:T'#' . 4 1" ~ ~ ~ -- > - " - * J • , • « . * % * W W * A i " " • . • ..-. •;. * - .. : " - , • '" • • - " • • ' • • • • ' . XMKJATIONAL COLUMN. TI5I> BT S. D. BALPWI!*. . TtadKW* Meeting at Harvard next A*turd»jr. 0«oeral eXsrcdfta at Public School next viek. Tlie report of the MeHenry ncliools for January will be published next week., Among the exercise* for next Sat urday, the pJttfer on Reform Spelling will be looked for with a great deal ef Interest. A great deal of ignorance prerailt as to what is meant by Re form Spelling, and among those who have given the subject study there is an honest difference of opinion. Wo received a circular a few days ago, giving a list of premiums o fie red for the best exhibit of school work In the different departments. The State Board of Agriculture offer the premiums and they will be awarded at State Fair. There are thirty-one dif ferent lot*, and the premiums range from two to ten dollars. $500 REWARD! Cve%* Million ot Prof. Guilmette " FRENCH Klei Pails Have already been «nla in thia country amt in Prance; evorv one of which has jfiven per. feet satisfaction An'l lias per. formctl cures every time who used, according and to direction?. We now say to the afflicted single case of LAME BACK. 0 u,.v. t*», -w doubting ones'that weViU i«y"tiie above reward for a Teathen who attend Associations are the ones who work in the scliool-^ room*. do not fail at examinations, and Cfcey are she oi>es 'who aro not seen naming around the couutry after sit* nations.--Sup't W. Hr. KhnbalU Anofttrlch. long on exhibition at Bnuii, having been snftocated by thrusting its neck between the bars, there were found in its stomach four large stones, eleven smaller ones, sev en nails, a necktie pin, an envelope, thirteen copper coins, fourteen beads, one French Franc, two small keys, a piece of a handkerchief, a silver medal of the Pope, aud the cross of an Italian order. , The "population of Otir globe, estima ted at about thirteen hundred millions. Is ruled by 18 emperors, 25 kings, 47 princes, 17 sultans, 13 khans, 6 grand dnkes. 6 dukes. 1 vice .king. I hisara. rajah. 1 inam, 1 bey. and 28 presidents, besides a large number of chiefs of wild tribes. Boston Herald tells of a "simple device," Invented b^ a Boston gentle man which is expected 0* work a rev olution in the tnecliods of rotating, and lave In the cost of insurance/^on some classes of property. The idea af to use - friction as a practical means of rapduc- Ing heat. The Herald describes^lihe . , invention as follows: *At the time of the Ashtabula horro where so many persons were burned to death by the wrecked care catching Are from the stoves, Mr. Webster Wells tin Professor «»f Mathematics at the /**~nassachusetts"Institute of Technology, began to consider the problem of heat- ingathe can without fire. He has now aolved it. His invention consists of a •trong iron cylinder, at one end of which, inside, is a fixed plate of har dened iron, against which, firmly at tached to a revolving shaft, another plate presses, either closely or Hghtly. as required. The cylinder is filled with water, and this heated by the friction of the two plate;, circulate through pipes, warming the room ^trough whichjthey run, just as steam pipes do. The water is kept in con stant circulation in these ripes, re turning to the cylinder to be heated over again. The water in the cylinder which is brought to a high degree of beat in a remarkable short time, keep* the plates lubricated aud prevents their wearing away at a rapid rate. When worn away the cost of renewing iheia Is trifling, and the machine has no complicated work about it so it Is easily kept in repair. The power re quired to run the machine is so slight that the waste, or surplus power of the engines in use for running eleva tors and other machinery In hundreds Of 'buildings throughout the city ir inongh for all ordinary purposes. The .Machine can be utilized in all places where power Is used. The ordinary •feed machine has thirty-eix square inches of friction surface in its plates, sufficient,HI*said, te heat 10,000cubic feet of space. This requires but half a horse power. A machine with 265 square inches of friction, requires but four horse power, and would heat * room 60x200 feet, or containing 126,000 cubic feet. In railroad