Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Feb 1881, p. 5

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t ]^ej|eftry j^ainileder, WEDNESDAY. FEB. 9.1881. NEW KNGL.1ND SUPPER mood and blundered unaccountably P* _ ~ Th» v , j o . . . !>ce i her grammar lesson. Having oij WOODSTOCK. England Supper, wlilch | failed, she went from bad to wori EDITOR PLAIKDKAI,BR:--On Satur- was given by the ladles of the Uni-Lie - ire ice Railroad Time Table. OOIKO aouTn. GENEVA LAKE PA*^N*ER 7:M A. * Otaira Luke Freijht 1:15 r. Jt GOttfO 1COBTII. G«a«*« T,**e Frol'rtt.... (HMVI Lak* Passenger. 1«:«» K. * «:53 P.K B. Br»«. A?ent. Mrlfenrv, III Q THIS section is now experiencing the rut thaw of the Winter. VALENTINKS in O. W.Owens. endless variety at THFWestern Farmers* Almanac, a valuable book for farmers, for sale at this office. Price. 10 cents. K FIXE assortment of Valentines, at John B. Blake's. OYSTERS by the can or quart, cheap as the cheapest, at the Mcllenry Bak* try. ' : IF "you want to get the pnrtlculats of • the accident which'happened near the ^Bridge. ask Dr„ Brown. We're mum! THE Ladies Church Aid'Society, o# .Rlngwood, will meet at the house of Mr. J. Harrison on Thursday next. ATI are invited. THE attention of otlr readers In Wauconda and vicinity is directed to the new advertisement of F. B. Harri­ son, Druggist, which can be found in another column. Hox. RICHARD BISHOP has been quite sick for the pawt few days, but this Wednesday morning ie reported much better. Dr. Brown is in attend- anee. • T. J. CLIFTON, who lias been again confined to the house with severe 111" M's. is, we are glail to say. slowly im­ proving. He is Under the care of J»r. Anderson. * X)d I mr- versalistSociety, at Riverside Hall, on Friday evening last, was a success in every particular. The Hotel was liter­ ally parked from basement to Hall, and It certainly Was the largest prowd that air. we ever saw out to an entertainment ^ a m this village. The costumes of "ye olden times" were numerous and ap->l0f propriate, and to speak of them all would occupy more space than we can ®ed spare. Suffice to say all who took part 41^" done their part well, and added much^^J to make the evening pass profitably ̂ anil well. The Tableaux, were pleas-re a ing and well chosen. Hnd much enjoyed Pe." by all present, both old and young.-- tJjer The Singii|£by Uncle Samuel St.ocker.sure .was, when we consider his age, truly ling wonderful, and was greeted with w^u> rounds of applause. After the exer-^ or cises were concluded all sat down to a jiieh regular old fashioned supner, to which and ample justice was done, when they pos- again adjourned tcrtho Hall, where those who chose tripped the light fantastic toe until the "we sfna hours." pee- Takcn all in all it was the most enjoy- per- able affair of the .season and will be |s> I remembered with pleasure by all who [e 'n* were there. The receipts of tlie fven-'gj^ ing were something over »100, which, aan. after deducting expenses left aliout.and. $80 for the benefit of the church. ^*8 WE made a slight error in the com- teal, munication of Chas. H. Tryon. last rom week which wish to jwrrect. Where it reads, "Can we aflord to,ben avenge such mentis Farnir, Beecher. von- Chapin," etc , rea«l'. "Can we aflord to her arraign," etc. In our hurry the above ^er was overlooked ii#%e proof. There were one or two other slight errors, nml but nothing el-e ftia&would make any that material difterenciC was LAST winter dealers were troubled to get Ice to keep their oysters, bill Jhia winter they are bothered to get oysters to put with tlTeir ice. Matters are a good deal out of joint. f ACOB STORY is moving his hardware re to his own building, one door t of the Riverside House, where, •n begets it arranged, he will have of the handsomest stores iji town. >ORAN & Co. have their stone all on the ground for their Cheese Factory, and are about making a contract for putting up the building. They in­ form us that the}' expect to he ready 'o receive milk on or about May 1st. FOUR months in this, year have five Sundays In them--January. May.July* and October. Washington's birthday falls on Tuesday, Decoration Day and Fourth of July on Monday, and Christinas and New Year on Sun da}'. THE McHonry Rrewerv