Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Feb 1881, p. 4

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1-ftV ft':, W1CDXESt)A\ FEB. 16. ,?. VAN SLYICE, Kclitor m #*Hon. Fernando Wood, Congress <li«d at Hot kansas, on Sunday last. V git: Member 9w>nm lonjf talked ot 't&ftf tic* l>l»tw»»on T?anlan and Laycock. over the , Th*me« championship course, was won tsilv by the Canadian champion. It •aid Laycock Sad no chance from the sl^l^glnnlng. ' ^ ? ^ IfiTThe contest for the U. S.'Wwr- •fcalship, afTThlfefcfcd. H WWXfnjf warm. Mid candidates are fHimtrous. Marshal Ifildrnp is a candidate for re-appoint- «Bent,1>e*WeB which wo see mentioned nan(i««« of StlllweH, the present Chief !>epaty. A. M. Jones, Gen. Jrihn B..T«rchin, and Hitchcock, a t*eoria n|an. Among all the candidate! named •ur preferance is decidedly for Mar­ shal Hildrnp. He has filled the posi­ tion with marked ability, and at times tinder very cm bar rawing circumstances , *««rU«£ to a democratic Congress refos- • / tfig to make appropriations to ran . the office. We sincerely hope the powers that be will reward an able and effici- «nt officer, and re-appoint Marshal Bildmp as his own snccesaer. We think <?>ls woold be the voice.of nine-tenths dfthe people of Northern Illinois. I wo 'Harrington is the town in which | German woman recently gave birth Ave children. Now conies a report torn that town to the following effect: fit seems that two married ladies, liother and daughter were de­ livered of babies at the same lime and itr the same room. During the excitement of the moment, both lables were laid on the same bed. On alrtng them np the attendants were 'V Enable to tell which was the mother's Jtnd which the daughter's. Thus mat- *, "fsrs stand, neither parent knowing ' A !f Which is lier child. f rpt* <- "V -i, fe. ^ ^ A Cincinnati showman Is trying to !" C;JV' Jng*g® the woman with !her live chll- Sren to travel with his show. She Is oing well, and at last accounts all the -Wood were alive and in a fair way to A live and prosper.--Aurora JteraUt. > M. ' * f^TThe question whether Congress Imh oontlmife to tolerate Mormon polygamy, aJthongh It has solemnly pronounced it a crime, is %o be prac- fically draught before tt for its seiu- |ion. M*. A. G. Campbell, of Utah, |o which Gdv. Marry has given the Jbertlflcate of election to Congress, is io Washington. His antagonist r jjpr. Cannon, the Mormon delegate, ^ fccelved a vast majority of votes at ||g; fv^.-^he election, of about 18.009 to 1,300, j^»Vrv' * 4n<1 still Qov. Murry4id not hesitate k refuse him the certificate, on the 4 1 pbiiWe grotiiid that hie It an alien end ;V* It polygamist, and of course ineligible t"lW fo our National Legislature. We trust 4hat there will be sufficient backbone "d moral sense of its members to re­ use to permit a representative of a «rime at Ills deliberately proscribed to frtt among the lawmakers of the land. t t" Wj?" ' 5 ; * ii i®*Se«ator John A, Logan made a Speech la Congress last week ^gainst the "Sixty-Surgeon" Pension ' , 4&iil,showing <u fallacies, and injustice t,,e w,<Herl and closed with the bellowing' noble and patriotic words: 'fe "I hav^ stated my views and my Sfeasons for being against this amend­ ment. I do it, as I have said, in the #nterest ot the poor soldier. It cer­ tainly is no diflerance to me, so far as j »m Individually concerned, whether rou bare, a thousand surgeons and a thousaad lawyers; it will cut no >ur« whatever for me. I presume probably, under the proposed system, Npt would be less annoyance to me than ^under the present one, but what little ^Muoyujee It is to me to accommodate ^,the poor men wImhb I represent, by & referring their papers, is a pleasure.