Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1881, p. 5

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it- ,/ .4 -- 7.=, Wit** -*. *#>-<*>'\&- <*?' ̂ W"' • »:**• ^ l*«* • . , • i"'#*"*- *Ji "s *••••• _»' ?-.- « ; *- -. • :*s. %f * 'i * ' -••*' y •••&>5 ». •• ss •' \- \fibril „ „ ' • _,.- =. V J. S. FESKR. who for the past six month# has been doing the hlnc^ctrilfth­ ing in connection with R. Bishop's Wngon Factory, move I 011 Monday to Nunda. having bwii engaged In the shop of George Piatt, at that place. Mr. Ffs?r Ig said to he one of the best workmen in this part of the coun­ ty, ami Mr Piatt is fortunate in being able to secure his service*. > >7 * * -- -- -- - * • ' IK another column can be fonnd ft new advertisement for J. R. Wells A Son, Wauconda, in. *JT»'s firm has To, T" \ I T ?- T. •" y ' • • ^ lately started outon the e**h basis. and nmro' Sen era L* ka Parfattk OW>iu Lake Frelffh •olio Lake froi*hl lilt* Pa Mend 8»K efMfto. *«-t ..7:3dA. ^#:i#r* tTtt. 10:08 A. * ....... Jt:S9 fr.Hi ». " •i" THE early bird (railtemplates go!»g back "CS Florida, a»(! we don't blame Mm. » ---- § !" " "'-IS. OB* - dictionary^ does not a (lord adequate i|pra^(on of 01m fedtfef8 abjbltt itil8; lalt' uiow 1 1 • ' • • • • " THB following *R® tins Training, •fcurcti holidays in {Lent: Good Friday, A^ril licit. ^ute» Sunday, the last day of Lent, occurs on April I7tli. WE understand lhat Jos. Buck ha* ^rented his Saloon to a Mr. Kngeln, of , Chicago, brother «f Sf. Engelii, the lunsmith AT tHe School Ellolion on Saturday last, Isaac Jecks was Elected Township School TmMee in place of J. E. Bassett rhose time had expired. CALL ftt Mrs. E. W. Howa'a and ML* amine those Stylish flats and Bon­ nets trlmined by Miss Etta Seartes, of Chicago. _• 'OTIK has heen commenced 011 TFFE foundation of the new cheese factory [of Dora 11 A Poole. They ex"pect to [have tlie bulldingupand enclosed ln- ilde oT two weeks, y AN exchange says Us a very bad thing 10 get rich too rapidly. We never thought of that before. Here's another > danger to worry abeut and strive to guard against. Just 19,763 872 abfe-fcodled Atherieah citizens remarked last week that March went out-llko a lion. We are a large-brained people of preternatural Intellectual activity. •*.. /Jos. WIEDEMANN IS making extcn- I sive repairs in and around his dwelling, / tearing out, raiding the upper story, I and otherwise Improving it. When V completed, it will be much more \joomy, convenient an.l handsome. THE snow, the enow, the beauti A man came into our sanctum on Mon- * day and started the above and we killed him 011 the spot. No use (or a Coroner, Not enough left of him to hold an inquest over. IF people would only keep their laoutlisshut regarding other people's business, what a vast amount of-tronble there would be spared in this world-- but what lots of people wouM be ll^us thrown out of employment, THK channel of- the river Is T»f>en mid ducks have com mewed to make their appearance. On ^Saturday and Sunday quite a large number were killed. It la thought tl;u.t the shooting wHI be good, but wilt short duration this year. F. A. HEBAKD is fixing over' tf& lower story of his building for a dwell* lug, which, when completed, we be­ lieve, he will oceilpy himself. The rooms now used by him in tlie upper »tory, we understand will be occupied by his son-in-law, R. Hawley. r _ "UNNUMBERED summers lie within my heart," cheerily sings a young lady in the tlrst line of a poem seat to this office. This is Indeed good news. If the young lady will only come down here and leud us a summer or two, or even a warm epHtig, her memory will always be held in esteem. THE old reliable Agricultural dealers, E. M. Owen A Son, have a new adver­ tisement this week which farmers should not fail to read. They keep none but the best machinery, .nnd are hot undersold by any reliable house in the Northwest. Read the advertise­ ment. AN exchange tells of a little girl of seven that jumped the rope 176 time* the other day without stopping, was taken sick the wame night, and died the next day. The paper also stale* tliat this is the third (Jeatl^ia-tluirt^ ll||(, nei.| place from the same cause within a year. TUESDAY next, the l&tli Inst., will be Iheld the Corporation election, at Iwlilch time will be elected thrde •Trustees and .one Clerk. The tlirei' ^Trustees who hold over are R. Bishop, Jeo. Rothermel and H. M. McOmber.