ffjenFy plainWep. PuUlMlitsil E»«'y Wednesday by J. VA\ 'SLYKE BDiTOtt AND PUBLISHER. Office in Old F. O. Block, --OrroatTR RIVERSIDE HOCSB.-- TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Oni rear (in .VI vance)... *... .*1 J» If Xot Paid wlthinTlirce Months,..,....?.00 . Subscriptions receive! for three or six ftftnths in the sums proportion. ••"Ml ' ' ' --» BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN, M.D. PHTSIOI.W .WO Office over the P.nt <> lice, onwsite Perry & Martin's •tore tin S'uri, Me,Henry, lit. C. H. FEG-KRS, M. D- PHVSIOiAN AND SURGEON. Johnsburgh, Ills.--Office hours 8 to 10, A. M. f». J. ilOWASn M D. 1>HYSIOIAN V5TD SITR'JEOV. Office at mv resilience, o>;>o«ite M. E. Church, McHenry. 111. B- V. ANDERSON. M. D. PHYSICtAN an<1 Surgeon. Office at Beaiev's Drfl" Store, Opposite Parker House, Melfehry, Illinois. PRATT HOUSE. TA. PRATT, Proprietor. First class an-r.o.muo'lntions. Good Barn In eonneetion Wauconda, III. F. J. B AKBIAX. CIGAR Manufacturer MoJlenry, III. Or. •Ic* solicited. Shop, North East Cor ner Public Square. RICV1 VR1> COMPTON. JUSTICE of the Peicc it» I Conveyancer.-- WiiLfttten 1 pro nptlv to the collection of tebts. Volo, l„ake Connty, III. $ E. K. RICHARDS. HAS a -.omplete Abstractor Titles to land la M Kenrv County, Ill'nois. Office with 3»iwty < lerk, Woodstock. III. ROUT. WRIGHT, Manufacturer of Ciu'tom^Maite Boots • nd 5hn«s. N'»ajbut th«; best >f in, teal nsed and .iU'\rorfc warrantee lostS'iop \o h- nrest co. n r Public < jna e, >IJ e iry I 1. E. M. Off&N, GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in Leading Farm Machinery.-- Prices l«w and Terms favorable. McHenry X. S. COLBY. MCflENRTAMcHenry Co., III. B.. eerier of Spantnh Merino Sheep, Bejk: hire and Poland China * wine. A choice lot f young Back stock for H:II& Please call and extuu iiit before buyiug eUit where. GK) 5c;i^;:iNEa. SALOON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite 1 Vhe Parker House, McHenry, 111 4WFirst class Billiard and Pool Tables. JOHN HENDRICKS. BLIVIN'S MILLS, ILL. Is now prepared to sell and repair any kind of a Sewing Machine as < he;ip as the cheapest. Will also insure your life and property at reasonable rates. Pli»aso giveine a cal1. PUT tilt LEICivEM. REPAIRS Watcher, Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Also itupalrs Violins in the best H»saibk' iuauner, on sh:>rt notice and at rea sonable rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop *rs(«loor North of ttiverside Block, McHenr) 11. __ J. A. SHERWOOD AUCTION 111 1211 AND APPRAISER, Algonquin, 111- Cj VI-K^t* ^TWISK, r\ii\aiii}f 6and GOO»IH J of all Ki mis (u'iiiuptly tUun'iml to. *'*riii Mtitt* i Terms rdiiboiiablo Jfltcc -uMress AI;^ou(|iiin Ml. W. H. SANrORD, Mereliaut TaiKu-. In the store of C. H. Dickinson, East side ot Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock «f Fine Cloths for Suitings al ways on hand. Suits made to order and a lit warranted- Give me a call. W. II. SANFORD. Woodstock 111.,Sept. 27lh, 1875. Scott & Co., "Hatters to the Great Northwest." Nos. 135 anil 137 Madison St., NEAR CLARK ST. .v < Have n larger stock and greater variety of Styles for you to choose from, than can be fonnd in ir.v ot'ier e<t ililitfhmunt in Chicago nrthe West. It will niv rmi to call ami see them. Price t the lowest iu.the land for.good goods. BRANCH STORES S. E, Co. Clark & Lake sts & S. E. Cor. Halsted and Harrison sts.f CHICAUO. M A R C U S ' GERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS, --DEALER IN- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, Woodstock III. The 1*3*1 Tonic in the world. Putfun in Pint and ijuart Bottles. F. MARCUS Patentee. VET :~T\AUY Illinois. 0. S. GREEN. SrRECN, Rchmond JESSE A. BALDWIN, ' ATTORNEY at l.*w and Solicitor in Chan, eery. Will practice in State and in Fed eral Conrts. Office, 3d Floor, New Custom House, Chicago CHAS.H. DONSKLkf. A TTORNEY AT T,AW *nd Notary Pnbli< t\ Woo I stock, Illinois. Office over Stone"' rug re. ; : C. II. TRUAX. CARPENTER and Rnilrt.er, Nnnrta, lit.