msaaam 6F. WEDXE8t)AY DEO. 8. 1880. Railroat|Tlme]Xa)>le< JMIXO ROITTHI ' &••>«•» Lake Expro«A ..i....«8:29 A X. jtaMfl Lake Freight..* ..„..1:15 P. M ooixo KO«in; #««*»* tike Freinht a. •*. Genera Uk« Exnrcw 5:44 P. * fttniT* Lake Passenger <5:53 P.X Now the allppery aide-walk drawr- •Vh "euM words"' from the sons of men. flins. Db. II. T. Brown I* reported ygn tlie tick list, hut much better to-day ehe youngest chil il of Ora Colby, a le girl about four years old, died iWednesday morning. Fifty cords of wood wanted, At once I* payment for jgitacripiiotiH to the PUIHDEALER. * T*b only ton of Frank Gennett. aged about *ix years, died on Thursday laat, of membraneous croup. Hkxry Colbt has been quit* »lfck the pastfew days but is now reported better. T. J. OllFTQN is *lowly Improving and hi* friend* hope to see him at his post again soon. Tun is the season of the year when venerable hens enter their second childhood and are broiled for Spring chickens. Theo. Smith, son of John W. Smith, retnrned home from Kansas Inst Thurs day. lie intends remaining until Sprint. ' Our merchants are all well supplied with goods suitable for Holiday pres ents. When in search of such do not fall to come to Mclienry. Hon. Geo. H. Ha.ri.ow. Secretary of Htate, will please , accept our thanks for a list of Members of the Thirty- Third General Assembly of the State of Illinois, showing their politics and Post Office address. John HuKMANNhad the misfortune to have a horse Beverely injured by a barb-wire fence on Saturday, and but little hopes are entertained of its ever being fit for use again. This is the •ecotid horse Mr. Huetnauti has lost in Se past six months. The word love in one of the Indian dialects is chemleudamouglikanagoga- ger, a very discouraging word for young men and women who are slow of speech. Funcy a sweet forest • maiden -telling her copper colored brave that •he chemlendainoughkanagagagurs liiit) LIST of leters remaining in the Post * Offioe-at McHenry,*lll„ Dec. lsj, 1880.-- Lktt«rs---Mr. Y. Pittar Yanson. G. W. Hunt. Mr. A. FI. Delly. M. Frank BaeR. ̂ Merchandise.--Mrs. C, Kittz.-- Fertoiisealliiig for any of the above ||>ai)> please call f«* advert ised letters, ; Jambs B. Perry, Post Maater. Inadvertently omitted to notice the -d? ath of John Minlge tt, / fnlhefof Wm. Mudgett, who died on * We<i«e«day, Nov. 24th, of Paralysis.- He li'ad been feeble for some tiijie. but,, the e«nl was sudden and unexpected. He £vaii one of the earliest settlers, and was honored and respected by all who knew him. The Contractors have arrived and commenced takintr up the old bridge preparatory to putting down the new. We believe they are allowed to keep it open not over twenty days, but if this weather holds travel will not be j interrupted the crossing on the Ice be- I ing good. The new Bridge will prob? completed by February 1st, Shkod&Co's workmen are making ready to commence cutting Ice on the Pond, mid pfobabiy by next week will lie in full blast. Their Houses here are all empty, and they will probably be oil the Pond about four weeks after they commence. The quality of Ice never was better than now. It is about twelve inches thick, and *per- ctly free fronvsnow. X MrS. "Kuntz*v a German woman, living on the pi^ naintliorp farm, be tween this ph|ce ami Itingwootl. djed very suddenly on Thursday last. With her husband she was in the field husk- Ingcorn. He stepped away a short distance for a basket and an returning found her stone dead upon the shock.--' Heart disease was supposed to be the cause. The Annual New Tear's Pairty at. the Riversile House, In this village, will be held on Friday eVening, Dec. 31st. The best of music and the usual' good time will be had. Tickets will be Issued In a few days. At the Annual Meeting of cits ito- Iteriry iOounty ~ Agricultural Board, held at Woodstock on Monday last, the following officers were Elected for the ensuing year: President--T. McD Richards. • Vice Presidents--Ricliard Wray, J. Crow. * "• Secretary--A, S. Wright* Treasurer--A, 8. Salisbuqr. . Superintendent--W. T. Palmer. The Woodstock Guards have inaugu rated a Lecture Course, the first of which was given on Friday evening of last week, by Rev. J, K. Applebee.