is now in full off*ration aW»l* deliver! ngTteer f>f their own manufacture. Mr. Bolev J* a first class brewer, and we under­ stand proposes to push tlie business to "is fullest capacity. TIIE "slndy editor"1 of the femoerat has "crawled Into his hole, and pulled the hole in after him." Keep truth on your side next time, and you won't have cause to regret following the dictation of your "boss." Good bye ••shady." NF.D SUTTON, while driving on the river, below the bridge, this Wednes­ day morning, had one of bis horses go throngh the ice. and before he could him out the harness and sleigh was badly demoralized. OurJannary thaw Is here. Keep oft the ice. AFTER four months of a severe winter* newspaper editors will be apt to treat the spring poets with a great­ er amount of respect than us'ial, and will at least read a few linee of their contributions before consigning them to the waste basket.. AN exchange has the following:-- "To illustrate the power of adver­ tising it may be stated that a young merchant who advertised in a daily paper "boy wanted," found Jthe younjr man at his house the next morning be­ fore breakfast. Weight, twelve pounds, THE Foartb of July is the time ami VTaucondi the place for holding the fMBXt Re-Union of the Old Settlers or ^feHenry and Lake bounties, and it fsthe intention of the officers to make Itoueof the biggest gatherings ever held by the society. Wauconda will do her share, never fear. Real Kstat # The following if estate transfers i( from Jan. 17 to Jan.?! Amos li Coon Mnstel ne,V see :*> .VlK-nJ" Harvanl, w se see 5 wnwy ami tie1.* Amv ; sec-Jo Cheinuiiff, 7400. An,o! lion, list of the realaade sllenry county : ame isso. Bom-lb80 : nseif to Tlcnfv P.aker nu * I>!k 2* 'I t 7 hik :!7 . *"<•. S. I»u nham T, and \v \ sw^ Dked k. •is H Coon. Mister tsj»y g Hawver eV se,v see, CliciniiiiK fc'tyXO. W A McDonnell ami w loOhristopher White !?w V n w V sc.* II ltii 'li noinl, |I400. A L Donlittle an<1 N K Rlake and ws toJC Blake It abik 47 Harvard ex IttfO. David U.vl-liM and w to Win Andruss w.V nw'i sec i:i Diinhnm, f.'-ifMi. L 1> Hale and w to Kara Smith*62 a in nirV sec 9 ilartlrml, fiooo. Amos B Coon. Muster to \V TC Fairfield e.^ iec 4 Hartland, #1. ® and got into such a maze of bewildt day night, a little before dark eiirht ment that aU the other girls laughed ^, C!i r s were d i tche( l uear ^ *,d " You wfll stay a while after scht milL causing some delay to to-night, Miss Phel>e, and we'll inorthern bound trains, hut all was about this lesson," said he, more ston righted up and track cleared at About than lie had intended to apeak, with2 Sunday morning. Cause, hrokfu ex ring of triumph in his tone. - - i A murmur of disappointment j1"uU 1 t euder- Nd °»« '»"-t that we rouiad the room, but one glance at ' of. detennimxl face of the master was sc Mr. E. Stone, of the llrin of Geo. F, cient to husli i^. Pliebe accepted Stone & Son. Druggists, was married punishment with comparative cooln< to Miss Jennie Itnsseli. and if Eddie She colored deeply, of course, but , r , . neither hid her la£> in her hamls, , ) rove" to bf t a s » luisband and wept, nor betrayed angry detian ^tlier as ho is druggist, neither Miss But the master was in a fever of Jennie or the world will need to re- easiness during the remainder of thei gret the match. the school-room with the others in «i a , lo" l< i r wltlmg soon, but when this have heard his name mentioned bv some of the boys of Co. "G" as n'n "available" man to draw a crowd in their lecture. Well done, Charley, try 81 of his command, and sternly resolve^ deponent saitb not. , l>e on hia guard against such a proo^ Since reading the "Open Letter" of ing on her part. • ' Chas. H. Tryon in vour last issue we His fetu-s were groundless, howevj ' ' when the bell rang for dismissal Ph remained quietly in her seat, her den: eyes fixed upon her book. There been a great deal of laughi-ag and w pering, a great many failures in less it again. that day, but it was a remarkable. j Th« resident of Mr*. Join, F Bn- Uiat no one but Phebe was subjected , , . , so dire a puuishment therefor. Veni , , an to° e J'eiterday. Sunday, ing to leok up, she fonnd herself alia- 4 p. »l., but was discovered in with thrt master, and burst into a fl time to check