Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1881, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY JAN. 12. 1881. Railroad Time Table. OOIXO SOUTH. Mnm Uk« P*«eii?er .7:3* A. M 3*n*ra Lake rreijtht ....*,.1:15 r. u OOIKO WOKTO. .......10:02 k. m 6:53 p.* Sne*% T,atee Freight.... itava l.aka Ptsienrer. McEwg - lastow Course. Whrs. Mnttle Batch, Dramatic Reader, Will glv|>one of her Readings •! the Universalist Church, Tuesday Eve., January 18th Reading to commence at 8 o'clock sharp. Ticket# 25 cent*. Children 10 cts. THE Tax Collector is on the war path. Read hi* notice In another col­ umn. •I Tnic Western Farmers' Almanac, a -valuable book for fanners, for sale at this office. Price. 10 cents. y^GoTTLKtB BULKY, of the McHenry a Brewery has an nil weighed daugbt I at his liouif. which arrived on Satur-, I day last. SKE the advertisement of a Grand Masquerade Ball, at Wauconda, on Friday evening of next week, the 21st. JL rousing good time may he expected. WE have received a new advertise­ ment for W. H. Dwight. Woodblock, but too late for this week. It will ai>- |>ear In our next. W. R. NRTHKKCUT i* no longer one of the publishers of the Geneva Lake H«rald, lite firm of Hcg 4 Net he rent having been dissolved. Mr. Nethercut Is still retained in the office. THE editor of the McHenry /%iin dealer says lie saw four suns, on Fri­ day morning of last week. We. in this latitude. Brother Van Slyke. on­ ly saw three and thought the sight magnificent.--Belvidere Recorder. That i# nothing strange. You can­ not expect to successfully compete with uS up here on Fox River. We can always "see you and go you one bet­ ter," even on so small a thing as a Sun. WE learn there is a man not a thous­ and miles from McHenry, who often declares that he never drinks anything stronger than claret. But coming home recently at midnight, and put­ ting his lips to his wife's ear, he whis­ pered mysterously: "Hush, my dear, don't be alarmed, but there are bur­ glars about. They ha\<e already stolen our keyhole; I had to get lu by the cellar window!'1 THE Ladies of the Universalist Church will held a Sociable at the resi- tloiiCfi of E. M.Owen, on Thursday, to­ morrow evening. All are cordially in­ vited. ON account of publishing the pro­ ceedings of the Board of Supervisors, we are obliged to postpone the com­ mencement of the Soldiers Column un­ til next week. WE were unable to attend Rev. Mr. Batch's Lecture on Tuesday evenlnsr, but learn that the church was well filled, and the Lecture highly Inter­ esting and instructive. In fact it could not be otherwise^ as Mr. Balch has been an extensive traveler, and his subject. "Ruined Cities which 1 have visited." was one In which he could bring hlc tine oratorical and descrip­ tive powers into full play. It can safely be said that the first Lecture of the Course was a success. The next will he given on Tuesday evening next, the 18th, by Mrs. Mat tie Balch. a no­ tice of which can he found In another place. IN a North Carolina town lately, two men were disputing about the relative merits of the salve they had for sale.-- One of the men. In order to demon­ strate that his salve was better than any other, cut of! a dog's tail and ap­ plied a little of the salve to the stump, and. in the presence of the spectators, a new tail grew out. But the other man, who also had salve for sale, took tip the plecu, of tail that had been cast away, put a little salve at the end «.f that, a new dug grew out, and the last heard of those parties they were quar­ reling as to who owned the second dog. Fact, 0 THE Ladies Aid Soclaty, of Ring- wood, will ineet'this week at the resi­ dence of Solomon Dodge, on Tnursday afternoon. .Tan. 13th' • MRS. *VM, LAKGHAM, Secretary. [ WE inadvertantly omitted to notice I last week the death of another child ot' J Samuel Sherman, of diphtheria, aged I about twenty mouths. The balance of I the family that are sick are reported 1 as doing well. They are now under \the care of Dr. Andersen. Ttar Indies of the M. E. Church will hold their next Sociable at Mrs. J. L. Howe's, Wednesday, Jan. 19th. After­ noon af»d evening. The exercises will consist of Reading. Speaking. Singing and Charades. Both ladies and gen­ tlemen are cordially