Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Feb 1881, p. 2

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Jt * (* j"l » *£"• " :"?'• -?r.rr,v rrsr^ ̂ ; . -* yi*' " i * « • •^<p? • '. rrt » y* *..• I f C r f t e i a i e a l n j. VAN CLYRE. Ctfttoranri Pabtttiar. McHRNJsHf, iLLINOia f C E K I T I E W S R E V I E W . THE EAST. THK button shop of the Scoville Man­ ufacturing Company, in Waterbnrr, <1, was destroyed by fire. The lews is estimated at #200,000... .President Hayes was the guest of the Baltimore Press Association at its annual banquet Charles Edward Forbes, Judge of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts in 1848, died in Northampton, aged 85 The venerable Judge Ezra Wilkinson, of the Superior C art of Massachusetts, is about to rewigii The Canal Boat Owners' Associ­ ation of Sew York has adopted a res­ olution urging npon the Legislature the abo­ lition of all tolls upon west-bound freight Tho Northampton tanks robbers--Draper, Red Leary and BiHv Conners-- are constantly guard­ ed bv armed men. The bank will give the thieves 8100,000 for the return of the other se­ curities Gen. Herman Uhl. business manager of the New York Slants Zeitung, accidentally shot himself while cleaning a loaded revolver. He died within half an hour Charles Colton, Treasurer of the Dol'&r Savin;;* Bank, at Hart­ ford, Ot., whose death is announced, wan the aeveftth in direct line from one of the pilgrims who came to Mnsxachnsetts bay in 1640.... Peter Cooper's 90th birthday received' fitting • celebration in New York. He sent a check for $10.00) to the trnxUx'H of the Cooper Insti­ tute A tank of the Standard Oil Company, at B-ivonneport, N. J., exploded and took fire, several thousand barrels of naphtha being con- named. F. A. MCLAIN started from Bradford, Pa., for Aiken with 200 pounds of nitro-glyoer tae in a cutter. His horse evidently ran awav, as after an explosion only pieces of flesh re­ mained of the outfit A committee of di­ rectors of the Per-nauent Exhibition of Phila­ delphia -voted to et-ll the building, which was the main structure of the Cent* iiniaL . THE exports from New York since the 1st of January, excln<rive of specie, are valued at §51,000,000, against *42,000,000 worth dar­ ing the corresponding period of last vear, and *41 ,000,U00 during the same period of 1879 BT an explosion at Logan & Son-T' oil works, at Hunter's Point, N. ¥., three men were fatally injured The billiard match between Jacob Scnaefer and William Sexton, in New York city, resulted in favor of Schaefer, who won by four points. New Yorkers say it was the finest game ever played. TUB bark Hazard, of Salem, Mass., -was wrecked off Nantucket, and seven of her crew drowned Pieree'B Palace Hotel, of fiuffalo, N. Y., one ef the finest structures of the kind in the counlrv, and valued at $500,- €00 has been destroyed by tire. The Convent of the Good Shepherd, the principal female Catholic school there was also burned The heavy ice blocks in New York bay and Long Island sotnid have done much damage to the docks. Several of them will have to be rebuilt in consequence It ia reported from New York that Jay Gould and Russell Sage have obtained control of the New Jerney Cen­ tral road. AN immense project has been under­ taken by the firm of Henry Disston & Sons and other capitalists, of Philadelphia. It is to drain and reclaim the vast tract of swamp land in Florida known as " The EvergUdes." The capital stock of the company is 810,000,- 000, and the work is to be performed under contract with the State of Florida Thomas Moore, Pit aident of the Youghioglienv Coal Company of Pennsylvania, has uiveu some spicy testimony before the Philadelphia Com­ mon Council committee to investigate charges against the management of the gas works of thit city. He agreed to snpply the works with ooal at *5 per ton, but his bid was rejected, he having refused to make the bid &6.10 and divide the extra $1.10 per ton at the suggestion of a " ring." The city has already lost $2u0,- 000 through the rascality of its officers in the item of coal alone. THE spinners and weavers of Fall Biver, Mass., have decidfd to inaugurate a strike at from five to ten mills. The mill- owners have decided, if the persons employed at some mills strike, to clofte out all the opera­ tives Small-pox has broken ont in the . Massachusetts State prison. One of the prison officials has been taken down with the dueaue. (THE WEST. TH2 interior of the Michigan Avenue Baptist Church, in Chicago, was destroyed by •a incendiary fire. The loss was about $50,000. ... .Six laborers were burned to death by an ex­ plosion in the Belmont mine, near Helena, M. T. Omaha is to have a grain elev.tor with a capacity of 600,000 bushel.-). The Union Pacific niiUvay will subscribe $60.<>00 toward its construction and leading citizens have pledged »40.000. THE terrible severity of the past win­ ter in Montana is thus stated by a correspond­ ent in H.-lena, Hon., under date of Feb. 13 : •'This Territory will loee at least one-fourth of all its stock, both cattle and sheep. The snow in most places is three feet deep, an I often from nine to twelve feet. Cattle with mffieient remaining strength will often follow a load of hay coming into market fifteen and twenty miles, with tho hope of catching a stray bite. The streets ere full of dying animals. Fifty died the other day, all in one lot, just outside the town. I fear this last snow will fini.-h all. It has snowed everv day for seven days." Since Dec. 1 over $1,000,000 has been dis­ bursed for pensions at the Chicago agency A bill has been presented in the Illinois State 8enate. providing that children may be taken away from drunken, brutal or negligent par­ ents, and placed under proper guardians. SMALL-POX iis raging at Calliope, a village in Sioux county, Iowa. Sixteen cases occurred there in one day recently. It is im­ possible to obtain nurses to attend the sick or undertakers to bury the dead. ..After a two weeks' struggle the Kansas Legislature passed what is known as the Ironclad Temperance bill by a vote of 103 to 21. EIGHTEEN THOUSAND families are suf­ fering in tho Kansas countics of Pratt, Ellis, Hush, Phillips, Graham,. Decatur, Norton, Sheridan, Trego and Osborne, and meas­ ures are being taken to distribute the *25,000 recently appropriated by the State Legislature among them... .Charles Swagart went uninvited to a dance | new Webster, Clarke countv, Ohio. He fired a i pistol into the ceiling with the intention of I frightening the dancer*. Lewis Christian re- j •ented his ac tion, and shot him dead. LORAN V. KENNEDY, Postmaster at i Fairview, Neb., has been lodged ^n jail at Omaha on the charge Of robhjjte . registered letters. He has confessed his guilt The •barge of *1 per car on grain loaded from the Milwaukee elevators has been abolished.... Belle Nichols, a keeper of a bagnio, at Muncic Ind., defending her door aganiht Bill Wart and Lon Sutton, both drunk, discharged seven phambers of a 22-caliber pistol at the as­ sailants. Sutton was mortally wounded. THE SOUTH. THE murder of F. H. Petterson, of Madison, Fla., by a negro named Savage, cre­ ated intense excitement. The assatsin was sent to jai", and the Governor set. *wo militia companies to keep guard over him A vol­ cano has been disc^cered in the