-- JWe trust our citizens will see toit Ithat three good man are chosen to ftli ip the Board. ' / 'IHE regular quarteily meeting at the M. E, Church having been post­ poned on account of the storm, the 'residing Elder. Rev. C. E. Mandeyille. k ill hold services In the M. E. Church. In this village, on Friday next, April I5tli. Services at 2 p. M, and 7| o'clock 111 the evening. The pub 116 are1 oor- lially invited. ' WHILE clearing away t he ground for ^he new Cheese Factory of Doran & 'oole, on Monday, the workmen dis­ covered » new spring which will flow jlenty of water for the use olTthe Fac­ tory. and raoeh more oonvenient tlian Jhe one they intended to use. The lupply of pure water ID that locality |s abundant. HAND out your well lllied ease with Ilia remark, "have a cigar tn and every \an present will tumble to it with ["verity, rivaling the celerity of Cap­ ita*. Crocket's coon. And produce a Ipicki In a roomful of young ladies and •their >earts will go out to It In one tumultous throb, their rosy mouths rill moi^ena aatj with hands extended »ach will pronounce the shibboleth, |0h, myr* \1They always do. The r« is l:ot overdrawn in tlie leact. to the wants of the people of that place and vicinity, nrt> bound to Sell at prices that cannot fall to make It for the interest of the buying public to call and we th«m. Read their adver­ tisement carefully, and if In want of anvtHTnT In thHr lTne not fill to give them a call. A. M. CnuRCir. Agent for a boolt en­ titled "Our T>eparfment. or the manner, conduct and dress of the most refined society.'1 Is now In our village taking names f^ir this work. This work con- talne forms for Letters, Invitations, also valuable suggestions on home cul­ ture and training, compiled from the latest reliable authorit ies by John H. Young. A.M. We consider it a very fine work for one of the kind, and we bespeak for Mr. Church a large list in this section. We *hAll speak < more of this book in the future. Wfc would direct the attention of onr readers to the new advertisement of flenrv Malman, Merchant Tailor, Waheondn, which can be found in an­ other column. Ho k«»ep* none but first class Goods, guarantees "fits" every time, ahd can snlt vou both in quality and price, whether von want a single garment or a full suit. Mrs. Malman nnd Miss Glesler are also on hand for the Spring trade, and ready to show the ladiesanythlng In the line of Mil­ linery. of the latest styles to he found in the market. Read the advertise­ ment. THE Harvard independent of last week says: "The Kenosha division of the C. & N. W. R. R. is still blockaded with snoJV between Kenosha and Ge­ noa .Junction, No trains have passed over the line between Harvard and Ke­ nosha for a period of six weeks, the lsst regular train having moved on February 28th. Jl'he crew of snow sliovelers, with an engine, are working on the drifts every day: they find the snow packed nearly as solid as Ice. It is quite probable that no regular trains will run before May 1, although the company is doing everything that could be reasonably expected toward clearing tlie tracks. Trains arc now running regularly between Harvard and Rockford." A NEIGHBORING- country exchange esy*: "Lying beside the railroad track, about a quarter of a mile below this village, were about 2.000 advertis­ ing hand bills of two cily firms, which had been-fhrown'rf^r by the man who was to distribute them. How much good tlie money paid for printing and distributing these bill* did these par­ ties, wc leave the public to infer; but we eannot refrain from pointing the moral that newspapev advertising is the only sure way of keeping the pub­ lic attention. Bills are well enough as far as they go, but too often, in­ stead of going into their proper chan­ nel, they are thrown in bundles by railroad tracks to rot, or otherwise mislaid and forgotten. A newspaper advertisement accomplishes its mission before it is throwu aside.'1 WK notice that the name of 8. P. Rounds, of Chicago, has been presented by his friends for the position of Public Printer, under the new Adminis­ tration. Mr. Rounds is a practical printer and publisher, a manufacturer and dealer in printing material of all kinds, which, together with his well known business qualifications eminent­ ly fit him for the position for which he is named, aud would insure that the govurniuent printing would he proper­ ly and economically managed. It Is now over thirty years that Mr. Rounds