-- The next will be by Wra. B. Afflick, January 14th, Rival Concert Company February 4th, and Col. Sauford Feb ruary 18th, They have secured the best talent and promise the Literary public a rich treat. We trust thes«i entertainments may prove a success, financially and otherwise. ' It is given out that onions are an unfailing cure for diphtheria. They must be placed in a|handafire, in a raw state, and then beaten into a pulp, and the cloih containing them, juce and all, bound about the throat and Well up over the ears. Renewals must be matte as often as they begin to get 'dry. Iu cases noticcd. the result lias been al most magical, deadly pain'yielding In a short time to "sleepy comfort. We trust the remedy, which is quite si ti- ple, ma}' have a wide enough trial to fully test its usefulness. The freight traffic over all the rail roads is simply immense this fall, and taxes the capacity of the Roads to the utmost. The large crop of cereals throughout the Northwest, anil espec ially on the lines to Dakota. Minnesota and elsewhere, is the great cause of the demand for cars. The Northwestern Road will have forty new engines by the first of January, and forty more soon after, and a corresponding increase" in freight and stock cars, to meet the increased demand over its various lines. Other Roads reaching westward are making increase of their facilities to meet the demands of the times. I'hk periodical Tramp Printer made his appearance here on Tuesdav of last week, and told the same old story. He was lean and lank, footsore ami weary."nary red" in his pocket, and hungry enough, as he expressed It, to "eat the corpse and chase- the mourn ers." Through the kind hearteifness of the printers lie was furnished with something to eat and a night's lodging, when he departed, trusting to Provi dence for his next meal. This class of men traveling around the country are a disgrace to the profession. They will not work but a few days i»i a place dead-beating being more congenial to their natuies Uiau honest labor, and while ope <i^likes to turn clicm away empty hantfeTl, they deserve, nothing at the hands of the craft. WAUCONDA "CHIi»«^ br aitv soOkst. Editor Supt. Ra bin, of our county, visited the High School of this place Monday, the 29 ult. , Mrs. F. B. Harrison and Miss Nellie Bangs, of Waucoitda, went to Chicago Wednesday, the 1st !nst, the former to spend the winter. Miss Bangs will re turn the first of this week. Mc. A, Booth, of whom mention was mad* in our local news last week, was sent to the Libertyville pour house Thursday, the 2nd inst. The Baptist Church and Congrega tion are to give a donation supper, we understand, at Maiman's Hal;, Wedues* day evening. Dec. 15th for the benefit of their pastor. „ .. s A Tow mh i p Teachers* Insti tu te was held hoie at the High School Building* Saturday the 4th inst. Prof. Sabin, Gou«ty Superintendent, was present iu the forenoon and gave a lecture to a goodly number *>f teachers. The | afternoon exercises consisted ol talks ' from different teachers relative to school work and the presentation of methods oftbachiiig tta different branches. , * •. y*?' * Mrs. J. If. Wells received intelligence last Thursday, of her sister's ill'iess iti Chicago and took the flrrt train from Barriiigton thence, wherS she will re main until her sister's illness abates. Mr. P. S. S vvinson, our well-to-do butcher, has nearly completed a very elegent looking building to be used fof his future meat market. He lias put (ip in one department of his uew building over seventy tons of ice, taken from Lake Waucouda. The tiakes measure twenty inches in thlckitops. R. D. COok. of Gilmlbr* went on bu«d- KAILKOAD ACCIDhXT. The Lake Geneva Express, better knowu hereabouts as the .fast train, which parses this Station for Chicago at 8:29 A. M„ nietwith a terrible acci dent near CTary on Saturday morning last, by lieiugrun into by the Janos- ville and Fond du Lac "passenger train. The following accouut by the Inter Ocean of Monday is probably] very near correct/ V~ ^ . The GenevaLjike express train, due here at 10 o'clock in the morning Was rim into at Cary, four and a half miles this side of Crystal Lake. Saturday, by the Janesville and Fond Du Lac* Pas senger Train. The accident was at tended by all the horrors possible, the cars being smashed and taking fire, but no one \\as killed outright,- and, al though one lady is now in a very criti cal coudtion, it i$,ti> be hoped no fatal result will ensue. The two trains mentioned are due in this city at the same hour, and on the way reach Crys tal Lake together at 8:45 o'clock.