Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Dec 1880, p. 2

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f l ' §? laiuilealct I. VAN SLYKE. Editor and Putill$h«r. lloHENRY, - ILLINOIS. M 1 'WEEKLY IEWS REVIEW. 'U nTT^x. . i Tw liabilities of B. G. Arnold & Co., lithe bankrupt coff«o tirm of New York, are re- ^orted l>y the assignee at $2,157,914, and the v%wetflat §1,571.198 Kate Chase Spragtio has •led a petition for divorce from her husband, «K-Senator William Sprngtra, in the Washington County ill. I.) Court. The&rounds on which the seeks release from her marital relatione ' with Mr. Sprague are adultery, other niisbe- h:iv>i>rs, n^plect to provide for herself and family suitably. THK experiment of lighting Broad- tray, New Yaik, wuh ek-ct ricity haa been BOO- «'ssfuHy carried ont Of 160 cases of diph­ theria, whichoccurred in Brooklyn last week, tfty have proved fataL THK famous Stevens battery, at Hobo- ken, N. J., upon which millions have been •pent, having recently been Hold for $55,000, is now being broken np by a Boston tirm Diphtheria prevails in Buffalo to such an ex­ tent that the pnbhc schools iu one section of the city have been closed. . . , .. -r> i: i of the several bureaus in the department AN engine of the Reading railroad The United States s.» >reme Court has decided Poin tw<> P« miin» tk* onmh. ! »v>«» individual shareholder 1,1 •" 000,000. The termini will be some point on the Atlantic coast wiUun the Dominion and a port on Lake Superior, by way of Ottawa and Mon ta-eaL THK Mexican Government has detailed two engineers, three stair officers, and a physician to accompany Capt. Eads in his surveying tour over the Isthmus of Teiiaun- tspec. TABHINEIOX. THK formal orders making changes in the oommand of the military departments, and creating new departments, were issued at Washington last week. (Jon. O. O. Howard goes to West Point, (km. 8chofield assumes command of the new Department of Texas and Arkansas, with headquarters at New Orleans. Tho States of Arkansas and Louisiana and the Indian Territory will constitute a new Military De­ partment, Col. Mackenzie of the Fourth artillery, succeeds to this command, with the brevet rank of Brigadier General. Gen. Augur assumes command of tho Depart­ ment of Texas, and Gen. Henry J. Hunt Ls as­ signed to the temporary command of tne De­ partment of the South President Hayes, with a desire that full justice be done the Pon- cas, requests (Jens. Crook and Milos, Will- am Stickney, of Washington, and Walter Allen, o f Newton, Mass., to proceed to Indian Territory confer with the unfortunates, and forward rec­ ommendations. THE Navy Department was formally turned over to Secretary Ramsey last week. Before retiring Secretary Thompson was pre- i sented with an address of regret by the heads of the several bureaus in the department resolutions introduced under a call of the States : Authorizing the construction of a donhle steel-track railway *fron» New York to Council Bluff*; to cheapen and fa­ cilitate the inne of po-tai money-ordcra! calling on the Seciv tary of War for on eattmate an to the cost of a steel railway from New York city to Council Bluffs; providing for double or return postal cards; anfndtiii tit* constitution no M to make a President iuaUgihle to re-election; extend- In# to Jan. 1,1 rn, th© Mm® for granting mrremrn of ruien of tho Honm and unrl«r the nronriotv of th* State* of Ohio, Illinois | bate, ni d ihat il wan entirely out of r s & - t a " t h e u c i w A bill was introduced in the Senate to author* | in ttio pre«enc<> of the House, »nd I Is# the Issue of greenbacks upon deposits of gold ' «!„,h hmnbly to the House. . „ . " . * . " » »ucn_ conduct i« Wholly unJUHtirtab'.e. I feel tliat as by Mr. Beck, on Tueaday, Doc. 21; one by Mr. j deeply a* anybody elms, certainly. I wieh to say Saunders, to establish au assay office at Deadwood, j further, that I had Imnie myself through a lonir ...J » n - J mnnii;g debate, an I thought, with ir.»„i 1,1,...Ti Mr. Weaver--Of ixmra,, there e*n tie no two opin- Icnsa* t.. th»- iramwity aM propriety of an apofogy for what l„°k bIMS yealwtfajr to the fio one regrets tin o<xn}rrwK» mo*e deeply than I do mvself. I know that it tg very care that 1 m»r uer at ml, either 1n public deoate or private life. 1 did not intend t 1 do so yesterday, ami I can only any to the House--what is understood bv every liKiiniH*r and the ooniitry- -that the language uwtd by wo yenttrduy was wholly unjustifiable uuder the of tl,°. House and under the propriety of the de SW1N LEGENDS. exploded near I\ lo Alto, Pa., killing the engin- | that All uiui»iuiyti ouaiuui/iuva u>i an eer, *. conductor and two brakemen... .Bv an \ insolvent national bank is liable only for his \ . , . , proportionate share of the bank n imbutiteg explosion of giant-iiowder cat tndges on ou ti^e amount of- stock held bv him at torn track of th^ Lehnih Vallev railroad, two I . , T. •_ ^plosion vt i based ou the amount of- stock held I, - itie track of the Lehigh Valley railroad, two yje ^me t jj0 bank, became insolvent... .It is! * u "nd rwo oth<,r8 IBlmd- 1 stated that Presideht Haye-s made a tender of ^e*poUfc In exeoutlve Judge the Secretaryship of the Navy to Justice Wood> was eonflrmed as an Associate wiv. v/a 1 uv iinij in/ wuniivu Strong, on tiie latU.i's retirement from the Su- Srente bench. Justice Stxo g is said not to ave been averse to accepting, but doubted whether it was legal for a Judge 011 the retired list to accept a Cabinet portfolio. POLITICAL. THE LotiisVille Courier-Journal pub- men were killed and two others injured Those who recall the annoyance inflicted upon Rev. Dr. Dix, of New York, last winter, by "Gentleman Joe." will be interested in learn­ ing that tiie latter has clo.^ed lus days in prison, at Sing Sing, dying of a gastric affection. |THE WEST. THE puddling and rolling departments of the Harrison wire-mill, in St. Louis, have' *-- been destroyed by Are, causing a loss of £50,- ; fishes the official popular vote for President, 000, and throwing 600 men out of employment j derived from official sources. The footings are John C. Calhoun (a nephew of the South | as follows : Hancock, 4 458.493; Garfield, Carolina statesman and orator), whose confine- ! 4,460.249 ; Weaver, 307,998; Dow, 9,834 ; •sent in an insane asylum in'Nevada was an- scattering. 