Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Apr 1881, p. 4

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•»: . .ju. .. . - • „•>,»>Jii ,V. J.if,. ,«• * "Of-* * : % ' • V U • " '• " "• <r »*!•!• .jjn* • - . _ -.3. ]|ej[eiry fhoieilw. WKDNB9DAY APRIL 90,181*. J. TAN 8LYKE. Editor. fl^DeKpatcUvA from the flooded district* of th* W«t Indicate that a great man? aad *tnrle* are to b« ex- pfflteil soon. Kv»n If «»v#rjr farmer had fcept «boat In hi* back yard he wopld h*vp fonnrt floating Ice dwneeroHF thin rhe tlood. i tiMre . X a year ago is , ^s\vtUer pa«w« < •ST The Palatine Enterprise say*: uA>ery po«*r family n£ignorant AfVi- MP Of me to Barring1 ton at the clone of the war; they were just out ofslnvery: thay cotild neitlmr read nor write, nor hiltlwr a dollar In money: their only oapltal ww In their honesty and their l^laetc. brawny hands. Their name is, "ftwfey. *nd Uncle 'Lljah, the famii head, la to-day worth a few tliousan dollar*, while any store would glndl tafce his word for a <100 worth of goods. Many a white man might be proud of & leerird." |(B>1£n£n»hmen regard with much Internet the recent successful experi­ ment of shipping frozen mutton from Australia. The meat was delivered In jtovd condition in London after a voy- ajre of sixty-five days, and was found to be of excellent size and flavor. It Ir •aid that thare Is no meat of which Kturland stftnds more In need of foreign supplies, for the homo sapply la rapidly diminishing. During the past year there was a falling oft In •heep and Iambe of 1,000,000 head in England and Wales, exclusive of Scot- laad and Ireland. *e~A committee from the New Y«rk Legislature recently visited New York city to inquire of dealers con- cetnlng oleomargerine and lard cheese a* affecting the public health. From the evidence before the committee it appears that a large majority of the dealer" believe that these adulterants are more or less injurious, and nearly •ill the prominent whslesale dealers In butter and cheese united in a petition Paying the manufacturers of oleo and lard cheese to stamp the nauie of the article in large letters upon the top and sides of their lard cheese, and upon the top and bottom of their packages •foleo. Just what Che Legislature will do In the matter is not known. WAUCONDA. •••subscriptions for the Pi.AtirosAt.aa will Im* received in Wauconda at V. B Harrison'* Drug Store and at the Post Office Editor Plain dkalkr:--Our road* are now In that beautiful state when it 1% difficult'to decide Wtiat kin J of a vetilclo is the best lor general naviga­ tion. It seems to be the opinion hi most quarters however, that the first rate |>laii to pursue is to stay about as near home as possible, A few more days like last Saturday will make our village street quite passable, and now the wisdom of the Improvements made shown, tor the drainage oft easily Inta the Lake 4nd that without Injuring anyone. It is\to be hoped that the repairs will be co^inued as soou as the ground will permit and tt good gravel roadway myde. Ir. Coggia has started up hi* saw II, and expects to flttish what few og« have been drawn in a day or two more. As this part of hl9 business *lias dwindled to such small proportions he lias some expectations of taking out his saw and converting that part of his building into a feed mill. Ilr A. L. Lamphere itas finished his contract of drawing for the cheese fac­ tory, and Mr, Joseph Glynch will try his hand at hauling for th* next six months, Mrs. C. M. Hill has returned from her visit south, and has started housekoep ing again. She brought with her a large basket ot beautiful rotes, which arrived a little wilted, but otherwise were in good order, Ned Duers, whli Mr. Walt, took a flying trip to town ©u Saturday, to ob­ tain trimmings for his wagon, which he is haying repainted at the shop of the latter. John Boomer's anction on Saturday was attended by quite a number and it seemed to bo the opinion of those who were there, that 4he articles put up for sale brought all they were worth. Mr. Winch's auction bills are out for Thursday the 21st. House cleaning time is approaching. If 3'ou don't believe it look at R. Har- rilon's display of new and attractive designs in paper haugiiigs. The school meeting on Saturday evening resulted in the electioa of Andrew Bangs as trustee, to All the vacancy