Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Feb 1881, p. 1

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-i»U I '"'a- '?«*-. it *i>« W-. %&##•.&& "•»5 ? •WW ..I ' io.a it • * rj*.n • *<*<«. ' *54 V-' *» * « * » > two- •."• yi» jt*u i, i^Uli :*T,i !<• I * } . ' • -' »SW . .-•* tr iu* . odv ta' \d:t 1 *»**SSf»f T, fe. lj* I .ttiii .lot H Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty anil Law) No Favors Win ii§ and no Pear Shal l Awe. WOL. S, *h* MMIENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 16, 1881. fcjjbl|*hyd Every yVcdneaday by • iif. BUSINESS CAUD8. Tn •DtTOU A*ti HTBtifSHEB. Hh t n O d P -j»--Owfb!si rJS .giVnnsrorf, rtousR.-- ' 'Zi\ rerv. ""Will practice in Stato sad in Fpd'3 .era I Courts. Office, 3d Floor. New Cuafcoin TERMS OP: STTBSCttlPTlO!! h- ^naite y>u( fin Advance,)..,. r,v.#l 50 v '...f «v i.'m- 9-dirV n«X paid wlt\in Throe Months ...'.....8 ™ ' j | ib»arlplioni«f<,f,',dredfor thrbe^r siaaaonth « ,i>«K itiA «*mo nTooortien, A il-1 StiHHf-'i "" " BUSTN1SSS CARDS. <V • «'w »i' "4 '-'Ml- ftt' : Sfcfefti' .•?%><} I i ili* ;!: t TI. T. ^ROWS.M. 1>. PHYSWtAtf'AXO KTTRGEOX. Office ewer the Post OiUoe, opposite Perry & Martin * Itommit) tir«, Mcljcnry, 111. t. ft.' pUgk'rs m, d- fsWYdlCt.V* \*0'MTR!»«O». Jolihsbnrf' I in*,--Office hours 3 to 18 A. *. -Wd' * i ....» j.! i,, -- • ..•• Tits--r»rrf V f f>. PMYSICI AN AHD ^UmipnX. Qttre at mi residence, opposite M. E. Chuwn, McIIenry. 111. ?* " . a, f. Jixnfcttsox, st. t». t>HT$tCTA^f and Snrgenn; OM+ib St r Beslev's IX" *• -Store, Opposite Parker jfrtofc. Mmm. lfiiHWtry* Illinois. Aii r/ " ( ' u * > ' ' > H VTTHOTT^It; ^ T A. PfltlTT, Proprietor. f*lrst " V'1 t1: rl pood Barn in «^nu«c»ion < kj i Wkneondiii til. ".< .••-- -- C K • ( IC H.! ner Pnbllc Sqnare. j, ftiuni w. u Shop, rnjQA.R.Manufv.turer Mcltcnrv, ill. 4e'«la solicited. Shop, Sorth East Wr. 0«r> 1$i 4 \% r. •2 »iti i-> iiv» •• { -si A -Mi Ifat'si \i HTOUM*!> OJMPTOS. JU^-WtO* of Cke P*ac®tnd Oonvayancar.-WHl »tte« l »»i-omi»tky to the collection of tebta, yolo, Lfiko CoVinty, 111. • E. E. Kidii vlins. omplote Abstract or Title* tolanrt Henfv Conntv. Ilt'wif. OIBoe With < lerk, Woo«lstock. 111. v • C.6. GliEES. l ji^ ii i t A. iii f I ""^ ' ' Jesse a. Baldwin, 4 T'tcitixiv at Law and Solicitorlrf CTtafu Z\ perv. AVitl iiiobwond -'u.; 'tui > <•"> i i CHAS. If. DOSSEI.LY. Attorney AT LA\T *nrt Xotaty Nubile Wood Hook, llUnoiAt Office ovwrBtoue** l)n( Store. CARPENTEK and . . . . VTill put up bnildfr.KB by.theJobor a»y. ft. tKUSLX.. Builder, N*n«ta, t|l-- _ _ lir.KB b and guarn'n te« «atisf«ct»on. MBSEf DWBtkOW,' "i ' ^VTABY PUBLICanid Conveyaac^rl A MCHENRY BAKERY, : AND . , RESTAURANT. OPPOSITE tb« Bridge, Mcllmry, III.-- Warm meals ji . fill hours. Frtrnicr* 'Lunch scrrcd on sbort notic*1. Orsters hv tho <,'iin or Dlab.* R PATTERSON. CROSS, BOUT, wiiia^y. ,tl , Boot* andt of mat'al iiod and .ill wrrtVfc wafrtwi^d. 91k>p Xo-.1». •rest corn r Pnblic Stfuars, j-Hc.Uc.»ry I l. Manufacturer of Custom^Mftde Shons >*ouc but. the. best K. Ji. iMVKt GENERAL tickler and- v Mantife^ttircrB Agent In f.eadinR Far«k Machinery.-. Prlne«T«w and'Tormx Ulc. Wcllcury. 4 M ' ; M Jf. 3. UOLBT. CHENRT, McUeury Co., III. B Hiiiisli hlifcp, UurXt eeder of" Hire and 8pi Polancl Cliinu S vrino. A ' botoe lot t young Buck stock tor P^aisp call and oxanune Imyius cUii*v'jWre. , .....', W#m srt.imi- , iiC'i ^ItUElKEil.' SALOOXand itbstiiumnt. N eurty oppo^te the Parker W»rt*. McHenry, 111 ^riratcbMftlJi^r^^'vU'ool lables. ^ .,. wpjii DLIVI>:*8 MILLS, ILL. Is now pi»ejwred 15 to sell and rejwtirjiitv kind oi n Sewing HtkUr'lt oluup as tie cheapest. Will also M>*ur9f£.our life itud proj^ty at ^eiwoWbl* I ' M ) V- tat«s. >;»ee give mo a cnl1. ials ,., . 1'arytt LKICii-KM.