9,579; total vote, 9,241,- nounced some weeks ago, was drowned a few | 338. Garfield over Hancock, 6,751 days since. He had recovered his reason, and j John Kelly has issued an address to the De- would soon have been discharged. : mocracv of New York, m which he attempts to THE St Paul Board of Trade Las ! P™™ Tilden treacherously compassed the , j defeat of Hancock Senator Blaine is in fa- passed a resolution calling upon the Minnesota vor 0f increasing the number of Supreme delegation in Congress to insist upon the im- j Judges to thirteen, and of appointing «* '«"u* ' - lujnoii llllUliUU • IOUK runniLK debate, m I thought, with good humor, and tne offensive language was used Just l>efore the close ol my last remarks in reply to the gentleman foom Miosouri (Mr. Bland), and was wholiy unex- Bt tu« u,,,e- I Uiought that-the whole .hlticulty was settled. I do not wish to rai<.e a_question as to who was to blame--not at all. I aav that, v hother I was to blame or he was to blame, or we wen-both to blame, the conduct was unjustifiable and I apvthigisie for my part of it to the House. £ ask to bo excused. Mr. Sparks--During the great confusion (and I »m warranted in saying that it was a greatconrusion) which existed in the committee of the whole yester­ day, I used language that I well knew to be in oon- nict with the rules of the House. I do not ou this occamoti feel diBposed to speak of the part taken in this confusion by other gentlemen of tbe 1 "OW that my language was til conflict funding bill before the holiday reoees^ and ] i *~,i thmti^M?Hnn^j"anie,lt2I7v thiM the House went into committee of the whole I On iotinnth„,nXy' *n^ hereby tender it. thereon, when Messra. Weaver, Bland, and ! ^ irU°n the matter WM ^ropped-yeas, 104; MillS Ktated that they WOUld OppORe immediate action I * by every possible means. In the prolonged debate I Which fol.o«ed, Mr. Weaver denounced Mr. Hparks t as a liar, and the latter retorted that the Greenbacker ; was a sco;indre,l and a villain. Each then advanced I toward tlie other, each attempting to remove his | coat, but friends hurried them from the chamber. Mr. Morgan called up hia resolution of last June on the electoral count, and spoke at length ! thereon, in the Senate on the 23d tnst Mr. Windom I introduced a bill for the erection of a posto&ce at ! and by Mr. Ingalls, a measure for the admission of Now Mexico. The Vice President submitted a letter ] from the Secretary of the Interior, calling for $18,- j 803,000 as an additional pension appropriation ab- j solutely required for tbe current year. The bill da- j creating the ttmn during which Territorial Legisla- ! tnre« may remain in session from forty to thirty ! days p:iHW><l. The nomination of Judge Woods to 1 the Supreme lwnch wan confirmed, but was r<>con- j sidered, and the Senate adjounied leaving the matter unflniKhcd. The House wan informed by Mr. Haw- ' ley that Connecticut had transmitted for the | Portrait gallery an oil painting of Jonathan Trum-nll. Mr. Robeson introduced > resolution that the | two houses asst-mble in February in the House | chamber to count the electoral votes, but the j member* refused to consider it Fernando I Wood urged the necessity of pawing tbe I Ifhleh Snrefal Mini. I Pat 1 Mall G.sette.] In the northern legends swans play a most romantic part. Two separate cur­ rents may be distinguished in the swan myths of Teutonic and Scandinavian countries. To one current belong the various stories of swan maidens, to the other those concerning the knights of the swan. Hero, again, l>oth traditions of beast worship and images of nature, po- synonymou*--haa in it this very element. Those who live fully up to or beyond their income, in the wearisome effort to buikl up to or keep up a certain style of appearance, really, though unconscious­ ly, sacrifice the v6ry attractiveness which they seek to produce. The difficult and painful effort which it costs they fully realize, but they imagine it to be hidden from oil but themselves--and herein lies their great mistake. ̂ Curious Some. etry may play a part; though it is not ! <1 ̂most respectable jury--every one of clear that the swan maidens of the north ! , *2? a freeholder--was impaneled clear that the swan maidens of the north i ^ ire«noia(ir--was impaneled had any other origin than the obvious I ^1(mmel, Irelaud, to try a most im- oue which would lie in process of imagina- j P°r t " (l^es^lon. During the course of tive reasoning like this: Swans are beings I < le , Vi , 'curued Judgo had to retire all softness,. grace and purity; so are I "r V, 4111 ".our> promising to be back some rare maidens; therefore, some rare i T 1%Mllirfttlon of that time. The ' Judge then retired, and so did the jurors. fllYlA MI A £ il 1 . maidens are in reality swans. At any rate there was no qi such supernatural beings existed. They ' .1 • wuxi, »u were both fairer and wiser than mortal : fSl,ou,ls . e*i a«dience, that he had been women. They could change from one toac"?^mng, drank the child's health, shajje to another at will. To assume "prise to its mother, and that the human shape they doffed robes of ' r.el ba a much better man u._x_ , x „ . • , . 1 than its papa. This caused so much wana. I * 0 . auui»u uiu uie jurors. At any rate there was no question that ' * fi()IVe a^'r> of the jurors re- • ' • rs existed. Thev ' lf" ', ai^(1 stftt«d in open court, to an 11 . J. 1 astonished ninli.->n<m *i,„t i,„,i 1 SHOCKING RAILROAD ACCIDENT. A horrible railroad accident occurred on the Carolina Central railroad, near Lincolnton, N. C., by which six of the nine persons on the train lost their lives. A passenger train, com­ posed of the engine, three box-cars, one com­ bination car with tha mail, express and bag­ gage in it, and one passenger coach, was going from Shelby to Charlotte. When the train reached what ia known as the Indian Creek , -- -- - - - -- • » • » " • « u r n r e q u i r e d j t r e s t l e , a n d J a R t a s t h e e n g i n e h a d c r o s s e d i t . deposit of bondn in the treasury Bhalfbe entitled to 1 " ^ receive clrcuiatiuR notes equal to but not exceeding 010 wnole frlme-w ork gave way, and the entire 09 per cent, of the par value cK the bonds. The train, except the engine and'tender, went down of seventy feet The re was only a small rivu­ let at tho bottom of the ravine, and the cars, 111 tailing, were uncoupled and turned over, the combination car on its side and the passen­ ger car bottom upwards. Scarcely had these Woods was eonflrmed _ Justice. Mr, Bayard introduced a bilj to amend the National Banking law, by providing that the banking association making the required . . . . • * down or "swanshirts,"' but retained in­ variably a gold or silver chain about their necks. She whose swanshirt was carried off by a mortal could no longer, while he kept it safe, become a bird or resume its freedom. On the than its * A - - " WWUWW DV U1UU11 surprise that those who heard it re­ mained silent. He asked a learned coun­ sel to give him the song called " The Liow-backcd Car." At this request tho learned gentleman shook his head. The again or resume its freedom. On the ! eCIlupman shook his head. other hand, she from whose neck in her J.7.ror r^n,sai"» "You won't, won't you? human shape the chain was taken, im- ! u !{ ° myReW \" and so he did, mediately became a<,swan again, and ' iu exce"en^ style, and concluded amid could not recover her humanity until she ! bravo» of a crowded court He then got back her chain. ' 1 m, ® a HPeech on the duties of a pater- Sometimes a hunter approaching a for- I ^ ^ acquitted himself 1 est pool would desory a damsel of more • m 1 e<i., eret'lt, a»d wus vociferously j one murders! " ' 1 applauded. He then demauded that the J1LJI • HUMORS OP THK DAT,-*- Tn man who drinks 'alfan"«H of'en off. IT is the flat who loves to have oCIui flatter him. j MANX • broth of a boy has been I duced to a supe at the theatre. A MAM ont in Nebraska* died the oth day while blowing bis nose. It was fatal blow. You can tell when a reporter is goie to make a point by the way he sharper his pencil. To remove superfluous hair-- ̂ vour well filled mattress to be done ov< by a cheap upholsterer. TTHB book agent knows he is soli •wWen he wipes his feet on a door rnaf which the word "Welcome" is woven. OUT in the mines they shoot a m.