Allegheny fountains, in Fayette county, Va. Steam rises in considerable volume, and stones thrown in were heard, plunging dorn the abyss for sev­ eral seconds. THE Pope has appointed Vicar Gen­ eral Janssens, of Richmond, Bishop of Natchez. J. C. Neerez is to be Bishop of San Antonio.... A tornado sweeping through the pines of North Carolina crushed a rude hut occupied bv tur­ pentine maker*, killing ten of them and seri- oosly wounding throe others A loes of *50 - OW) was sustained at Charleston, 8. C.. bv the burning of two bag factories. GEORGE E. WEBSTER'S cotton ware­ house at Columbus, Ga., occupied by Allen A Crawford, has been destroyed by fire Loss *70,000 Advices from Alabama show that the murder of the lkv. Mr. Pickens late Greenback candidate for Governor, was a brutal assassination. Mr. Picsens was acting as a peacemaker in a deadly quarrel between two men, when one of the bystanders shot him down. A NUMBER of Swiss farmers of the bet- have determined to settle on land in Sidney Dillon -ware elected to fill vacancies, which confirms the rumor that tho first-namod gentleman has obtained control of the road.... A large number of t'a" Chinese residents of Chicago are applying to the County Court for natnra ization papers. DETROIT SEEMS to be - going into the ship-building business. One hundred and four­ teen Glasgow ship-carpentcrs have arrived at Montreal on their way to Detroit, where they will work in ihe \Yyn-io<-k shipyard Seveu American prisoners eon fined in jail at Paso del Norte attempted to escape across the Ameri­ can Line. They shot one «<f tho guiudu dead, and were on the rim when th> y were ov<r- takeu. A fierce tight ensued, during which throe of the prisoners wero ktiled and two of the guards seriously wouuded. The tear surviving prisoners sumndered C. D. Gnntor, brother of Congressman Gut iter, of Arkansas, shot and it is believed mortally wounded I~ B. Gamble, recently, in Benton county, Ark., during a dispute about the re­ moval of the postoftioa. roREion. A Twkutk of the Home Rule party are to proceed to Ireland and bold meetings after the passage of the Coercion act, thus inviting sirest News is received of the capture of Li­ ma by the Chilians on Jan. 15, after two des perate battles, in which tho losses are said to have been 16.000 men. The Chinese quarter of the city was burned by the Peruvians before tike surrender The Christians of Macedonia are leaving on account of ill-treatment Baron­ ess Burdett-Coutts and Wiiliain L. Ashmead Bart let t were married last week, in Christ Church, London. Mr. Bartlftt will assume tho name of Burdett-Coutts before his own surname. A j^reat lawsuit will result from the wedding. Should the decii-ion l*e adverse to the 3{,>ionees, she will still have about *10,- 000,000 loi't An Irish Land Leaguer named Eastern Kentucky. A number of the colonists have a'rendv arrived. The bulk of them will come in April The proposed amendment to the constitution of West Virginia prohibiting the manufacture or sale of intoxicating diiuks Was dele ted in the Senate of that State MR. JOHN HOW ARD PARNELL, brother to the Irish agitator, addressed a Land-League meeting at Atlanta, Ga., last week Gi org" Rickeit, his daughter Martha, and Peter Allen, a colored man, wore drowned in a creek near Weiherford, Ttx., by the falling of a bridge over which they were passing Twenty-five houses were destroyed by fire at Scoltsboio, Ala., last week. .At the close of the Lapra-Jo murder trial at Springfield, Tt-jin., the mob rushed into the court-room, took the five murderers to the veranda of the aeooad story of the Court llon^e, and hung them. WASHINGTON. Fr is reported that Speaker Randall is firmly opposed to any greater rate of interest than S per cent, in the refunding measure, and that in the oonfercnce committee appointed by him no compromise wiil be thought of. GEN. THOMAS C. CRITTENDEN is to b« placed on the retired, list, with the rank and pay of Brigadier General Representative Tucker, of Virginia, bccomes Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee of the House, cioe the "Hon. Fernando Wood, deceased. PRESIDENT HAYES has nominated Daniel N. Bash, of Illinois, as Paymaster of the United States navy The Greenbackers are working industriously wiih tho view of pre­ senting a compact lront in tho next House and their holding the balance ot power. Messrs. Weaver and Gillette, whose terms expire with th-s Congress, will devote their energies to keeping their party organized. KLI-IOT F. SHEPARD has been nom­ inated for United States Attorney of the South­ ern District in New York, in the place of Gen.- Stewart L. WoodfertL POLITICAL. SAMUEL W. KINO, the Democratic candidate for Mayor pf Philadelphia, -was elect­ ed over Mayor Stokeley... .The Maine State Senate has declared against woman suf­ frage Robert W. Lyon, Democrat, has l>eeu 1 elected Mavor of Pittsburgh, by a majority of j 1,509. All the other city ohkera elected wete J Republican. THE Michigan Greenback State Con­ vention was held at Lansing, Feb. 16. A per­ manent organization was effected, and the fol­ lowing nominations, were made: For Judge of the Snpreme Court, John B, Cfaipman, of Co'dwater; for Regents of the University, Charles G. Willets, of Gratiot county, and David Parsons, of Wayne. The convention then reaffirmed the Chicago platform, and. adopted a resolution sympathizing with the Irish cause. THE Rev. J. Hyatt Smith, who was elected to Congress from one of the Brooklyn districts as an Independent candidate, has written to a Republican Congressman to say that he will act with the Republicans in organ­ izing tho next House, and on political questions generally It is said that Senator Davis, of LLiiuois, will vote with the Democrats in organ­ izing the next Senate. A Crviii-SERVICE Association has been organizedJat Boston. Among the Vice Presi­ dents are Charles Francis Adams, Jr., John M. Forbes. George William Bond, Senator Hoar, President Seelye of Amherst College, the Rev. | bers of the British Parliament Jsmea Freeman Clarke, Henry P. Kidder and Martin Brimmer. The association will advo­ cate that the »ork of the Government be con­ ducted on business principles ; that competent employes shall be retained in ofiiec diu-ing good behavior ; that office shall not be used to reward political " workers," and the non-interference ca^i has been temporarily suspended, owing ILLINOIS LEtilSLATUK£.. FBISAV, Peb. 11.--Srsvr*.