has just purchased a (Switch from Mrs. McColluin, which she thinks . for quality and price cannot be beat iu %ho State. No l*dy who wishes any- filng in the Hair line should fail to see Mrs. McCollum before purchasing.-- lead her notice In another column. M THE young people of the Universal- | 1st Society will hold a Fair at Riverside | Ball. ou Thursday evening, Dec. 2nd<--- CooiTTBTwiu. wltMfe in aiteHflAhcefor . l"e entertainment of those who wish V' v*° danc*b Come out with all your friends and purchase adornments for I: four houses, from the beautiful things • for sale, and pass a social hour in danc- ' lug. The proceeds will be devuted to fjjbe purchase of Snuday School books. ••xp* ••vm T' SO- WB would call the especial attention Of our readers to the advertisement of HE, W. Blossom; Jeweler, of Woodstock. *-*'to be found m another column. Mr. Iliossoto unquestionably keeps the lar- >^jest stock of Jewelry. Silver and Pla- i^#t«d Ware, Watches, Clocks, Ac., to be {.:ik lourtd outside of the city, whieh lie "it'" fell# at bottom prices and guarantees #»* ^ everything as represented. He has , it he finest stock of Holiday Goods ever * jbrought to McHeiiry count}', and in- :irltes the public to call and examine, •atisfled that he can please both in ^ quality and price. Read the adver- ^^^%lseaMot In another oolumn. 'V »"!£ ' THK Thanksgiving Party at River­ side Hall was a grand success. About fifty-five couples were In attendance, and all seemed to enjoy themselves In the best of manner. Nearly everyone who ever dances in the village was out. and quite a number from the ^outside. It was a genuine old fashioned gather- !"*• FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON have a new advertisement, which the buying pub­ lic will do well lo read. Their store was never so full of new Goods as uow, and they are constantly obliged to re­ plenish their etoek, iu order to supply the demand. That they *re selling piles of goods is evidenced by the throngs that dally visit their store. Read their new advertisement. THK attention of the readers ol the PLATNDKALKR is directed to the An­ nual announcements of the Harper Brother's publications, to be found elsewhere in this paper. Their Mrt0n~ zine Is in Itself a library, and as such almost a necessity in every family; the mnguitlcent H eekly is far ahead of any similar periodical in the country; the Bazar is what all the ladies need and ought to nave.and the Young People cannot be surpassed for the children. AN exchange, whose editor no doubt had been caught /by the cold wave with only a linen duster, says: "This talk of going in search of the North Pole is all bosh. In our opinion the North Pole is coming In seart:h of us. and at the time ot writing Is Just about half a^Uf^fi When the brac­ ing air of iVTTme'r first strikes the man without, a winter suit, he feels that a great deal of sympathy is wasted on the i m pe ill tent indlvidualwho dies In Ills sins." -- . IF the signs doi^t fail, the coni'ng Winter will be the coldest ever exper- le iced In this latitude since tills coun­ try was discovered by a man named Columbus. The squirrels ar« laying up their wintercoal, the bees have killed ofl all the drones >^id lined their hives with sheet iron, the muskrats are tly- ItFg south, wiid ducks are committing suicide, the goose-hone 'is black six­ teen inches deep.editors are soliciting wood in exchange for subscriptions, poor families are buying an extra dog, and we have a new button on our over­ coat. DIED--At his residence, in this town, sn<t- (tenly on Snn<lav, Nov. S8th, 1880, MlCHAKL SUTTON, ageit 71 years. Hr. Sutton had been feeling badly for several days, but was around all the time until Friday'aftei noon, at which time a doctor was sent for, but as It proved he was beyond the power of he sank rapidly, dying on Sunday at half past twelve, only about tliirtv-slx hours from the time he first took to his bed. We believe the doc­ tor pronounced it paralysis. Mr. Sutton came f rom Ireland to this country in 1837, and to the town of Mo- Henry in 1839. where lie has resided ever since. He was one of