Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Dec 1880, p. 5

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kiitaler. WEDNESDAY DEC. IB. 1880. Railroad Time Table. ITOTM HOTJTH. Insntake P»nenter IIMU Lake Freizht ......1:1® T- * OOIVO KOGLTF. lake Frel*ht W:W *. Blnm Lak* PasteMW ..ri:5S r.K F. B. WELLS. Wauconda, has a new advertisement this week, which v our nadert In that section will do well to read. 0. T. EL»RRDC|E is now dressing and shipping about one thousand pounds I' of Poultfy per day. Things look lively ground his picking house. pro-THK work jdn the new\|>ridgels gressiug favorably. When completed it will begone of the Anest bridges in this part of the State. THE next meeting of the McHenry .County Teachers Association will be Held at Nunda,- on Saturday next, December 18th. A general 'attendance ofteaohers is earnestly requested THE ladias of tl*& Universalist So­ ciety will hold their next Sociable at the residence of <1. B. Curtis, on Fri day eveuing of this week, Dec. 17th.-- All Are cordially Invited. IJITTLE Boys and Girls, big boys and girls, and old folks should not fall to read the new advertisement of F. B. Ilarrison, Wauconda, to be found in another column. IN another cfllumu can be found a new advertisement for M. Engeln, wlio lias put in stock Holiday Goods In end- lens variety. If in search of Presents do not fail to read his notice. MRS. Isaac Wentworth has been very low the past week with Tj'phoid Pneumonia, but at the time of writ­ ing is reported much better, with a fair prospect of recovery. Dr. O. J. Howard is in attendance. THK private Ice Houses in this vil- / lage are being filled with as fine ice as I ever was put up here. It is from four- ( teen to sixteen inches in thickness, I and as clear as a crystal. There will \ he no scarcity of ice here- next season. THE Ne«vY«»rk Comedy Company have engaged Plverside Hall for two entertainments, to be given on Friday and Saturday evenings, Dec. 24th and 25th. This is said to be a first-class Troupe, and we bespeak for tlieiu a good house. /"'Tim second boy of Homer Wattles, J Esq.. aged 14 years, died of Diphtheria I and was buried on Friday last. The I other two are both sick with'the same I disease, but hopes are entertaiSMid of V their recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wattles y^liave the sympathy ot all. THE Geneva Lake Express Train, which passed this station at 8:29 in the morning, was taken of! on Saturday last and how the Mail Passenger it the only tr^ijjin tHe^nafttni'MK* wWeh- leaves here at 7:28. The traveling puUic should make a rtote. £ OUR merchants are doing a lively business these days, and report the best Holiday trade known for years. The secret of this is, our merchants are all good advertisers, sell goods at bottom prices, and keep stocks second none. THE JSCHKNLTY PICKLK FACTOR*. Tlie addition to the Pickle Factory Is fast approaching completion, work­ men being busy patting on the flnishiug touch inside, and early in January it is expected they will be ready to com­ mence making Vinegar by the new process. The addition on the Vinegar department is 24x40 andtm the Boiler House 16x20. which, taken with their other buildings, which are all connect­ ed, make it an imposing establish­ ment. They have put in a new twenty-five horse' power engine and will immediately commence the manu facture of Vinegar from Corn andl Malt, which it is claimed Is cheaper and of inucli better flavor than that w'liich they have be«*u using. This establishment is run on thorough business principles, and while it is hound to be a success financially to the proprietors, is also a great benefit to McHenry and the surrounding country. Mr. W. A. Cristy, the head Of the firm, is a thorough business man, while the foreman of the Pickle Depart­ ment, Mr. Reif. has few equals and no superiors in that line, as the popularity of tlie McHenry Pickles, si pee Es­ tablishment has been under his charfe is ample proof. Since this institution was built, some seven years ago. it has been gradually increasing, until now it stands second to none of its kind in the Northwest, either as to amount of business done or quality of good!. Owing to the extreme cold weather, tliey were obliged last week to stop bottling and shipping, but will com­ mence again as soon as the weather moderates sufficiently to warrant them risking shipments. w< J th H in r 1-- W. R. SMITH, our popular Jewelry Agent, is in town with a fine 6tock of Watches, Jewelry an<jl Silverware, which he will sell as low as the lowest. Orders taken and promptly filled for Clocks, all kinds of I'lated Hollow Ware, such as Castors, Butter Dishes, Plated Setts, or any goods not on hand. His assortment never was better. All goods warranted as represented.