-- Will pnt up bn'14in*s by'tbtJobst i - tnd guarantee satisfaction. SIDNEY DISBBOWj « fOT.YRY PUBI.ICand ConreyanceT. > A' I den, HI. A. M. CHURCH, W atchmaker and Jeweler NO. 187 RANDOLPH STREET. (Brings House,) ChicHffo. Til. Formerly with E R. P. Shnrlv. Speciil attention civen to Re pairing Fine watches ami O^ronoiiuters. <K?\\ Full Assortment of Goods in his line. • ^ W" . . D B I T T Z S T . MsHonry, III. Full Plates nride of-thtf best material and fully warranted, $8.00. Filling one-half usual rates. Special attention paid to regulating l>nd shaped teeth. Teeth extracted withput pain »n(' free of eliarg? where Artitlviul Tcothur e in serted br him. All Work fully warranted. Pure Nitrous* Oxide Gas alwavs on and for the paial .ss Iriie ion of teeth. HIRAM WIER, Shoe Maker, Wauconda, III, 1 'VfitiM inform t'-.e public that I nin now pr«'vit ed to ma.' e or»t* and Shoos to order, of ' V* he <t mat rial^ warrant a fit, and LOWi.lt l*ItlC'liS t en any other shop in the C O U B L Call and be Convince?. Wauconda, Nov. 50th, 1890, Everv^Boy or Girl, Lady or Gsutlemnii, purchasing a puck- age of jEsms's Celebrated Gold Mandiiriu Will receive the Housekeepers Friend FREE. A beautiful book; containing- valuable Kecipes, Ladles Needle work Companion, Almanac and Calendar for 1JS81, Drawing Slates*, Register of Gas Mette &e. T- FOIl SALE BY Fitzsimmone & Eyanson SOLE AGENTS FOR McHENRV, ILL. N. B.--Price per package Gold Mandarin Tea, 2t>, 30, 40, 50, (JO, 80c, 11, JOS.WIEO^AfcJN, Agent Franz Faik's MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER, McHenry, III. Reerin Larye or $ nail Ivegs or Bottle* ai ays on hand cheaper than any other, quali. v considered. This Iteor ha!» a world wide reputation, and good judges acknowledge it cannot oe sur. passed in the world. Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. MeHeary, III. Ma* 6th, 1S80. O Shorthand TATJGHT BY VAIL IN 12 LE880HS FOE (1.30 The srowinpr interest in Phonography has created a demand for a Periodical to teach tue art, in a series of Lessons,comprehensive, detailed and thorough. The American SHORTHAND taking the initiative, is the onlv Magazine in the world that teachex Phonography. A Full Course jiiven eveiv year, one complete lesson each month, and the Exercises of all learners CORRECTED THROUGH THE MAIL Free of Charge Those who prefer to learn in a briefer time than one year, may join our Correspondence (Mass ftod ito through an en tire Course in either 10 or at weeks. Subscription to the SHORTHAND WHITER, ONE YEAR ----- 91.50 Si trl3 Copv. cont'iininp Firat Lesson wailed toaav address for J? cents. Anvone wishlnc to learn this fascinating and valuable science are requested to write at once for Free Descriptive Circular MO IL ELL & HICKOX VIKKI.AXD, X J. Plefise mention the paper in whjeb you i»w this advextUmcut, r, Bi Hor.rv, HI. The e loicest and rlitrars to IK? found in the conntv. Oysters in their s<**son served up shape desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. Established in 18551 10HN STERBA, Formerly of Woodstock and'Chicago, has again returned'4o \icllenry County, and' has on hand the largest stock oi READY MADE HARNESSES, COLLARS, WHIP*', He., to ho found in the Oorintv, and has evovvthinr of the BEST MATERIAL. Call and see me. r JOHN STERBA. Near the Depot, McHenry. <-PJ- HP. WKJHTMAX, * class r :g:), with . Proprietor. First class rju, with or without drivers, fujni-died at reasonable rales. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. MliMei Over a Quarter oi s Century. F. C. MAYES, -^N i«n«lw tahlished in ajfo, we iness ami b iness here, bi additions to frfw i»I-; A nry. nearly six years rt sketch of the bus men then <!oing^us- there has beeu many ; former and inany changes in the'taiter, a short review may not be ii^H^rcsting: to t*nr read. ^rs at this tl with the est* DRY <«>• PERRt firm we will he e. * hel-i Post Office, Bros^ ami the the live firms ty. They bel pence is better We shall commence ments that repiesent SDGROCKUfcS. being fhe oldest e a coir mer.ee me nt re in opposite the old stand of Owen considered one o s part of the conn- that "a nimble six- i&tna slow shilling.