Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Dec 1880, p. 5

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' fF •/ • • • - *+ * .xV- * *•- r. ^ frtl • "%* ,!•' ' VA"*f f, .-is* •'.vi-J •.'•»" ^ / "' 1 %'-• fel- ill . * 7 $ r . * .5*7*^5* % ;',rv^^w cV'SjH • 'wss#,^ kHH jflejjeary piain3ealef. WEDNESDAY! DEC. 29.1880. Railroad Time Table. OOIKO SOUTH. Itnm Lake Passenger. )«ii«Tt Lake Freight............. OOTHO HOIW. fien«T« Lake Freight lutvt Lake Passenger ..... ....748 A. M ....1:15 r. M .10:02 K. M. 0:53 r.X HON. J. C. SHKRWIN will please ac­ cept our thank* for valuable Public Document*. notice that Oliver N. Owen, who / met with the pistol accident about two 1 weeks since.'is, with the aid of crutches A&fain able to be around. SAT. there, you fellows, where Is that wood you promised to draw to th® - printer? If we are ever going to have . 1 i we want it now. Mr. axi> MRS. X. S. Cor.BY wilt Ac­ cept the thanks of the Editor and faro- IIv for a liberal supply of Weeding Cake and a fine Christinas Chicken, left at our office. THE tbfi-mnmeter marked 20 degree* below jwfo on Tuesday morning, and at IS o'clock noon wan 12 below. "Dun- tler and blixeiri." Hint will do. Dout give us any more Manatoba waves.' HARPER'S Magazine for January Is already on our table, and the first num­ ber for 1881, is if possible, bettor than ever. It is without question the best magazine in America, and as' such should be in every household. OWING to the severe cold of Monday fund Tuesday. ' the 'workmen were obliged ro discontinue work on the new bridge and at the ice houses. It was found almost impossible to con* Lin ue work and live. FKKSONAI* Mrs. S. D. Baldwin spent Christina with friehiH in Toulon, 111. Thos. Noonan, of the Chicago Police force, was in town Christmas day. Andrew Kennedy and wife, of Ne­ braska, and Elbert Kennedy and wifej1 of Wilmot, Wis., are visiting at E. M. Owen**. , Paul Brown, and C. A. Knight andj wife, of Chicago, are spending the Holidays at Dr. H. T. Brown's. Fred Schuorr, of Chenoa, III., IS spending the Holidays With his par­ ents in this village. Walter nill, the last season's Captain of the "Mary'Griswold." but who is now emploj-ed in Chicago, Is spending a few days with his family here. Miss Emma Qregory went to Chica­ go Saturday to spend the Holidays. Mrs. I>. S. Smith and Mrs. Byrou D Smith, started for their home in Ne­ braska, on Tuesday morning. Lemuel Buck, of Grant Park. 111., I* spending a few days witli friends in this village.1 He is step-father to Mrs C. H. Beers. THIRTEEN derricks, maliciously re­ marks the Chicago Tribune, where re­ cently shipped from Chicago to St. Louis, and it evident that the girls are going to hang up their stockings next Christmas the same as usual. rE learn that a daughter of Samuel NShenaan. aged about six years, died of diphtheria on Tuesday morning. Also that two of his younger children are sick with the same disease. Dr. llou of Nuiida is in attendance. THE Ladies of the M. E. Church will hold a sociable at the residence of Mrs. C. V. Steve lis, on \\ e^lne&day of next week, afternoon and evening, to which all are cordially invited. See notice elsewhere. SEE the new advertisement of A. Wendell, Carpenter and Joiner, which can be fouud in another column. Mr. Wendell is a good workman, and jobs sntrusted to him will be promptly and well done. <, EVERY one in this county who. In 1880, built a store, a residence, a barn, or an addition, will confer a favor on tins I'1.4 IN DEALER by sending lis a pos­ tal card. at once, with their names, cost of improvement, whether brick or frame, di mensio'ns «if building, and lo­ cation of the same. We,wish to make a general record of the improvements iu the county the past year. THE Holiday trade with our mer­ chants last week* was simply immense. In fact they all re|M>rt a bigger trade than any former season th* past te i years. This shows that, times are bet­ ter and money more plenty than for years before. Thus the farmer, me­ chanic. tradesman, clijldreti, and all are made happy. May the good times con­ tinue and Christinas time come twice a year in tlie future. * VY 1.Ki:~P.