-- From that point they run on the same track, hut the Geneva train, making the better time, takes the lead, and Is supposed to make no stop. Notwith standing this, on Saturday morning, Frank Steward, enginverof the Geneva train, while crossing the bridge over the Fox River.jcouuneticed to "slow no" his train. This attracted the atten tion of Conductor Brooks, who, sur prised at such a proceeding, knowing the other train was .-thundering *along just in rear of them, ran and asked the engineer what had happened, Stewart said he had broken a spring. Brooks at once sent a brakeinaii with a red flag to the rear of the train and himself ran to the passe-iger coach, lie had just readied the door'when - the collision occurred, and scenes of horror ensued. The cow-catcher of the iyur train lift ed the hindmost passenger coach of the Geneva train almost on end, and then the coach sank down, demolishing the smokestack of the engine. The crowd ed cars ot^the Geneva train at ot^e took fire,and it seems miraculous that out of the twenty passengers no one was killed outright. The lirst thins . ./•..« i . . i j » m to do was to rescue the passengers, and s , l ,ess to Ch icago laBt week and, while registered at-the RIehmoild Deffartmeiit. COKTKIBUTRD BT 8. P. BENNKTT. 9. F.'Bknnett is hereby aiithorizoditoCako subscription* Anil onlerst tor ;>itver»is*ng ami -job Work f.»r the l"i.vivdkai.kk, rer.eiv* money therefor and reouipt for the a.Miie.- Allorlers left with him will receive prompt attention.--Editw. Business Notice#* Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic restofts tlie appetite. T. Bower comiuenced operutions In his poultry house last week. Aldricb has got things straightened out and the new store is neat as a bandbox. Step in and see for yourself* Mrs. Wodell's closing out" sale pro gresses nicely. Now is the chance to secure bargains in millinery and no tions. 1 ».' Robert Bennett,of Lake Zurich, and JJrs. R, C. Wright, of Greely, Col., are spending the week visiting lit Rich mond, Sometime last week the father of Julius Carey, of Oeivoa Junction, who had been to St. Louis to visit a daugh ter. fell dead at the depot in Chicago, while waiting to take the cars for home. The feiunlns^werc brought to Genoa for burial. A host of friends suddenly invaded the house of Mrs, Milan "Hicks ouThuis- day evening and took possession, .not- vi #t arwis, because the garrison sur rendered at discretion. A merry time was the consequence. Faith, it would be a "surprise." if a "surprise party" wece Uttt a merry one* T)frK Nursery for December, is on our table, and we have no hesitation In propound ng it one best Mag azines for children now published. It $|4'iHbegin the new year with a new •over and improvements that will -Hhako'it most attractive to the little ones, and it should be in every house hold. Price 91.50 per year. Address til©?Nursery Publishing Co., 36 Brom- fielrf St., Boston, Maw, TBe sweeping tide of prosperity is •hotrn by the immense increase of business in the Patent Office, General Land Office, Pension Office, and other Departments of the Government. Patent cases, Pensiou claims. Contest ed Land entries, or other business placed in the hands of Prcsbery & Green, Attorneys, 529 7th st.,;Washing- ton. D. C., will hnve Immediate atten tion. Enclose stamp for information. Prof. Tick's Almanac for 1881 is out. Besldta'the usual Almanac Matter, it contains the Forecast* of tho weather; their Wonderful Verifications in 1880; how to guard against lightning; when It is unsafe to enter deep well*, mines Ac., how to bake and roast; .cause of bll&ht In fruit trees and much other Taluble' matter. Altogether the present surpasses any former issue in practical information. For sample copy and terms to the trade, send 20 cents to Thompson. Tlce A L tilings ton, Pub- liftUrrSr, Wk received a call one day last week, from Miss "Mary Jane "Goggles,"' a lady of uncertain age, and an she en tered our sanctum we trembled at our unprotected coiiiii tion, but our fears were «OOH dispelled -when she in formed us that she had lost hftr pocket book, and wished to ofler a reward fol ks recovery. Miss Goggles informed us that sho had been rusticating in the suburbs of Johnsburgh, had refused three oflers of marriage, and lost her pocket book on her way down on foot. In consideration of her great loss, drug Clerks gave her Pepperm'nt. Dry Goods Clerks passed her by while there were j'ounger ladies to wait upon, milliners took great pains to show her their most stylish bonnets.our Deputy P. M. could not find a letter for "her darter," although he tried hard, and we--promised to put in the advertise ment--and we now ask who found that --Sold by jingo. Come