^ -AXD DEALER IN- Ready-Made Clothing. Cloths,.Ca«Rimere and Worsteds to sell? by the yard. The latest strleanf (joods on hand stall times. My stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING is now complete and I Will not be Undersold Store in Old McHenry, neai the Bridge. F, C. MAYES. McHenry, 111,, Xov. 12th, 1S79. 0. Henry, Nunda, - - - •J^fSl- Illinois --DKAI.KK IN-- Agricultural Machinery,% Of All Kinds, VApent for the towns of Algonquin, Nunda and McHenry for the celebrated Macormick Machines, All kinds of machinery sold as cheap as anv other dealer in the County. Give me a call Wanda, June 15th. 1SS0 C H E N R Y - A. WEN JELL, CAEPENTES AND McHenry, III. Will fake contract* f«>r putting np Rtiildiiigri an.I tiiHia!itc»* mv work will i-nmpare with any man in lh<» State, i can and will <l<» work from 15 to 2b per ecru elie«|.iT than other earpente.-s. as I have two of my hoys who work with me. which makes it possible for nie to do so. All .Tohe in the Carpenter line promptly attended to. Give me a call. A. WENDELL. McIIcnrv. Dec. 20th. 1SS0. CLOTHING. GENTLEMEN, You are invited to call at Mai m a n s CLQTXXXSTG HOUSE, AX WAUCONDA, and bo fitted for cold weather. J have the ihrireftt FALL and WINTER stock ever shown in SVaucoiida. o vi:n<- OA TS. S2 cr> O VEHCOA TS, 83.75 O VELTI'OA T.S. 84.75 O VLt C> -ArX87.00 OVHLICO.I TS. AI ALL PHJCES Beady.made Clothing more numerous than ever and at prices Milted for every purse.-- Foranytiling made t<i order, whether a ttingie ipirineM or a lull suit. Maim aii's fHthe place to buv, Also a full line ot UK NTs' FLTHXI*UIVQ UOOD^, Hats and Caps. &i% Ladies Cloaks, boj.li Ready-made and Made to order. E Havinp purchased a Full Stock of Millinery Goods invites the Indies of Wauconda and Vi» cinity to callanrl see her stock of MILLINERY- Hats ai,d Bonnets trimmed in the latest •stvles anil nt reasonable prices. MISS UiKSKLKR is ready to sec ladies who desrro her serv'ces as Dress Maker. The best of work guaranteed, Boon) with Mrs. Mainiau, iVuuromla. murk their . *t bottom figures, and consequei«i|j;*re doing n hti^iness second to noiie.f ^Jieir stock of Dry Goods, Grocerroiii, Itoots mid Shoes, Clothing, IIat*,^0^i»?, etc,. Is ahrav* complete and i«klieing weekly replen ished by invoiqesof netV* gonrl?. With good goods. anar Vlde-avvake. gentle manly clerks, th^ cannot f^iil^gf hav ing a good tradf,^ Stevens A Seh»ftrr nhe the noiit^ firm In this line tliatf^omos to our mind, who occupy the old Ptand of Buck I i n i% stevens, near tft^pepnt. "i'hfir stock consists of Dry Goodf, Grocelie?, Clothing. Hats, ffins. BootP, Hl^es.etc. and besides hciw^large, wan selected with especial reference to the wants of the people ot Mcllenry and surround ing country, and purchasers cannot fail to be suite<1*11 their store,\>oth in quality of goods and prices. r On the oppo^itft ̂ ide of th«t street can be fonnd the Arm of Fitz«iniru<>n* and Evaneon, who are next in order. They deal In the lame kind of good* as those above nHfentloned. and with their large nndjwen selected stock cannot, fail tu attract tho attention of purchasers. 'riiUfirm are live men iu the business and knowing the wants of their customer*, spar« no pains to meet them, and ij^iyiajity of good» and prices are^ftiUB^gp the l,iines. Coibv l^Bjjyfeonii, end- of Rl versl de BI ock^^® JtHHMii! Iiei^. and, ai4. peraap^ Slfrt^r."" Or well known as any tirm in lUe emi:> Their stock consists i»f Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoe?, Ilats and 'Japs, Drugs. Medicines, etc., which, by receiving goods weekly, they are enabled to keep full and complete. They also have a branch store at Nun- .la. and between the two, probably carry the iarge-t stock in the county. B.Gilbert, near the Depot, weeps llie only exclusive Grocery lioti<e in the village, lie keeps a large and well selected stock of goods in his line, and while lie makes no great spread, goes on In the even tenor of Ills way. selling good goods at living rates, and giving general satisfaction to his many cus- i touiers. FlRXITl'ltE. John B. Blake, Furniture Dealer, is