Pledged butto Truth, to Liberty and Lai^i No Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe." VOL. 6. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS,WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, t881. .35. jfejjeipy piakiealer. Published Evety Wednesday by J. VAM SLYKE EDITOR ANDPUBLISHER.; %. Office in Old P. O. Block, •--OWOMTB RIVERSIDE HOUSE.-- TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. ©as Tear («i Advance) .. .$1.50 If Hot Paid wlthinThree Months........2.00 Subscriptions received for three or six Months in the s*mo proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN,>I.D. PHT8ICIAV VXD SURGEON'. Office over the Post Ofllce, opposite Perry ft Martin's ItortupSturi, McHenry, 111. C. H. FEGERS, M, D- PHTSIClAN AND SURGEON. Johnaburgh, Ills.--Office hours 8 tOjlO, A. M. O. J. HOWARD M D. Office at opposite M. E. Church, PHYSICIAN* AND SURGEON, my resilience, McHenry. III. E- V. ANDERSON, M. I). PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office " at Besley's Drii:* Store, Opposite Parker Bonse, McHehry, Illinois. PRATT HOUSE. J A. PRATT, Proprietor. First class a.c-conunodations. Good Barn in connection Wauconda, III. F. J. BARBIAN. fMGAR Manufacturer MoHenry, 111. kJ rters solicited. |»er Public Square. Shop, North East Or- Cor- RtCii A R 1> COM P TO N. JUSTICE of jtbe Peaceand'Conveyaoeer,-- Will attend promptly to the collection of iebts, Volo, Lake County, 111. E. E. RICHARDS. HAS a •.omplete. Abstract ot Titles to land in M Henrv County, Illinois. Ofllce with (Jsnotf < lerk, Woodstock, 111. ROBT. WRKJI1T, Manufacturer of Custom Made Boots and Shoes None but the' best of materal shop North - Ilenry 111. used and ail work warranto V west corn r Publi Scju ir E. M. OffKJf. GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in bending Farm Machinery.-- ~ esl< Price slow and Terms favorable. McHenry N. S, COLBY. MCHENRT,«_ . Spanish Merino Sheep, Berks hire and Poland China swine. A choice lot f young Puck stock for sale. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. GEO SCHREIXER. SALOON and Restaurant. Ngtrly opposite the Parker llouse, McHenry, 111 SUTFirst class Billiard and Pool Tables. JOHN HENDRICKS. BLiyiN'S MII/LS, ILL. Is now prepared to «e)l and repair any kind of a Sewing Machine as cheap as the cheapest. Will alxo insure yoi)r lifts and property at- reasonable fetes, PJeaso give me a cal'. i 'ETElt LEIOKEM. RE P A I R S Watcliea, Clocks and Jewelrv of all kiudH. Also Repairs Violins inthebest possible manner, on short notice and at rea.- MUAbloraios. Also Violins for Sale. . Shop "rst door North of Riverside Block, McHenr> fl. J. A. SHERWOOD AUCTION 1-3 KR AND APl'KAISEB, Algonquin, III. O A L B S of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods j of all kinds promptly attended to. Farm sales a specialty. Terms reasonable. Post J«cead<lres8 Algonquin 111. W. H. SANFORD, IHercliaiit Tailor. In the store of C. H. Dickinson, East side of Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al ways on hand. Suits made to order and a lit warranted- Give me a call. W. 1L SANFORD. Woodstock III,,Sept, 27th, 1875. Scott & Co., "Batters to the Great Northwest." Nos. 135 awl 137 Malison St.- NEA.ll CLARK ST. Have a lariyor stoek and greater variety of ptvles for you to choose from, than can be found in any other establiHhinent in Chicago or the West. It will oiy you to call and see them. Pricoi the low'est-in the land for,good goods. BRANCH STORES S. E, Co. Clark & Lake sts & S. E. Cor. Halsted and Harrison sts.f CHICAGO. M A R C U S ' CERMAN BUSINESS CARDS. C. S. GREEN. VETERINARY SURG EON, Illinois. Richmond JESSE A. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY at Law and Solicitor in Chan, eery. Will practice in State and in Fed eral Courts. Office, 3d Floor, New Custom House, Chicago. Manufactured by F. MARCUS, --DEALER IN--. PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock III. The b3 st Tonic in the world. .Put|"uD'iin pint and Quart Bottles. * F, MARCUS patentee, CHAS. n. DONNELLY. TTORNRY AT LAW %nd Notary Pnblic Woo 1st Drng Store. A1 Woo Istock, Illinois. Offlce over Stone's C. H. TRITAX. CARPENTF.R and Builder, Nnnda, 111.