again, Mary Jaue, we are always at home. IN MKNOKIt'M, Of llov. Potor Acvi'lson, who riiel at hia homo in Algonquin, Nov- 2it, ISSil. While we sympathize deeply with the bereaved family of our departed friend and brother, we too. know that we have cause to weep, and as \ve drop a tear to his memory to-day. we can hardly realize that he is gone, and feel like sjtying: * Oil, Death! why ilirtst thou come bo soon? tliu morning-sun basset at noon. In the death of Mr. Arvidson. surely the pillar of St. Mary's Mission has fallen. We shall no more grasp his outstretched hand, nor receive his ki:id greeting; lifut h!s words of chris tian council will be remembareti long by his many friends in this vicinijty. What an example his uncomplaining spirit has ^een to those who knew h^rn best. With untiring zeal he has la bored these many years iu his Master's^ cause,and now lie has called lilin home to rest. Yes. rest, dear Brother Ar vidson, rest, until the morning of the glorious Resurrection, rest. Mrs. Peter Sill. BuvixaMnxs, Doc. 3<I, IStW. that was done. A drover, whose name is unknown, a<*d Conductor Eugene Rich, of the .lanesville train, are said to have done heroie work. . . The brakeman mentioned as having been sent up the track was not seen by reason of the dense fog until it was too 1 late. En<;ine<er t'homas King and j Fireman Joseph Mierl. of the Janes. | ville train, on seeing the otliel* ahead ; of them, reversed the ergiue. pur, on the brakes, pulled the throttle open, > . and t lie ii jumped, and none too soon, j as the smoke stack of their engine only fell eighteen feet ofl from them. The Miller platforms of this train were crushed, but the passengers escaped with a severe shaking. The baggage car and passenger coach composing, the other train was burned. The injured are as fol!ow<: Mrs. II. C. Mavnard. wife of the man ager of the VV, IT. T. (N». here; face, hands and left side badly burned, and serious internal injuries. •Mrs. S. 1*. Colby. No. 8<H Fulton St.. wife of a letter carrier; bruised ubout the head and shoulders. In the ex-i citeinent Mrs. Colby lo®t her purse containing $150, Her little son, 8 years old, wlio was with her, eseaped uninjured. Mrs. J. Green, of Brighton, Wis., in jured about the Itips. Eugar Ma Iden, tutor to Joseph Lei- ter; severely t^it and scalded. H. Barreneheen, agent for Franz Falk; R. II. Winter, New York: A. Workman. New York; J. S.tucker. Logan. Iowa; and Joseph, son of L. Z. Leiter, slightly injured. In addition to I he above, was Miss j Julia Story, daughter of JaCob Story, j of this village, who received severe cuts on the head and face, and bruises on the limbs and body, hut fortunate ly no bones were broken. When taken from the wreck her clothing was on fire, which proved she was not rescued too soon. We understand Miss Stors* lost all her baggage and n^>ney to tiie amount of about Sf>0. Taking everything into considera tion it was a miracle that no one was killed. Great praise is due Conductor Brooks, of the. Geneva Lake Train, and Con luetor Rich, of the Jancsville, for t heir heroic efirots to release the pas sengers and provide for their coiyfort afterwards. The company are fortu nate in having in their employ such faithful and etllcient men. G. W.BESLEY Ha« just received an Optimeter, for testing the eyes, and can now fit you with a pair of spectacles and guarantee satisfaction. He also has a full Hue of Spectacles, all kinds, to which he in vites the attention of the public. there, registered at the Waukegau Hou4e. |- J. R. Wells has ju«t rebelved at his store a good supply and great variety of Christmas toys and other article* such as are very appropriate for Chris- mas presents. Every body, of course, will call and examine them. A railroad accident in the way of a collision on the C. A N. W, R. R, at Carry Station, nfcar • Barriugton, was the exciting theme of conversation last Saturday afternoon. The Wancon la Literarjr nnd Debat ing Society will meet at the High School Building next Friday evening to discuss the Chinese lui nigr t tion question, and give its literary enter tainment. • Elder Green gave, at the Baptist Church, last Sabbath.evening, a very aide lecture on the subject previously announced,"The John Chinaman." It was received with marked apprecia tion, jfe*. Au Educational Lecture, to be de livered by C. S. Cutting. Esq.. of Chi cago, will be given in connection with the close of the present term of our school, at the Baptis^ Church, Friday evening. Dee. 17th, TOT®. DONATIO