-- Headquarters at-Riverside House, and he will call on all who desire to see him by leaving word at the Hotel. THE year 1881 will be a mathemat­ ical curiosity. From right to left and left to right it reads the same. Eight­ een divided by 2 gives 9 as a quotient; 81 divided by 9 gives 9; if divided by 9 the quotient contains a 9; if multi­ plied by 9 the product contains two 9"s; 1 and 8 are 9; 8 and 1 are 9. If tlie 18 be placed under the 81 and added the sum is 99. If the figures be added thus: 1,8, 8, 1. it will give Is. Reading from left to right, ic is 18, find 18 Is two-ninths of81. By adding, dividing and multiplying 19 9's are produced, being one 9 for^ach year required to complete the century,-- Exchange. ONE of the sweetest songs we have heard this many «i<lay, is entitled. We Shall Meet all the Little ones There. Words and music by Will L. Thomp­ son, East Liverpool, Ohio. Although all our little ones are graciously spared ii^the editorial home, we must confess to ft breakdown In tears when trying to sing these touching words. The song is an inspiration of comfort, sure­ ly, to all whose homes have been in­ vaded by death. It is one of the few compositions which will live for gener. ations. To all lovers of music, we say send 40 cents to the author and bless the household by a copy of this gem. Methodist Recorder. The Strike. f"»hedd & Co. commenced operations on the Pond last week, but or. Thurs­ day night all hands struck for higher wagee. The company Immediately paid them ofl and sent out a lot of men from Chicago. This the strikers ob­ jected to. and by threats aud bluster prevented the new men from going to work. The boss heve telegraphed the situation to the Company and last eve­ ning Mr. Shedd came out. and al thq time of writing. Wednesday morning, work has been again commenced on the Ice, and whether the striker* will interfere remains to be seen. Such proceedings are disgracefftl in the extreme, not only to those eneaged in them, but to our little village as well. That all men have a perfect right to set a price upou their labor is true, and if their price is not paid have an equal right to go elsewhere, but they have neither a moral nor a legal right to Interfere with the busi­ ness, or with tliose who may see 'fit to work for the wages offered, and when they do so they commit an act to whlqh the statute attaches aseyere penalty- Messrs. Shedd & Go . aw |heir |«wn judges what they can aftofd op will pay their' help, and all attempts at bulldozing on the part of aiiy man- or set of men cannot and will not be countenanced by good citizen*. The original strikers we believe only numbered about ten, but have since been joined by a few malcontents, and are now making loud threats of what they will do. Whether or Hoi It will result in a*n outbreak remains to be seen. We sincerely trust wiser coun­ cils will prevail, but if men persist in violating law with their eyes open we hope they may he visited with the | penalty to the fullest extent. I ^ GRAXO HALL, Frldav evening, De­ cember 31st, is the date on the tickets just issued for a New Year's Party, at the splendid new TTa.ll at the Parker Houses Th<» Gerniania full Band, •). CONTRIBUTED BY 8.#. BIXSSTT. S. K. RKSXKTT i# herebr anth«rii<wt totake •nb.icriptions orders for .vlvertiaMip and Job Work f,»R the T»T USOKAI.KU. receive monev therefor ami receipt for the Mine.