caused by the termination of Mr. Powers' term of office. Mott Ford succeeded in moving his house on Saturday, and will immedi­ ately proceed to erect a new oue on the old site. f^Denis Kearney has gone back to Ilia dray, but siill finds time on an oc­ casional Sunday to speak at the Sand Lots, in San Francisco. On a recent Sunday that famous resort was accupied *>r two orators, wlo. from separate •Unite, held each other up to contempt *nd derision. One of these was V. C, •O'Donneli, whoever he may be.4ind Kearney was the other. O'Dounell warned his hearers against the wiles of Kearney, who, he said, had organized * greenback party in the interest of •the Republicans. At a lltti* distance Kearney defended himself as 6ne who had courted danger and poverty with a heart bleeding for the woes of the op­ pressed poor. "It Is because I love and feel for you and yours," he spid "that a restless and fevered brain kept my fiunlly and self in misery for three long years and more." l'he fact is that Kfeamtywas remarkably comfortable and happy for three long years and more, as long indeed as his friends were fools enough to support him. 'If a correspondent of the Cin­ cinnati Times-Star has not drawn reck­ lessly upon his imagination, it is a dis­ mal journey from Dodge City to Las Animas, Col, The distance Is 175 miles and, according to his statement the eiftire region is a cattle graveyard. Thousands upon thousands of carcasses ,11e within sight of the railroad. anH thousands of emaciated creatures, so feeble that they cau scarcely stand, .and are uuabie to rise if they f^ll down, totter about in a vain effort to •«td food. At Lakin, a station half wkf between Dodge City and Lfts Animas, the people estimate that at least 45,000cattle were crowded in and around the town during the prevalence of the severe storm a few weeks ago. Ifthese statements make any approach to accuracy, not only muBt the loss be •Mrmonii but there would seem to be no little danger of a pestilence from the decaying carcasses. CRYSTAL LAKE ITEMS. There is to be a Temperance Rally to-night at Hill's Hall. Among the speakers will be Rev's. Brown, Ebey, Wright, and short addressee by severa 1 of the citizens. Rev. Wright preached temperance sermons morning and evening Sunday They were interesting, instructiva and logical. - The public schooj opened with a larger attendance than u^tal. There are now about sixty-five In attend-* ance. ' Rev. Brawn filled the pnlplt at the Baptist Church on Sunday, and preached a logical sermon from Eph. IV :1 _ The joint meeting of the Ridgefleld and the Crystal Lake and Nuiida Lit­ erary SocIetievwiH be held at the Baptist Church on Friday evening, April Sid. Meeting to begin promptly at7:4fi. Qcintia. MP"Among the new bills in progress through the Illinois Legislature is one extending the terms of Supervisors. It has passed the House and is now under consideration in the Senate. The provisions are thus explained by fttuator Marshall, In the Kendall County Record'. <• Town officers, except Supervisors of tOwne and also except as otherwise provided, shall hold their office for oue JTtar, a«<i until others are elected or appointed in their places und qualified. . Supervisors of towns elected in the year 1883, and all subsequent years. In all counties where they have a Board of Supervisors, shall hold their terms of office for three years, and until oth­ ers are elected or appointed in their places and qualified. Supervisors elected at the annual town meeting In 1682. shall at the first, meeting of the Board of Supetvisors draw lots for terms of one. two and three years, in such a manner that one- Itliird of their number, as near as may We. shall have terms of one year, and Siother one third of their number, as tar as may be. have terms of two Wear8, and the remaining members of |jhe Board nhnll have terms of three fears; and such Supervisors shall hold jtieir respective offices for tite terms •p drawn and allotted.them and until V \others are elected or appointed in Jjheir planes. v. The result of such drawing and al- Jbt meo', feliall be spread upon the roe- ; «»rd of the respective Boards of Super- P*, and a certified copy thereof ered to each Town Clerk in the tr. to be tiled among records of gpis office; Provided--Nothing con­ joined in tiiia act shall apply to A*» ~ ai)#tvUorfi4 NORTHERN