the first Irishmen who settled in this town,and is consequently one of its oldest citi­ zens, and was well and favorably known by both old and yuung, aud ^all speak of him in the • higfiest terms of praise as a straight-forward, upright uiau and citizen, who ever stood ready to help a brother in distress and prac­ tice the golden rule, do to others as he would like others to do to him. "" He raised a family of five boy# and three girls, three bo3*s and two girls of whom survive him. His wife died in June last. The funeral was held from the Cath­ olic Church. Iu this village, on Tuesday aud was attended bv a large concourse of relatives aud friends. WOOD8TOCK. ^EDITOR PLA.INDRAI.ER:--The" winter weather hangs steadily on and. the weather prophets continue to prov* their fallibility In their profession. But now that winter Is upon w», we do not §ee that many would he pleased or bettered by a change. It certainly Is as pleasant as It could well be and have it winter. The roads are In ex­ ceedingly fine condition, and while there are some brancheis of farm work not up with the seasoij. there are other branches necessary to be done that can be performed to better advantage un­ der present circumstances than when the weather is wanner and the roads less passible. In passing through farming districts we noticed some large fields of corn unhusked, fconae in the shock aud some ;on the hill. - We hope the flue condition of roads and weather will continue till after the annual meeting of our Agricultural Board, which happens on Monday the 6th of December, when the " officers of t|ie»Board are to be elected. Now a^ e very man, woman or child who pur«" chased a fifty cent ticket at onr last fair is entitled to one vote we see no reason why there should not be a full attendance, and an active part taken in the selection of proper persons to take charge and management of - the* affairs of the Board tor the coming; year. Live men and wouien are need­ ed who will devote time and ability to the enterprise. It should be the ptlde of every citizen of our count}' to see to It that a proper selection of officers is made, and when so sel tcted, to aee to it that thf^: are seconded and e'neour- aged in making our fairs a grand suc­ cess. It is no light task they (iiave to perform, ami work as best they may iu the Interests of the Board, there are critics'who would censure them lor the mere sake of criticising, though everything was being dons that could be done tending toward success. We hope to see our court room filled by ail such as arc interested Iu keeping up the credit of the county in maintain­ ing one of the best agricultural boards in the Stsite. Mrs. A. R. Murphy was buried on rhanksgiving day. She had been suf­ fering for many months, Tvithout hopes of recovery, and her decease was not an unexpected event. She leaves her be­ reaved husband who has been unceas­ ing fn his efiorts to relieve her sufier- • iigs, and five interesting children be­ sides an extensive line of relatives and fiTemU to mourn her eariy demise. We remember the deceased rn«ijj| par­ ticularly as an efficient teacher attd ^au active member of onr Teachers" lusli- 'tUtes, when we had the honor ^ef 'su­ perintending the schools of the Cf^Sntv,, and in common with the coin|nnfflty tender our sympathy to the bereaved family aud mourning friends. Tour article iu regard to the death of the unknown man at or near Johns- burg, has started nffiny queries and cri t icisins coiu-ejjiing. thfl .i'mi""3* Among the queries we hear it asked --Why were the jurymen all. or nearly all, chosen from the families of, and in fact, the very men upon whose prem­ ises th« body was found?. Why was the body ordered to be buried at once, what was the need of haste ? The weather was cold and the b<Mty eonid be kept for days ami uveiijj^ceks with­ out danger of decay. I* it not the <,'oroner's duty in all-Mich cases to give all the time aud attention needful to the furtherance uf justice and the fer­ reting out ol mysteries? If there are conflicting reports in regard to blood aud bruises on the body by keeping the body a