-- All onlcrs left with Uim wltl receive prompt fttteulioik-- - . Last weeks dance at Havthorn's hall was another succss. The Inanage- ment is so good asjjft pleaa* cvjrybody. Immense loads hog* are daily brought to this m for shipment to Chicago. Eldredge gathers In the most of them, 1 *V The ^nicest thing onC". IMUL 4oM weather ink. sold by Alexander & Hyde. It will stand a zero temperature with­ out Injury ,<*nd no bursted bottles to distribute the ink over your nice sta­ tionery. Try it. v . Some half dozen nurserymen are making the Richmond House their headquarters. Tliey make daily raids in all directions and are selling large amounts of fruit trees &ci- Tliev re- present the Fairvlevv Nurseries. Tlp- peconoe City, Ohio. ; y The Holiday trade Is (enjoying a '•bowi." Money see us to be plenty and'^people are not nlgj^Ardly In its use. Alexander & Hyde' are rushed In puttirijfup :nice silverware and ten thousand other things that make hap­ py hearts and homes when Christmas comes. Attention is called to the; new ad­ vertisement ef C. E. Abbott. Watch­ maker and denier in Silverware watch­ es, jewelry, Ac. Mr. Abbot has an enviable reputation as a good work­ man and square dealer. His goods and work are warranted aud what Mr, Abbot teyjy^ttruviy depend oa.--Read his ad. Castello. Leader, will furnish the"musi«' and as usual a rousing good time may be expected. Parker will spare no pains, and no one who attends can fail of having a good time. MKKTING OF COCNTY COMMITTEE. The committee appointed to re-ap­ portion the number of Delegates to which each Toivn in McHenry' County shall be entitled to represent them in County Convention, are requested to meet and attend to the duties assigned them at the Court House, in Wood­ stock, on Tuesday, Dec. 21st, at 1 o'clock P. M. J. W. ORISTV, Chairman. PKKSO.NAL, Miss Clara Wightman who is attend­ ing school at Chenoii, HI., is at home to spend the Holidays. John Wentwortl^w/Chicago, is vis­ iting his parents ill tills village. Paul Brown aud his sister, 'Mrs. C. A. Knight^were called home last week by theflflkiicss of Mr. and Mfft. Dr. Brown. D. S. and B. D. Smith, with tfielr families,started for their home in Ne­ braska, on Monday-morning. Vic Bugbee took Ills departure for Nebraska on Saturday last. SIXCE our last Dr. Brown and wife have both been quite sick aud are still confined to the house, but we believe arc on the gain, and will be around again soon if nothing happens. The Doctor was, we believe, taken with an attack of inflammation of the lungs. OUR Soldier's Department will be omitted for the next few weeks, on account of the crowded state of our columits with Holiday advertisements. After the Holidays it will be resumed, when our readers can look for some interesting and valuable reading in that department. THE Educational Column, under the care ot^rof. S. D. Baldwin, Prin- vipa'i of am Public School, jvili be com­ menced immediately after tlie Holi­ days. Mr. Baldwin is one of the best educators in the Couuty., aud he will not fail to make tlie Educational Col­ umn interesting and instructive to all. THE Methodist Society of this vil­ lage will have a Christmas Tree, at their Church on Friday evening, Dec. 24th. All are cordially invited to bang their Breeents upou the Tree and participate in tjje exercises of tlie oc­ casion. We also learn that the Society will have a Tree at Ringwood on Saturday evening, the 23 th. THE Tickets for the New Year's Party, at the Riverside House, have been issued, and every effort is being made by mine host Wightman to make it th§ party of the season. Therefore when making up your programme for Ne* Year's do not forget the party at the Riverside on New Year's Eve., Friday evening, December 31st. SOME girls In Berlin, who were going to church, were attacked at the church door by a mouse and driven away. What kind of a church do they have there in Berlin, that no youu^ men are station­ ed at the door to protect the young ladies from mice? At every church we ever attended there is always a . guard of young men stationed on each side of the entrauce for this very purpose. » FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON advertise a large stock of Holiday Goods, which they havo just received. These goods were selected with especial reference to the wants of the people of this com­ munity, who wish to buy substantial Pre^euts, and will be sold at prices that cannot be beat. Be sure and call aud examine their stock before purchas- |u g. /OLIVER N. OWEX, son of -E. M. Owen, /net with a severe and painful accident on Saturday evening. While going from tlie house to the store of Perry & Martin 's, where lie-is employed, a re­ volver in Ills overcoat pocket was aeei- dently discharged, the ball striking him in the thigh, passing down soma six or eight inches, striking the bone near the knee, glanced oft and lodged In tlie side of the leg. Pis. Howard and Anderson were called who ex­ tracted the ball, and he is now doing as well as could be