it before it acquired of terrified tears. much headway. The dainnge to btiild- " Phebe," he said, inL a tender to „K, l t an„ t.oyer t. (, „ |Mi r. approaching her desk, " don t be r „ . , . with me for keeping you here ; 'twa 0 Hartford., and as we on account of that miserable lesson, saw t , i e we" known agent of th;*, old because you wouldn't give me ^and reliable company wending his way chance to speak to yoil; you woulc jn that direction, through the rain we let me tell you how much I set by J th,Mlgl l ' t to ourselves, that for oncJ at I want you to l>e 1113' wife. ® . ' • , n Pliebe's weeping progressed with as t l : lu "1>,n a iu ' , r uo , ,Mt would be newed vigor. hailed as a welcome visitor, 'and we "Tell me, Phebe, are you so mad t thought also that it was a good thing you will never forgive me ? Won't to patronize home agents who are no- lift your head and give mo lust look?" tonou!»l} piom^t in aiding the patrons There seemed to bo no hope that • f eompauy to obtain a speedy request would be gnmted. *atul equitable adjust.ment in case of "Tell me, Phebe, is it because joss. Mrs. B.had 110 insurnnce on her got red liair that you won t have me 1 household goods, consequently cuts Inow it s pretty red, but then I've e.^.ts <• , , • a city premier with redder," in a t , , 0 ,h i"' fo r t l , e dau , : ,« , ! t lo , , e Wi l" r which implied that he ex{xjcted dc to c.ii 'i>ets. v'tc. rv at such an astonishing statement. , We are having what miirht properlv lJnobe shook her prostrate head 1 be termed an ice storm, and the silver piratically. Her own hair approacspangled trees and shrubnery present t h i s d e s p i s e d t i n t . . . . . 1 1 1 . "Then what is it you have agai'V"-""-aetion which serves to break me? Am I too poor? I haven't ^ the otherwise unpleasant features 01 thing but my farm and its stock, , t l i c storm. they ain't quite paid for, I know, bi While we write we ire informed of mean to have more b-jtore lone--tha t | ,e death of our old and respected NUNDA. EDITOR PLAINUEAI.KR:--Still tfee sleighing holds out and seems to be enjoyed as much a9 ever. • V The party haltl at Hills hall fft Crys­ tal Lake on Wednesday evening of last week was one of the most successful parties of the season. There was a very large attendance and everyone reports a good time. Miss May Mai lory, of Little Rock. Ark , is visiting relatives at this place. Mr. Cal Lincoln had the misfortune to sprain his. wrist while aettiug a brake on a freight car, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Vernulyea spent Sunday with friends inAfarengo. , Four "fly operators' ' and several other gentlemen from Harvard made Jack a lively visit on Sunday eve last.-- C;iP attain boys. We are pleased to note'thai Mr. C. .Henry's little boy is gaining rapidly from a spell of sickness. A SOUTHERN- OIJITI'ARV.-- Jem Bangs we are sorry to srait. has deceased. He departed this life last Munday. He went 4th without a «truggel; and sich is life. Tu day. we air as pepper- grass--mighty smart--tu-niorrer we air cut down like a cowcumher of the ground. Jem kep a nise stoar. whitch his wife now wates on. Ills varchews wos numerous 2 , beahold. Menny things we hot at his giowsery. & we air happy 2 stait 2 the admiriu w'or- WK would call tlie attention of our readers to the card in another colnnin. of A. M. Church, Watchmaker and Jew­ eler, whose place of business can be found at No. 187 Randolph Street. (Brlgge House) Chicago. Mr. Church Is an old Mcllenry boy, and as such de­ serves, as he will no doubt receive, tlie patronage of such as wish anything in his line. Bead ihe card elsewhere. HARPEK6 MAGAZINK. the King of the monthlies, is already on our table for March. It is a delightful number.-- There is not a dull article in it; and the illustrations are uot only beautiful a* works of Art. but full of interest and meaning. It is a Magazine that interests both th3 old and young, and •hould be in every household In the laud. & smelt sweet, «fc his suviraH >vlfe is in the saim4wa. Weo nevvep' new him 2 put sand in his slii^r, tho he had a big sand bar in fr'unt of his lions; nore waiter his lickers, tho the Ohio rivver run past his dure. Piece 2 his renianes. lie leavs 1 wife, 9 chilidrin, 1 cow,3 piggs. 