Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Mar 1881, p. 1

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"Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe.1 • * Ht VOL. 6. M1 HENRY, ILLINOIS-WEDNESDAY. MARCH 9, 1881, JWB'-I'f -4V,' "" NO. 33 ; 0fc Published gf»»7 Wednesday by . V-A.TST SLYKE ItDITOKlaXD PUBLISH**.* Office in O d P. O. Block, rpmiiM BirimtoR House.-* ^TB*M8;Off SUBSCRIPTION., . Sir (in Advance). ...11.00 „ "ff Sot Paid wlthlnThree Months, S 00 ^ Subscriptions received for three or six :^|s»(h» in the mma proportion. BUSINESS CARDS, H. T. RROWN, M.i». ( f)HTBTOIAN \\"D SURGEON. Office over I the Post Omce. opposite Perrj-;*;Martin'» Store up SHIM, AIcHenry, 111; C. H. FBttERV Mft '»• fbwrMCtAN AND SURGEON, Johnsbnrg 1 IRs.--Office hours 8 to 10 A. m. o. J. HOWARD M D. MT8ICIAN AND SURGEON. OA«« at lir residence, opposite M. E, (JUufch, Henry. III. -> - ' llni . ( ,U v R. V. ANDERSON, M. D. I< • >HY8ICIAN and Surgeon. Oftce at Besley's Drn«r Store, Opposite Parker »usc, McHehry, Illinois. 1PRATT HOUSE. A. PRATT, Proprietor. First class ae- eommodAtlons. Good Barn in connection ^RANEOEDA, III. - •,*.• »•. '• r. Jr. BARBIAX. / CIGAR Mamifictwrei- MeHeftVjr, !«.' Or-ders solicited. Shop,. North Vast Cor- Public Square. 1 KICHARU COMPXON. %"USTIOE Of (the Feacemd Conveyancer.*- |f Will attend promptly to the collection of (ibti. Volo, L<ake County, 111. • E. ,E. RICHARDS. ( ^ HAS a -.omplete Abstractor Titles fotand in M Henrr County, Ill'nois. Olllce with Jenaty ( ierk, Woodsto&k, 111, i TtOBT. WRIGHT, annfactumr of Custom Mane Boots and Shoes None bat the best of materal iru and all work warranted. Shop North- ist corn r Public Square, McHCnry III. IS. M. OWEN; GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in Leading Farm Machinery.-- prices low and Terms favorable. Mcllenry^ N. S. COLBY. _*f CHENRT, McHenry Co., III. Bt eeder of M Spanish Merino Sheep, JBerki hire and Poland Ctilha «irine. A choice lot -f. young Buck stock for sale. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. GEO SCHREINER. »AI-OON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite > the Parker House, McHenry, 111 tUTFlrst class Billiard and Pool Table*. BUSINESS CARDS. C.SS.;GRE£N. TrKTERfNARY SURGEON, lUehroond V Illinois. JESSE A. BALDWIN, A TTORNE Y at Law and Solicitor In Chan. A eery. Will practice in State and in Fed oral Courts. Office, 3d Floor. New Custom Hdnse, Chicago. '? CHAS. H. DONNELLY. ATTORNEY AT T,AW.*nd Notary Public Woodstock, Illinois. Offlce over Stone's Drug Store. . - . : : C. H. TRUAX. ARPKNURR and Rnilrter, Xnnda, 111*-- v Will pnt up buildinsrs by'tbeJobor day and guarantee satisfaction. C SIDNEV DISBROW, VrOTARY PUBLICand Conveyancer. JN den. III. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. 187 RANDOLPH STREET, (Briggs!* House,) Chicago, III. Formerly with E R. P. Shnrly. Special attention given to Re- . pairing Fine watches and Ohronomc tors. 49*A Full Assortment of Goods in bis line. " F. J. CROSS, JOSEPH N. FREUND. SAT OON AND RESTAURANT Bonslett's old stand, opposite Bishop's Mill. Mc­ Henry. III. The c loicest Wines, Liqu«rs and Siftars to be fonnrt in the county, feresh Oysters in their season serveil up '• »ny •nape desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. Established in 1855. JOHN STERBJt, • Formerly of Woodstock and Chicago, has again returned to McHenry Oonnty, ai.d hu on hand the largest stock oi BEADY HADE HARNESSES. COLLARS, WHIPS, Ac., to be found in the Oonnty, «nd has everything made of the BEST MATERIAL. Call and see me. ] JOHN STERBA. Near the Depot, McHotirr. 