- 5 • f t • % ' '••:/ %-j• . v» ->:';• ^ fssfTr^r5^ nw^n^w^s^®*' a. >• >U»,» i ••"A ir"- , «•'«*% ̂( .% ft, v A T^gfuv f" # J if < * » • A- -VU ' • »r/? sbi J(^ary.f]«iaMa& WEDNESDAY AP*1L"St», ISM. Raiisoad Time Table. • CJOIKG SOlTTHif geneva Lake Passenger T:S8U. V eneva Lake Freijrhf. 1:15 p. * OOIXOWMrtlli' * Otuvt Utt Froisrht t..M,i,10:n k. M Geneva btln Vassenrer...... «:&SP.M B. BVM, Agent. McHenry, Ill AT the Election on Saturday for one School Director. A. H. Hsnley WU elected u his own successor. A GOOD muzzle-loading Shot Oun for sale cheap. Inquire at the River- aide House. CooKsow WHJGHT. who Is with the firm of Field A Letter, Chicago, Is •pending a few days at his old home in thU village. SKB the new advertisement of IV B. Harrison, Wauconds, the man who "sometimes tells Pills, Plasters, and Poisons.1' C. V. Snvrnts, of the Arm of Stevens A Schnorr, has been wrestling with the Humps the past week. Not a very pleasant thing to have, to say the least. • •• " MISS NBLME BUCKLIW has beenquite tick the past week with Inflammatory "rheumatism. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Dr. Ballon, of Honda, 18 In attendance. THE Scow. Capt. PoweVs, broke from her moorings and was carried down stream by the freshet on Tuesday.-- Bow boats were sent in pursoitendslie Was captured and towed hack. MRS&KS. Perry A Oris wold, proprie tors of the . Steamboat "Mary Gris- wold," are building a Scow for the pur- pose of bringing down wood as soon as the Lakes open. It will carry about ten oords. A large Red Squirrel can be seen Nearly at the top of the Hancock Pole, near the Bridge, bOT like the party which this pole represents---he's dead. Some boys wickedly drew him up there with a string around his neck. JOS.SWADISH, who lives on the east •hie of the rlver^was obliged to move out on Tuesday night, the high water making it dangerous to remain In his house.' With his family he took tem porary quarters iu the Council Rooms. Iff another column can be found a correct report of the McHenry Mar kets. The prices quoted are those paid by our merchants and dealers. «uid will be carefully corrected each week before going to press. THE peach crop is gone agalli, ac cording to some rt ports froin the ioutli. When there comes a spring in tvhtcti it is not reported gone, ascen sion robes win be the proper tiling in the line of dress. ^ 4/ h»«4#*i»-,4U * peofiestioN^] HMMi ihontd use an envelope without a re- torn card printed thereon. We furnish ahd print a superior envelope, for what you ordinarily pay for the blank envelope alone. Call and see about it. WORK on the new steamboat Is pro- gresslng-favorably, and Capt. Hill In forms us she will be completed and ready to launch about June 1st. If the weather proves good, more workmen will be put on and the work pvshod as rapidly a* possible* THK dam at Bishop's mill has been fn a good deal of danger the past few days, but by constant watching, night and day, they have been able to save . It, and at the time of writing, Wednes day mottling. It is thought the real danger-la past. We certainly hope so. LLTSTFCR FARM HAM, of Iowa, a nephew ef John L. Howo, spout Sunday with 9fr. Howek» family, near this village. Be brought a car-load of cattle to the Chicago market, and took the oppor tunity to run o*t here and too his friends. • f • A LADY writes and asks: '"Will you • please tell me how to cut my spring cloak?" Well, that's a little out of our ordinary line, but*about the quickest way to cut it, is to get a good pair of •harp scissors and gouge a hole right oat of the back* 8eventy-4ve cents please. THBRB has been firing all along ths line, both op and down the river, for the past few days, and the slaughter of ducks has been immense. The •hooting Is now good and hunters are Improving it. We hear of one party from Chicago who got sixty as the re sult of one day's shooting. J As will be seen by a notice elsewhere lu this paper,the Sheep Shearing Fes tival, which is to be held at Woodstock has been postponed until the 4th and Sth of May. ThU was found neeessa'y on account of the weather. Those In terested should bear iu mind the change. Read the noticc elsewhere, headed "Postponed." JOHN 1. SxoBt Is getting in his goods and will have the new Hardware •tore open and ready for business In about a week. He is fixing the store up In handsome style, aud it will be one of the finest arrauged hardware •tores 111 the county. When be gets