Invited. Let no one wait for«a special invitation. THE following are the main features of the new Illinois Dog Law: Each dog in the township tobetuxed'fel each year. Collector to pay Jog money to Supervisor. A person having sheep killed by dogs must report fame to a Justice twenty-tour hours after dis­ covery. Justice appoints two apra's- ers who must bring in a bill of damages within five days. Said bills to he filed with Supervisor, On the first Monday of March each year Supervisor shall pay these bills pro rata out of dog money. If there is an excess it will go to township fund. Suoli compensation will be no bur to action against owner of dogs. If damages are collected of owner they are uot to be paid again out of fund. ©ITKING the month of December, the sales reported on the Elgin Board of Trade were unusually heavy* Accord­ ing to the reports there were 81.187 boxes of cheese, aggregating 1.088.155 pounds, and 359,091 pounds of butter sold, representing a money value of #212.014.51.-- A dvocate. THE Lecture* Committee 'announce their second entertainment for Tues­ day evening next, at which time Mrs. Mactfe Balch, who tosnid to have few superiors as a dramatic reader, will appear. The following notice from the Brooklyn, New York, fragls shows with what high esteem she is held in that great literary center: Mrs. Mnttie Ba!eh, who was the star of the eistei tuiiinient. is a fine reader. Mie Mas a well modulated voice and all her words are clearly enunciated. Her imitation of the greenhorn Dutch man's dialect was very amusing, and the lady kept her auditors laughing hearti­ ly. In the sentimental recitations, Mrs. Balch showed great depth of feel­ ing and line cou:!ept ion. Mrs. Balch acted charmingly, and looked well iu the pretty dress ot the German girl, and she may well be gratified wirh'the admiration lavished upon her by the audienee. ttie ! Pw,Wy°«^y arlj^rVfHE Bridge was THE Geneva Lake Herald says that Geo. E.Earlie, late Mail Agent on the Fox Rivor Road, will go Into a news­ paper office ir. Chicago at an ear day. George is an oid newspaper man. delivered over to and has the ability to honorably till any position to which lie may be as­ signed. We wish him success. • JOHN D. XISII. son of Capt. James Nish. County Treasurer, lias been ap­ pointed Mail Agent between Geneva Lake and Elgin, to succeed George E. Earlie, and took his route on Monday last. Mr. Nish is a young man of fine h«isiness9 qualification;., and will do himself and the service credit. We congratulate him on his ^appointment. ^^SlIITH A SvriibK. of this vill ige /have since the 10th day of October, I paid out over thirty thousand dollars for hogs alone. They paid out some days last week as high as three thoii' and dollars for live porkers. Taking their business altogether they proba­ bly pay more money to the farmer than any other firm in the conntv. .G. L. HCBBAKD, Harness Maker Ring wood, can still be found at his shop, ready to make you \ first class Harness, either single or double, as cheap or cheaper than you can buy it at any other place in the county. He fs a first class workman, uses none but the best material and warrants his work just as represented. If In want of a good Harness give him a call. "i °f 'jt / RESPONSIBLE parties are talking ' Strongly of starting a Butter and Cheese Factory 11 this village. An 'in­ stitution of this kind,-rightly conduct­ ed, would be of untold benefit, and our citizens should not let this chance pass. 1 but 4" all iu their power to secure it. \ and that at once. There is no better pfllhl tof an institution of this kind In the county. Let us have the Butter and Cheese Factory by all means. WE are under obligations to A. F. Parsons for a copy or A paper called The Magic City, which contains "a Review of the Growth. Progress and Trade of the City of Lincoln. Nebras­ ka, during the year 1880." A perusal of it shows that Lincoln is one of the most thriving cities In that part of the West, and has great promise for the future. Its growth In the year 1880 has indeed been "Magic." We shall expect to she the Unlverl sallst Church packed to Us utmost c ty evening next. as finished, tested ati<l the Commissioner^ on Saturday la«t, and now we can safe-j ly say that we have the finest an<{ most substantial BviHge in this part of the State. In testing it tm Com mis] loners loaded six wagons with stonci each of which with the team weigher] six thousand one hundred and thirt pounds. Tltese were driven abreast and stopped on each span, and one standing on the bridge at the, time could hardly perceive a tremble. The Contractors wanted them to double or tribhle the weight, but the Comtnis- ioners did not think it necessary.