reasonable time community would satisfy itself which were tiue aud which false. Does not the very dispatch iu holding the Inquest and burving ttie body rather add to the mystery than clear it up? Is it not the object of inquests to clear up rath­ er than increase the mystery? These and many other interrogatories have been uttered iu our hearing and we jo" them down as a matter that seem* fo imerest the public aud not original matter with ourself. ^ We will inake one more edort to lo­ cate John Young, and if he changes again before this article reaches your readers we will apply for an injunction or mandamus, or something else to hold him till we have time to write and have read the next article. At last ad­ vices lie was at the Foundry BUich- amith shop aud we are quite sure that is where he can be found, aud wlieu found he can beat--well there are a good many of his trade--but we will venture to say if you have tried every­ body else and failed, try him and you will be suited. > If you have a customer or friend who would like to purchase a large, well lo­ cated, family residence, not far from the Public Square, in Woodstock, send him around and we will give him a rare chance to purchase or rent a house with seven good sized rooms besides hall, closets, pantry aud wood shed, with one-half acre of ground, good fruit, large and small, and never fail­ ing bearers at that. We will, should opportunity ofler, trade such property lor farm property. There has been some changes among our lawyers. Joslyn, who has formed a co-partnership with A. B. Coon Jr., ha* "moved to the front" Iu the same block and Asa W. Smith has the rear office formerly occupied by Joslyn.-- Good times goes hard with lawyers as well as with the Democratic party* by shutting oft the supplies. Richmond Department. OOXTRIBPTID BT S. r. BKNKKTT. 8. F. HW*KTT Isierehv anthoriied to take 8nbacrhvinn* *ivl orders for advertising *n«t Job Work fur the 1't. usiihAtka, receive I money t'si-rsf-.r and tor the same.-- All orders left with him will receive prompt attention.-- Editor. management to make the parties first class In every respect, and the success of the scheme Is already assured. If yonng people from abroad want to at- tend a^ real nice enjoyable party let them come up to Richmond. Rev. F. J. Douglass* donation netted f53.75... The epizootic 13 general among our horses and some liaye been very sick. Large numbers of hogs are almost daily shipped from this Station. The public School had a> Thanksgiv­ ing vacation from Wednesday r. M» jintil Monday. James Ereanbrifek who died In Heb­ ron Nov. 20. was §8 years, 2 mor.ths and 22 days old, and retained Ills intellect­ ual faculties to the last, " Thanksgiving Day wis observed III Richmond in the usual manner. Ser­ vices were held at only one church --the Baptist, s > V .sua Mrfi G. P. Wodell adv^rtlsoi to Close out her stock of Millinery at a great reduction in prices, witli a view to re­ tiring from business. ; Spencer Cotti|g. during the season -J^st closed, hafc. manufactured '5.000 bushel? of apptelfhito elder, flit lilt mill In Richmond. At 11 o'clock Sundayt A. Mr. JNew- hall. of India, missionary to the Tel- ufcoos, preached to an Interested dience at tlie Baptist Church. s All onr merchant* are carrying very large stocks of goods this winter, being encouraged by the "oo l times to buy heavily In anticipation of a large trade. ^ The Baptist Sabbath School "Girls' Mission Band." ha<l a happy gathering at the Baptist Church on Saturday af- tehioon. Tilts organization of little girls is endeavoring to support^ HI* tive preacher In India. ? Martin Robinson has presented lis with some samples of apples raised by hi in. that are about the finest we have ever seen. In size they arc more like coeosiinta than apples, and ' the flavor Is very fine. They are beauties. C. E. Abbott, \v|<£i S-nitk & Bay- thorn. Keeps on hand a we|l selected stock of watches, docks, jewelry and silvei ware, which he is selling at bot­ tom prices. All goods warranted. jRepafring doii| neatly and promptly. Give hiui a call* T. Bowers go|.