located iu his conmodimts store on the corner opposite the Brick Church', and has one of the largest slooks of Furni ture to be found 'u McHenry County. You can get anything at Ills ware- rooms from a common chair to a nice bed-room or parlor set, and at as low figures as at any place outside of the city. His Undertaking department is complete. Picture Frames. Looking Glasses.eto., HI endless variety.' Bonslett <& Engeln arte now putting in n stock of Furniture iu the store lately occupied by Mrs, Searlcs and will be open and ready for business in a few days. We shall speak of thein hereafter. Ll'MBRK AND I'KOm CE. Smith & Snyder's Lumber Yard, near the Depot, supplies this part of McHenry and the West half of Lake conniy with Lumber of all kinds, and the stock they keep on hand is not sur passed by any Yard iu the Northwest, while their prices are as low as the lowest. This tirm also deal iu Graiu and other country produce, and iu fact there is nothing a farmer has to sell but this tirm is ready to buy and pav the highest market rates for. paying the farmers some days- a? high as three thousand dollars. If you have any thing to /«ell bring it to 8tuilh & Suy- der and got your casli^ DHL'GS, &C. At the "Model Drug Store,'. Geo. W. Besley Proprietor, you can find any thing in the line of Drugs and Medi cines. including blank books and other fancy goods. His store is a model of neatness,and reflects great credit upon the taste of the proprietor. He keeps none but pure, fresh drugs, and care fully compounds all Prescriptions. The Drug Store of Colby Bros., we, have spoken of in eouuection with their Dry Goods, &c, MILLISERY & DRESS MAKING. Mrs. H. H. Xiohols. two doors North of Perry 4 Martin's store, keeps a stock of Good; in the' Millinery line second to none, and is also prepared to cut and make Dresses on short notice and in the best of manner. Mrs. S, Searles has lately removed to her residence, and now has workmen at work putting up a new shop, which she will occupy early next month. In the naean tune the ludies can find licr dt her residence with a full line uf the latest styles anl patte'iH of flats. Bonnets, trimmings and Fancy Goods in endless variety. Mrs. E. W. Howe's, on, Water Street, four doora North of Rive^ido House, is a favorite resort for th»< ladies, who speak In high term* of her taste both In selecting her goods and preparing them tb suit her customers. Mrs. F. .1. Cros1 also carrie* on ths Dress Making badness at her rooms, over Mrs. Nicliol'* store, and will cut and make gartne its for the ladies on shttrt notice. OUR MILLS. We do not exagernte when we sav McHenry has two of tliejAuest Mills to be found in this part of the West. The Fox River Valley Mills, owned by Hon, R. Bish »p. is well known and has an enviable reputation throughout the county. Therefore It is only nec essary to say they have an excellent Miller, are running on full time, and are prepared to furnish their custom ers with Flour and Feed of the best, quality, or do their grinding on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. The McHenry Brick Mills, A. II. Hauley & Sous Proprietors, are doing a large and constantly Increasing bus iness Their Mill is turning out the celebrated New Process Flour, which isgivfng universal satisfaction where- over used, and keeps the Mill running to its utmost capacity to supply the demand. Owing to some disarrange ment with their dam they have beeu bothered the past week but will be all right again soon. L. Bonslett. iu Lansing Block, also keeps a wholesalo and retail Flour and Feed store, where yon can find live different brands of Flour and plenty of Foed at all times. A<«KICI LTUKAL MACHINERY". Opposite the M ill can be found the firm of E. M, Owen & Son, who keep a general assortment of Agricultural Machinery of all kinds, open and top Buggies, Wagops, Sleighs. Cutters, &c. They keep none but 11 n»t-class Machin ery, and only charge living prices. R. Bishop also has his Agricultural Warehouse well tilled with Implements that farmers cannot do without. He is al«o manufacturing the celebrated Bishop