-- "his Bridge was built by the Milwau- ee Bridge and Iron Company, and we liink that all who have seen their job lere will not lusit ite to recommend the in us a company who not only build £ood bridge, but who fulfill their contract to the letter, and with out an attempt to quibble iu any form. Fitzsim mous Invest your money <8 Evansou'is--now. at Why do Stevens & Schnorr sell so many good* ? Tliey in ike close prices and buy and sell l'.»r rush. STKVKNS A SCHlfORR. To Cash Buyers. Being desirous of reducingour stock of winter goods we shall oil Thursday Jan. 13th. commence our annual sale of winter goods, consisting of Mens and Boys Suits >ind Overcoats, Flannels, Shawls, Scarfs. Nubias, Hoods, Caps, Furs. Wool Lined Boots and Shoes, Rubber goods Ac. As we are bound to covert these into Cash within the nest 30 days, prices will be made to warriftit quick sales. Conie and see. FlTZSrXMOKS A gVAHSOX. SPECIAL BARGAINS. We offer a large lot of remnants la Dress Goods, from 6 to lj) cents per yard. STEVENS A SCMNOKK. OVKK COATS. We have special bargains in this line to close. 15 over ooats $8 00, former prices #11 00 10 over ooats 1*4.00. former prices 07 00 8 overcoats $ 11.00, former prices015 00 Full size mens overcoat* as low as $2:25 these are bargains, ST*VEHS & SCHlfORJU tllE RttlbUB QUESTION. new bridge has stirred up con­ siderable excitement the past week from the fact that, through the Influ­ ence of A. B, Coon aud others the Board of Supervisors refused to pay the por­ tion of the expense of building which the Statute of the State says tliey nhail pay. Their argument is, we believe, that McHenry built a better bridge than she had any right to. This neetns to us to be a flimsy excuse. The Com­ missioners of the town of McHenry have built a bridge which in their judgment was for the best interests of all concerned, and which In the last end will prove the cheapest for town and county. Tliey complied strictly with the law in every particular, &nd we believe had the Board of Supervis­ ors not been influenced by shysters, who only want to fill their own pock­ ets at the county's expense, they would have done, what it is clear the}' will have to do iu the last end, that is comply with the law, and pay their proportion of the expense of the bridge. Great praise Is due Supervisor CrSs- ty for his action in this matter, and McHenry may congratulate herself that she has a Supervisor who has the ability and back-bone to stand up for her rights, aud who is not frightened st the great wisdom of the self-cousti- tuted watch dog of the County. BY an advertisement in another column it will be seen that there is to be a Grand Masquerade Ball, at Mai- man's Hall, Wauconda. on Friday even­ ing of next week, the 21st. "The Wauconda Boys" are tliis«~wfnter get ting up some of the fine»t parties in this part of the country, and they pro­ pose to make this party eclipse all others. A Costumer will be out from Chicago with.a choi-ce selection of the finest costumes, on the evening of the party, aid besides those who wish special costumes can leave tlielr orders with E. A. GoHiug, who will see that they are procured aud ready on the evening of the party. The best--of music nnd Supper at the l'ratt House will make the progrumine complete, thereforo we say if you want a good time do not rail to attend the Masque* rade ac Wauconda on the 21st. rAXE*! TAXES! The undersigned. Collector of Taxes of the town of McHenry. has received his book aud will be ready to receive taxes at the following times ami pla­ ces, after t his week : TUESDAYS--At the Store of Perry A Martin, in the village of McHenry. WEDNESDAYS--At the Store of J. Ringwood. . THURSDAYS--At the Store of Clias. Kuhnert, Johnsborgh. FRIDAYS--At the Store of Stevens A Schnorr. near the Depot, McHenry. The balance of the week at my resi­ dence, in Johusbugh. NICK L. FRKI ND, Collector. IF all our readers could experience the benefits from Trask's Magnetic Ointment which we have, they would need no urging to always keep sup­ plied with It.