Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 May 1881, p. 1

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".0 **•:»!?*• .-• -y ••*+* *•*$; _ v'; ^ * "*.v. v 5 ? ,*» » /*#* »•;> . • ,*. • " . **\ ;*^v. • Icnrw "Pledged but to Truth* to Llbftrty and Law; M'HENRY, ILLINOIS i -'> * ISM A. worn JOSSPHX BUSINESS CARDS. ^ PaMIShad £ve?rJW«dnMdar by #. VA^fSLiYKE, V .5.' -sK •> V>*i 5?r* IDttWt alD P1TBt.lgHC|,)[ »>.#/ . " lupoid P. O. Bloek, -Owo«*i KtrnitDi Kocsa.-- ^ WMUtioF sffBscBtrrioii. f^i&lvaaee).. ^ilU» If Hoi Pata vltfciaThree Months, IS* Sabaertptleas roooivod for three or six •Mthi in th« Mima proportion. " BtftefKSS C1EDS. fig #te» H. T.BROWX.M.D. HYSICIAH AVD SUartKOX. Oflee over the Peat Office. opposite Perry & Martin's «p Sttiri, MeHenry, 111, , 1 III a EL FEGEB9, M, 0- , rsldlAjr *J*D SUBOBOft. Johasbarfh, boar* 8 to Ml a. at. A 9. HOWARD N D. HMTIIOI&I AKD SURGKON.. Mm'*! I my imUhoi, opposite X. & Choral* palteaty. XU. K- V. ANDBR SON. M. D. KTBICIAJT And Surgeon. Oflee At Better's Drit Hor«, OMMtM fMktr IN, McHehry, Illinois. PiATT HOUSR. Pro: »t UL priotor. Pint olass m». Good Im ln connection 4< P. J. BABBIA*. ' tfHIOAV Manuftujtnrer MaHenry, III. "V dtffv solicited, fthop, Worth Ernst j2r PiUi« Square. i**® £*• Oor. • UOaiKDOOfPNl. ^ > tCSTIt)E»f the Peaceand Conveyancer.-- Wilt Mtend promptly to the collection of lebta. Volo, Like Oonnty, III. E. E. RICHARDS. it Is. Ottoe with [ASA waptete Abstract ot Titles to land In M HenrrOoanty, Illl m»y ( lerk, Woodstock. II SOL. i Boot, and Km* bat the' best of materal ned am! all work warranto M Shop North­ erns* flocn r Public Square, Henry 111. :*ii ' BOBT. WRIGHT, of Custom Made E.M.OWEN. IEKEHAL Dealer and Manufacturers it in. Leading Farm Miichim^rjw lg Farm and Terms favgrable. K. S.COLBT. Bs eeder of jeep. Berki hire and \ ohoioe lot *f yonag and ei MOHEIIRT, McHenry Co., Ill •paaieh Merino sheep, E Mmn Ohiaa E wine. X ohoioe I Btek stock for sale. Please call fore bayihg elsewhere. 1 1 » -i . ii m iimi.j. " rfci \V' QBO SCHBBINB*. - . i.-"1' OALOOK and Restaurant. Xearly opposite • JOHXrffBKDB^CKA. " '•*" [VIX* mfct.S, ILL. isaow ptet jaaure yonr llfeand property At fates. Please fivciac a *al'. ; PETER LEICKEM. f>E FAIRS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry o' JJ, *11 kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the best Mesible manner, on short uotiee and at rea* ioasble rates. Also Violin# for Sale. Shop *r«t door North Jtirerside Block, McHenry J. A. 8HE9WOOD AND apfkaiseî ; Algonquin, III. SALES of Stoek, Parraing Tools and Good* 39 of all kinds promptly attended to. Para - ---- ™ pot4 a specialty. Terms reasonable address Algonquin 111. W« Hs SANPOR^; , la the store ofO. & Dickinson^ Bast n#e of ^Mle««aare. WOODSTOCK, ILL. , A. #®@<i Stoek of Fin# Cloths for Saltings a!- «rays on haad. SuiMmade to order a»d a It 'warranted. Give me & ealt. A, _ < W. H. SAKPOBD. r #oodstoek iH.Sept. tTth. 1871. Scot^ifc Ck>>, patters to tie Great Northwest" J& 135 aid 137 laiiw St, HEAR OtARK ST. Mave a larger stoek an«i^greater varieif as. GBBMN. jyitTjtRtVARY SURGEON, BteluMnd JBSSB A. BALDWIN, A TTOBNET at Law aad Solioltor U CbM- J\ oery. win pvaetlee ia State and la Fad eml Ooarts. Oftoe, td Ptoor. Ibw Oastom M--sa, Obicago. • •• t . OHAS.PK. OOXXRUT, A TTORNBY at LAW «ad Notarr rti#l A. Woodstook, Illinois. OI«e orer Moiw'i Drag Store. O. H. TRCAX. and Builder, Xuada, IIL-- " * r4aw C WiUpnt up buildings by^tbe Jobor aad guarantee satisfaction. gA^OOR^AND RESTAURANT Botislett's opposite Blslm&'s Mill. Me- The o toicest Wines, Liqnors _.,rs to be found in the county, fresh Oysters is their se^soti served up la bay " ,pe desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. Henry. III. .