expected. It was fortunate that it did not go into the knee joint, as it would probably have made hiwi him cripple a for life. it is no serious result is anticipated. Our elstfer tells us ofa ifttWColorado igirlwhohad been attentively listen­ ing to the story of (Jain and Abel, as related by her teacher ' li» Sabbath School. "What did Cain kill Abel for?1* asked the child, 'l'lie teacher! explain­ ed as well jisshe could atld dwelt forji- bly on GaL^-wickedness in killing his !imoi.'ei^Miier through jealousy that God love<t Abel beet. "Well" said the little one thoughtfully. "JVliy didn't Cain go for God, instead of jpoor Abel!"' That little Colorado girl had Jialhcr original ideas of justice. The examination of George W. Pierce, charged with killing Isaiah Hawthorne, °was had btfore Justice Perry on Friday. 3d hist. The State was represented by Dlst. Att'y Wheel­ er, Messers. R. R. A S.. W. Menzie ap­ pearing for the defftndeut. Quite a number ot witnesses were sworn, the evflence establishing the jfacts sub­ stantially as before recorded. The court adjudged that the ̂ Hcfeiideut be held for trial at tine Cirquit Court; whereupon the#prlsou^f went before Jndge Colder ami gave bail iu the sum of twentv-flve hundred doll*r». for his appearance at the i.iext regular term of Circuit Co'ijrt JfWr. ^Valworth County.'--< ake Gciifyfo JferaldNt AoM Correapoiidenfc IN MKUOU1UM. We wllltry to pen a few humble lines to the memory of our loving friend and pastor Rev. Peter Arvedson, who iu our little village, has earnestly tried to do his duty, by striving to- bring us nearer to a just ami loving Ged. We know not any faults of our kind friend, but we do know that his virtues were many. O. if we could only find words t^ express tlhein so that the world would know what good he has done to mankind. But they are all written with care In that Holy Book where the records of our lives are kept. ^oug has his boat, tossed on life's turbulent and troubled ocean, but lie has anchored at last, safe In Heaven's harbor, where the angels await to welcome the weary and faithful ones home. He will bo sadly missed from tlie pulpit in our little church at Spring Grove, where he was wont to take his stand and teach to us the words of the. Almighty God. In his last sermon he asked us not to remember him b'ut his words. Dear friends, do not let his words be swept from our minds like the waves en the' bea beaten shore, but be as lasting as the hills. Let us strive to follow the example he has set for us, as we, too, tos* on the waves of life's wide sea. Be not afraid wh®n danger draws near. InJtbrave it as our lovftig pastor did, an^R»ok ahead where ther$* Is rest for Jfcho weary and a home for the blest; where he who lias gone be­ fore will greet us with oiltttretched hands lor he will then know $H$t his trials on earth have not been in vain. We cannot feel that sadness that we would have felt had he not been a just and good man, for we feel sure he has gained the strand of that golden shore, where a mansion in Heaveu has been prepared for him KTTIES. RJCIIARDSON', Knglish Prairie, III. Deitjpb. 1990. THAT OL-N .YU.NCHAIR. In it two lovcl ones side by side, Al morn, at noon, and even tide, t Was soeti fn that dear, dear old chair, 1 . 'When feeble, and tired, weary with care. Hint chair, with cushioned back and seat, It stood with welcomed arms to greet, And as yoarn went by »nd age came on, The two old arms were broken and gone. But still that chair remains at last, It bears tlie records of the past. The two loved ones bowed down with care. And sit no more in that old arm ehair. C. D. H. Reed's Oflt Edge Tonic restores the appetite. We have tlie Bos* Glove Depot. KITZSlM UONiiJt KVAN*<»N. The Mollne Owen 's. Sulky Plow at- U The Furst. ft Bradley Sulky Plot kt E. M. Owen's. * When In want of work In my line, give inca call aud I will try anil please Robl°. Murfitt. Jeweler. Nunda, 111. Dress Goods Stylish durable and cheap just received, we invite inspec­ tion. Fitzsimmons & Rvanson. Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets un­ til you have seeu and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. The largest stock of Millinery Goods In the County, at Mrs. S. Searles. Buckevc FoYCe Pumps, at E. Owen's. v , .