Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jan 1881, p. 5

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1 ^ . •> V- - " ' • r. , .-4 t|f, y.'* > , 1 1 }": j'KWWMW^H--<W%WmMirilWlHailil|>l|lri»|ifci»lliiiH»«IW«^^ r^< • • 1 •">. . • " .!•*<> -r»t ,* 4t u |i» t J.« <" * '*f MT ' * , "v * * * ,1 c , * f ' ' ** ^ * i mimMiiiwiiwiu %&;<&&{% *u ;v'?l Mf;* J ' **««ftavm .(git*. )(̂ «vr phnMtr. WEDNESDAY JAN, 19. 1881! Hailroad Time Table. QOIVO SOOTH. OM«v» Uk« Pmmb*ot ..„'..Ta(l A. K Ot>4n Lake rreizht...., .1:14 r. M ootiro WORTO. GESON Lake Pr«t*kt 10:01 A. M Q*HTI Lake Pumttr «:M r.x B. Brts, A.Kent. McHenry, 111 meeting can - be THE Re|»ort of the Special of the Board of Supervisors found on the first page. MRS. C. H. BKERS waa culled to Grant Park last week by the severe sickness of her ulster. OUR regular Waiieontla correspond­ ence failed to reach us In time this week. WE have received another letter from France whloh wilt appear next week. ANOTHER hoarder at the residence ©CO. C.Colby. It IK a boy and is as yet unweiglied. W* are now enjoying the finest rati Of sleighing? known for years. Buslnecs Is lively and everybody happy. RRMKMRKR the Sociable at the resi­ dence of Mrs. J. L. Howe, this Wedhes* day evening. TiTKWestern Fanners4 Altnanac, a valuable book for farmers, for sale ait this office. Price. 10 cents. Ir you can't take our word for it. ask some friend what he knows about Trask's Magnetic Ointment, for sores, bruises and inflammation. BY a Postal Card we learn that Macready's Cometlv Company sontem- piute paying this place a visit the last of this or the first of next month.. ^HlHET COLBT, of tlie firm of Colby | Bros., started to*day for Yankton, 1 Dakota. He goes for his health and iu- ! t«Mid8 being absent some two or three \inontlis. ABT a letter from J. F. Barney, of / Kerwin, Kansas, we learn that they | have not escaped the cold weather in I that section, as the thermometer had I marked 32 degrees below zero. He re- A^ports but little snow in that State. PROP. ODII.MII.TTE, the inventor of the French Kidney Pad bearing his name, was one of the most noted med­ ical men of his day in Franco. Its cures of kidney diseases sire most mar­ velous, and are said to be permanent. v SkrrH t SNYDER bought of M. Jus- ten, one day last week twenty-two hogs that averaged live hundred ; pounds each. These we bel'eve are twenty-two of flie heaviest hog*, raised by one man, ever shipped from this StatioiL Who can beat it. 1 i t, / Louis LAWRENCE and Miss Eva / Miller were married by Rev. Father i Fegers.on Wednesday last, and Joseph | Lawrence and Miss Katie Benalklii, V by Rev. Father O'Neil, on Sunday. The young folks have the best wishes of their numerous frieuds in their new departure. THE Universallst Church WAS well filled on Tuesday evening to hear Mrs. Mattie Balch.and we do uot believe one went away dissatisfied. It was the universal verdict that she was one of the finest readers they"*ever heard. „Her selections were appropriate, an:l were rendered in an easy, graceful •nauner that charmed all who listened. THE dancing public should not for­ got the grand Masquerade Bull, nt Wauconda, on Friday evening of this week, the 31st, The best of music and oueof the best times of the season may be expected. The "Wauconda Boys" never do things by halves, and all who attend can rest assured they will be well provided for. Remember the day and date, Friday. Jau. 21st. Wfi would call the attention of our readers to the new advtrtisement of W. H. Dwight. Boot and Shoe dealer, Woodstock, to be found in another coulran. Mr. Dwight. has the only ex­ clusive Boot and Shoe House in tiie County, keeps none but the best of goods, buys and selW for ca»li, and consequently is *bie to give you bar­ gains In font wear found at no other place. Read his advertisetneut and call and see his stock. THR newspaper advertisement is a never tiring worker in the interests of its employer.. When hand bills are trampled into pulp the advertisement Is performing its silent mission in the family circle. It appeals to a constit­ uency three or four times larger than the actual sale of the paper, for there are few newspapers that do not pass from hand to hand among threo or four persons each issue. To toot your own hora on the street is both labori­ ous aud useless. DR. J. C. ATER A Co., of Lowell, Mass., have favored us with a complete edition of their Almanacs for 1881, neatly bound in one volume. Turning to its contents we find ourselves