-g who refuses to drink his soup straigl from the plate.--Elmira Free Press. A DISFIGURED man feels bad, of cours about being marked for life; but when 1 is marked for death he must feel wors ,, exchange says: "Streams all ov the countvare running dry." This is canard. When a stream is dry it caifl run. A liTTTLS girl who was much pette said: "I like sitting on gentlemen; knees better than on ladies'; don't vol ma." J OF forty cases on the docket of ti Fayette County (Texas) District Corn nuiefceen ar© for divorce. Only twent, ui vwuuiwa in juciot u(.vu mv lui' provement of the Misniasipjii river and the lakes THK venerable Rev, Hooper Crews died last week at Oregon, III. Dr. Crews was one of the oldest Methodist* in the country . . . . a t l a a s t four Democrats, Gov. FOSTER has withdrawn from the Senatorial canvass in Ohio, on the representa­ tion of some prominent Republicans in that State that a heated contest might load to bad and had for nearlv fifty years devoted his time i •'tato that a heated contest might load to and energies to Work 'in tho Rock lliver Con- j feeling and consequent injury to the party, ference, and m tlie vicinity of Chicago. He j THE landlords of Columbus, Ohio, re- was born April 17, 1807. iu Barren countv, Kv., i , . „ . ., and consequently at the Urne of hw de-! *** V*™*™ M the gr«atest snflferers by the cease was more than 73 vears old , withdrawal of Gov. Foster from the Senatorial J. L. Ayers, a prominent citizen of Sidney, ! contest, orders for rooms for headquarters hay- Ohio, has been airested on a charge of forgiiig 1 iut? been conntennanded. school bonds to the amount of $20,000 or | FOREIGN. •30,000 Fourteen Chinese leper* have been rp„. , , , . shipped friim San Francisco to their native 1 THOMAS O CONOR, who has returned land, at the instance of the authorities. | to London from a land lecturing tour, con- A NUMBER of persons interested in the 5 Ceiv<"8 the 8ituation in Ireland moflt ^ve- f tt • . „ , 1 The center of danger is iu the west, where the boilding * canal from ^ Hennepin to Rock j people are armed t»o the teeth. All have re- laland, to connect the Illinois and Michigan ; volvers, and many have rifles, while some canal with the Upper Mississippi river, assem- i haTe Parnell was burned in effigy blel iu Chicago last week, discussed tbe pro- I b-v the Orangemen of Portadown. Mr. Down- Ject at length, and appointed a committee to [ a Ju8,ico of the Peace in County M;iyo, had drait a memorial to be presented* to Congress, to flee to Dublin for ha«ug served writs of The committed of three Senators appointed i ejectment. Police with drawn bayonets aione by tlie Wisconsin Legislature last win- i Preveuted tbe wrecking of his residence by a Ur to investigate tlie n.HjixjTPini xt r,f ' mob of 2.000 persons Michuel Chasles. the Banking act which limits the circulation of bttnka organized sinoe 1870 to $500,000. The Heuate then adjourned lor the holklava. In Uie House, Mr. Bowman alluded to the disgraceful brawl of Tuesday, and offered a resolution for the expul»ion ol Mews. Weaver and Kparks. Mr. Mc- Ijane proposed that the offenders be required to make an apology to the House. Mr. Weaver then expressed his Borrow at having u.-od Mich language on the floor of the House. Mr. Sparks said he owed an apology to the House, and freely tendered it. FernandS Wood secured the parage of mi order that general debute c,n the Fund­ ing bill Hhall be limited to one day. Mr. Clymer re­ ported the Arni.v Mil, which appropriates fiG,19(J.«0U. An adjournment to Jan. 5 followed. *thau mortal beauty bathing in its waters, j would notice the chain about her neck i g,e .°, 4 l>e 8e;lt ; and, this do »ua me rooe 01 oown nangmg from a 1 j , ; '""'B oy ine cri-r, tree, would seize the robe and bear the i fc s ti 01111 called the learned Judge damsel home to live with him in happi- <r°¥le court, on a fine of £50. ness until one day he should forget the i rj ,ld tliree different times, and in key which kept her magic garment from j ,,usu™ _w&y. He then declared that her, and return to find her Sown forever. I 68 u u pe did not come he wouldn't Or swan-brides would consort of their ! ^ . , should go back to the christen- own accord with warriors who had sur- ! J11^' au, 16 accordingly left the jury- prised them at dawn as they sat spinning 1 i ^ an, finally the court. In about - - tuL „ i nalt an hour he returned, nn.l came down upon the passenger and mail cars < mountain turii, until after seven years ! g , Judge on tlie bench, he cotn- litdMly flattening them, and completing the j their hearts would change, and thev i m,en(^e, 81uKing " llory O'More," after of0I(ini flt^niCtlOIiL» 1116 <illly two witnesses would fly away, leaving their husbands i ^e stei ped into the jury-box, re- o_:Al "m . Wtfe Engineer Hall and to sally after them over the snow in ' among his fellows, ! vain. 1 by tor to investigate tlie management of the Hospital tor the Insane at Madison And tbe »*nau:igeiuent of the institution estrawgant, the officers incompetent or dishonest, ana the accounts pooriy kept ... By the giving wav of a JHilley in the ceiling of Strong's marble-works, in Cleveland, John Berry and Hiram Win- Chester were ki'Ied. * THE Grand Juiy at Salt Lake, com­ posed of nine Mormons and six Gentiles, not­ withstanding a pointed charge in regard to polygamous marriages, has returned no indict­ ments. The diuciplea of Brigham Youag hold the . balance or power in Idaho, "Wyoming, and Arizona, and are gain­ ing a firm footnold in Montana... The Pacific flonrmg-mill at St. Lotus, a six the French mathematician, and Fran cis T. Buckland, the Eug'.ish writer on natural hisiory, have passed away Capt Carev, the English officer who accompa­ nied the French Prrneo Imperial when the lat­ ter was attacked by the Zulus, and who ran away without offering his companion the least assistance, is about to resign from active duty ana join the transport service. ADVICES from South Africa an­ nounce that 5,000 Boers have capturod Heidel- burg and established a republic, with Paul Kruegerto President A J3ri*Lsh a*p»v is to bo dispatched thither... .The European powers are deviling ways and mean* to settle the 1 ; Oneco-Turkish difliculty. In the meantimo acmc nouring-nuil at St. Lotus, a six- i uuncnuy. in ine meantime story stone structure, occupying a quarter j Gn}ece is anning, preparing to t ike the held block, has been reduced to ashes. One miller a^'alnst Turkey in the spring, should the powers escaped with hii clothes in flames, and Fire- ! not induce the latter to yield the .man Carroll lost his life. The loss was $75 000 territory which the former demands TIIr ' ' i Tlie tusk of improving the finanoes of Turkey _ **•*< swiii m, t i!a« been at>andoued as hopeless by Herr Wlt- JEDWARD LONO, colored, was hanged ' tendorf, » I'russian A tire at Rangoon, in at Jackson, Tenn., for the murder of Sit Ro- ' ?J.