-- Will pnt up buildings by^theJobor day. and guarantee satisfaction. SIDNEY DISBROW, ^"OTARY^PUBLICand Conveyancer. A A." M. CHURCH, Watchmakef and Jeweler NO. 187 RANDOLPH STREET, House,) Chicago, III. (Brings Formerly with E R. P. Shurtv. Special attention niven to Re pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. 03"A Full Assortment of Goods in his lino. F. J. CROSS, t-U-K JOSEPH N. FREUND. OALOON AND RESTAURANT Bonsletfs O old stand, opposite Bishop's? Mill, Mc Henry, 111. The c loicest Winest, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the county. Fresh Oysters in their season served up in any shape desired or for sale by the 0*n. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. Established in 1855. JOHN STERBA, Formerly of Woodstock and Chicago,| has again returned to McHenry County, and has on hand the largest stock of READY MADE HARNESSES, COLLARS, WHIPS, AcA, to be found in the County, and has evewthini* made of the BEST MATERIAL. CalA and see me. JOHN STERBA. Neat the "Depot, McHenry. TAKE NOTICE. ALL ye that are in want, of Tubs in anv form, from one bushel to 500; if vou want a Tubmade to a bunir-hole, bring it along. I will also take buildings to build and furnish, or otherwise just as we agree. Shop work of all kinds (lone to order on short no tice. F. A. MEBARD. MCHENRY, ILL DE3STTIST. McHenry, III. Full Plates made of -the best {material and tully warranted, $8.00. Filling one-half usual rates. Special attention paid to regulating bad shaped teelh. Teeth extracted withput pain and free of charge where Artilicial Teeth are in serted bv him. All Work fully warranted. Pure Nitrous Oxide Cas always on And for tho piinloss ex traction of teeth. HIRAM WIER, Boot and Shoe Maker, Wauconda, ill, 1 would inform the public that I am now prepared to make Boots and Shoes to order, of the best material, warrant a Ht. and at LOWER PRICES than any other shop in the county. Call and be Convinced. H. WIER, Wauconda, Nov. 90th, 1|(W, Every Boy or Girl, Lady or Gentleman, purchasing a pack age of JETOTE'S Celebrated Gold Mandarin TEA, Will receive the Housekeepers Friend FREE. A beautiful book, containing valuable Kecipes, Ladies Needle work Companion, Almanac and Calendar for 1881, Drawing Slates, Register of Gas Metre & c FOR SALE BY Fitzsimmons & Evanson SOLE AGENTS FPR McHENRY, ILL. N. B.--Price per package Gold Mandarin Tea, 25, 30, 40, 50, 00, 80c,$1, JOS. WIEDEMANN, Agent Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER, McHenry, III. neer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al ways on hand cheaper than any other, quali, v considered. This Keer has a world wide reputation, and good judges acknowledge it cannotoe sur. passed in the world. Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McHenry. 111. Mat 5th, 18*0. 6 .\> Shorthand TAUGHT PY KAIL IN }2 LESSONS FOB 8150 The srrowing interest in Phonography has created a demand for a Periodical to teach the art, in a series of Lessons, comprehensive, detailed and thorough. The American SHORTHAND WRITES, taking tli£ initiative, is the only Magazine in the world that tenches Phonography. A Full Course given eveiv year, one comnletc lesson each month, and the Exercises of all learners CORRECTED THROUGH THE MAIL Froe of Charge. Those who prefer to learn >n a briefer time t.hafi one year, mav join our Correspondence Class a,id go through an en tire Course in oither lOor 9C weeks. Subscription to the SIIORTHAWD WBITF.H, ONE YEAR - - - - - (1.90 si • gl3 Copv. containing First Lesson mailed to anv address for 15 cents. Anvone wishing to learn this fascinating and valuable science are requested to write at once for Free Descriptive Circular. no WELL & HICKOX VINELAND, N J. Please mention the paper in which you this advertUmcflt, •FOR SALE. OFFER l>">r sate mv lilnekemlth and Wagon ShAp and stock and Too's on easy terms. Now doing h good business. Located n McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, oppo site the Parker liousi*. This is one of the most desirable business locations of the kind in Northern Illinois and will be sold cheap, or wil< sell Slock and Tools and rent the Shop, but would prefer to sell all together Reasons for telling--I'OOli HEALTH. For further particulars call on or address, T- J. CUFTON. McHenry, III Soldiers' CONDUCTED BY »l irtment. F. BENNETT. E. Win HTM AN, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers, fiunished at rcasouahle rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. H Established 0?er