-- -I aid willing to do it for them, and 1 shall be found standing for them when­ ever I believe there is an attempt made to strike them down by trying to cast reflations upon them. I shall always remember while God lets me live the time when they marched under the banner of this great country, when they were seen iulthe smoke of battle. In the blaze of day, and in the dark­ ness of night, wending their way along for your peae* and safety and for mine* WAUCONDA. WSUMCWl'TIOSS for the Pr,uii« will t»s rwtwived in Wauconda at I\ B Harrison* Drug Store and at thefPott Office Editor Pi.An»i>KAMCK:--Last Mon­ day, (he7th, opened tip with h big stot;m,Hand onr stag*. driver at first thought it useless to try to get to Harrington, but Postmaster Todd fi­ nally convinced him that it was best to make the attempt, and sure enourh he went through all right. Tuesday and Wednesday, the 8th and 9th, were characterized by slush- iness under foot and driczleiness (good word) overhead, a sort of a "January thaw," but Wednesday night brought a little freeze;7 and Thnrsdity morning smooth shod horses had to Vlook a little ont." > > K Our school teacher, Mr. Peby, was quite sick during the last days of Wt week, being nnable to attend t^ his duties. We are glad to report i|' rapidly recovering his health. Our old ttrae frfend, Newt. Whitney; former stagist on the Harrington rotate and at present in charge of a cheess factory near Elgin, spent several days last week In end abost Wauconda, vle> iting his nwmeroui« friends. > A Barge meeiing was called for day eve^ the 11th, but owing to bid weather no one turned out* It seems a pity to allow the engine and boiler on the. Barge to go te rain. They rep­ resent money and might better be sold at anction to some one who could make good nse of them,or even given away, rather than allow them to go to the bottom of the Lake and rust oat. Let ns get together and take some ac­ tion in the matter. It is currently reported that Mr. Eu­ gene Brooks has associated himself with Mr. Ed (folding In the groeery, oyster and candy business, and that Mr. Golding is now In Chicago buying a new stock for the new firm. While one or two. at least, of our citiseus who were making plans to leave Wauconda Saturday and Sunday; consider themselves "snowed In" a few may justly be considered as "snowed ont." Mr. Coggln and his wife, who started for St. Charles, 111., on Thurs­ day, have not returned as expected. The same Is true of Mr. and Mrs. Mor­ rison, who went io Chicago on Friday morning la*t. Perhaps it would be faiT at this point to drag in a little taore weather and speak of the "worst storm of the season." which bsgan on Friday about noon in a sort of misty drizzle, steadily increased In violence until by 8 r. 3*. it was blowing a fnll gale and soowlhg hard, which state of things continued mil night, awd in faet with more or less severity all the day following. Drifts ten or twelve feet high were not at kll uncouiraou, aud ro«\tis were impassable. By breaking fences and cavorting about the fields our Barrington stage succeeded In getting as far as Lake Zurich P.