^ f. . « RKPVlliS Wtvl<'h«8, OlocJi,8 and Jcwc'lrv o' all Kinds. Also Uupalrs Violins in the best aoBiiblvs iaaniier, onsbr>rt hoti. o and'^at rea- M»n«ble rates. *AUo V»<diils for Salo. Siiop •rat door North 4f ftiversiUe Block, ^cl^eno »i. • , • : J. A. SHERWOOD AUCurioiN K jail \ A N i > A l ' P K A I S ^ R , " ••"l Algonquin, 111* II .« J,W/ C3 tf.ES of Stock, farming Tuola and dhbofla O* of all kinds promptly Utundod to, «•" -- 'ftiriim a'ikisonable f a>«eeadJre*8 .Ugouuuin ul.' «alesa gpcciaitly. Far in Post ,.-r d e i t t i s t j ^ /J."""" McMenry, III. "riill^IMatos made of *the be ft material and intly warranted, V8. 0. Filling one^-haIf usual rates. Spocial attention paid 10 regulating bad shaped teeth. Teeth cxtrsf»ted without P«ln and free of charge where Artulcukl Tew.h are in­ serted by him. s All Work fully warranted. Pure Nitrous Oxide Qas always on 'Bd fjr tUe piiuicMi et iratftlon T of teeth. Ml. E-: CEt *±TJ IS f Repairing, :nml Pdl- ••el u >•" iw- Cutlery.Outvnnd Fis.hmg Material, Pipe«, CiO»rs,T<)Ua«f«,Violin Strings. *c. Shop i<i t -itore n^ aVthe I'ost Office, Up- Henry,III. i «•< iv# ^ m to-whmm m> ni«i* i<y., ^ ^cnle <Tilndin. isbing Razorri and Shpars and Table Cutlery a sperlal!- ty. Repairing of all kinds done in Steel or Brass.-- All w ork warrant- «iL Also dealer Ift Giinf. Uevolver.*, *a'bleand Pockut HIRAM W1F.R. SMt and Bto;e looker, Wauconda9 ill, 1 »vo'iM intbrin th<Vf»hb!ie' tjhiit I *ni rrnvt j<rp*w»t'^d to wtko'B >f»ts i«n"J ^hoes frt ordefV of t ho-i>e<!t. n>:<A4rial| w^r^ant a flt, a d at l(|WRll PRICfi^ tff n.ifny other Bh >p in tit*? county. . - Call and lie Convince!?. : ;S y IT, WIEJfc Wknootida, Kott; t8th« laa^f , , For Strenfitfi, iT W. H. SANFORD, ioroliaut, Tailor. in the store of C. H. Dickinson, East tfld* o#J * r«*Mc3uy»rc. " 'v" 1n l*r, 4 :r ' *A'iNodStrtbk »f.Fine Cloths for ftnitings ral« «rayao« haud. Suits made to order and a $S Warranted- tlive uie a call.' ,.w» H.«>^ . lT«X*8WckJLH.4S«#t- «th, IS75, "r "• ' • ' "" ~ f: : i. " • • • w: Scott Sc Co.y th? Oreat , Norbhwest.""i"' • Hfis. 135 anil 137 Madison St.- NEAR CLARK Ht. , f ... . Ilave a larger stoek and greater variety of style for you to choose from, than can be fonnd in anv other establishment in Chicago or the We*t! It will pav vosi to call anil see them. Pricei the lowest^in the land forjgfoud foods. BRANCH STORES $. E, Co. Clark &. Lake sts & S. E. Cor. Halstad and Harrison sts., ^ ji** CHICAGO. %1 , --THE -- i4K.,« ,W * ««'. f ' w : 1- f H r !»•.• ^ f» r '« M A R C U S ' GERMAN • Manufactured F. MARCUS. Has sot its £pal in America IX iasold In.Pound and Half-Pound .Pa<-k- ages ONLY--JftlVER IN BULK- See that the at^tia- r .M K if )• ; ! h I !«i < ill ip-OR SAyfjlY the seals ni-» li»ilir«k«n and bear ture^fC. J*iVNli <i ... . ' ! • ( I 'V Fltzsimmons & Evancon SOLE AGENTS FOR McllEMRY, Ilk • -+U~ ' ' t •. JOS. WIEDEMANN, A^ent Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE LAGER 1IB, • j McHenry, III. BsOTl« i»argfj or small Kegs or B«tUe«' «l • ays on hand cheaper thau any other. qu«M- V consjiiercd. This Beer has a vrrtrld vide reputation, and good Judges acknowledge it eanoot oe suv>- puffed in the world. Orders by mail prsmptly attended t#. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McIIenry, Ul. >£av 5th, 1880. JtWEP$ N. FKERND. * ' Q A LOON ASI> RKSTvUKANT Ronslelt's O old stand, opposite B:shi>p'8 Kill. Mc- Hepry. HI- The c wiccst Wii«§, Liquors and Spa is to be fonnd in the county, r^eih Oysters In their scson serro-l up in ariy sliape desired or tor sale toy the C*«. GOOI> «TABLIXG TOR' OIWB«. * \---- 1 -X I?® Village Property For Said. For sale, in this village, the following pro- P*rlJ- Mix net** of land, more or !