a Quarter oi a Century. F. C. MAYES, --AND DEALER IN-- Ready-Made Clothing.. Cloths, Csasimere and Worsteds to sell* b* the vard, The latest etvles of (ionds on ham'l at all time*. My stock of READY,MADE CLOTHING is now complete and I Will not be Undersold Store in Old McHenry, neai the Bridge. McHenry, 111., N< F. G, MAYES. v. 1 -2111, 1^79. A. WENDELL, CARPENTER MB McHenry, III. - Will take contracts fur putting; up Rnil<liii£s ami jiuarnnteM inv work will compare with any man in the State. I can and will <lo \voi;k from 15 to 2b per cent cliraper than other carpenters, fts I have two of inv hoys who work with me. which makes it possible for me to do so, All Jobs in the Carpenter line promptly attended to. Give me a call. A. WENDELL. McHenry. Dec. 29th, 1880. CLOTHING. GENTLEMEN, You are invited to call at M a i m a n ' s <3~ CltOTEJNCI HOUSE, AT WAUCONDA, and be fitted for cold weather. I have the lai-KCst FALL and WINTER stock ever shown in Wauconda. O VEIllOA TS. <52.05 O VElti OA TS, 93.75 V YEL'CO A TS. 84.75 O VL / e> A TS. 97.00 O VEiiCOA TS, A J ALL PRICES Read j--mfide Clothing more nu;neroiis than ever and at prices suited for every purse.-- Foranytiling made to order, whether a single garment or a full suit. Maiman's Is the place to bnv. Also a foil line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Hats :ind Caps, &?, Ladies Cloaks, both Beady-made ami Made to order. The Function* of iduiniaii Surgeona. In the public njflptl there is much misapprehension ak to the functions and powers of Pension Surgeons.-- Many magnify the'ioffice above what its real imrortan^ demands in one especial respect, viz., thejtower of the Surgton to determine whether a man thai! have apenaifm Or not. I put It in the form Italicized, because some peo ple seem to think that the Surgeon in invested with official powers which, in fact reside alone l|) the Commission er of Pensions. The allowance of a pension claim depends upon a much more complicated fa^ess than asirapie examination by the ifur^oon. The ap plicants case is tried tRid adjusted by the llawe of e?idenue t|)ust as much as is a case at law in the Civil courts. The Surgeons certificate ilonly one link in a long chain of evidotfee, covering, the whole period of 0»c from a date anterior to the eilMbtmeut up ti? the present. The soldier- must show by undoubted testimonjjrthat he was a sound man wheu he entered thn ser vice, and, especially, that lie was free from the particular defease or disability on'account of which ti% olai.ns a pen sion. lie must then show l»y Medical or Official Becorti, g»r other undoubt ed testimony tltat hljfdi^case or dis ability was contracted in the service and in the line of duly. He must then show the contiuuauce«bf that disease or disability from the time it was con tracted or incurred, .to date, to sub stantiate which often treqnires a multi tude of witnesses, Hftys hundreds and thousands of miles apwt and including all occupations and Digressions. With all this mass of lestlfl^ony, on whi"h the validity of the ctnim alone rests, the Surgeon has no taore to do than the man in t!|e moon, ^His duty ends when, on examining an applicant, he gives such a dls«|lpt!on of the caso as shall enable the Snrgeon Gen eral to determine wfteiher the dis* ability is f»ucli as to entitle to pension or not. '-Only this, aid nothing more/ In another respect, however, the importance of the functions of the Ex amining Snrgnon ca«|iat<!!y bo over, rated, for his intelligent and accurate diagnosis of a case fMtd its lucid dls- cription is all theiiwideuce the Sur geon Genera! can •itfliieli to de termine the app|iMj^aL^|M!e#eiit con- ditlow. . /or the highest MedivaT r^lriHi)^. the most profound judgment and the. most acute discrimination to determine the exaot conditions in a given case, and the Sur geon who does not sometimes mis* judge ha s divine faculties and not hu man. In the eourse of a year cases wil' come tip, which, In the .vrgrogate. cover a large field of Medical Service.