in running order it will be duly an nounced through these columns.. Ix another column can bo found a new advertisement fer the old and well known Merchant Tailor, F. G. Mayes, who ean be found at his old •tand. r.ear the new bridge. He has a flue stock of cloths for the Spring trade and if you are in want of a single gar- resent or a full suit, do not fail to give him a call before purchasing, as he will be sure to suit you in quality of goods, price and a good fit. Read bis adver tisement, GotoMff, E. Wf Howe for tHoab iMd Dolmans. ISRAEL WRIGHT, father of Rob Wright, died quite suddenly on Tues day morning. He had been feeble for •owe time, but he was not considered dangerous. The funeral will take place to-morrow, Thursday. He • was 81 years old. A SON of Isaac Jecks, aged about six teen, had .the misfortune* to cut his foot with au axe severely on Tuesday. Dr. Brown was called, and it was with some difficulty that he was kept from bleeding to death until tho Doctor got there. WE learn that L. Stoddard will open a Meat Market, on or about May 1st, in the Fisher Shop. North of the Riv erside House. This Is a good stand and we believe Mr. Stoddard will keep a market second to none, aud we pre dict will receive a liberal share of pub lic patronage. A. M. CHURCH, Agent for the Book entitled "Our Deportment," is still in town, and Is meeting with unprece dented success, having taken over one hundred Orders since our last issue.-- It is a book which should be in every Library, and If you have hot already done so, subscribe at once. An Agent will visit Geneva Lake soon. THE owners of the Steamboat "Mary Grl8wold,*' are putting her in shape for the summer, and will be ready to run as soon as the ice gets out of the Lakes. She will be repainted aiid put in first-class trim to accommoda;e all who wish to visit the popular resorts on our Lakes. ON account of the break in the rail road, and consequently no mails since Monday night, we ar<> obliged to go to press without our regular Greenwood letter and election news from Rich mond which we expected. How many more times our mails are to be blocked this season the Lord only knows*--and He won't tell. FOR the past two days almost every thing that would float has been coming down the river. Fence rails, boards, plank, hay stacks, hog pens, &c. One party on the bridge saw a pump In the river and immediately got a boat and went out to see if the well had come down too. Should the waier co ne up much more a few enterprising citizens contemplate floating down Cedar Is land and anchoring it near the bridge. THAT there is something wrong with cur Railroad management is evident, and now the question is who is to blame? While there Is a bridge near Algonquin that is impassible, there i an engine aud cars on tliis end of the road that could run on time betwee Geneva Lake and Crystal I.ake. an< thereby accommodate travel to Chica go. It would see in "to a eiau up a tree" that bad management or pure cussedness can be tlie only cause for the ma:iuer lu which patrons on this end of the road>re being used CORPOKATION BI.KOTION. The election ou Tuesday In this vile lage for three trustees and one clerk, was decidedly a tame affair, although there were three tickets in the field. Our business men seem to have lost all interest as to how our village matters are conducted, and the result is the elections go b}' default. It is a lamen table fact but nevertheless true. The following is the ticket ejected, the can didate for Clerk having no opposition: Truztee*--William Sclireiner, Antony Weber, Frits Block. Clerk--H. H. Nicholl. There were only one hundred and seventeen votes polled. THO MKW CHKKBK rACTOKIKS. Work on the uew Cheese Factory of J. Oat man A Sou, near Hanley's Mill, is progressing tapidly, and will be pushed to^completlon as speedily as may be. The Masons are on the ground at work en the foundation, aud the lumber is expected to be here the pres ent week, when a large force of work men will be immediately put on. We •hall, before our next, get time to look it over and give our readers such notes as may be uf interest to them. The workmen have commenced dig ging preparatory to laying the foun dation of Dorati A Poole's Factory, South of Bishop's Mill. The frame work for this building is nearly all ready iu the shop, and as soon as the foundation is laid the building will go up with a rush. The back water from the river has interfered somewhat