-«g*F Eatabliahed In 188S. I JOHN 8TEHBA, Formerly of Woodstock aad again re (turned to MoHenry County, aakT on hand the largest stoek of READY MADE HARfflBSSES. SIDNE V DI9BROW, I^OTARt^PUBLICaad Conreyaaear. A. M. CHURCH, 187 RANDOLPH STREET. ^..s, House,) CRteago. III. Pormerly with Shnrly. Special attention givea to Re- --' raicbes and Chronometers. Ham. N°i E P. Shuriy. special attention glrea t< pairing Flee watches and Chronomsters CT& Pull Assortment of Goods in hi* F. J. CROSS, COLLARS, WHIPS, Ac., to be found in the Oonnty, and has ererything, made of the BEST MATERIAL. Call aad see me. JOHN STE8tH4. t Hear the Depot, McHenry. . TAKE NOTICE. iik ALL ye that are In want of Tube in any form, from one bushel to 900; If you waat a Tnhmade to a bnnir-hole, brmg It along. I will also take building* to build and furnish, or otherwise Just as we san agree. Shop work of all kinds done to order on short no. A. «W«»t < RMoHCIIIKY. ILL *•' '>;r •v m Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe." EDNESDAY. MAY 11, 1881. Soldiers* Department. Money, to the COXDDCTED BY DR. S. P. BEN'KKTT. and for ot trees to own fruit, been able to and hop- » «ame. I re Ym» Byoomi^r MMil smawdos tRnCh paw team, sab flM a man s«m adorn yoar owlattop eallon yon Ever thai lag to meri BUM.- Rtnrwood, April n. mu mn. tprletor C«,llUnolS, JMcHenrfi , MoHonryv " Full Plates made of -the befct ftasaterlal aad fully warranted, 98LOO. Pilling on*-hatf usual ratea. Special attention paid to regulating bad shaped teeth. Teeth extracted without pain And free of charge where Artificial Teeth are in aarted bv hint. All Work fully warranted. Pn»e Nitrous Oxld* Oat Alw*7* attd for the painless ex traetlon of teelfc. HIRAM WIER« Boot and Shot lbktr, Wauoonda, ill, i would Inform the public that I am now prepared to make Boots and ^hoes to order, of the best material, wArrant a flt, and at LOWER PRICES than any other shop in the eounty. CaH aid l» WanaoadA, Hot. SMh,MHl, CMvJnalfc H. WIER,' Every Boy or Girl, Lady or Gentleman, purchasing a pack­ age of 9 , * Celebrated Gold Mandarin TEA, Will receive the Housekeepers Friend FREE. A beautiful book, containing valuable Recipes, Ladies Needle work Companion, Almanac and Calendar for 1881* Drawing Register of Gas Metre Ac FOR SALE B¥ Pttzslmmons 4 Kviiwon «OLE AGENTS POB.««HEKBr, ILL. N. B.--Price per package Gold Mandarin Tea, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80c, fl, , ,, , t •Mies for you to ehoose ftand * -- ar the thom. goods. from, than can in any othar oatabllahmeat In Chieago West. It will p»yjroa to call aad see Prioai the lowwilaa tha land forfgood BRANCH STORES E.C# ©lark k Lafca «t» ft 8. I* Gar. Halstad ani Harrison sfp., • L CHICAGO. S GERMAN | Manufactured by P. MARCUS, :'-y « --DEALER IN-- .• HIRC WINES, UQII0R8 AND CIGARS. Woodstook III. ***** " r. MAacua fMsmm, f r , " WUl take contrMti Biilldlngs and gnusn comparo with any m can and will w« will cheaper th«ftfi I have two of my me. which makes U do 80. All Jobs In the promptly attended to. putting up work will 8tnte. IS to per titers, m ork with for me to titer line me a call. A. WANDKLL, HK. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. . class rigs, with or wltbont drivers, fnjnished at reasonable rates. all kinds dene on abort notice. < Pint Tern. Teaming ot X*. Bonslettr . Near the Depot, • Mchenry ILLINOIS. Keeps constantly on,h*nd the finest brands of Plour and Feed of all kinds, which be win sell a! Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices* Fire different brands of Flour always -at baud and warranted as represented. WPIour delivered anywhere la the Oar. potation. Orders may be rireu by Postal Card, Box 107, Post Office. UlVK M£ A CALL McW«r>*y, W*«b 8th, mi L. B0NSLETT. Horse Shoeing, a«1E: r, 11ACESH1TE N. BLAKE; RINCWOOD ILLINOIS Would respectfully Inform his customers and the pttMio generally that he Is now bet­ ter than ever prepared to doaU work ia his line. Horse Shoeing We make a speciality in this line, nsa noth. ing but hand turned Shoes, and guarantee satisfaction. Interfering horses or tnoso with bad feet promptly remedied. REPAIRI]N G Of all kinds on abort notice. Farmers in want of the bast Drag ia the market, at bottom flgnree, should not Ml . to leave their orders at once. A^Give us a call and we will please yon both in qnality and price of work. M. BLAKI Blogwood, III. March 8th. lm. JOS. WIEDEMANN, Acent Franz Falk's IILWADK1I UGKB BIIB, ^ McHenry, Hi. Beer tn Large or'Small Kegs or Bottles at. ways on hand cheaper than any other, qnali­ ty considered. This Beer has a world wide repntatran, and •ood judges acknowledge It aaaaot aa iu. passed in the world. | , Orders by mail promptly Attended toy JOS. WlEilMANS. MaHoary. 