^uiab'f*13^'o°'0n) «0rU^°f !>r,op" . i * T T „ , . (rty A battalion of the British Grenadier Bern, a negro, last June. Long confessed his ; Guards is ordered to Ireland. The constab i- crime, and declared that Rogers' ghost had 1 ^>7 have t>een instructed to use the utmost pursned him relentlesdv ever since the trag«j- ! vigilance to protect bailiffs and care-takers. OTtior!0" Ul0a8alld pfcrs"OU8 witne88td j All lectures have been suspended by NEWS of a horrible crime comes from I ^ authontw8 iu Moaoow-lu cou^ Tnpelo, Miss. Two tramps sought shelter at a farm house, and, dming the night, chloro­ formed the family, took ail the mont v and val­ uables they could tind, and then set, tire to the house. F-1ther, mother and child perished m the flames. Oue of the men was captured the next day, and, on confessing his flnilt, was tied to a tree and bnrned alive. Granville Harr-1, a negro, who killed David Simmons with an ax. near Jackson, Miss., was lynched by a masked party. BISHOP KEANE has caused thirty Cath die liquor dealers of Richmond, Va., to sign a pledge to close their snloomt on Sunday. ATHawesvilb, Ky., Charles McAdams •hot and killed Philip Ryal, at the house of C. O. Sterrett, editor of the Plavulealer. IJval commenced the affray by firing at McAd^ms qnence of the agitation among the students France, Germany and Austria have practically' decided that the Greoo-Tur: ish difficulty must be settled by ari-itratiou. The Greeks do not iike thin idea, as tln'V think it will not result in advantage to tl.emselves Ail Irish tenant farmer named Mullen has beeu murdertd near Hoilvmount. Six men shot hint from behind a The Sparka-Weaver Altenatisa, [Associated Preai Report.] Mr. Weaver made a humorous ei>ei oh, arraigning the Democratic party for ineonsiHtency on the finan­ cial question, and stating that the party, in itn State and national p'ntforms, encamped every four years on ground where the Republicans had encamped four years liefore. He was ' " " ' ' " by Messrs. Ilea (fan, Warner, ers, ai.'d hia replies to them ter on thf llcpubl.cati side. ~Mr. Bland inquired for what Presidential candl- j places, date Weaver had voted iu 187ft. ' " Mr. Weaver--For Ruthertord B. Hayes, and I am sorry for it Mr. ll.and--And you ha\l good reason why. [Laughter.] The dissuasion, which was very noisy and irregu­ lar, drifted into the question aa to the rofpniiKibility for demonetization, and tlie credit for remonetiza- lion of tilver, thf Democrats cnating discredit ou tite Itepubiicans for tho former, and cluiining f, r them­ selves the oredit for the hitter. Mr. Keagan ucked Mr. Weaver to state categori- oallyi'whether ho was in favor of paying the public debt in greenbacks. Mr. Weaver replied that the Greeul>oo)c party pro* posed not to violate any contract existing between the Government and its landholders. Mr. ~ party Mr. _ the Republican party. Mr. Wta\er «pli< d tliat he had left it in 1877, juxt when tho gentleman (Buckner) was stnniping his district in favor of substitutm^ greenbacks for na- tional-bank notes. Mr. Warner sent to the Clerk's desk and had read a paragraph from the Independent Republican plat­ form in is«n, in favor of greenback currency, and" of paying intxrect ou bonds in legal money where tbe bonds so provided. „ Mr-Ree<I suggested that all parties acted foolishly then, but that the Republicans had tho good sense to get right Kland replied to Mr. Weaver's speech and said that thut gentleman had nhown his animus in at­ tacking the DemlciatH, th$ only f^<ui#» uliiitfi that gentleman had had in the House. rLoud ia. ehtcr on the Republican side.] He referred to the charao muue against Mr. Weaver in the last campaign that i 1110 he WUH actiug in the interest of tlie Roj>ublicHiiH, mid I iuteuse, said that nia action then corresponded with hia , a m,^, of this feariul sight were Engineer Hall and Fireman Smith. The engine itself was stopped for a moment by the jo,k of the falling train, and before it could start again the engineer stopped it, and the two jumped off and went to the wreck, whi.-li was oidy readied by taking | a circuitous route. They were horrified at set" ing lb.met. bursting from ever? pari of the pas- eengor and combination cars, in which there had been red-hot stows, which were upset in the fall. The engineer cried "Mv God! the snow in and mi. | who appeared quite '• glum" at his au- ! Another Icelandic story tells how Helgi 1 J108» Heeming not to mind the wry id Olaf fought on the' ice of a frozen 1 *^3 brethren, begiuitohumasong. Irn nii.l f / ~ AMA il. _ - J . 1114 ^T1 1,1*1(^1 WLLLLT LLJL /inillil .. 1 L1 lake, and how Kara, the mistress Gf ! then tried what he could do at the ! . °F a f^erly man who died of i Helgi, hovered over the heads of the Kent bugle, and succeeded to admira- j fng ? "rain, a local paper said 1 combatants in the likeness of a great \ tlo,n ;> j"81 as had concluded a head ffttVe wav h,,f hia """" swan, and by her magic blunted the • solo, the learned Judge made weapons of them that fouarht ajrainst . ,ftlJP<rarance corner of the r. N. Smith, who had been caught under u i seat, which was pressed down on bun by an ! immense beam that had fallen from the tre>tie- ; w.>rk. The engineer made heroic efforts to : save tho unfortunate man's lire. He rushed I in the borning debris and attcuiptod to lift him ! i»i>, but round that this could not be done until i tne big timber which pressed down upon lus j legs above tiie knees had been removed. With ' the assistance of the tlreman he found he could ! rot lilt the timber, and he set to work to cut it. • Smith was perfectly conscious, and, as he saw j the flames nenring him rapedly, he piteously i 8""Uog;!ed under the weight which p lined him I Mr. Reagai,--That is exactly what"tlie Domocmtio I el(-,i^l.1.t :HSin/|11' ^ °f*.thu devoi"'»« ! •rtj said after .lie p«RKuye ol the law of isoo | eu mtiit, and called U|>on the axtnan to Mr. Bnckner asked Mr. Weaver when he had left ! engineer iA Di<fiiiU'ii»'iTi litimnn «.k.l _ > .. > changed. f ""«u me cry 01 "iiats oil"! The other great swan myth of tho north ' keep silence !" In tho is that of the injured maiden, to whose ! 