cars the ma chine is operated by power taken di rect from the wheels, doing away with •11 danger from fire in case of a smash upj When the cars are standing still, the machine can be run by power front the locomotive, by a contrivance some* what like that which operates the Weatinghou.se break. In tnilte it U calculated that a great saving can be tnade, both tn fuel and the rate of In surance. especially in those run by water power. The agent of a mill where water power is used, estimates that in twenty years,' lyr the use of 'this device,* saving of £l&.9KU& fuel alone could he eflected. Prof. Wells Is l»w in JSnrope, looldng out for his patents there. The machine has no«v ttteti In operation in Boston for* seven iftontbs." That the Pad fail" to cure, This Great Remedy will COS I TIVELY and P^IIM AN- KNTI.Y cure Lumbago, Lame Back, Sciatica, Grave!, PiaDotes, Oropsv, Bright s of the Kidneys, Incontinence and Mcteution of the Urine, IniHmuion of the Kidneys, Catarrh of the Bladder, High Colored l-nne, fain in the Back, Side or l.oins, Nervous Weiknesc, and in fact all disorders ot the Bladder land Urinnrv Onraas whether con tracted by private diseases or otherwise. ' 1.\DIEH, if you are snfleriag from Female Weaknesses, Leucorrhuea. or any disease Ot the Kidneys, Bladder,.or Urinary Organs . You Can Be Cured! Without swallowing nauseous mcdicmes, by pimply wearing PftOF. GUlLMETTE'Sr French Kidney Pad, WHICH CUBES BY ABSORPTION". . Ask voiir druggist tor I'KOF. GITLMkT- TE'S frKF.NCH KIDNEY PAD, and take no other. If he Iia9 wot sot it. send fi.OOand you wM receive the Prt*l bv return mail* TESTIMONIALS >KOM THE PEOPLED JUDGE BUCHANAN, Lawyer. Toledo, O., ""-One of Prof. Gnilmette's Trench Kidney Pads cured me of Lumbago in three week s time. Mv case had ln-en given up by the best Doctors as .ncarabJe. During all this time I suffered untoH agonj and paid out large sums of money. . _ GEOBGK VKTTKK. J. P.. Toledo. O., says: ••I suffered for three years with Sciatica and Kidnev Disease, and often had to go about on crutches, 1 was entirely and per- inanentlv c;ire«l after wearing I-rof. Gull- mette's Creech Kidnav Pait four weeks." •SQUiBE N. C. SCOTT. Svlrania, O. writes: "I have been a great sufferer for 15 years with Bright's Disease of the Kidneys- For weeks at a time was unable to get out of bed; took birrets of medicine, but they gave me no temporary relief. I wore two of Prof. Gnilmette's Ridney Pads six weeks, and I now.- I am entirely cured." MRS HELLEN JEROME, Toledo, O., says: 'For years I have been con lined a great par* *f the time to m: bed, with Lncorrhtea ah# female weakness. I wore one of Guil- in&te's Kidney Pads and was cured in one '"IL 'b." GREEN, w9olesal3 Grocer. Findlay, O . , w r i t e s : . . . . . , "I suffered 25 years with lame back ana In thres weeks was permamntly en red by venring one of Prof* Guilmette® Kidney Pa«!st" B. F. KEESLIVG, M. D. Druggist, Logans- port. Ind.. when s?ndiug iu an order for Kidnev Pads, writes: "I wore one of the ttrst ones we had and I received more l>enetit from it ^han anything I ever used. In fact the Pads gave better general satisfaction than any Kidney remedy we ever sold." RAY 4 .SHOEMAKER, Druggists, Hanni bal, Mo. We are working up a lively trade in your ails, and are hearing ot good results from t'heY*.every day." Prbf. Gnilmette's French I Liver Pad. Will p<4fitively cure Fuver and Ague, Pnmu Jfgue Ague Oake, Bilious Fever, JaundUce, Dyspepsia, and all diseanes of the Llraf, Stoma en an>l Blood. Price |l,!W by naiy send for Prof. Guilmette's TreatUe on BARGAINS --FOE THE PEOPLE-- tluvkldBcyssad LivCj,free by mail. A<ldress " FBEKCH PAD CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Far ilale bf Colby Brothers, Mo Henry, III. ^0 t- A po 8? > 73 C/) Comfort for Small Incomes C. F. & --OF THE- Again to the Front With a better and larger stock of General Merchandise than ever before. We work tor and sret onlv the Cash trade of. thi» section. We sell at one price, We mark jroods to sell them. We can't quote prices on all classes of Merchandise, but we say this, that our prices on .everything1 will be found LOWER than any store in Northern Illinois. Come and see, nnd if not just as represented, will pay all your expenses and for time and trouble. Further than this, we will till orders sert by mail from this Price List and guar antee satisfaction, Send to either Store. Look the Price List over. Remember the poods are the bcst, *and eee if your credit merchant if doingas well for you. Cut it out and talk .it over. * Best Print# ...Wto6J»'c Cotton, blc'd and unbl'd yd' wide.. «c Cotton, bleached, best .....10c. Cotton, unbleached... »•»' V....7.Vc Cotton Flannels *, ft, 10 and lie 40 inch all wool Cashmere 50<* Cashmeres. M, 7S, 80, 85 to $1. IK Flannel* VX. H. 45 to Wc Dress tiood»,..i... 8, 9, 10, It to 11V Ala|>af es .... ... 