Our reading table hit been supplied with |)N|H>rw by Ch*s. Own, Clias. Oranger. Frank Colby, and and an oc casional cop j' from other*. Chas. Owen, Callle Buftklin and Eflte Gilbert liave furnished magazines. The winter tenu of our public dotes this week. The spring term be gins April 4th. We understand that Miss Elsie Co use )»a# been engaged to teach the Green wood school for the smniner term. Several have tried our pronouncing eKercise.'given last week, but we have jret to hear of one pronouncing all the word* correctly the first time. There aw» in this country 1W normal school*, in which 40,000 students are training for the work of teaching. Tiiese annually graduate about 3,000 young qien and women, the majority of whom actually engage in teaching. The clerk of the weather does not seem to have any regard for the ap pointments of the M. C. T. A., last Saturday and two weeks before being stormy and the roads ai most impassa ble. The piano! supplementing the or dinary work of schools by supplying extra reading matter and directing the reading of pupils and aiding thein in selecting good books, is working at Boston and Worcester, Massachusetts, aud other places, with the best results. The New York obelisk weighs 219J tons. The obelisk set up In London weighs 186 tons. The New York needle is69 feet 3 Inches high--that of London, 65 feet 6 inches. The Crown Prince of Geroiauy was not allowed by his father to be taught the ancient languages at all. "I have heard judges say," declared the Ene peror, "that they were inferior In real worth and gist to Germau home- growths we have had. it the confiscat ed pedants could have discovered it. At any . rate they are dead, buried deep, these 2,000 years, and well out of our way; and there is nonsense enongh of our own left to keep sweeping into' corners." Of history he decreed that the Prince should be taught ancient history only slightly, but the history of the last 150 years to the exautest pitch. There Is in Hidalgo County, Texas, ft salt lake known as Sal del Rty, which is about a mile in diameter and nearly round. On all sides it is hemmed In by lend higher than the surrounding country, so that It can have no communication at tlx; surface with any„other water,but it Is rarely dry. The bottom of the lake consists of solid crystallized salt in layers about a foot thick, with a thin deposit of earth between the layers. When excavations are made, they are soon filled with water, and the salt it con tains is precipitated so rapidly that in a few days the hollow Is completely filled. It is supposed that this lake is on a bed of mineral salt. Over a Million ot Prof* Cuilmette I FRENCH I In TO already been tola m this 'country and in Kritnce; every one of which l;M8 given ^er- nrtmtislac tiou And lias per- loriroil cures every time wlie used according We now sav to the afflicted and doubtful ones that we will puy the above reward for a •ingle case of LAME BACK. Thnl the Pail fails to cure. This Great Itemedv will POSITIVELY and HERMAN- KNTI.V cure LumWipo, Lame Bn<-k, Sciatica, Uravct, Diabetes, Dropsy, Bright's Disease of the Kidneys, Incontinence and Retention of the Urine I nil nidation of the Kidneys, Catarrah of the Bladder, High Colored Urine, Pain in the Back, Side or Lions. Nervous Weakness, and .n fact all disorders of the Bladder or llrinarv Organs whether con tracted bv private disease* orotherwise. LADlE*, if vou are sufleringr troin Female weaknesses, l^u.mrrhiva, or any disease of the Kidneys, Bladder Urinary Org ies You Can Be Cured! Without swallowing nauseous mcdicraes, by simply wearing PROF. GUILMETTE'S* French Kidney Pad, •WHICH CURES BY AB^ORI TION. A»k vour drupirist tor PROK. GUILMET TE'S tfRENCH KIDNEY PAD, and take no other. If lie has not got it. send f&OOand yon