1?eautmiei something was said to the I 'A|wo children in the Tulleries were e aid, in her extremity, there comes sailing *f.ut*£e» w^° g«f>d-naturedly adjourned tolling the qualities of their respecti a knight in a boat drawn by au enchanted court for the further hearing of the ! papas. "Mine is as tall as the gardi swan, and who, after the knight has ros- case mitil tlie following morning. i Avail." said onp "Mv nana WHEN Brutus and Cassias were bo^ the girls used to say that Bruta was BU3| a nice fellow, but they preferred Casl ihe gu'ls haven't changed one bit. "WILL you take 'em on the half shell asked^ the agreeable oyster opene "No,' said the stranger, regardless expense, "whole shell or nothing." INDIGNATION will fill the breast of eve artist when we state tliat two ineu wel arrested in a lumber yard the other di because they were suspected of a desi on wood. MISTRESS-- «"Mary, this venerable goo is tough enough to break one's teeth Maid--"Yes'm; didn't you toll in ma'am, that you wanted it for a piece ( rexiftanc.J" OF a miserly man who died of softe g of the brain, a local paper said: "H head gave way, but his hand never di 1 His brain softened but his hea couldn't." A PROVIDENCE paper says a proinine citizen of New Hampshire died "of i flamrnation of the bowels, agedforty-eig years. ' Pretty old inflammation, v should say. ' Two children in the Tulleries were e cued and made her his bride, destroys . her happiness by insisting that ho shall j Humboldt and the Lunatic w! ̂ r aU(1^'h«IU"« \ie com™- "Great wits are sure to madness near Woare allfannhar with this taic as U i, ; ahod," and a quaint anecdote, taken told by Wolfram von Eschenbacli, and | fiW Humboldt's "Wenderjahre," aptly has m our own day been recast by W^g- [ demonstrates how readily even so keen fri . --T i 7 --» unuru iu iu» now iork and wlilcii he belie wall. This crime did not grow out of the land wan in the same handwriting as tho More\ letter t r o n h l f t r i . \ t _ i » . . . . . worked with super­ human energy, and rained the blows upon the brittle wood thick and fast in the lew minutes, which were hours of sus;xmso to the ermineer and the poor fellow who was hold in a vise-like grip. The brave man with the ax could make but slow progress in his efforts to rescue the victim. 80011 both the engineer and Smith were inthe midst of tho circle of flames. The timber was half cut through. Tbe sweat upon the engineer s face WHS boiling from tlie heat, while the skin upou the httck of his hands was cracking and shriveling in red and wiii&mtre&kH. The victim wan Klowly roustiug aliyejj^iis face and hands were already blis- teriJJPwhile the scorched remnants of his garments were fulling from his body his mad contortions. His agony was but he bore his sufferlngH like *pceeh today" »*"""»« wuu m» , a ma* and called bravely to the heroic Mr. Weaver tried to interrupt Sir. Bland, assert- " f"r G',a K sake try and save my life ! " lug tlmt hin Htatfuient wa« not true. whwh the other replied urging him to be of Mr-1! aiKl <1< <'l!ne<l to yield, and went on charging ^2^ c^io<-'r' ^01' he would save him if human air. weaver with incoiiHisteney an-t bad faith. He I effort could accomp'ish ahythiu<' Kut th« r^tuCi a all.1'ie ^'forni that had taken place re- i tlauies went faster than tho ax could cut and A T-S1 «R TAD »R <p aKBe^ment of oaiivlioldew, and l.y corrnpt^n »ud i ^rced^tJf aUv«- Ho .was soon fraud, Kuecced in pnttiiiK d.iwn the grand <> d Dom- 'orced to abandon his positiou, but oeratic party which stood for the right, and liberties " of the i>eop.r,hiit snouer or later [soveriil llepubMcanx, Ijtitei . ] reform would come, not through tho Ite- publicans or Grcenbackers, but through the Demo­ crats. Mr. Weaver replied to Mi. B:and, and challenged Birn to quote one word that he (Weaver* had t-aid in IT.',??' T-UNI!,:L'K11 in favor T F the lt«iml>lican party. Lntii he cuuki do ao, he Fhoulrt u Fhut up." He had Iu that campaign arrai^m d the Republican party, •nd he arraifitttl it to-tlay, II»j repudiated the idea of having revived hjnipatby frotu the Democratic p*rty during the campai^i, ami naid the only evidence he had of it v;iw in the Khupe of a forwd ctter pub- liRhed in th» Now York Star% and which he believed j he dii not do so until "his clothes , were literally burned from his body. The im- j piisoned passenger was burned alive, and re­ tained consciousness until his arms were nearly I burned from the trunk. Before going lie ! tham ed the engineer for his heroic efforts. The other passengers were all buried unde« the carN, and were burned, Only their charred bones remained. ncr concerning Elsa of Brabrant aud Lehengiin, the son of IVrcivil. Stockings. Few of the ancients had any clothing for the lower part of the body, and must have had extreme difficulty iu sheltering themselves from the severity of tho sea­ sons. The northern nations lir-t had hose or trousers; their stockings were made of pieces of cloth sewed together. We cannot say with certainty in what country tlie art of knitting originated. P'rance, England, Spain, and Scotland respectively claim this useful di-covery. Some believe it originated in Scotland in the sixteenth century, because when the French Stocking-Maker's Guild made choice of a patron saint they selected St. Fiacre, a native of Scotland. On tie other hand the invention is attributed to a Spaniard, on t he Rtrengtli of Maze- rai, who asserts that silk stockings were worn by Henry II. of France at the mar­ riage of his sister in 15f>9; but before I au observer as the great German traveler I may mistake a genuis for a lunatic. Dur- ! olle of his many sojourns in Paris, Humboldt, who took a deep interest in the mysteries of mental alx-rration, con­ ceived a desire to converse intimately j with some incurable maniac, aud re- i quested one of his scientific friends, an eminent m^d doctor, to give him the op]K>rhmity of meeting oue of his more remarkable patients. A few days later he received an invitation from the specialist in question to supper, and on his arrival at his friend's house found two strange gentleman awaiting him, neither «f whom was formally introduced to him by his Amphitryon. Ono was an elderly gentleman of grave demeanor, dressed iu the height of the prevailing fashion, by no means talkative, and man­ ifestly devoted to the pleasures of tlie table. The other was a comparatively young man, extremely excitable in man­ ner, with long, disheveled hair, ill-made wail," said oue. "My papa can over the garden wall." "Andmine, t<> when he has his hat on.' I A WITNESS under cross-examinatic j who had been tortured by a lawyer f| | several hours, at last asked for a glass ! water. "There," said the Judg think you'd better let the witnc now, as you have pumped him dry. NATIVE Alaskan ladies of fashion wel entire suits made of sealskin, drink wli/ ky and eat whale's blubber; aud thj are not a bit stuck up about it, eithc There is a moral concealed iu the buf| ness end of this paragraph. THE late Rev. l)r. Symington, not fe<, ing well one Sunday moruiug, said to l] beadle, who was a "character:" "Ml llobert, I wish you would preach for _ to-day." "I canna do that," prompt replied Robert, "but I often pray you." "OLD woman, how do you sell beets, asked a loaler of an old vegetable worn] iu the market, and she replied: "I ju) tell 'em I'll trust 'em, and then give stuff that looks all right and* ain't gt for nothing; They don t like the either." BETSY BOBBITT, when she was elect«] a member of the Shakespeare Cli clothes, and so exuberantly voluble f made a^nsatioa Tlm^^'JuU that Edward VI. had graciously accepted that he all but monopolized the con- j beintr allotted to her she cot ilonc v a pair from the merchant prince. Sir vernation throughout the evening, al- ; The bodies of the dead were disfigured be- ! " ' I f, ' ! n* 7, tT™ °* )nd recognition. ! the no\elties to his Queen, and to ! troubles. | THE trial of the Irish traversers prom- • to be of a very sensational character. The | crown has summoned til'ty er mora witnesses. 