has been established In the West, and inji!s very extensive business connec­ tion with printers and publishers, his name lias bccoine a household word tlie craft, for honor, ability, and perfection In the art. His appoint­ ment would reflect honor upon the Administration. PATH MASTER*. The following are the names of Pailunasters, appointed at the Town Meeting ou the 5th Inst., for Mie >'«»r 1881 • District No 1--John M. Miller. District No. 2--Albert Francisco. District No.3--Allen P Colby. District No. 4--Win. I). Carr. District No. 5--Frank Hutson. District No. 6--Bernard Harrison. District No. 7--John Claxtou, Senior. District No. 8--Nicholas Snyder. ^District No, 9.--Isaac Harsh. District No. 10--George Colby. District No. 11--W111. Frett. District No. 12--Eugene Wheeler. District No. 13--Albert Abbott. District No. 14--Martin Welsh. District No. 16--Benjamin Brafield* District No. 16--John RaUithorp. District Nb. 17--Henry Simpson. VOLO ( The following is the ticket elected in the Town of Grant 011 the 6th inst: For Supervisor--George Walt. For Town Clerk--Mike White. For Assessor--Bernard Adams. For Collector--E. S. Graham. For Commissioner of Highways-- John Rosing. For Justices of the Peaoe. -Melvln Little, Richard Compton. For Constables--Fred Cowman, Dighton Granger^ . Call at Mrs, H. H. Nichols' store, oife door north of Perry & Martin's, for anything in Millinery or *"ur" nisblng Goods. PERSONALS. A. A. Martin, of the firm of Perry & Martin, started for Colorado last week, where he expects to remain about two moi.trlis. This firm have mining inter­ ests In that sectiou. C. A. Knight. Assistant City Attor­ ney, of ChluAgo, with his wife, spant Sunday with friends in this village. Paul Brown was home, visiting his parents. Saturday and Sunday. He is 11* the office ofR. W. Bridge*. Attornev at Law, 16 Tribune Building, Chicago. Miss Lucy Brown, a relative of Mrs. Hebard. who Was here a few mouths some two years since, ha! returned here to spend the summer. . •Several members of ttte nfei* Lake Club came Out here Saturday evening to see how their new steam­ boat was getting along. They re­ turned on Monday morning. O. H. Morey, who has been siek the past five weeks is reported no better. He lias the Inflammatory Rheumatism and is perfectly helpless. The wite of Stephen P. Smith, who lives faur miles southeast of this vil­ lage Is reported very low with con­ sumption. Dr. Fegers is In attend­ ance. ' M rs. P. D. Smith and sob. of Osborne City, Kansas, are visiting amon^ friends in this village. The familiar faces of P. D. Smith. Osborne City, and ffra, H. Moses, Rus- Bell, Kansas, were seen ou our btreets last week. NUNOA ITCMS. Rev. Mandeville, Presiding Eider of this District, vlll lecture before the Ladies' Temperance Union, on Thurs­ day evening, April 14. All are cor­ dially Invited. O. E. Churchill, who formerly re­ sided in this place, but has been teach­ ing school at Barreville the past W!IK ter, has moved back, and will make this Ills home for the presentv Benjamin Carpenter, au eld resioent. died at Chicago ou Saturday - last. He was one of the early «e tilers of Illinois, and at one time was the pub­ lisher ot au Abolition paper in Chicago. He was honored and respected by all who knew him. Call 011 G. E. Dickinson, before you buy your'paiuts, oils and wall paper . Sheet music at Dickinson's Drug Store. A full line of Window GVtssat Dick­ inson's. We see that D. P. Wood burn ha« named his boy Haucoctr. Poor boy! Damphool father. Mrs. I. M. Mallory, having bought out D. C. Mallory's stock of goods aud having been to Chicago aiM bought a stock of this spring's styles, would in­ form the ladles that she is ready arid willing to wait ou them, and will en­ deavor to do her work to please all her customers. At the old stand, over D.C. Mallory*ft store lu Nunda. 