« into the poultry busi­ ness again this season and will occijpy the building lately occupied by G.^A. can fie Id as a paint shop. The build­ ing is being fitted up fot* the business and "Tommy" proposes^* drive a big business. I-ntljilirtT* Notwlthstaiiflirt^-the""5S new hltcli- iug posisset hft.-sthafEIIlafte Board last summer, we heard parties, last Sajur day evening complaining that they could not .find a plac^ to hitch their teams. Thfs shows the large number of jiersons whom the liberality of* our meitdiauts attract here to trade. Hoods and Nubias large variety and prices extremely low at FLTZSUFMONS St EVANSON'S. THK anniittl meeting of the Mcllenry County Board of Agriculture wii.) be liifjd at. J?4je Court House In Woodstock on the fttet Monday iu December, (Dec. 6) for tiie election of officers and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before thein. A general attendance ought to be had If the people wish to^ be satisfied with the results. W.H. STEWART, Sec. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's, Nunda, for Millinery and Dress Making* G. W. Eldredge has already commen­ ced operations in the poultry Hue aud will pay the highest price for all feathered bipeds brought to his pick­ ing and packing houses. It won't, be long before we shall see George's pre­ mises, covered by the acre with tur- keys, geese, chickens aud "«ich." G. A. Canlield has vacate:l the shop formerly occupied bj* him as a paint shop and moved into Richard Wray's building, next door south of Gazette Office, whece lie will hereafter be found ready to attend to carriage painting in all its brunches, or take orders for any other work iu his line. DIED--In Bloomfiel", Walworth County. Wisconsin. Nov. mil ISSD, MRS. EMZABKTH EJ.IZA HASTINGS, mother of ilomor Hnsiinif*, of Richmond, Courtland Hastings of Blivins Mills, ami Uanlelto Hastings, of BiooinfleHl. Mrs. Hastings was just recovering from an attack of remittent fever, when pleuro-pueumonia set in, which proved too severe for the already ex- hasted powers of nature. Her age was 55 years, 4 months and one day. Mrs. Gibbs lias just sold five and three-fourths acres of lake front pro­ perty, at Cottage Grove Park, Twin Lakes, to Dr. Calviu M. Finch, of Chi­ cago, ivho will build a cottage thereon, for the summer occupancy of his fam­ ily, from May until November of each year. The projierty lias a frontage of 21 rods ou the lake shore and lies south of the let of Richard Wrav. For several drtys Alexander & nyde have been busy unpacking huge boxes of Holiday Goods, until, at the present time their store resembles . the dispen­ sing department of Santa Claus princi­ ple head quarters. Their stock Is larger and more elegant than ever before, and that is saying a good deal. Their stock of gift books. Including not only juven­ iles but also elegant editions of the standard Authors iu prose and poetry, IS larger than ever before. Toys for the children and costly gifts in silver and every other conceivable material, for the older ones,fill the show cases aud crowd the shelves. Of course the store is crowded with customers and "the boys" are busy and happy. . The severe weather has made yftxa- tlohs delays in the completion of Aldr!ch's new store and the opening out of the fine stock of goods which Is to fill the same. The "opening" was advertised for Saturday but as soon as the bales and boxes lieiraii to put in an appearance on Wednesday,. Thursday and Friday customers began to flock in. aud from that time to the present two men in town have beeu busy, it no one else has--J. V. Aldrich and J. Nlies Burton. It has been jurifp, jump, unpacking, marking and waiting on customers. Iu « fe<v*SVlay», however, everything will be in trim shape. The inside of the store now that the shelv­ ing and furniture are in, Is tasty and neat. The soufti side is entirely shelv­ ed, but space is left on the north side, next to the front entrance, for the Prist Office Department, which will soon be removed from its present loca­ tion in the Richmond House. , Reed's Gilt Edge Toiilo restorer the appetite. 