• M All the Owen's. first-class Plows at E. M. A fine line of Gents Furnishing Goods at Lauer & Becker's neat the Depot. Do not purchase your Holiday Pre­ sents until >*oii have examined the splendid stock of J. B. Blake. Yariona Canaei-- Advancing years, care, sickness, dis­ appointment. and hereditary predls* position--all operate to tnrn the hair gray, uml either of the in incline* it to shell, prematurely. ATfKU'S HAIR VIUOR will n-*tore faded or gray, light r« d hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may be desired. It softeua aud cleanses the scalp, giving It a healthy action. It removes and cures dandruff »n;l humors. By its use fall­ ing hair J; checked, and a new growth will be produced iu all cases where the follU-ies are not destroyed or the glands decayed. Its effects are beauti- lully shown on brashy, weak, or sickly hair.on which a few application* wilt produce the KIOSS and fieslmess of youth. Harmless and sure iu its nper« ation, it i* incomparable as a dressing, •Mid is especially valued for the soft lustre aud richness of tone it imparts. It contains neither oil nor dye.and will not soil nor color white cambric; yet it lasts long on the hair, and keeps it fresh and vigorous. % THK finest assortment of Toys and of the best quality, at O. W. Owei&<-- Cull and see tham. Hoods and Nubias large variety and prices extremely low at FITZSIMMONS & EVANSOX'S. " Tlie finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to bn found in the county, at O. W. Owen's. IN another place !n this paper can be found the new advertisement of W. H. Dwight, Boot and Shoe dealer. Woodstock, who unquestionably keeps the finest stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubber goods to be found in McHenry County. He also lias a fine line ofSiip- pers, especially adopted to the Holi­ day Trade, which the buying public should not fail to call and examine, as he will sell them as low as the same quality of goods can be bought in the city. Mr. Dwight makes a specialty of the celebrated Selz goods, which ar- wavranted. and as he buys and sells for cash only he can and will make you better prices than any other Hoot and Shoe house in the county. Read his advertisement and give him a call when in Woodstock, THE Geneva Lake Passenger, which passes this station, going North, lach evening at 6:53. met with quite an ac­ cident on Thursday eveuing of last week, near Genoa. It was thrown from the track by a broken rail and tiie en­ gine and several of the cars thrown down a twelve feet embankment.-- Fortunately no one was killed, and though many were injured in some way none of them were very seriously damaged. Those injured the worst are II. Ballafour, a brake man aud a passen­ ger named Eli Manor, but both will be able to get out in a few days. Geo, Earlie, Mail Agent, was slightly in­ jured and a passenger named C. B. Mc- Callana was bruised, but was able to return to his hone at Springfield the next morning. Another engine aud cars were sent out from Chicago, and the train took its regular time! tlie next morning. Card Photos .82 per dozeu at Miller's Gallery,McIIeury, 111, SCHOOL. RKPORT. Below i« a brief report of my school taught io the Bassett District, for the month ending Dec. 8, 1880: Total number enrolled, 25; females, 12. males 13, Names of those not absent during the month--Dora Thomas. Flora Bas- sett. Fillie Jecks, and Cora Martin. Average daily attendance, 16. Follow­ ing Isa report of my first spelling class: Annie Francisco spelled 400. missed 2; Dora Whiting spelled missed one; Mary Jecks spelled missed 0; Bertha Ilobert spelled missed 13; Dora Thomas spelled missed 4; Minnie Clark spelled missed 1 ; Frank Martin spelled missed 10; Clinton Clark spelled missed o; Fred Jecks spelled missed 10 ; Charley Jecks spelled missed 11 ; Blooifter Jecks spelled missed 9; William Baird spelled missed 2; Frank Thomas spelled missed 10. W. J. KITTLE, Tcacher. 280 420* 420 440. 3G0. 340, 320 340] 340 344* 32(V| 380, Real Kutate Transfer*. Tlie following is a list ot real estate transfers iu McHenry county from Nov. 17. to Nov. 29. 