( 0; Here, setisibty ehcftigh, lie turned about and reached , Wauconda about 1:30, p. x. Everybody seeued well satisfied to do wi thout nail and Chicago dallies, for it eertalrily wis a terrible day to be ontL For obvious reasons the Teachers' Institute announced for Saturday at this place was not held. tit. Valentine's Day, judging from the eager throng of young folks dally found at the Valentine counter of the drug store, bids fair to be mure gener­ ally observed this yoar, in Wi than ever before. A friend of ours dropped In on Sat­ urday p. m. last, and said that "court was in session," and'that he "irasi go­ ing over," so we "followed suit." We found very interesting case in progress Asa Spades had 6oed Jack Diamond and seeordinc te the testimony of a lady by the name of Wartz, Clubs had been freely ijsed by the parties. One wit ness pas quite a Joker, in bis way, in fact a rugtilar trump, aud it was plain­ ly to be seen that his testimony would decide a case every time, if his evi­ dence cotJId be supf^rted. ft got to be pretty late chore 4ime when .the game--I mean the Jxury stood 8 to 7 for conviction, and as two of the in­ terested parties Wisre old line Demo­ crats, ^iis magical combination did the business, and court adjourned. We dip the following from an In­ diana paper of late date: "A peculiar body landed near this place a few days siuae, which from Its dazzling brillian­ cy was at first thought to be a "chip" from some passing meteor. Investiga­ tion, however, reveals the fact that it is the remains of 4 tremendous Shy Rocket recently "shot off" In Lake County, Illinois."., praes&db'Z* n' the McTlPnrT Cottntjr Tenetier** Automation.- itetd at Harvard, Jll., Feb. 1881. The meeting was called to at 10 o'clock hy the presidents. D. Baldwin, and B. C. Crawl appointed critic. The secretary being' absent, H. C. Faber,of Etebron/was appointed secre­ tary pro tem. The exerciwes were opened with vocal music by the Misses Pease and Linderaau, Mrs. Henkie, and Messrs Crawl, Mr. J. A. Sheldon jToilowed with a paper on "Algebra in our Cotpmo;i Schools." in which he showed quite clearly the benefit of studying algebra in connection with arithmetic. This was followed by-a discussion of "Colonial History," by 0. 0. Crawl. His paper was very interesting, and and contaiueJ many useful suggestions for the teacher of history. The subject was quite ably discussed by the teachers present. The queries were tVien collected and assigned to Messrs. Young./ Crawl, Faber, Sheldon, Rush ton and Hisd Howe. • • u.. • t.(i . The forfenoett ftetstoft Was then closed with the song, "Beaiitiftil Hontfe,'* ren­ dered by the Harvard teacheri. The afternoon session opened with A. W. Young as president, pro tem, to fill the vacancy oCcassioned by the unavoidable absense of the president. The first exercise was a solo, by Miss Ella Linderman. A. W. Young presented a pr.per on "Reform Spelling." declaring himself opposed to airy radical change, but in favor of an improved method of spell­ ing. He showed In a very able manner* why he was thus inclined, and demon­ strated very clearly that a good scholar cannot be a poor Bpeller; Oh account of the 'absense ofthe Misses Cumins and Ortn^by their ex­ ercises were omitted. Mr. B. C. Crawl followed with a very interestingpaper on "The Duties of Parents and Directors." Mr. Young then rendered a solo uOb* ye Tears." Next iu {order was the reading contest. The chair appointed Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Luther as jqdges. About twenty-five;read.j*nd the rib­ bon was awarded to MUs Edith,Schenk of the Hebfon school, in. Grade A," and Minnie Leonards, of the Second primary in the Harvard sciiools, in "Grade B." ! 