with their drains, but this will be only tempofary, and tho work will go on at ouce. THE Woodstock Democrat has the following "A very sad aftalr occurred in the town of Hartland on Saturday morning last, by which doubtless another home will miss the gentle ways of \ kind and indulgent mother and wife. We have reference to the shooting of Mrs J. C. Hal lacy. It ap pears that for gome time past tliatlady has been ailing and at times was some what delirious, aud in one of those moods left her bed iu the absence of the watchers, went to the bureau draw er. secured a weapon and shot herself, the ball entering the heaa just back of the ear with an upward direction, through the brain. Medical aid was immediately called, aud all possible help giveu the invalid. At this writ ing she is thought to be a little better, but probably !t is from the fact that mortificatiou has set iu although it may be, and we trust It Is, a general improvement. She admits the shoot ing. but will assign no reason for the act." How any person, with a ball "through the 6rat»," oau be iua condi tion to converse rationally, is one of the mysteries that we would like to hear explained. We had . always sup posed that the opposite was the result. Where death did not instantly o«pnr. BUGGY FOR SALE. A flne new Top Buggy, which I had made for my own use. Will be sold cheap. H. 0. NICHOLS. The Freshet. On Saturday last the Kiverbeglm to rise; and by Sunday a big freshet seem ed inevitable. Precautionary meas ures were taken with the Mill dams, and by constant watching they havo been able to save them thus far. At the time of writing, Tuesday, the old est lnhabitaiAsMf>thi8 town say they never saw Fox 'River as high at this point as now, and still It Is raising ev ery hour. The flats adjacent to tho creek which leads from the Mill Pond is one gigantic lake, and the water is pouring over the dam at a fearful rate. Should it'Contlnue to rise In the river for the next twenty-four hours as fast as it has in the past, a great amount of damage must be doue along the bauks, and with the large snow drifts still re" mainlng many fear the worst. In other parts of the county we hear of considerable damage being done.-- Tho Mill dam at Greenwood, on the Nippersing, went out on Monday, car rying with it the covered bridge at that place, but a« our Greenwood corres pondence has failed to reach as we vhave no particulars. The Railroad Bridge at Algonquin was nearly washed away, so much so that trains are unable to pass over it, consequently our mails, express, «fce., U all behind. A small bridge on the railroad be tween C.irpentervllle and Dundee was carried away on Monday night. Tha iron bridge at Duudee, which was damaged a short time since by a runaway team, and which was being repaired, was entirely swept iuto the river on Monday evening. No doubt a large amount of damage was dor*e along the river of which we have not yet lienrd. Taken all in all no such freshet was ever before known in the history of Fox River. LATER. This Wednesday morning the River Is still rising, being full thirteen inches higher than twenty-four houra ago.-- Men whOitave resided here over torty years say they never saw the like be fore. Rurpors of damages by the flood teach us froin all quarters, but as no trains are running, aud consequently no mails, we can get no particulars.aud nothing reliable. A rumor reached us yesterday that the highway bridge,over the river at Algonquin, had been swept away, aud that the Ice had done great damage to the River Mills, at that place. How true this is we know not. Î The Joluisburgh bridge, three miles above here, is also said to be in a shaky condition, and is liable to be washed away any minute. Every small stream hat assumed the proportions of a Lake, aud the end is not yet. ,By next week we hope to be able to gather reliable Information, and report the amount of damage that has really been done. Wic tiud the following in the Geneva Lake Hercrfd. written by Dr. 9. F. Bennett, of Richmond" and publish it in full: CLIFTON,--Of qnick consumption, at hia rcsi'lence in McHenry. 