1880: J Galleirar to Win J Clark invl* ncV sec 33 Dorr, SV25. Win J Clark to T J Dacy nwJi nejf sec 33 Dorr, *900. E M Owen and w to E Wendell w end bk 3, Mcllenry w of river. S350. J White and w to C Moyer nej£ see .29 Seneca, $3000. M F Man Icy and w ioFL Baird 34 rda in BW H sec 30 Hebron, S10. i; S Marshal ills to Samuel Jewett Its 1 ft 2 bk 13, Its 5 & 3 bk 10 Union, f 15U. J D .I.aivsoii and w ta H E Ty lander 13S a in sec 10 Grafton, SJITO. J A Read to G F Wilcox TH a in swAf sec 8 Seneca, #75. R S Brown and w to K O'Nell nM of 10a off w side so J* nwK sec 19 Alden, $80, J \V Phelps and w to G N Chittendon eest sec ». w \ swk tec 10 Marengo,$6000. J Tilaha and \v to S Mazek n,V s.V ucJi sec 29 Algonquin, *1210. S liauvcr et al to P D & Christina Ilauver in sec 3 'J & 10 Chfcinnng, *25u0, G S I,ord and w to J Aylesworth pt It 2 ft 3 blkfi., 3M». l?sula K Goortspced to P X England Its 6 7 & pt It 5. bk l-Crvstal Lake, Its 12 13ft pt It 11 bk 6 Parsons add to Crystal I.nkc,5.V). C Moorhouse and wife to J R Jackman pt it 14 sec rt Algonquin, 1359. AS Munson and wife to G K Rarringer pt Its 8 ft W and It 11 bk 4 Alden, 600, Bottom Prices for Holiday Gooils4 at J. B. BlaksX McHenry. I make a specialty of Repairing fine' W itches, and warrant all my work, Kobt. Murfitt, Nunda. ' AXOTIIKR new lot of Millinery Goods just received at Mrs. H. 11. N Ichols. • v New style Bracelets at O. W. Owen's HOLIDAY GOODS. In endless variety at John B. Blake's, McHenry. If looking for a Holiday Present e*» amine those flue Books.all froui tlie best authors, at O. W. Owen's. Silver anil plated ware In eudlea* variety, ut O. VV. Owen's. V ' -- . New Prints, latest patterns, al prices from five cer.ts a yard and up­ wards, at Colby Bros.. Riverside Block Ladies of McHenry and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. Sauries. Am now offering greater bargains than ever. All wuffc 11 repairing done on short notice. If ybu want to make a substantial Present for the Holidays, buy one of the celebrated Estey Organs, of O. W. Owen. They are the best iu the mar­ ket, and are sold reasonable, Mns. E. W. Howie is offering induce­ ments to purchasers of Millinery. Cloaks, &c. Give her n call. Store four doors North of Riverside House. Cotton VliMinels bleached and un- hleacked. Muslins cheap this week at FITZSIMMONS t EVANSOX'S. id POULTRY! POULTRY! I am now prepared to pay the High­ est Market Price for all kinds of Poul­ try, delivered at my Poultry House, .In McHenry. Bring along your.Poul­ try and get your cash. c. T. KLDBEDGB. Holiday Goods, useful -4nd ornamen­ tal. Prices verv reasonable. FITZSIMMONS ft EVAKSOK. RICHMOND STCTIODTL. FTLCPTIKT, For the Manth of > V OKAMHAIt UKPAKTMKNT. Number of scholars enrolled 33 ; to­ tal number of days attendance 537; average daily attendance 27; number of scholars got absent 4. The following were not absent dur­ ing the entire month; Ella Haythorn Gertie Johonnott, Bert Smith, Fred Smith. IXTKRMEIHATF. DEPAKTMENT. Number of scholars enrolled 23; aver­ age daily attendance 19; number of scholars not absent 6. The'following were not absent (lur­ ing the entire mouth: May Bennett, Eva Brown. Earl filitedge, Allie Clap- sattle, Aii'tin Browi?, Eddie Sehine- mann, MAKY J. DARLING, Teacher. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Number of scholars enrolled 43 aver­ age daily attendance 34, number of scholars not absent 11. The following were not absent dur­ ing the entire month: Hattle Cotting, Maud Carpenter, Bertha Drake, Lora Mesd, Bertha Skinkle. Johnnie Billet. Lewis Cole. Verity Dole, Johnnie Haythorn, Lewis Johonnott. EMMA KILLEY, Teacher. In submitting the above report the teachers would take the opportunity to say a few words to the patrons of the school. .. . While the above repur^,shows a fair degree of regularity on the most of the pupils, yet the attendance l« not what it should be. and the prosperity of the school has been hiudert^d much by the irregular attendance of some of the pupils. The responsibility for tkts must rest ill a great measure with the parents. The teachers are making strenuous eflorts to secure regularity on the part of all the pupils and the)' would ask the hearty co-operation of the parents in this endeavor. No pupil can make fair progress in his studies if lie is fre­ quently absent. A day away from school is a complete loss, so far as study is concerned, and cannot be made up and not only izthat day a loss but the scholar is placed at a great dis­ advantage iu his next diur's work. The other scholars have advanced, while he was away and because J|f this day's absence, he fails to understand the next day's lesson. He becomes discouraged ami loses his Interest in hlv .studies and if this operation is oficrt*^repeated. in allstudy. Let every parent see to it that their children are In school every day unless prevented by sickness and they will aid the teachers iu their work and insure the prosperity of the J. P. FISK. JR.. Principal. TIIK sweeping tide of prosperity is shown by the immense increase of bu«lnenHii the Patent Office, General Land Olllee,Pension Office, and other Departments of the Government.