--Exchange, NEW MILCH COWS FOR SALE. The undersigned has ten or eleven f;ood new milch cows which he offers or sale. Call at uiy farm. North end of Fox Lake. Mom.BT, Antioch. A PI.KASANT (iATHKUINa T.lTim Pl.iTvnh i » Satur­ day. the 8th inst., the numerous rela­ tives of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Whiting met at his new place of residence and gave liiru a most agreeable surprise, the occasion being the fifty-ninth birthday of Mr. Whiting, also the thirty-first anniversary of their wed­ ding. The first ones that arrived they thought to be only chance company, but they kept coming and one of the company came and handed Mr. Whit­ ing a basket containing eatables, but lie -aid he had heard of baskets being sent to people and left on their* door­ steps, consequently he. was a little sus­ picious, but as others were being brought iu he began to smell a rat. and thought he might just as well surren­ der first as last, which he did beauti­ fully The company present were Mr. and Mrs. Amos Whiting. Mr. aud Mrs. Arthur Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Waterman, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cristy. Mr. aud Mrs. Airos Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Whiting. Mr. aud Mrs. John Lawson, M r, and Mrs, Hubert Potter, Miss Anna Waterman. Miss Lou Waterman, Miss Dora Whiting ami Mas'er Walter Cris­ ty. After the guests had all arrived Mr. aud Mrs. Whiting were then made happy by some beauMtul presents, among them a beautiful Castor, pre­ sented by tliei r daughter, a nice But­ ter Dish, by tli3 brothers aud sister*, a Cake Basket, by one uncle and aunt and niece's; two nice Pickle Dishes combined and Pickle Tongs, by anoth­ er uiu.'le and aunt and consius. The presentation was made with appropri­ ate remarks by Mrs. Amos Whiting.-- They then retired to the dining room where a bountiful table was soon spread with goodies of *all kinds, and smoking hot oysters were served up of which all done jifs^ice to. After supper we had the pleasure of listen­ ing to some flue music by Miss Dora Whiting then after many good wishes for Mr. ami Mrs. Whltiug for. the friendly manner that they received thein the company departed, thinking it a most enjoyable affair. We would also mention, as no note was made of it at the time, that this same company on Christmas day met at the house of Mr. Amos Whltiug, by invitation to a Christinas tree aud Christmas dinner which was fully equal to the one just mentioned. The tree looked beauti­ ful, and all present received one or iliore presents therefrom, some of tliein quite valuable. All had *a pleasant time as Mr. aud Mrs. Whiting spared no pains to make it pleasant and agree* able for all. Oyster Festival. Tin* Ladies of the M. E. Clturebwof Wauconda. will give an 'Oyster Festi­ val and Donation, for the benefit of Rev. Mr. Cooper, at Maiman's Hall, on Tuesday Evening, Jan. 18th. All are cordially invited. Let everybody turn on Vjife t a good dish of Oystem and have a Social time. A few Setts Furs left which are be­ ing closed out at £2,56 at FltMlmmons A Evanson's. Go t#'Mrs. R. aod Dolmans. w. U<*Kf fa* QkMiw WOODSTOCK EOITOB PLAINOKAI.KR:--Friday and Saturday were used up iu the trial of Ira Strickland for disturbing Mr. Starr's spelling school. We are In­ formed that some twenty-five witness­ es were subpoenaed, which with jury and lawyers would make the number thirty-five or forty, to say nothing of spectators who spent the day there. The result was a flue ol one dollar aud costs, which ainoii'it to some forty, or fifty dollars, which ought to teach poor people not to take the chances of the expense of disturbing as­ semblies. Judge Smith conducted the prosecution and O. II. Uilmore the defense. On Thursday evening about eight o'clock, the residence of Asa W, Smith was uncereinoneously entered by about thirty of his neighbors and-?aiid--well they brought their music along with them, and there was