1 including several stenographers who r-porb-d j the speeches of the travelers. Tlie trav. rs- I ers, on their part, have sub[<»naed aH the ; clerks of the peace, and summoned thcni- to ; produce the tiooks of tho Conntv Chair- | man from 1H44, aud specify all the ej» t- ment decrees for n >u-;.iayment of rent with a pistol, wh.fU the latter rephod with a j The first smral tunnel on the St Gotland •hot-gun witlj iustantanoons fatal refUlL Both I hne. ui Snitz-rland. has iieou completed. It -- •«nli»uu,l4WU[, i»ww 1C*UIU iX»Ui ! «***-. o«MA"iuuu, lias UliiiU COtlJplCitCKi. it parties were well-known and lugbly-connectod |18 l.oiiO mutn*s, and was bored through graniio meu- entirely by hand Ireland is ganisoned by young men AN entire passenger train on the Car­ olina Central railroad broke through a trestle- work near Lincolnton, N. C., and the coaches were pilled up in a heap firty ftet below. Mail Agent David B oom and a pu aeugcr named 8. W. Gcodson wt i'o disabled aud subsequentlv burned to at* h... .r avid J. Carter, an old and respected citizen of Eiizai>etato»vn, Ky.. waa Shot and probably morully wounded by *" Bud" Harrim'toii, another old and lemjeetnUe citi- aon. Car er's son then »hot and ki'ied Harring­ ton. The trouble grew out of a lawsuit OMpar Tochuian, who paiticii>ated in the Polish revolution of 1S30, and who served in the Confe teraie arinv dnrin^ the civii war, 30,0!HJ and patrolled by 12,000 police­ men. A c ujiiB dispatch announces the death in London, at the age of 60 years, of Gkorge Eliot, the English novelist, who in May last was mairiod to John YV klt_>r Cross. She r,as «. brilliant conv< r<-atioualist, and had thoronuMv mastered seven foreign languages. Her great- ist work*, wore "Adam Bo<lc '* and "Diniel DeroLida," and her earnings by her pen sere in excess of ?25:i,(X)o. TIIE introduction of the Land League in tlie North of Ireland has siirred up tiie ten­ ant-right borderers, an orgamza'ion having the . , --- *'*r> wiv v-a*ii wjif rising to the rank of lJriuadiur Oei.oru] hnu ! , , . , , just died iu SpottsvlvAnia county Va He wi>s n general objects in view, and they nre bo­ rn his 85th year...! .Ex-Attornev O^ner 1 Ik- ! Tf Vrf> "V"':, The P'^tant farmer, erman died last week at his home in CirWa I Hrt i' their opposition to the move- Tille, Ga me' 1U ,neat... .The Emperor of China h is con em.^l . I to the counti notion of a telegraph line fron; ADDITIONAL particulars of the accident ; Whan J ho to Tientsin, a distance of 1,200 mi;©~. n r\. --i--. ! .. . .Thr Gr »u<l Orange Lod^e of Ir- lain!, hsv-on the Carolina C. ntral railroad show that the low of life was much greater than was at first supposed. Five men were killed outright or burned to death inthe debris of the train bruised™ seriously injured, »,nd one slightly THE burning of three stores Sn Oor- •taana, Texas, caused a loss exceeding tho in- Mtranee by $30,000. BliSEHAL. THE Census-Ofiice bulletin shows the total popajation of Oregon to lie 171,707 ; male' 103.388; female, 71,379 ; riutave, 144.827 ; for- «fen, 3;),440 ; whiK 1C3.0V7 ; colored, 11.6H0, 7BTOVnrfi.!1.'J* two J^p-uese, IfViv Indians slid hiih-bteeds. lug received a lar^e nurni «r of request* for protection, h <s roi-oived to enroll voluateers to guard boycotted perouns. CONGRESSIONAL SUMMARY. The House of Representatives was in session on Saturday, Dec. 18. and passed tbe West Pelnt Ap- propriatlon I'ill, plvii.g J3i2,135. I he Oon»u!ar bill, spproprtatinu$I,t3(),430, wan (liacusned for lumrH in comin;teoe of t!ie whole, uutU it wita found that no quorum was present. After cons derable debate, the Senate, on the morning of the 20th Sunt, by a vote of 33 to 36. concurred iu the IIouHe resolution for a ree»,» from Dec. HI to Jan. 5. Mr. Cockretj prcxenleti a j»etiti"i JAY Gomar lias purchased n. FVWIRD . ! THE OKLAHOLNA RALD"'* FNR L*»ve to nettle on the more railroads the Tntt. J j coded lands. Mr. Hoar Intruduoed a memorial frotr r - "n 1 ftad Great Mew E,^d oorporatiom SIR SL,.KR:! IF- tthe Indian Territory. ' * Nilo, BY the cn^iaing <>f the bark from Qu.bec for Gar<",i:r. (i^t m,.„ T.Hle drowned and t*o <!i>«l after !.(i,,^ r(<a nc(j The Ckmrt of h.« i ;)M t Kt » tejepjiono <»mn>anv itnui'i 1 ,, unv (/j _ cri:«.i'iul<) agi.itis! HOT p.-ron .>r '<O-DO i-» puiiiu. ou is *ii truments .. Aorihern V.rguiu lias b<-. u v ! •. t. « H» - V rest hiioKHiton.t experienced ,n t..; t i-os *io' far t»-eu;y-im yt*rrt ; lo.. m-1, f.„ , ; ,vi three horns. wa-. c^n..i .,.ei.- Midtvus w.,re l. < b> li.e' \ the snow, liic #»\ ton-led i;.uj I'. ;-.\ 'n,rL »tw Jerjsey, - ^ Ku^iu-q I. TfiB-ttowo.-t </rtiiii.'ha:! rit'ltViiy is ineorpt>ikt~d iindii the uf,u:c of i and N rtl.». ttmi, wuji a capjiai i(!)ie ' .V.laiit.i ' were to permit tlie 'erection i't a «t.-itue ol OcKrfje Wa^hin«t.)ij in front <>1 tuc Yoi'k snb-ir- a»urv, and t> refund Ui«- 8-pt^r- cent, certitic.-.toj' of th* Ih'tnct c»f Co-iixiil> a iu'.o 3 P"r rente. MeHsra. Couhiing aud ljaiuar were tn e;?tci,rt«iu» for Uie (Jim time tlits Hcveion I lie S« imte in *-i. cutivo s^wioii o* o- II m»d tue foV.. wing n. ir, ti;tt rmn : Wo fgnn Hellene, of Ohio, Ui. t (l Htat. •< Mairhal tor ihe VfCKt'i-u dmtrtrt of Mic1iik>iu ; E. li. J tii nrr, ol I exR-, L ii*- if O rt* t J'jftgo for ft*e Vseslerii jli'tr.c of iIn U:«. H -u-*!. Mr. I>unii I-tro- d>i<*a ii r-Hiii,« M,.t ui„;„ in |i,dt n Terrl- tor> to which the Uiti-nn titrf-. ha* be n ex- tiii({nniie.i Hre sui Joct to eott'onient ui.der t e II «.^t< ad |nw». Mr. R in pr^wenfc <1 " ^t"e O >veniiiifiit dir>*-tor»hip,< i ih« UcK'e Paiiuc rui rn'iit. I he C "i n ar a)«pro rl; ti'<n M . I'rltv, f I .w.,, fai frt tn aattempt iii ii l>.il li> i p' li-c «i h tutu* on "OIK clucks. T!ie Kp<v iter announced the ap- J> iiHn ciit of ML-. .MiK u'.'y to tho C<*nmit- U-o im Weya sii.l ,\i. ani^ D:!1h mere ps^i«T, to e-taWw'i HII 8y>a> m tit. JboiiU and t o t f n t h e a r a e u a l a t 8 u u A n t o n i o , msia ..J Mr. Bland asked Mr. Weaver «?>ont his reputes Interview during thu camp*i ni with Jay HublielL Chairman of the Congrextuonal Republican Com­ mittee. Mr. Weaver denied that any such Interview had taken place, and ctrirffcd ihe falsehood of that story on I). D. Luni, wh.»,' he siiid, h:«d aold out U) both the Republican and Democratic parties. Mid ^ both parties were climated when thoy igiit him. He did not cbiirge inconstst- yond recognition. The engineer and fireman at first counted the conductor among the killed, but he was after­ ward found in the woods, a raving maniac, and blood oozing from a ghastly wound iu the head. a pair from the merchant prince" Sir Thomas Gresham, who imported them irom Spain, the land where they were first manufactured. The story goes that a loyal grandre, the happy possessor of one of the first paira mnde in Spain, thought he could not do better than pre- Tlic Spider. The worst thing about this poor insect is, that it is so thoroughly u^ly. In it i Nature has sacrificed everything in the | formation of the industrial machiue j necessary for satisfying its wauts. Of a | circular form, furiiS.shed with eight legs .Mirty", which. oit«hTtoV^S^« fud,^l't vigilant eyes, it astonishes Bntmii Kvstem of » perpetual debt. j disgusw) us by tiie pre-eminence of Mr » au enormous abdomen, (gnoble trait in which the inutteutive and suj>erfieial observer will see nothing but a typo of gluttony. Alas! it is quite the con­ trary. This Abdomen is its workshop, its magazine, the pocket in which the rope-maker keeps his stock; but as ho i ency upon the Democratic pariy itseif, but o-i its 'eiiclpra-- on the men who ran with tlie hounds *:id he!d with the 1iai*e. were ti;e men whom he desireti to lao.d up to P'lli'ii' condemnation an be­ ing uii AOitliy to lead the opiioxiti'in to the neimblican . » a r t v , w h i c h K o u i j h t t o f i u < " * . . . Bntiah K.vstem of h i>erpet Mr. Rparka Rot the flr>or, and nUnded to a circum­ stance that had occunvd dmiiifj the interruption.1! net ween M.