Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 May 1881, p. 1

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WWlPPiP * i v -•*? „ "^V' -ij-fv*. - \ 4y ,.,.*• iLS2M Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and No Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe. MrW*;! M'HENRY, ILLIN VOL. 6. WEDNESDAY, MAY 25. 1881. NO. 44. \ wst, IJOSEPHJX. FRKIJX1X QALOOIF AND RESTAURANT Bonslett's O old nt-md, opposite Bishop'aPMill, Mc- Soldlers' Department. A Comma TAK You By conrtn RINSWO BUSINESS CARDS. ye Money, Spring to the Henrv,>UI, The and Sigars to be found in the county. Fresh Oysters in their season Carved up ia j»Af shape desired or lor Mile by Uie Oi. OOOD8TABLIN6 FOR HORSES. e loipe^t Wines, Liquors Fr CONDUCTED BY l>R. S. F. BENNETT. a S. GREEN. xnmsERx With vonr tenm, a small sum take adorn your owing"to poor k «all on you during Ever thankful ing to merit a ©on liiain, Xuwr * R Established in 1855. pfatoietlef. Published Every}Wednesday by J. VA> SLYKE, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. •;/ ' Office in'Old P. O. Blofek, *+* _0PTO8IXK RIVEUrDB HOUSE.-- _ TERMS OF SUBSOBIPTION. AN|T«r(in Advance). .tlJM If Wot Paid wlthlnThree Months,...... 800 Subscriptions received for three or tlx SMntha in the same proportion. VETERINARY SURGEON, Illinois, JESSE A. BALDWIN, TTORNKY at Law and Solicitor in Chan, eery. Will practice in State and in Fed eral Courts. Office, 3d Floor. New Custom House, Chicago. BUSINESS OA^RDS. H. T.BROWN,M.D. PHY8ICIAN AND 8UR&EON. Office orer the Post Office, opposite Perry^fc Martin's (tore tip 9<- MM, McHenry, 111. * ; C. H. FEGERS, M, 6- . -* |)HrsiClAN AND SURGEON, Johnaburgh, I Ilia.--Office hours 8 to 10, A. St. C. H. TRCAX. CARPENTER and Builder, Hnnda, lit-- Will pnt up buildings by'the Jobor day. and guarantee satisfaction. O. J.HOWARD M D. rMYSICIAN AND SURGEON, my residence, opposite M. E HcHenry. I1L Offioe at . Church, E. V. ANDERSON. AC. D. OHYSIOIAN and Surgeon. ,'Office at F Besley's Dr n •_» store, Opposite Parker Bouse, McHehry, Illinois. PRATT HOUSE. T A. PRATT, Proprietor. First class ao. tl commod'ations. Good Barn in connection Wsucooda, III. F. J. BARBIAN. fllG.Ytt Manufacturer McHonry, 111. Or- V/ iters solicited. Shop, North East Gor- **t Public Square. RICHARD COMPTER. JUSTICE of the Peiceand Conveyancer.-- Will attend promptly to the collection of lebts. Volo, Lake County, 111. E. E. RICHARDS. HAS a lomplete Abstract ot Titles to (and in M -Henrv County, Illinois. Office,,with P«ttnty ( lerk, Woodstock, III. ROBT. WRIGHT, Manufacturer of Custom Mame Boots and Shoes None but the best of materal seed and all work warrantoM Shop North, irest corn r Public Square, Henry 111. E.M.OWEN- /GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers KM Agent In Leading Farm Machinery,-- Pficeslowand Terms favorable. McHeury N. S. COLBT. Bi eeder of rk: uire ami Poland China s wine. A. choice lot 'f young Buck stock for sale. Please call and examine fpfore buying elsewhere. - mf CHENRY, McHenry Co.. III. JJd. Spanish Merino Sheep, Berk: uire (iEO, SCUREINES. SALOON and Restaurant. Xelifty OpfJOSfte the Parker House, McHenry, 111 <Vi9~Firttt «U»s« lMIUurd and Pool Table*. JOHN HENDRICKS. gLIYIN'S MILLS, ILL. Is now prepared to sell and repair any kind of a Sewing chine as cheap as the cheapest. Will also insure your life and property at reasonable tates. Please give me a cal'. PKTKTT LEICKEM. REPAIRS Watcliej, Clocks and Jewelry o* all kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the best »ssiUle manner, on short notice and at rea- ioudbie rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop •rat door {lorth of Riverside Block, McHenr> J. A. SHERWOOD J^.XJ CTIOTVE 1^3^ AND AVFIiAISEB, Algonquin* HI- O ALES of Stock, Fanning Tools and Good* J of all kinds promptly attended to. FARM Miles a specialty. Terms reasonable Post Office address Algonquin 111. .. .. W, H. SANFORD, Mierehant Tailor, In the store of C. H. Dickinson, East side of