heard In those spacious rooms joyful voices, the n»er- rv laugh, and music and dancing, till Chanticleer announced that the'we sina hours'* were approaching, vhen the company retreated iu good order after receiving the tliftnks of the host and hostess for the eveiuiigs'euteruiitmeiit We are informed that it was an "act as you please," enjoyable afialr, and an event of the neighborhood to be re­ membered with pleasure by all who were present. I wonder If that '• Plain g.»ld gentle­ man" has found his ring, for which he advertised in the Sentinel a few w«»eks since. John S. Wheat and wife celebrated their Silver wedding by the Marriage of their daughter. May, Ask Mac how he likes "The sweet bv and by" as rendered by Capt. Roi Dan Duffy Si Co. The "beautiful snow" fell on Sun morning somewhat more beautiful! but not enough for sleighing. Wm. B. Affleck will lecture > at Na­ tional Hall on Friday eveningVheJL^th inst. His subject is "Lost for want of a word." This Is the second in course under the auspices of Company G. We hear It rumored that we are to a dancing school, but we have uot learned by whom to be conducted. "If yon want to realize how it would seem to be hotter ofl sit ou a but stove." The reception and ball given by Company "G*' was a success aud gener­ ally enjoyed. The Company now drill four times a week which ought to make the boys proflclent in the . vari­ ous maneuvers. We see by notice, the St. Louis and Milwaukee Railway Company have their annual election on the 19tli inst at Milwaukee. This road. If ever bull;, will pass through Woodstock.-- Why is it uot a feasible route and what is to hinder, now that good times have come. Its being built. The grading has he<Mi done, years ago, nearly to the state line above Rich­ mond. Circuit Court Is In session. Hon. C. W. Upton on the bench. Small Docket aud a prospect of a short term. Twenty eight degrees below zero Is what report says of the Mercury. WAUCONOA "CHIP*.'* Br SKV KOCKEX- EDITOR PLAINOKAI.KK:-- Saturday night snow fell and Sunday morning heard the sleiph bells. Not quite enough snow to make sleighing a suc­ cess. yet everybody was so hungry for sleigh ride that all who could afford a sleigh made an exhibition of It Sim- day. ' There was music In the air." The M. E. Church is being enclosed by a very nice new fence. It adds greatly to the appearance of the church and is just what is needed" there. Miss M. E. Bute has returned and again take charge of the "B" grade of our School. Prof, Derby will also be retained as principal. A Teachers* Institute was held here last Saturday and mi Interesting meet­ ing was the result. We can see no propriety in a, report­ er "bulldofcinjf" by applying unrespect- ful epithets publicly in a newspaper, to a transient visitor In our town whose intellectual ability and social standing cannot reasonably be called in question. If it were from a reporter of true merit It would be considered by the pnbllc a laptwt Cb^uae. but as it is. it is takeu as Indication of "greenness," Miss Cart le Hammond has returned from Chicago, where she has been visiting, and again graces the young folk's social circle. Welcome Miss Carrie. Mr. Elisha Gridley. of Diamond Lake. died, after a protracted illness at his home last Saturday, and. was buried Monday. The prayer meetings held here dur­ ing the past week were a success,, being well attended aud creating new in­ terest in the Christian welfare. Mr. Geerge North, they aay has one of the best wood sawing machines east of the Mississippi. Those having wood to saw will do well to give liiin a eal A Donation supper we understand, is to be given lu behalf of Rev. Cooper of the M.E. Church, at Maiman's Hall, next Tuesday Evening,Jan. 18th. The Derby-Murphy Telephone, pat­ ented Jan. 1st, 1881, is cheating con­ siderable excitement in the Scientific world. Don't fail to obtain an investi­ gation into its workings. Richmond Department. OOSTBIBUTBD BT 8. f. BENNETT. 8. F. nic*wBTT is hereby fcttthorized to take •nbsrriptions ami or leru for advertising and Job work for the PUINDKAUI, receive money therefor and receipt for the same.-- All D r iers U-ft with him will receive prompt attention.