-- The duties of the position arc thus heavv, anil, I may add, the compensa tion by no tceans a proper remunera tion for the labor performed. An important (if true) announce ment appears in the Journal to the ef fect that tiO pension claims beyond number 320.00 will be touched till the claims up to that number are disposed of in some manner. The probabilities are that this will make a Summer's work for the Pension Office. Parties having claims beyond that number need not urge them now. There are exceptions made, however, where im mediate distress is shown and proven. Brevet Major General Emory Upton, who shot himself through the head at Presidio, California oil the loili inst. wjis a very efficient officer, with an ex cellent war record, and he had the reputation of being one of the closest students in the army. He was the author of "Upton's Tactics,"' which is the text book of almost every military organization in the country. It is sup posed that the grief at the lots of his wife led to the rash act. It is too bad that a man who had escaped from the perils of the battle Held ehould miser ably perish by his own hand. Havinp purchased a Full *tocli of Millinery Goods invites the ladies of \Vanconda and vW cinity to call and see her stock of MILLINERY- Hats and Bonnets trimmed in the latest style.' and at "reasonable prices. MISS GIESELER is ready to sec lauies who desire her serv'ccs as Dress Maker. The best of work guaranteed, Room with Mrs. Maini*n, ^"tuconda. v say, Cap'n,'" cried a keen-eyed man as lie ianded from a steamer at Natchez. 4,1 say, Cap'n, these here arn't all. I have left some thin' on board, that's a fsct." "Them's all the plunder ymi brought on board, anyhow," answered the com manding officer. •• Wal, I see now; I grant it is all O. K. accord in' to the list; boxes, three chests, two band-boxes and portmanty ; two hums, one part cut; three ropes of inyens and a tca-Uettle. lint see- Cap'n, I'm dubersome; I feel there's somethin' short tho' I'va counted 'em nine times over, and never took my eyes off inn while on the craft; there's somethin' not righr. somehow," •'Wal,stranger, time's up; them's all I knows on; so jest fetch your wife and five children out of the cabin,'cos I'm goin' to put oft." "Them's um! Darn it, them's uraj I kuow'd I'd forgot somethin'P» A number of the leading physicians of the coon try are now recommending Prof. Guilmctte's Kidney Pad. tor lame back, sciatica, diabetes, gravel, and other diseases of the kidneys, bladder and urinary organs. TnEWestern Farmers' Almanac, ft valuable book for farmers, foe at this office, Priet;. 10 ceute, POX LAKE. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--AS it is not proper for correspondents any more than it is for common persons to speak all at once, motives of delicacy have induced me to remain In the back ground for some time. The interest ing PLAINDEALKR however continues to arrive with the regularity of the seasons, laden with miscellaneous in formation, from its game reports oti the shooting of Irisll landlords to the Informal visits of little nine pounders. Although none of the latter are as yet recorded on my register, and the- fam ilies in this vicinity have momentarily come to a semi-colon, maybe a full stop, in those matters* I may, never theless, be able to find a few items, Winter is upon us and searchetli un dershirts and the bottom of our collars. The measles are rampant iri the land and are made to entrap the visitor When he enter*th the door of the sffanger, the lord of the house sayeth to him,"Take thou a chair and sit thee "down," and straightway he sitteth. And the lord and the visitor reason on the politics of the land, the manures and the crops thereof, or If it be wom en, of tho babies thereof, which are a crop also. And the visitor inhales the warm air of the room, and the measles permeate through his raiment, yea, even unto the ribs of his bod}' and unto the contents thereof, and he is charged--that i? to sa\\ he is exposed ; but he ktioweth it not. But it comes to pa*s that a voice concealed behind tho stove, or in the ante chamber near at hand, maketh a coughing noise, and the visitor Is moved to ask the lord wherefore and whence does this cough proceed? And the lord sayeth to the visitor:"It is nought but the hired man that is down with the measles and hast thou not had the measles before?