N J|UPPEFL The Baptist. Church- and congrega tion, of Waticouda, III^ will give a do nation Supper4 at ^1 aiman's . Hall. Wednesday/ evening, De«f. 15th. 1880. for theJxfiiefH of tli^ pastor,. W. T. preen. Oysters, and ail that culinary >»ki 11 can make inviting to the "luner j man^will be provided abundance. All are most cordially intlted. lir Order OK COMXl*^iHt Proceedings of the Mnltonry County Teach ers <%aso<*iutl<»n. N arnlii III. Nov. 20th, ISSa A few mcnibers of the Association met at the school hourc. about 9 o'clock A. M„ but as there was not a .70011111) present.' no regular programme was carried out in the forenoon. S. D. Buldwiu having list of ques tion upon various school brandies, pro ceeded to question the teachers upon the same. The following programme was pre-' pared for afternoon work. Grammar, H. R. Baldwin; Reading. J. A.Sheldon. ADJOURNED UNTIL 1 O'CLOCK P. M. Met in the afternoon as per adjourn ment. A. W. Young was elected Pre sident. and W. W. Parsons, Secretary. Mr. Gardner proceeded with his ex cise in Grammar: taking "False Syn tax" for his subject, which lie, illustra ted by written sentences on the board. Mr. Baldwin qoestioned the teatshfr* upon History for a few minute?. Mr, Sheldon formed a clas* in Read ing. Mir.1 showed his method of teach ing the same. i'here being a quorum present, the Association proceeded to business. Hall, of the Dundee and Richmond Stores, buys and sells for cash only, consequently can offer you induceinen ts in all kinds of goods. Read his price list. Photographs and Ferrotypes. In every style and design known to the art. At reasonable rates. A Miller's Photo Studio, Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's, Nuudat for Milliuery and Dress Making* DO YOU WANT BARGAINS In Holiday Goods? Ther: go to Hall's Richmond aud Dundee Stores. and Treasurer being vacant, the As sociations by ballot elected 11. R. Bald win, President, and W. W. Parsons, Secretar/und Treasurer. Tlu^following teachers were appoint ed *o prepare papers on tlie following subject: the sauie to be read at the next meeting. J. A. Sheldon. Reading. Alex. Gar dner, Grammar. L. E. Menteh, Geo graphy. A. W. Young, Constitution and Civil Government. W. W. Par sons. Colonial History. II. R. Baldwin , Orthography. B. R. Morse, Physiol ogy. S. D. Baldwin, Zoology. The secretary wa.< instructed to send a copy of the programme to eacli member having charge of an exercise. A bill of #4 00. in favor of Woodstock Sentinel, for printing 300 copies of Constitution and By-Laws of MoHenry County Teachers Association, was pre sented and ordered paid. On motion adjourned until Saturday, Dec, 18th. 1880. A. W. Young, President. If. W, Pax sons. Secretary. Ileal Ratate Transfer#. The following is a list of real estato transfers in Mrllenry county from Oct. 9, to Nov. 17.1880: Mr9 Fidelia Stevens and hin toO T Stev ens 8)4 n,Vs\v34 sec 21, 9UOO4 Mrs. Vyse and hus to Clary Grimes lin 3 and 4 l>ik 3 Kllsworth'# add to Nunda, $7dU. Ellen Ph.tlen ctal to S L Burton JO a In sw.V sec 29 Numla e or river, 4KM). Henry Lindsay and \v to I. S Ellis |2 a in sw54 aeV sec 17 Algonquin r .9, $223, S II Walker by cx to I„ A Parker »e?» and ne)i se.V sec 6 N unda v H, J L Austin and w to./ and Kancy Castle 10a in nwV se*' 9 Dorr, #1100. Sarin* Wait et J J Wllfton pt lta 176 and '2'Kt assessors plat Dorr, Jnlifi A ?rnrie and InistoJL Hoyt pt It 4J assessors plat Dorr, Sl.'StXi. Catharine shield * to ,\ Caimaek S pes In se)< sec If Dunham, $1125. A Lincoln toO H Lincoln neV sec 15 »Urengo, |2000. IJ.n Smftllwood and w to*c L Halderman swmI| sec |1 Iticlunond, 1700. C Wdsiitont to A LChapin pt sw,Vt BOC % Richmond, 1700. , If C Illaekman by ex to T, It Wyant It - bk 1 II lack man's add to Harvnrd, 125. 1 E li Shouler to Milo Munger It in Chemung 1 '.80. ti A Heels to It AvHvard o,V fce>i and s»'}< auk'(sec 15 Richmond, 4fWMt. 1 A C Tho'itpartn aa4 w to iSf^lson Blakeslee nwfc nn'< (7 Me 10 Dorr, (150. David tarter and'w to Anaa Thornton it 10 bk 2 w Mellenrr, 1100. U Mctcalfaad w to .1 M Sbuman 120 a in i see Han I 19 Coral, 5000. y C W (ioul'l and w to A Eastman cheene i factory .11 se;" i)} Scneo ,̂ 1000. ' Ajm AdaiijstoC I< Nichols pt nw,V seo 7 ' Hebron and |>t neî sec 12 Al'lffn. 8500. I F It Dorn to llelnricli Schimat 190a IB^ui : 1(5 and 1/ Nunda, 6650. t L'0 ̂ P Green to J T Johnson It241 as Dorr, 27.">. ' . < J It Lockwood to J C ICnllegua WH sec 20 A'pmq uin, 2000. J J Starkweather to Ed#in Bridges iu se.