111., March 30, ISDL T. J. Clifton, ageil IS jeara, 4 mouths a ad 6 days. The above announcement will carry regret to many readers ot the Herald, who knew and respected the deceased. Mr Clifton was ooru at Leesburgh, Indiana; and became a resident of Ge neva. Wis., iu 1854. For a number of years he carried on the blarksmitli business at Geneva and Springfield,and afterward became traveling agent for K. A. Ames, of <'linton Junction. Wis. Fulfilling liis engagement with Mr, Ames he settled for a few years at .lauesville. whence lie removed to Mc Henry about two years ago aud com menced blacksinithiog again. On his birthday, four months and eight days before his death he was taken ^slck with an acute pleuro-pneumo»ia, the sequel of which was the acute phthisis ol* which he died, lie was turied with masonic honors, Mr. Clifton** circle of friends and acquaintances was very large, and we have yet to learn of an acquaintance who did uot like and re«pect him. He was a large souied, open hearted, gen erous spirit, true to his friends and courteous to ail he met. With him friendship wa* more than a mere name, bu*. a living, undying principle. When he grasped your hand, his heart went with it. In his family, he was a loving and indulgent husband and fath er to the wtfe and one daughter who survive to mourn him Their sorrow words of sympathy can hardly lessen, though a host of tongues are ready to oiler tliein, but there is comiort to them i>i the faith that upbore him iu all his sufferings--a faith in • happy reunion hereafter. His creed hinged on justice to man. and faith in God's eternal tone toward His creatures. Death had no terrors to him,as he has repeatedly assured the writer. In him we have lost au honest, loyal heartod mail, antl one whose place it will be hard to fill. S. F. B. Richmond Department* OOVTRIBOTBP or 9. V. BENNETT. The Htei^ng. A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures every time, and prevents disease by keeping tiie blood pure, stomach regular, kidneys aud liver active, is the greatest blessing ever conferred upon a>ati. Hop Bitters is that remedy, and its proprietors are being blessed by thousauds who Irave been saved aud cured by it. Will you try it? See another column. Postponed. M WOODSTOCK, I1L, April Mth, 1881. EDITOR PLAINDKALER:--Please an- neunee to your readers that the "Shear ing Festival" heretofore advertised in your paper for April, at Woodstock, is postponed to May 4th and Sth. The 4th will be occupied In the examina tion of sheep ana awarding premiums by a committee of Wisconsin gentle men. Shearing will occupy.the 5th.-- The show of sheep promises to be au excellent one. Show free to all--nice horses will be shown at the shearing. Tuos. MCD Kicn*iiDg, )npL of r««tivml. Given tip by Doctora. • Is It possible that Mr. Godfrey Is op and at work, and cured by so simple a remedy?" **I assqre you it Is true that he Is en tirely cured, and with nothing but Hop Bitters, and only ten days ago his doctors gave him up and said be must die!" **'Well-*-day! That is remarkable! I willjo this day aud get somd for my poor George--I kpow hops ore good," S. F. BKWNETT is herebv authoriccrl totak« subscriptions amt orrt«rs for advertising i»ml Job? ;Work for the I'L,VINDKAI.KU, r«coiv« mrtnev therefor nn't recKipt for ttie same.-- alforrter* left with tatas wit) reealre prompt Atten tion.--Editor. This spring is * good one for--rheu matism. New stocks of goods are piling Into •11 our stores. An immense stock of wall paper Bt Alexander A Hyde's. If anybody hint* that the roads* are good, shoot the atrocious liar on the spot. Dr. R. F. Bennett, wife and daugh ter, of Elgin, visited Richmond last week. Geo. W. Eldredge was elected Pound Master at the last towii meeting. A good man for the pool t Son. The Kenosha and Rockford Rail road I? not open yet. It must be an enterprising eompanv that runs it! How do the farmers get to tlie fac tories with their milk without having it churned on arrival? Anumberof families In town are suffering from * wood famine. The snow has been too deep to get it out of the woods. We have to-day, April 18. 