*x«rn. Weaver, Band, and otliers, in ^htcli Mr. Weaver had used an offen»ive term to hlni (that he wan "crazy' ). He wont on, in a tfood- natured manner, to UK-UKC the offeiiKivo remark at ARIMN= F--•-- - --• J--. .. part o ?froiu a initumdemtaiidinjj on Mr. Weaver's what he (Soarkie had aald to call It out Mr. Weater replied in the same tone of plea«antrv and good humor, to take offeime ut wha'l Mr Sparks had said, and intimating th-1 no one cou:d v. uture to in*n t him intentionally by aacrib- ing falaeluMKl to hini without fteling the force of hia ('•leaver'*) right arm. [Laughter and uproar.) Mr. Sparks, on hewing the Utter remark, changed ht« tcne from cno of p eauantry t> one of anger, and said: »• I spurn with conleu.nt tbe reach of hin arm 1 he reach of hlH am. would affect ine as little a* it iffectcd Ihe Ibnt Pre»ideutia! election." Mr. Weaver (still in a jocular tone)--Well, that was snttcient. DOM not the gt-ntlcniaii aee Unit lieouKbt never to o]«n l,i« mouth at all when he 1b excited ?-- never, never: He cpurnn toe rewh of my arm 7 He can do »<>. n the tempor I am now in he can do so I would not hurt a hair of MM head. [Lanalitor ' Hi* apology wat> ample, and I accept it. But I cau­ tion him agaloxt the further une of the term •fal. eh«)od"or "iie." Th t, in Kentucky, la re- garded, I tie.ieve, an a " lick " or a blow, mi, e>-en if I waa not an lar;(c as a m ut-e. I would am-ail any man who wo'i'.d fpplv atu li a tenn to me offensively. Ihe gei't'cinan h i., alluded fc> my weight, but I warn him that my h^hting T\e ^ht is 183 poundx. "r. '•pirVs--Do<« tlie gentl>mangay that I use-l the word *' falaenood 7" Weaver--Hoi understood. Mr- vparks--oh, no; yours was certainly the llrst onVn»>ivi: word. Mr. ueivec (otm good-humoredly)--We are all right now. Mr. Sparkn--Yon miaunderxtood me. I raid that "»•»•>* "Ut was not true, and that were wnntiug in tlie qualities of a gent'eman in"vonr "r,! 1' "• [E*cit<-iiient and ciiif.i'ion.l •af wa* all tint there wax >{ it, but it wa» d<-vel- that end placed them in the hands of the first Minister of the crown, greatly to the discomposure of that modest man, who astonished that innocent-meaning noble by returning him his stockings, and bidding him remember that " the Queen of Spain hud uo legs." Queen Elizabeth of England, not ashamed to own that she had legs, rcceiveil a simi- | lar gift in a very different manner. In j the third year of her leigu (1561) her j silk woman. Miss Montague, tendered ! her as a New Year's gift a pair of I.lack ! silk stockings, the first of the kind made i in England. Elizalietli lost uo time in | putting the gift on her " limbs," and : was so pleased with the result that she | sent for Miss Montague and inquired where she procured such comfortable ! foot-gear, and if she could get auy more Z ?Hn evemn«iJwell till she came to tho balcony seer, though Humboldt himself was one of the , wheu she paused a moment thoughtful most loquacious men alive. Tins wild- before the words "Hist! Romeo, hia] Joolang person dispkyed extraoi-dmary aud then, to the consternation of ti versatility and restlessness in his talk, audience, pronounced tho "I" broa which teemed with paradoxes, and dealt shouting, "Histe! Romeo I Histe!" w i t h a n i n f i n i t e v a r i e t y o f s u b j e c t s . ' . . . . . Humlwldt listened to his brilliant rumblings with absorbing interest, and upou taking leave of his host at, a latu hour of the night expressed his gratitude for the psychological experience afforded him, observing that "tho madniau had amused hini beyond all measure." "How is that?" exclaimed tlie doctor; "you scarcely exchanged a word with him all the evening." "I mean, of course," re­ joined Humboldt, "that excitable young man." "You are altogether mistaken ; the madman was that quiet, decorous old gentleman." "Aud who, then, was the person I took to be dem nted ?" "That person, my good friend, was M Honore de Balzac !" The IJOJ H' Boom. Let your boys have a pleasant, sunny room to themselves. If each one cannot own substance, he can only ... at his own expense by means of a rigid sobriety. True type of the artisan. "If I fast to-day," he says, " I shall, per­ haps, get something to eat to-morrow; but if my manufacture be stopped, every thing is lost, and my stomach will have to fast forever." | In character the spider is watchful and cunning; in disposition timid, tin- j easy and nervous--being endowed with a more sensitive nature than is possessed by any other insect. These character- j istics are the natural results of its miser- ; able condition, which is a state of con­ stant, passive, weary waiting. To be forever watching the ceaseless, joyless, careless dances of tlie fly, which pays no of tlum. "I made them very carefully ! i,„„ . • of purpose only for your Maiestv " re- ' 1 ^ separate apartment, let him have plied the silk woman ; "and "seeing ! hf I™'"*,mreau' T'l 8^ified P^ion •' - g i <>f eWt-room. Let them have substan-WU tbi» pocket with ^ ^ I ^ «^u. i(j set more m the hank." " Do so," said ! » broken -- said the Queen; "for, indeed, I like silk stockings so well, because they are pleasant, fine, and so delicate, that henceforth I will wear no more cloth stockings." It is not improbable that she displayed her silk-stockinged feet to the best advantage during her flirtations with Sir Walter Raleigh. The Upper and Lower Eyes. "There are two pairs of eyes in man, and it is requisite that the pair which are beneath should be closed when the pair that nre aliove them perceive, and tliat when the pair above are closed. „,, l,njBUV those which are beneath are op ned." attention to the greedy desires of his The lower eyes see only the surfaces and enemy, or the gentle whispers of: "Come effects, the upper eyes behold causes here, little one, come this way"--is to ^d the connection of thiugs. And when be in a state of constant torment, to be we go alone or come into the house of continually undergoing a succession of thought and worship, we come with pur- K-- " The fatal pose to be disabused of appearances, to 1 • AH • AIUK I«4 TLTO RRVNN + V ...... .1 _ . hopes and mortification. question, " Shall I get any dinner?" is . w a » a n i u i t t h e r e w a « i f i t , b u t i t w a » d . v e l - : O U i i