1 ijfefcft' ^ PJ E. W KjHTSf AX, 'Proprietor. i'« " »" *• i .'i -i, • x iu|n iciur. First class rigs, with or without drivers. furnished at rttusonnble. rates. Teaming at all kinds duue on fcboi t notice. DEHTISX, McHenry, 111- Full Plates nmde of -the best -material Md fully warranted, $8.00. Filling'one-holf usual rates. Special attention paid to regulating bad shaped teetli. Teeth extracted without pain l&»4 free of charge where Artificial Teeth are iu- serted by him. All Work fully warranted. Pure Nitrous Oxide Cas °» and f«»r the nuiiloss vv traction of teeth. JOHN HENDRICKS. ^,, t>LIYIN'S MILLS, ILL. Isnow prepared gP to sell and repair any kind O'f ft Sewing Machine as cheap as the cheapest. Will also insure your life uud property at reasonable g,tes. Please give me a cal'. PETEU LEICKEM. "?H> BP AIRS WatclHJ3, Clocks and Jewelry of -ya. kU kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the west aessible manner, on sh:»rt notice and at rea- SinAbl© rates. Also Violins for Sale, Shop *rat door North of Riverside Block, McHenry ft. W" J. A. SHERWOOD AUCTIONE ER and appraiser, Algonquin, III. XKSof Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds promptly attended to. Farm, specialty. Terms reasonable. Poat idress Algonquin 111. W. H. SANFORD, Merchant Tailor. In the store of C. H. Dickinson, SmI° aide of rnhlicSqware, * WOODSTOCK, ILL. • good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitingn al­ ways on hand. Suits made to order and a lit warranted- Give me a call. ^ W. H.8AMFORD. Woodstocjc III.,Sept. 17th, 1875. Scott & Go., "Halters to Uie Great Northwest." Hps. 135 ail 137 laisoii St, NEAR CLARE BT. nave a larger atoek and greater variety of styles for you to choose from, than can be Ibund in any other establishment in Chicago or the West. It will nay you to call and see fhem. Prices the lowest^in the land forflgood goods. BRANCH STORES S. E, Co. Clark & Lake str & 8. E. Cor. Halsted and Harrison ats., CHICAGO. M. ENGELN. GUJ'IV SMITH! Scale Repairing, Grinding and Pol. ishing Razors and Shears and Table Cutlery a speciali­ ty. Repairing of all kinds done in Steel or Brass.--- All work warrant, ed. Also dealer i* Guns. Revolvers, Table and Pock«t Cutlerv.Gnn atfd Fishing Material, Pipea, Cigars,"Tobacco Violin Strings, Ac. Shop ami store near the Post Ofllee, Me. Henry, 111. HIRAM Sort and phot llaker, Wauconda, lll| I inform the public that I nm >MaMr prenareil to make Boots, and Shoes to order, of the best material, .warrant a fit, and at LOWER I'KIOKS then any other shop in th« county. Call and be Convinced. Wanconda, Nov. 80th,, 188#, H. WIKFT, For Strennth, Flavor Purity -THE- vS'" M A R C U S ' GERMAN e X&A Has not its Epal in America It la sold In Pound and Half-Pound Pack- •ges ONLY--NEVER IN BULK. See that tne seals are unbroken and beur the signa­ ture of C. JEVNE- FOR SALE BY Fitzsimmons & Evanson SOLK AGENTS FOR McIIENRY, ILL. JOS. WIEDEMANN, Agent Franz Falk'a MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER, McHenry, III. Beer in Large or Small Kogs or Bottles al ways oh hand cheaper than any other, quail, i v considered. This Beer has a world Vide reputation, and good judges acknowledge It cannotoe sur. passed in the world. Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McHenry. 111. Mat 5th, I860. Establish Ore; a Quarter it i Century. F. C. MAYES, -AND DEALER IN-- Ready-Made Clothing. Cloths, Cassimere and Worsteds to sell' bt the vnrd. The latest styles of (joods on hand at all times. My sto<*k of READY-MADH CLOTHING is now complete and I Will not be undersold Store in Old McHenry, neui the Bridge. P. Q, MAYB8. MoBenry, III,, .Nov. 14th, isn. C, Henry, Numl% wooiiiycK EDXTOR PLAlNttSUtipB:--Our citlaens have not a littleover two events which hnv^ Vtppeued during the week past i Seneca.