pre­ pared to discuss the weather with our afternoon callers in English, German, Patch, Norwegian, Swedish, French. Spanish, Portuguese, and Bohemian. We have, as yet, only perused the Eng- •lish version, and to it we are pleased to give our uuquuliged endorsement. Though Ayer* Almaeac has long been recognized as a staudard American work, yet it makes its advent each year with all the vigor aud freshness of a. flrst appearance, aod is received with a hearty welcome by millions, from tke rl«i«g to the setting sun. We commend it to our readers as «. work replete with instructive aad valuable Information. OYSTERS by the «an or quart, clieap •s tlie ebeapest, at the Mclfemrjr Bak- •rjr. THE next Lecture before the Me- Henry Lecture Association will be de­ livered by Rev. Mr. Simmons, of Mad­ ison, Wis., on Friday evening, January 28rh. Subject--"'Man's Place |1n the Universe." Further announcement hereafter. « SUPPERY sidewalks are bad enough on level thoroughfares, but on hill streets, Alpine glaciers suffer In com J parisou. There would be a grievous inconsistency In allowing a law against' profane language to remain on the books when the statute is unaccompa­ nied by an ordinance effectually* pro­ viding for the removal of snow and ice from (he walks. A fall under such circumstances will almost inevitably result In a compound fracture Iff lew and limb. SGROOI. KECOHT. ^EDITOR FI.AiKnKAi.KTYXTHA follow­ ing is a brief report ofmy school for the month ending Jan. 8. 1881, taught in the Bassett District: Total number enrolled, 36; average daily at­ tendance. SO. Names of those not ab­ sent during the month r Dora Thomas Flora Bassett, Bertha Hobert, Cora Martin, and Frank Martini. Names of visitors during the month: Mrs. E- Thompson, Miss Emma Tlionraa, Miss Carrie Martin, Miss Etta Kittle, Mr. A. L. Francisco and Mr. Warren Thorn- ^Following Is a record of my first 'spelling class: Atnmie Francisco spelled 420, missed 1; Dora \Vhitlng spelled 340, missed 1; Mary Jecks spelled 380, missed 0: Bertha Hobert spelled 460, missed 6; Dora Thomas spelled 440, missed 3; Minnie Clark spelled 360, missed 0; Frank Martin spelled 460, missed 5; Clinton Clark spelled 400. missed 2; Fred Jecks spelled 440, missed 8; Charley Jccks spelled 360. missed 13; Bloomer Jecks spelled 420. missed 3; William Baird spelled 340, missed 0; Frauk Thomas FAXE*! TAXES! The undersigned. Collector of Taxes of the town of McHenry, lias received his book and will be ready to receive taxes at the following times and pla­ ces, after t his week: TUESDAYS--At the Store of Perry A Martin, In the village of Mcllenry. WEDNESDAYS--At the Store of J. W. Cristy, in Ringwood. THURSDAYS--At the Store of Chas. Kuhnert, .Johu*b«irgh. FRIDAYS--At the Store of Stevens A Sclinorr. near the Depot, Mctieury. The balance of the week at my resi­ dence, in Johu8bugh. NICK L. PREI-NO, Collector. Money t>o Loan. In sums of from one Hundred to one Thousand, on good security, luquire at this office. ' POULTRY! POULTRY! I am now prepared to pay the High­ est Market Price for all kinds of Poul­ try, delivered at my Poultry House, in McHenry. Bring along your Poul­ try and get your cash. C. T. KLDKKDOB. LRAP year has gone, aui now for three long years man proposes. In case he is so disposed. We can appreciate the anguish of the j'oung inan. who, at the dawning of the year, mentally re­ solved that lie wouldn't accept the first offer and would meditate on the second: now that the year has past and the oniy pop that has greeted hisanxi-j #^ |led 440,'hissed 13." ous ear lias been that of the chain pugne^ - aud bott/ied lager. The girls don't seem to appreciate the chances they have lost, but we suppose most of the dear creatures thought, in addition to diamonds, seal-ekin sacques aud seven button kids, they couldn't afford to support a husband, TRKMSW YORK DRAMATIC COW9TRE­ LATION. This celebrated Dramatic Company, which our readers will remember as playing at Riverside Hall three years ago, at which time they played "Uncle Tom's Cabin," "East Lynn,*' and the "Two Orphans,'" have again leased Riverside Hall for three nights, Thurs­ day! Friday and Saturday, of this week, the 20th, 21st, and 22.1, and will open on Thursday evening with the 6iibliina drama of "Woman's Trials. Sufferings and Repentance, entitled. Led Astray, or, A Heart of Oak.'