̂ sec Riley, 250. L II Wyant and w to W Winkle It 8 bk | Btackinan'sadd to Harranl, 200. Susan K Henry et nl to {.tirena S Boylnir- ton Snonable burying ffround Marengo, 50. K H tlosworth ails w to Lewis Leith .and in see 7 Dunham, 10100, Muriritrel Ivnos to C Prisa n.V its 3 and 4 blk 7 Mclienry e of river, 250. C Wresehe and w to W Abraham a in i«rV sec »4 Ccral, 400. ̂ A J Shiuleff and w to Jneephene E Bur roughs 335 a in ssc 11 15 22 27 and 18 Marengo, llOo. T Lcggettadd w to Trustees 1st Baptist churdi Itichmond It 2 blk 4 KK add to llich- mond, 650. G X Sherwood and w to J Marvin pt It 35 city ot Woodstock, 1400. II W Mead and w to I Tweed It 7 Hebron, 125. M Reilley and w to Mary A Qmnlain It 7 bk bk 20 Harvard, 100. Nancy Paddock anrl G Morley eX H 7 Bk A Paddock'̂ add to Crystal Lake. 57.50 S Smith and \r to J A Smith und X e% swJi neV sec « N unda, 130. J P Reardesley and w to J B Butler pt It in Nunda, 1000. . IT W Cornue and w to F. D Janorld it 8 bk 13 Harvard, 2400, M McD Richards to Annie C Stewart 00 a iu sec 8 9 and 10 .Seneca, 3700. Sara A Lyon to J S Rowland pe of "land in sec 35 Marengo, 090. John Daley and w to FToinisky50 a in sê sec 2 Algonquin. 1400. "IjiMiviliter's fog will freeze a dog,"1 is ah old saw find Its truth was exem- plilled in our very recent meteorolog ical 'history. Saturday^gwas foggy. Saturday evening copious rain, Sunday morning a regular blizzard from the west and thermometer sinking toward the "naught." Well, this is a free eouutry! The Ladies' Home Missionary So ciety met. at Mrs. Geo. VV. Eldrcdge's last Wednesday afternoon. A large number were present awd a nice lot ot sewing for poor people In our vil lage was done. That is the kind of missionary work we believe in. It is a nobler charity to put a warm gar ment on some cold little back «than to send a Bible to some heathen hi Boo- i l-ah-gali--or some other place. K " -4 In our communication last week we clipped from the Geneva Lake Herded an item in regard to the building of extensive round houses at Libertyville by the Milwaukee A St. l'aul Rail Road, and the prospect that their i erect ion foreshadowed an early build- iugof the Air Line, so many years talked of and hoped for. We wrote a*, note to tlie postmaster at Libertyville. to sec if tlie Herald's information was authentic, a id his reply, hereto ap pended, would seem to «how that the Herald is good at manufacturing news, or else has, been Imposed on by some fello\V who lis%«3Jnst lis Hef lie as not. Here is Postmaster Heath's letter:* LlBSUT t"VILLK,|lll., Deo. l, U9Q, S. F. Bknnktt: Dear Sir--I received a postal card from you making inquiry about rail- waifomttfrs. In answer wm»M>* say that there is no round houses being built here, and I cannot tell as there ever will lie. There has been some talk iu that direction but nothing done. Libertyville village Is only •4 bo lit 3 miles from the main Hue of the Milwaukee & St. H|u) ltail Road, and } of a mile from the Air Line you apeak of. A spur from the main line run* to this village and is doing a good business. Two elevutors are built aiid in operation now. Ife yours truly, 1. H KATH, P. M. =80 it seems we must possess our souls in patience, and not expect to hear the whistle on the Air Line at preseht. My stock of Dry Goods,(Jlothitig. &c, never was larger than now, and as I am hound to sell them, look out for bed rock price#. Call either at the Rich- moud or Dundee store and be tconviuc- ed. ' Card photo's only two dollars per doz. Cabinet's four fifty, copies and views 9100 per negative, 91.00 each for duplicates. Oysters only 35 cents per quart at the Mclienry Bakery. The Minette Photo, only 75 cts per doz. A.Miller's. nw* 2?* a II Colby Bros., have just received a fine line of Youth's and cliildreus clotlilug am' can now fit any from five years old up. Their stock of clothing is com plete in every particular, to whlcll they invite the attention of the buying public. Particular attention paid to the little folks at Millers Studio. Toilet Sets. Lamps. Vases. Auto graph Albums, Wax Dolls, Doll's Heads, cheap at Besley's Drug Store, opposite the Parker House. Two men wanted to canvas this county for tlie Singer sewing machines They will be paid a salary and provid ed with a wagoa. Apply to E. Kelt, Woodstocki A fine stock.of new Watches. Clocks, «£c„,at Robt. Murlitt's. Nunda. Autograph Alliums, from five cent upwards, at O.