Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 May 1881, p. 4

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WamA mmk •'r-v: ^ ** •*«**. *•« <*fV«~' ;• Sil ,•<•'**•£• .hi y- •>.̂ *"'• UM *!• mw, *§- Thi in»tjii» from Washtnftea •» F'^ >»<>f browfht the startling InwIM- ; tliat 0e*at»r« Boscoa ConWhig .JSf4 &*««• n. Watt, of Wew York, &*"§Mbjlt fw^iwd their «*ari tn the United *•»«!•. Thta h file wil- : $ mina*!** nt «fce a«h*4>py «*<*»»? s. r;, rrr*vIwtwMalira Preattkmt and the j S*M»i»t«rr«**r the mmh\n- fc !|fewi of-Jttdye H^ettum to be collec­ tor «f tfae Port«f New York. Tha history •ftkHcoutronnjr li too well hnoww to the reading public to «M«il repeating here. although, we are •imry to mky; *l»re art many proffcswxl I* WlW» Are SO prejudiced I thfvetn ««1»ut one fide, but If wp I «i«tilR not befori twelve months re^il , ^arenrtiri their eye# will be opened. »nd «, wll! b« able to see the difference Mbktw'tien a true statesman *#J * uarrow# $ winded pot house politician. , $}' Henator* Conkllng and Piatt were obliged to do oue of two tiling*, either ^surrenderthe plain right and eworn ^4atf of Senator*, or resign, and tnev wisely chose the latter, and we believe the time will come, and that at no dis­ tant day, when the people wiU ap­ prove or the courte they have taken. * f The Imter Ocean, in speaking of the Matter says: "What kind of wlsdooi •*> tint Is which drives a man like B»«oe C«nkli«g from the RepaWlcaa ranksof the Senate to make room In the New atf York Custom Hons® for a third-rate 1' MM polHIclan whose hand has been as often ^ | rafted to strike as to support the par- ' H ty which rewards him at such a cost, > *11 we leave other* to say. Perhaps ho U worth the price paid. Mr. Oonk'ilng had four years yet to serve, and Mr. Piatt six. That they voluntarily re­ tire from such pofcitlons speaks more <i># for them than words can do. There are tw* men in the ooantry at lout to whom lelf-respect Is more than office. '«K„ Two men who will not silt silently and *• Joe the sentiment of their State antag- < <onlzed, the enemies of their party re- ^.warded, andoontiauo to retain their i; , -eeats In a body which accepts ami : ' 1 swallows the forced Indignity. The , 8eftate can now, after the performance <of that mighty ilotj. the confirmation >U «of ftobertson, adjourn at once. There 4s nothing further for It to do. The ^. ^tremendous movement t6 free the r-firaUt Is over. The groat effort to re- •. . HiabMute the Republican party of VI r- ^ItilsMd Louisiana and Mississippi, •» > v * )bi# %een delayed to make way for Rob- tf |fcl •«rtii>ii. JLTh« party may as well adjourn 5 v <for the ftummer. The decree of the VralidMt It registered by that body, V ^1 Willed OQt ot compliment, the Senate of ||%i^.j^U[Jfllted8l»tes, and npthln^ further ^ ^(^'nre«i*tn* but separate.** . r*: ' -Senator CoiMlng bM km slandered «*d'HTl«reprei|»©»»tetl for the past' three ^ ^ , -MhSielfceby every Whl^et politician in -Jv". ithe:ian4, and we shall expect to see C;- ^„4if0h-<biisecontinued. But let, them The memory of these two ^•:«iohle«and seM-tacriflelnjr men will be !