--There was sub- W was concurred In. Tho morning hour was ocm- pfoil principal y ly a diwnisfclon on • petal of »r<(ci-, which was left miFrttied. Brief art were nindo on llio «oo*jitn<* "v5 <* J.K<rV ColIan,®r< Vemiout. ! mittcd a resolution contcmplatttfr'an addition. The Hiniff- tbi'r. wi nt into eoriimttkx* of tho whole , . * " on Mie Riv! r and H rbor t>ilL •Several aniemlinenta ! the first Section of the suffrage article of thf I -- l l » t u i ™ » c n p > ™ » t a g t h . quorum had vou d on the la»t amomlurent, tho Ser- | qualification* proscribed as nccesssirv to consti- K«an>-ai-Arci8 was dlfjatched in «• *. eh of nlweut j tuto ft voter shall have the right to vote on wieml era. Two or tlirws hours i>no«wl 1n a vain »U school questionH and for school officers. Un. to wcuro a quorum or reech Kn a^r^n.ent by . der lho rnles the rwK,jut/ioa watJ iaid ovor. Bills were introduced: Asking an appropriation of $2B.OOO to reimburee people dam­ aged by the creation of the Moir tmiMiitg at the Champaign University: in duplication of the MeWilliams Rulw^y-Pool bill; increasing the «cope of tho Commission of Claims; providing that, where lands are which tbo session mi ht be otosed. Finally a recess was takes until nomiag. Tho Committee on Foreign Relattons report­ ed to the Senate, on Wwl nesdav, Feb. Id, a resolu­ tion that the Unite l State# Government insists that its consent must bo obtained as a condition prece­ d e n t t o t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f a s h i p c a n a l o r a n y o t h e r . . . work for the trawportation of sea-going vessels j forfeited to the State for delinquent taxes, •"-•.I-™. - bill IM reported and placed oa the calendar, it charged equal or exceed the actual value of WM rewoived to hold night eeaMona here»ftcr j the lot or tract, the name nhftll t>e sold upon ^ coiiHiilcration of mewnrw OB the ca^midar, j ten dayb1 not ce for whatever tliev will bring i i Eu'V"£1,,b*LCor,'? •,bi tariir m, and defended the free- j Y1"* schools without direction of County bchool t- »«cp aaKot tho «uc p.atform u(i< ptfd at i Boavtte ; giving tho Cotumissiou of ClainiR jti- Cincinnati. A vro!on«ed debate on the Funding bill : risdiction of cases arising from the building OT was next in order, in which Mr. Hereford, referring I the Copperas creek dam ; making appropria- to the iasue of silver certifi-ates. Mid Secretary j tiona for the State Board of Agriculture. . Htiermau WHB ueltlier a couip te:it nor a trustworthy ad\i»er. Mr. Aiiiwon tlioupht the Secrotory of the | HOUSB.--Bills were introduced : To prevent IrTS M°rUiVy»rd tbu "t? | ^ empowering the would press the measure to a ve<e neat day. j wife to contract shall not be construed to give The Hou • Of Keprvnentatives devoted the entire ; her the right to become security for pavment day a*»d night h the consideration of the River and ; " Harbor bin. The opposition to the measure was led ] of debts ; defining a dram-shop as a place where by Mr. Updegraff, c'f Iowa, who criticised a'most ; spirituous, vinous, or malt liquors are ro- every ifein aa it waa read. Innumerable amend- ; tailed in less quantity than five gallons; iiieuts were offered, but nearly aU were rejected. | giving County CourtlP concurrent jurisdiction 1 hose which were »«roed to were, in moat cases, " -n iniTcly explanatory of the manner la which certain appropriations oontained In the Mil ahould be ex­ pended. In the Federal Senate bills were favorably reported on Thursday, the 17th lnat., for Govern- Habon has been sentenced to three months' | meat buildings at Terra Haute, Ind., and Columbus, imprisonment for making a treasonable speech. ....Eleven out of ihiruen Socialists on trial in. Vienna, Austria, for liigh treason were acquitted. The remaining two were aentenctd to imprisonment, one for four years and the other for six months Several regiments of all arms have been ordered to Natal to take the places of the men killed by the Boers.... .Par- nell and six of his associates in the Land League held a council in Paris ia regard to tho funds of the organi­ zation. .. .Garibaldi was chosen President of a universal-suffrage convention at Rome A leading French journal agrees with Secretary Sherman that the present proportion of lb% to 1 between gold and t-ilver should be aban­ doned. Bismarck has declared in favor of a double standard. IN the contest on the Thames for the championship of England, the Sportsman cup, and £1,000, Hanlan defeated Layoock by four lengths A joint-stock oompany has been formed in Brazil to run a line of steamers be­ tween Halifax and Kio do Janeiro, a subsidy of $50,000 having been granted at each end of the route. SIOISKTJND LACROII, Radical, has been elected President ef the Municipal Council of Paris The Canadian Government wants $43,467,526 to pay the expenses o» managing the affairs of tue Dominion for the current year It is stated semi-official y that Ger­ many has taken the initiative this time in bringing about a peaceful settlement of Turko-Grecian difficulties... .All the Span­ ish Ministers to foreign countries have been requested to resign. Tho new Min­ istry has al-o determined to withdraw all suits j nnder the Piesi laws Stephens, the Fenian | ex-Head-Conte , is in Paris, and his presence there is a source of uneasiness to some mem- .It is said that negotiations for peae; are being carried on by tue Briti*n Cabinet with the Boers through Sir Georgo Colley A plot to blow up the arsenal at Kieff, Russia, was discovered recently. Numerous arrests have been made Traffic through the Suez of Congressmen and Senators in tho matter of patronage. GENERAL. THE extraordinary weather of the cur­ rent season culminated en Saturday, the 12th nst., in one of the most furious snow-storms ever known throughout the Western States, and tc the l'act that the British steamer Tantalon is aground near Port Said. PARNELL, accompanied by O'Kelly and Sexton, two Irish members of Parliament, and Breunan, a prominent Land-Leaguer, has arrived in London from Paris Propositions for peace between the Baers and the Briti-h . . im uie svesK-xnrsiates, ana | ̂ av0 been put forward. The one most likely 1? t°iT£q TL of acceptance is that which would con- avedamafceiu the Extern States The ra.ns f independence on that portion of* the PMomnc, tho >„<! ^ | d'oSn."" ! of tho r.ilroibd from the CiSjr of Mexiioo io ! Toluca. strehms, had their streets turned into tempo- , ~ thonsand men are at work on one section rary canals. The extraordinary sight was wit- | nessed Sn Washington city of tow-boats em­ ployed in transfening passengers along Pt nn- ( sylvania avenue. Three spans of Long bridge Two HEAVY failures have been report- were washed a way. At Toledo, Ohio, the water in led in 0roat Brivain-viz.: Kert Bros., iron- the etmtd waa live feet det;p. Boats, barces ' . . ol , ir ^ and schooners were caught in the ice gorges, | ̂ A r8' 0 Glasgow, and Morri'on Bros., of and many of them sunk. Trains could not leave j Workington and Maryport, England... .Further as tho tracks wu<5 flooded or strewed with I correspondence from Lm a confirms the ac- debrn, the bridges dangerous or j count of the capture of that city by the swept away. Several freight cars lying , Chilians. The latest a-vounts exoneiate Gen. on tne tracts were submerged and their con- Pierola fr*-m all b ame in the matter. It ap- tents damaged. From Trenton. N. J., it is re- | pears that he had r. tired exhausted, after ported that the ice on its way down the I)ela- j Deintr neurly four d vys in the saddle, ware river cnishe l evervthing in its track. ; when the ord«-r for retreat waB given Bridges on country roads and railroad bridges I Women and children will not be exempt from " j throughout Oh.