public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fine Cloths for 8uHtng* al­ ways on hand. Suits made to older and * At warranted- Give me a call. W. H. SANFORD. Woodstock 111.,Sept. 87th, 1876, Scott & Co. "Batters to the Great Northwest" Nos. 135 anA 137 Malison St., NEAR CLARK ST. Have a larger stoek and greater variety of Styles for you to choose from, than can be Cbund in any other establishment in Chicago •r the West. It will pay you to call and see them. Pricei the lowestpn the land forggood goods. BRANCH STORES 8. E, Co. Clark & Lake sts & 8. E. Cor. Halstod and Harrison st$., CHICAGO. OHAS. II. DONNELLY. "ublic ATTORNEY AT LAW *ND Notary Woodstock, Illinois. Office over Stone's Drug-Store, X • 3IDNET DISBROW, ROTARY PUBLICand Conveyance*. den, 111. A. M. CHURCH, Watohmaker and Jeweler NO. 187 RANDOLPH STREET, (Brlggs House,) Chicago, Til. Formerly with E R. P. Shurlv. Special attention trtven to Re­ pairing Fine watches and Chronometers, ir A Full Assortment of Goods in hit line. F. J. CROSS, 9 BIT TZST. McHonry, III. Pull Plates made of -the best im&teriai »nd fully "warranted, $8.00, Filling one*half usual rates. Special attention paid to regulating bad shaped teeth. Teeth extracted without P9in free of charge where Artiilcial Twtt>;h are in. sorted Itv hint. All Work fully warranted. Pure Nitrous Oxldo CaS/•'vavs on and fi»r the ptiiiltMs i traoiion of teettk* o HIRAM WIER, Bsst aad Shoe Maker, Wauconda, ill, 1 would inform the public thtt I am now prepared to make Boots and Shoes to order, of the host material, w.irrant a fit, and at LOWER PltlCES than any other shop In the county. Call and-lie Wauconda,-Nov. UOth, 109U, Convince#. H. WIKR, .^01 i" Si 4 Every Boy of Girl, LADY, or jfGentleman, purchasing a pack­ age of jEVEns's Celebrated Gold Mandarin M A R O U S ' GERMAN RManufactured by F. MARCUS --DEALER IN-- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock III. The bast Tonic in the world. PntPaslia PMt»aA Quart BottLes. " ^* p F.MARCUS Will receive the Housekeepers Friend FREE, A beautiful book, containing valuable Recipes, Ladies Needle work Companion, Almanac and Calendar for 1881, Drawing Slates, Register of Gas Metre &C FOR SALE BY, Fitzsimmons & Evanson SOLE AGENTS FOB MCHENRY, ILL. -?• N. B.--Price per package Gold Mandarin Tea, 25, 30, 40, 50,60, 80c,$1, JOS. WIEDEMANN, Agent Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER, BIcHenry, III. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al, ways on hand cheaper than any other, quali­ t y c o n s i d e r e d . . . . » j This Beer has a world wide reputation, and good judges acknowledge it cannot oe sur« passed in the world. Orders by mail promptly attended to. J08. WIEDEMANN. l&Henry, III. Mav 5th, 1880. M. Engeln, JOHN STERBUi Formerly of Woodstock and ChicagoJBias again returned to McHenry County, and us on band the largest stock of READY MADE HARNESSES. COLLARS, WHIPS, Ac., to be found In the County, and has evervthing made of the BEST MATERIAL. Call and see me. JOHN STERBA. Near the 7>epot, MelL>nry. TAKE LL ve that are NOTICE. want of Tiii»s ALT. ye that are in want of Tui»s in any form, from one bushel to 500; if you waat a Tub made to a bung-hole, bring it along. I will also take buildings to build and furnish, or otherwise jnst as we san agree. Shop work of all kinds done to order on short no­ tice. F. A. HEBARD. •V MoHENRY , ILL H. E. WIUHTMAN, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers, fu.inished at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. L. Bonslett, Near the Depot, McHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keens constantly on hnnd the finest brands of Flour am! Feed'ofall kinds, which he will- sell Ml VVIuiiosalo or Retail at Bottom Prices. Five different brands of Finur always on hand and warranted as represented. •SPFIour delivered anvwhere in tbe Cor­ poration. ' Orders may be given by Postal Card, Box 107, Post Office. GIVE ME A CALL, L, BONSLETT; McHonry, March 8th, 18P1. HOME Shoeing* » General Blacksmithing, WAGON