Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Dec 1880, p. 8

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v •. \ '.\i «xpendi- (Nearthe Depot McHenry - lauihoUty had »«*e of trans- oM®d- ttKUaathor- tHd jrou g it fand ,* ww |lt flashed upon that we had i litp, but he perhaps this matter, rising we keep stises are rela- M same throughout, Irant was carried across the actual cost of was Wljte for harbor dhei.1 words fell on my ear, I •tylsaid: 'By G--, >1 will" be Irien- ploayune smelling tlfet pitiful sain >t. I • * - - Illinois, ' ̂ BEaveJust filled their Store with a full stock of the lat'eii stylet aa£ pat> CXOTHS, ' -FobP>"'- Is more pared to move of the enemy ever charging the good peo­ ple of McHenry Co. such fearful high prices for Torres poadent speeches In SIMM, tonocnti iteys of 1880. fpHnvited guest lUie uwmbi'tgn, •ad, although llation, yet gne?t the ions. Senator sU this in­ itiate a few sntlon to the [Mt and lit oat . (t]| M*otd by i John BroVrn, who ited hircrfmes on MZMZS Smi.-- THH Mton of OS to s»jr against Whof iWe the iCtb*4ir*««s that was »*» of ,aak*«* $Sm of Kansas a «wn> »ls. John Brow? pr, *nd AfeeaMwt In tliat ton£ ijSljpd up the MMM of ijsmo led that the lice Irieu Suiting. winch they are prepar­ ed to make to oMer on short notice, and war- HUi&fitiUL W « a i m h a \ # t : f * l » H a e e t i - ' * * - rURNIRHINC COODS* Collar*, Cuffs, Snspenders, Hosiery, , HATS, CAPS, &c. liHNrfch we ill not be nndersoM, quality of goods considered. In the Hat line we have the Garfield and Hancock, the latest and nobbiest style out. When in want of a single garment of a full •ittfedoBOt fail to give us a call. LAUER * BECKER. McHenry, Oct. 5th,<1880. {S~ - . • I II H I. I*» He has just bought Especially for the HOLIDAY TRADTfi ft mam- rooth"stock of <•. •> -v A •*» ifcl Plain Slippers yrhich must be^&i^sqlgQii JIT ~ -- "A* ^ ' • f"', au Fie buys and sells more Boots anct Shoes than all other dealers in Woodstock. „ Coino and see him. Cor. Main St. and Public. Squa:e "<& , -• • - . 1 * '* ^Xrt? v WOODSTOCK, IL Hem Hardware Store. I. MEAD! J-,-^';,TiltAll THE DEPOtf""^** - »** # * ••?*.('» ±,. •* - ^ '•* ; • • 1 ITtEiEN Lis'eittsi'"' N xm ?. ̂ ATJCOSIDA. i fm coll' and. I have KM e?«r ATS. #2.65 !J9« MUM--- TS. RCOATS.A7 ' ALL PKLCES lOlothi«i(more numerous than i suited tor every parse.-- j to ordar, whether a single S full I in® ,CK) %D?, H%ts tnd twth seaiy.ra%de "fM .INCRY^ A JLM. • -. Mm snsable ni««, MilUn^ry i and •(- Table and Pocket Cutlery, fr-iiion aod Shears, Horse Hasps, Horse Shoe#; Horseshoe •Mails,and riles of every description. , Also everything that is generally kept in a Hard­ ware Store. f Mng- a Practical Workman, I shall ifuiro no prites Hi trying tn faction to alljw ho lavorjme with their patron age. , ^A11 kinds cf Jobbing) Please give me a call before purchasing elsewherqfwhenih need of anything in my Mue ; I- M. MEAD. MnfleAry, Oct. 10th. 18I&. u JOHNSBURCH „ ..... _ie best _. Boost with Mrs. Msimaa^: ••a »y '» lisi^ p^r's M g, % MarMe Worts. ri ^ v " •» - - tC m If fell ' I- . ^[ENRY MILLER, ;i --DKALER IN-- Aiericai aid Foreiiif Marfeje. Monuments, Headstones ̂ •j Etc., ** •Scotch G^anile Constantly on Hand. --DEALEKS Infill General IIIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENY, I1L. We have one of the must comiilete«to|ks Gpods e^r brought to thi? market, consisting in part ot r * {; K Dlt'WS, lOtlill 4 -; jV i- Waueonda. ^11. ^ " , • ' - & ^ Will sell you better Goods at lower prices than any other house in the county. Our line ot ' I . , ---• * * *. • • ' • ' • t :^D * Dress Goods, Hosiery, , T- >• " :• ' * »• & ' • .! ** * »w»r;W%waii,~V articles too numerous to mentl ST^"4*R IfferkttMr' Ounliueof e 1 '»BOOT3 <ft shoes; Were never better as we have just received a new assortment. of no use to attempt to tell you all. We could not tell you even one- tenth part of it. The only, way tor you to be convinced that what we say is true is for you to come and see for yourself. That certainly is w -*BpPBIBTOBS OT-"**&> •pt. NEAR DEPOT. * .) I&WI- We never had a larger stock, and we will not be iindersoid, quali­ ty of Goods considered. Give us a call when in want of anything' in our line. ROBT. HARRISON. Waoc«nid», ; v_ .J. ¥ BOOl'S A > "ttmi I) SHOliS, Paints* Oil£. % *v . v Medicines & Cndcery. Cila^Tran, W ooden as| Wiljoware, "r r . ' • .3 , i': . • x • --fe_ Groceriea . Ete w Etc v • - - ' • ' ' • • = ' , . JJ ; pne of the finest Storks of t^ens to 08 found frf^thfe- we invite the enpecial attention of the public* Sut- riee. ^fi^th^:%e.