-o, | tue operation i f the Iiir.h Coercion act, a tno- Ohio. IN the debate on the Funding bill, Mr. Logan f-vored a fixed rate of 8,V per cent, and Mr. Cockrelt expreeced his belief that a 8-peiveent bond oould be floated at par. By a vote of 32 to 83 an amendment favoring 3% per dent, was lost. It was voted that tlx bonds run from five to twenty ycarc, and that public solw;ripli«>ii8 lie received. Mr. Kirkwood of­ fered an amendment, which waH adopted, providing thut the general public be Riven an oppor.unity to •ul Hcnlm lor the new bonds for t'.irt) daj-s before »ny c< ntract nh .u!d he made with a Mr. Voorheesintroduced a leso.utioii, wh ch was passed, ralliug on the JutLciury to intro­ duce a bill iimuediateiy to protect farmers and other, from imposition at the hands of patent- right swindlers una others of that i.k. The joint rLfoli tion was ud ij.ttd authorizing the piaciug of books and ornameots in the posseMsion of the Gov­ ernment lelaiiug o the assassination of Abraham Lincoln In the Memorial Hall of the natlouai Llnooln Mouunient at Springfield, IiU The House of Itopre- stnbitives adept.- d a resolution authorizing Ihi; pay­ ment cfH,:;oo to Frank Hurd, as coiuisei in the case of Hsllett Kilbourne vs. J. G. Thompson, J. M.'Glover and others. The River and Harbor bill wns then taken up and passed by a vote of 163 to 94. The conference report on the Consular and Diplomatic bill was sgrttd to. The Apportionment bill came up, fcnrt, after a chort deb»te, waa temporarily laid aside. Mr. Cox had intended to move the previous question, but, at toe request of the Republicans, who wished to consider the bill in caucus, he consented to let tha debate mn on until Saturday. The conference report un the Pennlon bin wise adopted. A message from the President asking an immediate appropriation to p-ovide for the proper representation if the United ̂ States at the mieruationai monetary conference waa read and r^ fened. The Senate resumed consideration of the Funding bill on Friday, the 18th Inst., and agreed to all the amendments adopted in committee of the whole. Mr. Bayard asked action cn the Finance Committee amendments, and a vote on that strik­ ing out the Carlisle section resulted in its retention. The amendment increasing the rate from 3 to 3% per cent, waa also voted down. The bill was then read a third time and passed a vote of 43 to 20. The Itiver and Harbor bill was read a seoond time and referred to the Commi.tee on Commerce, alter a vain effort by Mr. Edmund* to have the committee instructed to reduce the aK«reg:ite appropriations to $7,000,000. The District bill appropriating $3,500,000 was passed. The Cattle Disease bill was taken up and the oommit- ttje's amend intuit*'adopted, with no action. A bill passed for the construction of a fire-pro. f bui'dingat Columbn*, Ohio, t > $400,(KK). An attempt was made in the House of Representatives to take up the Fitz John Porter bill, but it was defeated by a vote of 117 to 114, w!i:ch disposes of it for this session. A resolution graiiting to the faintly of the late Cor.- Rresnman Farr the balance of calary which ho would have received as a member of the Forty-sixth Congress, and requesting the Forty-seventh Congress to appropriate $0,000 the same p an, was adrpU-d. The HOUSQ with Circuit Courts in all criminal ofTenses wM re the punishment is not imprisonment in ihe penitentiary or death; to appropriate $60,000 for repairs and expenses of the canal for the next two jears; requiring State's Attorneys," except in counties of the third claw, to keep a detailed public record of all their criminal cases ; •naking insanity in the husband or the wife to the extent or a total loss cf reason for the fc(wee of five years ground for divorce ;amending the, act in regard to the assessment and collection of taxes ; providing for deposits by plate-glass, accident, or steam-boiler insurance companies, with the State Treasurer ; to require edu­ cational qualifications of County School Super­ intendents and to increase their compensation. SATTIKDAY, Feb. 12.--There was no session of the Senate to-day, while in the House nothing waa done except the reading of bills. There was no quorum present. MONDAY, Feb. 14.--SKMATK.--Owing to the absence of a quorum the Senate waa not in session to-day. HOUSE.--No quorum being present' nothing was done exoept the introduction of the fol­ lowing bills : To make the deed in partition proceedings, in case the records are destroyed, prima facie evidence of the regularity of the proceedings^ to extend the benefits of the act of 1879, which authorizes cities and villages to purchase ana maintain bridges' and ferries outside of their corporate limits, to cities and villages which owned or maintained such prior to the passage of that act; to allow cities under 8,000 inhabit­ ants to hold their elections at one voting pl»^o; instead of in the several wards ; awarding im­ prisonment for five years to any one who shall sell a patent-right hay-fork, harrow, churn, fenoe-wire, or any device or thing whatsoever, and shall receive a note or receipt for the delivery of the same, and never deliver tho article as agreed upon ; to giving County Superintendents of Schools the privilege of charging $1 for issuing certificates to school teachers, and 50 cents for every re­ issue ; to punish persons who adulterate liq uors by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $1,000 for each effense, or im­ prisonment for not more than ono year; facilitate the operations of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in Illinois ; a couple of bills in relation to appeals from Justices of the 1'eace; to make the person suing out a garnishee process pay the garnishee's fees and mileage; providing for the admission as evi­ dence of letter-press copies of abstracts where the originals are destroyed ; requiring cities of not less than 8,'iOO inhabitants io keep up the State Board of Health statistics in regard to births, deaths, burials, etc. A call of the house being had, less than a quorum respond­ ed, and the House adjourned. TUESDAY, Feb. 15.--SENATE.--Bills were in­ troduced as follows: To give to the peniten- tv-four hours. Tanner's bi'l regulating telegivph aud tx h-phous companies' ocn- eoihlat ions was passed. Bills \v< ro sent up : Amending section 4 of the Law of Deposi­ tions ; to indemnify the o wners of sheep against damage committed by dogs; aineiuimcuts to the ltoad and Bridge law. B Us were read a third time and passed as follows: Appropriating TJ4,0JJ for the Stato Horticultural Society ; itpprupiuiing £200,000 tor the payment of tne olhcer.-' mid nu mbers of tho l'hTty-secoud Gen­ eral Assembly; ;\ppropii;iting fcl,ilH to ex-tiov. G.eun for miy-eight days' services rendeied as Acting Governor in tho years 1875 and 187(5. The joint resolution providing for ad­ journment from Friday until Wednesday v.'&s defeated, just three member j voting for it. HOUSE.--Bills were introduced * TO ap. propiiite $29,000 for the iatptOvement of the lock and dam at New Haven, on the Little Wabash ; on witness fees ; making tho Bail- way Board consist of five members, of whom the Secretarv of State and At­ torney General shall be ex-ofli?io two, and the remaining two to be commercial men; to fori id railroads rahiug or establishing freight rates except after i-i-cty days' notice ; to give the State Claims Commis ioner jurisdic­ tion in all cases of claims against the ritate on account of lands taken for State purposes ; al­ lowing counties to raise money for mihtia pur­ poses by 18.x it ion ; to mako certified copies from the land-entry books furnished by the Auditor evidence of such original entries ; to require all papers offered for record re­ lating to land to be acknowledged by the parties executing the same as deeds. A Joint resolution providing for an adjourn­ ment from Friday until Wednesday was adopt­ ed. The Appellate Court bill, providing for written opinions and appeals iu all cases, was taken up ami ordered to third reading. then went into committee of the whole on the \eri- 1 i;n~, __ , cultural bill, and >lr. Hurd made a speech in opposi- authontlC8 ?