«Ss, on t! hl«t, th Hie village, of Mi'Mtnry. ioiated and will be e«>ld cheap, , Atfio one Honse and T,<rt. Is iit*' pleartnf Walltv, has a gooii Well Srnd Cinteta, Bar*, and otb«r conveniences. ,» • : t , Also one Block eontahUnff tivo Rtores. a'ida fine lot adjoining.' . * " ' or further particulars inqiii*eNat this of ft*e W i l ! . t ? # XO. • >4 •»»'.! « E. WUillTM VX, Proprietor, First ebss rtg wit or without driters. fuani >ie< at v onab o rate*. Teaming ot all k < . don n slioit notice. EstaMislieS Ofer a Quarter Hi a Century. C. MAYES, --AND I»E\t:*«IN-- Ready-Made Clothing. Cloths, C*«Rlmere and Wor»ted« to aell> by the vard. The latest styles of (KMxlaoa hajMl at nil times. My stock of RKADY.MAX>£ CLOTHING is now complete and 1 Wii: net be undersold Store in Old 24.cIIewy, neai the Bridge. XeQenrf, TIL F. IE. MAYKS- C. Henry, -*•' i»>; ' Nunda, - Illinois •f . - , - .• * $ * **" * , " ' • .' '^Aihwerwd' ^ 4[ Agricultural Machmelry, Of All KimR, w > Agent for the towns of Algonqitift* and McHenry for the celebrated mrnda Xacormick Machines, Ail kinds of machinery sold as cheap as an? •ttherdealer in the County. Give me a call. STntwla, June 15th, iMi «. HSMRY. A. WENDELL, CAEFE1TTER AHD iOim McHenry, III, Will tako rontrncts f«»r pnttlnjg np Riiildiitg« mill jruarantep inf work *vlll t,om|^:^l'«• willi any man in the State, f c»ui rtiid will <lo work from 15 to 2b per cent cheaper |Kai» «»ther carfifnte.S, a* I hav« two of my boys tfrhoiwork wJtli •ue. which makes it posfrible'for im to do so. Ail .Toh<» In the Carpenter l!n^ promptly attend<*<l to. Give mo a cull. A. WENDELL. McHenry. Dec. 29th. 1880, CLOTHING ; " , v GENTLEMEN, ' V - fwuare inyiied to call atj Mai man's CLOTEXHG ' Tle-t* of ths llosw fron th* Rsllerln. ' I ! 1 . From the galleries of the House of Representittlvea popular1 government appears tooonslstof a Qpnfn^>d niaas of At|6k« atnf dc«iltory men--the desks littered wttli books hud puper®. itnd l|ie oieu eoi»tiuually walking about in i^tery direction;ofa vtuit itnaotmt ot pflvate correspondence, it' relity «f pa^e-bovs obeying a Trirklsli iDti'gnlfl- cenee of ditp^ied hamls from thU and that inerabeif t^ do his errand*: and a i t . • ; njoiiototious^lroning by the clerk*, to­ gether with/,a mliiitiiwin of oratory. All this a dignttled backgrotipd of cigar s>ni »ke iu tlte lobbies, and of eoat-rooms and barber «hops where Congressm^ii lounge and joke, or con­ fer oh coming <neaHiirea. ' It Is also apparent, from the nWtinnt of work done with th# pen knlfe. lhat the ffotijels d^Mrmined tolmve order as to Its linger Tiails, whatever may be tlie l'ate of p|tbi!c business in, this re­ aped. T(W lifr «omc halt audible speaking, bttt the getierAi1 walking, talking and ̂ tlin^, suggest how T)e- mostbenes, it* k«t hail enjoyed the privilege of^ ieatfhi that body, might liava dtaperibfrd «r!th tlt« ai«T of tlw Then a '^vision Katies pTaw and members poir in from the lobbies- the restauraSftt. 4^0 committee rooms, to pass like ilrorc «f nhpep between two Jellers. t'Hie efforts of inexpe­ rienced or •Uaiportaut members to get attentlojiBtre pathetic. One Is i>er- petually swflRerln^ jtbout but neve^, speaks. AnqKer gets up and murmurs; but being tgJareil l>y nil parties, fit ilonvn with (whastlv> disappointment. ai)«l tries tqjfck as if lie did not feel h« was belnA»oke<l at; another, with Chadband rises *for information, asking in * Shu? voice a Question so needless thaKome tin* on "the other side attawwflp to s**r« the Sjieaker^ time, and after swaying un­ certainly. onS tve$ for an instant, ^Mbsides so'^Kptly that he can't at OttCe recoiise fif his limbs sufll- olently to^^^Kurny toward a floak ftnm'. VVj^^|Pfclmost any exeept in I^^Baortiing liottr*' and <fn private l•^H^y,', <«n exciting> and am«terly iu^Bm^ou ntay begin, which promptly fljHp| chain nnll enchains every.HsUMlflB itlie general <brmeanor of tbe IMflm, is mora bmincm llke,exoe|jHffi^h*mo"nt <)f prt-o«> outtryln^: to remedy it by cultivatin r rttorals more aasidiomly In business aiid iii' jjolitical» opinion.