* To be followed by the laughable' farce of "A Wonder, or. The Woman who kept a Secret," The Company consists of Geo. W. Reed and wife, R. B. Buck and wife, Mies Anna Britton, and W, E. Todd, aud tlie reputation which they made here on their former visit, both as actors and ladies and gentlemen, cannot fail of giving tliem a full house each evening. Remember the date, Thursday, to-morrow, evening, and do not fail to see this beautiful drama. For particulars see programmes. WE were shown samples of Harris ft Smith's "Self-Extinguishing, Non-Ex­ plosive Safety Lamp" last week, aud must say it is the most common sens ; lamps we ever saw, and is certainly all that Is claimed for it, non-explosive and self-extinguishing. In the explm- planatiou of the safety features we find the following:^"TlUf self-extin­ guisher Is a very simple aud effective device. If is self-acting the instant the lamp is overturned or dropped from the hand, or iu fact in any un­ safe position, but never other wine un­ less desired by the user, who may, at his option, extinguish it by sligiitly tipping the lamp while It Is resting on the table. This renders it unnecessary to turn down the wick or blow down the chimney, thus preventing many accidents f-oin such causes. The lamp will not extinguish itself a when tipped while in the hand, but may he carried at pleasure the same as ordinary lamps. its owu weight preventing it froiu ex­ tinguishing in any position with­ in the limits of safety." The non- explosive feature consists of a wi*e gauge or tube, on the principle of the miner's lamp, aud it is impossible to communicate flame through this to the oil or gas in the lamp. Considering the many accidents daily occurring from common kerosene Lamps, it would seem that no family should be without one of these safety lamps.-- Th«y are for sale by Geo. W. Besley. Druggist, where all are iuvited to call aud bee them. THE AVoodctock Sentinel, speaking of Reed's Comedy Company, which ap­ pears at Riverside Hall to-morrow eveniu?, says: " We that live to please, Mutt please to live." The above heads the announcement of Reed's Standard Comedy Corterie, atiorganizai ion that has become fa­ tuous throughout the country for the artistic superiority of their produc­ tions. the most brilliant success having crowned their efforts to elevate the standard of dramatic art. everywhere received with the most demonstrative favor, and uuiversjJIy endorsed by the press and public. A reportoire of ex treme artistic excellence, comprising the most refined, successful, thrilling, sensational aud laughable plays, inlei- preted bv first cias> artists. The com­ pany visited our city three years ago and made a very favorable impression. During the past two years many im­ proving changes have been made, and they cau now better please the patro­ nizing public. Old Settlers' Organization. ANNUAL MEETING. Notice is hereby given that the An­ nual Meeting of the Old Settlers' Or­ ganization of Lake and Mcllenry Counties, for the election of officers for the ensuing year, aud the transac­ tion of general business, will be held at the Riverside House, iu MeHeury, on Thursday, Feb. 3d. at I o'clock p. jf. JUSTUS BJMTGS, Prssiieut, J. YAH SLYKB, Secretary. To Cash Buyers. Being desirous of neduciugour stock of winter goods we shall on Thursday Jan. 13th, commence our aunual sale of winter goods, consisting of Mens and Boys Suits and Overcoats, Flauuels, Shawls, Scarfs, Nubias. Hoods, Caps, Furs. Wool Lined Boots aud Shoes, Rubber goods Ac. As we are bouud to covert these into Cash within the next 30 days. prlces will be made to warrauf quick sales. Come and see. FLTZSFMKOXS * £ W. J . KITTLE, Teaeher. G. W. BESLEY Has just received an Optlmeter, for testing the eyes, and can now fit you with a pair of spectacles and guarantee satisfaction. He also has a full line of Spectacles, all kinds, to which he in­ vites the attention of the public. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! A large invoice cf cloaks, bought at a big bargain. Don't buy before call­ ing on us. STEVENS & SCHXORR. iQTTIiomas Paine is generally heid to have been an atheist, without the slightest veneration or regard for re­ ligion To those who hold this belief it may be of interest to learn what Ills real opinions were oil this " subjcct.