-- Patent cases. Pension claims. Contest­ ed Land entries, or other business placed In the hands of Presbery & Green, Attorneys, 529 7th st.,*Washing­ ton, D. C„ willdrive immediate atten- ion. Enclose stamp for information. G. WHESLEY Has just received an Optometer, for testing the eves, and can now fit you witu^t pair of spectacles and guarantee satisfaction. He also has a full line of Spectacles, all kinds, to which he in­ vites tlie attention of th^r public. of the Dundee and Richmond Stores, buys and sells for cash only, consequently can offer you inducements in aM kinds of goods, Read liis price list. Photographs and Ferrotypes. Iu every style and design known to the art. At reasonable rates. A Miller's Photo Studio, JUST RECEIVED. One of the finest stocks of Holiday Goods to be found in the County, at John B. Blake's, McHenry. Toy Goods, for the Holidays,in end­ less variety, at O. VV. Owen's. THE "New Process" Flour, manufac tured by Hanly & Sou?, McHenry, is giving unusual satisfaction wherever used Ask your Grocer tor it. FOR SAI.E, 40 Acres of land in Section 12. al! fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house »aud bam thereon, with timber and water iu abundance, in Sec tion '22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good new housejbarii and other outbuildings.-- Apply to JOHN FLUSKV. NEW Fall Millinery, latest styles, just received at Mrs. S. Searles'. Just received all the latest Styles and shades of winter Millinery,' MnS. K. \Y. IIOWB. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's, Nunda, for Millinery and Dress Making* DO YOU WANT BARGAINS Hall's In Holiday Goods? Then go to Richmond and Dundee Stores. Everybody, farmers or mechanics rich or poor, should call at Fitzsim­ mons and Evanson's aud do their Holi­ day trading. They have the "boss" selection. FIFTY cords of wood wanted, at once in payment for subscripilous to • the PLAINDKALKR. E. A. GOLD Of G. Wauconda, III., dealer in Gro­ ceries, Canned Goods. Confectioner}', Cigars, Tobacco. Notions, &c. Also ileadquarters for Piatt A Co's Celebra ted Baltimore Oysters. 1 am now pre pared to furnish Fresh Oysters by the Can or Dish, at all hours of the day or evening. My Refreshment Parlors are cosily fitted up. well warmed and light­ ed. and no pains will be spared to please all who call. I also make a specialty of all kinds o f Can Goods, and keep a fine line of Confectionery. Give me a call. E. A. UOLDIKO. My stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Ac, never was larger than now. and as I am bound to sell them, look out for bed rock prices. Call either at the Rich­ mond or Dundee store aud be oonvinc- od. ______ Card photo's only two doilarf* per doz. Cabinet's four fifty, copies and views 91.011 per negative, #1.00 each for duplicates. OYSTERS only 35 cents per quart at the McHenry Bakery. The Minette Photo, only 75 cts per doz. A.Miller's. Substantial Holiday Goods, at C. 11*1)'*, Dundee and Richmond Stores. IF yon want your Watcli putfn. frst class Order, call ou Robert MorllU Jeweler, Nunda, CLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! Don't forget to cull on Mrs. Searles and price her new Cloaks and Doluians. She has also a large stock of the latest tyles of flats, Bouuets, Scarfs. Hoods, Cloak Trimmings. Yankee Notious, Ac. Please call before purchasing. A fine line of China Mustache Cups, Handkerchief Boxes Cull sud Collar Boxeg. at Beslev's Drug Store. I.adies Portmonies. the nobbiMp town, at Beslwy's Drug Store. W IB GALA DAI; FOR Good Girls, i In Wauconda '-•'WS Farmers having Butter and Eg?* to sell will find a good market at FITZ­ SIMMONS A EVANSON'S BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. Ninety cents per sack, at the Bakery. Wanted. 5000 Cash customers for hol­ iday trade at Fitzsimmons & Evauson. Fitzsimmons A Evauson are selling 20 lb". Currants for $1. Raisens, 5.