NUN DA Editor Pi.aikdealer :--Perhaps a few iteirs from this place might be Interesting to some of your many readers. Consequently we take the time to pen down a few. * Farmers are anxiously waiting for spriug work to begin. Quite a good many in this place are complaining or colds. Those on the sick list the past week were Miss M. Walsh and Miss Nellie l'haleu. but both are now convalescent. A full line ot Window Glass at Dick­ inson's, Nunda. John Erwin, who we spoke of in' our last writing as leaving this place, was detained by an attack of inflammatory rheumatism. He has the sympathy of all. Dr. Anderson was his physician. Miss B. Conway, late of Volo, ac­ companied by Miss Clara Halbeck of Chicago, were visiting lriendi In this place last week. Rumors are afloat that J. K. Is on the home run once more. Brace up ' Jim," A faint heart never won a fair lady. At the late election our frlond Pat Flusky was elected Pathmaster. He Is uot at all proud of his office. Any body anxious to hold an office will do well by calling around. , Sheet Music at Dickinson's Drug Store, Nunda. r John Conway, ot this place, who has been employed in Poole's cheese fae tory the last six or eight months, has decided to take up quarters in Chicago the coming season. May he prosper well is the wish of ail. Miss Parsley, of Barrevllle and Miss Barnes of Chicago were the guests of Miss Mary Plialen last week. We understand there is to be some coupling done on the hill after Easter* So mote it be. Miss Nellie Peek Is visiting In Spring Grove. We understand Texar. Jack was seen last Sunday. We would like to have seen him. It yoit don't wish to be seen please let us hear from you. Call onG. E. Dickinson. Nunda, be­ fore you buy your Palms. Oils and Wall Paper. Mr . H. Erwln I* on the war-path buying calves tills spring. He pays the highest market price. Our school meeting passed oft in^a very quiet manner Saturday night<-~ Thos. Piialiu was elected successor to to P. Welch. The Board now stands fl. Erwln. E. g0O* jujd Thoi. PhaWn, WOODSTOCK. Editor Plaindkalkk And now •'the voice of, the turtle Is heard ori the hill" but "winter, still lingers on the lap of spring" and If she ever tired of holding the old fellow me thinks it must be now. It is thirty days at least alnce Robins, Larks and Blue-birds appeared upon the scene, with th«lr matins and thin evening songs and day by day have they persisted In the at­ tempt to drive him of their mistress' lap, nevertheless like other unwelcome suitors, he declines to take the hint and leave. All la vain have *hese "harbingers of spring" played their part, as they have sung "Come gentle spring Kthernal mildness come." Did not vour ears burn last Saturday about 10 o'clock A. M. Ours did, while innocently listening to the criticisms of the knowing ones, upon our com­ munication in regard to Dr. Thomas' lecture. They let us off quite easy with reference to sentiment and style, but thought us rather tardy In writing It up. We admit it was rather slow tn getting around, but When we consider the delays with which the poor thing met in transit, we are inclined to claim that they can look somewhere else for Its tardy debut u& it was written the next day after tha lecture, hut partly by snow blockades and partly by some unexplainable cause it failed to reach the office of publication in time lor an earlier insertion. Next Tiesdav is our Corporation Election an1 it is considered a fore­ gone conclusion that M. L. Joslyn will be our next Mayor. Wonder If uthe prominent citizens" of Chicago will return Woodstock's compliment. Duck shooting is In order. At least so we infer from the brisk cannonading we hear out on the sloughs. The boys cannot decide among them­ selves whether the bottle was empty when the dog started to cross the wa­ ter with It or whether It leaked, but Ed claims that it was empty when it reached him. If the dog were not an out and out teetotaler some blame might be attached to him, As it is he is exonerated. A car load ot horses left this station for Iowa oue day last week. Also a car load of yearling calves bound for Nebraska. Mr. J. H. Foote, an enterprising far­ mer of Seneca, was severely Injured lately by a furious bull. A Mrs. Hallisey, of Hartlawl, in a fit of Insanity, attempted suicide a few days since by shooting herself, but when last informed