>! ISV ~ U the residence of tbn bri'les fa ther, Mclknrv, 111., Dec. 2ind, WW, by the Rev. W. A. A'Iron. Mr, fid ward [ffiiylcr to Miga Hay K. .Colby, both of Mc- le wedding at Mr. N. S. Colby's on the 22nd of Dec., was a very pleasant one. Tha guests began tojirrlve about 12:00 o'chKjk, There were about forty persons present and ail seemed to be in the best of spirits, especially the bride. The ceremony was performed by the Pev. W. A. Adron, former pas­ tor of the M. E. Church, and. notwith­ standing his being a batclielor. the ceremony was well performed and very Impressive. The ceremony was a union of the old Episcopal and the Methodist, the ring beiug used in­ stead of joining hands, . After the ceremony and congratulations the bride and groom led the way to the table at which the company was Served with a rich and bountiful repast. After dinner the entire company took a good look at the fine display of presents to the happy couple, among which were the. following: A Silver Castor and a book entitled Her Bright Future, from the brides parents. A beautiful wax wreath in frame, Joseph Parker. A Silver cake dish, James . Parker and wife. Silver stand wlth'gla^d fruit dish, Geo. Hunt and wife. Tea Pot, Jacob Stoiy. Pickle dish, Mr. And Mrs. E. Smith, l'air of^iaiikUi rings. Julia • ^arkeig^^la»i^|WPPyftcli(^' and two ca£e standi^MKand Mrs. Henry Colby. Pair Gold- mounted trimmed silver napkin rings, Willie Sayler. Silver butter knife and sugar spoon, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thomas. One dozen silver tea spoons, Mr. and Mrs. James Sayler. P&lr vases.Mrs. Gifiord, Sett of glass sauce plates, Eddie War­ ner. A toilet sett, Simeon Covill and wife. Pair China vases, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slicrbiirn. Good Luck Plush Foot Stool. John Ronton and wife.-- WOODSTOCK- EDITOR PLAINDKAI.RR:--As y»ur readers have failed to find anything in the FLAINDKALEK from Woodstock for a few number?, it may be thought that your correspondent Is dead. But we take the liberty to inform the public thart though we have not bored them wllh our pencil!n^s we are not dead, nor are we wholly steeping.-- Since our last there has been much worthy of mention--but partly indis- Qpsition and partly want of time, each has contributed its proper share to to keep back our eflorts.. We mentioned in one of our com­ munications last fall that Mr. Starr had been engaged to teach his fifth term in the Pleasant Valley District wliich we deemed a very flattering emtarsenKMit of his fitness to discharge the onerous duties of his chosen pro­ fession. We learn from many of the patrons of the school that with one or two exceptionshe is giving universal satisfaction, but In the case of those bne:or two exceptions there seems to be determination to interfere and l^reak up the school. And a» we are reliably informed this vejry improper disposition*!) tlie part of one or two in a school Bsfyict to intimidate and buildozf fhe many culminated a few nights since at a spelling school. We have not leaned the particulars suf­ ficiently to detail then but from hints thrown ant by our informant, there i« to be a legal investigation to te«t the question whether the Directors.hacked by a large majorjty of th^ district have the authority to say on what plan a school shall be conducted under the law. F. C. Joslyn, so long and well known in this community, after a long and gradual failing of health has been forced to yield to destiny and now' ftlMCWOOD. EDITOR PLUXDEAL8R:t-0U1" village has been all stir preparing for the Christinas Tree. Th** preliminary ar­ rangement# were well looked after by onr able committee. The ladies and gentlemen selected were; Mrs. J. Fay, Misses Rose Niekle and Jennie Va«t»y, Ciias. Molester. J. J. Vasey and Willis Kettle. The exercises were opened by Song, followed by prayer from Rev. J. W. P. Jordon. Select Reading, Mi«s Rose Nickle and Miss Lucy Hall. The stillness of the audience showed tiiat they were interested. Song, by Miss Kittie Lumley, "The Drunkard's Daughter," was well rendered, and the audience seemed wrapped iu thought. Next a Song, by Miss Jennie Vasey, followed by a speech from ffra. Nickle. Then the most interesting time begun among the little folks. Santa Clans put in hi« appearance. Hejwas a per­ son of great age if we may judge from his hair and whiskers. He had been on a long journey, A little <5 year old thought, it was not far from McIIenry. She heard he was there the night be­ fore. The Tree'was full of ipreseiits and the floor around the staudlwas also covered and some quite vain was a great success, and the crowded to its utmost corner and tlte best-of order prevailed., We noticed some McIIenry friends,':but not the ed­ itor of the PLAINDEALER. We are lookii g out for that wedding but with a promise of somt cake our pen won't scratch worth a cent. Father Simmons is on the gain and arouud. Our School is in a prospering condi­ tion. {Wm. Nickle in t|ie Upper De- Business Notices. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic restores tbe appetite. .'