-- The following is his confession of faith: "I| bell eve in one God aud no more, and I hope for happiness beyond tuis life. I believe iu the eqmdity of man. and I believe that religious du­ ties •ousiet of doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow cratures happy. But some per­ haps, will say. "Are we ;o have uo word of God--no revelation?'I answer yes; there is a word of God--there Is a re­ velation. The word of God Is the cre­ ation we behold; and it is iu this word which uo human invention can co ioler- feit or alter, that God speakcth univer­ sally to tua:t. It preaches to all na­ tions ativl to all worlds: *:ul this word of God reveals to man all that it neces­ sary of man to know of God. Do we want to contemplate His wisdom t We see iu the unchangeable order by which the uiicomprelieusiole his iiiiiuitl- ccuce? We see it iu the abundance with which he fills the earth. We do want to contemplate His mercy? We see it in His uot withholding that abundance even from the unthankful.-- in flue, do we want to know what God h? Search uot the book callcd the Scriptures, which any human hand might make, but the Scriptures oalloKi the Creation." |9~A farmer friend suggests to the Sycamore Weekly that the Legislature change the present law iu relation to "line fences" with a view of making the laud a lien for the building of the same. As a reason for this suggestion, it is alleged that it sometimes hap­ pens that parties who are not legally bound to erect such fences are yet obliged to do so or be without them, and if the ones whose duty it is to erect them, but who neglect or refuse to do so are irresponsible, then those who are to the expense of erecting them are unable to recover pay. The change suggested would afford a rem­ edy Iu such cases. Nothing Short of Cain latakmbla R«neffta. Conferred upon tens of thousands of sufferers could originate and maintain the reputation which AYERS SA.RSAPA- HALU enjoys* It It a compound of the best vegetable alteratives, with the Iodides of Potassium and iron, and is the most effectual of all remedies fof scrofulous, mercurial, or blood disor­ ders. Uniformly successful aud certain iu its remedical effects, it produces rapid slid complete cures of Scrofula, Sores, Boils. Humors. Pimples. Erup­ tions, Skin Diseases aud all disorders rising from impurity of the blood. By its invigorating effects it always re­ lieves and often cures Liver Complaint Female Weaknesses and Irregulari­ ties, aud is a potent Jrenewer of vital­ ity. For purifying the blood it has no equal. It tones up the system, re­ stores and preserves the health, and imparts vigor and energy. For forty years it has been iu extensive use. aud Is to-day the most available medicine for the suffering sick, anywhere. - FOU SALE BY AI.L DEALERS, A few Setts Furs left which are be­ ing closed out at $2^ae at Fitzsiotuioiw & Evanson's. NORTHKR HONDA EDITOR PLAWOXUKB:--Wo would like to inform the public that this place Is not dead but sleeping. M. Frisby is rapidly improving from the effects produced by his un­ fortunate accident. •»$% ««*!'• Our lyceum has turned to * writing school. " ' * 1 Miss Maggie Carey, of Spring Grove, has been visiting friends in this place the past week. •' James Carr report* a vejrjr Interest­ ing term of school In t>is&ct No. 5.-- May his former success as a teacher be continuous. John Knox sold hit fine lot of liogs one day last wwk. They were 30 in number. Joseph Doherty. waft the first to get through husking corn In this section. Mr*. John Gracey has been visiting in Wisconsin the past week. Mrs. B. F. Peck, who has been quite sick Is again able to oe around. . A. Mosgrove has b^cu quite sick tii» past week. We learn that Mrs. Mary Flemming is to move into the house formerly occupied by M. Conway. William is willing to bet $50thathe was not in the shed^ Don't be bash­ ful. William. Come oftener. We irirls will always be triad to see you. The young men of this place contem­ plate building a loafers resort. Where shall they build aud how large shall It be is now the question. It would be filled to overflowing on Sunday and would give the »chool house quite a rest L. Flanders is cleaning off the 40 acres of wood land belonging to him that lays south of the McMillan School House. " T7 Richmond Department. I CoNTKlBUTU) BT S. V . BENNETT. 9. K. BKXXBTT is herebv authorised to lake sntor.riptions ami order* for n<tvertU*iiK an>l Job Work f»r the Pt.AiNDF.Ai.KR, r>inaive money therefor and rcceipt for the Allorlcr* left with him will receive prompt attention.