12&c Table Linen 85 and 80c I.adi«*s and Gents Underwear 30, 40, 50c Bovs Ovnrcoats. frnm J'J to W t'J.rti tsovs Overcoats, from 'B to 19 Boys Suits, from 7 to 10 *4 "6 Bovs Suits, from # to 12 •I.oo Mens Suits $3.75 to Mens Overcoats to il# Can save you money every lime Boots. $1.78 to *4 Shoes. « omans, fl to ft.lo Rubiier Goods, cheaper than any one. Trunks and Valises cheap Spices cheaper than ever. n EE n> How can we do it? We buy for cash, sell for cash and 3 to 5 per cent (merely a commission) satisfies us. Have two resident buyers in Chicago constantly on the look out for Barsruins and we get them ~t won't cost you anything to ?ook into the matter, and we say it will save you money. Come and see us and we will do vo>u good. G. F. HALL Chicago Office, 122 Franidin St. A. H. EANLY & SONS, -PBOPKIKTOBS OF TBI-- Mchenry BRICK MILLS, NEAR THE DEPOT. McH«nry, - Illinois ' t The public are respectfully in formed that the al>oye named firm have constantly on hand \ large stock of the very Finest Flour, Bolted Meal, Feed, &c. W« hare unusual facilities for manufacturing aud are well pre pared to do Custom fori FASHIONABLE DII COBDS, As Low as any other House in the county. Domestic Cotton Goods Cheaper than at any time within the memory of the oldest inhabi ts nt. Also Plaid Dress Goods, Fast Colored Calicos, Alpccas, Cashmeres, Ms, &c>, Offered at the Best Bargains in four counties. Collective Soaac A flftck of girls is called a bevy; ttevy of wolves a pack; a ptdc of tblevee a gang; a gang of angels fchftt; a tio«t of porpoise* a shoal; Mionl of buffalo a herd; a herd of chil dren a troop; a troop of f>artrt4gei> Jbvey ;a covey 6f beauties a galaxy; £ataxy of rufflans a horde; a horde of ftibbisli aheap: a heap of oxen a drove-, « drove of blackguards a mob; a tuob mf whale#t««ehoo1; a school of wor- itiipers a congregation; a congrega- ^loii of engineers a corps; a corps of robbers a band^ a btuud of locusts .< fwariu; a swarm ot people is eatte i , irowd. With all possible dispatch, ant we are confident that no Mill in the Northwest can surpass us cither in the promptness of wor done for customers, or IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY £if*MERCHANTS and othert who handle Flour are especially requested to give «s a call, as oui different BraiuU of Flour arc second to uone in the market. Thanking the public for past favors we hope lot' a continuancc of the same A. II. HANLY & SONS Mclieury, 111, Aug 10,1^80 Gilt Edge Vaule acre* id Af«e. fever Ifr'** ' - ' Autograph Albitmc. fro* Upwards, at O. W. Oweti'a. r« eent SPECIAL BARGAINS. We offer a lartff lot of remnants i l>r«*sft Goods, from 0 to m ••ents j •*: yard, STKVKK# & SCUNORR ALSO A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, READY-MADE CLOTHING Orocerles, Ace, Of the best quality, and which will be sold at the Lowest Hook- llottora Prices. Give ua » call and inspect Goods ana learn Prices. PERRY & M ARTIN, MclJenry. Sept. 20th, 1880. On Notionn we cell on very small profl»g Oanii lines it Will ssve vou money on big bills. Come toil ' 10 1>9 Knisina.: ...>l.0'> 10 'hs A #10 10 ,b* (}rmi'il-ite<l Su^ar fl.O 11 lbs C Sugar #1."' 50c To i. • 41 Best Ten. all Isinis m Veant Cakes, all kinds *«" T. nnd J. Tobacco 30- 14 lbs Hire .. *1.0' 11 l*iuncs fl.W- 7 !>ars -i-V 5 lines ImRt Soav» 21*'- Silver Gln*s starch «<• ItnhhitM ^alerHtim Xo 1 Rxkinir Powiler '20- Nineirar. Cider and White Wine... ...1« ing Public, ROBT. HARRISON, Watttsonda. 