111. May stli( 18as. M. Engeln, --DEALER IN- Guns and Revolvers, Guu Material of all description.-- Theilnestand best Pocket Cutlery, all warranted.-«> The flues! Razors, •rraated for two 1 year#. Barbers Soap, Caps, Brush ea, "Straps, Eye Owaees, spectacle Eye Protectors for Sun or Snow. Wo also keep a full line of Pishing Tackle, Minnow Seles. Hammocks, and in fact everything pertaining to Pisliing and Hunting, can be found at my store at reasonable Prices. Violins, Aeordeons, Picalas, Flutes, Violin Strings, aun all other extras for Viollhs. My stocks of C1NWARE Is eomplete. Call and examine it, 1 guaisateo Prices that defy all competition. ^ ENOE L». STORE IN HOWE'S BLOCK, NEAR THE BRIDGE. Mrs. E. W. Howe ia offering Induce­ ments to purchasers of wiHInery, €k>ake, Ac. Give her a caH. Store foof doora Noith of Biv«rt|da House. --AND DEALER IV-- Ready-Made Clothing. liespectful i> invites an inspection of bis New Spring Goods Just opened, embracing all the variety usually found in a first- class Tailoring and Ready Made Clothing establishment. Don't fail to embrace this op­ portunity before purchasing else­ where as all my goods will be sold at lair prices. Cutting done as usual. Store in Old McHenry, neai the new Bridge. F. <L MAYIS. McHenry, BL, April 19th. MSL :'"r* •A -- • -----^7 Executor's Notice. T7»STATE of Edward Allensby deceased.-- Tzj The undersigned havlnp been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Edward Allenshy late of the 4jounty of McHenry, and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby {rives notice that she will appear be­ fore the County Court of McHenry County, at the Conrt flb>ue in Woodstock at the June Term on the tblnl Monday In June next, at which time alt persons havingclaims against said Estate, are notified and reqnected to at tend for tbepnrpose of having tha moi ad­ justed All persons Indebted to saM Estate aravaqaasted to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated Mth day of March, A. p, -ML' S(A?T E. Aj^ES®»r, latecufbr Would respectfully Inhwiii Farmers •( Lake county, (hat he bMoaaialon Agricul­ tural Warehouse, on MtliAlnM. lis tbe vil. lage of Wauconda. where h*W keep VfiRT- OULTPRAL MACHINERY «t all kinds, of the best quality and make, and sell it to the formers at as low figures as mht other House in the ?tato, ' - InMowers 4 Reapers I shall Keep the MeCnrmle*, and Backejre. ,«fOmNlOM«. fjkiek Mttgtsider tha. bast la Me mavkot. • •'••• • •. -V'tfi. , *£•'* ? -= Shall als6 keepfitpaaac'W' Lswrffor 1t**e, of Itbtsa. X.T., tba Vtom|KWS County Tm- profod Self-AdJnatal^QpfllMiar, awt a fen • eralaasortment 9i ^ mashinery used on a form. * elsewhere aaK*' business. Wauconda, May M, Ml. C MILL "•Wf'JWf • *Ni: AND v v. '-t- Vho andarsifbod, at Ms Shop, Worth of Perry A Martin's store near, the Brink Church, In now prepared tn do anything In the line of Blaekamlthteg or Wagon Making, on short notiee, and guarantee aatisiaction. With the best of material and first-class workmen we are prepared to get up Buggies and Wagons to order on the most reasonable terms and warrant ae repre seated. HoneSkwiii & Geieral Joint promptly attended to. Ifin wan! of a new WiNpn, bh eal at my Shop, examine one of my Wagon s »nd learn price before purr has ing. My Wagons took FIRST PREMIUM AT THE COUNTYl FAIR last Pall over all others. 