4 bourses, 17 jackasses. 1 growserry stoar, & other quadrcw- peds 2 mourn his los--hut in the lung- age of the poit, his los is tliear eteruul gane. 8®" Look out for fractured currency and clipped or bored silver! Tlie government finds itself called upon to redeem LT. S. treasury notes that have been apparent ly torn in two and after­ wards put died, but a measureiilent of such bills shows them to be a half inch or so too short. Ten of these missing half inch judiciously saved and patch­ ed by tlie expert artist in glue and tine • oaper produce an entirely new bill, which our too frequently victimized Uncle Samuel has hitherto redeemed, but won't hereafter if he knows him- i self! The bills must, when so patched, ' be of full mea.-ure, arid, inoreever, fnust he the two halves of the same ' original bill, or they .won't be re- i deemed if there is any suspieiou of fraud connected with them. Mutilated | genuine currency will be redeemed at the lawful discount as herettifore. As ; to sroidand silver, the boring of a hole • throuu;|| a dollar or a hall' or quarter,] or an} - other piece or clipping ofl a bit ! from tite edge of any such piece, to ] :»4»y noticeable extent, will lessen the j value thereof to the amount of* 2-10ths, j or 20 cents out of a dollar. Just ' remember these facts when you are | stowing Hwav lm-re for future use.--Ex i CREENWOOD EDITOR PLAINHKAI.KU:--'The meet­ ings at the Baptist ("hui sh are t«» he continued every evening until further notice. Mrs. Mina Toles, who left home spme five weeks ago to visit friends in the vicinity of Richmond, was taken sick at the house of one Mr. Tefls, 011 Kng- lish Prairie, and lias not been able to return home vet. but under the skill­ ful treatment of Dr. E. O. Gratton, she is now convalescent. Aifohzo Newman is" dangerously ill with jaundice and nervousness. We learn from bis physician--Dr. Hart-- that he never slept from Thursday morning nut il Sunday noon, and then sleep was brought about by the use of powerful medicines. mid that he newer chcetcd speshully io-Jlie oX.JlacJitii.Aviult wu.9_j»ise_ Mrs. Wright Carr has been quite MR. MILLER, our Photographer, has Associated with hiiu the past week Mr. Charles D. Kelly, an experienced Artist, and thej are now prepared to take pictures in anjr style at short no­ tice and warrant satisfaction. We have always said and stlli hold that there is no better point for a gallery In the county.and with two such ar­ tists as Mr. Miller and Mr. Kelly, the citizens of Mcllenry and surrounding country MftCko nowhere else for their picttfi«^lH|at their gallery and see RM? They cmuiiot be beaten ID the Northwest. AUCTION' SALE. The undersigned will sell at public Auct iou, 011 his premise s. three mile* north west of Wauconda. au«l two and one-half miles southwest of Volo, on Thursday. February 24th. ISSl. com­ mencing at.10 o'clock, A. SI., the fol­ lowing property: 7 milch cows. 2 two- year-old heifers. 1 two-year-old bull, 2 yearling*. 15 shouts. 3 brood sows, 25 sheep, 1 pair horses, 1 broadcast sender I sulky corn plow, 1 pair trucks, 1 wag­ on, I top carriage, and all his farming implements too numerous to mention. I'ICKMS OK SALE.--All sums of and under cash. Over that sum a credit ol eight months, on good approved notes at 8 per cent interest. ALLKV I .VMPHEKE. H. B. BCBRETT. Auctioneer. sick for several weeks, but is now valescen' Carl Roberts is very poorly. He is suftering from that dreaded di­ sease, consumption. W. C. Herrington and Esquire Thompson have been called to Chicago as Jurors in the United States Court. Pelej; Dailey has sold his farm of 120 acres to George Allen for 8f>,000. ilenry Senger has sold h»s house and lot. ami w agon shop to Peleg Dailey for $600. Job Toles has his ice house nearly completed and is filling it with superb I ice from his mill pond. Win. llendrickson ie hauling Ills i lumber for a large barn which Is to be 38xl(X) feet. Kliler Raymond, who has been con- j du ting the revival meetings at the I l iaptist Church for the past two weeks returned to his home in <-liicag» this (Monday} morning. Meetings will be held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs­ day evenings of this week. We understand that Peleg Dailey has purchased the liaptist Church property, consisting