AND CffiiapMaii, N. BLAKE, RINGWOOD - - ILLINOIS Would respectfully inform his customers and the public generally that he Is now bet­ ter thsn ever prepared to doall work in his line. Horse S H O E I N G 1 We make a speciality in this line, use noth­ ing but hand turned Shoes, and guarantee satisfaction, Interfering horses or those with bad feet promptly remedied. REPAIRIIN G Of all kinds on short notice. Farmers in want of the best Drag In the market, at bottom flgnres, should not tell to leave their orders at once, a®*Givo us a eallnnd wo will please you both iu quality and prise of work. N> BLAKE Ringwood, IlL March 8th, 18SL - . --DEALER IN-- Guns and Revolvers, Gun Materia! of all description.-- The ii nest and best Pocket Cutlery, til warranted.-- Tbe finest Razors, warranted for two years. Barbers Soap, Caps, Brush es, Straps, Eye Glasses, Spectacle Eye Protectors for Snn or Snow. We also keep a full line ot Fishing Tackle, Minnow Scins, Hammocks, and in fact everything pertaining to Fishing ai,d Hunting,'can be found at my store at reasonable Prices. Violins, Acordsons, Picalas, Flutes, Violin Strings, and all other extras for Violihs. Hy stocks of HNWARK is complett. Call and ejcamiu« it. I gvwautee Prices that defy all com petition. ^ ^NGE I.N. STORE III HOWE'S BLOCK, NEAR THE BRIDGE. MRS. E. W. HOWE IS offering: Induce­ ments to purchasers of Millinery, Cloaks. Ac. Give her a call. 8tor« four doors NORTH of Riverside House, . F. C. MAYES, DUtd. April! ILMFV' IWU ood,' yourselves, and for k load ot trees to raise your own fruit. I liavii not been able to Winter, tit patronage, and hop- nee of the fame, I re s servant, 'BU CSC LAND. Proprietor JlcHeniy Co., Illinois, A. WfNDELL, JM jonsit MoHOnry, III. Will take EMIT wets fur putting-tip BulidiiigR AMI jrunrantee my work will compare with ANY man in tho State. I can and will do work from 15 to 2B per cent cheaper than other carpenters, A* I have two of my boys who work with me. which make* tl poftsi ble for me to do so. All Jobs In the Carpenter line promptly attended to. Give me a call. A. WENDELL. MOHF^PECIFST^LSSO, . ' - J " S " . L RFGTJAJI New, Store. The undersigned having leased the Brick Store, next door to tile Post Office, Is now prepared to offer to the buying public a choice lino of Fine Fancy Groceries, Canned Goods, Confectionery, Cigars an<S Tobaooo, AT Reasonable Prices, Bread '• Bread! We are also receiving, Fresh from the Bakery at Woodstock, BREAD AND CAKE, _ receiving, Fresh • r y I . . . . . and will supply those wo desire with any quanti ty , from a single Loaf up. 4STUIYK MR A 0ALI.._«* L STODDARD. McHenry. tfa> ;t»th, M81. 1 ; WAUCONDA ktur&l Would respectfully inform the Farmers of Lake county, that he has opened an Agricul­ tural, on Mill street, in tho vll. lape of Wauconda, where he will keep AURI CULTURAL MACHINERY of all kinds, of the best quality and nuike, and sell It to thti farmer.-; at as low l)tfi|ree as any other House in the Statu, In Mowers A Reapers I shall koap the Mcpottnlck, and Buckeye, of Canton, Ohio. ye consider the best nAhe market. - W:' ' J '• ' . " " Shall also kc#p lri ilfilt ihs Leader Rake, ofithica, N, Y., the Tompkins County Im» proved Self-Adjustable Cultivator, and a K«n- vrat^ssortmoiit ol all kinds of machinery us«4 on a Call and see my 1 be before purchasing elsewhere and Iw eonvinced that I mean business, R C HILL* Wauconda, May M, 1681. TH AND -AND DEALER IN-- Ready-Made Clothing. Respectfully invites an inspection of his New Spring Coods Just opened, embracing all the variety usually found in a first- class Tailoring and Ready Made Clothing establishment. Don't fail to embrace this op­ portunity before purchasing else­ where as all my goods will be sold at fair prices. Cutting done AS usual. Store i n Old McHenry, neat the new Bridge. P. C. MAYES. McHenry, III., April 19th, 1881. Executor's Notice. ISSTATE of Edward AKcnsby deceased,-- •j TIjc undersigned having1 been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Edward All&nsbv late of the County of McHenry, and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that she will appear toe? fore tbe (County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock at the June Term on the third Monday in June next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate, are notified and requested to at tend fur the purpose of ha ving the same ad­ justed All persons indebted to said Estato are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated day of March, A. D, MM.