-- The first was O^&iiiL'Ido of young Houdishell, wlm w*» living with iiis parents on Orrlo AlfeeVs farm, about midwav be t«reea.';^fr" ootlgtuck anil Franklinvllle. Fleirolie lieFt informa­ tion we can obtafll Hoiidlsliell IINII made np liiam&Mithat there was no liapptneM noy^illftn ais endurable future awaitfughliii^kwt iiU nei^b- bor's fair and ^AMkible daughter would consent to lln^w>r fate with his and be hii> wife. TniiMiiig hulv could not see that such *>MS| vvo»^1 be like­ ly to brighten Iwh^Bwn future and modestly but ilro^nplecUiieil. We liear IIO word of diai^meet .«poken of tlie young ladj'.indhMl all who know her apeak eloquenfiE of her modest and Intelligent depffffneitt. Neither do we hear of any stliSttpnii the young man's reputation, fly CMIISA it inu«t be admitted by ail tbvpliej'e must iiave been some disorgnninpoii ot iii# mind, something out of balMBK. or he would have been willing tri&rcord to the object of liis afTeoti«fs tlm sacred right of deciding for |||iiM!elf a que*- tion of so grave a eiiaWittUM'. We would be glad to be able truly to snj- rliat we iiave heard no wort! .«|H(|ei« against tiie young man whom tli<§^uieide looked upon as his rival, and |j£' lie expressed it 4*as a dark cloud betweon himseif and happiness." Wo hive iieard of tills rival tliat he spared na^puin< to tantal­ ize and aggravate t|p overwrought mental dlsoeganlzatio^of vounir tfoud< ishell and to parade lift»own triumph in securing the aficctiaiit. so iuteuselv craved by the sufl«mi»|fvictim of un­ requited love. We cannot understand why any young man JlionUl not feel relieved by giving up|fpMi>uit for a young lady'a hand #jlieit he finds he cannot win her heart. But history re­ peats itself and It appear* that in till ages there have not b4n wanting incl- llie historian w burning of .-.chained idiot IjP vicinity of eiiild was the 'frm the most »us accessible ildiiig, So ntS, who dents of thU cliaracter to record. The other event w; a hut which contained boy of eight years, iu ; the "Big woeds." Till sou of John Keltz, an reliable inforntati was totally void of much so indeed are Agricultural Machinery, Of All Kinds. (TAgent for the towns of Algonquin, Nunda and McHenry for the colebrated Hacormick Machines, All kinds of machinery sold as cheap as anv other dealer in the County. Give me a eall Nunda, June l»th. 1SS0 C HENRY- A. WENDELL, CAEPEHTEE MID JQIHEE McHenry, III. Will take contracts fur putting up Buildings and triiarautee mv work will compare witli any man in the State. 1 can and will do work from 15 to 2v. per cent cheaper than other carpenters, as 1 have two of iny boys who work with me. which makes it possible for me to do so. All Jobs in the Carpenter line promptly attended to. <3ive,me a call. A. WENDELL. McHenry. Dec. 20th. lt&0. CLOTHING. GENTLEMEN, You are invited'to call at Maiman's iianijflfctured dy '. MARCUS, --DEALER IN-- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND f CIGARS. ^ | Woodstock III, S The best Tonic in the world. .PHt|"up' ia •int and yuart Bottles. 6.V -V* Shorthand tAVOSI BY HAIL IN 12 LB0IOVS FOB $1,50 The growing interest in Phonography has created a demand for a Periodical to teach the art, in a series of Lessons,comprehensive, detailed and thorough. . The American SHOETHAM WEITEB taking the initiative, is the only Magazine in •the world that teaches Phonognipltv.