'Wo. have the Bo«s Glove Depot. riTZSIMMOKS A EVANSOS. The Mollne Owen's. Sulky Plow at rn The Furat 4k Bradley Sulky Plo«r at E. M. Owen's. When In want of work in my line, give mea call and I will try and please Robl'. Murfitt, Jeweler. Nunda, 111. Dress Goods Stylish durable and cheap just received, we invite inspec­ tion. Fitzsimmous & Evauson. Don't buy your Hats or Bonnet* ttti- tll yon have seen and priced goods it Mrs. S. Searles. The largest stock of Millinery Goods in the County, at Mrs. S. Searles. Buckevc Owen's. Force Pumps, B. M first-class Plows at K. 1. All the Owen's. A fine Goods a£ Depot. Do not purchase your Holiday Pre sents until you have examined the \ spleudid stock of J. B. Blake. liny of Gents Fnrnlslilng Xauer A Becker's near the A 1» gray, aui sheil, V iOOB !!•*!:! f bfaek. of their tiirely, AJ lestOiti fads »l..l. I i rir as may lie desired* and cleunses the si-alp, heaithy_aetio«. It rtnwr . dandrttff •tt&%umors» By lt» ,g; injr lwlrj!^(ei'ked, iMrfltjMK' will be produced in si|}eas«H follicles- are not glands decayed. ItseSsct#^** fully shown on brashr, W«»lc,«r; hair.on which a ft w nprd tour- produce the gloss and fteaj youth. Harmless andsnre at Ion, it inwmparibleSs a di§| aud Is especially Valued for t|^ lustre aud richi»e»s of it li It i*ontaiiiR neither oil •0f':" will not soil nor color whi|H yet it lasts long on tb# keeps It fresh aud vigorous. THK finest assortmeni of the best quality, at O. Call and see tham. Special attention paid to taking Sictures of children, at Miller's Gallery Iclieury, 111. The finest Hue of Silver and Plated Ware to be found Iu the county, at O. W. Owen's. Bottom Prices for Holiday Goods, at J. B. Biaks's, Mcllenry. The Geneva Lake Herald says: The C, M. A St. P. R. R. are build­ ing extensive round houses at Liberly- ville. where the Air Line, when built, will join the main line. As Liberty- ;villc is several niiles away from the regular road it looks as though these round houses were being built for the purpose of taking care of the locomo­ tives that are to ruu aver our long hoped for Air Line.^ If the report of the Hera'd Is au­ thentic It would seem as if the infer­ ence drawn by that paper is correct. Ever since the Chicago, Milwaukee & ttt. Paul bought the old Air Line road bed. great hopes were entertained ttiat it was the intention to build the road at an early day. Seven or eight teauic went south, through Richmond, last Friday, loaded with railroad scrap­ ers, shovels, etc. They never stopped and so could not be quizzed, but it was thought they might be en route to some point ot: the Air Line between here and Chicago to commence work. We have written to the post master at Libertyvilie asking information, and if lie replies, we will lay his reply, before our readers. A Fine Organ Fo* Sale. A good Prince Organ, six stops, E. Swell, is ofiered for sale on reasonable forms. Tills Organ is as good aa new is one of the finest instruments in town, and is only sold because its place lias beeu filled by a Piand, Will be sold at a bargain, inquire of MBS. LI«^I.;'WAMB. McIIeajy, Nov. 16th, 1880 Toy Goods, for the Holidays, in end­ less variety, at O. W. Owen's. TIIK "New Process" Flour, raatiiifnc tured by llanly A Sons, Mcllenry, is. giving unusual satisfaction wherever used Ask your Grocer tor it. FOR SAI.E, 40 Acres of land in Section 1& fcl! fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house and barn thereon, with timber aud water iu abundance, ill Sec­ tion 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good new |»ou«e^barn and other outbuildings.-- Apply ts : *' UMK¥, NEW Fall Millinery, latest ttytes, just received at Mrs. S. Searles1, Just received all the latest Style* aiul shades of winter Millinery, Mas. K. W.HOWB. Mr. Aldrich has secured the services of Mr. Niles Burton, as salesman, and the two will make a strong team. The latter is by no means unknown tfl our citizens, and he has a host of frieuds hereabouts. The new business starts out under favorable auspices aud is an­ other example of the growing pros­ perity of our Village. A citizen was .laboring and perspi­ ring. Thanksgiving Day, wheeling wood into lii$ woodhouse, A neighbor passing.cried out. "That's a pretty way to keep Thanks­ giving!,' "Well,"replied the other.