7 ' Miss Mamie Mini#* then si)ng a solo, which reflected no, small degree of feredit upon the singer. ' ( Miss Anna Worthington of the ITar- vard School , gave a class exercise in , "Language." She exhibited a grf;tt. deal of skin in'the ? niahagement of imr class and. demonstrated beyond dis­ pute that language can be taught in toltigibly in primary schools, The queries were, then answered an< discusse'd, the critic's report rehd. an( the Exercises closed with the voca quartette. There not being a quoriiti present, the meeting was adjuurued1 •tine die. A: W. Yoitijo, Presl pro tem H. C. Fabek, Sec'y. pro tem. Nrnida Tarn The undersigned, Collector of Tuxfee of the ToWnof Ntinda, wil}, by lilmself or Deputy, be at the following nttihe'd plai-ea at the time stated THURSDAYS--At the store of: Stevens it Sehnorr, McHetlry, from 10 A . M . t o 4 ^ I t . SATtTRDAYS-At ^;;>^a»of Butler & Warner, Nunda. •> > •i•tp;>sW w, J. KITTLS, Oolleotor, ' JAMES KI fTLE, Deputy. i&m Valuable Property For Sale, The property former! v used a* n< Hotel, in tiie village of Ringwood, is offered for sale. It consists of one large: briok House, containing ten rooms, all nccessary outbuildings, a good well of water and cistern, and one acre of land^ On the premises are some of the. finest fruit and Ornamental trees, shrubbery^ &c., to be found in the county. It is a very desirable locatioh and will be sold dirt cheap ahd on lone time, f6r' goO'd security. Apply to SIMEON irOTTE*, Administrator, Of the Estate of Mrs. M. CnindaH. Thousands have been cured of xlutnb ague. billions disordejs, . jaunjdiee, dyspepsia aud-all diseases of the liver, blood and stomach, when all other remedies have tailed, by using Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Pad, which is a quick find permanent cure for those disorders. Ask your druggist for the great remedy, and take no Other, and if he does not keep it «end 81.60 In a letter to the French Pad Co., Toledo, 0„ And receive one by mail postpaid. THE BEST THING For a cough Is Beslsy^s Troches. 1 Trjr a box. Store opposite the Parker House. MARRIED. liy Rev. io Miss BELl,--MOTLEY--At the par«onag'G Genon Junction, Wis., Feb. 10th, 1S81, by II F; J. .Douglass. Mr. Charles E. Bellnnf Florence E. Mbtlev, both of KichmohiJJ r.AVVTO^-COOPKK-At the resHience Of the jcroon's parents, Woodstock, III., P«b. 9th, by the Rev. R. K. Todd, Mr, Walter M. Lawtun and Miss Ella 0. Cooper, of Harvard SIIERMAN--PEASE--At the residence of the bride's parents, Eel). 10th, by the Rev. R. K. Todd, Mr. Bnrnham Sherman and Miss Clara E. Pease, both of Woodstock. Is more than ever fully pre­ pared to move on the works of the enemy who are con­ tinually charging the good le of McHenry county -AND DEAt, Eft 11^-- rpfc>-ent any but Itcenited attor- pracncing law before Justices of tho [Peace; appropriating $10,000 for repairs on [the State Hoiiae; to prevent a Justice iaauiug any proc ea in blank except a isnbpueua; to make claims of nurses, house-servants and la­ borers against estates take precedence over all others; to amend the Drainage law; to amend . tho Quo Warranto act; to forbid the interment of any deceased per­ son* or removal of the same where there is a Board of Health without obtaining consent; to appropriate $ 1,000 to pay the expenses of John S). Gregory and O. B. Keith as Htate rep* recent* lives at the Paris Exposition; to amend the Criminal Code ; to appropriate $61,100 for the Pftntiae Beform Sobooi; in regard to the distributiou of the school fund for Ogle county; on the Road law ; to require officers at the expiration of their terms to pay over nioheyn in their bands ; on the Road law ; to direct (he Secretary of State to purchase 1,000 oopieH of Hill's Digest ; amending tho School such fearfu high prices for their Boots and Shoes and Rubbers. He keeps in stock the celebrated Selz Boots and Shoes and will sample them both as to quality and price with any dealer in the Northwest! He buys and