1881, trav eled over snow drifts eight feet high. Make a note In your memorandum books. We are sorry to state that Mrs. Geo. Purdy Is in a critical condition with cancer of the breast. The utmost sympathy Is felt with the family in their trouble. .. We are glad to announce that our en terprising dentist, L. R. Rice, has in troduced tho use of nitrous oxide in operations. The use or' this gas is en tirely without danger, and by its use teeth can be extracted without pain, the same as by ether or chloroform. Mr. Rice is a first class dentist and his business is growing rapidly. The marriage of Mr. Wm. Brown, with Smith A Haytliorn, took most of us b}' surprise, for we had not sus pected that he contemplated that im portant step. He has shown excollent judgment howeverMin marrying, and also in choosing f«ir a bride one of Elkhorir8 fairest and most accom plished daughters* Miss Mary Madden. Mr. and Mrs Brown have taken rooms at the Richmond House, where they are "at home" to their friends. We wish them a large share of happiness and a prosperous voyage of life. The following is tho list of over seers of highways elected at the last town meeting: District No. l-ij*. K. Allen. S--J nines Stewart, (--•lames M. Mason. W»tnet"Tfh. 4<wftfeWTrr<T LywuoWg1*- - District No, 6--WiaHer Uropley. - v District No. District No. District No. Dhtrict No. District No. District No. District No. 6---Jofau Cralne. 7--Silas Ward. 8--L. B. Co veil. 9--Henry Ifeherst. 10--James Harness.. District No. 11--Jo^n Wray. District No. 12--Petor Sill. District No. 13--E. K. Taylor. District No. 14--Tlios. Thompson. The Herald mentions the fact that the Rev. H. D. L. Webster, author of the song. "Lorena." ti>Kiug advantage of his wife's temporary absence from home.had.as it were, "silently folded his tent and stole away." We mention tiie unhappy circumstance not for the purpose of giving publicity to a scan dal. but to correct the statement that H D. L. Webster Is a brother of J. P. Webster, the composer of the song. "Lorena," as well as the "Sweet By- and-By,"and a thousand other fcetns of song. The two men were In ho way related by blood. Both men resided for a time at Elkliorn at the same time the writer did, and a community of musical taste made them quite inti mate. H, D. L. Webster is a poet of no mean ability; but after all ths world is more Indebted to J. P. Web ster for "Lorena" than to the author. As originally written It was not In tended for a song. but for a magazine article, and eras en titled "Bertha." J. P. Webster saw It iu manuscript and at once conceived thtHdea tjtat a song might- be made of it by altering ft somewhat. He took It, remodeled it. gave it tlie nam* "Lorena. and composed fbr it pne of the sweetest melodies ever bom of human genius. .There Is a heart his tory in the music, a history given us by the lips of the immortal J. P. Web ster himself, as well as the facts stated above in regard to the words. Dim aiCT no. % on hand April. 1st MO. SSS SS Jaly. Mth, MB, Ami. delinquent tax received 7 ST Juty 16t!i. 1&K), Railroad tax received.. 46 M A writ 4, I8R |, 3|>e«{ftl DUt. tax received CM II Apt 11 4, MM, 3tate t'ix received 30 OS April 4, 1881. Interest apportionment.. 3 41 April 4, 1831. Total expenditures dar. Ins year «H K April 4, Itol, Ral.-inee on Iwnili. 38495 nWTRICT !«»,*. MSI, Balance on hand April tat April4,'M8i! Amt deiluqaent' ttix ril ceiTed.. St 84 April 4,1831, AintSpeci.nl District tax received ITS 19 Amt Interest apportionment. 4 «v Amt Sine in rec.jivwl 41 4* Amt total expeniUturestlnriag year.. S81 V Ami Balance on hand ISt Si DISTRICT WO. 4. Balance on hand April l*t, 1810 SK 89 July Ml, 1890. Amt delinqnent tax re ceived 8 SB July 18, 1890, Amt Railroad lax rer'd.. SO 8R Apr. 4, Amt Special Di«t. tax rec'<l.... 98 U April 4, 18*1, Amt state tax reccivct.. S3 78 April 4, 188!. Amt. Int. apportionment t 85 April 4.1881, Ami Total expenditures during ve^r I3B Be April 4, lfel. Balance on hand ITS M district was Balance on hand April lot, 188C MS 73 July 16, 1M0, Aral delinqnent tax re> ceived 11 87 'April 4. 1881, Amt Special District tax received S47 14 April 4. 1881. Amt State lax received.. 71 34 April 4, 1881, Amt. tnt apportionment received 7 SRI April 4. 1881, Amt Total expenditures during rear S48 46 April 4, 1881, Amt Balance on hand..... 177 SB DISTRICT NO. a. Balance on hand April 1st, 1988 88 IS April 1, 1880, Amt received from Treas. Burton 08 SS July 16, 18*), Amt delinquent tax ree'd 4 OS April 4. lS'll.jAmt Special District tax ^ received 180 8% April 4, 1881, Ai«t State tax received... 47 08 April 4, 1881, Amt Int apportionment.. 5 98 April 4,1881, Total expendUaree dar. ins year .. . 330 00 April4,18B1, Balance on hand.......... 83 46 _ , DMTltlCT JMX 7. Balance on hand April 1st, 1890...... IMS 01 July 16, 1880, Amt delinquent tax re. » oeived 5 3S July 16, 188a, Amt Railroad tax ree'd136 40 July Ifi, 1880, Received tuition foreign scholars S4 00 July 16, 1880, Amt Special District 'tax 1041 78 July 16, 1880, Amt State tax 119 4S July"16, 1W), Ami Int. Apportionment 16 KB •Inly 16. 