°llce P°we» <>«* the grounds tion_ to protection and in favor of a revision of the ! owned or leased by the State in connection tariff. £udge Keiley| wpUed, and *«" ^Jowed by | therewith ; to provide for the sale of partner- The bill was then read and some de- .i,;n ' fA„ t . i npon it. A bill waa passed constituting Atlanta, Ga., a port of delivery. enpjued, but t!>eHout« adjourned without acting i fhiP reftl P«7 debts ; to amend the * 1 law to establish and maintain a system of free schools; to amend the law in regard to evidence and depositions in civil cases ; providing for the protection of children cursed with drunken and worthless parents ; to amend the law in regard to wills ; making appropriations for land and for the construction of buildings for the North- Origin of tbe " Baker's Dozen." Close by Market street--now Broad uu,ui„s, way--lived and prospered a baker, the ern Institution for tho Education of the Deaf were swept awsy by thousands Fennsylvjuii, New York and New jersey. An iron span '200 feet long and weighing 404) tons, belonging to the Pennsylvania railway hn !ged at Toledo, was thrown hy the ice directly into the channel of the Manmee river. Re­ ports on Moil Jay aro as folio > s : "The flooded districts report a material improvement in con­ dition. The streets of Wafhingt"ii are ag-in passable. The Maumee has fallen n* arly two feet ?t Toledo, but trains are forced to take a circuitous route. The Ohio river tniches the curb at the foot of Main street in Cincinnati. Gen. Cyrus Bussey ur^es.that 1»,000 men be set at work on the levees at New Orleans. Deadwood reports three feet of snow and a bLndmg storm. On the Burlington roud iu Iowa the Bn »w is as high as the car-tops." The police of Montreal have traced out several mysterious burglaries by finding a grocer's wagon at the door of a wholesale house at mid­ night. The grocery proved to be ouly a fence for the stolen goods, of whi<>h large quantities were lecovered. HON. FKBNAJJDO WOOD, of New York, He was born in Philadelphia, of Quaker par- expired the other night, at Hot Springs, Ark, ents. When but 23 years of age he was elected to Congress, in which ho served ten terms. In 1850 he retired from mercantile pursuits with a fortune, and in 1854 was eleced Mayer of New York. He went to Hot Springs last month, in an enfeebled condition. C. KXISTEB, of Comber, Oat., quar­ reled with his wife about a will that the former made. Duiing the quarrel Knister shot his wife dead, and then shot himself fatallv An electric-liglit company has been organized at Detroit, with a capital of €<500.<)00, for the purpose of manufacturing electricity lor light­ ing, heating and for driving macinnerv... The New Jersey oystermen report that the deep ice on the rivers and on the seashore has played havoc with many of the • .yst< r beds TheVliip Normanton was lost off the coast of Newfoundland, recently, and sixteen members of the crew of eighteen were drowned. SUIT lias been entered by the United States Direct Cable Company to break up the recent telegraphic consolidation The pro­ posed International Monetary Conference will take place at Paris on the 19th of April The Canadia . Pa ilic Railway bill, hiving received the royal assent, 1» now law, and Sir John Macdonald and tho member-) of the syndicate are happy in consequence President Gonzules, of Mexico, has made a grant of 1.5 0 leagues of land in Sonora to Samuel B rnurn, formerly of California, on which to colonize 1,000 families, who are un­ derstood to be ready to move into the country from the Eastern and West rn States «nd Ter­ ritories A prominent railroad official gives it as bis opinion that the railroads w ill contest all litigati'in arising out of the loss of goods, on tho ground that the recent floods w. re an act of Providence, and one in which the rail­ roads were not in the least responsible. HENRI ROOHEFOKT publishes an inter­ view with Mr. Parnell in his paper, the Intran- rigeant (irreconcilable), in which Mr. Parnell is made to say that his stay in France is for the purpose of enlightening the Parisian journal­ ists on the condition of In-lan i, and to controvert tbe outrage stories in the English press. Mr. Parnell is enter- taiued by Rochef rt and Victor Hugo Au attempt to blow up the military Imrracks at Beggar's Bush, near Dublin, Ireland, with dy­ namite was only prevented by tho accidental discovery made by a pa-ser-bv Count von Anum Bortzenburg has been re elected, Presi­ dent of the German Reichstag./ jj, n- von Franckensteiu and Herr Ackerniann were elected Vice Presidents He ious riots have recentlv occurred at Beyrout and other towns in Asiatic Turkey between tbe Mussulmans and Christians. AT a meeting of the Directors of the Mew Jersey Central railroad. Jay Gould and tion exempting thr-ni having been rejected in the House of Commons. Opposition to the ob­ struction rn es does not seem to bo confined to the Tories and Parnel ites. The advanced L b- erals are also dissatisfied with thorn, and it is probable that tae most objectionable rules will be withdraw n. CONGRESSIONAL SUMMARY. The credentials of Senators-olect Piatt, of New York, and Bayard, of Delaware, were prevented to the Senate, on Saturday, Feb. 12. Mr. Morgan, on behalf of the oommlttee having charga of the matter, stated that no proposition ro'ative to the election of Presidents and Vice Presidents would be reported this session. Mr. Kernan reported favor­ ably the Joint resolution inyitii.-g foreign nation* to take part ii< the international exhibition. A bill was passed for the pp-.iection of officers of the United States in tbe performance of their official duties. Resolutions fliieg the hotir of ruettiri'? Iierealter at 11, aud Hmitinp debate on motion to take nj> a bill or resolution to fifteen minutes, and Ave minutes to each i-praker, were a<loj>tcd. The postal bill was taken up, aud Mr. Hamlin's amendmeut, appropri. t- $lj0()o,i>00 for ooean mail eervicc, was ruled ont. discussed until the discovery first man that ever baked New-Year cakes--in fact, the inventor of them. The name of our friend was Yolckert Jan Pietersen Van Amsterdam, com­ monly known as Baas. He was Dutch iVom his large l'eet to his round bald head, and bad no respect for any one or anything that was not Dutch. He was ' \ The bill was discussed until the _ __ was made that no quorum was present. The House of liepresentntlves, by an almost-unani­ mous vote, tabled the bill iu aid of the Tehuuntopeo Ship railway. The bill regulating the imports of material* u»ed in tl'e contraction or repair of ves­ sels engaged iu the foreign trade was plight'}- amend­ ed and pa«.-ed. I he Senate b.ll amending th% charter of the Freedmen's Ravings Bank ji:;s»ed. The River and Harbor bill was taken up, and three of its forty pages were di-posed of. Numbers of petitions from temperance or­ ganizations in various States praying for a constitu­ tional amendment to prohibit the manufacture and Nicholaus, when he heard a sharp rap, and in walked as ugly an old woman as ever he had set his eyes on. • " I want a dozen New-Year cookies," she screamed. 