-W. Owen's. The finest lii-e of Toilet Articles to be found io the conuty, at Besley's drug store. Cheapest Cloaks in town for tlie money at Mrs. II. H.Nichols. no to Mrs. E. W. and Dolmans. Howe for Cloaks For the celebrated Beloit Shoe, the best in the market, go to Colby Bros. % A choice stock of Candies, all kinds at Besley's Drug Store. Reeds Gilt Edge Tonic cures Fever and Ague. The Domest'c Sewing Machine leads the world. What would be more appropriate for a Christmas Present. OK Chapel and w to W S Huntley It 3 bk J For Sale by O. W. Owen. 13 Pluinleigh'sadd to Algonquin, 65. W ITphoflT to Q W»«easr U0 a iP *#c 113 McHepry rf ' k ' Prices reduced on Shawls add Cloaks at Fitrsimmons A Evamsv»« We haVe tln> Boss fllwc Depoti tflTZsiMMOXS* Tlt« Mollne Owe u's. Sulkv lMott- iit Il Tlie Fnrst A Bradley Sulkjr PloW at E. M. Owen's. When in want of work 4ll ntjr Itflf, give mea call and 1 will i f f :thd please Robt'. Murfitt. Jeweler. Xiiudn, ill. Dress Goods Stylish durable and cheap just received, we invite inspec tion. Fitznimmoiis A Kvauson. Don't bify your Hats or Bonnets un til you have seen and priced goods at Mrs. S, Searles. The largest stock of Millinery Good* in the County, at Mrs. S. Searles. Buckevc Force Owen's. M All the Owen's. Pumps, at E. first-class Plows at E. M A fine line of Gents Furnishing Goods at Lauer & Becker's ncai the Depot. Do not. purchase vo:ir Holiday Pre sents until you have examined the splendid stock of J. B„ Blake. Hoods and Nubia* large variety and prices extremely low at Fitzsimmons A EVANSON'S. The finest lliie of Silver and Plated Ware to be found in the county, at O. W. Owen's. Bottom Prices for Holiday Goods, at J. B. Blaks's, Mclienry. I make a specially of Repairing fine W itches, and warrant all my - work, Robt. Murlltt, Nunda. Another new lot of Millinerv Goods just received at Mrs. II. li. Nichols. New style Bracelets at O. W. Owen's HOLIDAY GOODS. In endless variety at John B. Blake's. Mclienry. • v If ydu want lo make a substantial Present for the Holidays, buy one of tlie celebrated E^tey Organs" of O. W. • Owen. They are the host in the ket, and are sold reasonable. ijiar- Mlts. E. W. IIowk is offering induce ments to purchasers of Millinery, Cloaks, Ac. Give her a call. Store four doors North of Riverside House. Cotton Fh>nnels bleached and un- bleacked. Muslins cheap l his week at Fitzsimmons t Evansox's. JUST RECEIVED. One of the finest stoctet of H ilidav Goods to be foundjn tile County, at John B. Blake's, MelTenyy. I'oy Goods, for the IIolidavs,in end less variety, at O. \\. Owen's. Tim "New Process" Flour, matiufac tured by Hanly A Sons, Mclienry, i^ giving unusual satisfaction wherever used Ask your Grocer tor it. FOR SALE. 40 Acres of land in Section 12. all fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house and barn thereof, with timber and water iu abundant*; in Sec tion 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good new house^barn and other outbuildings.-- Apply to John Flusky. ^ New Fall Millinery, latest styles, just received at Mr«. S. Scarier. .lust received all the latest - Styles and shades of Winter Millluerv. Mrs. K. W.IIOWK. Farmers having Butter and Eggs to sell will find a good market at Firz- simmons A Evansox's Tsrlmi Csntet- Advancing years, care, sickness, dis* apfointment, and lien ditary predlv position--kll operate to tnrfi the half gray, and either of tfiein inclliiei it to shed, preoiatinely, AVER'S Haih Vigor will restore faded Of gray, light b d hail* fo a rich hrowft or deejJ black, as may be desired. It soften* ami cleanses the >-cal|», giving it healthy action, tt removes and curei dnndnifl iiiid humors. By its use fall- . ing hail: ,5 checked, and a new gruwtfi; will he proditc'cd lii all cases where thi» fol'licifs al-e Hot destroyed or tlM~ glands decayed. Its Effects are beautl* lully shown oil brashy, weak, or sickljf hair.on which a frw applications will . produce tlie glos« and fieshuess of vonth. Harmless and sure in its opel* iition, it 1« liicimtpafahle as a dressin||j ami is efp"clally Valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone it imparts* It contains neither oil nor dye,ann will not soil nor color white .eambHcJf. yet it la-t* long on the hair, ana keeps it fresh and vigorous. . j/ The finest assortment of "Toys, ml' i'; of the h^st quality, at O. W, Owen'#.-i# / Cull and si e tliain. 