of a house and lot and «tore building. Price, $9iK). Alex. Hamilton has sold his black­ smith shop and resilience, at Cary Sta­ tion. and is in-town with his family, visiting relatives, preparatory to a removal to Canada, where be expects to make his future home. Mrs. R. M. Godard is quite unwell at present writing. Query--Wonder why Johnny Wes- ternian did not come home on Monday as he promised. Too thin. Johnny, it won't do. We understand that Esquire Baldwin is soon to move into his house, in this village, thai he recently bought of Lewis H0011. But what is Fred going to do for a house keeper? Well, per­ haps he is going to gtt--well, we won't say anything about it but we do like a iiood piece of cake. FKLO I>E SE. townsman, Robert Schryver. whose condition has for a long time been such as to cause his friends to be expecting his decease at almost any time, yet few thought of his passing; away so soon. TIIII3 they are .passing awav, the old familiar faces we were accus­ tomed to meet as friends should ever meet with cordial greeting, men who have taken an active part in the build­ ing up of our little but beautiful city, among whom we remember the nauic< •if Ira Slocum, M. W. Hunt, A. W. Ful­ ler, W111. Kerr. L. S. Church. C. M. Wil- lard, Liud«ay Joslyn, W. p. Jewett. H. M. Waite, Leander Church, Henry Jewett, F. (J. Joslvn. and now our neighbor Schrvver, all in their day orouiineut business men to TAXE^! TAXES! The undersigned. Collector of Taxes i of the town of Mcllenry. has reeelvod his book and will be ready to receive taxes at tlie following times and pla­ ces, after this week j TUESDAYS--At the Store hf Perry & Martin. In the village of Mblleury. .•WEDNESDAYS--At the Stbre of J. W. Cristv. in Ringwooil, TIJURSDAYS-i-At the Store of -.Chas. Kuliuert. John^borgh. FRIDAYS--At the Store of Stbvens & Schnorr. near the/ Depot, Mcllenry. The balance of the week at my resi­ dence, in Johnsbugii, NICK I,. KRF.CND, Collector. Nuntla Taxes. The undersigned. Collector of Taxes for the town of Ninida, hereby gives notice that he can be found at the fol­ lowing places, at the times named, for the purpose of receiving Taxes: SATURDAY. Feb. 5th.--At the store of Butler & Warner, Nut da. SATURDAY. Feb. Lith.--At the store of Stevens & Schnorr, Mcllenry. All persons interested should take due notice and govern themselves ac­ cordingly. W. J. KITTLK, Collector, Money to Loan. In sums of from one Hundred to one Thousand, on good security. Inquire at this otlice. 'POULTRY! POULTRY! lain row prepared to pay the High­ est .Market Price for all kinds of Poul­ try, delivered at my Poultry House,' In Mcllenry. Bring along your Poul­ try ami get your cash. C. T. KI.OHBOOB. THIS NEW AND CORRECT MAP proves beyond *uy reasonable question that the Chicago ITorth.-western !• hy all oilUs tut; best roa«t tor yon to lake when traveling in either direction between Chicap and all (lie Principal Points in tie Vest North & Northwest th l s, Th" principal Citlee of tbe West and Northwest are Station* on uus u» through tnuue make C1«<M» counectiou* with the trains 6f all railroad* »B4 junction iijitiis, » Ordwaj •AXKTON frjtfcitf Ci/jr p\j. r*tow •liciia CT £ IC A G . N OH STERN If No More Hurtl^Turnft*. you will stop spending so much 011 fine clothes, rich food ami style, buy good, healthy food, cheaper and better clothing, get more real and sub- whose j stantial things ol life every way, and memory, our citizens who knew them j especially slop tbe foolish habit of in their days of active Jife. delight to employing expensive, (pack doctors or pay a tribute of respect."* And while j using so much of the vile humbug in these reflective moods we some-I medicine that does you only harui, hut times involuntarily a<k our«»|f, "Who I put your trust in that simple, pure shall be the next lucky one J*" For is j remedy. Hup Bitters; that cures al- lie not lucky who iu these days of sui- • ways at a trifling cost, and you will see cide, murder, railroad accidents, ami j good times and have good health. See shipwrecks, is permitted to f ill aKleep j another column. in the presence of family and friends who can minister to his every want? I THE CHICAGO Sl NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Trams!' nwX'oX™!1^ r«" Pi LLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS, 1i f si t!l«°*U'Jf'li 'J.;11"1 'bnun siee|>injt 0»rs North or Northwest of Cliiea«n IM ha* neurbf3,060 MlilOS of Road- In foi'iu«(he Trunk I.ines: Oeiincil IJIufTb, Oenvcr & California-Line. Wmoni, Minnesota « Centra! DakAlta Liu Sioux. ( 11\•, Nor NehsMska Sc Yatikton Line. ' - -- . - Northern Illinois, |"reV|mrt A l>ubu<iue l.ine. Ticket* over this n«<1 are st>M - • _|n* Chirapi, St. I 'anl A Miiuir.njwili- l.ine » Milwaukee, Green Buy ,1 L.tkeSuperior Li „ . l l ,. l lir1x11 ConiM)" picket Airenis In thp Ciiited Stales A Canada , Uvincinbet to ask tor 1 ickets via tliii road, tbe mire t:iey read over it, and take none other MARVIN HUGHITT, rten'l Manager, Chicago W. H. STXKXiTT, C.en Pass Agt Cbicag* Business Notices. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic restores the appetite. We have the Moss Glove FIT/SIM .HONS Jt EVANS" >N. The Moline Owen's. Sulky Plow at £. II The Furst A Bradley Sulky Plow at E. M. Owen's. When iu want of work in my line, give mca call and i will try and please Kobl. Murfitt, Jeweler. Nunda, ill. Dress Goods Stylish durable and cheap just received, we invite inspec­ tion. FiCzsiintnons & Evanson. # " Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets un­ til you have seen and priced goods at Airs. S. Sear!e&. The largest stock of Millinery Goods in the County, at Mrs. 8. Searles. Buekevc Owen's. All the Owen's. Force Pumps, at E. BI first-class Plows at E. M. A fine line of Gents Furnishing <"*oods at Lauer dc Becker's near the Depot. OVER COATS. ,W> have special bargains in this line to close, la over coats 88 00. former prices $11 00 10 over coats #4.00. former prices S7 00 ^overcoats 811.00. former prices015 00 Full size metis over coats its low M $2.25 these are bargain®. ST EVENS A SCHWHUB. A. M. CHURCH, Wiitclunuker and .Jcwelttf KAN MIL. I ' ll ; House,) Oluo.'ijro, til. TTTKKT, (Rrign ^ V.>r;i:erly with B II. I . st.iirly. nttenlion jciven til Ke- i- int watches BIKI CiiriMn.tiu ters. WA Full Assortment of tioisiis in his line. W a u c o n d a "SPICE." Hoods and Nubias large variety and prices extremely low at FMZJSIXMONS & -EVANSON'S. -WAUCCNDA. •^Sr^PUIl'Tiojj^^i.r tllO I'l.AIN1>EAr.KR will fiv receive.i in Waacoaita at F. B. Ilarrfson's Drug Store niul at the Post Office* EDITOR Pi .A iNDEAi .K i t r--For t he first time in a number of w?:u'8 Wauconda WHS mow bound on Tuesday of last week. Our Bnrrlngton stage got to witiiin about a mile and a halt'of I.ake Zurich 011 the down tips when a snow bank was encountered. The sight of tills monstrous and nnsurinountalde obstacle tilled both driver and horses with di-may. A lotii 'some, homesiek feeling took possession of them and they wheeled about, struck a go as you ph'ase gnit and lauded safe in Wau­ conda iu goud time for dinner. Al­ though the milk teams broke a road G. W. BESLEY Has just received an Optimeter, for testing the eyes, and can now fit you with a pair of spectacles ami guarantee satisfaction. He also has a full line of Spectacles, all kinds, to which he in­ vites the attention of the public. CLOAIvS! CLOAKS! * A large invoice of cloaks, bought at The finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to be found in the county, at O. W. Owen's. I make a specialty of Repairing fine Witches, ami warrant ail uiy work, Rolit. Murfitt, Nunda. a big bargain. Don't buy before ing on us. STEVENS & SCHNORR, call- Wllf DO YOU COUGH When one box of Besley's Troches will cure you? Store opposate Parker House. A few Setts Furs left which are be ing closed out at £2,55 at Fitesimmons & Evanson's. I-'ITZSIMMONS «SFC 'EVANSON have se­ cured a number of I'ases Boys and Mens Itoots at extremely low price* through this '"awfully, too quite awful' ' | in heavy and light Kip. which will be l»^d place an hour or so later, vet ; xv ' i 'bour usual small margin nd- •very body seemed to take Uncle John's U "S AUCTION SALE, The undersigned, having rented his farm. 1J miles East of Volo. will sell at Public Anct ion, on Saturday, Feb. 19th. 1881, commencing at 10* o'clock A.M.. the following property: One Span Horses, 12 young Cows, to calve iu March and April. 1 Jersey and 1 Short Horn Bull. 22 More Ilogs. 