|i^'&u|l|l|heai bdth in quality an •A • AkoTCHEa|{ADmT^ai$r £ » -t- BESLE% • P I A N O S f . GRANDS, UPRIGHTS ANf) SQUARES, Established in Chicago orcr 26 Tests, Usod and Recommended by over 25,000 Artists & Amateurs Our Patent Self-Bearing Agraffe attachment, Concave* Name- Board, and improved Veneered Bridge, are x^luable improvements, uscdjjin the Bauer Pianos onlv. The Bauer Cabinet The newest and most rerfnet Producdon in the art of Piann xaking. Hy the introdae^ tion of an improved Vioiin-Shnped Sounding Board the volume of tone Ugreatly increased, and left entirely free from^Metallic Qualities Promenent Artists Pronounce it a Marvel of Perfection. MEBBRS. JTTLIUS BAUER A CO., Chicago, III: uehtlbmem : The Bauer Piano which I linrchased of you. I am happy to say, ts^growing in favor every day. The more I use it the nettpr I like it. I have had piitnos from many jefcclirntcd fnctnrivs, bin have fonnd none'to equal yours in power and purity of tone, elasiicltv of touch, and durability. I :»m glad that mv Urst ouir.ion which prompted me in KXCHA&GING my KN AUK for the BA.ITKit has proved a lasting One. w Tours respectfully, JOHN KEB1.IIRO, * 'Mtwburgh, Pa., Uov. 28,11879. Factory, 185, 127,1291 120 Street, New York. - A Complete Assortment of the Favorite Pianos will be found r^:,atour Warerooms. V JULIUS BAUER & 182484 WABASH AV. between wunroo-imd Adums St.. CHICAGO JACOB STORY, •f:f ILI- McHenry, --DEALER IN BjMleal is pjte-emincntly a •s the latest fnfor. Solon< in dress and or> Tfqost approred pat. •Hleles derived from fe**kwliile its stor . (•••oeljM .and I)om«i. l yarls^ to Its splnmns. ^Periodicals. ^ One Year....'. «|« AIM. One Tear 4 00 "»¥• Oae Tear 4 SO .tabUesttono «ne year 10 60 Ittljrat' Yw»........ 7oo nPEOfT.E, 6ne year. ISO I subsWibem in the (Jul. . . with ths . |Mli yoar,^ „ . It will be under-toooetmenM ; after the roselpt of 11 Votnmei of Hw-r > bmding^frill bo sent , «r:i»v oxpress, free of 'Tit does not ox. tfpr«f.*e!eh, .fjgm enftable for (.SSnt by mail, postpaid, o* 8hopTwo nales No»rt Henry, 111. 1 ! Joh>V*hursU, ^W?W7; -W'V •v*11 ..--'• W 1 C- TT JOS. WIEDEMANN, Agent Pranz Falk's • ^ mmi urn BUS, "'IV iMcHenry, lit % f -•i ' :,n DBALKIt' IK Dnp, Medicines, faints, Oils, and|pe|,^ic!e|a I have added to mv alreadv Large Stock, a Fine Liner oi TOILET ARTICLES, LAMPS. CHOICE CANDIES. , HOLIDAY GOODS, T» which he invites the attention of the buying pttbl Physicians Prescriptioi « . • * ' ? "5 m^aCal.. C. W. BESLEY. McHenry, iflV, Nov. lf)th, 1880- jpM he made ta it%, to avef! Offlee ettsaee of ^JLTONFIPY this advm T ENTER of HIKFER A BKOTH. ?EU* BWOT New Yojrkt Beer in Large oriflmall'Kegs or Rotties0s1 ayaon hand.cheaper than any'other. quail, y considered. 0 This Beer l»n>a world Vide reputation, and good judges acknowledge It cannot oe sur- paseed in the .world, ' Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDBMAJCN. McHenry, 111. Ma* Sth,<IMS. i 1 _J Orandmothsr's Chair I Pupalar-- Word* A MnniA *0tt the Tramp," March Very ITUJ/iritinff. j Twiokenham FetTy Splendid-Word* 4C •"W™ I FULL KIZK Piano Mu^lo. | AW. 4 -|»IBOKaTJ« Hailed on rfoei ptof •Korir S cent Stamps, V. Stoddart & 0s> Phila««lfhto> , orr* hu8ine«!