--Oeo. P. Jxtthrop, in Harper'« Magazine for March. wttac riM»lly rersuaded tM A|guuut and wickod lookling mule be- lo^giuif to a country man balked In Riverstrcet yesterday afternoon, and th# usual crowd gathered to offer ad­ vice and suggest plans of moving the animal. Various Expedient* were tried, such as twisting the tall and putting dirt Into his eyes, ears, and mouth; but he retaigflg his composure, and reftised to noticetlie treatment of tlse operators, even with * kick* They trere about to build a fire under him, when a saloon-keeper iu the neighbor­ hood offered to bet #5 that he could make him rtgct," and there being no takers, concluded to do it just for tlie sake of showing his knowledge of mules. lie took from his pocket a flask of River street "tangle-foot" and poured a little into the passive mule's mouth. In a second afterward there was blank astonishment in every fea­ ture of that animal's countenance, and the next instant he humped himself ami shot down the street as with 'the intent of eclipsing St. Jul ten's record. The owner watched him a moment.-- and then, turning to the (bottle-holder, •a^l: "Mister, if that 'ere stufl ain't too pixen strong I'll take a drop of It In my mouth, for I've got thatch that mule."--NettHirk Call. . A V4LUAHLK C01ft. , ( An expert coin dealer snys most valuable modern coin Is a Confederate States silver dollar, which Is valued at 91.000. There werv joaly a few ot these coins strbek. The Confederate Government had the dies made and a few coins were struck at the New Or­ leans Mint for tlie inspection of tlie Confederate officials. They found, however, that tlicy had no filter, and no more were coined, if eft Davis says he had one of these co!n« on his person vlteu he was captured, but some oue took possession of It--he does not know Who.' Possibly It may be In circula­ tion yet as a genuine coin of the United btates^ One side of the coin was in fact made with a regular diu need In the "'New Orleans" Mint to strike oft United States Silver dollars. The _i, , ' ' , , purposed Tho legend reads: '"Con-Oomtnons. Those who come to look on, with imaginations trained by lliS- Shorthand TAUGHT 11 MAIL IN 12 LES80HB FOB -- $1.50 The growing interest in Phonngi reated a demand for a PeriocMcal by -I>BAL£R IN- PU1E WINESU imm MP uluAiSS. »» III. , .Putpip^fii Woodstock world. '•(lie b3*t T.mic in the t^mt ao'l <2M U t Bottles. P. MARCUS Patentee. Pho«oprM>*y ha* created a demand for a I'eriocMcal Vo ifuch, tiieart, in a series of Leisnua, coiuprepensive, dutailed and thorougli. • """ The American ., " ; ^ S50BTHAHD WBITEB, taking the initiative, is tho only JLigaziue in the world tlH*t lemdic* Phnito^rn pbv. A Pull Course given eveiv year, one cmnulete lessen each inontii. and the Exerciser of All learniers CORRHCTEH THROUGH TiHE MAIL Free of Charge. Tliogc who prefer to learn <n a "briefer tiipe than oue vi n r, may joiij our Correnpondeiice f'l:iss and to throngn aw en- tire Course in either 10or « Weeks. Subscripnrtn to' the unohTn*KB Writkr, OXBYkAR' - - - w ei.Stt SI gls Copy. eotiUbiing " first Lesson mailed to anv uddress for |"> ceuts. Anvono wishing to learn this fascinating and vaiirible science are re<|lieatOI to write Jttonce iur Freo Uefcriptivo circular, t •:.»'»• f«*li . \ . . • . »Uj t t ' dlQW'ELL 4c iriCKQX w < f VllipLAXD, X 4>J. ention tho>paper ir. which y^SSpf! this 4<lveitieincnt, AT WAUCONDA, I have the Itock ever and b« fitted for cold weather. largest FALL and WINTKH Shown in Wauconda. ' ' O VERLOA TS\ 82.05 OVERCOATS. .$3.75 O VEliVOA rs. 84.75 OYLhC< ATS.VM OVERCOATS, A7 ALL Ph.ICES fcfehrfylftiad e'Clothing more nnmerons than ;over and at prices suited for every perse.