sells more Boots ana Shoes than all other dealers in Woodstock and is the only exclusive Cash house of the kind in McH enry county. Call and see him. Corner Main St. and Public Sou^re Woodstock, 111. raucond&, •Qflu the debate in the House last Saturday ou the jojut resolution for Counting the eWvctoriaJ vote. Win. H. FelUtM. of Georgia said-; "AU parties r.icogtiire the election of Geo. Otarfleld. Xo nmn questioned his title to the jhlghest offlee in the gift of the people. As a Georgian, he protested that the People of Georgia should not be heldi responsible for having the vote of that State laid aside.' lie asserted that the sP'*opl« of Georgia should not be held -a* r«-sponsible for the ignorance of tlielr official*, tie asserted tno«t positively that this Ilou«e should meet the ques­ tion, and Instead of laying aside the \ s*"te of G««rg«a4 should announce to .thai Georgia had uo vote be counted or laid aside, tfe as- % Sorted where there was a Federal law ..£* '!•rfraSt*te law touching a Federal r"-' ^electioa the Federal law wassuproiue, & ^ w«si»ed It distinctly understood i «f Georgians recognized ' A that fs«t, and that the old id«* th,t tlw Mute Imv U •?r- ph:' (fej-M'- old idea that sovereign aud supreme viioo tlie Federal Uw deeid- 7 ' *»* a» exploded Idea in ^*|.« M*tP of Georgia. [Applause on ^ the Republican si fa,] lie wi^j the •• wur,r1 t'» know that, ss one of the Re S Georgia, he here as- sprted tTu> Jart that henceforth and fj forever tlU people of Georgia were | aUol.uely loyal to the federal laws. P'; LHore applatis-J tVIt i« observed that ihe. Oreen back organs are showing signs of life. One of thedi even cfalcpt that the party will carry the next election. This remind* outf of tlie siCk man who whispered to his wife that he (bought he might fancy a little broth to which she refcponde<l4 "My dear, what do you want broth for? Don't you Jsi^ow the doctors have givon yon npf*-nQ'a(«es- ton JVetos. •• *. > j ll«tbtDC Mum« ok (JuwlttskkMe lt«fc«ma. Conferred upon tens of thousanda of sufierers conld originate and maintain the reputation which Art us S*&sapa- kalla enjoys" It it a compound of' the best vegetable alteratives, with tho Iodides of Potassium and Irou. and is die most effectual of all remedies for scrofulous, mercurial, or blood disor. dors. Uniformly successful and eertaiu in its rt;medical effects. It produws rapid and complete cures of Scrofula, Sores, Bolls. Humors, I'impies, Erup­ tions, Skin Diseases and all disorders rising from impurity of the blood. By its invigorating efleets it always re­ lieves and often cures Liver Complaint Female Weaknesses aud Irregulari­ ties, and is a potent renewer or vital­ ity, For purifying the blood it has no equal. It tones up the system, re­ stores and preserves the health, and Imparts vigor aud energy. For forty yf-ars it has been Inext"n«lve use. and is to-day the most available medieiao ' for the suffering sick, anywhere. I For SAUC bt AI.L Deauc«s. Rf>eds Gilt Edge Tonic cures Fever pnd Ague, law of tho Justices relaMMfto r^jB ses^fi(00tifai the payment to a city or village in regard to the election of s Peace where a vacancy 1. :.L: I®"The #ashingtotv correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer In lucid language says that Senator Conkting "grows every day In ipite or all the mud flinging which enemies of the Hayes caliber of brain and character have be«t?wed upon him. Previous to and during the early part of the Chi­ cago convention one or two of these night-aoil pitchers, believeing that Orant would be the nominee, crept like fawning spaniels at his feet, ready to lick the dust from his feet. To-day, with that fiendish instinct which would lead them to desecrate tho graves of their parents; if some body- snatcher woutd offer to pay them for a stiff, they are invading the privacy of his home, outraging tiie feelings of his family, without knowing that there is one lota of proof, i0|sustalti . the . .in­ famous stories which they 41# io j plac­ ing in circulation.