•*" tfef^iin revere«cd loug after their one* mlea«re forgot too. At -whose door the responsibility *s fostwfor the state of things now ex­ isting, there can be bat one opinion ,»/usong candid, thinking mop. When •;« Qeiwal Oarfleld took his seat In the ' * iKftMlntlal «halr, he had the cond- iUesiee and support of every true Re- ipoMlcan In the land, but to his unwise '(tMHtfsaeneceeeMir action in regard to ylt, ,k *Ww York is the present discord in the 1-. fpnrty due. That Robertson's nomjna- ^lon was made by the earnest soliclta- •* Jtf«n of Blaine tor the sole purpose and - with the intent to humiliate Senator 11 H3onkHng, there Is not * particle of Here is where President Gar- A*'.', (Bold made his mistake, and lovers of i *tHe grand old Republican party may -#>' well tremble for the resnlt. ^ * " in I- rnmrntw/puawm. ^ After our papM was pri«te4 laVt week, we received, throngh the klnd- of J. D. ITfsh, Vail Agent, Infor­ mation of the finding of tho body of Wn, Stewart, who l*as beea missing for sotno time, and #M*, It vraa gen­ erally supposed, had boon murdered. Below wo give the fHinfculars, ttken from the Elf in £eacto% of Thursday: . **Since tlM sudden dI<*appoaranoe of Wm. Stewart, which wo chronicled a few days ago, uninterrupted search has been kept «p on tho river. Yes­ terday afternoon. John Ferguson and P. 6. Woolaver found the body en* tangled oa some willows on his own premises, whore tbo water had prob­ ably washed it adhore. A considerable sum of money and his watch were found upon his person. The latter had stopped at 10s3Q; this waa two hoars after ho waa last oeoa. "Tlie theory now is that he been the dazed and wandered to the railroad bridge, which was partially washed, away. Stumbling, along, half para­ lysed with liquor, ho plunged head­ long into the raging torrent and .was quickly swept down with the tide. The place of recovery was one mile below the bridge* "The people ha?« boon suspicions of foul play, and some of the bloody gos­ sips have, frOm personal foellnga. we are informed, labored hard to bear the tiding! throughout the neighborhood. There were no marks of violence about the person of the deceased, and there can be but one solution of the affair, and that Is that he came to his death by accidental drowning. The yonng man upon whom suspi­ cion has been thrown is Mine Ben* thusen, son-in-law of Wm. P, Bill of th*s city. He was on« of the men who rowed Mr. Stewart across the river, and the people, some of them, took seeming pleasure in enlarging and spreading the tale. To charge a man with the taking of a human life is a more serious matter than they at first realized, and had the body been swept away and never recovered, the young man's character would have been ru­ ined beyond redemption. Wherever he went oc whatever lie would have done, the stigma woald have Clung to to him. "Now that the body has been recov­ ered, suspicion no longer rests upon the young man, much to his delight.*. MS r\,«v< "I ^riMi axix srftjt »i m&M- ^ V t . l - ' f r % ft ii:T34",o.;f Martin's McHenry. fv LK- long-: looked for §pfin|f i» hailed with more than »«»al delight by tfy» laranera au# everyone In general. Mrs. W. Wlngate, of this place1, died': on Saturday. May 7th, after a sliort Ill­ ness. She leaves a fiiuaily of children who are too early in llife deprived, of that care which only mothers dan Martin Brackson Is ^iffte low wltl? ( » w . / ' { . ; The Barrevllle Choesa Factory Is bow in running ordor. ' ' ' Miss Anna Knox has gone to En­ glish Prairie to teach the coming sum­ mer. This school is not a select ion of hers but an offer of two of her former teachers, which offer speaks' of their confidence in her abilities.