111. Dwight Warner and Jack had a foot* race on Saturday. What Jack carried in front made Dwight run faster. Tip Hamilton is prepared to meet the wants of buyers oi hardware, hav­ ing replenished his stock for the Spring trade. Farmers, builders and others In need qf hardware sliould not fail to give lilm a call. Prof. R. D. Scott and Family gave an eutertaimreut here last week which was well atteuded. We understand they will give one at Crystal Lake some time this week. Hulbert.tlie "boss** Harness Maker of the count5'. is full of work, and has a shop full of light and heavy har­ nesses, which he sells as low as a good article can be bought anywhere. He Is a workman sccoyd to none, and war­ rants all work as represented. The question or Kicense or no Li­ cense Is now agitating the minds of our citizens. As the time for holding the election draws near, both sides .are confident of winning. We'll bet on-- the one that gets the most votes. Bets on 'fo« n Meeting were promptly paid. *'Bc sure you're right, then go ahead," will apply as well in betting on an election as elsewhere. Palmer's store, wiiich Is being fitted up for the new hardware, is almost completed and will be occupied some time tliis mouth. Richmond Department. COXTRIBVTBI> BV S. »\ BEXKKTT. $. F. BKXVRTT >9 hereby anthoriceti totak* snb-tcvioiionii anil orders for :<<t vertU'ne and Joh Work for the PLVIXOKAI.ER, receiv# money therefor »n>l roroipt for tlie same.-- all orlerft ieft with hii* will rccatva prompt Attention.--Editor. A. L. Brown, make* Jtickiuoud 4 visit this week. Alexander & Hyde are jo, the del J with a large and beautlfnl spring stock of wall paper. ' At J. V. Aldrich't we notice tlie most beautiful tea setts in glass that we have everseaa anywlaia -Ifak* a note thereof. All last week two gangs of workmen and two engines have been at work on the snow blackade on the Kenosl\a and Rockford R. R. between Genoa Junc­ tion an:l Hebron Station. Thirty men became snow blind In 0110 day and had to quit work. Most of the work last week was doueJii from four to sixteen feet of snow and ou«*to two feet of solid Ice. One.dav thirty men made only two rods. Trains have not run on that road, clear through, since the first big snow storm. Mrs. P. R. Birch,oft* H. Boutelles* store-will he pleased to have the ladies of Richmond and vicinity call at her rooms for pal terns for1 every kind of ladle*' and children's wear. Mrs. Birch has taken the agency for the Metro­ politan house of Mme Demo rest and proposes to hereafter keep a complete outfit ot such patterns as ladies need for every garment worn by themselves or children. She also has the agency for all the Fashion Publications issued by Mme Deinorest and will take sub­ scriptions for the same at miy time -- Remember the place--over H, B6„- telies'Store. It will he a matterof consequence to cheese makers to know that Messrs Bur­ rows and Birch have started a cheese- box manufactorv In this place, nnd ex­ pect to he able to supply the demands of all factories in this and neielihoring towns. Tney are located in J. O. Meeker's shop, using the whole of the upper story for store room and drying room, while the boxes a«e manufactured below. They have all the appliances necessary to carry on a successful busi­ ness, and propose to furbish dairymen with a good article of boxes at <he lowest living price, i'hey have already closed contracts with enough cheese factories to make their enterprise a financial success--a fact we are very glad to record. Correspondence or a personal call. Is solicited «f all interest­ ed. CRYSTAL LAKE ITEMS. After a vacation of oqe week the public school opened again on Monday, the II tli. A few weeks ago the Crystal Lake and Nunda Literary Society extended au invitation to the Ridgefield Literary Society to participate witii tliein iu a joint meeting to be held sometime in April. The eoinmitteesof tlie socities met and arranged a programme for a meeting to he held at the Baptist Oliurch iu Crystal Lake 011 the«veuing of April 22d, 1881. Meeting to open promptly at 7:45. In tlie following programme the parts alternate between the two aoeities. PROGRAMME. Instrumental MuMc--Mr. Thos. Ford. Recitation--Earl Ormuby^ Recitation--Wallace Pease. Recitatiou--Miss Florence Keeler. Recitation--Miss Matlic Ingersoli. Vocal Music^--Mr. Wm. Beardsley. Essay--Rev. R. B. Wright. Essay--Mr. L. A. Walkup. Recess. Instrumental Music--Miss Sadie I>u- fleld. Reaotng--Rev. J. Oakey; Reading--Mr. H. R. Baldwin. Original Poem--Mr. M. F. Howe. Original Poem--Hattie Baldwin. Vocal Music--Kdltli Lowell. Reading--Miss Mattie Ormsbj. Reading--Miss Helen Blersr. Critic's Report.