44 Yell, den, you needn* sbeak so loud," replied Baas. 44Duyvel! I ain't teaf, den." 4'Iwanta dozen," screamed the old woman, "and here is only twelve." 44 Veil, den, und vhat de duyvel is dwalf but a dozen?" said the baker. 441 tell you I want one more! " she shrieked. 41 Veil, den," said he, "you may co to de duyvel und get anodaer; you von't j get it here." I From this time on our baker's wife j and himself were made miserable. -Their , money and cookies were taken away by . . . .. _ j invisible handu; their bread either rose sale of alcoholic liquors were presented to tho Sen- | out of their gigh, Qr 8ftnk ^ ̂ _ and Duivb; to appropriate $10,000 for the payment ,of Everett L Clement, for damages. The biV in regard to selling liquors to minors without the written consent of guardians or parents, and in regard to minors buy­ ing, etc., providing tines and imprison­ ment for both, was called up and killed. HOUSE.--Bills passed: Providing for the . publication of all estray notices in a newspaper a regular attendant at the old Dutch published in the county once each week fortwo church, but, nevertheless, in constant fear of being bewitched. His wife, Maritje, was economical even to saving the parings of her nails, and his ginger­ bread babies were always made in imi­ tation of his children. It was News¥ear eve, 1655, and Baas was in his shop dealing out cakes for small pieces of money, called wampum. He had taken an extra glass of rum in honor of St. consecutive weeks ; authorizing an additional term of court in Alexander county; to establish Probate Courts in all counties "havimr 70,000 inhabitants. A bill to effect the consolidation of the three towns of Chioago was defeated by 78 to 31. A resolution was handed in asking that the visiting committees to Stato institutions be required to make a report to the House of the number of relatives of each Su­ perintendent of each public institution who now hold places of trust and profit by appoint­ ment in the State institutions. A resolution wa* offered asking lor a bill to regulate the collection of taxes so that colloctions may be made quarterly. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 16.--SENATE.--Bills were introduced as follows: Allowing suits to be brought in the name of the State for delinquent personal-property taxes; allowing stockholders to compel corporations to institute or defend suits uffectiug their interests; to re­ quire a better registration of births tiiid deaths; requiring the payment of the full amount of a fire-insurance policy in case of the di struction of tho property iu- sured in the ali-ence of evidence of fraud ; re­ quiring itinerant practitioners of medicines etc., to pay a license ot fcloo per month to the Stale Boui'd of Health ; allowing mileage to witnesses before a Justice of the Peace ; re­ quiring fire-insurance companies to pay toe. full face value of the policy in cases wtiere property is destroyed, * less ordinary depreciation ; appropriating $47,90!) to pay ihe Utirs of one James MoKee for cer­ tain canal scrip ; giving county boards power ate, on Monday, the 14th inat Mr. Saunders re- 1 their famous brick oven was torn dr>w?/ to cou.-oliilate tuoor more towns when tue ma- ported back the bill establishing the Ter- ! i t» . n i . . ' ioritv of tli« voters rinairn ifc_ Tbo bill omond ported back the bill establishing the Ter­ ritory of Pembina, and it was placed on the calendar. Mr. Booth reported r > l favorable recommendation the refolutlona authnrlzinu the payment of prijse money to the officer* of the Farragut fleet. Ilio.v wi re adapted, 'f lie poslnl bill wns then taken up, and the t-teamrhip »ob-idy »Triendmcnt further discucsed, and finally i and poor Baas pelted with his own j bricks; Maritje Ixjcame deaf; Baas was . black and b ue from head to toe; and ^ such a life as he led was purgatory. j Thrice the old woman appeared, and thrice was she sent to "de duyvel." And "V ««v.arcvu, stiu , , . , , J ' I «M i. All, UlJiUU »» MgUlU TCJ laid on the ub'e by » vot« of 34 to 14. Tho wu wm : at last, in bis agonyt Boas bethought tue Kducational Couimittoe. tl.en to the Senate and poa*ed There- j himself of St. NicllolaUS, who advised i him, on hearing of his troubles, when he j counted a dozen to count thirteen. "Py St. Johannes de Doaper, put St* j Nicholaus ia a great plockhead I" ' thou Jit Baas ; and w hile he was thus jority of the voters desire it. The bill amend i ig the Fee and Salary law relative to con­ stables was made a special order tor Wednes­ day next. The Senate pat-hed the whole day upon tno order of second reading. .Little or nothing wao ordered along to a tinal stage. Tho iiKiht interesting bill handled was the iJeu- tal till, which was again referred, this Urne io Jamie's Good-Night. At A late hour the other night a poor old man, weak with hunger and stiff with cold, entered the Central Station to ask for lodgings. While he sat by the stove to get warm they heard him groan like one in distress, and the captain asked: "Are you sick, or have . you been hurt?" "It is here," answered the old man as he touched his breast. "It all came back to me an hour ago as I passed a window and saw a bit of a boy in his uiglit-gown. I would to God that I was dead!" "What is it?" asked the captain as he sat down beside the man. "It is the heart-ache--it is remorse," the old man answered. "I have had them gnawing away at my life for years. I have wanted to die--I have prayed for death--but life still clings to this poor old frame. I am old and friendless and fcorn out, and were some wheels to crush me it would be an act of mercy." He wiped his eyes on his ragged sleeve, made a great effort to control his feelings, aud went on: "Forty years ago I had plenty. A wife sang in my home, and a young boy rode on my knee and filled the house with his shouts and laughter. I sought to be a good man and a kind father, and people called me such. One night I came home vexed, I found my boy ailing and that vexed me still more. I don't know What ailed me to act so that night, but it seemed as if everything went wrong. The child had a bed be­ side us, and every night since he had been able to speak, he had called to me before closing his eyes in sleep, 'good night, my pa!' Oh, sir, and I hear those words sounding in my ears every day and every hour, and they wring my old heart until I am faint." For a moment he aobbed like a child, then he found voice to continue: "God forgive me, but I was cross to the boy that night When he called to me good night, 1 would not reply 'Good night, my pa!' he kept calling, and fiend that I was, I would make no answer. He must have thought me asleep, for he finally cuddled down with a sob in his throat. I wanted to get up aud kiss him but I kept waiting, and waiting, and finally I fell asleep.