** Jl ' w IN corresponding for ti>e pres# be sure and write Jirpper names !n th plainsst possible way. Always gp be­ low the line with a capital J, ant|. al­ ways stop above with an I. It is im­ possible for the compositor anil proof reader to guess correctly at proper names. Other names may be figured out. Every newspaper editor knows very weU4>ow mnoh time is consumed and how much perplexity an<l how many errors nre caused by Wartt of attention to :hese matters ou the part of correspondents. V * 1 oocnrn; on the Road law ; appropriating 856,300 for the expenses of the Blind Asylum, and (2,215 for repairs; giving f49,5(K) for new building* at the name institution ; to repeal the act which forhids the Bale of property under powers of sals in trust deeds and mortgaged ; to legalize tatea or aaaessments levied in cities to defray ttts expense of lighting the same ; on the Road m| Bridge law ; on the aubjret of sheep an4^HKa; for compulsorv education. Thut deatjh 3^k-ConfJ**«n»an Bay was an­ nounced by resolution. Monday, Feb. 7.--Bkkat*.--a resolution for a constitutional amendment in regard to tni> nority representation was offered. Bills were presented: To appr<w"-,**~-A£ -i ..itawutor's Notice. 1 Tj^^tatn of Jotirt If. dueeagcil. Tho Vj iMi'leriiigne>l having boon appointed Ex- en tor of the last Will and Testitiuent of John M. Mii'lsrett. liec.easeil, late of the County of JIcHefiry, and State of Illinois, herebr 'jjlve mttir.c that he will appear before the County Omirt of McHenry County, at the Court House, in 'Voodstock, at the Term, on the t*»ir«t Monday in April next, at whioh time all persons having claims again«t said estate lire notillcd and requestec' to attend for the purpose of having tho same adjusted. All per- •snot indebted totiaid Kstatcare te(|iiestnd to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this lrtth day of January, A. I). 1881. ffM. 11. &f(/DUETT, Executor. olntttm passed the Senate, after a little oppo-1 t-ition. Bills were passed : Paying Senator Ar- ehcr for services: to allow Probate Courts in eonntien having 70,000 inhabitants, the present law requiring 100,000 ; fixing town and village (-lection* at the same time in Hyde Park and Jefferson; providing that, after a street haa been paved m a permanent character, the ex­ pense thereafter ahall be borne by general ' taxation. Bills were introduced: Appropriating j|15,000 for the relief of John C. Smith, late State Treasurer; to construct build- ing«i and defray expent>ea incident to the repre­ sentation at the 8tate of Illinois at the Int«r- nationai Exhibition, to be held in the city of New York in 1888 ; snaking Decoration day, May 80. a legal holiday; allowing mileage to wit- niitaea itelore Justices of the Fo ace; mak­ ing aohool-districts of 1,6#0 inhabitants; snaking Town Clerks in counties under town­ ship organization el-officio Gierke of this Board of Commisnionen of Highway*; to amend the act governing the reporting of tiie decisions of the Supreme Court; inquiring railroad com­ panies to fence and guard approaches to mil- road bridges: appropriating flO.SOOforthepur- cha>« ot liuid for the uaeof Joliet penitentiary; miike nine Directors in township inaarance nn£> e< fjii-c .; ie -i '.an E LCI ft, V<- f . ' ' W ILLINOIS. DEVOTED •••'• ri i't' •--"Trn-- TO A THOROUGH PREPARAT FOR:: U'J 'U Spring Term Commences MONDAY, March 14; 1881. • -..J----; • " ' 1 ' : • ' • '•' • No Chang© df Teachers. JEWELRY, ul < t It' Silverware, &c. RICHMOND, ILL. %1sr Jl] Has just put lii his Store a Largre Stock thau evey, and is selling at the very Lowest Prices possible. HAVE GIVEN PRICES BELOW. Extension Taliies, $1. per foot. Breakfast Tables, all walnut^ $8.75. Oefrtre Tables, froai $3.50 and upward^., Comrilou Bed­ steads, $2.7.