will receive the Pail t>v return mail. TESTIMONIALS FROM THE PEOPLE. JUDGE BUCHANAN. Lawjer, Toledo, O., savs: "One of Prof. Guilmette'a French Kidney Pads cured me of Lumbago in three week's time. Mv case had been given up br the best doctors as incurable. During all this time I suffered untold agony ana paid out large sums of nionev. GEORGE VKTTER, J. 1',. Toledo, O., says': •'I suffered for three years with Sciatica and Kidnev Disease and often had to go about on crutches, I vas entirely and per manently cured Sifter wearing Prof. Guil- inefte's French kidnev Pad four weeks." •SQUIRE N. C. SCOTT, Svlvania, O., writes: "I-have b.'en a great sufferer for 15 years with Blight's Disease of the Kidneys. For weeks at a time was unable to get out of bed; took barrels of medicine, but they gave me no temporary relief. I wore two of Prof, GuilmeUe's Kidney Pads six weeks, and I now am entirely cured." MRS. HELLEN JEROME, Toledo, O., says: "For years I have been confined a great part ot the time to my bud, with Lucorrheea and female weakness. I wore one of G-uil- niette's Kidney Pans and was cured, is one month " H. B GREEN. Wholesale Grocei, Flndlay, O., writes: "I suffered 25 years with lame back and three weeks was permanently cured by wearing one ot Prof. Guilmette's Kidaey Pads." B. K. KEESLING. M. D. 'Druggist, Logans port, Ind., when sending in an order for Kid ney Pads, writes: •'I wore one of the first ones we had and I received more benefit from it than anythhing I ever used. In fact the Pads gaie better general satisfaction than any Kii ney remedy we ever RAY A SHOEMAKER, Druggists, Hanni bal, Mo. "We are working up a lively trade in your Pads, ami are hearing of good results from them every day." Comfort for C* F. Would respectfully invite --OF THE-- Prof. Guilmette's French} Liver Pad. Will positively cure Fever and Ague Dumb Ague Ague Cake, Billions Fever Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and all diseases of the Liver, Stoniach and Blood, Price $1.30 by mail, send for Prof. Guilnr.ette's Treatise' on the Kidneys and Liver, tree by mail. Address FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio. For iale by Colby Brothers. MeHenry, 111 , Few people who see bananas hang ing iu the shops of fruit dealers, think of them as more than a tropical luxury. The fact is they are a staple article of food in some parts of the world; and according to Humboldt an acre of ba nanas will produce as much tood for a man as twenty-flve acres of wheat. It is the ease with which bananas are grown that Is tli» great obstacle to civ ilization in some tropical countries. It is so easy to obtain a living without work that no effort will ever be m ade, and the men become lazy aud shift less. Ail that is needed la to stick a sticker in the ground and tt will at once sprout and grow, and ripen its fruit in twelve or thirteen months" without further care, each plant hav ing from 75 to 125 banana"; and when that dies down from fruiting, i-ew suckers spring up and take its place, lu regions where no foot ever reaches, bananas are found in all stages of growth, ripening their fruit every day and every month la the ytir.-Scien- American. •' The schoolmaster Is abroad no long er. One of him is now in the White House, two of him are in the Cabinet, and another has just been appointed Ifeiiaeor from Iowa.