4 % If looking for a Holidav Present amine tloxe flue Books,all from th# best ant hors, at O. W. Owen's. Silver and platrd ware la eudl variety, ut O. W. Owen's. . New Prints, latest patterris, prices from five cents a yard and u wards, ai Colby Bros.. Riverside Blocl Ladles of Mclienry and vicinlt ilon't buy .yiuir Hats Or Bonnets unt you have looked at and priced goodl at Mrs. S. S"«rles. Am now oflerin, greater bargains than ever. All wo ,u repairing done ou short notice. Suhsinntial Holiday Goods, at CV . Hall's, Dundee and Richmond StorlC If you want your Watch put in firs1 clasd Order, call ou Robert Mum Jeweler, Nunda, CLOAKS! CLOaKS! CLOAKS Don't forget to cull on Mrs. Searle ami price her new Cloaks and Dolmans She h.v also a large stock ot the lates styles of Mat*. Bonnets, Scarfs. Hoods Cloak Trimmings. Yankee No Ac. Please call before purchasing. A fine line ol China Mustache Cupe^ Handkerchief Boxea Cull and Collar Boxes, at Besley's Drug Store. Ladies Portmouies. the nobbiest ltt town, at Besley's Drug Store. Card Photos 32 per dozdn at Miller*#^ Gallery, Mclienry. ill. To tell you of a few Special Bargains I hiive to offer. Wo have just1 received a line of AT THE M MI You «->n always find a good assortaicut of Pure lfre»l» Writilife Desks, a very appropriate Holiday Present, can be found at Bes ley's Drug Store. Call at Besley's and see tlie "Indus trious woman " It will pay. Holiday Goods, Iu endless variety, at Besley's Drug Store, West Side. If iu seacrh of Bargains call at C. F. Hall's Richmond and Dundee Stores. Celuloid Sets, the neatest thing for a Wedding Present out. at Besley's Drug Store, opposite the Parker House. MttS. GEO. McCOLLUM, Fashionable Hair - Worker. Post Office Address, W A U C O N D A , . . . . I L L I N O I S . I ' would beg leave to inform the Ladies of Lake and Mclienry Counties that I am now prepared to do all kkids ot Hair Work ou short notice and in the best, of manner. ' I use none „ but natural Hair, and gurantee all work as represented. That my prices are low I will leave all to judge for'themselves by the fol lowing: WILL MAKE SWITCHES Where you furnish the Hair. <11 .AO. Where you furnish 1 root it. fcl.f>0. Puds,(you to furnish Hair. lOctseach Wave* on Hair Lace, $1.00 an inch. Waves on Vegetable Lace, 75 cent* an inch. Switches from $2.00 to $3.00, accord ing to size and quality. Ladies wishing anything In thi« line should not fail to give me a call, as i am satisfied i can suit you both in quality and price. MBA. GEO. McOOLLU vt. Ry Vulversitl A<'«*or«t Ayer's cathartic pills are the best of all purgatives tor family use. They are the product of long, laborious and successful chemical investigation, ami their extensive use by plivsiciaus in their practice, ami" by all civilized na tions. proves t lie in *he l»cst and m »*t successful purgative rill that medic*! science can devise. Being purely veg. etable no harm can ariac from their use. In intrinsic value and curative powers, no ot lier pills can lie compar -d with them, and everv person knowing iBOLTS! BOLTS! BOLTS feet order-aud maintain in healthy a - lion I lie whole machinery of li.e. M i l d searching a n d ellet?;nai, they are specially adapted to the needs of tae digestive apparatus, derangements of which they prevent and cure, if timaly takeu. They are the best and safest physic to employ for children and weakened constitutions, where a mild but eflectual cathartic is required. For sale by all dealers. 1-2 wool at 12 1-2 cents yard in 5 shatlcs, usually sold at 20 cents per yard. Also a hiiii? of Dress Goods at 17 fcents usu-t ally sold at 2.) cento per jaril,-» We have in stock and to artivc a tine assortment of goods for tlie HOLIDAY TRADE, We have also a nice line o# MAJOLICA WARE. In the GROCERY LINE a, we have to offer • . 20 ths. Hice for $1. 1-4 Im>x Raisins, 57c per , 6 very tiue Cctfee, $1. * H. ROCERft. Yolo, ml, tk?c. 1st, 1880. M Jl Dye Stuffs. first-class jfiwvls cannot be solicits k»w aa "culls" ami infoii«»r pxxls can. We baj^,||p best wecau fiirl and when von const ' -i" QUALITY, £ You wilt always find our piices RIGHT. For several weeks to route I shall ia CMIcjigo, on tlie keen look out for aovelHH in t!ie Book, SUtteWf and Sotioa Dopaxtawit. Yon nrv<»lly t6 cailutpl look through the stock, ® « F. a HARRISON. . . Were Slectod, i"p« it \vill l>c retnetnberetliSby |«U tktt kve ou haiut a gooil of Hardware,̂ That w|U be bottom ntr O.VSH. coniHvtrftHS: Di^as Goods in all style*, elieap. at . JUohmouu ^ | ^aills ! Nulls! ITptlsI SHOVELSt SHOVELS I Barb Wire I Barb Wirt t 1 also keen % iroo«l *ti|>plr ol f ATEXf wbioh 1 »tea*re to aiowoitt Is* Cash, f SCII*X>1. BOOKS of very variety can hart at tow rates Uy calling: *t my F, R. WEI jWauconda. • • •