Wagon, which hri»n world-wide .frepntmiou i|nd sell as f**t as they caii M \T<SlfK9 A\t>™WKt«V Directly opposite Bishop's Mill can be found wO, W. Owen, who stands ready to repair your Watch or Cloel., sell you a new one. give you a tune on the Organ, rent or sell you one. tit 3 'ou out. with t he b«»st Sewing Machine iu the.market, or--well that's all we think of now. and If there is anything we have failed to mentioit, why--we'll ac cept of his apology. Peter Lelekeiu, next door to the Riverside House, also repairs Clocks and Watches, and dues other repair- Ing. PHOTOGRAPH OiLLKBY. Over Perry «St Martin's store can be fou'ul Millar's Photogi'itph Studio, which is jcriainly one of tho institu tions of McHenry. As a Photographer MiSlcr is a success; iu fact it has been said that many of his pictures are more perfect than the subject, as tli«y are always perfect likenesses, and then--they «r»/»7 talk. Nnone should fall to call and secure one. UAkllWABi;. STOV'KS. 4fC. J, Story is now located in his own store, two doors West of the Rivers'de House, where he has a store full of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Carpenters Tools, &c. His stock is complete in every particular. ]. N. Meade, at the old stand of John M, Smith, near the Depot, also lias a large and well selected stock of Hard ware, Stoves, Tinware, Farming and Carpenters Tools, Table &and Pocket Cutlery, i&c„ which fie is selling at bed rock prices. In this branch of business McHenry lias cause to feel proud of her Hard ware stores, MKKCnANT TAILOICS. Iu this line McHenry has two first- class establishments. Liiuer it Becker, iu Lansing's Block, near tho Depot, have a store tilled with a Hue assortment of'Cloths. Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, <&c., and arc ready to make suits to order oil short notice, and warrant satisfaction. Their trade is constantly increasing, and customers are coming from a long distance, which is a cure guarantee that they are giving good satisfaction, both iu quality of goods and good tits. On Water Street. Just North of the Riverside House,can be found F. G. Mayes, who has been a rciddent and done business iu this town for oVer twenty-live years, and probably Has dressed moro men and b<>ys than an}' other man in this section. He keops none but the best of goods, and is al ways prepared to make a single gar ment or a fuH suit on short notice, and give you "tits" every time, BOUT AM) SHOE MAKERS, Of these fellows, who make a busi ness of attending to the "soles'* of our zitizeiis, tliere are three, Fred Schnorr, at his new store, next door to Mead's Hardware storo, is an old resident here, and a Boot and Shoe iMaker who has a reputation second to none. He keeps a good stook of the best of leather, and will make you a new Boot or repair «m old one iu (lie best of manner. In Lansing's Block can be fotin John Stonner, who Is acknowledjr ed to b« a flrst-elass workman, and wil' manufacture to order on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. Roht. Wright, that Moody Httl# ninglishman. Ik still at his old sMnd. nt the Northwest corner of the Public Square, and his reputation for .making fine Boots l**o well established in this section that he needs no encomium* from us. Suffice to say if yon want any thing iu his line he is always ready to accoiuniodate you. MEAT MARKETS. .McHenry has now two fffst-clas; markets, one at each end of tlie village R. A. Howard, near the Depot, keeps a good supply ot Fresh and Salt Meats Sausage. &c., and being good natnred arid obliging receives his share of the public patronage. Walsh & Smith, at the Central Mar ket, keep their establishment always supplied with th.» best of Meats.