Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Apr 1881, p. 8

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the tlie Crynfal Lake School K*port. \ Tl««? foliotriug Is a report of Crystal "Lake PnbH<j School for £\. montli of 1881: I>ny* taught.22; boy* enrolled,* 51; girt* pnmllpd. 29: pupil* , enrolled, 80; pupils withdrawn. 8; pupils yet mcm- ? J bers 72; d»y« attendance, 1,381; average daily attendance. 63; visits from school J.- board, 0;, visits from others. !0{ classes \ „ * per day 39. HIGHER 1>KPARTMEKT. Days taught. 22; bnjrs enrolled, 17: |j girls enrolled, 22; pupils enrolled, 39; pupils withdrawn, four; pupils yet | members, 35; days attendance, 679; average dally attendance, 31; visits , from school board.0; visits from o.h- «#f«t 10*classes per day, 19. v H. R. Baldwin, Teacher. Primary DETARTM KXT. ^ .Dttys-tauaht, 22; boys enrolled, 34; girls enrolled. 7; pupils enrolled, 41; pupils withdrawn, 4; days attendance, -JZ02; classes per day, 20; visitors, 0; vis­ its from members of school board, 0. Th.? following is a list of those Wither absent nor tardy during the , month of March: Clarence GUberg, Charles Harry Wilber. Cabris P. Wallace Teaeh*r. How few seem to realize the Impor­ tance of regularity in school attend­ ance. After a child has begun to learn in a chis* lie cannot afford to lose a day, vea. even a lesson from his class. Never send a child to school to get rid of it. But when it is old enough to go, and yon have made up your mind to send it, be determined that nothing but physical suffering shall keep that child from school, unless you are able to attend to its lessons when away from school. Moreover, parents should consider it their duty to know what their children are actually doing in school. It would take but a very little time to talk over the day's doings at school with our little ones. Let them go over their lessons for our benefit, and perhaps we can help them a little, and the teacher too. At any rate, we shall know where they stand, and if compelled to keep thera at home, may help make up tlie loss by helping them over what they have lost. A great deal of blame is often attached to a teacher because the children :lo not all learn alike, when very often the only trouble with the children who fall be­ hind is their frequent absence from school. To be 6ure it does seem soine times as if the teacher was expected to manufacture brains, but no matter how much teachers are blamed, this faet remains the same; all children are not equally smart, neither are the dull ones necessarily idiots. 'Tls true a bright scholar can afford to be absent from h>s class better than one who is a little duller of comprehension; still we repeat it would be better for him to miss no lessons if that were possible. Wo all admire? the beailtiful. even etltch that a tint-class sewing machine makes. We don't like a machine that drops stitches. We like to see the stitching even and unbroken. Every •day wc needlessly keep our children from school, we mar the beautiful line of stitches that makes them educated. The foolish excuses, the careless in^ difference that let the children stay away from their books so much a:e the skipped stitches, and by and hy the children in whose school life there are so many of these skipped stitches will he like the second and third rate sew­ ing machines, used only because of their cheapness, ever commanding in­ ferior wages, because of the ignorance. Don't push; don't cram; easy and steady, let your children's advance­ ment he always encouraging them to a little brain toil every day.