* _ HAST E. Ai&mrsBT, Scienter "Wagon Shop. The ••dersigaed, at kit Shop North of Perrv A Martin's store near tbe Brick Church,is now prepared to do anything in the line of Blacksinithinsr or Wagon Making, on short notice, and guarantee satisfaction. With the best of material and i)rst-class workmen we are prepared to get up Buggies and Wagons to order on the most reasonable terms and warrant as represented, Hon Slois& General JrtUv promptly attended to. If In wan: of# new Wagon, be sura to cal at my Shop, examine one of my Wagws and learn price before purchasing. My Wagons look FIRST PREMIUM AT THE COUSTY.l FAIR last Pall over al I others, t Will nyt be undersold,e#eei4eeeU, Give Me a Call. PHILLIP HAUPERISH. Me Henry, HI., March flat, IVL Valuable Property For Sale, The property formerly used a« a Hotel, in the village of Ringwood, is offered for ssde. It. consists of one large brick House, containing ten rooms, all necessary outbuildings, a good well ol water and cistern, and one acre of land. On tho premises are some of the finest fruit and Ornamental trees, shrubbery. <fce„ to be found in the count}*. It Is a very desirablo location and wiil be sold dirt cheap and on long time, for good security. Apply to gIMEON POTTEW, Administrator, Of tbe Estate of Mrs. M. Crandall. Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols* store, one door north of Perry & Martin's, for anything in Miithierj or f&M** far' pteblog Goods, . - A NATIONAL APPROPRIATION. As a result of the commingling of ideas between the representative MIU Itary men in attendance upon the Na­ tional Gpard Convention, a memorial was prepared which will bo submitted to Congress in urging the passage of a national militia law. Gen. Crdway, of Washington, who baa given the Subject great thought, gave an inter­ esting resume of the legislation which has taken place following tbe close of the Revolutionary War down to the present time. He declared that soon aftar tho Federal government was or­ ganised, Gen. Knox. Secretary of War. submitted to Congress his celebrated plan for organizing the militia. HIS plan was very elaborate and thorough, and Is asserted to liave been sanction­ ed KY President Washington, He proposed that everf American youth, on attaining IS veurs of age, should be furnished with arms and a uniform by Tlie Government, and be obliged to serve In a camp of military instruc­ tion thirty day? in each of the next two years, and ten days the third year% so that on Attaining the age of 21 YEAR^ he would have received the .elenienfc*ry Instruction of a soldier. The ques­ tion of the militia was debated through three successive setoioqe of Congress, and the plan presenced by Gen. Knox was modi Hod :ind amended until It lost all its original features, AND an inconsistent LFW was finally passed In 1792. This law baft remained on the statute books , and the milit ia are nominally aeting under it to-day, The desirabi l i ty of dividing the mil i t ia into active and Inactive classes was constantly urged upon Congress by successive Presidents and the subject' was continually agitated, but all at. tempt* to agree upon a plan failed, and tbe only change LLLTHED in the mil l . t la law was the provis ion made in 1808 for an annual appropriation o( #200,000 to furnish arms, The law now in force requires ML- litia duty from every cltlRen betweeu 19 an 45 years of age. and requires each individual to provide hiiuseif with arms, ammunition and kn&pcaok. It thelaw shout D be Auforced the armed militia