-and if you want Reef, Pork, Sausage. Lamb, She«»p or Mutton, 4i.Tlm" or "George*' will be on hand to wait on you. HARNESS SHOPS. John Sterba, near the Depot, has a shop well filled with all kinds W arti cles to fit a new dress to your horse, or do your repairing on short notice. He is a first clans workman and charges ou ly li ving rates. ^ Win. Walsh Is an old stand by, and Is always busy, which is good evidence that he does good work and that the fact. Is appreciated by the people. He will fit you out with a single strap or a full set of harness or. short notice. II. S. Gregory also keeps a good sup ply ot Harness, both single and double, and Is also prepared to do your repair ing at all reasonable hours. Shop next door to the PLAINDKALKR oflU#. Henry Madden, whose shop is in the rear of O. W. Owen's Store, is also pre pared to do all work in this line In the best of manner. He is an old and ex- perinced workman, and gurantees all work as represented. BLACKSMITHS. Iii Blacksmiths we have the firm of Norquest & Weber, P. Hauperisch, Peter Shade, W. F. Tilton, and Feezer, at Clifton's old stand. They arc ail good workmen, and will do your work on time and in the best of mauuer. fWRPKXTERS AND JOIN Kits, lb JtliU trado ^lulleury has a good supply H ^y"tfollowing array of Wood ArtfstS! li*. A. tfebard, R. Hawley, R. Waite, A. C. McCrory, A. Frett. E. W. Howe, Peter Rother- incl. A, Wendell & Son and K.t'erkius. LIVERY STABLES. In this line we have t"vo. one kept at the Riverside House, by H. E. Wight iimn and at the Parker House, by F. A. Parker. At both places good horses and carriages can be had at all times at reasonable rates. Those wish- lug a rig for one hour or all day, can not fail of being suited. 1HK PICKLE FACTORT. This tias no v become one of the lit- stitutionsol McHenry,and far surpasses any establishment of the kind now run ning iu the Northwest. In the past year great improvements have been made at this establishment, large addi tions having beeu made to their build- iugva new Engine and Boiler put in, machinery lor making vinegar direct from corn, and other improvements which we do not now remember. The present proprietors, Cristy, Walker A Co.. are sparing neither time nor money in pushing the business,and un der the able management of Mr. W. A. Cristy is sure to make a success in every particular. The benefits which this institution is to this village and surrounding country is untold and wu believe the faot is appreciated by our citizens. We shall visit the establish* ment soon and give a more particular notice of its doings. HOTELS. The Riverside House, H. S. Wight- man. proprietor. This House 1s pleasant* ly located near the river, well fitted and furnished, and is kept in a style equal to the best in the country. Mr. YVightman spares no pains to make it pleasant for all who put up at this House, and that he succeeds is vouched for by all wrho scop with him. The Parker House near the [Depot, is so well and favorably known to the traveling public that encomiums from us are unnecessary. That Parker knows how and doe* keep a good Hotel cannot be disputed, and traveler*stop ping there sau rest assured of being well taken care of and furnished with aU comforts usually found in a first- class Hotel. BARBER SHOPS. McHenry has two shops, Geo. Rosen- burger. just north of the Riverside and J. Hetzel, in the Parker House. If you want a clean shave or a good Hair (Jut either will accommodate you iu the best of manner. SALOONS AM) RKSTAF RANTS. Of these McHenry has eight, vl»; Jos. Wiedemann, Casper Wirfs. Geo. Scnreiner, David Powers. Jo«. Freund. Tlios. Knox, Jos, Buck, and J.J. Gill6s. In all of these pUoes the hungry are fed, the thirsty relieved, and the hand lers of the cue are won't to while a leisure hour iu driving the ivory balls around the tables. , BREWERY. The McHenry Brewery la now «wn- ed and run by Gottleib Boley.aiid is do- ing a good business, / J.AWTEKS. In this profession McHenrjr has but two. vir: Hon. F. K. Granger and Hint. Richard Uishop. But then our citi zen* are all honest, peaceable and lair abiding, ar.d these two have little to do In tl»at line. ^ DOCTOR*. ----- In Doctor* McHenry riling* but three. Dr. n. T. Brown, Dr. ©. 