--Editor, r The sick liat in this vicinity during a week or ten days past has been large The furnishing or the Masonic Hall is now complete. Let vis;ting breth­ ren come in and see how we look. Wallace Bogart and wife rejoice In the possession of a (ton, born "bright and eariy" Tuesday morning the 5th Inst, Fred Bennett lias a "brand new" girl at his house. The stranger arrived Monday and wslghs a plump ten pounds On Tuesday evening of last week Mrs. M. Hicks gave an oyster supper and social entertainment to a party of friends who all report a "splendid time." CHI8 NEW AND CORRECT MA PtoTM beyoMl any rtaaoaable qneaHon that tiw I» bv all o t U the best road tnr *rm to take w hen traveling in either >lireftleii 1 Clicaio and all tte Principal Points in the Vest North & Mveit Carefwlly examine this Map. The principal Cities of the West Slid Korthweat are Stafioaa juncUoii°1Tiintl1" l n®tl trsinB niake cl°»« counectlonr with the train* of all railroads and Court week takes a number of our citiseiis to Woodstock on business con­ nected with the administration of Justice. A deputy sheriff was 1% Rich­ mond last week subpoenaing witnesses in various suits to be tried this term. There must be so|ne mistake in iden­ tity iu the extract from the Geneva Isake News, stating that Jeremiah Haythoru. brother of the man killed at Genoa Junction, was picked up in a stairway drunk and half frozen, in Geneva Village, lsaali Haythorr. the man killed, had no hrother"Jerciniah." TheiS,AiNi>RALKR, iuits account of the remarkable parallel la of Friday, the 31st ultimo, does not mention one part of the phenomenon, which was notlcahle at this place. As seen at Richmond a beautiful rainbow extend­ ed from "sun dog" to "sun dog" in n perfect arch over the sun and extend­ ing completely to the earth on either side. A hii^iYlnous zone also surround­ ed the whole heavens, at the same helgtli as the sun at that hour--9 A. M. ....Master S. W. J. W. Treas. Sec. S. D J. I>. S.S. ...... J. S. Tyler. in some unaccountable manner we made a mistake or two lu the list of officers lately elected In Richmond Lodge A. F. aud A. M. We therefore re-publish tiie list as furnished by C. G. Cutting. Secretary: J. R. Hvde " J.V. Aidrlch Charles Green...... Geo. McDonnell.... C.G.Colt lug G. P. Wodell G. W. Kldreilge.... S. F. Bennett.*. John West II. A. Hastings. The altove officers were regularly In­ stalled on Monday evening, Jan. 10. A disease new to the winter season has become so prevalent iu Chicago that the newspapers have been inter­ viewing the Doctors, and the Evening Journal, of Friday, contained over a column on the subject, headed, "Wlntsr Cholera." The patients are attacked with diarrhea, paiu and vomiting, with considerable prostration. The symp­ toms ure similar to cholera morbus. The same disease has been prevalent in this vicinity, attacking children rather ofteuer than adults, It is doubtless due to the extreme varia­ tions iu toiupcrature. for which this winter Is to be hereafter famous, and errors in diet. Ou Monday, Jan. 10, 1881, Sqnlre George Perry Wodell attained the vigorous age of 46, and a company of his Hebron friends came down to Rich­ mond to do honor to the event, and Perry. The company consisted of Captain C. H. Tryon aud wife, M. M. Clothier aud wife. Nelson Mason and wife. X. Sumner and wife, Frank Try- on and Mr. Price, and wife, the florists, of Geneva Lake. It was a happy com­ pany. The time sped swiftly by In social intercourse, music, and the dis­ cussion of a bountiful dinner, whereat, roast turkey aud oysters were only a tithe ot the good things loading the table. The guests departed with mu­ tual words, aud many good wis es in behalf of the host for happy returns of the anniversary, aud many of them. G. W.BESLEY Has just received an Optimeter, for testing the eyes, and can now fit you with a pair of spectacles and guarantee satisfaction. He also has a full line of Spectacles, nil kinds, to which lie in­ vites the attention of the public. OYSTEKS by the cau or quart, cheap as tlie cheapest, at the McHenry Bak­ ery. Money to Loan. In 6ums of from one Hundred to one Thousand, on good security. Inquire at this office. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! A large invoice cf cloaks, bought at a big bargain. Don't buy before call i ng on us. STEVENS & SCHNOKK. POULTRY! POULTRY! I am ROW prepared to pay the High­ est Market Price for all kinds of Poul­ try. delivered at my Poultry House, iu McHenry. Bring along your Poul­ try and get your cash. C. T. FLUBBDO*. CHEAPEST Cloaks In town money at Mrs. H- H.Xichols. for the Photographs and Ferrotyj»es In every stvle and design at Millet** Photo Studio, at the following rata* for the next 80 days only: Card photos, per dot. fS.00. Card photos, per half do». $1.31. Cabinet photo*, per doz.94.60. Cabinet photos, per half dog. 92J0. Panel photos, per dot. $6,00. Pe.uel photos, per half dnc.|S.OO. liinette photos, per dos. .75. Views 8x10 91.00 for Negative and 91.00each for du plicate*. Call aud examine the Sarah Bern­ hardt photo* the latest and n»<*t unique photographic prudlKtton ot th* .. rain era RENC T.St. i|« . tli^Vc <tndifrJ O I NOF> JtlgOM TiXKTOA Stou* c Creis/to* n rraacfty arena CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN A C~> .Chi RAII THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Over ail of Os nrmci|vil linos, runs waj 'i*11 v from two to four or more faat IinMli Trains. It is tne only road west ot'Ohicajro tlint nsi-s the PULLMAN HOTEL DIKING OARS, V i It ft the only roail *hiit runs Pullman Slpejiing Cars North or Northwest of Chi nam. nearly 3,000 MHOS Of Road- In forms followi.ijt Trunk I.ines: Council llluflii, Denver A California Line. Winons, Minnesota A Centra] * j~-- Sioux City, Nor Nebraska ft Yankton Line. ChicHKo, 8t. Pan! * M fpa l«Vl i * It* e Northern Illinois. Kioeport & Dubuque Line. Mil waukee, Green Bay ft Lake Superior I.lae Tickets over this roa.l arc sold l»y all Coupo11 Ticket Ajrents In the £ntte<t States A Canada Remember to ask for Tickets via this roa<l, tbe sure t iey read over It, and take none crther VAEVIN HUffHITT, Sen'l Manager, Chicago W.H. 8TBSKITT, ticn Past Agt Chicago Business Notices. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic restores the appetite. We -have the Boss Glove Depot, riTZSIMMONS Jt ICVANSON. The Moline Owen's. Sulky Plow at E. II The^Furst A Bradley Sulky Plow at E. M. Owen's. When In want of work In my line, givu mca call and I will try antl please Uobf. SAurtltt, Jeweler. Nunda, 111. Dress Goods Stylish durable and cheap just received, we invite inspec­ tion. Fitzsiiniiious A Evausou. Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets un­ til you have seen ami priced* goods at Mrs. S. Searles. The largest stock of Millinery Goods in the County, at Mrs. 8. Searle's. Buckeye Foree Owen's. Pumps, at E. M All the Owen's. first-class Plows at K. M. A line line of Gents Furnishing Goods at Lauer & Becker's near the Depot. Hoods and Nubia* large variety and prices extremely low at FlTZslMHONs A EVANSON'S. The finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to lie found in the county, at 0. W. Owen's. I make a specialty of Repairing flue W tit-lies, and warrant all my work, Robt. Murritt, Nunda. AKOTHKB new lot of Millinery Goods just received at Mrs. H. II. N Icliols. New style Bracelets at O. W. Owen's MRS. E. W. HOWK is offering induce­ ments to' purchasers of Millinery, Cloaks. Ac. Give her a call. Store four doors North of Riverside House. TEA DRINKERS Will find the pure, unadulterated, un- colored, natural leaf. Japan tea at our place. STKVKNS & SCHNOKW. TIIK "New Process" Flour, matiufac lured by Hanly & Sous, McHenry, la giving unusual satisfaction wherever used Ask your Grocer lor it. Ir you want your Watch put in fir«t class Order, call ou Robert Mnriil Jeweler. Ntinda, # r • - ' ' • < j jSp j " , Various Gaaaoa-- Advancing years, e^re, sickness, dis* apf ointment, and hereditary predla- position--all operate to turn the hair gray, and either of them incline} it to shod, pre maturely. AYKIC S HAIM VIGOR will restore faded or gray, light r< d hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may be desired. It softeM and cleanses the scalp, giving It » healthy action. It removes and curea dandruff and humors. By Its use fall­ ing hair .