% $3.00 . French black walnut bedsteads^ $5.75 and ttpwartlsi > (Jiimmon Kitchen Chairs, $3, 0ttne Seat; t'hairs^ $5 up to: $14, Burea«» '$jj and upwards. Commodes land Wash- stands, $4.50 and * up wards. Loim«res, Brussels Carpet, $8, Mattresses, all tizes, $2.75f. u,Bu- reau^ with 14x24 Glass, $15/-' -. *• «sl on tl l • IT'"!.'") . Looking1 Glassesand Brackets, Wall Pockets, etc:. iii • ."vj; ru 'i; k-,I also keep oii haud a fine as* sortment of f» , COFFINS AND CASKETS. Hearsfe' furnlsh^l it n*- sonable rates* t; ^ JOHN B. BLAKE August 23, 1880. tl " It H1" ' 1 I n n: : "f!; TW Sinc« the ̂ beartnnirip of t<lw pre^&nt Sdicwn! Yeftt, A friend has dona­ ted Five Hundred Dolldrs for the purpose of iniprovinji* the Grounds ' and building aud supplying the loiuj felt want of an Anatomical, ^Astronomical, Philosojxhical and Chemical Apparatus. Additions ^are Ijeing made to thi» Contribution,, ahd other improvements, such las new Furniture, etc., anticipated. The number of Students in ^attendance, is one .'hundred and ^eighty. A :biennial Catalogue; la. ia- i»iied, and can l>e obtained by application to the Principal. - DAVIDSOK, Socretnry. A. C. SEARS. Principal. . J1 fj l'„ 'ilViif 'if* t* i: * +> » • !>!*«(': emu R«i* >n; ' UI ,» h .> f)lfi io wi ftdi i'> *yiiiAi.niHvnw<. • . '. . -V* ij'tti ^ . if&i «.ri' H I.' <fen- , ihe' CMlty at Wro*s. • • i Some people have a fashion of fusing excelJent remedies wlth^ large inasfi o£ *'patent medicines," atid in this they are guilty of ?* wrong.-- Th*re nr« some advertised retnqdies fully wortli all that is a?ked for - tliem; and one at lea6t we know of--Hop Bit*- The writer hag had occasion t<? use the Bitters ii| just Mich a climate as we have most bf the year in Bay City, and haa always found them tA'be flrst- cla«8 and reliable, doing alt tliAC is claiuied forthem.--7Vi6uuo. ^ If you are a iftanl of l.tisinef<9,waptk-" r.'TK «1 by t !io stmln of vou?- ilulu-8 avoid stimulanlxaad use Hop Bitters. 1 If you aro younjif and I lii ci-etioit or didsipal ried or 8inprlet old or I poor health or languish I uess, rely ou H o pi Whoever you are, whenever you feel that your system iv't'dtf cleansing, ton­ ing or Htimulutin#, wiiliout intoxicating, t a k e H O P Bittere. Have you dyn- pr/wia, Kidnfy or urmanrfot*'. pUunt, Oisease of the stomach boirrls, blood. liver or nerve3 7 Yon *'111 oc cured if you use Hop Bitters Tf yon ara sim­ ply weak and low spirited, try iti It may save your 11 fe. It has saved hun dreds. f If you aro a man ot let* ter* tol 1 i ti $ o re r n il< ni£ht work, to res- tore brain nei veand Iwftste, use Hop B. I suffering from any in- | tion ; if you arc mar- yonnp, KUtrerimr from ,lnB on a bed ot eick- | Bitters. Thousand* die an­ nually fro in some I f o r m o f K i d n e y ^disease that migiit j ha^e been prevented ^by e timely of HopBifter* HOP NEVER FAIL o. i. o. Ift an absolute »Bd irrcsisfa- ble euro for drunkenness, use of opium, tobaoco, ojt uarcotica. Sold by droir- Send for ( ii cular. HOP Blllfa BW CO., 0 Rnebnln-, M. T. ^Torrml", Ont. SQrHali's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer is a scientific combination of some of the most povyerful restorative agents in the vegetable kingdom. It restores gray nair to its original color It makes the scalp white and clean. It cures dandruff and humors and fall, ing out of the hair. It furnishes the nutritive principle by which the hair is uourlehed and supported. It makes the hair tnoist, soft and glossy, aujl is unsurpassed as a hair dressing. Jt is the most economical preparation ever ottered to the public, as its effects re­ main a long time, making only an oc­ casional application necessary. Jt is recommended and used by many emi­ nent mndlcal men, and officially en­ dorsed by the State Assayerof Miirfsar uhusetts. popularity of ifall's Hair Renewer has increased w4tli the te««tof ttrmy years, both in this eouu- try snd in foreign lundx, Htnl it-fg »iow known and used In all the civilized countrlps of the world. For sale by all dealers. * Established in 1855. rtHN STERBA, Formerly of Woodstock and Chicago, hat again returned to McUcm-y County, and hat on hand the largest stock of READY MADE HARNESSES, COLLARS, Willi's, Ao., to be found in the County, and had * evervthfntc m^ile of the BEST MATKUIAL. Call and see me. JOHN STERBA. Near the TJcpot, 'McHenry. t FOR SALE. jOKFEH for sale .my Bla witfroh ^hor» HnfT^tortk atvl tortus. No^^l.iinr'a ffdrtd hnam ksinith itnd s on eanv s. I.ocator| I in M'-H'-nvy, Mellenry County, Illiriots, appo­ site; the I'arkcr .Tl.ys o»»9 of the m.i^t dc<ir(iotu birniS«88 ki^ntlons of the kind >ol ' tf tn Northern |l!in>\>* and wiH »» »ol<l- <-hejin or will ht)U Mock auit TijyU anit/•itu tlij,. Shop, but would prnwt to •') st) t^TeHier Beacons for selling- I'o ift II K.\ I,Tli. For further particulars "nil on or :i.ldresi8, T. «|. CUIFTOH. McHenry, III. = « Jm.Y • n:K • J If.'X- Don't Read This, Unless , a . You Want to get Rich. i S;lt fvi< ' . ... q.ii. J-ii- ••Hi. 'a-xtiblf > I! »ll« -i ' it ; .'ftii'l •Jin- .-•» yui si. •i.f Th.« Woodstock Jeweler* Always Awake, Never-j Asleep; i .icar. Is receivmjfir New Goods every day until hip ©tore is packed with tino Watches <\ad Jeweli^gCiocks, Silverware Fancy Gocds, at ^ at*! .a- - 'ri 't ! < i ; : Prices That Defy Competition literally lery < iali, AM wmm C A M F A 1 G I N OPENED. IAUEE & v". pep®! "(ilfeilenry - - Illinois^ .^ave jiut fliled then itore with a full stock •( | IH'tetut styles an4-pat. CI ' ! , . . terft|,of P^OTHB, " -TOE-- ; l&U & Wintnl m avtiii <ii.i lam ' Suiting*. 4d tomaks to ovdsr oa « Mtort n6tfee, and w»f-J t\ 'n-.-r ••••1'.- . . 31 fiiM t satisfaction. (t'" .'1 " .j. We also have a full line of FURNISHING COODS| dollars, Cnffs. Suspenders, Hosiery, HATS, CAPS, &c. In which w« will nit bt gMtanoldi quallll of goo<l» cunstdared, I t In the Hat line we have the Garfield ani Hancock, the latest and nol>l>i«st style o*it. When in want of a single (farraeni or a ful| •nit do not foil to give us a call. LAUER * #ECKER. McHenry. Oct. fith, 1SSO. > J ' 'vt- -- * $?£% fpr;. ' v . , • T I t " . ' . J "Remember it for your in forest to <ro miles to trade witli him It will pay you. South Side Public Square, sign of the Big Watch, j Drugjiisu, 18 A THOROUGH REMEI In every case of Malnilal Fcvi r or Fc a nd Apim, w!>il«; for li;.^orders of fhc stor Torpi lity o- tlie ImiigociLioji ami tHrlmiices of rhc utiiwi• foi*r<«8. which del| tato, iihii8 BO cqniand run lmv(' O'Mto. It ,^)0||M not lie confour wltli liitumttid Cti*mii<mri(U of cheap »pij 'nd oil?, nfljBtt *nl(l under toe. of Unices. K O R R A T . K l ! T tirocers and Wine M «v«ry Mrit«i«

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