. have th? B«>«s Glove Depot. FITZ-AM UONSA KVANSOX ' W| The Moliwe Sulky Plow Owen's. •IP-®: The Furst A Bradley Sulky Plow Wt E. M. Owen's. I trainable.' It e Church' was Table spread and pair of mitts, Mr. j sleeps, where his friends have laid partineut and Miss S. Lower loom. ompsou i u-the DIED.--At Malcolm. Neb., of'diph­ theria. December 13th, 1880. Emma E. Parsons, aged 13 years. December 19rh, 1880. James Hartley Parsonss, ao-ed 11 years. Deceased were the children of Ed­ win R. and F. Augusta Pardons, for­ merly residents of Mcllsnry. Mrs. Parsons is the sister of Hon, F, K. Granger, and Mr. Parsou6 was at one time connected with Mr. Granger in business here. • THE New Year's Party at Grand HaU promises to be a grand affair. If will be held on Friday evening next. Dec. 31st. and therefore those who at­ tend can "\tafch the old year out and the New Year iu." The Gennauia Band will furnish the music. A GREAT deal of missionary work may be done by an old overcoat that Is put upon a poor man Instead o*f on aclosenhook. A hungry man with a heavy coat on does not suffer as many or as terrible cravings as he woult^ if most of the warmth of his blood es­ caped to the ungrateful air of winter. ON Friday evening occurs the An­ nual New Year's Party at tbe River­ side House, iu this village, and thai, they will have the usual good time no one who has ever been tiiere can for a moment doubt. Remember it. is Fri­ day evening, engage your girl and be on hand, N. BLAKE, the Ringwood Black­ smith, can still be found at his old stand, and is daily turning out lots of work in his line. "Nick" i* a tlrst-class workman, and that the people ki.ow it is evidenced by the large amount of work he is doing. Give him a call when in want of a good job in the Blacksmith line. EZRA KIDI.OX of Woodstock, Maine, never had a physiciafl attend him but olice iu his life, and he is now ninety- fouKYears old. His wife is living and they have been "married seventy-three years. Had Mr. Ridlon refrained from calling iu the physician that one time, he might now have been one hundred and fifty years old and been married one hundred °aj)d forty-five years. But then a man ennnot always tell what is the best thing to do. / Mr. R. will know better uext time. LKCTU.KE COURSE. Our citizens have made arrange­ ments for a Lecture Course the present Winter, for which they have engaged the following talent: Rev. Wni. ltalcli of Elgin; W. H. Ryder, D. D.. Chicago; Rev. 11. M. Simmons. Madison. Wis.; Hon. R. E. Hoyt. Chicago; and a Grand Concert by the Elgtn Glee Club, The first Lecture will probably take place about January 10th, due notice of which will be given. We trust these Lectures may be well patronized. The above talen|. is among the best in the Lecture field and every Lecture is sure to be interesting. THE Christmas Tree at the Metho­ dist Church was a success iu every par­ ticular, and many a young heart, and some older ones, were made liappv on that occasion. The tree was loaded with presents which were in value from a China Do/l to a Gold Watch. The exercises, which consisted of sing­ ing. speaking, etc.. were very interest­ ing. In slio«r, exercises and Present giving from beginning to end were conducted in ji manner that reflected great ereditupon those having it in charge. May all who were there live, toenjoy many more like gatherings--is the %ish of your humble servant. THE Western Farmer's Almanac., for 1881 is on our table, and we do not ex- aggerale when we say it has no equal iu the land. This is the tilty-fonrth year of this valuable puMi nation, and no one who has had former copies will be without one. It contains more general information to all than any publication «t the kind we ever saw. It has a circulation of over one hun­ dred thou«aud. and is sold for*the low price of ten cents. Published by John P. Morton «$ Co., Louisville. Ky. Cop­ ies will be kept for sale at this office. No farmer should be without one. Money to Loan. In sums of froni one Hundred to one Thousand, on good security. Inquire at this office. „ IT is highly probable that we. in giv­ ing the local news of the week, tread occasionally if not frequently upon some oiie's phalanges, but this, to a great extent is unavoidable. A news­ paper must give the 'lews, no matter from what source, and kind reader, should we ever cause your brow to wear an unpleasant, frown, or your lips to utter words deviating fi;oin dircct compliments, pause a moment, we pray you, and think of the duties of a newspaperman. Consider his posi­ tion and where lie stands. Go, then, back of the present and ask yourself If the newspaper man has not at one time done you a favor for which you Milwaukee. Wis; 12 below in Dayeu^J th»H hart occasion to feel grateful.