*' And tho visitor gathers himself up in continently and sayeth: "I will arise me and go." And thejord sayeth to the visitor, "What's f$mr hurry?" Yet the visitor carryeth not but ttketh the measles "home into his front parlor. And at the end of nine days, more or less, the stranger thAt entereth his gates, seetli the swollen countenance of the lord of this h<»iise and his chil dren, and he likewise borioweth the measles from them and likewise he lendeth them to his friends, but they return them not to him but to others again, and tho measles are red hot round about. Why don't they keep these patients in the third story or iu The clubs are enlarging theiti houses. The new Chicago Club Is about to add twenty feet on each side of the main building, which will give this already handsome bnii.ling an imposing ap< pearance. The old club is also going to add a dining hall to tho main build ing. build a boat Irouse. and double their fleet of boats. Mr. Robert Stan ley, our champion oarsman, has been commissioned to build the new boats, as it was thought tint the magic touch of his hands would ensure those crafts good success in fishing. Just, where the fishing Is ooming from, next season, however, is the conundrum. About 15 tons of fish were taken from Fox Lake this winter, and some talk of more lishiug in a week or so when the few surviving black bass begin to run. It was wholesale de struction this winter. The whole pop ulation of Johnsburgh turned out root and branch, and covered the lake liko an army of locusts, only the women and suokling babes left behihd to take care of the shanty. Some of these chaps actually traveled ten to fourteeen miles ev?ry day. sometimes to catch not more than twenty-five or fifty cents worth of fish, driving a span of horses loaded with shanties, through drifted tracks, and leaving the poor animals shivering all day in the blast on the open lake, and this is what some peo ple call fun and profit. And all this appears the more singular that these vinter grasshoppers laave the^r adjac ent Pistaqun Lake comparatively un molested on their flight to Fox Lake. Whether it is Fox Lake for the style of the tiling or whether ft is on the cow .principle that the next stall al ways gives the best hay. it is hard to sap. Of course it will be argued that public waters are free to everybody etc., and if l/ncle sum reoognizes tho right of one man to fish, so can anoth er. When the tiling bcuomes an army, however, and Uncle Sain's citizens multiply and begin to make hogs of themselves and the citizen keeps on grabbing fisti the way ho does land, and in fact everything, which open to a scramble to him, he becomes in evitably restrained . by law. This is now the case in New York and other Eastern and Middle States. Even our neighbor Wisconsin protects fish and prohibits spearing altogether. If our German friends came here in sober quantities, their appearance should almost pass unobserved. But when the whole census turns out to pitch fork our fish into wagon boxes, atd the Lake made(to look like an army camp, even poor Uncle Sam gets his back up and looks disgusted at the butchers on his reserves. The shan ties of our friends were burned on them this winter, as they generally are, by some unseen power that as sumes to represent public opiniou. This is undoubtedly a high handed , much as lynch law may give satisfac tion in border communities where i is esteemed best for their Interests, such proceedings should be considered deplorable here. Although these out rages may presumably be traced to local feeling, I am satisfied that tho members of our clubs hare not the re motest connection with them as our Qerman friends have supposed. There is no doubt, however, thai they are, as they ought to be, interested in the protection and propagation of fish on these lakes, and the slaughter which has been going on during the past few months has suggested to them another effort to pass a law to that effect. For my part 1 hope they will be successful, and In this, they have the sympathy of every one interested In the prosperity of the«e lakes. Crabapple Island Is also looming up. There Is measles on it. but it also keeps up with the times in other respeets. We'have a worthy accession to our Island population in the person of Mr. Silas Pierce and family, late of Mc Henry County. Mr. Hlerce promises to be a very serviceable person Indeed. His farm will supply us all with nour ishment this summer, and his teanr perforin our labor. Ills matchless de coys will furnish the hunter with sport. Siias will make a .boat or a wagon, and make watches and horses run. and even play first fiddle to a dance, but Sile can't tell a