10 Breeding Sows, Harnesses, Wajjons and Sleighs. Farming Tools. Hay, Corn, Oats, Potatoes. «&c., «£®c. TERMS OF SALE:--All ^.ums of 95 and under ('ash. Over that sum a credit of Nine Months will be given 011 approv­ ed Notes at 5 per cent interest. It not paid when due 8 per cent will be charged from beginning. C. D.SMITH. WALT WHIT*, Auctioneer. For Sale Cheap. One Mosler. Bahmann & Co.'s Safe, large size, nearly new. One of the best safes in the County and will be sold cheap. Also one Office Desk, and one eight day Office Clock. These articles are all as good as new and are sold because we have no use for tlieni. Any person wishing one or all of these articled will get a bargain by calling on U. BISHOP. McllENBT. Feb. Httl, 18S1. THE BEST THING For a cough is Besl?y's Troches. 'rry Store--.opposite the Parker box. House. FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Posts for sale, inquire of JOHN" DOUA.X. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's, Nuuda, for Millinery and Dress Maying, QUERY. Why do Ste»en°s & Schnorr sell so many goods? They make close prices aud buy and sell for cash. STEYSNS A SCHNORR. failure to "pass" in a good natured way Ami-went without mail and daily paper^'wlthout a murmur. Ye genial editor '"Van" brightened for a period the various pathways of Wauconda on Monday last. Tlie large circulation of the PI.AINDKAL.KU ' in Waucouda and the rapidly increasing popularity of paper and publisher are matters of comment' Jiereabouts. This community was called upon Friday last to sympathise with Mr. aud Mis. Win. Marble whose little one died on the morning )>f the day named of scarlet fever. The lunentl occurred 011 Sunday the 6th. at Volo. Mr. John G. Ragan, one of our oldest settlers and known to almost° every man, woman aud child in this count v. has sold his farip just over our border in the town of Fremont. He now pr«»- poses, we are told, to sell his stock and implements at aucMou 011 the 8th and move into Waukcgan and retirt from active lite. Mr. Richard Bonner Is thus early making plans aud arrangements with a view of building a ryidence in |his village as st • :i as weather is favorable. The patrons and stock holders of the Wauconda Cheese Factory held a meet* i ing on Saturday last which resulted in I the re-electiou of Mr. II. B. Burrit^as salesman and Alr^ W. II. Seymour as Treasurer. We understand that the executive committee have been em­ powered to make an arrangeu^Mit with Mr. Gorhaui to run tl.e factory aud will interview that gentlemen at an early day. M essrs Brewster & Johnson have jtis-r. added to their stork a line of Groceries. The American people are prnue to ruiifwild after a new thing.-- Wauconda people furnish no excep­ tion to this national characteristic aud hence we may safely predict for Messrs Brewster & Johnson a boom iu Groceries for a time at least. Silver and plated ware in endless variety, at O. W. Owen's. Prices reduced on Shawls and Cloaks FLLZSTMMONS A EvANSON. ANOTHER new lot of Millinery Goods ju*t received at Mrs. II. ii. N icliols. N«w style Bracelets at O. W. Owen's MRS. E. W. HOWE is oflering induce­ ments to purchasers of Millinery, Cloaks, &c. Give her a call. Store lour doors North of Riverside House. TEA DRINKERS Will find the pure, unadulterated, un- colored, natural leaf. Japan tea at our place. STEVENS & SOIINORR. TIIK "New Process" Flour, manufac tured by Hanly & Son*. Mcllenry, ia giving unusual salmaction wherever used Ask your Grocer tor it. If you buy a pound of Ginger, or Mustard or IVpper for MO cts., aud it takes an ounce of it to im­ port the characteristic taste, when for 40 cents you can ?et& pound that is i'ure, 5 grains of which will bring the tear*, hov much do you loso ? % I have been selling Strictly Pure 5>pice« for three years past, at Prices as Low as FIRST CLASS GOODS could he sold. I am having a tine trade iu theso goojs and want to add to my list ot customers the name of every economical lover of Pun Goods in Wauconda* For further particulars call at the 4'Book Haunt" and enquire for F. B. J1AHK1SON, Who has a "few" Drugs for sale. ~ Invest your money & Evanson's--now. at Fitzslmmons Hall, of the Dundee and Richmond Stores, buys and sells for cash only, consequently can oiler you inducements in all kinds of goods. Read his price lite. for the CHEAPEST Cloaks in town money at Mrs. II. II.Nichols. JF you want your Watch put in first, ela's Order, call on, Robert Murfitt Jeweler, Nuuda, s% : Prints, latest patterns, nt prices from five cents a yard aud up­ wards, at Colby Bros.. Riverside Block Ladies of Mcllenry and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at ami--priced g«M)ds at Mrs. S. S*arles. Am now oflering greater bargain* than ever. All work in repairing done on short notice. E. A. GOLD ING. Wauconda, in., dealer in Gro­ ceries, ('aimed Goods. Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco. Notions, «Ste. -<Vso Headquarters for Piatt & Co"s Celebra­ ted Baltimore Oy-ters. I am now pre­ pared to furnish Fresh Oysters by the Can or Dish, at all hours of the day or evening. My Refreshment Parlors are cosily lUled up. well warmed and light­ ed.and no pains will be spared to plfase all who call. I also make a specialty of all^ kinds of Can Goods, and keep a fine line of Confectionery. Give me a call. K. A. UOLOTKO. If you are troubled with fever and ague, dumb ague, oillions fever, jaundice, dyspepsia, or any disease of tbe liver, blood and stomach, and wish to get well, try the new remedy, Prof. Guilmette's French Liver P:;d. Ask your druggist for it. aud take no other, and if" he has not got it send 91^0 iu a letter to the French Pad Co.. Toledo, O., aud receive oue by return mail. YOU WANT 10 lbs of our c la rified N. O. Sugar for #1.00 equal to granulated. 7 lbs green coffee §1.00. STEVENS A SCIINOKU. Just received all the latest Styles and shades of winter Milliiiery, MAS. K. W. HOWE. Farmers having Butter and Eggs to sell will dud a good tyarkct at Firz- SIMMONS & KVANSON'S • If in seacrh of Bargains call at C. F. Hall's Richmond and Dundee Stores. M1IS. GEO. McCOLLUM, Fashionable Hair - Worker. Post Office Address. WAUCONDA, - - - - ILLINOIS. I would beg leave to inform the Ladle* of Lake and Mcllenry Counties that I am now prepared to do all kind* ot Hair Work on short notice %ud in the best of manner. I use none but natural Hair, and gtirantee ail work as .represented. That my price.* are low 1 will leave all to pidge for themselves by tbe fol­ lowing: WILL MAKE SWITCHEP Where you furnish the Hair. $1.00. Where you furnish 1 root it. $1.50. Pulls, (you to furnish Hair, 10 cts each Wave* on Hair Lace. 81.00 an inch. Wnves on Vegetable Lace, 75 cents an inch. Switches from 92.00 to 83.00, accord­ ing to sire and quality. ̂ Ladies wishing anything in this line should not fail to give me a call, as > am satisfied I can Suit you both in quality aud price. MKS. GEO, McCOLLUM. * To teli you of a few Special Bargains 1 havo to offer. Wo have juit received a line of DESSS GOODS 1-2 wool at 12 1-2 cents per yard iu .5 shades, usually sold 20 cents per yard. Also a I in* ot Dress Goods nt 17 cents usu­ ally sold at 2."> cents per yard,--• \Y e have in stock and to arrive a tine assortment of jjoods for tho HOLIDAY TRADE, % \Y e have also a nice line ot MAJOLICA WAKE. In the GROCERY LINE we have to offer 20 lbs. Iiico for $1. 1-4 box Raisins, .57c per box G ttw very tine Ceffoe, $1. H. ROGERS* Volo, III,. Dec. 1st, 1880. FUR SAI.E. 40 Acres of land in Section 12. all fenced. Also 80 acres of |»nd, with a good hou-ie and barn thereon, with ti;ul>er aud water in abundance, in Sec tioii 2*2. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good new housejbam and other outbuildings.-- Apply to JollN" My stock of Dry (Joods.tJiothtng. &e never was larger than now, aud as I aiu bound to sent hem. look out for bed rock prices. Call either at Ute Rich­ mond or Dundee store and be con vine* ed. Three Ferrotype* tor SO cts at ler't' Studio, Mil Magnetic Ointment., Th# wrrst km, Rraistt, CiN, Bans. Sprains, *&ln DKeHlers cure Threat, Creefw jaaewnstbm, Lowers, Mies, a riFidtx* KATI0S, yiwid to r s mlMiv lifcy wifih It I» a purely veswuble iMvmntiooi by a r*ral!»r Jthysieiaa of eraiatmv, anil its s»uc«vse» MunolloM in tho mont obstinate cases. Soid by Drugsuie aad Ptaiera nr. 33 aa«i -40 etaii. * : -- ; Fitz^immons A Rvanton ofrr a f»* drive* in Boy* and Youths Ch»tlMBfc-K' They also have a lot ol Bon CJiierfc'iUfrPKS mm » oi th tt.etn

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