1 will noa be undersold,quality considered. > Give Me a Gall. PHILLIP HUNRMH. MeHenryj^Ill.j March Slst, MM ( We have recently added to our stock a very eomplete line of Di#etic8, for Invalids and Dys­ peptics, Food not usually found in the Groceries, and specially indi­ cated for use in the sick room, tor the reason that they are pure, palatable, wholesome, nutritious, easily digested and low priced.-- We refer to the Higher Grade Farina's, Marauta, Gelatine, Gen uine Imported Scotch Oat Meal, in packages, True Bermuda Ar­ row Root, Pearled wheat in park ages, Sago, Tapiaco, Granulated Hominy, Cocoa, Chocolate. &c. Have also a very fair assortment of Spy Glasses. Sun Glasses, seed Glasses, Loapes, Magnifiers, mi­ croscopes, and other Optical Goods. We have been fitting Spectacles in Wauconda by the aid of the Optometer and Jaegers test types for nearly /or r years past, and invite vou to compare our method of adjusting Glasses to the eye, our stock and our prices with the stocks and prices 9jf o$her dealers. .. ^ F.B.HARRI30N. ~ , Boflfe Bawattst. WhotomeWm •»«% rtHa^ Plastare and Potsona. > ' -~X" ~"1 TMK GKKMAS PRIV itG SOU>IER. fife Trmning--/,e*«otw in Self-Ro­ stra int--Putii$hments. The soldier's education, eemmanoen from the tim« lie sets foot in the bar­ racks. Aa lie Is a mere boy, and might feel cock-a-whodp about hia uniform, he 1* not allowed to go and swag?«*r about the town alone .During six weeks he remains in charge ofbyefreite who acts as his monitor. The gefreite Is either a corporal or an old sokller-- that is, one who has served at least two years and ia known for. his steadiness. Four recruits are put under him and he Is required to instruct them in regi­ mental customs, etiquette, rules; t& shew them how their cots are to be made tip, to point out and name the officers to tlietn-- in fact to do them all the friendly offices possible. When the day's duties are ovtr the gefreit0 generally takes his pupils out ftfr a walk in the town, Partis them of what places they must avoid, tells them wliere to go, teaches them how to walk, whom to salute, etc, and prevents them from squandering their money. His services are given quite gratuitous­ ly. They are a token of the confidence which his superiors place in him---and he must not so much as a* glass of beer iu remuneration for them. All these provisions are most wise, and the necessity for th°m will be readily understood. Germany Is a poor coun­ try, and it is hard enough for persons of the lower classes to See their sons compelled to serve i:i the ariny with­ out their haying to feel thi|t these Jtays will learn extravagant and vicious 4lrife>its in the regiment. On tha con- tWiry, German parents have the {great comfort of knowing that their sons will learn nothing but what ia good In the army. Anyone who has seen Ger­ man soldiers walking about the streets mnst have been struck with their In­ variably good conduct, their gentle­ ness, civility and sobriety. Such a thing us a,drunken soldier Is no moro to be met with than a drunken clergy­ man. Night brawling, riots iu houses of ill fame, ruffianly 1 in pertinences to women--things common enough in some armies--meet with uo indulgence at all at the hauds of German officers and fcergeants. The French officer fan- that lie hus 110 busiu«*ss to etlper- U !»» . 'officers Tf he attempted^ do so, and Improper intimacies with the other sex, aro regarded by him as the most venial of plccadMioes. The conse­ quence is that in the streets round every French barracks, teem a whole population of loo«e women, who are thetaoldier's ruin, driving him to drink, extort money from friemU 011 false pretences, break rules, and sometimes Steal. There is nothing of tills kind in connection with the German barracks. A Germ an soldier who is known to have contracted blamable Intimacies, Iu pulled up short by Ills sergeant be­ fore the mischicf oau go very far. If the lad is not to be cured of his folly, very strong measures will be taken with lihn, and perhaps he will be sent of! to a garrison hundreds of miles away. In sum. the object