*-- port, Iowa; 8 below in Omaha, 'Neb; [ Question yourself, then, if in the fu- 34 below in Vi-ucent, D. Y., and 6 below I ture tbe press might not again be able in Chicago." In this village it struck j and willing to wield for,you an influ- 20 below at 7 o'clock on Tuesday I enee or extend to you a favor; think of morning.and this Wednesday mom- J these things and be cheerful; remem- • log at 7 o'clock was 22 below. I b^r them aud be happy. THE Geimva flepwMca/i says; "We have not been enterviewed by any person who thought he 'knew more about running a newspaper than our­ selves and who desired to give us the benefit, of his SIIperior wisdom since Thanksgiving Day. We think the fool killer has been around and claim­ ed them as his own." BUYERS of Millinery Goods should not fail to read the notice of Mrs. Searles in another column. She lias an unusuaUv large stock of wint°r millinery which she is bound to close out to make room for the Spring trade and not be obliged to carry it over. Her present stock is of the best quality and will be sold regardless of cost. VENN^R predicted a terrible snow storm to begin Dec. 22(1, and to con­ tinue seventeen hours, during which an average depth of eleven feet and a half of snow would fail. Whew! Ven­ dor, you are an old sinner, and don't know any more about weather than a mule. While we are glad you failed to hit it this time we would advise you to let tbe weather business alone. THE Inter Ocean of Tuesday morn­ ing has the following to say. of the weather of Monday last: **Our low?st temperature yester Jay was 7 degrees below zero. At 10:18 o'clock last, night the thermometer registered 34 degrees below zero iu Ft. Garry, Man; 23 be­ low in Duluth, Minn; 18 below in St' Paul, Minn; 20 below in LaCrosse, Wis; 16 below in Madison. Wis; 16 below in and Mrs. A. H. Hanly. Pair or Gold lined, vases, Sayler Smith. Pair of Picture Frames, Callie and Wray Thomas. Lamp. Martha Parkes. Syrup pitcher, Johauunh Weltoli. Pickle Dish. 11. C. Mead and wile. Phoio Album, Bell Colby. Orange Blossoms for bride. Mrs* Frank Colby. Picture frame scroll work, Willie H. Mead.-- Aiso by mail half dozeu silver plated tea knives, Mrs. A.M, Mcl'hee, Rome. NT. Y. Silver butter knife, Mr. and Mrs. Western, Dundee, II). After enjoj ing a good social time they departed for their several homes wishing the happy couple much joy' and a Happy future. The voting couple started for Clifton to visit their friends there. NOTICE. . The Qociable of the M. E. Church will meet at Mrs. C. V. Steven's, after- IK>OII and evening. Wednesday. Jan. 5th 1881. Programme will consist of Read­ ing. Singing, Speaking, &c. All are cordially invited to attend. Krai Fstatn Trannfera. The following is a Mst of the estate transfers in McIIenry county from Nov. 17 to Dec. 10 1880: K li ami E K .Yyerand wives to Amelia W. Hocln liilil It tt l>k 3, Harvard, #100. (} V WyUs and w to Miss Eunice Crisaey Us 1 an«t ti :m<l strip mlj bk (5 Sponcers ft<Ul to Marengo. Julia Uraves to T (Jnives s hf nw qr see 14 anit ne qr no qr sec ir> Itiiey, $20. A B Oiwin niiihtcr !n r to II Kahle n hf «e qr w of road seo 21 Coral, H2iH). J Gallifter and w to W J Clark nw qr ne qr ser 33 Dorr, $425. ® W J Clark and w, same to T J D#ry. IflOO. E M Oivo'n and w to E Wendell'jit bk 12 M-Henry w of river, #100. Same to same w end lik 3 McIIenry w of river, $360. J Wliit<> and w to O Meyer nc qr sec S2 Seneca, #3000. J I)-Lawnon and \v to II E Tylai^der 136 a in sec lOiirafton, f2WU. J A Heid to G F Wilcox 7Jtfa in sw qr see 8 Set.eea, $75. B S Brown and w to E O'Soll 5a in se qr nw qr see W Alden, J W l'lulips and w to (1 >f Cliitton.lon e lit se qr see Hand w hf sw qr »ec 10 Marengo. $r>ooo. J lllaha and w no J Mrazek n hf s hf ne qr s»c29 range 9 Alirosquin, $12111. S U-uiver et al to P l> and C Hauver in sec a, ^ and Id CiienuinK. $2.r>00. <; s Lord nnd w to J Aylesworth et It 13 bk 2 Nu ik'a, . J I. Paine et al to E P Paine »w qr nw qr see 28 N unda. 1.00. K Green to K P Paine pt sw ( i*ne qr sec 48 Nuivta, 3--)fl.(H). Ursula K Good*pfed P A. England II Sand 7 a:id pt It 6 bk 1 Cryntal Lake an I lis 12 and 13 alid |>t ltll bk 9 Parsoiis add toCrystal Lake, 550.00. C Monrhonse to J C .Koknian 30 a in It 14 «e qr s*e s .Ylicoii'juin, 1:150.00. A ^ Milnson and w t<> G II llaniiigea pt Us Sand 10 and lt!H>k 4 Alden. COO.oO. I) Grives and w to 'J* Oanaty 0)4 in se qr see, 12 Marengo, 65.50. J J Stewart to II li Stewart 345 a in sec 26, 27 and :tt lletnoii, 00. Clara A and L M Sfiitii t«> E E Ayer nnd hf It 1 bk 2 smith 's sub div of Harvard, 7.VI.00. .1 Wat«on and w to s,- lr;ih llubbini Its 6 and i bk 5 Hubbard's add to Algonquin, 273. E Ballon and w to K Pliilp It* 7 and 10 and lit Its S aud 0 bk 8 Ellsworth's add to Nunda. 