-- KoranvUung made to order, whether* single garment or a full suit. Maiman's Is the place th buv. Also a full li GKVTS' FURNISHING COODi. ilati Caps As. LSdies Cloaks, both Ready ter. I. Car . -- and Made to order. line of pnd -m*de ITaviiig pfirchS'tert a Full ^toefesof MilllKw Goodslnvite^ the Indies of tVauConda and cinUy to call and see her etock of ' • MILLINERY^ l ilatVai.d Bonnets trimcied ^n . (be i^afe»t Stvles find at rensonable prices. MISS- " jIgIeseLKR is ready to sec ladies who desire Jier ^erv'ies as Maker The best of f,ory and the press, are griered to go away withoutseeiiig it single member spring at another'sjtjiroat. or even call him a liar. The homogiMielty of tlie Helices and |>ei'sons on the floor, is anoth* er point for remark. U is clear that Americans are Americans; however wide asunder their abodes may be and it oocurs to one that if tho represen­ tative* of diflerent . sectlotrs were to get hopelessly mixed up and changed about some day, it would produce no incongruity so far as,their outward ap­ pearance is concerned. To imagi,ne these comfortable gentlemen arrayed. In their frock coats of Identical make, on onp<i*ftf sides iu a civil war. or n6 the Jaw-givers of separate confedera­ cies, would b^ grotesque, if tho reali­ ties of a feW yeafS ago hail wot l>eeu so u-agic. A few distiiK-tlOH^ of Ease and South Mid West tfliay perhaps bo traced iti the physiognomies, but in­ dividual peculi ail ties assert themselves far more strongly. T|ie nmn ot' the people, with hit Indlflereiit necktie and "well met*' maimers;' the smu Well-to^do lawyer; the "elegant speak er;" s fifie richest, ipe)nbersfwlth9 fiencl^ partially bald ami faces s'eAnVed wltfi ftne wrinkles, wearing a look of, long resignation to t|t« collection of divi­ dends: or the plr tho lie, rosy-faced man who galas hU point b^ private Cham^a?ite rather than public sj^ech; the quiet gentleman of re flue d . man­ ners; 'the *'-gorjr ^ntugouwt--rtll these t«d other ty|»es besides, may be sti a rpl r<i Iserl n> I tin d without re­ gard to Stilte or geographical lines. It has grown to be the fashiou to say that Congress accomplishes nothina. except to disturb trnd*. but It that is *o, it is nut due to idleness. Accom­ plish iug no filing was never before so laborious to task. House memb"rs are tlie busiest people in the conntry, with their caucuses, their incessant commit­ tee meetings, thelt speeches and prep­ aration, their dense correspondence with constituents, and interviews with visitors. The iiouse. too, turns out a vast amount of work, «lts committers being efficient agencies for trdu'satt* lug business. Every (lay yoi| tyid in the Document Room a flesh arm fill of newly printed bills, ntany of which are trash, to be sure but burmless. ^*he real and great defect of tfie pop­ ular branch is its fatal capacity for dis­ torting, maiming or destroying good measures matured Iu committee, by uuforseen amendment^carried in geu- eru| debate. A TeW laudable enact­ ments however, always survivo this general massacre ofinfant bilfc, and we must remember that tho amend* wents oftien represent a wholesome watchfMifeSe sgaiiwt special class or private legislatloji. , Whatever the evils of Congress, finally, tiiey ̂ artf faithful reflections of ihe avarice, am* bftion. or low sense ot' honor in rlie< communities therte iepresentetl; and the people Jo not'do wisely to slider at their fltvu exposed t|eforiuUy,' Wltri- " A StRIPLlii KKMRftT. ^ ' J. " The ; 8an Franclseo trhronieie*t*t** that Robert Christie, of the Proteroa prescribes a remedy for scarlet fever which he says has inrnrlably proved successful. Iti*as follows: l'ake an onion hud cut It hitb halves, cut out a portion of the center, and Into the cavity pnt a teaspooufu! of saffron; put the pieces together; then wrap In a cloth and bake in the oven until the onion is cooked so that Its juice will run freely. Then squeeze out all tho juice tinl give the patient a teaspoonful, tit the same time rubbing th* chest and throat with goose grease or rancid but­ ter, if there is any cough or soreness In the throat. In a short time the fever will break out lit au eruption all over thd All that then Is net> essary 4s to keep the patient warm and protected frirtu draft, and recov- '^*--pry is rertalti. Mr. Christie says he h*ai>e4u>ei!iiiioarjypg this remedy for ouny yertrs.Aiid never knew lt4o fail wheu proper care is taken of tlrt [iJl- ttent' after tlie replication. federate States of America." There is a Shield, with baM and 6even stars, snrmounted by a liberty cap. The shield is iuciosod by a wreath com­ posed of cotton and sugar stalks. 