lie and I don't know if he'll (Mr. Compositor, please be careful about this word) do aftersll. for an island. ' That railroad is coming, that is, it is going to come. Mother Shipton. It Is true, is the best authority we have on the subject, but the old lady doubt less had reference to Nippers^nk Point when she spoke of the iron horse, etc. At all events it is rumored on equally good antkority that Gagetown is nil that will be left of McHenry, and that Messrs. Colby, Perry. Story, Bishop, etc.. have all advertised for sealed bids to move their establishments this way. The engineers will transfer the waier power first, and if successful the grist mill will follow immediately, Now that tho new bridge is built In McHenry, we all hope to see what has already been spoken of. and that is. locks put in the Algonquin and l»undee dams. In order to open navigation to Elgin. Another at Wilniotand at Bur lington, would open a nice country to excursionists. Of course it needs only to hint at these things whose useful ness is self evident. The mill owners wllf rttidonbtedly ~eom-m#rtce once, and feel indebted ta tfitr PLAIN HE V-Rit for this advice. T» Fox LAKE, March 2d, 18SI. * THE StN'ATOKMt CBF.rsK. Pcck'i J»nn. The La Crosse citizens who wrnt ta Madison to work for Cameron, bad trick played on them that eaine near breaking them all np. They met it Cameron JkLosey's office In La Cros»«; with their grip sacks, and left them oft thB floor while they went about towflj/ to make purchases, and borrow monej** and arrange for two weeks' absence.--- Some diabolical democrat got in thfc office, opened each satchel and pat in a chunk of limberg cheese. The del** gatlon was composed of an even dozeat of the best men in town, and as they starred for the depot they felt M though the nation was safe. After they had been in the depot a few min utes they began to feel aa though th* nation was souring on their hands,--; They laid the smell to the emigrant*, in the depot, and took the train. Each man got by a win Jow, and opened it, to pet air. The conductor was ma<)f and the superintendent, Mr. Swintfor<(| said the car muH be side-tracked at Ef» roy and fumigated. Major Clai laid the smell to Frank ITatcli, but b said there was no doubt in his min£ that it was John Ulrieh. Pete David* sou said it was either Senator Dixo# I or W. It. Sill. They all got mad alf each other, and when they got to Madl# • son each wanted a separate room. Th» clerk gave them all one of Senator Cameron's parlors, juid when they way of (Jcaling justice or jiijust^cp, and SHKKl'fttlBAKING FESTIVAL PROGRAMME. FIRST I>AT, APKIL21S1. Will be devoted to tne exhibition o|fiShoep.-- All -Sheep must be ou the grouul and Entries mjide by 1*1 o'clock. Conmittees jvill make •wards at 2 o'clock. MERINOS. Rams, 3 years old and ovr--1st Prom. 2nd Preni. Rams, 2 vear* old ai\d ovci --1st Prem. 2nd Prem. Rams, 1 year old and over--1st Prem. 2nd Prem. Ewos, 3 years old and Over-1st Prom. 2nd Prem. Ewos, 2 years old , and over--1st Prem. 2nd |Prem. Ewes, lycar old and over--1st Prem. 2nd Prem. DELAINE MERINOS. Rams, 3 years old and over--1st Prem. 2n i Prem. Rains, 2 years old and--1st PromJ' 2nd Prem. Rams, 1 year old and over--1st Prem. 2nd Prem. Ewe's, 3 years old and over--1st Prem. 2nd Prom. Ewos, 2 years old and over--1st Prom.2nd Prem. Ewes, 1 year old and over--1st Prem. 2nd Prem. The above prizes will be given in diplomas SKCOXD PAT, APRIL 22XI>. Will be devoted to the shearing proper, STAKE 1>RIZKS. Heaviest ^hearing Merino Ram on the ground any age. Heaviest Shearing Merino Ewe one the ground any age. Heaviest Shearing Dolaino Morino Ram on the ground any age. Heaviest Shearing Delaine Merino Ewe on he ground any age. Any one entering for any of the above wi'j pay an entry fee of $1 which will constitute < the stakes. Finest fleece shownon the ground Diploma. Shearing for a Record, Free To All. Shearing will'begin at 9 A. M. The Exhibition and Shearing will bounder the immediate supervision of Thomas McD Richards of Woodstock. 