^ MbX her success wheu a pupil increale with he^ experience as a teacher. News of the death of James Hender­ son has Just reached us. He leaves a wife and one child to monrjn his , deatl1- ' • NORTHERN NUMDA- • Editor PLAijibBALJtR^-'Wo will again take up the pen and aud endeav­ or to give you a few items. We had qui te a linil storm Saturday but this may not be any news. "Have you got your garden madi?" is what you hear every w lie re. Frank Peek is at work In Geneva. Scribbler Would inform Patsy he has not been to Iowa, and has never thought of going. Guess you have got the wrong chicken. Patsy. We are very glad your patients are better. Also that you are (lot neglecting them. We are very much obliged for the name you gave in. We could not think of one, but are charmed with th<|. one you gave ns. Perhaps we coult) find a name for yon but we won't, FoK we make it our rule never to call names. By, by! Scribbles. ';ha ; ' ' -6-K i Si some people, even in this advanced age contin­ ue to encourage and help support dealers who have no conscience and are charg- JACOB ing from twenty-five cents to ofler to the buying public the **-3/, I. Y p.' ^ to one dollar per pair more for Boots and Dwight, who Shoes is than the largest assortment of the above ever .brought to "Woodstock. Stock of Furnituro ~ Of all kinds, ever brought to McHenry County, which thev will 8^1" LOWEST LIVING PRICES, -Am i ' • JXO"' y.' '.mi -f;, atx i' Anything from a common Chair to the finest Partor Set can be founid at this 8tore, and of the best make and finish to be found the' market. yU7.: ~.., A better fine Boot fir plow Boot, a fine Jiae^ ; lit i^aieri* ican Kid, pebble Goat, Glove Kid, calf or seisre, iu button side lace, straight-laoe^gr congress shoes tor Ladies,- Misses and children.-- Also a tfemdtltlous stocK of Walking shoes aud slippers. In fitet we assure all iq search of anything made to wp&r upon the feet, that if we tail to suit you either as regards quality, price or fit, you may as well look no further. Our custom made goods, botth tine and coarse, $|e pf the celebrated Selz manufacture. Every pair wa*rjmte&,*W.':"• ' I d ' - DWIGHT. 19* An extract from a letter written by Mrs. Garfield to her husband ten years ago is quoted by this Student, of Blrain oollege, into the hands of whose president it accidentally fell. "I am glad" Mrs. Garfield wrote, "to tell that out of all the toll and disap point roe nt of the summer Just ended,! have risen up to a victory; that the si lence of thought since you have been away has won for my spirit a triumph I read something like this the other day:(There Is no healthy thought with­ out labor, and thought makes the la­ borer liappy.' Perhaps this is the war 1 have been able to climb up higher.-- It caime to me one morning when I was making bread. 1 said to myself; 'Here 1 am. compelled by an inevitable ueoossity to make our bread this sum* mer. Why not consider It a pleasant occupation and make it so by trying to see what perfect bread I can make? It seemed like an Inspiration aud the whole ot life grew brighter. The very sonshine seemed .flowing down thro' my spirit Into the white loaves, and now 1 believe my table is furnish­ ed hatter bread than «y«i .be* foro. MfA,!':', New Store. The undersigned having leased the Brlok . Store, next door to the Post Office, Is now prepared to offer to the baying public ee< choice line of Fine Fancy Groceries, . Canned Goods, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco, At Seasonable Prices. Bread! Brearff , We are afio receiving, Fresh from th«> _jsk«rv at Woodstock, BREAD AN!> CaKK, and will supply those we derire ?ft#h any quantity, from a single LoaY up. 49-UIVB MR A CALL.^y „ L. STODDARD. HeBeary, tfa> 18th, 1H3). Golden Star iMkiMsm have a larsre assortment of BurialC'ases and Coffins always «n hand and made to order on short noti<^!