9(7*The question is still in abeyance as to the best method of 'making the short tfnt aoross our Coutluent, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The Panama CAnal atid the Nicaragua route have tjheir earnest pari'.sans, but Cap­ tain Eads is not to be suppressed with Ills plan for4t marine railway. He has returned from Mexico, where he has secured a right-of-way half a mile Wide frptu m*ean (o iicean, with other valuable concessions, and he now asks Congress wgnraiHee $30,000,00® of the 75.000.000 necesH iry to build the road. Should this road be constructed, it will not only be a monument of American ingenuity and euterprlse, but it will be helpful for rapid transit, as it will furnish a route for ships from New |4jau Francisqo 1,500 miles hi}t*rt0T than by tl^e Manama Canal and 2.^300 miles shorter <rom the *L of the Mississippi., < VSk- rf. l|? Art examination e f < t h o « p » a o h bndfi along the shore of the lake hi Micjlil«an. reported them all right" for five or, six miles hacls, 'as,*lii* «tc|yMqr. had not sunk further thna eigiit be- iow kero. up to Jan. S3th.' But einee tllat time further damage is repor- ie< ati«J*,.lt is qni^e probable that peacliea will b« very scarce rfeit sea- sdn in Michigan, if i»ulee«} ^he tfees hate ettrvived Hie Winter. Twenty toi twerity-five below kills tlie trees to g^o^nd, while tifht tb Wl kill# the feint buds. JL , ;press Gopds in all styles, cheap, at C. F. rlairs Richmond and1 Dundee 'feds'9114 Edge A|fu$, Ftovet TtVO|AFrKCTtOI«ATKKlT\lJi. There were several men «-hwt»j#«l around the store In the bark room of a Galveston saloon--says the veracious Neio*. of that city--and somehow or other the subject of newspapers raine up for discussion. One man saM that editors were more Jealous of encli other than any other cla*"; that they never bad a good word for each other, etc. A long-haired youth, wltti a *n!*mn look, spoke up, and, heaving a sigh, said that he had hfed some experience with editors, and he found them the reverse of jealous of each other, that a Texa* editor waii always willlug'to deuy.him- self comfort for the bensttto'f a brother editor. "Where did that happen J" "It happened In a Western Taxas towh where 1 lived," sighed the young man. ; '•I had dashed oft a little |»oein of ten or fifteen cantos about Beautiful Spring There were two rival papers in the place--tlie Bugle and the Trombone,-- I had lietrd that the editors wore deadly enemies, and sighed to shed oach other'seore, and t was afraid If I let the Trombone publish my poem first there would be a deadly encoun­ ter. I flnal!y resolved to have It appear simultaneously in both papers. When tcalled on the editor of tho Tromton# he said that the editors of the Bugle ha3 a large family, and that he would prefer it to appear In the Bttgl«, a* personally he loved the editor of tho Bugle. I went to the Bugle math, ami he said the editor of the Trombone was his warmest personal friend, and lie would be glad If I would let him have the poem, as it would be putting bread in his mouth and clothes on hi* back.-- So, owlug to the love those editors' had for each other. I couldn't get my poem Into either of their papers, aud it Wasn't been published yet.- I never saw* men so anxious to help each othdr out of distress,** and once more the. long-haired poet sighed like a bellows. There was a pause, and an old coon with a frost-bitten nose drawled out:-- "You never tried tliein same editors with a cash advertisement, did yer?" Tlie i>oet answered tn the hegatlve, whereat the audience significantly nodded their heads and w I nked- at-each other,. rfcV 1 ; »• i ' «!!