--Inter Ooean. o, without intox- Our western word, "blizzard" has at last got Into the dictionary. It is de fined inlthe latest edition of Worces ter as "a heavy snowstorm, accompa nied by a hurricane, and extreme cold, which comes :on withoot warning." Probably the storm of last Saturday night properly culled a young "bliz- Benjamin Lincoln was the flrst Sec retary of War. and Robert Lincoln the last, with an luterval of a hundred years between. J9*State Senator Marshall's compul sory education bill has one distinctive feature which will commend it over any compulsory bill that has yet been passed by any State. Many State* Have a law on their statute books, but there beiaz no power to enforce it. re mains a dead letter. Tills bill has a section which will give it value, as it makes school trustees and directors liable If |hey fail to prosecute when complaint Is made. We believe that this law will stimulate those in author ity to see that all Its provisions are •lisforced and that it will secure a much larger attendance lu our public schools ' tli»n has been under our present school system.-Malta M<M. ^ Our new Spring stock of Clothing ig ' it-l****' received a i Kin more complete line V 4s not t<» be found in th is v ic in i ty . Wt- ! dii fit a !«»y from six years old tip I 1 mitlis and Boys School Suit"*! speciality. Stm?U reasonably large i *-0'i 5 ;»*<•.!?:- v 'ry cinui!'. WV >vl?) save j MWMMiey lor liiufce wln» lav..r us with i ir patronage. <'all and see. 43l7"frt»wi«ws*KVAVSOV. the irurot and lt«>.t Medic'iite ever 3l;i<ta. Aco^mi.inction of Hops, Buehu, Klein" drak&e DancJeiton, with ;UUne>»Mit and most csura tive jirujHTties of all otlior Bitters, ratiU cn\the j?rep*e«T Blood Purifier, U)v®r Ra-'UlVat.'?- RIKI Life and HeaiUj iUatoriiig So disen-soc\!kpossibly !inff e'ist where Tlop il-.U-rjore u-^v.'11,00 VIVUMIsaid pw-fMtaretheir They g.j; acv? li™ fs ani v'.<jar to t2» *g»d &nd iafaa. To all e^mploynientsefutwti lrrerularl" ty of tlio 1.1'wVi^orw uWmiry organs, or who re quire an App«-taer%To;»ic and mild Stimulant, H.>:> Jiitti'rr, are invar icatins. UBfl'.-, So matter what your £«%fUn(T» or aymptoms are what the disuiiKuor aiP^t,neI|t *lse Hop Hit ters. l_>oii't wait uytil youu*'* but if you only feci bad or misi'ruUu.R"9® tliem at once. It may save yoarliftf.lt hasK3 aVe(l hundreds. ssoo will bp paid foracaSsc they will not cit. e or help. IK. not suffer lor'<'t your friends HinVei'.Lut use a:ul ur^'r thern^ k to use Hop B Kepiembcr, Hop Bitters is no^^vlle» drunken nostrum, but t-he n J Jlf Medicine erer njiule : the "l.NVARUSJ1 and IIOPK** and no r^rtun t-r fruDiiy'1 bhoald be witiioiit thenj, ftn «bs«>rit- and IrreriHtibl^ <:• f orL»ruul;eane»s o( uriua?, narcotics. Al/sold bv «' nrr - for Circular. I! up BlUcr' Hfy*h«»!gt<>r.'V.Y ' ~ GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c Which are beinof offered at very low prices. Our stock is replete in all the variety of Gpods for the season, and we feel Satisfied we can offer Goods at Lower Figures 1 han can be t'ound elsewhere.-- Onr stock of Hats, Caps, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, ,&e. Is full and complete, and we are confident we can please you both in quality and price. Call aud be convinced that these are facts. PEEEY & MARTIN. MeHenry. Manch 22d, 1881. Robinson Wagon Co. in to the Front. With a better and larger stock of Gen oral Merchandise than ever before. We work tor and get onty the Cash trade of this section. We sell at one price. We mark goods to sell them. We can't quote prices on all classes of Merchandise, but we say this, that our prices on everything will be found LOWER than any store in Northern Illinois. Come and see, and if not just as represented, will pay all your expenses and for time and trouble. Further than this, we will fill orders sei:t by mail from this Price List and guar antee satisfaction, Send to either Store. Look the Price List over. Remember the goods are the best, and eee if yourirredit merchant is doing as weli for you. Cutit out and talk it over. Beat Print®.. IX to6Vc Cotton, blc'd nnd nnbl'd yd wld« 6c Cotton, bleached, best... 1®« Cotton, unbloarl»c«l... .TJtfc Cotton Flannola... ....S, 9» lOand 12c 40 inch all wool Gik«hmere ••50(' Ca8limeroa 66, 75j 80, 95 to $1.15 Flannels 12X, 18, 25 to 48c. Dress liooda, 8, 9, 10, II to 20o Alnpaces K&c Table Linen "... 