215 I"*. Marv Volan to TC Nolan no qr sec H n of rd n 50.73 s w lifnpqrsoe. 15 If Art land, 8500. same e t al to same se qr nf qr sec 14 Har, vard, KO.OO. • Mary Volan relic or to J Nolan, so much of it« qr see. It s of rd. lOo.OO, A I. Auii iu an I w to J Keed in nw qr see 21 Richmond, 75.00. J BOstrail ler and w to T St. Jojin It I bk 11 Spencer's 2nd add to Mnreniro. IW'.OO. G sjionaMe et at to Hatlje C Hale 2.48 a 8.73 a and 1.2fa in sec 35 Marengo, 700 00. II C Male and w to J S Rowland 2.4Ha in sec '15 Marengo. 285.00, Susan Sppnc.erand hus I .J II K Dunham It %bk 9 Man n go, 1000. , M w Ornen and w to H W Bennie e hf Its 7. 10, II and 14 bk 4 Harts add to Harvard. 2UI0. J Zimineraud w to G Hansmann 13 a in e hf gw qr wee 33 Gr?cnwood, i300. L Mate'.! and w to B Johnnott sw qr ne qr see 23 UiLthmond, 2200 L WebKter and w to R Morris54.53a in ne qr see IS Suneea. KII ' .II Mars IN and hus to C B Hastings It 6 Arkilisndd to' Uiclimond, 450. J Iv and S N My*rut to Al Mygatt 30 a iu se qr sec 4 Richmond, WOO. Escaped. ^W*cembor 11 Hi. 18S0, from the North- em Hospital tor Hie Jns:rti.e, at Elgin. 111., a patient named'Augustus Gemus- rous. Height 5 feet 8 Indies, weight about 12a or 130 lbs., slender builii. full beard of light gray color, both Infir and beard scanty, coat and vest of dark gra^ cojor, pantaloons nearly black, shirt and drawers marked with patients name. Any information concerning the w hereabouts of the above named party will be thankfully received by his friends. Address, Supt. lusane Hospital, Elgin. 111. W isuousin paperapleMe him, that sleep which knows no wak­ ing but that spiritual waking which we all hopo to experience when we shall have pas,«ed ;he River, , ,On Tuesday last Mrs. W. H. Sanford was buried. She had suite red long a:id patiently with Dropsy. She w is OIK- of those woux'u who believes and practices that one of the sacre-d rightn of woman is to be a true and faithful wife, a fond and loving mother, and a "help mete*'in the dullest sense of the term and of such it is a veritable pleasure to record our belief that a rich reward awaits them. This is the fourth death In Mr. 8anford*s family within three years, first a Sun. the second a Son, then his only daughter, and now the wife and mother leaves the husband and two surviving Sons, to mourn, their dear one* gone, how soon to follow none can tell. * bn Wednesday Leander Church one of our early settlers, was buried by li is Masonic brethren. He was. sa to speak, a devout mason., A firm hclieyer iu the purity and'holy rites of the order and xtood high among the brotherhood .aMt uiwmiw for ni iny years, until, by severe sickness, some eight years ago his mind partially failed him. During all; of which years lie and such ot his family as -* were not provided with coAifort&hle homos, have heencaiod for by his daughter an'd her husband, Mr. an l Mrs. John S. Wheat. So kind have they b^en to him through all his hours, days aud years of affliction, aiid so pleasantly, cheerfully, and liberally have they ad­ ministered to his every want as to de­ monstrate the truth that it is indeed •'more blessed to give than to receive." To your humble correspondent, it would be a greater boone than money can purchase, could he know, that should he be like unfortunate as was his frie id, Leander Church, he might be. thus freely and lillially cared for.-- God bless them aud such as they for such dutiful and gracious kindness.-- Sleep dear brother, rest in peave where your brethren have lal I you. and may your future eternal years prove to you that "your trust being iu God, your faith was well founded." Mrs. Van Curen has Oeen very »dck, even until death «o that, for several hours, on the streets, it was supposed she was dead. She is still very low. but is reported as hopefully and stoadily improving. Miss Etta Haas who has been suf­ fering severely with intl t'li na tory i'lieumatism is reported as convales- cnt. "Daddy Kirk" is gaining and hopes are entertained of his recovery, not­ withstanding his advanced age and the severity of his attack. Scarlet lever has made its appear* aui-c among our little folks, but we luve heard of no severe cases. Christinas Kve brought the usua prescoits to chattering, happy children Would that Sauta'('Jans might in re­ ality find liN way with his gnd'tes to all f|ie Unfortunates of the world. Christmas day was observed by onr Church going people as becomes their lieliefin the real Chrism is Cnrist as preached by the christian world for nearly nineteen centuries, while many, too many, spent the day and night in drinking and carousing. 