* "Well ?" queried the captain, as the silence grew long. "When I awoke it was day. It was a shriek in my ears which broke my slum­ bers, and as I started up my poor wife called: 'Oh! Richard! Bicliard! our Jamie is dead in his bed!' It was so. He was dead and cold. There were tears on his pale face--the tears he had shed when he had called: 'Good night, my pa!' and I had refused to answer! I was duifmx JHien remorse came and I was frantic, i did not know when they buried him, for I was under restraint as a lunatic. For five long years life was a dark midnight to me. When reason re­ turned and *1 went forth into the world my wifo slept beside Jamie, my home was gone, my friends had forgotton me aud I had no mission iu life but to suffer remorse. I cannot forget. It was al­ most a life time ago, but through the mist of years, across the valley of" the past, from the little grave thousands of miles a Way, I hear tho plaintive call as I heard it that night: 'Good night, my pa!' Send me to prison, to the poor- house, anywhere that I may halt long enough to die! I am an old wreck, and I care not how soon death drags me down." He was tendered food, but he could not eat. He rocked his body to aud fro and wept and sobbed, and by and by, wuen sleep came to him, they heard hi'm v.-'iiisper: "Good night, my boy, good night, my T inie!"--Detroit Free Press. funding bill w»« tiken i.p and informally laid n\er. The cattle diaeum bill was under consid­ eration wben the death of the Hon. Fernando Wood was announced, and the Heunte adjourned. In the H mse of tt»-pre»-ent:itlvei>, Mr. Stephenson prevented the resolution* of tho Illinois Leginlature relative to rai.road dix- crimlnation and commerce between States. The Senate amendment* to the joint reao u- tion inviting France to join with tho United States in celebrating the aurrendfr of Corn- wallia at Yorktown were concurred in. Mr. Hill re­ ported tbe canai on tlie Sen -ta bill to provide for tundinx tlie H-per- eent cartificatea of the District of but took no sctirn on the Bills were Introduced, fill g the flr-t Monday in No! verni er a* t'l time for the aasemb tn»> of COIIR eaa, and to a 'mit fife a -tide* lnten ed fnr tbe Ii terna- tioua. Exlii Itiou of 1*8.1. UeHolutioiie respecting the deal 11 of the Hon. Fernando Wood were pa^xed, and the House adjourned. On the opening of the Senate on tbe morn­ ing of Tuesday, Feb. IS, the Military Committee re­ ported favorably the bill to place Thomas C. Crlt- HOUSK. --One of the results of tho temper­ ance caucus, held last nig tit, appeared in the order that the resolution to submit to the peo- p e the question of adding to the State consti­ tution a provision forbidding the manufacture tliinlfitin- Ctt Ttfiolr ho/1 i W~~~ 1 ol intoxicutiiig liquors in this 8tato bo made a thinking, bt. Nick bad vanished, and. in special order for Friday, the 2Stu mst, at 11 nis.stead was the old woman. She re- I o'clock a. m. Ti.e resolution carried by »>2 to „ peuted her demand for "one more" and <4. The bill proposing to amend the present pd back the resolution* d>daring the policy of 1 Baas, remembering St. NickolatlS ac- ! l£xemp:ion law so as to allow the credit!.r to United Sfaitea in ree.rd to the tntor-oceanic ceeded to her demand, when she HI. ' Uhu the exempt propertj if he desires, iiH. I lie Hoiitfc went corociltt66 of th«* who1! i • « .. *m. « _ j unviiic tlio dfibLor tho &TnAiint ot ._ o..- ... i-1. -* - • tue H-ner- claimed, " The spell is broken and • y".8 u i \ , amount at uie H-per- "v., *- l . ™", uua 1 wtucti it was scheduled, was donated m «»•»*' .a, "oze^ 18 thirteen, and and had its enacting clause strioken out. A pe- :.-r- i thirteen is a dozen. And, taking a ' titiun and a till to reimburse Pulaski county cooky with an efli :y of the good saint 1 'or public buddings destroyed by tire were pre- on it, «he made Baas swear that ever af­ terward twelve should be thirteen, as a tvpe of the thirteen mighty States that should arise out of the ruins of the Gov­ ernment of Vuderlandt. It is well known how terribly St. Nich- tenden upon the retired Mst of the army with tha ; olaus revenged himself Upon those who P*' of , Brigadier General. M . | get themselves up ngainst the venerable customs of their ancestors, and refused the hgunige to him to whose good offices it was owing that this, his favorite city, has surpassed all others in beautiful damselB, valorous youig men, mince- pies, olirkoeks, and New-Year cookies. --Harper's Magazine. rank and' pay of a Brigadier General. Hereford prt-aented a resolution of the Legis­ lature of West Virginia favoring a law for the regulation of Inter-State railway truffle. Sir. McDonald Introduced a resolution relative to the equalization of ti.xati >n, w! ich wan 'a'd over. The Ca-t.e Dixeafie bill, wh'cli was tlie retrii »r order, was laid aaide, and the Funding bill taken up. Mr. Bayard »poke in exuian- tin if the amendrn- nu made by the Finance Committee. He ad wx-a ted a 6-20 boiii* at 3)5 per cent interest, and op­ posed the rlaflM; mat IIIK only the new bonda recuivabe aa security for nations -bunk cu- cu a'ion. The prmlpal debate waa iu refer- en<-e to the rate of interest, and it continued without iwult lintJ tlie ndjoiirm. cut 1 he C«uimltt<-« on IN making " pure ground coff6e," the rule in Boston and New York is to mi* one bushel of bemis and one of roasted . .. ..... „ , peanuts with one bushel of cheap coffee. E ectioiifi reported t • the Home utxn 'he conttMi ed- . TK« ^ i • .i ii_»i <1 %T election COM* of AlcC l>e venom Ortb, froiji the Ninth ! . pfl#kftg6 Ift tllCU Ittbclod I No&i) Indiana dialiict,' con firming Orth'a tit.e to the scat better--beware of imitations." sented, also a petition, numerously signed by members of the G. A. It., nsking that the 30th of May t»e made a legal holiday. A committee bill authorizing incorporated cities and villages to huid their annual and town eieciioua on the same day was read the tirst time. THURSDAY, Feb. 17.--SENATE.--The bill tax­ ing telegraph companies 2 per cent, on their gross earnings was pansed, with only one vote in the negative, after considerable debate. Two bills were introduced similar in purport though differing in form from the Pullman bill which the Corporation Committee reported unfavorably last week ; one to provide for Ihen-iug and taxing corporations, cnmp>mos, or individuals owning or operating sleep­ ing. p. l*oo or drawing-room cars, and another to prevent extortion by person*, aspocia ion* or corporations owning or operat­ ing nle< pi-K-cHr.-t. A bill was introduixid mak­ ing May 30 a legal holiday, and another forbid­ ding tlie railways making terminal charges for delivering grain in cars beyond a chorge of $3 per car, which is not to he made until ihe cars have stood upon the delivery track twen- Deaf and Dumb Barbers. A man dressed in a thin summer woolen suit and a dilapidated straw hat entered our sanctum. "Sir," he said, "you see before you a reminder of the summer's sun, so to speak. I am not from the tropics, neither am I dressed for enjoying all the comforts of a trip in search of the North pole. Excuse me, no North pole for me," and his teeth chattered, while a quiver of icy chilliness seemed to run across his whole frame. " Are you cold ?" we asked. " If so, walk up by the stove and get warm." " No, sir, no! warm as the sportive African who swings his juvenile upon the equatorial line. I am needy, busted, broke, sir. You see before you a specu­ lator whose cart is keeled over and broken, with the horses on a run so far ahead a greased streak of lightning can­ not overtake 'em. Four months since I started a barber shop. Now, thinks I, I'll strike a new beat. So I just goes and hires four deaf and dumb tonsorial artists and then put up notices that cus­ tomers coming to my shop would have 'a quiet shave by deal* and dumb barbers ana no questions asked. The thing took on the start, but, when the confounded barbers pulled their slates and began writing out the usual questions, blow me if I didn't discover that I was a ru­ ined man. Yes, sir, barbers is barbers; and, when I closed my shop, busted up and started on a tramp, I just says to myself it's no use. If dead men could be learned to handle the razor over a man's face, the blamed things would have spiritual mejiums asking their vic­ tims the same old line of questions--Ah, thank yer, sir; ta-ta. With this dime I'll send a counter-irritant down my throat that'll knock the thinness out of this summer suit and give mv stomach a eleaner shave than any barber can." And, as the shattered vase retired, the perfume of the roses remained in the sanctum until an open window restored the natural tone of the atmosphere.