*'I never felt more thankful in my life than I do just now." •'How is that?" *>"• "Thankful I've got'th$v?w©dd to wheel in." We'll wager that man-enjoyed his Thanksgiving turkey. The dance in Haytborn't Hall under the auspices of the Riclimoud Danc­ ing Club, was attended by forty couples, and was a very enjoyable af­ fair. The music was furnished by the Geneva Lake Quadrille Band, and the supper was gotten up by Mrs. Billet, in her usual incomparable style. This party was the second or third of the winters series, if we remember right­ ly. It {s the determination of the DEATH OIT HKV. I'KTKK AltVBDSON. The Algonquin correspondent of the Sentinel has the following in relation to the sudden death of Rev. Peter A4*> vedson: "We are pained to record the death of Rev, P. Arvedson, which oc­ curred at his residence on Monday evening. November 22d. ne was. con­ fined to iiis bed for only a week pre­ ceding his death. It had been appar­ ent to his frieuds for some weeks that he had overtaxed his powers, both physical and mental, and he finally suc­ cumbed to an attack of softening of the brain, and partial paralysis due to the same cause. He died as he had lived, with Ids last consciously ex­ pressed thought in regard to the de­ tails of Ills duty as pastor. He was pre-emineutly a mail who let his ideas of hli duty take precedence of all other considerations, and, as the re­ sult shows, sacrificed his life and large­ ly his financial prospects, to the faith­ ful execution of ills idea of duty. ^He will be missed by a large circle of friends and sincere mourners.-- •Rtquietcal in pace.'" v aa.'i -- Two men wanted to canvas this county for the Singer sewing machines They will he paid a salary and provid­ ed with a wago.i. Apply to E. KKI.T, Woodstock. MIIS. GEO. McCOLLUM, Fashionable Hair • Worker. Post,Office Address, WAUCOND*, - - - ILLINOIS. I would beg leave to Inform the Ladies of Lake and Mcllenry Counties that 1 am now prepared to do all kinds ot Hair W<>rk onjshoi't notice and iu the best, of manner. 1 use .none but natural Hair, andgurautee all work as represented. That my prices are low I will leave all to judge for themselves by the fol lowing: WILL MAKK SWITCHr? Where yon furnish the Hair, ll.fO, Where you firui*h 1 root if. £1.50. Pufts, (you t » furnish Hair, 10 ct*each Wave* on Hair Lace, $1.00 an inch. Wavia on Vegetable Lace, 76 cents an inch. Switches from C2.00 to $3.00, accord­ ing to size and quality. Ladies wishing -inything in this line should not fail to give me a call, as I urn satisfied I can suit you botlt In quality and price. MB8. GEO, McCOLLUM. I make a specialty of Repairing fine W itches, and warrant ail my work, Robt. Murfltt, Nunda. Photos and Phereotype* at reason­ able rates, at Miller*s Gallery. McHen- rv. 111. New style Bracelets at O, W. Owen's HOLIDAY GOODS. In endless variety at John B. Blake's, Mclleury. If you want to make a substantial Present for the Holidays, buy one of the celebrated Estey Organs, of O. W. Owen. They are the best in the mar­ ket, aud are sold reasonable, MRS. E. W. HOWE is offer!nsr Induce­ ments to purchasers of Millinery, Cloaks, Ac. Give her a call. Store lour doors North of Riverside House. Minet Photos, a new thing, only 75 cents per dozen at Miller's Gailery Mcllcury, 111. If looking for * Holiday Ffwwrit amine tiio^e fine best author*, a? O* W. ? Silver aud plated ware Jl» variety, at O. >V. Owen's. New Prints, latest patterns, prices from five cei:ta a yard and wards, at Colby Bros., BHri Ladies, of Mcllenry ait< don't buy your Hats or Bf you have looked at and at Mrs. S. S»arles. Am now greater bargains than ever. At in repairing done on 6hort notice. Hear Ye! Hear Ye! When buviug your fall and winter Clothing dont fail to examine the stock just purchased by F. G. Mayes, as iiis stock is now complete and bought for cash at the late decline iu goods. His assortment of Cassimeres and Worsteds for suiting is worthy of your especial attention and will be made up to order at the lowest