> '(JHor goods are firot-cMi, |xnd prices within theTeach of all, - S ^ [Woodstock. Ill * /stfrr t&v Thi-oaghaul the length and' breadth of this community Fitzsimmons & Evanson, < i •»' "r"i ' H • i,"} p / I - I pieparations rmpmm THE, ^: k WV' iV*- fV • x 1' &/, s •** • ' if* -.ns-» jis Mr In tl»e sorry and dangerous lm» i %fog1lo at Washington it should be re- . .tmembered that the President has the . ^-undoubted and exclusive constitutional '•Tight to make nominations. It should sDso be remembered that each Senator .>tiasan equal constitutional right to op- ^ose the confirmation of any man noiu- vUnated by the President. The coneti- <atlon does not give the President the arbltary right to appoint men to ofllce, »"®e can only do It with the advice and the Senate. All the talk About certain Henators endeavoring to "diurp the prerogatives of the Senate keinsbse thif are opposed to the con- flrmatloo of cone objectionable per- HWyis'lie.iMMi appointed, is the silliest Ooiildiag has as clear a right ^Wording to the custom of the Senate VaMjteoordtog to the constitution of theoountry to resist the couflrmaMon •'^^obiVtson as collector of site port of |U"w Tork as Uie President had to ippnifwate Wm.-'Sandwich QaaeN*. Ufe'-i* -, iftu i y .. h • ft. r.omtpittee «f the Senate <iNw Slade a«cbema for apportionment of the State, which as regards this •toObttof thaBtatela ss follows: It ifw^'Cook, Lake and Do page >tha /flrit four Congressional "of t,h® .'State. The fifth is •Oftposed of McReary, Boon. Ogle Jjnand 6fte«si>UMi; the ^Isth WhftMida. Carrol, Lee. li-Md the seveath of Kane r Cfodatl, Grundy end Will* do^t like It. This 1 l^Hanry eeoaty on the tail «STas^y<«fcftfi kite, end we hope tiio f igislaiurfe' wIM adjonru before Ihey albs any such apportionment. '• Lkdlea of M«H«ry and vlelnlty , ;" #onn b^your IltU or Bonneu until w'fyi^iJia^lMked at end priced goods ^IMrles. Am now offering jfsejitlMr bargA^^M1 All vork 'tig ih» short iitftleti fOrTbe statistics of divorces are appalling. In the good old State Of Maine the number of separations of husband from wife is steadily on the increase. There are twenty-three di­ vorces to-day where one occurred fifty years ago. and so throughout the conn- try. We live in an ago when discon­ tent is rife, and traveling is easy and cheap, and the temptation to seek fresh fields and pastures new is ever present, lfarrlage Is no longer re­ garded aa a religious sacrament. It is a civil cotitract amenable to the pas­ sion and caprices of the parties to it, and the resnlt is dissevered homes, perpetual estrangement of people who in the olden times would havo lived fairly comfortable lives together. Aud worse than all in tens and thous­ ands of homes are children, deptived, some of a mother's care, othors of a lather's protection. The birth of children carries with It of necessity the Indissolubility' of the marriage tie. The child has right to demand the care of both Its parents until It comes of age. As this involves at least twenty years, other children are born In the interval and so the union nat­ urally becomes one of life. Whenever parents separata they do cruel wrong to their ofi-spriiig, and should be under the bau of society for so doing. Are there no ministers, male or female, to uphold the sanctity of the home, and to demand that those who bring chil­ dren Into the world shall sacrifice their own vagrant fancies for the sake of their ofl-tpring }~~DemoreW$ Monthly . of tha ague remedies In th® market, and are the last resort of physicians and people who know no better medicine to em ploy for tills distressing complaint, Qntwiao tad ArMaii 7on» tho basis of many This Spiiner and Summer, Men and Boys with cush or its equivo­ lant in hand will save from 5 to 15 per cent on a suit ot Clothes* Hat, Shirt, ^oots, Shoes, or in faot anything we have to sell. i " " j ' ""' Oil Stoves, PO" WttUlCl^ k>#ll #llU See*uS.., ,j(, *jf *•,* I,? <; I ,m <£ki2lrAireaH. The "Bops" Oil Stove in the market.