of- the Ger­ man officers is to place themselves toward their men in loco parentis, In order that when the soldier returns to his home his friends may be able to say that lie has vastly improved In every respect. The veneration for the uniform is inculcated with such care that a recruit becomes penetrated with it almost at once, and dismissal from the army Is accounted a mortal disgraco which leaves the delinquent no option but to go away from his country. Thieve?, deserters, mutineers, incorrigible drunkards, are sentenced to stifl terms ot imprisonment, but are never permitted to servo again when thoir terms of imprisonment have ex­ pired, nor is any lad who has been sen­ tenced to imprisonment by the civil courts before the age of 17 allowed to enter the army. The recruit who joins must have a blameless record, besides being sound of mind and limb. As to this it must be remarked that the med­ ical examination of intended recruits takes place before the conscription, not after it, as In France; and the , doc­ tors .ire very particular in passing-none who, from physical infirmities, would be likely to make poor soldiers. This may serve to explain why lads who have not srone into the army are held in somewhat uudeserved contempt. Although there are plenty who have escaped mllltarv service simply by drawing exemption numbers at the conscription, ic Is too readily taken for . granted by the people that a inati who has not served must have done some­ thing wrong or have some blemish in his body. Young men ot good educa­ tion and sacliil position never escape service, as they Invariably volunteer at 17. In 1879 there was not a single sol­ dier of superior education who had been enrolled in the service by OOR' scrf ptltni.--London New*. A Losing Joke. A prominent physician of Pittsburgh said jokingly to a lady patient who was complaining-of her continued ill- health and of his Inability to cure her, *try Hop Bitters J" The lady took it fttearnest and used the Bitters from which she obtained permanent health. She now laughs at the doctor for his j<*ke; bur he is not so well pleased with i^as it cost him a gootf patient. A RAKBKR ON BALOMkM. Speaking of the credulity of many people touching the efficacy of Hair tonics, an intelligent French hair dresser says: "Very often the hair falte out after sickness. In soeli cases It generally grows again without the aid of any hair tonic whatever: but when It falls out from natural oauses, it never grows again. The celebrated Dr. Bazin, who formerly physician In chief of the St, Louis Hospital at Paris, and who is known throughout tltt world a? the most learned specialist for affections of the ?klu told me one day that there was nothing that could make the hair grow after the baldness had come on gradually. This 1 believe firmly, for If there was anything of the kind, we would apt see. so many JSejv York doc­ tors wfth heads as completely destitute of hair as the backB of turtles. I am eVen persuaded that these gentlemen would follow the example of those Greek hsroes. who, under the leader­ ship of Jason, made a voyage to Col­ chis to bring back the Golden Fleece. Modem Argonauts, the doctors, would consider themselves happy If they could bring back from such- a voyage the secret of restoring tha human fleece. "I don't think I am far from tho truth when I say that during the twen- ty-flve years that I have practiced the profession of hairdresser, I have made .the trial, upon different bald heads, of tnore than Ave hundred difierent Inifr tonics, and I am bound to admit that I never saw a single head the lialr of which was restored after baldness. At the end of so many failures I am com­ pletely undeceived as to the value of all the preparations, and I would not now recommend any one of them, be cause I would be afraid tocomnilt the* crime that is designated by the words, 'obtaining money under false pieten- ses ' In my pathological studies upon the hair, 1 have found that people who perspire a great deal from the head are apt to get bald. The bad habit of wearing the hat indoors is also very hurtful to tiie hair. In 1806, after the famous buttle of Jena, in which tho Prussians were completely defeated by Napoleon 1., Baron Larry, the celebrat­ ed military surgeon, perceived that tUAby of the German prisoners were completely bald. Surprised, lie made inquiries as to the cause of this, and he found that they owed their baldness to the shape--m homely as unhealthy -|Tto fon' nir nf fhi'tir head g&nr. having no issue, destroyed the vitality of the hrflr.