< now before the publfe J. Ton ran make money faster at work for»us than at nnvthing else. Capital not required. We will start you. fl-2 a day and upwards made at home >»v the induNtrU ous, wen, women, Ikivs and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now In the time You can devote yoar whole time to the work, or only voitr spare moment*. No other busi* ite»« will (My you nearly in well. No one Willing to work can fail to make enormou* pay l>y engaging ntonce. (k»stly outfit and t e r m s f r e e . » . . • • - money A Co., Augusta, Maine. ree. A great opportunity for mating easily and honorably. Address TRI E sassafssast CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. Ac. We are uow exhibiting a fine line of Top Bttggie*. Phaetons, opftn * Bug* glee, Platform Spring Wagons of best maketAad lowest prices, WJ' [ M.M OWTNAIOX, #i * ' * • • • - ' I W GUILE to SUCCESS. • .WITH 'i FOR Business AND BV FAR the best Bnofcesp <v>d SociaS Guide anil Hand Hook ever wiihlislied. Mur|> the Infest. It tell* both senes eomid' trly HOW TO IM>K.VRKYTlllM« in the I test war, Hnw to l»e Your Own T.h w jcr, How to do Business Correctly and 8uee6«sfnlly llow to Aet in Society and in everjSfci'rt of lifft, and contains a gold mine of information, indiwoensalile to allelaueoSr com Unt rof. erenee, AOKNT* W^MTflBfor all or spare time. To know why thl* Mfe of REAL value and attractions «ell« better Rian #ny other, apply for terms to „ .Scissors, Shears, Tabe and Pocket Cut eiir« & . Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axe*, Grindstones. ^ • f WindowHllassf. v.' • GRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE. J. STORY. Attention! We are Not closing out, but are better prepared than ever to give elope bargains on ail kinds of Farm Machinery We make a speciality of ill the leading Machinery, among whicb are Walter A. Wood Reapers and Mowers, Peerless combined Reap­ ers, Leader Reapers, the celebrated Manny and Standard Mowers. Furst & Bradley's Cultivators, Rakes and Plows. ' Four leading Cultivators. The celebrated and uurivtt^ed Urcr Rake, Hoi lings- worth Rakes and several others. PUMP# PUMPS I PUMPS! !llso have a full assortment of the celebrated BUKEYE FORCE PUMP always on hand. Also the Adams Kenosha for a Wood Pnmp. . * .P-': We keep an assortment of Wagdns and Buggies ot all kinds, Howe's Plan tors *a nd in fact everything that a farmer wants. If in want of mv thing in our line do not fail to call as we W® ean^atut 111® Old Stand, opposite the Mill.- ' * • W/ *<I $ Ac JSOlV, < V I T - . ' \ ' kL I T ) Also The public are respectfully ife formed that the above named firm have constantly on hand a large.stook <|# the very Finest Flour, poited Meal, Feed, ta. "VR We have unusual facilities for* manufacturing and are well pre pared to ip*,,"1.. n 1' With all ^possible djspatch. and we are confident that 110 Mill in the Northwest can sutpass ua. either in the promptness of worfe done for customers, or . r IN QUANTITY OR QUALlTy. tt |^"MER HANTS and others ? H ? who handle Flour are especially : c*^' requested^to give us a call, as our different Brands of Flour are second to none in the market " Thanking the public for past favors we hope cjujatiuuyncc h ^ nje ^ u A. H. HANL* & SONlgv McHenry, 111, Aug 10,1880 mm Ready for Fall Trade. Has just put in his Store a Largre Stoyfeithan ever, and is selling at the very Lowest Prices possible. HAYE GIVEN PRICES BELOI. Extension Tables, $1. per foot. Breakfast Tables, all walnut, $3.75. Centre Tables, from $3.50 and upwards. Common Bed­ steads, $2.75, $3.00 French black walnut bedsteads, $5.75 and upwards. Common Kitchen Chairs, $3. Cane Seat ChainM $5 up to $14, Bureaus $9 and upwards. Commodes and Wash- stands, $4.50 and upwaids. Lounges, Brussels Carpet, $8. Mattresses, all sizes, $2.75. Bu­ reau, with 14x24 Glass, $15. Looking Glasses and Brackets, Wall Pockets, etc.* M I also keep on hand * sortment of COFFINS AND CASKETS, furnished at y5gT° Hearse sonable rates. rea* JOHN B. BLAKC McHenry, August 23,1880. IstabMed Orer 3 Qsarter ila Century. ' - F. C. RAYES, ^31 4AKD DKALEBIIH: 4 "•& Reidy-Uade Cloths, Oassimero and W<>> ptwM to sell! b> the yard. The latest styles of tKSads on haal atafl times. t^Mv stock „f EKADY-MAD* CLOTHING is now complete ami I ;iSSfe; Will not Store in the Bridge. tMr undersold !McHenry, neef Slenear^, I1L% Sfov <•1 'M

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