(. QiRrisurs sricmrnRa. A few days a,go the telegrap'i an- nouueed the death, in Kent County this state, of "Win. Belden, General Garfield's stepfather,'* Nobody knew till then that General Garfield had a stepfather. The facts of tho relation­ ship arc simply these: Somewhere about 1840 the mother of Gen. Gar- field, then a widow, living on her lit­ tle farm at Orange. Cuyahoga Couuty, O., married William Belden. then a young man, a farmer of the vicinity, with little if any means of his own. but with a rather pleasing address.-- The union did not prove a, happy one, and It shortly becatfce apparent to the young wife, as well as to others, that Mr. Belden, owing to habits of exces­ sive conviviality and other Infirmities of temperament, was unfitted to beat the head of the late Widow Garde I il'* heretoftM-e^well-ordered and pleasant little household. After five or six years of domestic uhbitpplne**, tho General's mother sought and obtained a legal seperation from her worthless husbind, aud want toreslde with her soil, the President-elect, wiUt whom she lias since made her home. After the separation, Mr. Belden weut to Byron township, where lie lately died, having made his home among ihe Boyutons of that county, who were descended)^ of Geo. Garfleld^s grand­ mother, by* a secoud marriage.--&'»- cinnati Times-Star~ ' aarpost people use or hear the words "Mrs Grundy,' * as applferf to gossip, and meaning the female part of society, according to fashionable slaug, without knowing their ortgiu. "What Mrs. Grundy says," moans "what the gossips say." The original Mrs. Grundy was the wife of President Van Buret)** Attorney-General, the Hon. FaUx Grundy, of Tannessee. and she ruled aristocratic society1 In Wasli- ington with a rod of Iron. Her edicts were law. her preseqc'H was ludispeu- ble to the success of, all. fashionable gatherings, and suoh an ^authority she became on sbctal topics, that tlie ex­ pression, "Mrs. Glumly says," became so common as to ptytliyp Iter fame. --Exchange^ •/rha ftUlowjing^ is a peril»n of a debate in a Boston church: **Th«f reniarks of one speaker were hissed by a clique of fftmal* members, to .whiuh he replied,"^nikes aiul gees« M«a and I dou't koow fhat I blame yon,* This created a perfect) howl froln tlte women, who appealed to the chair for protection from itmilt, and iu tlie niiiTst of great ronfusluh 'he con­ cluded hl^remarks?. Mr. Brew» (iaterr ruptlngl--t should »hi«k that Vi*i would be afraid that i'»e t.ord WouW open his tuouth and swallow you up;! Mr." Andrews--If there was any* danger I should haye ulissed you long MP' w - •- '/ Go tb,$lrs. E. W. ijowe for' Cloaks and Dolmans. , , . k.,,,;; For the celebrated B«-l«»it Mi* best in the tu*rkv<H ̂ ta Q «4tijr ilivsvH. «JSOAt I*. » b?Ht.r, On^imday In LM ivili" ne*r!r ere* Ftofe t* open, ft I* the day wltj places of ainn«ein«>n^ the sm*»ke of th| sme't»»r« perfumes the amMeut Hiir little more villiarmislr than tisnal, II poaslble. and the *lrwt* are crowded The church lje)l? gather many wor*M| jwrs, but th«*y !are not ihIsm!'} fr*>ni tl thronged streets The miners conv iu from all direction*, from shafts %n( tnnnels and prospect holes. »warn;lt»g| In the •treer*. eftiwiTIng the corners! filling the bar* of numerous saloor-j wlfh a coming tide of humanity. Manf come tobuy thefr weeKlv supplies the stores. \vh;>se Herks.know no Jiolj Sabbath rest; others iKitne to talk ov«i their strikes and flnd», or (o brlnjf Ih| their samples for tv*Mng. - Crowda] throng the more tliau ajinmlred ganwl hling dens, from wiioae wMe open! doOra the sound of p4an«>, violin and | flute mingle with the thrill voice of] tho dealer at the farn-tahle, calllng«j "Make your bets gentlemen."