force of the country would amount to nearly seven million men. HLFJLIYEE of TH$^ JPIHTU required by this law. tlie States have foctercd volun­ teer militia organisation, which have gradually increased until now they form the only actual militia force. These facts are shown in the memorial to Congress, and it is urged that among the causes which operate to hinder the efforts of the volunteer militia to per­ fect their organization is the fact that they are not recognised by Federal laws; that THE annual appropriation IS eutirely inadequate to properly equjp the existing force. And that, owing to the phraseology of the law. the pur­ pose of the annual appropriation Is limited to supply! TIG arms .and equip­ ments, and that camp equipage, cloth* ing, blankets, anil other articles abso­ lutely needed by the militia cannot be procured by them exitept in those States that make Stat? appropriations to eupply them, The memorialists urge tbe necessity under our form of government of a WELL organised, well instructed militia, thoroughly equipped and ready for in­ stant use. IT )vas then suggested that the existing law be amended as fol> lows I 1. To divide the enrolled mil i t ia into two classes, the active aud inac­ tive. 2. To recognize the volunteer mili­ tia organizations of the respective States as the "active militia." 3. To increase the annual appropri­ ation for the miiitia to 91,000.000. 4. To provide that the annual appro­ priation be applied to furnishing cloth­ ing and camp equipage, as well as arms and equipments, or when desired by any State, may be applied to the pay­ ment of its militia for duty In annual camp of instruction. The memorialists deprecated any change In the relations between the Federal Government and the mil i t ia that HAVE new become well established by long custom. AN order has been Issued directing field and stafl officers of the 2d infon- tryto report at the regimental armory as follows: Colonel, on Mondays; lieutenant colonel, on Tuesdays; major, on Wednesdays; adjutant, on Thurs­ days , and inepector of rifle practice , on Fridays, ' The honorable discharge of Fint Sergeant Charles •. Schappel, Com­ pany B„ 1st Infantry, has been asked. The sergeant had just completed h>s first term OF service and had reenlisted for a second term , when a change of business carried him out of the State. Companies A.. E. and I.. 2d Infantry, HAVE sompieted the furuishintfof their new company quarters. The floors have qeen handsomely carpeted, and each room has been fitted up wi,th black walnut lockers for the STORAGE of uniforms and equipments. -- E?K The seventh monthly contest for THE Carson medal, between members of Company A., 1st Infantry, occurred on last Monday evening. The emblem was won by Capt. Buchanan. WHQ MADE a score of 43 out of A PBGIJBLFTIFFL, tbe armory rlU* RANGE. THR MOUND BUILDNRS. A correspondent of the Waukegau Republican from Antloch, has the fol­ lowing iu relation to the ancient mounds which are found so numerons in that county: "Located southwest of this village about two miles and a half or three miles, is a tract of land ( a n d w a t e r ) t h e . h i s t o r y o f w h i e h . i f known, would prove very interesting to every reading resident of Lake County. I refpr particularly to the north bank of Fox Lake and along the Grass Lake borders, where huge mounds, evidently erected by human beings centrirles ago, can to-day be seen. Curiosity has frequently led the farmers Hvlng-iu that vicinity to dig down into the mounds, and the re> suit of their investigations has given conclusive evidence that a race of be­ ings entirely distinct from that which now inhabits that locality Once lived there. Mr. Win. $oules, whose farm runs into Grass Lake, and who has lived in that locality for thirty years or thereabouts, tells some Interesting stories of the discoveries he aud his neighbors have made at various times. Onee while digging into one of these mounds, Mr. Soules urearthed the skeleton df a man considerably over six feet