- A Full Course given eve« v year, one complete lesson each month, and the Exercises of all learner* CORRECTED THROUGH THE MAIL Free of Charge. Those who prefer to learx in a briefer time than one year, niavjoiijum Correspondence Class and go through an en- tire Course in either 10or 2C weeks. Subscription to the SHORTHAND WRITKR, ONE YEAR - - - ttflO Si gl3 Copy, containing First Leeson mailed to anv ii<idress for W cents. Ahvone wishing to learn this fascinating and valuable seience are requested to write at odce for Free Descriptive Circular. JiO WELL & HICKOX VINELASD, N J. Please mention the paper in which yon IIW » ii^i Art mytliBMia t AT WAUCONDA, and be fitted for cold weather. I have the largest FALL apd WINTER stock ever shown in VVaucomta. OVEIM V A TS. 92 M O VJEHCOA 7X 83.75 U VJiliC'OA TS. fM.75 OF-t/. C<sATS,$7.00 OVEECOATS.A1 ALL PhlCES Ready-made Clothing more numerous than ever and at prices suited for every purse.-- Foranythmg made to order, whether a single garment:or a fiill suit. Maiman's Tsthe place to bur. Also a fnll line of GENTV FURXlSlrtNO GOOD?, H»ts and Caps. Ac, Ladies Cloaks, both Ready made and Made to order. Having purchased a Full stock ot :<lil linerv GoodsTuvltes the ladies of Waueonda awl Vi- cmity io call and see her stock of MILLINERY. Bats and Bonnet * at t r immed the _ latest strles and at reasonable prices. MI8£S GtESEI.ER is ready to sec ladies who dosire her serv'ces as Dress Maker. work guaranteed, Room with Mrs, Staiman, a r g u c p t t t u , . means of caring for, and making a child the most comfortable under such circumstances, thought that the best they could do was to build him a comfortable !iiit, with a*tov<> iu one corner for protection against cold, con­ fine him so that he could not damage himself by fl:e or otherwise, and by incessant watch make him as comfort­ able as possible and at the same time free their owu apartments front!lie tilth and hideous variety of noises kept up by him both by night and by day. The jury did not feel at liberty to say whether the parents did the most human tiling iu thu* isolating their un­ fortunate from themselves, and there­ fore we will only say that we could not feel ourselves justifiable tliu; to deal by an imbecile for whose proteutiou we were responsible. The inquisitive publfat ooutinue to inquire for Jimmy, the mflstng Deputy P. M., and continue to wonder why the Sentinel^ whose proprietor is supposed to know by this tune how matters were left by him in the Post Office,does not enlighten the people in this behalf.-- But the reporter for that sheet does not seem Inclined to "interview" in that behalf or else the paper does not deem the result wortli the «paue. At all events mums the word, and so we are all in the dark about Jimmy. We only know he Is gone and depend on rumors and guess work for the rest; We iieard Rlngland accuse one of our citizens of furnishing the PLAIN- DEALER in advance of the appearance of his "Book on Whist" with the fact that such a book was forth coming.-- The said citizen did not to him "deny the soft impeachment" but we heard liitn say afterwards that lie knew noth­ ing about the tutUter--but If Ringland chote to give hfm credit for it lie had no objections. The Washington birthday reception at National Hall was a succass If our soldier boy's are ever called into actual service and are as successful there as getting up entertainments for the people, our country has naught to fear from '*Grim vissaged war." "Well If this weather don't beat all" Saturday niorninir was just beautiful-- Saturday afternoon, "Thunder and Lightning" didn't it rain though, Sun­ day afternoon more snow, just for variety, se«ing we Iiave not had anv this winter--and what next wait and we will see. Our cistern is full of water anv way--and I guess j'our cut­ ter, and icarments were not very dry by the time you reached home, if you started when you said as we parted- Prof. Grimmer U rightly named if all lie predicts from 1881 1887 shall come to pass. Mother Shiptou "aint no where." • k, • Dacy says if one of his chopper? breaks an axe helve it takes a half dozen to go to Woodstock to get an­ other. He is preparing to build a Brick on the ground where hi« build­ ings were burued last spring. [The abore communiaatioi) was written for last weak, but on aecoynt of thd blockade did uo^ W lime.