--Editor. NUNOA. EDITOR PLAIN DEAI.KR:--About ten Inches of suow fell on Friday last, ami has been appreciated largely by those who enjoy sleigh riding. We notice Fred can stand a lot of it, Mr. John Nichols left on Monday last for Kansas. t*eunderstand lie is going into the stock raising business. Success to John. Our friend, Mr. English, the artist, who has been here the past month with a photograph car. left on Friday last for Hampshire. He reports busi­ ness good while lie re. That monstuche becomes that young cierk. Don't get discouraged. Time will bring it around all right. The Literary hold at Hill's Hall, Crystal Lake, on Friday last, was not a success, very few of those taking part in the exercises being present. They cay Quinn is good on the Shake. How is it. Bill? That young man at the Hyatt House, engaged at the Factory, loomed up flue Sunday with the gray and black. Photographs and Ferrotypes l:i every style and design at Miller's Photo Studio, at the followihg rates for the next 30days only: Card photos, perdu*. 92.00. . Card photos. peY JislfrtML •!*/** Cabinet photo*, per dox.S4.50. Cabinet photos, per half doz. Panel photos, per doz. I'enel photos, per half doz.93.00. Miuette photos. |>er doz. .75. Views 8x10 $1.50 for Negative and fl.OOeach fordu plicate*. Call and examine the Sarah Bern­ hardt photos the latest aud most unique plifttographlc production ol the day. OVKK covrs. We have special bargains In tills line to elose, 15 over coats 88 00, former prices til 00 10 over coats #4.00. former prices 87 00 8 overcoats #11.00, former prices <15 00 Full size mens over coats as low as 92.25 these are bargain*. "TKVKX*FTSCHNOBR. TnE sweeping tide of prosperity is shown by the immense increase of business iu the Patent Office, General 1,and Office, Pension Office, and other Departments of the Government.-- Patent case*, pension claims. Contest­ ed Land entries, or other business placed iu the hand* of Presherv & Green, Attorneys. 528 7th st. Washing­ ton. D. C., w ill have immediate atten­ tion. Enclose Stamp for information. There is no use in drugging yourself to death and iiuylug a'i 'lie vile med­ icines for internal u-e when you can lie cured of fever and ague, dumb ague, bilious disorders, jaundice, as well as all disorders and ailments of the liver, blood and stomach, by wearing oue of Prof. GuilmetteV. French Liver Pad*, which is asure cure every time. If your druggist does uot keep the pad, send 81.50 in a letter to the French Pad Co.. Toledo, Ohio, and it will be sent you by return mail. It Is the only pad that is guaranteed to cure. Beware of counterfeits. Religions services were continued at the Baptist Church during last week. The Gazette local correspondent at Genoa Junction hints that tho Lake Geneva Ainra man steals his Items. O. Mr. yewsl Robert Bennett, of Lake Zurich. IU.. and W. Wright, of Greeley, Colorado^ were visiting in Richmond, on Thurs­ day. Friday and Saturday. If you want a watch repaired, tor. If you wish to buy silverware or ohter goods iu the jewelry line, call oh C. E. Abbott, Richmond. G. A. Canfleld and his son, Mrs. Moon, Dyar Thompson. Charles Harris, Mrs. B. Hastings, and others hereabout are now, ou the sick list, or have beeu re­ cently.. Lung difficulties are pf4vail- l"£. *' , -• :' The Grand Jury, late In session, found Indictments against John Billet and Jerrv Clnney. for violation of the liquor law, and against. Jack Billings, Robert.^aln, Jr., Link Billirgs, aud Pete Cain tor the rumpus they got into some months ago. The wheeling had been so very ex­ cellent the whole winter that those much on the road regretted to see the snow begin to fall, fearing drifts and blockades with bare turnpikes where the winds have a clean sweep. The outcome has been a happy refutation of nil evil prognostication, for the snow has lain where it fell, and the sleighing is superb. Our neighbors at Keystone ere sus­ taining a verv Interesting Lyceum this winter. Their enterprise ought to put Richmond to the blush. Who Is old enough to have heard of a Ly­ ceum in Richmond? What^old resi­ dent, gray haired and full of recollec­ tions of the pa«t, remembers when the torpid brains of this community were s iffici 'nt'y arouse l]to inaugurate and carry through any Intellectual enter­ prise of moment? Since our last writing, diphtheria has claimed two more victims, the first a little child'of A. Herinence, Genoa Junction, and a daughter of Mr. Ayer. living a mile south and east of Mend's Station. Miss Ayer was a young wo­ man of eighteen. She was sick only a few days. . She was treated by Dr. G. R. Barrington. of Alden, who seeing the case was of a malignant type, called in counsel, hut despite every effort the dread disease did its ratal work. KJEW AND CORRECT HAP