--Dr. W. E. Hail. Critic's lie port--Mr. B. R. Morse, Closing Song--Wm. Dike. , • Board MlfeUag. At a meeting of the Village Board held at th« office Dr. 8. F. Bennett, April 8th. 1881: Present:--J. C. Smith,President; S. F. Bennett, A. L. Btown, F. W. Mead. J.V. Ahlrich. Thro. M i htfteaVf fast* nieeth^ refrd and ap­ proved. The Clerk reported that he had set­ tled with B. N. Smith, for servicos iu injuncture ease against the N. W. R, R. as authorized by the Board at a pre­ vious nieerinjf. A protest from C. G. Cottlng was read and ordered pi Ace d ou record, viz; "To the President audi Board of Trustees of the Village of Riclimotid: Yon are hereby forbidden to pay At Bonner, or any. agent representing him. any monies for rent of ground o;i which the Village lockup stands. Dated Village of Richmond, III., March. 10, ML Signed--C. G. COTTIKO." The following bills were read and ordered paid: , O. H. Gilmore, Attorney^fees In suit againt Billings and Cain. $10. E.E.Richards, recording quitclaim deed of £urdy to Village of Richmond, extension ot George Mrcet,5Q cents. On motion. A. S. Martin was allowed aft compensation for services as police Constable $15.00. On motion, P. J, Ercanbrack was allowed as compensa tion for services as police constable, fraction of year 87. On motion. Dr. S*. F. Beennett was allowed for rent of office for Board meetings, fuel and lights. $7. On motion Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, April 12th, 1881 A. R. ALKXANDKR, Clerk. •is 00 BUGGY FOR SALE. A fine new Top Boggy, which I had made for my own use. Will be sold cheap. "lIlt.H. IfsCHQLs, The 15tli meeting of the Village Board was held at the office of S. F. Bennett, on Tuesday, April 12th.-- Present full board. The minutes of last meeting read and approved, j The reports of the Clerk and Treas­ urer were referred to a coininitte'e / of two for examination. S. F. Bennett and Theo. Suhroeder were appointed said committee,who after examination reported the same all i-orrect, and on motion the reports were received and adopted. ^ Report of A.' R. Alexander. Village Clerk,/or the year ending April lltA, 1881. - CASH BKCBIVEDL May 3, 1880 -H. Ohevillion Licence Bil. liiirii an«l Pool tables May 4. I&M-T. Brown LicenS^ Billiard ai>tl Poole Initio . May 14, ISfiO-- Sursigue Circus JuneS, 1H80--T. J Dacy, Auction Bug­ gies May, 15,1*90--J. Billett Saloon Aujr. 1*J, lS*i-P. Hiirnell, Pe«ll«r Aug. 24, Cltiney Saloon..... Sept. 14, I8S0--Van Am lun g & (Jo. Circus Oct. 7, IS*)-- T. J. Dnc v Auction Dec. 17, I8SU--Mrremlv--Inhibition Jan. «4, ltWI --Keeils Cou>ed> Troupe.. . rata. 8, M31--V. Stearns Pedlar tfcb.4). 1881--C. Porter Pwiler Totol (tan Licences. |SM • May S, 1S8»--Geo. Pnrdy Fees Police Magistrate • » w March B. iSSl-Ueo. Pardy Few Police Magistrate... ___ Total from fines. . Aua;. 3, 1S80-G P Woilell Street Com. . Sept, 9, ISS0--G P »Vodell Street Com., •ot, 12. lssft--(j P VVodell Street Com.. I»oc. 30, 1880--P Woilell Street Com.. Total ftw» Street Commissioner. flM 04 Jnly 17, 18*'-- W A Mr.ConuelCory back lux • " March 28, MSI-- W A M«Oonnel Corp. back tax 11 Total from back tax. tW St May W, 1880--Donation for lulfbinf posts » CO May 1. UWU-W *1 OooWy aai« of fockap window :® tlftOO n 48 Biff 10 #4 DISBCBSKMKXTS--LIST OF OBDBBS UBAWK. 1880, May S--Glorer & Backus, Lumber f Si: " ,11--J. S. Burnwa, lejtal services. • no •** It--4K B. Carpenter, OMietabSS Arrests " *1--Gazette, 100 Clerk's Ordars.. " 21--J. Thomns, 30 Posts " 11--<». P. Wodell, l.abor to date. 21--P. Strain. Settinn Posts... rnmtm % VlV| Jane 21--Glover ft Hai-kiis, I.umfifljr.. July 2-i--K. W. Mi'.t<l Iteimirsf te ism. " 22-K M Potter JII<IRO of mec... " '-"2-- W II Coolov Judge of Kloc.. " 22--J C Smith, "Clerk . A»g. 5--J Ashton Street I,al»r..-»....• " 6--P Strain. Street Lalxir*,.,. r ! " &--J llll lot, House for Klee .. , *" 5--Glover & Bvkus. LnmMt.. . " 8--A R Alexander Poll List Sad Rtm<l Papers Oct, #--G P Wo lell Labor St Con. to dnte " fllover ft Backus, l.icober.. " S--O Donovan Special Police... ** S--A S Martin Special Pcltce... " 9--P G Skinkle Special Police.. " 22--A L Brown ax. in Injanstion Suit HW. K--Whi* Anstia, IJvery to l^' ooiUtock mi. Jan. IS--J c Smith, «x. to Chicago, Brl lsre .Suit .. * H-il' K Hie,bard?. Clerk's and Sheriff's Fees " W--A I, Brown, attemlinjr suits . at Wooilstock ST' 13--P J Esoanbrack. Spec. Psl.. IS--T Mullen Special Police IS--'» A OanMeld Spec. Poliee.. " IS--H JJ Smith Attorney Biidge •Suit.. Apr. S--O it Gllinore, Attorney Itiot Os*«s " 9--K K ItichaHs Heoonl. Deed. 1 A S Martin Pol. Const, vear. " S--P J Krcanbrark Pol. Coast. part vear . . " #--3 t1 Bennett rent Council Rooms, Fuel and Lights 2 00.] 2 SO 2 SO 6 as : m> 1 t 26 1 *' 1 »• c I 1 1«« 5 i» as «. 'T,* f». St !