1 would not he an owl If I could, iI I could I'd much prefer that "scowl Yes I would Cause why? Well, That owl /s dead that's all. G. W. RESLEY lla« just received an Optlmeter. for ^testing the eves, and can now tit you with a pair of spectacles and guarantee satlshud Ion. lie also has a full line «f Spectacles, all kinds, to which he in­ vites the at^tenlliMMd^^^ Hall, of the Dundee and Richmond Stores, buys aud sells for cash only, consequently can otter you inducements in all kinds of goods, lie ad his price Int. N TIIK OLO CHURCH I1KM. The old church bell, the dear old bull. What iiiei'vv tale-- its music tells,* Of youth, and home, and other clinics, Wlieu Ust 1. heard its merry chime. Our liappv days will pass away. And manv hearts that now are gay, In otiier climes far distant dwell, I'un liear no more the old uhurch bell. And so 'twill be when we are prone, The ol-l chur'cli bell will still rii»« on, And other ones shall walk the dell, To hear the cniuies of the old church bell. C. 1>. II. POULTRY! POULTKY! I am now prepared to pay the High­ est Market Price for all kinds of Poul­ try, delivered at my Poultry House, in McIIenry. Bring along your Poul­ try and get your cash. T. F.I.OHEOOR. THE sweeping tide of prosperity Is shown by the immense increase of business in the Patent Office, General Land Office, Pension Office,| and other. Departments of the Government.-- Patent cases. Pension claims. Contest- <ul Land entries, or other business placed iu the hands of Presbery Green, Attorneys, J>29 7th st.; Washing­ ton. D. C., will have Immediate atten* Ion, Enclose stamp for Information. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's, Xuuda, for Millinery and Dress Making' DO YOU WANT BARGAINS In Holiday floods? Then go to Hall's Richmond and Dundee Stores. Everybody, farmers or mechanics, rich or poor, should call at Fitjsiin- inons and Evanson's and do their Holi­ day trading. They have the "boss" selection. FIPTY eords of wood wanted, at once iu payment for subscriptions to the PLAINIM: AI.ER. Wanted . 5000 Oa*h customers for hoi day trade at Kil7.fiinnions & Evanson Card Photos 82 per dozen at Miller's Gallery,McIIenry. III. Do not fail to call and see the splendid stock of Holiday Goods at Colby Bros. Toilet Sets. Lamps. Vases. Auto­ graph Albums, Wax Dolls, Doll's Heads, cheap at Be-lev's Drug Store, opposite the Parker House. Holiday Good*, useful and ornamen- .al. PriceV verv leasonable. FIT7.SIMMON8 x EVANSON. The finest lot of Majelica Ware In town, at Colby Hro«. Remember this when buying your Presents. Holiday Goods, iu endless variety at Colby liro*. Particular attention' paid to little folks at Millers Studio. For the celebrated Beloit Shoe, the best in tlie market, go,to Colbj*}Bros. at th- A choice stoek of Candies, all at Bcsley's Drug Store. kinds FOR neuralgia in the face or other acute suffering elsewhere, the follow­ ing remedy has been tried with good eflect; Cut a thick slice of bread all across the loaf--fresh bread Is best.--> Soak one side for a minute iu boiling water, and rapidly sprinkle cayenne pepper over the hot side. Apply while still soaking hot to the painful surface. The bread retains the heat long enough for the cayenne pepper to begin to act. and cayenne does not af­ fect the delicate skin as mustard <toee< It acts as a rubefacient, but not as h blister. Three Ferrotypes logrSO fU at^ Mil ler's Studio, Reeds Gilt Edge Tonic cures Fever and Ague. The Domest'c Sewing Machine leads the world. What would be more appropriate for a Christinas Present* For§ale by O. W. Owen. ^>alc hjH Prices re.luued o j Si|,iwD aaJOl oaks Ftrraivmovs »fc EVAHSOM. TMK finest assortment of Toys and of the best quality, at O. W. Owen's.-- Cull anil see tham. When iu want of work In my line, give una call and I will try and please Kohl. Murfitt, Jeweler. Nunda, ill. Dress Goods Stylish durable and cheap just received, we invite inspec­ tion. Fitssimmon* A Rvanson. Don't buy your Hats «»r Bonnets nn- til you have seen and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. The largest stock of MHllnerv Goods in the County, at Mrs. S. SearfSs. Buckevc Force Owen's. Puutps, at £. M All the Owen's. first-class Plows at E. M. A line Tine of Gents Furnishing Goods at Lauer Jfc Becker's ftear tbe Depot. Do not purchase Holiday Pre­ sents until you have examined the splendid stock of J. B. Blake. Hoods andIXnhia* large Variety and. prices