™ A jscslsr An old lady In a ear on the Fo* Rfver Road last weefr* after depoeitlng numerous bundles in the radtwteifeeart the seat, hung her rope attached to the bell. Brake- man passing through the cSr noticed the suspended gingham aad polite!? Informed the Innocent owaer tfeat she must remove It. 4iWhatf* that4 String; fur If It aln*t to hang things hs'lf in­ quired the old lady as die dropped tha umbrelia Into the,seat. The hoy an­ swered In all earnestness. *'It's to call a waiter when you're hungry," ami passed on. Some time afterward there was a vigorous pnHing of tb6 bell cord« and the train came to & standstill. Tha conductor rushed up to the old lady, and in a tone of amazement asked, "Whut'sth^ mjitterf* "Bring ma a plate d?pd& and beans," drawled oat the hungry wbraan with tbe umbraBai not In the least aware that she had stopped the train. An explanation followed and the jokiug ^rakesman did nat venture forth flops the hag^ gage car during the rem*ihd«r of tha trip. For further par^(aitliurs* eaa Sd» Briggs.--fj/camore MFWhat political crime has Roaaaa Conkli::g committed that he sliottld not be consulted as to^ tha appoint­ ments in the State he in .part repre­ sents? In no other State has a Sea*> tor been treated as Mr. Conklltig baa been treated. The Senator represents a vast majority of the Republicans of the Empire State, and deserves tvell at the hands of the party and of the 2x* ecutive. lie may be stubborn, wllfall and self-confident, but he is tha ahitst man In the Republican party, and Ik would harm nobody If ha W#re ba­ rn ore d to a limited extent, if hie had willed it Garfield would have been da* feated in th e State of New York hat year, and thereby the Republican pari­ ty would have lost the Presidency. Ia not a man possessing such {viflueMa worthy of considerate treat meat? Blaine, though possessing m» s'it&t poo* er, is conciliated, and It Is deemed tha proper thing to run the administration according to his notion. While tha Republican party Is of more conaa* queiice than cither Conkllng or Blalao. both should have fair treatment--oao as fair as the other.--A&cuUit ilwmy Telegraph, Z % jfirJolin Bull is coming to Ills sen­ ses. He has reached the poitirt where he Is willing to confess that he does notknow everything and Is willing to learn from his younger Brother John- athau. He has sent some of his most distinguished citizens, men of the highest rank, to look over the Amer­ ican system of railroading, with the view to benefitlug the English lines. The party is headed by the Duke of Sutherland, a canny Scotchman who has befriended many a worthy Ameri­ can and whose devotion to the enfran­ chisement of the slaves has wou our high regard*. He owns 1,000,000 acres of land in Scotland, and property of greater value iu England, Includiug railroad lines. They want special in­ struction In our Americau mode of handling baggage, our sleeping ear system and our freight operations at terminal points. They will go south to Richmond and west to Sail. Fran­ cisco. |®rThe question Is asked along the Pacltio coast--What Is to be the future of Nevada, if, as it seems more than likely, the Cotnstock mines are wholly exhausted? The State has a popula­ tion of scarcely 50,000, and offers few inducements to new settlers, especially if tier mines are used up. Only a few panches and streaks of the land are fit for agriculture, and not much is