--Editor], •I'Hk • WAUCONDA. •S"SUBS^RlPTIONS for the PIAIKDSAMSB will be received in Wanconda at F. B Harrison's Drug Store and at the Post Office EDITOR PLAINDKALKR:--All of the sick ones in our village are recovering without a ^tigle exception that we know of. Mr. Blank's family, nl! of whom have been down with the scarlet fever, are steadily improving, and the same may be said of Mrs. Morrl*on.~ Washington's Birthday was obseived by the club which held a hop in the evening. Notwithstanding the un­ favorable state-of the weather, about forty-five coupli»s were present who seemed toeujoy themselves as well as usual. ' There ta a void in our mfd*t Which we fear will not soon be filled, for "Charley" has gone a««l they say lie will return no more, at least not at present1* Well, we can only say good luck wherever fortune may lead him. Quite a serious break-down occurred at the mill on Thursday, by which, it was*stopped until Saturday. A« work kept coming in just the saiue. the re­ sult is that they are full how, but hope to run it oft in a day or ^o. The tax-collector has finished his rounds ami nearly all have paid ui>. He hopes to gather In the few delin­ quent ones in a day or so and have the |oh finished promptly on time. The street was enlivened for a few minute* on Saturday morning by a runaway of Mr. Andrew Bangs' team, who took It. info their heads to go home a little soonef than their driver intended they should. Fortunately no harm was done. On the fct of Maroh the old nud re­ liable store heretofore managed by J. R. Wells, start* out under new and favorable auspices, tils son Horace has taken a part interest In the bust* ness. The new firm takes the name of J. R. Wells A Son, and we understand l« to do business on the oash plan. *No credit, and goods proportionally cheaper," Is their motto. [The above communication was written for lust week, but oa account of the blockade did not reach us in time.--Editor,] There is another <?om#t scare. Some wag, with a few astronomical terms nt his command and a fondness for frightening fools, has started a cir­ cumstantial story lo the effect that a comet, which is on its way to visibility adding ffe the world--all excepting a few miles surrounding the poles--during the present year.** This, coming close upon a successful run of Mother Ship- ton's prophecy, has excited that por­ tion of the population which fears a general smash-up to the point of fren­ zy. In the first place learned astron­ omers say the comet story fa entirely without foundation. Iu the next place why should the crath of the spheres be any more,dreaded than death In any other form, which I* liable to com* at any moment? This year will doubt­ less be thd! end of the world for a good many persons but it will arrive In the way it has been in the habit of oom- ing, by flood and fire, accident and disease, the knife of the assassin and the poison of the air. A peculiar trait of human being* tliat which believes they wiil live forever, and shape and plan forSthe future exactly as though the end of life was always nut of sight. Poor foolish souls. Do they not know that the end is inevitable soon enough, and that, though the world wero as in­ destructible as time, It lengthens not their dys? ter'v lie romance of one of Boston's two story brick houses is thus told by the Traveter; Nearly thirty yenrs ago a young man built it for his bride, in­ tending to mortgage it and pay for it gradually, as his worlJIy goods in­ creased, to all