9* • Howard and Dr. E. V. Anderson. fiVTT AND LOCKSMITH. M. Engeln, next door to the Poet Office. Is I practical man at the busi ness. and if your (run is out of order, or you have lost a key, he can repair the one end make you the other. Mi short notice. LIVE STOCK AND PRODrCE BITTERS. McHenry can boast of live men aa can lie found in the county. C. T.. BI- dredge, F. K. Granger, Smith &Snyder always stand ready to attend to this part of the business in this village aad surrounding country. ItEKTISTHT. In the person of F. J. Cross Mi llfi rr can beast of as good Dentist as can be found in the county. His office is over Mrs. Nichols' Millinery Store, and per sons wanting anything In the Dentis try line, from having a tooth polled to a full set of Teeth,should not fall to give hirn a call, as he is sure to suit you and his prices are as low is any other good workman. CIGAR MANUFACTORY. F. J. Barbian has the full swing this business, and make* a brand of Cigars that are becoming justly popular with smokers. His trade Is constantly increasing, so that he has hard work to keep ahead of ftis orders. V CiJOPER SHOPS. * \ Barblan's Cooper Shop, north eld* of l'ubllc Square, and the shop9 at the Pickle Factory, supplies the want In this line. Thus we close * brief notice of the business and businesl n»*n of McHenry. We have done this more to show outsiders the amount of business that Is being done In McHenry, than for any other par- pose, and we think the showing Is ex ceedingly good. There may be sosae that we have missed. If so wo shall be glad to rectifiy It n«xt week, aa It was not our iuteiitlon to skip a lisgls business man. Romucfi of Aitem ilialsi months Ago a middle-aged a former resident of Gospel Sws had to borrow money to buy a burro v go to Santo Catarlna Mountains pros* poet ing. He sold, the other day, • mine for 910.000, and has better mines still for sale. Another former resident of Los Angeles discovered a mine In the Dragoon Mountains and kindly placed a friend in the claim. After a widle he was ofered 975.000 fdr It, and finding the other half owner, discover* ed that he was in au advanced stage of intoxication. The whisky-eyed Indi vidual, who had not put a dollar In the claim, concluded: "Worth a million If it's worth a cent. Won't sell for |7S,- 000. Our wives will be dressed in silk down in Los Angeles.** The result was the parties bought out the sober part ner, and are now engaged in freezing, out the would-be-tniliionalre. A no tit er instance and I will leave tuluing matters. A certain miner here owed a merchant #110, and nu coining to pay his note had only 9100. The merchant tore up the note, remarking that "it was all right. Put me on some claim that you discover." The iniuer did it, and the claim lists since beeu sold for $40,000,--/,o* /I tvgele* Ileratd. IQrAn old steamir, the Planter, baa just beeu sold in Baltimore to junk dealers to be broken up. which during the war was known as "Grant's Apoth ecary Shop." Just before the war the Planter, then iu command of Ctptsln George Wcems. was put o:i the Poto mac route, plying betweeu Baltimore and Washington. Shortly after *tlia outbreak of,the war the steamer wat seized at Washington by the govern* ment. At first she was used as a traiif* port, but afterwards as a medical pum veyor's boat. Captain Norris cons- maiuled her at that time. For a ,<w* while the Planter was stationed on tho Appomattox river, and while there, in 'chargo of Dr. Brighton^, the naiiMt "Grant's Apothecary Shop1* was b#^ stowed upon her. ffiyA fond wife presented her hof* baud with a beautiful suit of bll« doth as a New Year's gift. 8he wet looking at him yesterday when it struck her that the cloth waa fading. Said she, "That suit don't look ite*r m blue as it did when you got it.*' "That is rather strange fur I feel bluer tdait ever iu it *luce I got the bill, 1 a^eura you. I changed color as soon as I jmm . U." shrvwdMUBMl nop Bitters, so freely advertised Ift all the papers, secular aiul r«*lij{io»tsr are having a large sale and are planting all other medicines. Then) is no denying the virtues of tho hup plant, and the proprietors ef bitters have shown great shreivhww# and ability In compounding a Wt»«*nS whose virtues are so palpable to overjfe one's observation.-- J2rohanffs. ;< 1 Panel. 1 CabinM. « en1"*!* Minette f>h«t<» for Studio, * ' *Si.. 7 -j -Jt *