good for stock-raising. Even the small pop­ ulation now possessed by the State Is diminishing, many of the miners rbout the Comsiock migrating to California, Arlxona. and Colorado. The expense of conducting a State Government Is very burdensome under the clrcum" stauces, and It is thought that a return to the condition of a Territory will be Considered - an Imperative necessity before long. •STTlie other day, Senator*TMrye, of Maine, made an unusually stalwart speech tn the Senate. Ever since the administration has been endeavoring to convince people that he did not act wltli Its authority. It Is a little diffi cult to understand Washington poli­ tics. There are wheels within wheels, which. In their mysterious workings, defy ordinary sngaoity. The state of political affairs at the NatioqalCapitol was never more interesting. A gen­ eral disintegration preceded by ,tk vol- eauiooxtytasion serins Unmiiienit Advertising Cheats. It has become so common to write *h« hwgiuniug of ati elegant* interest­ ing article aad then ruu it into some advertisement that we avoid all such cheats and simply call attention to the merits of Hop Bitf?r= In as plain, hon­ est terms as possible, to induce people to give them one trial, as uo aoa who know* thelrvahte will ever opi any* tlii«*f *l»a* •©"The Rev. Father" Erie, Ptw, is tit© most suecesgftai tfpo K M^alrpsie wMfeej* f#1»ahy j%*rs, and features of his case that possess inter, •ear-for the psyoholegisc as Well as tho physician, it Is uot always well to If* 11 ore the "prayer cure" cases, and other alleged cases of the miraculous, far they are, with some exceptions.Worth/ of careful scieitt|Hc investigation. If Dr. Hammond, Dr. Beard, or Pltfaaaat Carpenter had lived y#ars ag^, and practiced tlie feats of hypnotism hjr \Vhicb they now amaze tha spectators and the subjects, each one of then would have ooeu hanged by till neck to a conveuient tree for being ia league with the evil one. The Witcliea which Cotton Mather was ao troubled about were nothing more thai* stie#- ' uierists, and stranger ititluei>oes tlaan | they ever exerted are exhibited ulgkU - ly at New York In the present*) of large audlencies. Father Maloney la of uo particular interest beyond tho faot that he claims to possess tplrae«» lous power. He is distrusted by hla Bishop and associates oi the OathoUs | clergy, was deposed froni his parish. I and is now compelled to subsist upa* * the charity of friends and the gifts of those whose pain he relieves aad whaao afflictions lie cures. His jaersofjal a|^ (Htarance is said to be uot prepossess ing. and his career has been jerra|lo and at some times mystecioa^ HBa fame originated in raising fnsn her ; bed a woman whose recovery had been abandoned by gemftne physicians, aad who had sent for hlilb to iR^inlnisier the last rites of the church in view of her approaching death. The priest exercised his power over the womaa* and before he left her preaeace she a was apparently oursd and It now as well and strong as ever. Mmilar caasa have followed thi«, and how the Rap. FatherJias 1G4 patients, whtoe csaaa have beeu prouounced hopeless, boh whose condition ia rapidly improving uuder his practice of the ^laying oa of hands." Several weft defined curoa have beeu reportod from him that aca substantiated by competent testimoap,^ Fatker Maloney Is worth iuvettUcatbMli --Inter Qeeatu ... ,k, QUERY. Why do Stevens & mauy goods? They make chioe frleaa aad buy and sell for cash. stkvess dj Soifcoî •' . *• • ' FCXRSAI.SU 4- if & ' 4fi Acres of land Iu S>ettloa IS, fenced. Also$0 avres of.laa<|> ^ith a- ;^ood house and barn thereon, wl||| •ii niher and'tratap Iu abaudaiMOi in Has* ^ition ta, AUo my homestead on Luke ami Nuuda road, house, barn and other Apply to JuaUf' A nhtod physician of Jfc# T«% wHtMftb'a friend; "ih*9*|Mi» a sufferer from g^arf tion of kidney uisordeja manently cured by tha Gullinet'te's F .'4'he druggUM eh Kida^^ridsr^

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