85 and 30c Ladies and Gents Underwear 80, 40, 50c Boys Overcoats, from 12 to W $2.tS2 soys Overcoats, from, 16 to 19. t3,<>C Boys Suits, from 7 .to 10 : $2.75 Bovs Suits, from 9 to 12 $4.00 Mens Suits #8.75 to $18 m Mens Overcoats... to 819 r Can save you money every time Boots. $1.75 to *4 Shoes, nomang, $1 to fJ.75 Rubber Goods, cheaper than any.ono. Trunks and Valises cheap Spices cheaper than ever. How canw«do it? Wo buy for cash, sell for cash and 3 to 5 per ««nt (merely a commission) satisfies us. Have two resident buyers in Chicago constantly on tho look out for Bargains and we get them It wou't cost you anything to Jook into the matter, and we say it will save you money. Come and see us and we will do you good. C. FrHALL Chicago Office, 122 Franklin St. W a u c o n d a "SPICE." If you buy a pound of Ginger, or Mustard or Pepper for 30 cts,, and it takes an ounce of it to im part the characteristic taste, when for 40 cents you can get a pound that is Pure, 5 grains ot which will bring the tears, how much do you lose ? I have been selling Strictly Pure Spices for three years past, at Prices as Low as FIRST CLASS GOODS could be sold. I am having a tine trade in these goods and want to add to my list ot customers tho name of every economical love# of Pure Goods in Wauconda. For further particulars call at the "Book Haunt" and enquire for F. B. HARRISON, Who has a "few" Drugs for sale. Manufacturers of SPRING WAGONS. Buggies & Phaetong. -Sand for designs and prices to ROBINSON WAGON CO., CINCINNATI, O. Magnetic Ointment. aTlie worst Bores, Bwisea, ®ntse rains, fikln Disorders. Hore Throat, Croup, >eumatl8tn. Lameness, files,. and all exterim nnd interiml affections characterized by IKF1AN> 1ATI0N, yield to its influence as if by magic. It is a purely vegetable preparation by a regnlar pliy8ician of emiucnce, and its success haa been marvellous tn t he most obst inate eases. Holdbjr Druggists out} »% 29 iu4 *9 ce^U,. THE HORSE u WAGON. A MEW BOOK on the Horse. His history, structure, ufec and treatment, A lso giving a few of tho moit Important and Effective Bimediti for the cure of the diseases of the hone. Valuable to every owner and lover of tha horvc. Published by the B03I1TS0U WAOOH C8., Cfnfth- B2ti, 0., and sent, postage paid, tp any address, on receipt of Tiinr;i."-crN r s-v.strs. On Notions we sell on Very small profits Cash does it Will s.-tve von money on big bills 10 lbs Rnisins. 10 lbs A Snjrar .. 10 Granulated Sngar 11 lbs C Sugar 50c Tea Best Tea, all kirn Yeast Cakes, all k. ds T. nnd J. Tobacco H lbs Hire.. H lbs 1'tnncs 7 barsrtoap 5 bars best Soap CiliTnw f Q4> Come ton* ..*1.00 »l 00 ...fl.OC >1.00 44c 80c 6c 30c »1.00 #1.00 Mr, 85c 8c 8c 20e Silver GIOP< Starch. Babbits saleratus No 1 Baking Powder Ber.t Ninepar. Cider and White Wine 18c Choice ̂ yrnp ; 40, SO and 60c Bo o(T on 5 prnllon lots No 1 IMuSf Tobacco IWc No 1 Fine Cut Tobacco Mo BOOEWALTER ENGINE I Effective, Simple, Bnralile and Cheap. Compact, Substantial, Economical and Easily Managed. Ctaaranteed. to •work -well and give ftall poww claimed, JUST THE THING TOE A PRINTING 0FH0B Every Farmer who runs a Cotton Gin, Com Mill or Wood Saw, should have one. 8KB OUR LOW PRICES, Horse Power Engine and Boiler.... ...|340 .... 280 .... 870 .... 45Q SEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAlfPm*ET. vTaxn.es XJ©±±©1 <&B CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. . Kttch«n, *n. Pavl-r. . E. )!< .) Uooais. fC'. liiuiiig Hoom II. Hui. ' . Three sheets, 19*24, heavy plate paper, contain-* mg elevations, plans and details lor the above houset also book of VI pages, giving specifications, itemized estimat" and form of contract--invaluable to every carpenter <">r pirtv proposing building, as • guide in m:'kirg bid < or drawing contracts. Price S-.OO. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of Irice. H. E. WALTON, 330 W. Ninth St., Cinoinnatif <X JOHNSBURQH Go io M rs. E. W, aud Dolm^ue. Uuwe for Cloaks MarMeWorU. HENRY MILLER, --DFALKK IN-- American M Foreip MarWe. Monuments, Headstones, ETC., ETC.. ETC. American & Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand. FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS -- or -- UNIFORM EXQEL.L.ENQK. Zjiglit i StyUali S w arrJixxted t 8AVB your XOJTfi?, write for Catalogup an& PEICB LIST to The Boston Buckboard Co., NEW HAVEN, CONM, Alio iSOI^Mknofiustarera Of tho celebrated BOSTO* BfOKROAitn or xaw WAGWH. ANOTHER ADDITION. BESLEYJ. Drnmist anil Aptbecan, MeHenry, 111. -DEALER IN-- Brags, Medicines, Faints, Oils, .and Toilet Articl*. I have added to mv already Lar^e Stock, a Fine Line ol TOILET ARTICLES, LAMPS, CHOICE CANDIES. • To which he invites the attention of the buying public. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give meaCal*. G W BESLEY MeHenry, 111., Nov. 10th, 1880. " " P P I A N O S . GRANDS, UPRIGHTS AND SQUARES, Established Ib Chicaga over 26 Years, Used and Recommended by over 25,000 Artists & Amaleirt Our Patent Self-Bearing Agraffe attachment, Concave Name- Board, and improved Veneered Bridge, are valuable improvements, used^in the Bauer Pianos 0111 v. Th© Bauer Cabinet Grands, The newest an.l most Perfect Pro In^iion in the art of Piano Making, ny the in»nxlttn tion of an improved Violin-Slmpeil Sounding Hoard the volurno of tone isgreakly iaorMaal apd left entirely frte from'jMetallic Qiinlitius Prominent A tists Pronounce it a Nfarvel of Pefection. KPPKS. JU1-1US BaUER A C.O., CliicHjrn, 111: UENTLKMEN: The Bauer Piuno which 1 purclinccd of yoti. I am happy to say, is" ifrow *4 favor every ilaj_. The more I use it the lictti-r I like it. I IIHVC had pinaog from nutny Knlebrated factories, but have found none lo equal yours in poiver and pnrHv of t<;B*f e.easiicity of touch, and durability. I ;un tflad that my first onir,ion whifh pK.mpted no in BIXUHANGING my KNAItli for the 11AITMI liatt proved a lusting vne. Yours respectfully. JOHN itEBLIKG. Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 28,".1879. Factory, 125, 127,129 E 129 Street, New York. A Complete Assortment of the Favorite Pianos will be fowMl ' at our Warerooms. JULIUS BAUER & CO. 182-184 W ABASH AY. between l^lonroe and Adams St. " CHICAGO Don't Read This, Unless You Want to get Rich. BLOSSOM, Tha Woodstock Jeweler, *» _ Always Awake Never Asleep. Shop Two miles North of Henry, 111. ^ohasburgh, Aug, 30tb# J877 Met is receiving New Goods every day until his j^tore is packed with fine Watches and Jewelry ̂ Clocks, Silverware Fancy Gocds, &c., &c. at fpN Prices That Defy Competition- literally lery Remembor it u for vour interest to <ro miles to trade with him It will pay you. South Side Public Square, sign of the Big Watch JACOB STORY, McHENRY. ILL. C DEALER IN Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstones* Window Glass, CRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE. J. STCRY. COLBY BROTHERS! --DEALERS IN-- General Merchandise, RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY, IL. We have one of the most complete stocks of Goods ever brough to till? market, consisting in part ot Dry •J uiuuuug,) BOOTS AND SHOES, and Paints, Oils, Drugs Medicines, Crockery, Cilassware, Wooden and Wlllowware, Gronorjes Etc., Etc, l^gT'Wc have one of the finest Stocks of Teas to be found in th county, to which we invite the especial attention of the public, safe isfied thjit we can suit them both in quality and price.