extremelv low at Frrzstsiuoxs A KV A X S O X IS . The finest, line of Silver and Plated Ware to he found in the county, at O. W. Owen's. Bottom Prices for Holiday Goods, at J. B. Blake's, McIIenry. I make a specialty of Repairing fine W itches, and warrant all my work, Robt. Murfitt. Nunda. In endless1 v McIIenry. ANOTHKU NEW lot of Milliuerv Goofls just received at' Mrs. H. H. Xictftils. Igwivfetvle Bracelets at O, W\ Owen's % 'IfOLl DAY GOODS. , , lin B. Blake's, If you want to nvake a substant»*l Present, for the Holidays, buy one of the celebrated Estey Organs, of O. W. Owen. They are the best in the mar­ ket, aud are sold reasonable, MKS. E. \\ . HOWK is offering Induce­ ments to purchasers of Millinery, Cloaks, &<». (iive her a call. Store four doors North of Riverside House. <Cotton Flannels bleached and un- blesi'-ked. Muslins cheap this week at FtlZSISlMONS <fc Kv VJCS'trN's. JUST -MKCEL VKD. One of the finest stocks of Holiday Goods to be found in the County, at John B. lllakc's. McHenry^ I'oy Goods, for the Holidays,in end­ less variety, at O. W. Owen's. TIIK "New Process" Flour, matiufac tilled by Hanly A Sons, Mciiemy, is giving unusual satisfaction wherev#* used Ask your Grocc^ lor it. FOR SALE. 40 Acres of laud in Section 18. al! fenced. Also 8tt-ueres of lantl, with a good house and barn thereon, with timber and water in abundance, in Sec­ tion 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good new house^haru and other outbuildings.-- 'Apply to JOHN FLLSKY. Photographs, and Ferrotypes. Iu every style aiid design known to the art. At reasonable rates, A Miller's Photo Studio.r Just received all the latest Styles aud shades of Winter Millinery, Alas. K. W.HOWB. Farmers having Butter and Eggs to sell will find a good (uurket at FlfZ- SIMMONS & EVANSOS'S Writing Desks, a very appropriate Holiday Present, can be found at Bes- ley's Drhg Store. CALL at Besley's and see the "Indus­ trious woman'" It will pay. Holidav Goods, in endless variety, at Besley's Drug Store, West Side. If in seacrh of Bargains call at C. F. Hall's Richmond and Dundee Stores. Celuloid Sets, the neatest thing for a Weihling Present out, at Besley's Drug Store, opposite the Parker House. MRS. GEO. 3ICCOLLUM, Fashionable Hair - Worker. Post Office Address, WAUCONDA, - - - ILLINOIS E. A. I Waucond3, 111., deal#* j cerres. < -amojd Good*. Confe • igais. Tobacco. Notion*. Headquarters for Plart & Co'sfj ted .B lit imore Oysie;*. J i«n pared lo luniMi Kre«h Oyslei I'IIII or Dish, nt all hour- of ev» ni-ig. >ly .KefrexliiHent Pi ^ c o s i l y i v t e d i i | » . w e l l w * r n i e d _ ed.aud no p.ins will be Spared please all who call. 1 also make a specialty of All kii of Can («oods. aiid keep a fine liter \ Coutectiouery. Give me a call. f 1. i. i*OU>fl , "VARFARAA C*UC Advanrinjf vear!". care, aprointment, and herediiary |)otiition--all ofierate to tnrn gray, and cithrt of them inclinrf* fhed, prenaa!nrely. Alts s YIOOR *iU restore faded or light r« d hair »o a rich (trown or black, as may be desired. It » and the sealp. giving It healthy action. It removes and c»l dandruff snd humors. By Its nse ing hair checked, and a new gri will be produced in all eases where follicle* are not destroyed or glands decayed. Its effects are bei Jully shown-on brashy,weak.or si hair.on which a few applications produce the gloss nnd frejdmes* youth. Harmless and sure in its o aliou. it is incomparable a dressi and is especially valued for the lustre and richness of tone it impel It contains neither oil nor dye. will not soil-nor color white trambi yet it. l.>*ts long on the hair, keeps it fresh and vigorous. My stock of Dry Goods.Clothing, never was larger than now.and as 1 aat bound to sell them, look out for b«A« r«ick prices. Call cither at tbe Rich­ mond or Dundee store aud be Vcouvi»0* ed. - ' * Card photo's only two dollars jper <loz. Cabinet's four fifty, copies and views $1.00 per negative, #1.00 each for duplicates. v. « OYSTERS only 35 cents at the McIIenry Bakery. The Minette Photo, only 75 etS |tr doz. A.Miller's. Autograph Albums, front upwards, at O. W. Owen's. ITS ctnt The finest 1i«»e of Toilet Articles to be found iu the county, at Besley's drugstore. .»