18S0,JAmt Total expenditures during year NM 40 July 16, 1880, ftalance on hand 130ft 87 Total Balances 317H 88 Total Ca*h on hand ..i ai7» 88 JOHN W. HATTHOB*, Township Treasurer. Given April, 4th, t88L Do You Want a Sewing Machine. If you do, of course yon want the best, as it costs no more. Then why buy from an Agent who carries but one which he lias fixed up on purpose to show, when by going to the store of O.W.Owen, in McHenry, you can have your choice of Five, viz: The Domes tic, £ldredge, American, Improved Howe, and Singer. We keep all these machines In stock, and any ]a«fy who wants a machine can set down and try them all. and then select the one which suits her tlie best. The first three nam<>d, the Domestic, Eldredge and American; are three of the best me chines on the market, and any one will be convinced of the fact by calling at tny store and trying one themselves. Also a line stock of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, can be found at my store. Organs and Pianos for sale or rent, O. W. 3WRH. McHenry, April 10th, 1881. To Buyers of Hardware. J. II. Eat ley, whose place of business can be found near the Southeast cor ner of the Square, Woodstock, wishes "to to forth the pitbPc that he Is no# better than ever prepared to meet the 3 jwnuU of the buying public in hia Hue. • »He has In store a I'ull stock of Stoves. Tinware, Granite Iron ware, OH Stoves Milk Cans, Hoes, Rakes, Table and Pocket Cutlery, and iu fact a general assortment of Hardware of oil kinds, which lie can and will sell as cheap or cheajier than any other house In the comity. He keeps none but first-class goods, aud will warrant everything as represented. Being a prectical work man he mst,kes no poor work, and in tlie line of Milk Cans, or In fact any other Tin work, lie will compare wltii any. When In want of anything in this Hoe do not fall to call. Rniiem- ber the place, near the Southeast cor ner of tlie Public Square, Woodstock, HI. . . ̂ - THIS NXW AUD CORRECT Proves beyond asaf rsaseaaMe q nest km that the Chicago dk ITorth.'nrestem is bv all odda the beat road for yon to take when traveling tn either dirwile»thl*wew» Ckicap and all tie Principal Points is tie Weil north & ftrtkntg Carefnlly examine this Map. The principal Cities of the West and Xerthweatare Statl-- • ' on this road. Its through trains make clo« connections with the train* of all rillmaits t junction pMntx, Ordway M Sioux c T M M C f t a Our readers in this township will bo much interested In the report of the Town Treasurer given below, it being a full exhibit of the financial trans actions aud present status of tiie vari ous school districts In the town. The district embracing the village, of course, leads the list and expenses.-- Nearly one-half of our taxes, every year, are for school purposes aud we believe all our citisens pay it cheer* fully and only ask a good school In re turn. Annual Report of the Township Treat- tirer of the Town of Richmond. Balance on hand, April lat. 1881.. 8S7SS S9 April l«t, 1881, Tela! receipt* todate.. SS81 78 - 983187 88 Total amount paid out to. dale. Balance on hand.. Towxsmr rryn. Balance on hand April 1st, 1880. ....... SIT 94 Amount collected on notes todate..,. Hi 88 April 4th, 1881, Intercut apportionedto Districts .......9 M Treas. fees oa Int apportipaad, . SB Balance on band •• ™ " DISTRICT WO. 1. Balance on hand April 1st. W w July ISth, 1380, Amt delinquent tax I*. ceircft • ~ 1 W April 1st. 1881, Special District tax.... *7 77 April 1st, 1S81,State tax 8» 0B April 1st, lMl, Interest apportionment 8 81 April 1st, 1881, Total expenditures dur. I«J£ year , April 1st, Ha la ace on haad I** * » FOR SALK. A good ipftn of Mules or • span of Mares." Will sell either. luquireof 8 Tier it KIT KATMOKO. McHenry. April ISth, 1881. Shoes lor the Afllliria. We hare placed In the hands of Colby Bros., McHenrjr and Nub da, an immense assortment of our best sewed work, consisting of Women's aid Misses Goat and Kid Button and Side Lace Goat aud Kid Watkiug Shoes, Serge and Cougress Gaiters, Gott and Kid front laoe, all of which they are selling at our wholesale ptlces with a small compensation added. Coll and examine goods. roUBUSH A BUOWTf, Buffalo, #. Y. Millinery! Millinery! Mrs. S. stearic* has just received • nise stock of new Spring Millinery and Notions, and is now prepared to take orders and execute them on short notice. Also have » fine line of Trimmed Hats and Bonnets for Easter. Instructions in Music. I ain now prepared to give Instruc tions ou either Piano or Organ, at my home or elsewhere. Terms reasonable Coll oo or address. HIM ILOII WAITS, For Hale* acres, 31 of it is plow land the bit!slice timber aud pasture. House 26x W two cellars, well, orchard Ac. I will take #41 per acre, if it is sold before May 16th. MR8.C.