* and tha eursvs ami v»ilgarity of the players taint tlie sacred Sabbath air. The gam* bling-house knows no Sunday, and though ihe law of Ol«»rado expressly prohibits the opening *>f drinking or gambling house? on the Sabbath da># it is its dead as th.mgh It bad never cumbered the leaves of the statnt* books, and the po|fmi stand Idly by watching Its violation. B!ear-eye«f ami bloated debauchees. In whose llvea honor decency and manhood have long since died, bandy ribald jests with tha lost characters who carrv the lliqnor »s the tables. Thieves a^d pickpocket*, watching with keen eves tor the vic­ tim aud opportunity, mingle with bustling crowds and jostle yon as ps»s* : •r-'S! ' - Ml -i--L. - %: tRECNAS^KLTUSSRU. The bold idea of a tonne I under th* English Channel, will. If carried out* says an English journal, eel!pee all former undertakings of this kind. Tho present "Channel Company** was formed in 187J, Sir John Hawkshaw, P. R. S., Mr, Brun lees and M. Gamond be* ing appointed englnesfrs. The route finally «1ecided M{<otr flares (the tunael on a line extending fibre a spot bo- fween Folkstone and Dover, rhrongh the "Old Gray Chalk,"* to a point be­ tween Sangatte and Catfals on tlie op. postte coast. The total length will ha tlilrtj-oone mlks of t»l will he under the stHrtt. Shaf to be sunk on each shore to the depth of 4ft0 feet, below hlg*i water markt and driftways from ,lh« bottom of these for draining the tunnel, which It to begin 300 feet abovifc the driftway* " These driftways will be driven froaa , - both «nds on a doWti gradient of on# , i In eighty to the junction of the drai»» age driftway; and thert on aa np grado ot one In i,C4C feet to'the middle of tho straits. The crown of the'tunnel Ir. all parts will be not less than Dove# Straits. It is hoped that the excavat* I tlons will be mostly through olialk. I# ; | which caso comparatItsly rapid progo • res« will be juads, it has been estlma* ted that the,, piob%blf cost of thlt Titanic will be about £4.000.0iMI. bu» Sir John liawkshMs oonsltlered It beeft^ to double tllll estlitfi^. In anticipation of greater obstacles which may ariesti > The {MrelltninHry works are now pri^ecuj^d \viMi tft^at activity. 19*The completed returns of IlKl .-i;. census of our population, as taken " " 1880, are now. made public. The lsrgs Increase which It repeals and whlc* excites our patriot^ pride, attract attention across the Whter. The Loss | don PaU Mall Gasetle, which says thai : onr population Is no# nearly doobl# that of England, provinces it a start* ling"reminder of osmt of the most iB^vi pprtant ficU of Interj^tional politic1-.* Andad U: "Our kia tieyoii I the sea#.,.,^5 are rapidly taking tluj foremost posl» ^ tlon in the Knglijsh'^|>eaking world^ ^ The practical and difllcutt question no*p J comes before Congress «f settling th# ;';- basis of represeutathm ou which nimij; bers shall be seut to that ieglsistlveiP body. With the growth of tlte counn try tlte ratio has risen, from one meaa%' • .• berto 33,000, which was the aomba#;^ after tho first and s#j<uid census, Nfi for 18!.4i», which has been Ihe rati*' tdne* the last census, when titer* ar^. •i93 uiemlters of the House of Repro» ' seutatives. If Congress retains th^l ^ same uumlter, the ratio acoordlng t«| | the present census will be ens meinbef 4 for every 168.500.; if the uatnber Nk 1 raised to 301. as by the btil presented^ | it will be oue to l*4.8UO. There will be a good d«-ai uf *;rf"se figuring re« . i quired before an agfporttouineut bH|.-^ . can pass that wlU «*fUfy the clalma • and tlx ambltlnuof'tfts different tHN-':;,i Uons of our omuitry^ M ^ g0TA backwo>>«^f' preaehoe elucidated :ui foWowa in counsotlsti with the parable of the v'rglns^"I* j ancient tin**". n»y Iwloved hearer** '.|fj it was the ei'stom ofwr a couple ha4 been married, for ttfhVirgln* to *« with Hghted lamps awd inevt **>« «• tlie wav home, five of »be-e vlrgta»^ b*^tng malefl and live, females.' AO to MlK V. «f.'<jfr>we*S.3fll»*»llNrg Millinery awl Or. M >kl»g. ' "T, Why do StewiiS SOU "Ifc; uiaitv gtHnhf rite jt u»Ak«* rhise I'rk*! aud buy - S8S A J

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