«» CHEAPEST Cloaks in towa for the money at Mrs. II. H.NiclMils. Go to Mrs. E. aud Dolmans. W. Howe for Clftft&s Hall's. Dundee and Richmond Stores. IF you want your Watch put in first class Order, call on Robert MurUtt Jeweler, Nunda, A fine line ot ('hina Mustache Caps, Ilauilkerchtef Boxes. Cuff aud Collar Boxes, at Besley's Drugstore. Ladies Portmonies. the nobbiest ta town, at Besley's Drug Store. To tell you of a few Special Bargains 1 have to offer. Wo have received a Ijne of ^ DRESS GOODS 1-2 wool at* 12 1-2 ceuts per yard in shades, usually sold at ^0 cents per vard. Also a Im<» of Dress Goods at 17 cents usu­ ally sold at 25 cents per \ard,-- We have iu stock and to arijve a fine assortment of goods for the HOLIDAY TRADE, We have also a nice line of MAJOLICA WAKE, In the GROCERY LINE we have to offer 20 fes. Rice fW |1.T " 1-4 IHJX Kaisius, 5^ , ti very iiue Ccffee. $1. H. ROOMS* Volo, III., Dee. 1st, 1880. If looking for a Holiday Present ex­ amine tho^e flue Books, all from the best authors, at O. W. Oweij's. Silver and plated ware iu endless variety, at O. W. Owett'*. New Prints, latest patternf. at prices from live cents a yard aud up­ wards, at Colby Bros.. Riverside Block' Ladles of McIIenry aud* vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at aud priced* goods at Mrs. S. S-arles. Am now offering greater bargains.than-evcr.* All work In repairing done on short notice. I would beg leave to inform the Ladies of Lake and McIIenry Counties that I am now prepared to do nil kind> <d Hair Work on short notice and In Miv he*t of manner. I use none but natural Hair, audguruotee all work as represented. That my prices are low I will leave all to judge for-themselves by the fol lowing: WILL MAKE SWITCHK? Where you furnish the Hair. 81.00. Where you furnish 1 root if.fcl.oU. Puffs, (you to furnish Hair, lOctseaeh Wave* on Hair Lac*. 81.00 an inch. Waves on Vegetable Lace, 73 ceut- :in inch. Switches from i'2.0n to 83.00, -accord­ ing to size and quality. Ladles wishing anything iu this Hae should not fail to give me a call. a< I IIMI salisfled I can suit you both iu quality and price. MKS. r.RO, MrOOLLlTM. By Inirer.-Hl Accord Aj'er's catliari ic pills are the best of i all purgatives lor family use. They j are tie* product of long, laborious ami successful chemical investigation, ami their extensive u-e by physicians in their practice, and by ail civilised ua- J tions. proves them 'lie best aud m »*t siucc.-sful purgative fill that uie lical science can devise. Being purely veg­ etable no harm can arise froiu tlndr j use. In intrinsic value and curative j powers, no other pills c»»u be compared ' with them, and every" person knowing their virtues will employ them when ne-ded. They keep tbe system in |M»r- fect order and maintain iu healthy ac­ tion lhe whole maclii'iery of 11IV. flii'ld sejiircbiiig tnd effect UAI, ihey aro specially adapted to the need* of tin* digestive apparatus, derangements pf which they prevent aud cure, it tuuriy taken. Thev are t he best aud SAt'e.*t physic to employ for children aud weakened const it uiions, where a mild but eOectual cathartic is require*!* • ; , For sale b)> all dealers. Dress Hoods in all styles, ctieap^at C, F. HaIVI Kioinnouv, *t)d Duudce Stores, For Children beuin n>e year 'with aiiow aud «l*~ BI K igantCover and other J inippintiuents. It will cottiiuue to soff* jtrtss all iiuitnkor*.-- Tlie Jrtuuary uumbar will prove this.-- Sl.SOa year, in U. Sew Sub»cr4fc ?rs pet »u extra nu4k» t>ub*«'Tibial NUEiERY FDleift Year ber by now. Fittsimmons A Evanson oHer % felr drives iu Bovs and Youths Cl»thin|f.-» Tuey also have a lot of.JftSfB OHltt t+f 82.50 wot th $4.00. •« . --r-wi ' ' "jfi. il< 1891. HASPSS'S WESSL7. II Inst rated. Thl* perhMll***'. t>>* its abl« *wt <1 iseus.-ioiit «i il'e <i»csi-(in#»»f the 'lay, « <'v it-w ilUislralixitsj--which UN iwiroa bv ili» best artists--bas alwaym *,l a most |M»wor»nl ami l«netictal upon the lail'liw iwiad. Viu- wfictit <>tu* Influcac* willatwaya fonu IUu si'l,; of iaora^iu». MlicltUMnV ami ro?rm"n«f*«». ' , Harpor's Periodicals* I! \i:l»Tit> W KKKI.V, "Uf "» far,., ttt» IIAUHKK's. M ,V <; A/.'N K, (Va>> Year 4<J9 I t ,\!tt*r- li\/Alt, Oiif Year . . . . . . . . . . Tin; Til IIK K Anv TWii iiiwp t'wntfit. On# Year . I Tt* ilAKPKIt'S\OUNii 'I'tt »u» «at. p . i s t F r e e I n a l l la Ihm t'%1 led Cu»»<la. ?\ "tho VO!UTO»* of the WWljftr I fiv^t N«mi>or t«r January Wliini ni> time i* Okpnit»niM<. the 4iib*i'r«t»-r wiuh the unmber »e*.i after Uie Tlie la*? y.lcvcu Vu'.tiaies «»f ili u«>a^ oKrfh * HI k mail. )wv-.tai:e M n f. or l»»" e\)ir»»»S. f( kse:i>f ;,f.iv( U-.J. tlie fiend"' Uk'* uot i i'lie .t> ...a- vviitmv., t«»r #7 wad*. i i.:ttHI» i.' iu* «aoli vukauitit, stti S biu-h»»}i, » 111 It; *eat by i wi eijii t»i aiH'li, f H^inlttaan»s abnuM aia.te tHr } VM-tk-r or Dnfi. I» .«l«iil. I<U«ss. r ;v >;c*p. ftrr net (a t i uKth w ;.ivt < nu <i4.1 Si • a ***» »^ia with rv iif ml. it m-iU teMMler. nt* tuMM t iem*H#uW i^saiiL

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