• IS & 2 Q» 2 00 2 40 »•» tm 4 40 « 18 1 SO 1 50 1 50 15 00 10 ff* 50 15 00 7 0# »' -- ."i- * t f . Hall (iysfriic* 1A#1 Proves b«ronda:iy reasonable quest lea that the Chicago & ITortiiwestera R'y Is by alt o<tds the best road for yoa to take when traveling in either dircmloB between Chicap and all tie Prisml Poiots io tie Vest North & Hirtimst Carefully examine this Map. The principal Cities of the West and Xorthwi»«t.are Stations in tiii!» road. Us Uirough trains make close connections with the trains of all railroad a UM! Iauction pjints, p" w'1 % ^ 1 ; Total Am't Orders DrsWa. S197 17 The Report of the Village Treasurer, J. R. Hyde, was receive 1 and on mo­ tion WHS adopted. A* the Items cover the same as/^}4pn lu above report of the clerk, we afive only the footings, vU: RECEIPTS. •U »4 882 M Cash on hand as per last report Total receipts as per Clerk's Report, I -Af lilamtl FLORCNC JL wrote j IValU Ordway • OlN a I If '"seapo uoU V»N-Almtta T«rros Sioux C Cmyt,h rJMOS^ V Q^icna rm<w>. Ai C, C* Total Receipts. Disburseiiicuts for current j ear.. #147 52 { 197 17 Balance on hantf. |^AO 35 The following hills were presented and ordered paid. John Billett care of destitute tramp and car fare #1 50 Richmond Gazette printing 3 00 P.O. sklukle prevented a hill for services iu the riot suits against. Bil- lings and the Cains and for services at polls November. Election, amounting to 99.25. The bil I was referred back t<» him ou the ground that it did not be- lOnjr to the corporation to pav. On motion A. I?. Brown nnd J. V. Aldrich were appointed Judges of Elec tion to be held April 19tb, 1881vand E. M. Potter, Clerk. , Again does the Ueatld cotne to the front with words of enuo'iragement in regard to our Air T,ir.e R, it. Under date of April 8th, It says: A meeting was held In Chicago last Friday of the directors of the re-or­ ganized Chicago, Portage, & Superior Railroad Company. Mr. William L. Scolh»|d. of New York, a well known railroad mar., was elected President.-- tVe learned that the Company would proceed at once to build, working from both ends, hut we failed to ask whether the south end would begin at Geneva or Chicago. The liud will run diagon­ ally throusrh the State, through Geneva, Klkliorn. Whitewater, .leflerson. Lake Mill* and Portage. From there it will go to Necedah. NeilNvllle. and Flam- fiean, to Su|>erior City. It will cross the P. A 81. C. R. R. uear.the jl'aiueka- gttn -ItfVer. "In Burnett Count}*. The money is to be lurniMhed by the Ameri­ can Investment Company, of New York, of which John Jacob Aa$or is at the liead. $5,000,000 have already been loaned (or the construction of the 382 Oil lea of track. The |>eop|e hereabouts have l>oen so ofteti disappointed by thip road that ft takes it good deal to make them believe that the road is to I'K> actually built, hut Is looks as!f there could be no possible doubt about it tills time. To Buyers of Hardwnn. J. H. Ear ley, whose place of business can be fowd near the Southeast cor­ ner of tlie Square, Woodstock, wishes to inform the public that lie la now better than ever prepared to meet the wants of the buying public In his line. He ha» hi store a full stock of Stoves. Tinware, Graujte Iron ware. OU Stoves Milk Cans. Hoes, Rakes. Table and Pocket Cutlery, and in fact a general assortment of Hardware of all kinds, which lie can and will sell as cheap or cheaper than any other house in the county. He keeps none but tPrst-ola*s goods, and will warrant everything as represented. Being a practical work- map he makes no poor work, and in the line of Mllk Cang, or In fact any other Tin work, he wflll compare with any. When iu w'aut of anything iu this line do not fail to call. Runum­ ber the place, near the Southeast cor­ ner of the Public Square, Wo«/dstoek, 111. A good sp Mares. W McHenry, OR SALE of Mules or it sell either. Inquire of STtnin BAYMON*. ril 12th, 1881. • * • -5' '• -r Shoe A lor the Millions rH| We liare placed iq the hands of Colby Bros., McHenry aud Nunda, au immense assortment of our best sewed work, consisting of Women's aid Misses Goat and Kid Button and Side I,ace Goat and Kid Walking Sho^s, Serge aud Cougress Gaiters, Goat nnd KU1 front lace, all of wiiich tliev are selling at our wholesale pi ices With a small compensation added- Call and examine goods. H « FOKBU3H Jt BBOWry, BaiMa, ^ v>; Millinery! Millinery! IIi>. S. Searles has just received a uiee stock of new Spring Millinery and Notions, aud Is