if was thought she would recover. She has been more ra­ tional since the accident than for sometime before. B. S. Austin, "Bart,*' is no longer the efficient salesman for J. C. Choote as for a number of years past, but Is now a man of leisure. It is rumored that he expects to purchase an interest in a neighboring grocery. The farm known as the Lewis farm, near Robert Green's, was sold, at Auc­ tion. Executors Sale, on Saturday, at per acre, Norman Frame lite purchased the Wm. Kurinan residence at 91600. lltuphy & Kasson have sold their lumber i ate rest to J. H. Bagiey. Married, Fred hauford to Mlsto Liz­ zie Dudeld. And may peace and pros­ perity attend them and theirs through life. The Armory, late the German Pres­ byterian Church, U receiving a new coat of paint. Will Borden is putting it on. If reporters and newspapers are reli- liable Senator Conkling seems to think that President GarHeld should have no mind of his own in making nomina­ tions but should act merely as Regis­ tering Clerk for the Senators, Was it for that the people elected him Presi­ dent. The new administration has set to work with a will and if Congress and the Courts perform their respective duties we are likely to iiave four years of prosperity, for which we shall have occasion to be thankful. Wheu a gov­ ernment can dispose of its bonds, due atoptiou, at 3} per cent and at a prem­ ium besides, the country need have lit­ tle fear of ha^d times. And when for­ eign countries are Induced by the prompt action of our authorities to apologize to our American Porkers our citizens need have little or uo feat of insult from Abroad. -s We are not prepared to say that our Sherlft and Clerks are about to add a Saloon and Billiard Hall as attach­ ments to the Court House, but of one thing we are certain, that wo have seen a billiard and pool table In tl«e vesti­ bule and saloon furniture near the steps. They can rise and explain at their leisure. Our little pfet "Chippy"1 had a nar­ row escape yesterday. By the care­ lessness of somebody, the doors were left ajar so that he made his way into the kitchen, where to liU great horror Tabby cm^Ked hi in out and forced him to seek refuge in the wood box, whence Bridget rescued him, since which he has not yentured beyond his prescrib­ ed limits. Chipmunks should not ven­ ture too neir the retortq of Pussy. Ask Asa if lie knows who took his hat and overshoes. Frank Bunker, the senior partner, has purchased the entire Interest In the Bunker & Skinner Grocery. Frank is a live man and never gives an order for goods time to cool till filled. Mr. Skinner goes to Elgin to engage in the same business there. He tot* is a llvu man and carries the good wilt of his Woodstock patrons and fellow citizens with him to his new place of business. We have seen sooce consultations of late and some other signs which leads us to believe that ere long the two congregations,'viz: Presbyterians and Congregational Ists are about to form a fellowship wills their place of worship at the Congregational edifice. The old Brick Church is ad\'ertised by the society tor sale*and is a first-class loca­ tion for a Mill or manufacturing estab­ lishment. . • SOLON. Eimtob Plaixobalbr:--Newt ls rather scarce this week, because Ma fl­ am Rumor'has not been about lately. James Robbius has returned from Texas Where he has been with hi|f brother. He speaks well of, the conn« try in ireneral as for farming and stook raiding. They do not have any snow there as when lie left Peas and Be ana were in blossom. Iftnry Christian had a number of sheep killed by dogs on Wednesday ' night. There Is too many of thos* worthless curs kept Jn this town.--- Somebody ought to lease a shot gu«i a little while. • Robt. Gardner has got the lumber all ready to rebuild his house, He will raise It another story high and add a store room to It. James Overton commenced making Butter and Cheese at his Factory on the 4th of this month. Jim can't bo beat oil Butter and Cheese. He buys his milk and runs his own risk in re­ gard to prices. The ice begins to float a little in the creek the last day or two. The first ice is all covered, ̂ vith water. When it rises there may be fun. They h^ve been raising one' of tite bridges for fear of high water. John Sutton and son are working at their trade. They are enlarging -Wm. Overton's house now. Mbs. E. W. Howk has secured the services bf Miss Etta Searles, of Chi­ cago, for the season. It is unnecessary to say that her merits as a milliner are unsurpassed. Her advantages have been such that we feel confident we can please tho most fastidious. Dress­ making done on short notice and in the best order. Also a good assortment of ladies underwear to be Sold at prices that deny competition. Mrs. H. H. Nichols keeps kid1 gloves in all shades. Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols' sVore. one door north of Perry A Martin's, for anything in Millinery or Ladies' Far- nlshlng Goods. QUERY. Why do Stevens & Schnorr sell so many goods? They make close prices and buy and sell for cash. Stevens &Schnorr. MeHKNRY MAKKRT. Corrected every Wednesday before going to press. Wheat, No. 1... Wheat, 8 Corn r/?*.. Oats Clover Seed.......-...i.f.. .. Timothy Seed........... Potatoes Flour |i«r ewt PhU per bbl. Butter Kkkc Fork, ualted per lb. B«!ef Cattle Wood, Hard Dry J. WimkI, Green . .tl 00 . OT 80 85 . *« . 8 00 . 1 40 . 96, 15 18 .05* . 5 00 . 4 00 Executor's Notice. TESTATE of Edward Allensby deceased.-- JVJ The undersigned havInir been appointed Executor <>f the last Will arid Testament of Klward AUensby Jat<; of the County of MeHenry, and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby xives nokir.e that she will appear be« fore the County* Court of Mc.Henrj County, at the Court tlWoodstock at the June Term on r.he tiUr4jMfl(b(v in June m:xr, at which time atft^enBjffc&avtpg claims ORuinst said Estate, ;ir« notafl&tand vequeeted to at tend tur Die purpose of havinar the same ad- jn*ted All person* indebted to wild Estate are requested to nmkeimmediate payment to the undersigned. Dated 10th day of Mftrcb. A. D, 1881. T i lA»r E. AtLKMBr, Kxecntoi. $ ' J ' I 1 t; ' Opjp<»it« Periy A Martin'* '-V Store, i &' JACOB BONSLETR Havmff opened new Furniture Rooms, in the store lately occupied by Mrs. Searles, opposite Perry & Martin's Store, are now prepared to ofor to th® buying public the Finest Stoek of Furniture Of all kinds, ever brought to McHenry County, which the v will sell at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. Anything from a common Chair to the finest Parlor Set can be found at this store, and of the best make and finish to b* 'found in the market. > i Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to at reasonable rates First-class work guaranteed, Undertaking, We have a large assortment of Burial Cases and Coffins always on hand and made to order on short notice. Our goods are first-chw, and prices within the reach of all. We. invite all our firiends to give tt* a call, ^ , JACOB BONSLETT. McHenry, March 15th, 1881. •A STRIKE For LOWER PRICES, AT THE Un C. L ABBOTT, We have recently added to onr stock a very complete line of Dietetics, for Invalids and Dys­ peptics, Food not usually fonnd in the Groceries, ftnd specially indi­ cated for use in the sick room, tor the reason that they are pure, palatable, wholesome,nutritious, easily digested and low priced.-- We refer to the Higher Grade Farina'a, Marauta, Gelatine, Gen uine Imported Scotch Oat Meal, in packages, TRUE Bermuda Ar­ row Koot, Pearled wheat in park a«res, Sago, Tapiaco, Granulated Hominy, Cocoa, Chocolate. &c. Have also a very fair assortment of Spy Glasses, Sun Glasses, seed Glasses, Loapes, Magnifiers, mi­ croscopes, and other Optical Goods. We have been fitting Spectacles in VVouconda by the aid of the Optometer and Jaegers test types for nearly forr years past, and invite vou to compare our method of adjusting Glasses to the eye, our stock and our prices with the stocks and prices of other dealers. F. B. HARRISON. Book Hauii list. Who some ti mes sells ami Poisons. Pills, Plasters F. C. MAYES, J- R. WELLS SL SON. Proclamation No. 17 Old and --BY THB- Reliable Dealers in MMiKIH Wauconda Cash Store. Since March 1st. 1881, we have been doing a Ready pay business, aud our plan is to buy often, trade cheap, and save the trouble and loss of accounts. By this means we have been enabled to make large additions to our stock consisting of the best assortment ot - Boots and Vinegar, Shoes and Saleratus, Tobacco and Edgings, Sirups and Clothes Pins, Tea and Corsets, Collarettes and Nail.