prices for fine goods and superb workman- R,,,P, * r. G. MATES. Mclloary, H VQe*. Mtb, lMk appropriate found at Bee- Writing Desks, a very Holiday Present, can be ley's Drug Store. CALL at Besley's and see the "indus­ trious woman*" It will pay. Holiday Goods, iu endless variety, at Besley's Drug Store, West Side. If in seacrh of Bargains call at C. F. Hall's Richmond and Dundee Stores. Celuloid Sets, the neatest thing for a Wedding Present .out, at Besley's Drug Store,opposite the Parker House. More Groceries for the money than at any other place in the Northwest, at (/. F. Hall's Dundee and Richmond Stores. Foyer Reeds Gtyt Edge Tonic euro* and Ague. Dress Goods in all styles, cheap, at C. F. Ilail's Richmond aud Dundee Stores. Go to Mrs. £, W. and Dolmans. How* for Cloaks For the celebrated Belolt Shoe, the best in the market, go to Colby Bros. A choice stock of Candies, all kinds at Besley's Drug Store. The Domestic Sewing Machine leads the world. What would be more appropriate for a Christmas Present. For Sale by O. W. Owen. Prices reduced oil Shawls and Cloaks AT FITZSIMMONS & EVANSOS BY LINLTERS*! A«e«NI .Ayer's cathartic pills are the best of all purgatives for family • use. They are the product of long, laborious and successful chemical investigation, ami their extensive use by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized na­ tions, proves them the best and most successful purgative fill that medical science can devise. Being purely veg­ etable no harm can arise from their use. In intrinsic value and curative powers, no other pills cau be compared with them, and every person knowing their virtues will employ them when needed. They kfep the system in per­ fect order and n^iutaiu iu healthy ac­ tion tlie whole" machinery of life. Mild searching aud efiectual, they are specially adapted to the needs of the digestive apparatus, dsraugements of which they prevent and cure, if timely taken. They are the best and safest l>h&dc lo employ fur children , and weakened constitutions, where a mild but efiectual cathartic is required^ For sale by all dealers, ' ! Substantial Holiday Goods, at CJL Tfi Hall's, Dundee and Richmond Stores. IF you want your Watch put la class Order, call on Robert Murfitt^ Jeweler, Nunda, CLOAKS! CLOAKS! Don't forget*to call on Mrs. and price her new Cloaks and Dol She lias also a large stock of the styles of Hats, Bonnets, Scarfs. Cloak Trimmings. Yankee Notlona.' Ac. Please call before purchasing. A fine line of China Mustache Cuj Handkerchief Boxes. Cufl aud Colli Boxes, at mji Drug Store. Ladies Portmonies. the nobble*/M town, at Besley's Drug Stor Card Photos 92 per dosau at Mliler%$ Gallery, McHenry, 111. " mm. To tell you of a few Special Bargains I have to offer, have received a Hue of - DRESS GQO: 1-2 wool at 12 1-2 cents yard in 5 abadea, usually sold at 20 cents per vard. Also at of Dress troo&s af IT "cents " ally sold at 25 cents per JJ We have^in stock and to artii fine assortment of goods for HOLIDAY W e have also a nice lino MAJOLICA WARE, Iu the LINE •v.*:;? i GROCERY we have to offer 20 lbs. Riee for ;|l 1-4 box Raisins, 57c per bolt 6 ftw very fiue Ccffee, $1 Volo, 111., Dec. 1st, im """"" *fi AT THE; wis. a i Tou inn always tnd a good uiortmat Pure Fresh First-class jswwfs cannot be sold as "eulU"ami infeiior goods can. We buy| best we can fln<l and when you cous!4er. QUALITY, Yoa -wUtalway• find oar price* j RIGHT. Fee seTeral weeks to eome I sliafi be Chicago, on the keeu look oat ttnr in the Book, Statioasry sad You are cordially invit mil aud look through the f. «. HAmmmmu nil & Were ret it will be ranMriMredt kf vstt dave on hand » gtwxl s|eek. of Autograph Albums, from #*0'"'elnt upwards, at O. W. Owen's. The finest lii>e of Toilet Articles to be fouud in the county, at Besley's drug store. - CHKAP^sr Cloaks in town (br the money at Mrs. U- H.Skltck That will b© so!«l a* Iwd-reek for CASH, »ontiaFtw&t||: , • BOLTS! BO! Nails I NaUa! SHOVELS! Barb Wirt! I also keep a ^ NKUIOl^BVkhsli Id' C»«k> B* *t < tod at luwr rat««i bjf Ouute and s«e m«.

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