now prepared to take orders and execute tliein ou short notice. Also have a fine line of Trimmed Hats and Bonnets for Easter. Instructions ii| Music. I am now prepared to give instruc­ tions on either Piano or Organ, at my home or elsewhere. Terms reasonable CaH on wr address. NHS XLOISS WMWW. For Sale. 46} acre*, 32 or it is plow land the balance timber and pasture. House 26x 2# two cellars, well, orchard Ac. 1 will take *41 p*Mf*areif it Is sold before April 1««R 1IR8.C.II.SHHH*. THE CHICAGO & NORTH"WESTERN RAILWAY* , Orer nil of its urincipal lines, runs eacli wa\ dfti| v from t wo to fonr r«ht £}mil|. Trains, it is the only roaii west of Chicago thNt uses the " ' . PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS, . »»*s It fs the onl? roiul imt inns Pullman Sleejiinjr Oars North or Northwuat of CMeanwi nearly 3,000 Miles Of Road- In forms the following Trunk Lines: Council Bluffs, Denver & California T.ine. Winons, Minnesota & Central Dasok* Lift* . Sioux City, Nor Nehr-tska ft Yankton l.lne. tJhieafirt, St. ft Minneapolis Line Northern Illaioib. Kreeport & l>nl>uque Line. Milwaukee, Green Biy ft Lake superior Una Tickets over this rout are a«M by nil Oonpo11 Ticket Agents In the Unlteit States ft Cnnaria Kern ember to aek tor Tickets via this ro»<l, ibe aura tuvy rend over it, ami take nous olheph 1TA&VIN HVOHITT, Gcn'l Manager, Chicago V.STSTElfKITT. Cen Pass Ayt Chicafs Business Notices. Reed'n Gilt Edge Tonic restores the appetite. The Molina Stilky Plow afc I. M Owen's. The Fiirst A Bradley Sulky Plow at R. M. Owen's. When In want of work In my line, give im:a call aud 1 will try and please Robl. 51urlitt. Jeweler. Nunds, 111. The largest stock of Millinery Goods In the County, at Mr*. S, Searlet*. Buckevc Owen's. Poroe Pumps, at S. X Alltha first-class Plow* at B. M. Owen's." Mrs. H. H. Nichols haa a larga stock of Trimmed Hats for Easter. A Ann ' line of Gents Furnishing Goods at I.auer A Becker's tfcar tlie Depot. The finest line of Silver and Plated W#re to tie found iu the count)*, at O. W. Owen's. WHY DO YOU COUGH When one box of Besley'a Troches cure yon? Store opposste Parker House, Ip you waut your Watch put in flifti class Order, call on Robert Murllit Jeweler, Nunda, '• T . ; New Prints, latest patt*m«^x i# prices from five -cents n ysVififlfliF' wards, at Oolby Bros.. Riverside Bloat Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets tin. til you have seen anil priced gooda fj| Mrs. 8. Searles. V; I make a specialty of. Repairing flue Witches, and Warrant all my work, Robt. Murtitt, Nnuda. Kh*tHvh» has Henry Couuty. New style Bracelets at O, W. Owen's MRS. R. HOWK IS offering induce­ ments to purchasei-s of Millinery, Cloak*. A*. Give her a call. Store four doors Nortli of Riverside Ilcusa. S(*ECIAl. BARGAINS. We nfier a iarjee lot of remnauta |tl Dress Goods, from G to 1J| ceuts 14S yard. STF.VKNS A SCIINOKK. » Krrora of fonth. In male or iema|| cauKintr shyness, or InaUility to lootr auottier iu tlie face, pimples, lie: voia* ness. etc.. can he permanently cured hj? tlie use of Prof. Guilinette's Kidin* Pad. •"*, Panel Photos at Miller's St'idio. ' ? ̂ i-tW A few Overcoats left. Good ti|||i cheap at Fitrslmmons A Evattton's. Boots I? New supply of Rubber Fttzalinmons A Evansouti. >>r, a box. House. T#K BEST THim {h In Be^lsy's Troehel Store opi>o8ite tlie TEA DRINKERS Will find the pure, um»dtilte-*,tf»d, on- colored, natural leaf. .Tnpan tea at oar place. STKVFNS & SCHNOKR.' ' E. A.~GOLblN43^ ' WauCOndav III., dealer in Gro­ ceries, Canned Goods. Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco. Notions, Ac. Also Headqunrtera for Piatt A Co's Celebra­ ted Baltimore Oysters. I am now pre­ pared to furnish Fresh Oysters by the Can or Dish, at all hours of the day or evening. My Refreshment Parlors are cosily fitted up. well warmed and light­ ed.and no pains will be spared to please all who call. 1 also make a specialty of all kinds of Can Gooda, aud kec p a 'fine line ' of Confectionery. Give me a call. K. A. UOLDIKQ. YOU WANT lOitUfMrclarllH N. O. Sugar for •1.00 equal to granulated. 7 lbs green coffee 91.00. STKVENS A SCHMOBB. A complete assortment of Photo*: graplia lor two dollars at MilleH^ii Studio, . -*4A 1 Panel and (I Cards Miller's Photo Studio. rot»t.»*' For 8ale. ^ Jir InWooflstook. a house and of land, situated on the Cliemun^ roaij^* thirty rods'Nortii ot the Woodstotfjfc' Brewery. Is a desirable piece of pN(^ perty, and will be wild re an unable. In­ quire on the premises. s* JAMES GALL40HM. 