of which she agreed. When the wedding day was appointed, trossean ready and the house finished, he took the lady to inspect it. After going over the house he presented her with a doeJ of it for a wedding gift. Knowing the circumstances f.he was,astonished that he had actually paid for it. He explained that, buy- ingja ticket in a lottery, lie; bad just drawn the fir«t prize, which just cov­ ered the cost of the house. The pur­ itan maiden- protested she would not take a home obtained, by gambling, and refused the deed. His arguments were of no avail; she remained obdu­ rate. When they left the house h» locked the door and threw the key into the brook near oy. The next day lie boarded up the jvindows and only the spiders and mice have ever occupied it. The man never uiarried; he be­ came rich, but I# a wanderer on the face of the enrth. The woman never married--she is still living, poor and an invalid. tar Bo I) liigersoll say* be has no war to make on Delaware because of the clamor some of its citizens are making ag-4iust his peculiar notions of orthodoxy. He says lie Is not going to strike at Delaware, because when ho wants to fight a Slate li? prefers one of hi* slae. lie lias no desire t,9 wr.isjjg the neck of A "Blue lien.' **4 think," said he, "a State that c$li* twenty quarts of, peaches a bushel ought £o talk abo^tVjiine^}!^ piiemj'." ; . • SrMNTKRS. ] Cisterns have been replenished and house keepers are happy On ac­ count of the blockade there Is a lull in the matrimonial market We hear of tinee ladies in Miller's Studio the other day trying to get pictures taken. We know what was the matter Tltete was no ton. They should have invited in--yours truly--"Splinters." .........Our "devil" got snowed in on Thursday. Twas all on account of his feet being so small. We gave him some Soothhig Syrup and put liiin to bed .......The shove] brigade were out in full force after the late storm We have not heard of a single instance this year where anybody who subscriber fyr a paper and paid for It in advance, has had the Small Pox.--• 'Fact! Something that looked and felt like snow fell last week--•some­ thing line wind blew--in short--it snoVed!..... ...We leant that the Mreet Commissioner and Pound Blas­ ter of this village has resigned because the Board objected to his writing Hon before his name Say, whore did you spend last week? If so, how many? .It is said that distance lends enchantment to the view,n That is what that fellow thought who attempt­ ed to steal Pedro.. If in want of a irood Pliot ograph be sure to call' at Miller's Studio, over Perry & Martin's Stores lid will make you a picture that will look just as homely as you do. No deviation from tho pattern........ Turtle Dove Avenue has been deserted for some ti me. What is the matter.-- It is an cccnranee that has not bean noticed for some time before Our River Reporter Is requested to call Immediately. If they do they will hear something to our advantage ..........Stevens ft Schnorr have a pile of goods which they will sell cheap to make room for their spring stock Sociable at the M. E. Parsonage this Wednesday afternoon and even­ ing ..There is two things it won't Ao to trifle with--a girls opinion and the toe of the old man's boot. So a young man Informs us who ought to know........Horse buyers were incur midst last week Town meeting in about four weeks.... ...Fitcsiiu- nious ft Evanson are o fie ring rare in­ ducements to the buying public. Tax time is about over, but there innst be papeHng. whitewashing, and a general ripping up of carpets gone through with, and by that time tFiene wicked The financial market is promititiff and ensh is hard to get, ........The question Is ii^iy "who stole" that kindling wood?,.. A recent number of the Chicago Timet inquires. 