}. Oils aud Pills, Soap and Candy, Dress Goods and Turpentine, Bak­ ing Powder and Stove Polish, Ribbons and Sugars, Patent Medi cines and Nuts, Crackers, Frosted Creams and Scoop Shovels, Bolts and Braid. Cotton Batting and Men's Plow Shoes, Gents Fur­ nishing Goods and Dobbins Soaps, etc., etc., to be found in town. We invite special attention to our new line ot Women and Misses Kid, Goat and Grain fine Shoes, both buttou, front and side lace, Men's and Boy's tine Kip and Stoga Boots. Canned Goods, consist­ ing of Peaches, Plums, Tomatoes, Salmon, Mackeral, Lobsters and Sardines. We have now on hand an assortment of Paints, Oils and Turpentine, including a full line of the Celebrated-Holden's Chicago Enamel Paint, mixed and ready for use. Samples furnished free. We propose to sell our goods at the lowest market prices, and to favoi cash purchasers give 5 per cent discount. No trouble to show goods. Call iu and get prices. ffliiraiiw injurs. E. M. OWEN & SON, --AND DEALER IN-- Heady-Made Clothing. Kespectm! ly invitta an inspection of his New Spring Goods Just opened, embracing all the variety usually found in a first- class Tailoring and Ready Made Clothing establishment. Don't fail to embrace this op­ portunity before purchasing else­ where as all my goods will be sold at fair price*. Cutting done as usual. Store in Old McHenry, neai the new Bridge, r. C. MAYIE9. XcHanrr, m.( April »»b, iML Would give the people of McHenry and Lake Counties to understand that tney are still in the business, with the largest and best stock of Agricultural Machinery Of all kinds, to be found in the market. They have in Stock PLOVVS of all kinds, Seeders, Com Planters, Cultivators, Drills Drags, Pulverizers, orn Shelters Feed Mills, Threshi g Machines, Fon and Wood Pumps, Wind Irills, Open and Top Buggies, and in snort everything usually kept in a first class Agricultural Warehouse, • All of which will be sold As Cheap as the Cheapest. None bnt the best of machinery kept., that we mean business. Call and be convinced E. M. OWEN A SON, ' • > DBAtra ntJ JEWELRY, Silverware, &c. RlCUMOttb, ILL. PI- -s3r : ! i •-?' »' $•. * ^ ^ tai --v. Nevt Hardware Btoro. I. N. MEAD ! 30CAR THE TOSPOT, --DB AI.XB XXr<~ UIDfilE, STOVES, Tl. CliwIK Mini fin, Table and Pocket Cutlerv, Scissors and Shears, Ilorne Hasps, Horse Shoes, Horseshoe Nails, and f iles of every description. Alt< everything thatls generally kept la a Hard ware Store. Being a Practical Workman 1 shall spare no palm in trying to glre satia' taction to all w bo favor me wit* tbvlr patron age. All kinds of Jobbing In my line will receive prinnpt aiteation. Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere when in need of anything In my l">« I- N- MEAD- McHenry, Oct. 10th. 1379. •tp- AND The nndersljrned, at hts Xhnp Worth of Perry A Martin's store near She Rriek Church, is now prepared to do anything in the line of BtiickHinithiny or Wagon Making, on short notice, and guarantee satisfaction. With the best of material and ftrst>c1a»a workmen \vu are prepared to get up Buggies and Wajrons to order on the most reasonable terms and warrant as represented. Horse Shoeing & General JolHii promptly attended to. If In wan! of a new be snre to call at my Shop, examine one of my Wagons and learn price before purchasing. My Wagon a took FIRST PREMIUM AT THE COUNTY FAIR last Fall over all.others. J will not t»e undersold,quality considered. Give Me a Call. PHILLIP HAUPKRISH. McHenry, IU., March Slat, 1831. McHenry, April 13th* 1881. JU8T RECEIVED -AT- Maitnan's AT WAUCONDA. I have the largest stock of Spring Goods ever brought to I.nke County, which I will felt at LOWER PRICES THAK EVER BE­ FORE. Ready-made Clothing more numerooa than ever mid at prices suited for every purte.-- For anything made to order, whether a single inpnnnt or a full suit t Maiman's Is the ntvee to bny. Also a full line flV GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Bate and Caps, fte. I have a lar^e variety of PIECE GOODS, of the Latest Styles aad Patterns, at low figures. Mrs. Maiman, Who is assisted by Miss Gieseler. has jnat received a line stock of Spring Millinery, af the latest styles to be found in the elty. which she invites the Ladies of Waucotida lo rail and examine, Hats and QonaaM Trimmed in the latest «t vies and at rea«oaa> ble prio s Dress Making done promptly •nd satisfaction gqara&t£34

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