--Ed. Week- Over a Million ot Prof*© FRENCH Kidney Pais lliive already been sola in thf# roiintry nml in Fraiim"; evcrr one of whirh given per- leclmt inlaction A it ft line per- loin Oil cures oveiy time who used according to directions. ... , We now say to the afflicted and doubtful ones that we will pay tlic above reward for a single case of _ lame back. That the l'a<l fails to ourc. This Great Rentedv will POSITIVELY and I'KItM AK- KNTI.V cure Lumbago, l.nme llii'-k. Srintica, Gravel, Diabetes. Dropsy, Bright'* Disease of the Ki'lnevs, Incontinence and Retention of the Critic InHamation of the Ki'lneys, CM fir rah of the Madder, High Colored Crine, Pain in lite Back. Side or Lions. Nervous Wonkness, and .n fact all disorders of the Bladder or Crinarv Organs whether con­ tracted by private diseases nrotherwise. I.ADIKS, if vou are suffering from Female weaknesses, L3iijorrluua, or any disease of the Kidneys, Bladder Urinary Organs You Can Be Cured! Without swallowing nauseous mcdicines, by simply wearing PROF. GUIT METTE'S- French Kidney Pad, WHICH CCRKS BY ABSOUT-TIOX. A«lt vour ilriigcis; for PIIOK. UUTI.MET- TE'S FRENCH KIDSKY PAD, and take no other. If he lias not got it, seed #2.00 and you will receive the Pad bv return mail. TESTIMONIALS FROM THE PEOPLE, JCDUE BUCHANAN, Lawvcr, Toledo, O., •avs: . ..... "One of Prof. GuMmette's French Kidney Pails cured nte of Lumlwgo in three week's time. Mv case had !<een given up b.- the best doctors as incurable. During all this tline I suffered untold agony and paid out large sums of monev. UEOItGE V-ETTliR, J. P.. Toledo, O., says: •'I suffered for three years with Sciatica and Kidnev Disease and often had to go about on crutches, I was entirely and per- mancntlv cured Rafter wearing Prof. Guil- mefte's French Kidnev Pad four weeks." SqCiRK N. C.SCO'fT, Svlvania, O., writes- "l-have been a great sufferer for 15 years with Bright's Disease of the Kidiicys. For weeks Ht a time was unable to get out of bed ; took barrels of medicine, but they gave me no temporarv relief. I wore two of Prof, Uuilmetle's Kidney Pads six weeks, and I now am entirely cured." MRS. HEl.LfiN JEROME, Toledo, O., says: "For vears I have been confined a great part ot the time to my bed, with Lucorrlwa antl female weakness". I wore one of Uuil- mettc's Kidney Pans and was cured in one month " H. B GREEN, Wholesale Grocei, Findlay, O., writes: "I suffered 25 years with lame back and in three weeks was permanently cured by wearing one ot Prof. Guilmette's Kidney Pads." B. F. KEESLIXG. M. D. Druggist,"I.ognns- port. Ind., when sending in an order for Kid­ ney Pads, writes: •'I wore one of the first ones we had and I received more benefit from it than unythhing I ever used. In fact the Pads gave l>etter general satisfaction than any Kit ney remedy we ever sold." RAY & SHOEMAKER, Druggists, Hanni­ bal, Mo. •-'lYe are workins up a lively trade in your Pads, ahd are hearing of good results from them every day." Prof. Gailmette's French Liver Pad. Will positively cure Fevci and Ague, Dumb Ague Ague Cake, Billions Fever Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and all diseases of the l.ivcr, Stomach and Itlood, Price *1.80 by mailv send tor Prof, (ittilir.ette's Treatise the Kidneys and Liver, free by mail. Address FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio. For sale by Colby Brothers, McHenry, Mi ;,r, an'i Li'.c nix! Health Restoring earth. SPnrisf and i!r»t Hpilirine ever Staile. Acoimbiiiation of Hopi. Budni, Man* drakae a:-•> t»a;-.«ioi«an, with ail tnebest and most c » urn tivr uj-uiK'1-tks of all other Hitters, make s\thef, Blood Purifier, U««r Rei;ul -T" ........ Agvit t No iliaeast; c^jj. possibly lonff exist where Hop J!, «<•:•>* :ire U6^ei!,fr« vjuied aud perfect are their Oil-ratio) The? gwe sev li^ie a."i Ti^or to the igad and littra. Toalhwhoe* e %raPlo?'n,rtltHCm,se Irreirolarf* tvoi tliebonvlsoiXL urinary organs, or who re­ quire an And rniM Stimulant, H.)p Hitters are inval^Uable' Without intox­ icating. No matter what your or symptoms an? what the disease or ailwn&at is use Hop Bit* tvrs. Don't wait until youa^1'4- bnt if you onivfet'ibad or miserable,®UiS®tliem at once* )t :nay Kavcj your a vbundreda. $500 will he paid for a ca3*e they will not ck !.