'May a Christian laughf" Well, we should smile.. The fun­ niest patent medicine Is the "humor pad," made expressly to tickle the ribs of the motiniful. Paragraphers are manufacturing these pads in quantities to suit A great many mistakes in newspapers are attribut­ able to outrageousely bad copy. A man who cannot write well enough for expert newspaper compositors to read, ought to be ashamed of himself, and the chances are that he is Call at Perry ft Martin's, where you will always find goods in endless variety at seasons of the year .. .. Some'fel­ low hnB diseoveredthat there are 33,* 525 ways of spelling scissors. If he had bceu correcting manuscript • for . a newspaper, he would have discovered that tbere are about 099,909 ways of spelling every word in the English language The Higher Depart­ ment of our Publio Soliool was closed ou Thursday aud Friday, on.atMiooiit of the absence of Prof, Baldwin........An editor may write himself "we" in his editorials, and feel therefore doubly proud and doubly strongs but when he gets homo to dinner au hour or so late, aud forgets to bring {something home to inake that,dinner, he doseu't feel any lancer than one-fourth of one per­ son If you are troubled with a bad Cough gat a box of Besley**^ Trouhcs, They are A. No. 1 Good wood is scarco in this village at present Capt, Hill ha& com­ menced work on the new Steamboat. Colby Bros.,keep their stock full, and are selling dead loads of goods. Good goods and low prices is their motto....... ."Charley Ross" the "boss" ^hickei, in the coop, is expected back from Chicago soou T|»at bloody ljtile ljingiisljinan better as he Ivoks a leetle oud, or lie finds mft his o a e k b r o k e . D o n ' t i t , . " T i p " was arranging for an Ive Creatu Festi­ val (hiring the storm, All there was l a v * M » £ w a s t h e C f e a m . . W h o stole dot lamp......The life of ai) editor is JiKe the Book of Reyalatiou, It U full of "types and shadows^ aud a mighty voice, like the ^ouud of niaity waters, is «ver 6aving to liiin--write." .. , ...Tboro can be |io cauc« (or com-, plaint that we did not have steady weather the past week. It was the steadiest blockade we eve? saw. ,,., We expect pur citisens will ull be better for the dearth of newslast week. Erery man read bis Bible, or--.played California Jack! Vemior begins to apologize. But the apology is worse than tlus thunder, Noane puts faitl^ iu the man who tafee$ it back, A Bulli more paper says it Is a very bad tiling to get rich too rapidly. We never thought of that before* . Now herd's another danger for its strive «u<) guard Against. " t 'M Ufn get tills J A LETTKK FOR BCKCIt. ^ A man from Branch County, this State, being fas <>j*ter City soon after a post office was established there, «Nt up to the shanty one day with intent to inquire for mail matter. A auto from Missouri was Just ahea<1 of hlls, and Inquired If there- was any kttH there for Zachari ah Bardt. ' * "Be you the feller?" askml th* flfl| master. ^ \ **I am." ^ , ^ "Named Zadierlah, IN YIF * "Yes. sir." "Too infernal long for this OMBtff, You'd better chop it In two.*1 !-"f • "I axed If there was a letter Wrs forZachariah Burch," said the Mts* so;irian with a bad gleam inliis eyes. •*And I heard ye, and there nothing of the sort here.** 4 % I "Kinder seems to there la*, /a "Then I'm a liar." ,,1,^ ^ Tim pair looked at each other a m|Q« ^ ute, and then Burke remarked : % "Mebbe you are." •* Uncle Sam's official hopped out sf Ills den and went for Zachi»riali It wtk a pretty even match for minutes, and then the poslmaster his favorite hold, Soon after event. Mr. Burcli observed: "Stranger. I reckon it's no use longin' this sorrowful' aflalr." "1 reckon not, but ye Inquired lit a letter fOr Burgh ?" J -Yes." "And ye give It to nw pmtf ttmig. that slch a letter had arrlv?