'ht:. Si 'v,' "V, Fitssimmons A Evausoti are trying hard to dispose of the Balance of tiieir Stock of U'inter goo<ls. It will pay tlie cash buyer to investigate. If Inseacrh of Bargains-call at O. F. Hall's Richmond and Dundee Stores. Onr new Spring stock of Clothing Is now received and a more complete line is not to be found iu this vicinity. We can tit a boy iroin six years old up­ wards. \outii£ and Boys School Suits a speciality. Stock reasonably large and profits very small We will save money for those who favor us with ttejr patronage, ("ail and see. ~ riTZSIMXOKS ft BVAXSOV. G. y. BESLKY Has Just received an Optimeter* esting the eyes, and can now fit yolk', with a pair of spectacles and ^uarantt# satisfaction. He also lias a full Hue Spectacles, all kinds, to which ft* ' "MK' - > vltes the attention of the public.- -7r Buy a pound of fine Japan Tea a4>- Fi'z^iuiiiions & Eran^on's and If yo* like It tell your neighbors »o. If no# satisfactory return lb Good valN** OVER COATS, We have special bargains in'thtsjlio* t<» cl^e. «.* 15 over coats 88 00. former prices'fll Oft, 10 over coats ^4.00, former prices t7 (|Bi> 8 overcoats 411.00, lonuer prices6 Qft Full size men* over coats as low #2.2$ these are bargains. HTBVK 'TIVUS SScmima.' $ 1 Pailel. 1 Cabinet. 6 Cards and S Miuette Photos for 93.00, at Miller's Studio. Sore Throat, Dipiitlieris. Quinsy, ate different forms of congestion, the re­ sult of "catching cold" Trask's Magnet­ ic Ointment was never known to fall in immediately relieving the conges­ ting jn curing these forms. Horses for Sale. One spun of good work horses is offered for sale at a reasonable price. Will weigh between twenty-three and twenty-four hundred. Apply, at the Fox Kiver Valley Mills, of • i j • BISROF. -J.OST. " On Sunday, Maroli 27th, between the Hyatt House aud the Baptist Church, at Crystal Lake, a Cameo Set Locket Charm. The finder will confer a great favor and be suitably rewarded by leav­ ing the same with the operator at the Depo$. FOR SAI E. 40 Acres of land in Section fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house and burn thereon, with timber aud water In nbundauce, in Sec­ tion 23. - Alao my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nuuda nvid. Good ueiv house,,barn and other outbuildings. Apply-to JoHX 1 LUSKV, Reeds Gilt £<&e ^'onic ceres Feyer Ladies of McHenry aud rickil don't bi(y your Hats or Bonnets unt! you have looked at and priccd good* at Mrs. S. Searles. Am now offering f;reaier bargains than ever. All WM|£ u repairing done ou short notice. FE^'CE POSTS FOR SALE. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Pesttt, for sate. ) Inquire of / JOHN DORAN. It U £ « mm I -- Valuable Pr »perty For Sale». The property formerlv used as a Hotel, in the village of Rttii;wood, if, offered for sale. It consists of one laij^|* brick House, containing ten rooms, alt? necessary outbuildings, a good well ojl water and cistern, aud one acreol lan<l» On tiic premises are some of the tinea§; fruit and Ornamental trees, slirunhesy^. &o,, to be found ir tlie county. It b " veiy desirable locati«m and wlU be dirt cheap and un long time, for security. Apply to SIMKOX .roTTE**, A<tmlnistnMfC^ Of the Estate of Mrs. M. CrsadsIL QalAine sqd Ar*ski Form the basis of many of t.'ui ag» remedies in the market, and are th4 last resort of physician* and peop who know no better medicine to ew . ploy for tlii< diftresting complain^ I he effects of eitlicr of these ckturs ar| destructiue to the system. pro<lucin* headache, intestinal disorders, v» rrig% dixsiness,.ringing in the «"ars^ aud do- pressioii of tlie ou.stitut :<>nnl liealit)^ Ayer's Ague Cure U a vegei^ide dlf^. covery. vou tain iug neither uuiiMue, senic. nor ai^ delcterttm* lugredlenl^-- aud is an iuialiitde and• apid cure t«* every form of fewr and ague. lit effects are permanent Jtnd certain^ anpL no iniury can result from Its u?>e. Bi«i sides being ti positive cure for fewpf 'and ague in all Us forms, it I* also w- su|>erior renie<iy for liver complatntK^ It is an tonic and preveiiti\#^ as well cure, of aH oonplaints p#* \-ullar to inalaiions, mai>liy. and mi**} malic districts. By direct aeilou «*•» tiie liver aial biliary apparatus. Il stimulates llwj *y>-ten\ to * *it«» *" lojitiihy*!, Fot sa&t dealers.

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