« checked, and a new growth will be produced in all cases where the follicles are not destroyed or th# glands decayed. Its effects are heautl- luily shotvn on brashy, weak, or sickly hair.on which a few applications wlH produce the gloss aud fiestates* of youth. Harmless and sure iu its oper­ ation. it I* incomparable as a dressing, and is espeeiallv valued for tbe son lustre and richness of tone it imparts. It contains neither oil nor dv»>.an<t will noL soil nor color white cambric; yet it lasts long on the hair, «ut« keeps it fresh atid vigorous. New! Prints, latest patterns, fct prices from Ave cents a vard and in» wards, at Colby Bros.. Riverside Block Ladies of Mclleary and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priivd good* at Mrs. S. S»arles. Am uow offering greater bargains than ever. All wont iu repairing done ou short notice. Hall, of the Dundee and Richmo*(| Mores, buy* and sella for cash oal*. consequently can t>Her you iiidiiceioeuia in a.l kinds of goods. Read his uri# list. r TIIK sweeping tide of prosperity fa shown by the immense increase business In the Patent Office, General Land OlHee, Pension Office, and oth# Departments of the Government Patent case*. Pension c(airasicontesi^ ed Land entries, or other busiueda placed iu the hands of Pre^berv & Green, Attorneys, 62t 7th st. Washi'mi. ton. D. C.. will hits immediate atteip Hon. Endose Stamp for information Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's, Nunda. far Millinery and Dress Making. Dress Goods in all styles, cheap, C. F. Hail's Richinouu and Dun Stores. YOU WANT 10 lb« of our clarilled N. O. Sugar for •1.00 equal to granulated. 7 lbs green coffee CI.00. STKVKNS A SCIIXOKU. Just received all the latest Style* aud shades of winter Millliierv. Mrs. k. w.Ifow*. Farmers having Butter and Eggs to sell will Hud a good market at Firz* SIMMONS A EVANSON'S If in seacrli of Bargains call at C. F. HalPs Richmond and Dundee Stores. 31 US. GEO. MeCOLLUM, Fashionable Hair - Worker. Post Office Address, WAUCONDA, - - - - ILLINOIS. I would beg leave to inform the Ladies of Lake and McHenry Counties* that I am now prepared to do all kinds ot Ilnir WVrk on short notice and In the best of manner. I ose none but natural Hair, wudgurantee all work as represented. That my priees are low I will leave all to fudge for themselves by the fol­ lowing: WILL MAKE SWITCHKF , Where you furnish the Hair, 81.00. Where you furnish 1 root it. 81.60. Puffs, (you to furnish Hair, 10 cU each Waves on Hair Lace, $1.00 an incii. Waves on Vegetable Lace, 75 cents an inch. Switches from 82.00 to 83.00, aeeoril- ing to size and quality. Ladies wishing anything in this line should not fail to give me a trail, as I a ok satisfied 1 cau suit you both in quality aud price. MRS. GEO, McCOLLUM. FOR SALE. 40 Acres of Laud Section 13. al! feinted. Als*86>aetree •# taml. with a good house ant] b*ru thereon, with tiavlier and water to abMiidaucc, in See* lion 22. Also my homestead »» tlie Crystal Lake aud Nuntki road. Good uew hou*e{b«rn aud other outbuildings.-- Appiy to JOHN FIX'SKT. My stock of Dry floods. Clothing. Ac •ever wao larger than now, and aft I ant bound to sell thera. look out for bed rock prices. Call either at the Rich­ mond or Dundee store and be convinc­ ed. Three Ferrotypes tyrOQ at t lar's Studio, Mil For the celebrated Beloit Shoo, tliK be»t iu the market *o to Col hydros. * Reeds G lit Edge xouic ccra Fev^jl autl Ague. ^ ' • ¥ Autograph Albums, frota ve upwards, at O. W. Ower'a MARRIED. MASON-FLANOKRS-At the re«i<1e*ee 4f the brute's mother, Weitn«s<la •• evening, Jaa. Atli, by Iter. J. II. Baom, Mr. Jacob 3 liebron, anil Miss Mary Ktamlars, of NUDO*. To tell you of a fcwj Special Bargains 1 have to offer. Wo have received a line of . % 4 X ^ j 'il DRESS 1-2 wool at 12 1-2 cents p#: yard in 5 shades, usually sold a$ 20 cents per yard. Also it lt»tn of Dress Goods at 17 cents nsu» ally sold at 25 cent# per vard,-- We have in stock aud to amve fine assortment of good* for the HOLIDAY TRADE, We have also a nice line o| MAJOLICA WARE. In the GROCERY LINE we have oft^r^ /' 201bs. Rfce foi^ff! 1-4 1m>x RaUius, 57# per box G tbsj v«*y fine Crtfoe. ^ i x ml mmsEtm, let* l&tik Fitasiaamotts oflfer * drives in Uoy« »nd V«*»Sh* |'lolfii«)t,T-i-- 1 Th*v ;»l<o have a lot of Buy* Coats $2.60 wot tli W.0U. • • -- ....... . ... ; j ^ tj*». •••

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