-- After once trying it you would o«t give It up for many times its value. * For Sale by O. C. COLBY & CO., Opposite the McHenrjr, Msy 18th, 1881. „ ; \ J. W. Cristy. ii kl BmHWQOD, ILL,, Invitesaaaxamiaatiimof lis New Stock of A- • m fe Sfjilr ^ J SlG., Sec & ^ ' ij": v-: The effects of cither of these drugs are destruction to the system, producing headache,' intaatlnal disorders, vertigo, dfusinesa, ringing In the ears, aud de- presslon of the constitutional health. Ayot's Ague Cure is a vegetable dis­ covery. containing neither quinine, ar­ senic. nor any deleterious iitgn-dlent. and is an Infallible aud rapid euro tor every form of fever and ague. Its eficcts are permanent aud certain, and no injury can result from its use. Be- si|}«*e being a positive cure for fever and ngue in all Its forms. It Is also a superior remedy for liver complaints. It Is an excellent tonic mid preventive, n* «v«U as cure, of ail complaints pe­ culiar to Malarious, inarshy, and mla<* mati*: districts. By direct action on tiu>. liver and biliary apparatus. It si limit ates tlte system to a vigorous healthy condiOm. For wte bjr ntf dowters, WWeh ls belas ofnrM at very low i»riix».-- My stOf.R is replete in alt the variety of Goods for the hmcd, and we f«ei we can offer cconda at LOWES triG0ttKS thaa caa be fouad elsewbere. My stock of aey-" .rv-" ew Wall Paper, •#8V '\-: 'W.: . McHenry, May 3d. 1881. tfirfrviii ?»?'«• !•. -.nfrjr THE STAR OIL STOVE. CAUL AMD SEE THEM* C. COLBY & CO. McHenry Beady telle t|- Hnfrft'i--' " il i Has now I iJpr. ft 'MM f. .%l rm> Undertaking, -^4-Wm £"S'4(f. Ifo invite all owr firiends to grive ns a J^cHenry, March 15th, 1881. , • - |w: Call, -H h:r<>s- JACOSBOS3E Incomes r( ' t" j-r » ipr,1- Pi iAgain to the Front:. t f*0t •• • /Wn '*'i 1 * I. - * nettGr Him lai^CT mociT OT tTen3ral MemmStnSO; Toan OVVr tie fore. We work tor and get only the Cash trade of thia section. We sell at one price. We mark goods to sell them. We can't quote prices on all classes of Merchandise, but. we say this, that onr prices on everything will be tmmd LOWER than any store in Noftberri lllinofst. ! Come'arid'see, nnd if not just* aS represent®#, will pay all your expenses aud for time and trouble. Further th$n this, we will nil orders set: t by mail from this Price List and guar- antee satisfaction, Send to cither Store. Look the Price List over. Remember the goods are the best, and eeeif your credit merc|an^^ doing as well for yo^» l Cut it out i>n4 talk^4l Best Prints .. .-.4if to6}*c t'otton, bht'd and nnbl'd yd wWe........--R« Cotton, blnarhed. best...... . . . . .V...10w Cotton. jii nbleaelied.. Cotton Flannels 8,9, 10 and 12c 40 inch all wool Cashmere. ..»»« Cashmeres... .....88, 76, 80,85 toSI.Ifl Klnnnels IS, 26 to jtie Dre ss Oood 8, 8, V, 10, 11 to 20c Alattaees ... •• Tit lil e Linen,.... at and K«c l.adi^a and Gents Undftrwear .80, 40, flftc hovs Overcoats, from 12 t° W .. 