Provos beyond M'ly reasonable question (bat Chicago fSt North.V733tQra R'y 0,(4$ the best road for you to take wbea traV«Ao^ln eithlr direction betwaea Clap M all lie Principal Foists ie tie Test M & Nortfevert Carefully examine this Map. The principal Cities of the West and Northwest are Staikaa on thie rond. Its through trains make close connections with the trains of all nJlruads aa4 junction pjinti, * FLQRCMC X«S" T ifkatSlnl QaiancM* B "IFSrtwrtr ' •pal * Q "lc "3unti* reckon** iiraiMra AflfPT*# Ordway Cloud rafepffli Vv 1 S d-olNJS. I N odd * i oux Falls ijfcaa TJKSRTO CHOU* C Crtiyf*.. rMta&tg ^ oVvA A \ £ '**»\ #1 -Is.. L- I k O CHICAGO & ttORTK-WfigPE O. :f M*.' I T/»® -Si Quinine and Arseale Form the basis of many of the ague remedies iu the market, and are the last resort of physicians and people who know no better medicine to em­ ploy for thl« distressing complaint. The effects of either of these drugs are destructiue to the system, producing headache, intestinal disorders, vertigo, dizziness, ringing iu the ears, aud de­ pression of the constitutional health. Ayer's Ague Cure is a vegetable dis­ covery, containing neither quinine, ar­ senic, nor any deleterious ingredient, aud is an infallible aud rapid cure tor every form of fevvr and ague. Its effects are permanent and certain, and no injury can result from its use. Be­ sides being a positive cure for fever and ague iu all its forms, it is also a superior remedy for liver complaints. It is an excellent tonic and preventive, as well as cure, of all complaints pe­ culiar to malarious, marshy, and mias­ matic districts. By direct action on the liver aud biliary apparatus. It stimulates the system to a vigorous healthy condition. For sale by all dealers. Of the Presidents of the United States, eight--Washington, Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, Taylor, Fillmore, Lincoln, and Johnson--never received a college education. Grant was educa­ ted at West Point. The rest of the Presidents have been college grad­ uates. The two Adamses graduated at Harvard, Jefferson, Monroe, and T)')er at William aud Mary, Madison at Princeton. Polk at the University of North Carolina, Pierce at Bowdoin, Buchanan at I Mckson. Hayes at Keo- yon, and Qar0 >id at Willia^M. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Orer ail of its principal linos, runs eac i way dftlly from two tofoar orj mora fast Trains. It is tne on lv road west of Chicago th„| uses the 1 PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS, It. fs the only road '.hat runs Pullman Sleepiaft Cars North or Northwest qf Chicago.' It like nearly 3,000 Miles Of Road- In for>us tho following Trunk Lines: Council lllufl'-i, Denver .t California I.ine. Wmoni, Minnesota 4 Central Dakoka Llntb Sinttx City, Nor Nebraska tt Van kton Line. Chicnjco, St. Panl & Minneapolis Line Northern Illinois. Krceporl A Dubuque Line. Mil wnukee, <}rses Bay & Lake Superior Lit# Tickets over this road are.soli by all 0<>upoa Ticket Afrents In the United States A Canada Remember to ask for Tickets via tUU road, ibe sure tuey read over It, and take none other MABVIN HUGHITT, Bon'i Manager, Chicago W. H. STBIX1TT. tien Para .\gt Chicago Business Notices. Heed's Qilt Edge Tonic restores the appetite. Where Is the singing master? Our young people ought to have a singing school but uo master applies for a sit­ uation, There has for some year* been uo instruction given in vocal music in thin place--not since Prof. Stanley left at any rate. W^ have several dozen of youth, and young men and women, all of whom may be snop^ed to have a aliare of musical talent. Hud most of whom would be glad to get instruction. A good teacher ought to secure a class of 75 to 100. We don't itay the people here would take enough interest in the matter to raise such a das', but there are enough young peo­ ple in tiie village and vicinity who need instruction to form a class even larger than above indicated. What teacher of vocal music will come here aud make a trial? E. A. GOLDING. Wauconda, III., dealer in Gr*. ceries. Canned Goods. Confectionery, C i g a r s . T o b a c c o . N o t i o n s , A c . A I J M > Headquarter* for Piatt A Co's Celebra­ ted Baltimore Oysters. I am now pre­ pared to furnish Fresh Oysters by the Can or Di#h. at all hours of the day or evening. My Refreshment Parlor)* are cosily luted up. well warmed and light­ ed,and uo pains will be spared to please all who call. 1 also make it specialty of all kinds of Can Goods, and keep a line Hue of Ooutecttoiiery. Give uio a call. K. A. UOLOIKO. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from active practice, having hail placed in his hands by an East India Missionary the formula for a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of C<>II<>UIU ptiou. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung aflectious. also a positivo and radical cure for general debility aud ail nor- vous complaints, after liavim; thor­ oughly tested its wonderful curative powers iII thousand s of cases feels it his duty to make it known to his suffer­ ing fellows. The recipe will be sent free of charge to all who desire it. with full directions for preparing and successfully using. Address, with stamp, naming this paper. Dh. M. E CASS, 1357 Wasiiingtou Street, Boston, Mass. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's, Xuuda, for Millinery and Dress Making, Dresa Goods in all styles, cheap, at C. F. Hairs Richmond aud Dundee Stores. For the celebrated Beloit Shoe, the best in the market, go to ColbyjBros. Reeds Gilt Edge Tonic ccres Fever and Ague. Autograph Albums, front ve cent upwards, at O. W. Owen's QUKUY. Why do Stevens & Schnorr sell so many iro<»ds? Tli«y inako close prices and buy aud sell for easli. STKVKNS A SCHNORR. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe for Cloaks and Dolmans. NEW MILCH COWS FOR SALB. The undersigned has ten or eleven good new milch cows which lie offers for sale. Call at uiv farm. North end of Fox Lake. JOSKFH MORLBT, Antioch. OHBAPIJST Cloaks iu town for the money at Mrs, H- U.Nichols, We have the Boss Glove Depot. riTZSIMMONS A EVAN3|>N. The Moline Sulky Plow at M Owen's. The Furst ft Bradley Sulky Flo E. M. Owen's. ^ at When in want of work In my line, give mea call and I will try and please Robr. Murlitt, Jeweler. Nundn, 111. Dress Goods Stylish durable and cheap just received, we invite inspec­ tion. Fitzsimmous& Evanson. Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets un­ til you have seen and priced goods at Mrs. 8. Searles. The largest stock of Millinery Goods iu the County, at Mrs. S. Searles. Buckevc Force Pumpa, at E. M Owen's, (jy All the first-class Plows at Owen's, E. M. A fine line of Gents Furnishing Goods at Lauer & Becker's near the Depot. Hoods and Nubias large variety and prices extremely low nt FlTZSIMMONS & EVANSON'S. The finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to be found in the county, at O. W. Owen's. I make a specially of Repairing fine W ttcliex, and warrant, all my work, Robt. Murlitt, Ifunda. ANOTHER N^W lot ©F Millinery Goods just received at Mrs. it. H. Nichols. New style Bracelets at O. W. Owen's MRS. E. W. HOWE is offering induce­ ments to purchasers of Millinery, Cloaks, &c. Give her a call. Store four doors North of Riverside House, TEA DRINKERS Will Snd the pure, unadulterated, un- colored, natural leaf. Japan tea at our place. STKVKNS & SCHNOUR. THB "New Process" Flour, ntanufac lured by ilanly & Sous, McHenry, is giving unusual satisfaction wherever used Ask your Grocer for it. YOU WANT 10 lbs of onr clarified N. O. Sugar for • 1.00 equal to granulated. 7tb*greeu coffee $1.00. STKVKNS A SCHNOUU. lp you want your Watcli putin flN|; ^ class Order, call on Robert Mnrfftt Jeweler, Nun da. t6r Hall's "Vegetable Sicilian Halt Re newer is a scienrilic combination of some of the most powerful restorative aircnts in the vegetable Kingdom. It restores gray nair to Itsoriginal color' It makes the scalp white and clealk* It cures dandruff and humors and fall, ing out of tl)e hair. • It furnishes tli« nutritive principle by which the hair is nourished and supported. It make* the hair moist, soft and glossy, aud Is unsurpassed as a hair dressing. It fa the most economical preparation ever offered to the public, as its effects rt» main a long time, making only an oorv casional application necessary. It I# recommended and used by many eml* nent medical men. and officially en* dorsed by the State As^averof Massa­ chusetts. "The popularity of BaHV Ilair Renewvr has increased with tlM te»t of many years, both in this couw^ try and in foreign lauds, mid it is no«r kixinru and itsed in all »he civilized countries of tiie world. For sale by all dealers.