8HKA11INO. The following nrizes will be Awarded on Shearing, the condition of the Slioep, Fleece, and the Time, tobe tho Tests, First, tf.OO; *ccond, ' |3.00; third, Diploma; fourth, Diploma. A gooil Eating House will bo on tho grounds where all can get Warm Meals at reasonable prices.1 Tuos. McD RICHARDS, Supt, of Festival. A(1 am Forepaiurh, the circus m»n, sends us A big bill ottering 810,000 premium for the "loveliest lady in the land" to be exhibited with the other attractions of the show. The otter seems to be made in good faith, so no\v ls your time Indies and gentlemen. Every young husband has got her--or lie thinks lie has--at least he ought to think so; and every bacholor can be looking her up, thus getting a wife and a fortune at o-»e lucky stroke. got in the room Senator Cameron cam#. in to greet them. He said he was gla<|- to see them, but it almost made hini ! sick. Dyson said he believed therf ^ was a Keyes man in the crowd, and h# \ had thought so ever alnee he lef|:" LaCrosse. Ho said there was n# other way to account for that amell.-i, j>w They took a test vote of tliemselvef and found that all were unanimous fof \-v Cameron. Then they dis robed, and ai j each took a night-shirt from his valla#-' he got a smell that made his hai|, stand. Twelve pieces of limberg "< cheese were silently taken from tweiv# satchels. They buried it darkly a^.v * ' dead of night, in the snow drift baefc . of the Park Hotel, and when tlMF- P spring time comes gentle Anna, tnif' r - the violets bloom, and the snow-drift, , begins to thaw, the owner of the hotel- ^ will move it away from that cold, cold^ grave, where all that remains of tb*-'. 1 baggage of the La Crosse delegation 4 -.T! is buried, ami where no stone marks U00j><i resting place, and where no stone is ' needed. They are looking Jtej" th* democrat who packed the caucus,!% their grip sacks. . • - -1 , „ !!>•? -•* leni^HWT orricv Miaax ' i Eggs must be sent when new.' •' Feather beds are not mailable* - A pair of ouions will go for -%J cents, | - Ink bottles must be cortotd whift" ^ sent by mail. Parses are compelled to llok their own postage stamps and envelopes; the postmaster cannot be required to do this. It is unsafe to mail apples or frail trees with the fruit on them, at some of the clerks have a weakness for MMfe things. It is earnestly requeatert that loTevt s writing t>» their girls will plea&e o»n« fine their gushing rhapsodies to ttge. inside of the envelope. Parties are earnestly requested Mlr to send postal oards with money or* ders inciosod, as large sums are fre quently lost in that way. Nitro-glycerine must be forwarded at the risk of tiie sender. If It should blow up in the postmaster's hand* to cannot be held responsible. Wheu watches are sent through Ibe malls, it the sender will put a uotlee on the outside the postmasters will wind up and keep them iu running order. When eggs are aei\t through the mails, and chickens are hatched ou journey, the chickens become lit* perty of the government. When letters are received tearfcg no direction, the parties for whon they are intended will please signify the fact to the postmaster, that he otajr at once forward. Ducks canuot be gent through the mails when alive. Their quacking would disturb the slumber of the clerk* on the postal cars. This rulct liow^ ever, docs not itpply to a "UucJc of * bonnet." Young ladies who desire Mk send their Saratoga trunks by mMl I® ^ watering 'places during the coming summer should notify the postmaster at once. They must not be atefWm feet long by thirteen feet high,. ^ A stranger iu Bodie one day last week, in eating a plate of hash at a restaurant, be Tug very hungry, un guardedly neglected to chew it well_ and swollowed a largo coat button,-- They doctored him for the pneumonia three days"T)efore he was able to ex plain. Then, according to the Gold Hilt News, they fed him a big button hole tied to a string and fished it out In no time. He screens all Ills hash very carefully through a cane-bottqtpeil chair now before he e^ls it^ I^Wm. Y. Cody WIM a poor a«d unknown scout ou the plains * few years ago. A leu cent novel gtafifted him as Bufialut Bill, he weqt on th« stage as a personam? of himself Iu border plays, and pavt of the financial result invisible hi a m»vVblock of flM buildings, including a public North 1'iatte. Neb. LJJL '-I-J L-.-A. 'J - .,:J G. W.RESLfcY Has just received an Opttmetev, esting the eyes, and tun now fit jon with a pair «f spectacles &i)d guarantee satisfaction. He also has a full UM •t Spectacles, all kinds, to which he la* vitfcs the attention of the public. 1 Panel. 1 Cabin*!, # Ca^ta mh| 9 Miuette Hintm I'"I ** Stut)io« v*