l l X g e t oped at the hint elecUou that yuu wanted thc*e gu,iii- i ooutiiiually presenting itself to the Mr. Weaver (now thoroughly angered and excttcd) j tile Wel), followwl f>V the still tiie fl'xlofthe^i'i t<"",ku'an »" a liur, on i niore sinister retlectioti, "If I have no Mr:Kvp"rkH^,u^'e«-ited)_Youare a aconndrel + t.h?' ?)0 more aUtl and a \iJaiu. | Still less hope of dlUlllg to-mom>W. D a.'r thoreui>oD, aiiii<i great uproar, left the I The male spider often makes a meal of S t,'v nieuac- .1 his progeny; v.hiie the ferntde loves them so tenderly that if she cannot save them . „!,. , . .. ' ' , u<nniii*(i nieuac- , J, a™ Mr- , 'vh" 1,1 hiH turri moved to- rnnni^i i **""}" 111 Wl'r,! dlatelv mr- r uinded l y menilies*, who pre™nted them getting <|:i^riera, and made U10111 put < n thu r ooatiT ««dR,;C;IR 'V.THEA4:T ,F OFF .il" ' iut> . »r«s. Of courue the .rea..»,t confu.ion and disorder pro- ou ed on the Hoor and in tlie ira lerten. but in the midet of it the Speaker took the chair and oa led npon the Sergeant-at Arms to do hU auty. •'-- 1 - • ]" W "/ *"•»* ' LULINI, US II),. COU). Dfeuiutfl l ad bwi removed by their rewpectlv© frlencU. *«her,hTft-^,en,^M colu"atu- / -* P«lo^e»ic. Mr. B >wman ofTered a re*o ution in the Trotim m dpc-'nn« e«»r uv l*«ce, and d< coruni of the H /u-<e, •vH*r . »VC. \ft" ullfl Km isbu li« i i in circumstances of p -ril nhe prefers to Krish with them. The love which she ars to licr little ones she does not ex­ tend towards her mate. Sometimes, after having in vain attempted to pre- "mm to do hu i vent him from devnurinur their offsprincr, ur*1'. xne. Kccrei, i mc wona i> car to T'do^T'tiiat an'th,"? i ^le ^ea appears suddenly to present it- f^,e ^ KUj)Jiming a private soul with i iad been removed by their respective frienda, ! to her mind that the cannibal is inspirations from tho great and public ' himself gtxxl for food, on which she ° ' ' instantly falls upon him and eats liim "P- said the see realities, the great lines1 of our des­ tiny, to see that life has 110 caprice or fortune, is uo hopping squib, but a growth after immutable laws, under iieuetieent inline uces the most immense. The church is open to great and small in all uations, and how rare aud lotty, how unattainable, HIV the aims it lsbors to set bel'oie men! We ^pme to educate, come to isolate, to Iw'abstractionists; in fine, to open the upper eyes to the deep mystery of cause and effect, to know that, though ministers of justice and power fail, Justice and I'ow r fail never. The open secret f the world i> the art of subliming a private soul with OATH--Mixed Western 40 (4 BYE--Western 1 08 <$ Pome-- Mess II 00 (£1 Laan CHICAGO. BKF.VKS--Choice Graded Steers. 6 80 (9 Cows and Heifers 3 50 a, Medium to Fair 4 30 Hoos,.... s 60 (i^ KLOUB--lancy White Winter Ex.... • 75 (i Good to Choice Spring E*.. S 00 (<4 WHEAT -NO. 2 Spring. 101 O No. 3 Spring 87 (<* COBN--No. 2. 39 ^ Oi ls -fio. 'i yo H*k--No. 2. 80 BAULKY--No. 2 1 13 (at : BUTTKB--Choice Creamery 32 9 Eoos--Fresh 20 (a| POIIK--Mess. 11 76 ttll LIXD J, -- O v"w ami divine Soul from which we live. Kuvrnon. "MEND your WHVS, my son," {fooil Deacon Sippleson. "liofore it is too t ate." 'Time enough for that, dad," ex- "»«««» as «"*• iirt-tHu'te'a ro^iuiiun'to t" ; i ®,ftI!no^1 tl,c gmcidess rascal, lighting a <*Y liwh0w«!r!^h,err ^ ̂ "^ded u> milks an apoi- fre8lj% CIg«ir; " ti« never too later to mend, which wa.adoptao. v you know, dad." Economy. While all afe willing to admit that the habit <>f ecoj omy is a useful, practical, and most desirable one. few would think of attributing to it anything of beauty or attractiveness. Yet the economy of money, or its best use--for tliey are chair, fiided carpet, cracked pitcher, or mirror, in their room any more than you would think of putting them in the guest chamber, which always looks so t.isteful and neat. As regards the decoration of ! the walls, the boys themselves will soon i furnish the pictures, if they can be as- sured there is a place where they can l»e i kept, and all fear of their being consigned j to tlie dust box is removed. They may I not be of the highest order of art, but j they indicate a taste for tiie beautiful ! which should be encouraged. Again, j bins must and will have ait sorts of ar- ' tides collected in different .stages of their j life, as every mother can test if v, but ' even the most heterogeneous collections j can be made to have places of then' own, 1 so the Iniy can have his pleasure of pos­ session, aud the mother's pride in her orderly house re maiu undisturbed. Then, mothers, let. "the boys' room" he just as i „ M arm, bright, and cheerful as motherly ] Na love and sisterly mgenuity can make i't (for, depend upou it, boys do notice and I c«m£^Sid' ***' appreciate little useful ornaments in i o.vr»-- No. 2. their room, even if they don't *i>ouk of I Utk it), aud it the room is often full of merry PoRK--^""»••••• l>oy companions, drawn there because of its attractiveness, don't fret either bo- < ausc of the noise made, or confusion that will take only a few extra touches to straighten, but "be thankful that you have .suooeeded in making "homo "the l»est place" to the boys--a placo where they aiul their companions are always welcome. AHKAXSIANS are tough, and so are the atori- k th y tell sometimes Mr. Jack I cnu^-No. i Welch, of that Stnte, was driving across i o*TS-- Mixed. a bridge one night, when a gust of wiud 1 IUr,'ev Cperc t< ok his horses off their feet, upset the wagon, and blew Welch himself over the parapet. He fell sixty feet, sank to the bottom of the river, rose, swam ashore, recovered his horses, and drove home. Th'1 little Rock Gazette vouches for Mr. Jack Wolch as a man of habitual veracity. NUBSE (to professional friend mal a call)--"Well, nuss,' sez he, 'igli al 'orty like, he sez, 'Wot do you thin says he. 'Doctor' I sez, 'quite diffi enshal,' I sez, ' I'm quite of your opi ion,' I sez. 'And I'm the same way thinking, nuss, •' sez he. And so we s. tt] it."--Professional friend (much intere ed.) "Lor'! And wot was his opiaic. ; now?" Nurse--"Bless yer 'art, #iy d<r. . creetur, in course he never hadn't givf i none!" i A "YOUNG Naturalist" writes us learn " How he can catch a live wa. : for scientific purposes, without injnri it ? " Right by the tail, son--right i the tip end of tlie tail. Squeeze har< , the w isp don't mind it a particle--ar. j if it seems to be injured any that v <Siin see, send us the bill and we'll "p for a new wasp. --Burclette. i THE MARKETS. I NEW YORK. BTTKTK* FT IIoos 4 CoTTO* I FLOOR--Superfine... t WHKAT--No, 2Spring 1 COHN--Ungraded. WHEAT--No. L... No. 2... Conn--No ii, OATH--No. 2 BYK--No. 1 , 2... LABI> MILWAUKEE. ST. LOUIS. oiNciN NATI.* " WHEAT. CORN V..V.!!!!!!!." OATH UVK POKK--Mess LAHU ••••«• „ „ TOLEDOl' WHEAT--No. 1 White No. 2 lied Conn-- NO. a OATH--No. 2, DETROIT."' FLOUR--Choice WHKAT--No. 1 White... (par cental) i TO Poua--Mess 13 75 INDIANAPOLIS,' WHKAT--No. 2 Red i on COBK 1Z OATS SA Poaa--Olear 15 75 EA8T LIBERTY, PA. OaTTLB--Best t soo t-air I * 4 25 Common. a mm Hoos g 4 4ft 8,»** «» &16

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