92.t»'2 Ho'vs Overcoats, from »B to W t • WJt Bovs Suits, from 7 to 10 *Xi5 Boys f5\iits. from 9 to 12 • Mens Suits.... f8.7il toaW Mens Overcoats... f8 to #19 Can save you money every time Boots, tl.7# to *4 Shoes unmans, •1 toff.W Hubtter Goods, chsaprr tl>»n anytone. Trunks and Valisos dicap Slices cheaper than ever. - On Motions we sell oa very small proflta Casli does it Mrill save you money on Mg bills. Oawe teo^ 10 lbs lt;t ism*... IL<0 1*> %s A Sujrnr. §1.00 10 ms Ui-unulate^ Sugar.......... P. $l.oc " . . . . . .< ! . . . i . . . . . . ti.oe 11 Tbs C Sugar ...»e 50c Te.i. Best Tea, all kinds..., Yeast Cabu«, all kHi4a T. a«d J. 'Tobacco...... 14 7!>m Hipe' 1.. It lbs I'lnnes 7 !»rs8o»|i ...;> 5 lwrs liuat Sodp Silver Gloss Stur«h... Bnblnts Naleratn* No 1 Baking; Powder ....j.. Bo.-.t Ninpinir. Cider a»d white WH»e Wo Choico Syrup 4®, 00and We Be olTon ft gallon lots No 1 Plu(? *^>lMcco..,u«.^.,i%i3^.iki(W.ut»«j.Ma No 1 Kino Cut TobftOC0-»• • «n,.••*)»u• •»• » , ; j-y i t\ -, r-t.;:f.. u- .tfte ..So How* can wedoit? |Vcbuy forcadh. sell forcash and S to 5 p^r cent (merely a co nimiesion) satisfies us. Have two resident buyers in Chicago constantly on the look out for Bargains and we get them It won't cost you anything to Jook iuto the matter, and we say. it 111 save you money. Come and see us and we wiU^d(K^°U|^ooqi^, ~ 1 hicago Franklin St.- . :-'••••' f" -- V Vi'^Wi 'Mm »i - V • ' : ^ • • • " ijfl •* ,, ^ ^ k- i i .'i-, ;ir.; : IWauconda dash ! Store.# "f 4 j , - SfncS'-WarA • ii^ PW ^ . and our plan is to buy often, trade cheap, and save the trouble and r* loss of'accounts. By this means we have been enabled to mafc« * large additions to our stock consisting of the best assortment of Boots and Vinegar, Shoes and Saleratus, Tobacco and Ed Sj'rups and Clothes Pins, Tea and Corsets, Collarettes and Oils aud Pills, Soap and Candy, Dress Goods and 1 nrpentine, Bak­ ing Powder and Stove Polish, Ribbons and Sugars, patent SJedi* cities and Nuts, Crackers, Frosted Creams and Scoop Shovels, Bolts > and Braid. Cotton Batting and Men's Plow Shoes, Gents iriup- uishing Goods and Dobbins Soaps, etc., etc., to be found in town.^ We invite special attention to our new line ot Women Mid Miftes Kid, Goat and Grain fine Shoes, both button, front and side lace, Men's and Boy's tine Kip and Stoga Boots. Canned Goods, consist- r in^of Peaches , P lums , Tomatoes, Salmon, Mackeral, Lobsters and , Sardines. We have now on hand an assortment of Paints, Oils and | Turpentine, including a full line of the Celebrated Holden's Chicago | Enamel Paint, mixed and ready for use. Samples turnished free. § We propose to sell our goods at the lowest market prices, and to favoi cash purchasers give 5 per cent discount. No trouble to show trooda. Call in and get prices. 'IT brought into LiSe couotf re one of the largest ftoclt of Ooods, for the Hprlng and Snraner trade ever mea be invites the atteatluo of the bu> ing public, la BOOTS & SHOES • ••/ is fnll and complete, and we are confident we can please von iiotlvin quality and price*-- OaU.ajMl bepffl^ps^ ^at, these are fiwsts. %W.' ttpfi&woOD.IIay %6,188|. I ^ . * f A v : 'n .a ^ *>> i#\ Boots, Shoes, Hats 6c Caps, I bara aa naaioaL large whleb 1 propose to sell at tbe Meat ̂ Iviag Prices. la sheet there Is notbins tbat is nsnally kept In a first-elass general store bat what can be foupd In my stock, and rdefv competition either In prices or quality of goods. Call aad bs convinced that U Is for yoar Interest to-trade with me. ; Oonntrv Produce of all kinds taken in exeba nge for goods, for which the highest Market ^ mitiL - ROBT. HARRISON* Waaeeada, ;'.™ . .. . 1 ' V'*r( « /' y ' ytaKi d . • ( . i * " • :

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