• ur Do not sutler 01 your friends ^;nrf:\but use and lirj^ theui^k HOP B Kctnember, Hop Hitters is no^L^v^,-> dru^ecl drunken nostrum, but the Purest^^1 n J Uest Medirine over made ; the "IXTifJE^^W WUKRD antl I10PE,, :»nd no person or fa should be without them. O.l.f? an absolutj and irresistible forl'mukenn^sF., use <>! op:::ni. tojacco ami narvrtics. Ali sold hy •>. Scad for' iix uiar. Uop It!tier* vr?. C*., •-.N.Y .» •5^ Statistics are tlry readinjf. but in no other way can one grain nn adequate Idon of T.onilon. An approximate i<lea mny h» readied from the fact, that within a fifteen mile radiim of Charing Crosse, all of which is thickly populated are seven Imnjlreri square miles; anoth­ er ?vav of stating Us size is thirteen miles from east to we?r, and nine and one-!ialf miles from north to south, in which space are contained over four million people, composed of all nations on the face of the globe. It contains more Roman Catholics than Rome It­ self, more Jews than the whole of Pal­ estine, more Irish than the citj of Dublin, and more Scotchmen than Edinburg. The sanitary statistics show that a birth ocnurs here every Ave minutes, upon an average, and a death every eight minutes throughout the year. One must pause thought­ fully to take in the deduction to be drawn from these facts. It has thirty thousand miles of courts, lanes and streets, to which is added tweiity-eiglit miles of new thoroughfares annually. One hundred aud twenty-five persons are daily added to the population* making an nnmiHl increase of forty- five thousand. There are over two thousandVchools,' seventy poor-houses, two hundred hospitals, four hundred benevolent institutions, seven thous­ and lawyers. Nearly eighi thousand vessel? enter the London docks annu­ ally. There are over a hundred Insur­ ance companies, and two thousand dis- , tinct trades followed by its residents. . lhere are seventeen hundred omni­ buses. and nearly #even thousand cabs. One thousand vehicles per hour pass : through fJlieapside. and twenty thous- <Y^q£d vehicles 11 da? cross over London \ Widge. There are between thirty and , h *l«>« ty theatres and numberless concert ; The number of beer-shof a and *Vjfin-plaees niiwy l»e judged of from tiie lal't, that if rhey were p)ac<>d side by , ^kle, they would reach a distance of vt^v/aity-iite n.iles. The police force I**!* 11114» »1l '(lt!Uld. Wauconda "SPICE." Would respectfully invite an examination of ti»eir »tock of DRY Comiort for Small C. F. "" 'fy • *. • comes - ,*• .... You Forget! MfcS • • -OF THE-- DRESS COODS, YANKEE NOTIONS. &c Which are being; offered at very tow prices. Our stock is replete in all the variety of Goods for the season, and we feel satisfied we can offer Goods at , Lower Figures lhan can be tound Onr stock of elsewhere.-- Hats, Caps, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, &e. Is full and complete, and we are confident we can please you both in quality and price. Call and be convinced that these are facts. PERRY & MARTIN. McHenry. Ma;eh 22d, 1881. Robinson Wagon ̂ Co. If you buy a pound of Ginger, or Mustard dr "epper for '-»0 cts , and it takes an ounce of it to im­ part the characteristic taste, when for 40 cents you can get a pound that is Pure, 5 grains ot which will bring the tears, how much do you lose ? I have been selling Strictly Pure Spice® for three years past, at Prices as Low as FIRST CLASS GOODS could be sold. I am having a tine trade in these goods and want to add to my list ot customers the name of every economical lover of Pure Goods in \\rauconda. For further p irticulars call at the "Book Haunt" and enquire for F. B. UAUKISON, Drugs for sale. Who has a *'few' Manufacturers of SPRING* WAGONS. Biggies A Phaetons. Bead for dealgns and prices to ROBINSON WAGON CO., J CINCINNATI. O. THE HORSE L WAGON. A NEW BOOK on the Horse. His history, structure, uses and treatment. Also givinjfa few of the most Important and Effective for the cure of the diseases of the horse. E3r" Valuable to every owner and lover of the horse. Published by the BOBISSOH WA50N CO., Olaola- Uti, 0., and sent, postage paid, to any address, on receipt of thrck"-ci nt si \mps. ISA. Porch D. Kitchen. '15. ParlT. K. Bed Room*. »C. Uiuiug Room li. Uall. * Three sheets, 19x24, heavy plate paper, contain­ ing elevations, plans and details for tlic above house; also book of VO pages, giving specifications, itemized estimate and form of contract--invaluable to every carpenter or pirty proposing building, as a guide iw mnlfinp bidi or drawing contracts. l'nce S'-.00. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of *ice. H. E. WALTON, 330 W. Ninth St., Cincinnati, a JOHNSBURCH Again to the Front. t With a better and larger stock of General Merchandise than ever before. We work ior and ^et only the Cash trade of this section.' We sell at one price, We mark g-oods to sell tjiem. We can't quote prices on all classes of Merchandise, but we say this, that onr pricos on everything1 will be found LOWER than any store in Northern Illinois. Come and see, and if not just as represented, will pay all your expenses and for time and trouble. Further than this, we will till orders sect by mail from this Price List and guar­ antee satisfaction, Send to cither Store. Look the Price List over. Remember the woods are the best, and eee if your credit merchant is doing as well for you. Cut it out and talk it over. Best Prints 4**o Cotton, blr'd an'l unbl'd yd witle -fie Cotton, blearh<;iI, best...: -Wp Cotton, unbleached • • - *• • Cotton Flannels......... ..:.,....8( 9, lO.aml 14c 40 Inch all wool Caahmero: -50<"' Casliineres. ' BS, 7S, 80, 95 to $1.15 Flannels MX. W. 2ft to 48c Dress (iooils, 8, 8, 10, 11 to 20c Alapnct's • • • \2%r Table Linen 25 and .10c l.atli^s and Gents Underwear 30, 40, <Wi*. Boys Overcoats, from R t° 1" $2.'W eovs Overcoats, from lfi to 19 SV* Boys Suits, from 7 to 10 Bovs Snits. from 9 to 12 ....$4.00 Mc'ns Suits ... $3.75 to |18 Mens Overcoats ' f3 to f 19 Can save yoii money every lime Boots tl.75 to $4 Shoes Doming tl to f4.75 Rubber Goods, cheaper than any,ono. Trunks and Vnllscs cheap Spices chcapcr than ever. On Notions we sell on%ery small profits Cash <loes it. . . , Will save yon money.on Mx bills. Come toui 10 lbs Itaisins 1 il.00 10 lbs A Sugar;... '...: floo 10 lbs Granulated Sugar.-... $1.00 11 lbs C Sugar fcl.oo 50c, Ted ......44c Best Tea, all Xinds V».v 60c Yeast Cakes, all kinds 5c T. and J. Tobacco 30c 14 lbs ttice #1.00 14 lbs l't nnes $1.00 7 burs Soap .' 95c ft bars best Soap 2ftc Silver Gloas Starch 8c Babbits Sal era tn* 8c No 1 Baking Powder ...20c Be.-.t Ninegar. Cider and White Wine 18c Choice Syrup ,,40, 50 and 60c 5c. off on'ft gallon lots No 1 Plug Tobacco 50c NolFineCut Tobacco ..50c IIow can w*e do it? . We buy for cash, sell for cash and 3 to 5 per you anylhi will save you money. Come and see us and we will do Chicago Office, 122 Franklin St. ao yt . F. ou good. HALL BOOEWALTER ENGINE! Effective, Simple, Durable and Cheap. Compact, Substantial, Economical and Easily Managed. ^Guaranteed to work well and give full poww claimed. JUST THE THING FOE A PBINHN3 0PFKJB Every Farmer who runs a Cotton Gin, Com Mill or Wood Sew, should have one. WC OUR LOV PB1CBI. Horse Power Engine and^Boiler.... SEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. J"aiues L©£f ©1 <Sc Co., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, 280 870 450 I FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS TJN'IJP'OR.M ' EXCELLENCa Zjlflxt S Styllali t Warranted I SAVE your 3E0NB7, write for Catalogue and PBZCS LZST to The Boston Buckboard Co., NEW HAVEN, CONN. Alto SOLE Manufacture™ Of thn celebrated Bostox Buohioakl> or XUBBAY WAQOH. ANOTHER ADDITION. r Is at the kild and reliable store of JOHN B 3 Illinois. Our stock was never more complete than at the present time, and for variety cannot be equaled in the county. We keep none but the very best, and our motto is and al ways