&SBU||*D* I. M. MAUOST, Aasas, Vaada, IU. Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols for Lodies- Beady Made Underwear. The only pad guruuteoi ta sure diabetes, gravel, drops;, Bright** disease, nervous debility, ann all diseases ef the kidney's and bladder, lo Prof, Guilmette's French Kidney Pad. Call at Mrs. £. W. Howe's Mid ex amine those Stylish Hats «ud Bon nets trlmssod by Miss JEtto SfMsso, of Chicago. FOR a A L«. A very flne I *urham Bull, one year old* Will be sold reasonable. CHICAG?T^MYRTn-WgSTHRy THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY T^sl'ft^K^^ **"*• *"« PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS, It fa the on!Ir road ;hat runs Pullman Sleeping Cars Xorth or Northwest of "hl'lSs '"*»» haa nearly S,000 Miles of Rood- In forms the fnllowitifc Trnnk Lines: Council Bluffs, Denver A California I«lne. Winons, Minnesota S Oentral ffiiffc* Lia# Sioux City, Nor Nebraska * Yankton Line. • Chicago, St. Pr.ul ft Minneapolis l.iae Northern Illinois, Freepflrr, A Dubuque Line. 'Milwaukee, (frees Ray A LakesTaperlorXiae Tickets over this road ary sold toy all Coupo® Tieket Agents In the United States 41 C0aa«U Kemeniber to ask for Tickets via tins road, ibe sure they read over It, and take none other MARVIW HUGHITT, Ren'l Manager, Chicago W.H. tUXBlTT. Uen^ass .1(1 eMapg* Business Notices. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonle restores the appetite. The Molino Sulky Plow ** S. M Owen's. , The Fnrst A Bradley Sulky Plow ot K. M. Owen's. When In want of work tn my line, give mea call and I will try and please Robt. Muriltt, Jeweler. Nunda, 111. The largest stock of Millinery Goods In the County, at Mrs. 8. Searles. Buckeye Fores Pomps, at M Owen's. AH the first-class Plows at X. M. Owen's. Mrs. H. H. Nichols has a large stock of Trimmed Hats fer Easter. A Hue line of Gents Furnishing Goods at leaner A Seeker's near the Depot. The finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to be found In the county, at O. W. Owen's. I make a specialty of Repairing fine W itches, and warrant all my work, Robt. Murlltt, Nunda. Mrs. H. H. Nichols lias the largest stock of Spring Millinery Goods In Mc Henry County, New style Bracelets at O. W. Owen's MRS. E. W. HOWK is offering Indnoe- ments to purchasers of Millinery, Clonk*, Aa. Give her a call. Store four doors North of Riverside House. ; l_ TEA DRINKERS Will find the pure. uii*dulte*ited. on- colored. natural leaf, Japan tea at our place. STEYKMS A SCHNURR. E. A. GOLDTNG. Waucondftf lll.f dealer In Gro ceries, Canned Goods, Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco. Notions, Ac. Also Headquarters for Piatt A Co's Celebra ted Bivitimore Oysters. I am now pre pared to furnish Fresh Oysters by the Can or Dish, at all hours of tlie day or evening. My Refreshment Parlors are cosily fitted up. well warmed and light ed.and uo pains will be spared to please all who call. 1 also make a specialty of all kinds of Can Goods, and keep a fine 11 uo of Confectionery. Give me a call. E. A. UOUMPQ. YOU WANT 10 Ihs of our clarified N. O. Sugar for •1.00 equal to granulated. 7 lbs green eoflee 61.00. STEVKMS A SCHKORB. WHY DO YOU COUGH When otte box 6f Besley**Troches will cure your Store opposste Porker House. ir you want your Watch put tn frst class Order, eall on Robert Morfitt Jeweler, Nunda, ^ New Prints, latest patterns M prices from five cents a vard mid Up wards, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets ut- til yon have seen and priced roods at Mrs. S. Sesrles. >, SPECIAL BARGAINS. We offer a large lot of remnant* in Dress Goods, /rom ft to 13} cents per ford. STKVKNS A SCHKUBB. Errors of youth, in male or female cans!nsr shyness, or Innhility to look another in the face, pimples, nervous ness. etc., etui be permanently cured by •the use of rror. Guilmette's KiltNir Pud. Panel Photos at Miller's Stndlo. A few Overcoats left. Good sad cheap at Fitsslmmons A Evansoa'o. New supply of Rubber Boots M Fitatiinonons A Eranson's. THE BEST THIN® For Kifeugli Is Besby's Trochlii. a box. 3tore opposite tho Parker noose. - - A complete assortment of Photo graphs lor two dollars ot Miller's btudio. 