* New* Prints, latest • pattern*, . .prices from five cer.t* a yard and up- wards, at Colby Bros.. Riverside Blocfe Ladles of McHenry and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until yon iiave looked at and priced good* at Mrs. S. Searles. Am now offering f;re;iLer bargains thau ever. All wont n repairing done on short notice. Just received all the latest Styles aud shades of winter Millinery. Mas. K. W.IIOWE. Farmers having Butter and Eggs to sell will liitd a good market at Firz- SIMMONS & EVANSON'S If In seacrh of Bargains eall at C. F. Hall's Richmond and Dundee Stores. MKS. GEO. McCOLLUM, Fashionable Hair - Worker. Post Office Address, WAUCONDA, - - - - ILLINOIS. I would beg leave to Inform the Ladies of Lake and McHenry iCounties that I am now prepared to do all kinds ot Hair W<>rk on short notice and in the best of manner. I use none but natural Hair, audguraatee all work as represented. That ray prices are low I will leave all to )udge for themselves by the fol­ lowing: WILL MAKE SWITCHE* Where you furnish the Hair, •LWu Where you furnish 1 root it. H.80. 1'itfts, (you to furnish Hair. lOotseach Waves on Hair Lace, 81.<X) an inch, W aves on Vegetable Lace, 75 cents an i uch. Sw i tches front *8.00 to #300, accord­ ing to size and quality. Ladies wishing anything in this line should not fail to give me a call, as 1 am satisfied I can suit yo.i botU. in quality and price. MRS. GEO. M ^OLUUM. FOR SALE. 40 Aoresof land in Section fl. all fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house aud barn thereon, with timber and water in abundance, in Sec­ tion ii. Also my homestead on tiie Cryetal Lake and Nunda road. Good new house^baru and other outbuildinga.» Apply to JOHN FLUSH*. My stock of Dry Ooods,Clothing, Ae never was larger than now. and as I am bound to sell them.look ont for bed rock prices. Call either At the Rich mond or Dundee store and be Qua*lac­ ed. ________ Three Ferrotypes!or 50 els at lift ler** Studio, Administrator's Sale. B Y virtue of a decretal order of the OtuntipK Court, of McHenry t.'oiir.t>% State of in. mni*. mnilo anil enters I at the Decern.<«r term thereof for the year .V. II. 1US0, in a ce*« tain proceeding therein pending, wherein ML. O. Moait as the Aiiministratctr or the estate of Davut O. WilKou, <lcceaee<t, had nnpiieit te BITIII vourt tor HU order to neil Heal Estate af said derensert, to pay debts; I will on the mil ilay of Feb. IS*I, ai the hour of one o'ctoek K" M.,"of ^aid day, utter al Pabiic Ve*» due, for carihi at the trout door of the PoSt Office, in fhe vitlnire of McHenrv, the tollovr* Ing described property, to.wit: The East half of lot one of the Xorthwcat quarter *t seciion six in Township fortv-tour range nine, <'ontniniii£ Forty-two acres and Iwcntv nine hundredth* of an acre according to GofS^ erniueut survey. - II. C. MEAD, Admiatatrater, McHtnrv, J^n. 13th, I SSL THE BOOK OF THE THE PROBLEM OF HITMAN \ ? LiFt HERE AND HEREAFTER.'• "BV WOLFOHD." Provlngr en KciljrriFic grounds, wltlwet' the aid ot the Bible, the IHMOKTALITY of tiie SOUL, and utterly annihilating tiie HI hei«ile theories ot Darwin, Iluxlcv, Tvndall and other scientist* ofthe evolution of man fron the lower animuU aud hi* extinctinaai dtatk. ••Tili« is the l»o«k of the ajre; its logic is re. •istlcmi aiu uver«The.liuii:K> tlarwin, Tynilall, and otlioi-s are but pig»)ie» iu the auttw>r*a frasp." -.HtithoclUt Prwement, Bult., MU. "IS n a work to be receive ! with joy bv every lover ot trwtU."-- Chrintatn Cuicinniti, Ohio. "The work iu the interest of revealed truth and is its zealous cliai#*.. p<on."--£.y?i*cof}at Rtf inter, Pfiilit,, uct* AVit, S27 dwiUle coluuui page«. handsoinet# . bouud aud contains very superior UWene.isat of the great skuMti»«$ of the ape, Utnrfft Huxley. Tyadall, Betinnolts, Hicck il uyer. « Price #2, mailed free ou receiiU of price.* AGKNTS VVANTBI*. to whora liberal (n uioe. nicuts are uftireC Addreaa fur buoki ud ageucics, - SOU E L L A R»O., GFJUFFII/ ATLANTA, Mo. » UaiverMty t^Uoe, Kew Twt. Once Mora 1 Com Tp tcli, JQU of a few Special Bargains Wo have jtt»| 1 have to offer, received a Hue of 4 1-2 wool at 12 1-2 cents pe# yard in 5 »hadei«, usually sold ai||N', 20 cents per yukU Also a Un% of Dress Guxxb al^.17 cents nst^ ally sold at 2") c*ats per vard,- VVe have in stoek and to arrive fine for the HOLIDAT;.TEADE, We have also a nice line oft MAJOLICA WAKE, la the GROCERY LINE i we have to offer SOlite. Hicefor$1. 1-4 ttaiiiu!*, 57e fmt 1 0 ftH Very fine CVftW, $ 1« • , y H. ROCKItS* Yolo, Ill.t i>eo. l«t, 18«k r ? • ' 1 Fitisimmon# A Evansoo oflter a fr# driv*f»in Boys ami Youtii* tjloiiiiii|f. \ Tl»ey ai«« i»»«r» a U^i^ C«»t» tfc •2.S0 wot tit 94-00. \ 5 " - T '

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