has been QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS* 'i We can give you anything- in the Furniture line as cheap as any other house in the State, and will guarantee everything first-class and ju£t as represented. My stock of - Coffins and Caskets. Is full and complete and will be sold at a slight margin above cost. Jgir We have the only Hearse in tho village, which will be fur­ nished at reasonable rates. When in want ot anything in my line give me a call and I will be sure to please you. • JOHN B. BLAKE. McHenry, March 22d. 1881. P ¥ Q U K R Y . §** > ^ ••-i v»M Stcv«'HP & H«!litiorr wll go Wc*-- ^V 'i ;ri»-y iiktKo close prices W" aud «sll for <*8h. ^ fm'KJMJ & •SCUKOBB.t fc h k •* • 1 ' v ' ^4'-, Vt A. . i-j. -'.fcartarif,. .. Magnetic Ointment. Tlia worst iweiis kruhe*. ®uts. wmuIbSj 8M« Uliwrdm, Sore Thru»t, CrHf. •fecumatbtt, laiaeuesss Piles, and nil external M^nteruu.1 affections charaettrized l»y 1NF&AM* MAT10N, yield to its influence as if by laufpe. It is » purely vegetable preparation by ft reralar pfcysiciun of emincnef, and its success bus been mwvelloug in the most obstiuata cases. Sold, by vKSKiMs and DnUn M *# aud 44) oeat«. IMlfiJorfcs. HENRY MILLER, , --i»KAL.Klt IN-- American aid Foreip MarWe. Monuments, Headstones, ETC., ETC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand. . G. W. BESLEY, Driiiist aid Aptlecary. McHenry, HI. --DEALTCR IN-- Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, and Toiletf Articles. Go to Mrs. K. W. aud LMmuus. llowe ior Cloaks Shop Two miles North of Henry, III. Jahatburcli, Vug. 20tb. 1877 Mc T biive added to mv alreadv Lar?c Stock, a Fine Line ol TOILET ARTICLES, LAMPS. OHOICK CANDIES. To which he invites the attention of thebuying public. P I A N O S . GRANDS, UPRIGHTS AND SQUARES, Established in Chicago onr 25 Years, Used and Recommended by over 25,000 Artists & Amateur* Our Patent Self-Bearing Agraffe attachment, Concsive Name- Board, aud improved Veneered Bridge, are valuable improvements, used in the Bauer PianoH onlv. The Bauer Cabinet Grands, The newest an.1 most Perfect Pro.liio.iiou in the art of Piano Miikinp. uy the intro«lu(t tion of an improved Violin-Shaded Sounilintr Board tlie.vohwno of tone Ucreatly incrcMed and left entirely fi'«e from^Metallic yimlitiet. Prominent A tists Pronounce it a Marvel of Pefection. B88HS. JULIUS BAXTER & CO., Chicago, 111: tiKNTr.KMEM: The Bauer Piano which 1 inirchsporl of you. I am hoppv to any, In irrowinK favor every <lay. The more t use it the better I like it. I have hurl nou from many Rnlebrated .factories, Inn have found none to eqrntl vonrs in power and imritv of MM, eieasiiclty of touch, and durability. I am glad that riiy first. opinion which nrwaiutedNM !• BiXCilASijlXG my KNABK for the BAIFi'.lthae proved a lasting me. Voiira respectfully, » JOHN K£BL1K)3, Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 28,11879. ' Factory, 125, I27, I29E 120 Street, New York. A Complete Assortment of the Favorite Pianos will be found at our Warerooms. JULIUS BAUER & CO. 182*184 W ABASH AV. between Monroe and Adams St. CHICAGO JACOB STORY, McHKNRY. ILK DEALER IN Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstones, Window Glass, CRANITE-IRON AND ^TINWARE. J. 8TCRY. COLBY BROTHERS! --DEALERS IX-- General Merchandise,? RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY. ILL. ft 4 We have oiie of the most complete stocks of Goods ever brough to thie market, consisting in partoi Dry Goods j uiuuuu&, BOOTS AIND SHOES, and Pliysioians Prescriptions Csirofully Compounded. Give meaCali. C.W. BESLEY. McHenry, HI., Nov. 10th,* 1880. Paints, Oils, Drugs Medicines, Crockery, Glassware, Wooden and Willowware, Groceries Etc., Etc, yye have one of the finest Stocks of Teas to be found in th ' county, to which we invite the especial attention of the public, sat­ isfied that we can puit them hoth in quality and price. ±2

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