1 Panel and tt Cards Miller's Photo Studio. fer #1J* M For Sale. k In Woodstock, a bouse and flee of laud, situated on the Chemung road, thirty rods Nortli ot the Wowdstock Brewery. Is a desirable piece of pro perty, and will be gold reasonable. In quire on the premises. JAMES GAIXAGRim. G. W. BESLEY Fitjesimmon.s & Evauson are trying hard to dispose of the Balance of their Stock of Winter goods. It will pay the cash buyer to Investigate. If in seaerh of Bargains call at C. F. Hall's Richmond and Dundee Stores. Onr new Spring stock of Clothing Is now received and a more complete line is uot to be found iu this vicinity. We can fit a boy from six years old up wards. Youths aud Boys School Suits a speciality. Stock reasonably large and profits very small. We will save money for those who favor us with their potronage. Call and see. riTzsiMMoxs * Kvsnaoa. 1 Panel,! Cabinet, 6 Cards and S Miuette Photos for M.00, ot Miller's Studio. ' Sore Throat, Diphtheria, Quinsy, are different forms uf cougextiou. the re sult of "catching cold" Trank's Magnet ic Ointment was never known to fall in immediately relieving the Oonges- ti«j| ljft curing these forms. Horses for Bala. frnVspwn of good work horses is offered for sale at a reasonable price. Will weigh between twenty-three aud twenty-four hundred. Apply, ot tlw Fox Kiver Valley Mills, of f . l/OST. ' On Sunday, March 17th, between the Hyatt House aud the Baptist Church. at Crystal Lake, a Cameo Set Locket Charm. The finder will confer a great favor and be suitably rewarded by leav ing the ftpi#a with she opetrolw %t the FOB SAI.E. 40 Acres of land in Section IS, all fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with o good house and barn thereoa, with timber and water in abundance, is He©* tlou 33. Also iuy homestead on the Crystal Lake sad Nunda road. Good new beuie^ham ai.d other outbnlldinge.-- Apply to Joan FtusftX. R«e<fe Gilt Edge Touic «rce» Fever Has jost received an Opt!mOtor,' esting the eyes, and can now fit jrss with » pair of spectacles ami guarantee satisfaction. He also has a fill I line of •Spectacles, all kinds, to wiilob ho vites the attention of the public. Buy a pouud of fine Japan Ten at Fitzsimmoits 41 Evan^on's and If yo« like ft tell your neighbor* go. jf ^1 satlsfaetory return lb Good valtie. OVER COATS. We have special bargains In'tblsSHoo to close, 16 over coats*98 00, former prices;#] 1 •» 10 over coats #4,00. former prices tf 8 overcoats #11.00, former prices ill OS Full slse mens over coats as low no 42M these are bargains. STBVEM A 8canooa. Ladies of McHenry and vidsritjr dou't buy your Hsu or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. Am now offering greater bargains than ever. All wo>S lit repairing doue on short notice. FENClTpOSTS FOR SALE. 9000 seasoned Burr Oak Feooo fMi fur sale. Inquire of JOHN DORA*. Valuable Pr .»perty For Sale, The property formerly used as * Hotel, lu ths village of Rlngwood, is offered for sale. It consists uf on® lam* brick House, containing ten rooms. Si necessary outbuildings, a good w«U of water and cistern, aud one acre of load, Ou the premises are some of the fiiieet fruit and Ornamental trees, shrubbery, Ac., to be found in tiie county. It Is a veiy desirable location and will hoi dirt cheap and on long time, for security. Apply to SIMEON iPOTTEe, Adml Of the Salute of Mrs. M. Crandall, Qtiittiut* and AM»stJh»' Form the basis of many of * itte remedies in the market, and are last resort of physicians and who know no better medtoln* to ploy for this distressing The effects of either of these i destructius in the system. prxMag headache, intestinal «tlM>r«lers, eettlgo*. disziuess, ringing lu the ears, ami de pression of the constitutional health* AyerV Ague Cure is a >>get%nle dte> covery, voufaiuiiig neither quinine, as>» senic nor any de!eterlou« iu|re4tesW and is au infallible and r apid «oso lor every form of f»wr and ague. Ma effects mm permanent and cerl tain* and no tujnry wnireoult (rum it« HM». sides being a positive ruve fur fever and agoe in al its f»rtas. It is sflan a snpeswr remedy for-lw» msflosn. It is an exmMleut to«do m® | issskrtve» as W«d)as' cure,1»t |j| n iijilslnts pe- culli»» te gtetarta^liiilafcjr. asnl ssien^ matWdUtrlw^N^liitlt oat too o» the liver and apparatus. It stimulates tlietyaiem t» s healthy conUitiuu. For JdiJifs. •y. 1#"C