111. Will sell you better Goods at lower prices than any other house li tbe county. Our line Of D R Y G O O D S . Dress Goods, Hosiery, Towels, Table Linens, by the yard, and Plit tern [Napkins, trtid other articles too numerous to mention. Our line of BOOTS <& SHOES, J VVcre never better as we have just received a new assortment. It is of no use to attempt to tell you all. We could not tell you even on »- tenth part of it. The only way tor you to be convinced that wh.it w<» >:iy is true 4s for you to conie anti see for yourself. Tliat certainty i* f a i r . . - w In Groceries, } We never had a larger stock, and we will not be undersold, qtiafi- ty of Good* considered Give us a call when in want of iinvthin? iti „ KOUr. UAKKISON. Waucondu, II|., Nov. 24th, 1880. •< vrup ... 5c, off on A L"! lion tots Xo 1 I'lnsj T'>l>«cc.o No 1 Fine Cut Tobacco 40, 60 and 60<- ...AOr ..«fe P J mnm ANOTHER ADDITION. G. W. BESLEY, Dnpt mil Ajitlncary McHenry, 111. P I A N O S . GRANDS, UPRIGHTS AND SQUARES, SsUbMid in Chicago oror 25 Yaan, Used and Recomnranded by over 25,000 Artists & Amateur* Our Patent Self-Bearing Agraffe attachment. Concave Name- Board, and improved Veneered Bridge, are valuable improvements, used in the Bauer Pianos onlv. The Bauer Cabinet Grands* The newest and moAt Perfect Pro lucrion in tho art of Piano uakingr. ny the-introduc tion "fan improved Violin-Shape I sounding Hoard the volume of tone iegreatly Increased, and lelt entirely free from Metallic ijyaliiies Prominent Artists Pronounce it a Marvel of Pefection. EBsns.'.JULIUS BATTER # (,0., Phir.ago, III: GENTI.EMKN: The Buuer Pisino wliicli I mirchitsert of yon. lam happy to sav. Is* growing f*yoT evory dav. The more I use it the hotter I like it. I have had piunn* from many Rnienrated facloriv*, hut liavf foniKi none to equal yours in power and pwrltv of tMa 1' of touch, and durability. I am gla I that my first <>i>ii.ion which pro muted ine iaa sI XCHAKuING my KN ABIC f.»r the B.VU. Rha* proved a lasting me. --DEALKR IN-- Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, and Toilet Articles. I have added to mv already Large Stock, a Fine Line oi TOILET ARTICLES, LAMPS. CHOICE CANDIES. To which he invites, the attention of the buying public. if Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give nieaCali. C. W. BESLEY. McHenry, 111., Nov. 10th, 1880. * ' JOHNSBURCH New HardwareI8tore. I. N. MEAD! NEAR THE DEPOT, V, -DEALER IN-- Marble firtsJMRDfAtE. HENRY MILLER, --DKALKR IN-- American aid Foreip MarMe. Monuments, Headstones, ETC., ETC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite> Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mc Henry, III. Mhaabnrgh, Ang.„90tb. W77 TAKE NOTICE. AM. ye that are in want of Tni>« In any form, from one bnaiiel to 500; if row want a Tnt>mailt* to a huntr-holo, hrtnn it alonir. I will also take liuililing* to Imiul ami fiiminh, or othorwise juKt as we ?-in atrreo. Khop work of all kiuda done to order on short no tice. P. A. HEB&RD. MeHENRY, ILL STOVES, Tii. Copper and Sbeet Iron Ware Tabic and Pno.kot Cntlefv, Scissors and Shears, Homo Hasps. Horse Shoes, Horseshoe Nails, ami i< MRS of every description. Alsi everything tliMis guuerally kept in a Hard ware Store. < Being a Practical WtHatiaft; 1 shall sparo no pains in trylne to give satis faction to all who favor me with their patron age. All kinds of Jobbing In my line will receive prompt attention. Please five me a rail before purchasing elsewhere when in need of anything in my 11,10 I. N. MEAD. MoHeary. Oct. 10th. 1879. Voura respectfully, Pittsburgh, Pa., Jfov. 28, 1H79. JOHN KEBUNO, Factory, I25v 137,129 E- 129 Street, New York. A Complete Assortment of the Favorite Pianos will be found at our Warerooms.n JULIUS BAUER & CO. 182-184 W ABASH.AV. between Mon rue uiid Adams St. CHICAGO JACOB STORY. McHEIXRY, ILIj. DEALER IN Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstones* Wintlsiw filass, CRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE. J. 8TCRY. COLBY BROTHERS! --DEALEKS IX-- General Merchandise, RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENY, ILL. YYfe have one of the most complete stocks of Goods ever broughl to this1 market, consisting in pnrt ot Dry Goods, Mini, Hats, Caps, BOOT8AND SHOES, Paints, Oils, Drugs and Medicines, Crockery, Glassware, Wooden and Willoware, Grooories Etc., Etc* JjjgT*\Ve have one of the finest Stocks of Tens to be fonni! in the county, to which we invite the ..especial attention of the ptiblie, s«V» isf ied that we can suit them l>oth in qual i ty and price. ( « ...