%c per box. 12 lbs. good Sugar 91. '5000 yards good Cotton Flannel at 9c pisr yard, Call and see. Autograph Albums, from five cent upwards, at O. W. Owen's. The finest Hi e of Toilet Articles f be found in the county, at Besley 8 drug store. CHEAPEST Cloaks iu town for the money at Mrs. II. H.Nichols. Go to Mrs. E. W.« Howe for GloaKs and Dolmans. For the celebrated Belolt Shoe, the best in the market, go t*o Colby Bros. A choice stock of Candies, all kinds at Bcsley's Drug Store. Reeds Gilt Edge Toule cures Fever aud Ague; The Domest'tf Sewing Machine leads the world. What would be more appropriate for a Christmas Preseut, For Sale bf O. W. Owen. Prices reduced on Shawls ao^ClQAkS at FITZSIMMONS A EVANSON. Writing Desks, a very appropriate Holiday Present, can be found at Bes- ley's Drug Store. CALL at Besley's and see the "Indus­ trious wouiair" It will pay. Holiday Goods, in endless vsri ty, a' Besley's Drug Store, West Side. If in seacrli of Bargains call at C. F. Hall's Richmond and Dundee Stores. Celuloid Sets, the neatest thing for a Wedding Present out. at Besley's Drug Store, opposite the Parker House. MiiS. GEO. McCOLLUM, Fashionable Hair - Worker Post Office Address, WAUCONDA, --- - ILLINOIS, I would beg leave to inform the Ladies of Lake and McHenry Counties t hat I am now prepared to do all kinds ot Hair Work ou short notice anjl in the best of manner. I use none but natural Hair, and gurautee all work as represented. That mv prices are low I will leave all to judge for themselves by tlie fol­ lowing: WILL MAKE SWITCHES Where you furnish the Hair, 81.00. Where you furnish 1 root it. 81.50. Pufls, (you to furnish Hair# 10 cts each Wave* ou Hair Lace, 91.00 an inoh. Waves on Vegetable Lace, 75 ceuts an Inch. Switches from 82.00 to 93.00, aceor I ing to size aud quality. Ladies wishing anything in this Ijne should not fail to give me a call, asl am satisfied 1 cau suit you both In quality aud price. MRS. GEO, MECJLI»UM. f t . L . _ • Jffr UuWtr^l Accord Ayer's cathartic pills are the best of all purgatives for family use. I liey are the product of long, laborious ant successful chemical investigation, and their extensive use by physicians HI their practice, and by all civilized na­ tions, proves them the best aud most successful purgative | ill that medical science can dev ise. Being purely veg­ etable uo harm can arise from their use In intrinsic value and curative other pills e»u be compared with them, aud every person kuowiug their virtues will employ them when needed. They keep the system iu per­ fect order and maintain in healthy ac­ tion I he whole machinery of life. Mild seftrchiug and efieotual, they are specially adapted to tlie needs or the digestive apparatus, tbrangements of which they prevent and cure. If timely taken.; They are the best and safest nhysic to employ for children and weakened constitutions, where a mild but eflectuai cathartic is required* For sale by all dealers* Dress Gootk iu all styles, cheapo at C. T. Hail's Rlcbiuouu and Dundee Stores. « 'Ik Friday, Dec. 24th, every litt!e • ** boy and grirl who calls oil Mr./V- Harrison at the Dritjr Store neat little present which was left there for them by Santa Claim. The Old ttirls aitd the Old Boys are cordially invited to call and bring the little folKsand see the finest display of Rich Holiday Goods evet shown in Wauconda, All the davs from now until Christmas will be Gala Bays It tie Dm to. This will be a'Merry Christmas at the Book Haunt. F. B. HARRISON. To tell you of a few Special Bargains 1 havo to offer. We have just received a line of * . DRESS QOOD$ 1-2 wool at 12 1-2 cenU pei§| yard in -5 shades, usually sold atf. 20 cents per yard. Also a lin«* * , of Dress Goods at 17 cents iisu-i * ully sold at 2"> cents por yard,--4 ) YVe have in stock and to arrive a fine assortment of goods for tho 4r HOLIDAY TRADE, J We have also aShue© line of MAJOLICA WAKE. I» tlie GROCERY LIN® we have to offer 20 ft». Rice for $1. ^ 1-4 box Raisins, A7e ptnr box G tt* very tiue CcflW $!t. H. ROGKRS» Yolo, IU., Dee. 1st, 1880. /or Children T H E NURSERY This Mugatlne will l<ejr»a the year Ml witha H»W »wl <»»»! 0»»v»»r »iMl irnerov tfrovots. . Ife will coutiuue to Mf- all itiaitiUare.**- The Jfttutury uuftilMNP will Ik-- S1.M« year, la a4- New HwharHfc ers set nn extra iia. t»>r l»y siil>«(iribim now. ?itetl Year. Vllssluimons A Evauson ofer a few drlv#s in Boys and Y«>"«tl»» Th#v also havw akrt ttf Soft Ouattfc* *j.50 wonh *4.00. -f ••Jr

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