* "Yes. I did," replied Bureh as lie felt of his left ear to see what portltui was left for future fights, "but Fee been thliikinV "powerful hard In the last ten mlnnlts, and I guess the ow woman back In Missouri lias put ol writ In' till next Sunday. Let's go <M|t and take suuthlu' to bring tears to our eyes/' &;;• BTttANGK HCKSK IN 4 COURT WM{^ TROT, N. Y. February 19--An extra­ ordinary scene occurred In the pol'ef court yesterday. Honors Murtagh had been arrested on complaint of Iwr father for truancy. The girl being over 1® yearn old, her lawyer. Mr. Palmer, raised a pond that *w«rra*ft issued for persons over 14 years of for truancy would not hold. Justlcii Jennyss held that the point was a goOjH one. and dismissed the case. Lawyer Neary, Mr, Murtagh's counsel, advlawl the parents to take possessionuf the absented parents had maltreated her. Palmer objected to Mr. Neary'* givtaf •uoh Instructions. "Take her, I Ml) you, take her." urged Mr. Neary to parents, who at this Juncture from their seats and rushed toward girl. Honora anticipated th».l* meuts, and, with cries of'You want to get me home to murder me! I won't go back'.Help, help."" ran toward the doof screaming so loudly that people rusliod into the room from .the street. Tho mother caught the girl as she stoppf^ for an instant. Honora. with a powfi* ful effort, released herself, aud falling upon the old lady fought her despo* Stely, pulling the white hair from taw hesd. and burying her finger nails I* to her flesh. Mr. <Murt*glt caiue to IhS rescue of his wife. The spectators hail arisen from the benches aud Lawyor Peliaer and Neary were eudeavoriff to separate (Ins JMurtqglis, while tho court officers were Interested »pwt* ators, Mr. Palmer, having aeparated the girl from her parents, was **saulto4 by Mr. Murtagb. Mr. Neary Interferon ; and prevented Mr. Murtagb from Ing much damage to Mr. I*ali*er^ Afterward, wlille an application ftir '% ^ yf writ of habeas corpus in behalf of tfcfr girl was pending before Judge Utral the girl escaped aud Is still missing. * •-V .- -'v; fqjPM, M. Pi|>er la the Sterlli Gazette figures out the following: kitchen, girl qp) save more thaa lb» teacher. Lady teachers In Sterling receive, on an average, about #40 pfrr month, which, for nine months auioutilt io $3G0:63 weeks board at 04 SO. W34| 40 weeks washing at #1.QU, $40; •'lothea, 8100; lncidontal expenses, W0: total, 9394 salary, •340: loss. #34, Kitcbeo girl, it weeks at 92.00, «104; board, nothing; washing, nothingj clothes, $50| Incidental expense*, H0| balanof, S44. Tlie above figures will s||OW* balance in favor of the kitchen girl, rf ITS per annum. Tha teacher uani|0|( If she would, do her washing orsewlng during the school year, Tb» "aufcsr must dress well, or she uanuot holdhOF situHtlou. She must spend time money to prepare for hsf worfc, only preparation the kitchen girl M*'*! ts a strong arm, a siuewy bstt>V willing heart. j0"Tbe eilitorof a papier Indiana annouueed that he would **•*! a copy al his papes free for ««• yMr to anybody wljo co«M give him » «•** (alu.'ind reliable rev |p» for reafisUft warts. In less than a week be bad If" ceived 167 letters, eacb. containing !•» ,:r. fallible dUrectiuus for eltecilug tlie sired cure, aud claiming the "J|| The poor man wearily should**blit satlk of pica, %ip\left tli^t town Is tfco , tie ad night, for sunte locality wast of the lli^iWSlppk. wuere the pe«^l*^ *!g not so confoundedly wise oo tb^sil^pfK . of wart#. "J Reeds Gilt Bilge HifWI fiHt Agum, •* ,v - -•MffU.

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