-- Whitehall Times, !fmmmmmmmmmmmmrn the FAMILY DOCTOR. F*tON.---A certain cure for • is said to be to wind a cloth loosely about the finger, leaving the end free. Pour in common gunpowder till th6 afflicted part is entirely covered' Keep the whole wet with strong spirits' of camphor. CATABBH.--A health publication says one of the most prominent causes of ca­ tarrh is the excessive use. ©f salt he liters, suoh S8 sweets, fats, condiments pd STSrcli. This excess of ga^onaceoua Rod excites and infiiweSs the mucotfc membranes of th$ tfeToat, nasal passages, bronchial tubes, etc. It is also caused br indigestion and constipation. Head­ aches and neuralgia proceed from the- same causes. SANITARY ERRORS.--1. To believe that the more hours children are at their studies the faster they learn. 2. To be­ lieve that the more person eats the stronger and fatter he will become. 3. To believe that if exercise is good for- one it Bhould be taken at all hours and seasons, the more violent the better the result. 4. To imagine that tbe smallest room ui tho house is large enough to - sleep in. 5. To eat without appetite. 6. To eat a hearty supper the last thing at night. T CUBE FOB HICCOUGH.--A medical journal gives the following safe and simple means of relieving this trouble­ some disorder: "Inflate the lungs as fully as possible, and thus press firmly on the agitated diaphragm. In a few seconds the spasmodic action of the mus­ cle will ceasen" This, may be true of ordinary hiccough; but. this symptom occurring in advanced cases of disease accompanied wi th great pros tra t ion i s a l ­ most invar iab ly an ind icat ion tha i d e a t h is very near. How TO TREAT A GOLD.--When you l get chilly all over and away intp your bones, and begin, to sniffle and alinost; struggle for your breath, just begin in time and your tribulation need not last very long. Get some powdered borax and snuff the dry powder up your nos- . trils. Got your camphor bottle and smell it frequently; pour some on your handkerchief, and wipe your nose with it whenever needed. Your nose will not get sore, and you will soon wonder what has become of your cold. Begin this] treatment in the. forenoon and keep onl at intervals until you go to bed, and] you will sleep as well as you ever did. I'm just telling you my experience. CORN SILKS AS A HEMEDT. -- WhoL would have thought that the silk on an! ear of green was a powerful andl efficient remedy for dropsy, for bladder] troubles ani for the diseases of the kid-1 neys ? Iufthe Louisville Medical Net. _ we find an account of the medical prop-l erties of corn-silk and the cures that| have been effected by its use. The waj to use it is to take two donble-handfule of fresh corn-silk and boil in two gallon^., of water until but a gallon remains. | Add sugar to make a sirup. Drink tumblerful of this thrice daily, and .. will relieve dropsy by increasing the flow of the urine most enormouslyj Other diseases of the bladder and kid­ neys are benefited by the remedy which is prompt, efficient, and gratef to the stomach. The treatment can I continued for months without danger inconvenience. The Bandmaster's Account. " Yes, I seen most of the first fight,'1 responded the gentleman on the hy-f drant to the eager inquiries of the re-J porter. "You know the little fello\ came dancing down the street, and waltzed right up to the big one anc fetched him one in the eye. I knoV * there would be a cotillion, so I cho to one side. The tall fellow balancec to corners and tripped the little felkrv across the car-track. He jumped uj polkaed around until he see an opening] and went in. j " For two minutes it was all handq around, till the little fellow got a hif lock and flung the big one. Then IM got up and schottisclied after the little one, and got in on his ear. The littld fellow forward toed and lilted him undei the chin. Then they had a grand chang^ for wind, and Indies in the center, whicl fetched 'em both down Then the qua drille was lively, you bet! The big onJ reeled off and caromed on his eye, and then it was gents the same for abouj three minutes. " You'd think they were walking for i cake. The little man varsouvienned about like a hot wire, but the big on] stood forward and back till he got show, and it was seat your partners fc the little man. Oh ! you bet she was : redowa from the start to the finish, onl| I'd like to have seen the little fellow ma zourka him." " May I ask your business ? " inquirej the reporter. 411 play for parties. You might put lmh my card and give me a lift." "No MAN," said a wealthy but weal headed barrister, "should be adruitfee to tho bar who hadn't an independet. landed property." " May I ask, sir,I said Currau, "how many acres make 1 wiseacre ?" THE MARKETS. KEW YORK. BEEVES W 2S ^1' 0 0-1 (96 Hi ll%(4 1- S 60 @ 4 0 01 1 14 d 1 »7| 1 17 C4 1 18| 66 <4 &S| 43 <9 441 HOOD. COTTON FLOOR--Superfine • WHEAT--No. '1 Spring.. .... No. 2 Wiutor CORN--Ungraded OATS- Mixed Western -- v.-. _ POBK--Mess 15 60 ($16 LABD.... 10*F« 1° CHICAGO. BEEVES--Choice Gr»<led Steers..... 5 50 ($ " *o Cows and Heifers 3 00 <3 4 25 Medium to Fair 4 60 % 5 00 Hoos 6 00 « 6 50 FLOOR--Fancy White Winter Ex.... 6 75 Good to Choice Spring Ex. 5 €0 @ 5 25 WHEAT--No. 2 Spring. 98 ® ™ No. 3 Spring 87 ® 87 . 29 & . 87 & . 1 03 @ 1 03 . 81 & 32| . 24 @ 05 .15 SO @15 75 . 10. 1 01 97 87 ® 1 Q 80 ® 87 ® . 83 ^ .15 25 @15 40 . 10 @ 1 01 87 0 1 9 COBN--No. 2... OATS--No. 3 | RYB--No. 2 : BARLEY--No. BUTTE*--Choice Creamery ' EGOS--Fresh PORK-- j Labd MILWAUKEE. WHEAT--No. 1 No. 2 Coax--No. 2 OATS--No. BYE--No. BARLEY--No. 2 PORE--Mess Lard ST. LOUIk. WHEAT--No. 2 Bed CORN--Mixed __ OATS--No. 2 S3 0 BYE 81 <£} POKE--Mess. 15 00 @15 7S LAE® - LA! CINCINNATI. i WHEAT 06 <a 1 CORN 43 ^ OATS 35 @ 97 @ PORK--Meas is go @16 LAUD 10 @ 14 TOLEDO. • WHEAT--No. 1 White...... 1 01 <a 1 1 No. 3 Bad. 1 06 @ 1 COB*--No. 2 42 @ OATS-NO. 2 85 @ _ DETROIT. FLOCR--Choice 4 90 @ 6 1 WHEAT--No. 1 Whits. » «1' CORN--No. 1 44 @ 4!| OATS--Mised A. 87 Ok BARLEY (percental) 145 £21 PORK-Meas. 1# 60 ($16 SEED--Clover 4 70 9 5 ID EASr LIBERTY, PA. CATTLE--Best 5 25 <4 5 Fair. 4 50 @5 Common 8 75 @ 4 Hoos..... 8 «0 @ 6 SHEET 8 50 @ 5

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