In keight. The peculiarity of the position in which this particular skeleton was found, caused the Inci­ dent to be Impressed upon-the memory of Mr. Soules, with .whom it was no new thing to find human bone*, stone implements of warfare and agriculture cooking utensils, etc. The frame allud­ ed to which was once covered with human flesh, was found standing bolt uprtght, with the head thrown par. tiully backward over the shoulders, aud the right arm raised above the head, with the fingers of the HIM>D pointing heavenward. The left hand hung at the side of the skeleton, and the feet were placed close together. This singular find was reported in the nelghborheod. and was viewed by m a n y r e s i d e n t s o f t h e l o c a l i t y . A t another time, Mr. Soules found, far beneath the surface, a peculiar human skull. About two inches, or perhaps less, above the eyes the head was per­ fectly flat and eveu. but in every other way it resembled the ordinary skull of a human being. He lias found at differ­ ent times innumerable skulls, probably belonging to a now extinct race, be­ sides othet bones of human skeletons, SOMETIMES the farmers plow them up while {tigaged in their work, AND TM hills for miles arouiid these lakes ap­ pear to have been literally strewn with these bone#, which lie a short distance below ^THE SNVTNCE of the ground. "Mr. Joseph Jaffi«S| who Uvea near the lake, had been troubled considera­ bly while ploughing by A huge stone WHICH occupied the center of his corn­ field, One day last fall he decided to remove the obstruction. Tlie task was not an easy task by any means, but at length he succeeded in bringing tho stone to llgbt, when he waf not A little surprised to find.that it closely resembled A human bust, The arms are cut off near the shoulders, and the work was evidently done by an exper­ ienced sculptor. THE stone measures several feet across, and weighs many pounds. Mr. JIIIQES is not disposed to part with liis "find" for a song. Presence at Mind In an Euiorgetioy. I t was during the seige of Wagner, and the Union parallels were but a few hundred yards away frotri tbe line of grim black tubes that ever and anon "emboweled with outrageous poise the air, disjforging foul their devilish glut of iron globes." Aline of abatis was to be built across a clear space In point blank range of the rebel gunners &nd sharp-shooters. * •'Sargeant11 says one of the officers In charge,"go pace that opening and give me tlie distance as nearly as pos­ sible." Says tlie ̂ argeant, for we will let him tell the rest of the story, "I started right off. When I got to the opening I put er like the dev(L in a gale of wind, What with grape, can- nister, round shot, shell, and «a regular bees' uest of rifle balls, I think there must have been a fearful drain of am­ munition on the Confederate Govern­ ment about that time. I don't know how IT was but I didn't get so much as a scratch, but I did get powerful scared. When I'd got under rover 1 c o u l d n ' t e r t o l d f o r m y L L F « w h e t h e r i t was a hundred or a hundred thousand paces; I *hou)I1 sooner a guessed a hun­ dred thousand. Says the Captain, 'Well. Sargeant, what did you make it?' Soon's I could get my wind, says I, 'Give a guess, Captalfi.' He looks 80*088 the opening A second or two, and then says,'a hundred and seventy- five pace?, say.' 'Thunder, Captain.' says, I, 'you have made a pretty close guess, it's just a hundred and seventy- one.' " •'And." added the Sargeant after the laugh had subsided, "THAT'S how 1 GOT my shoulder straps.** -1 Don't Want That Is what a lady of Bostqn said to her husband when he brought home some medicine to cure her ot sick headache and neuralgia which had ncade her miserable for fourteen years. At first attack thereafter It was administered to her with such good results tl)&t she continued ITS use until cured, aid made so enthusiastic iu it* praise that she induced twenty-two of the best fami­ lies iu her circle to adopt it as their regular family mgiJtei11®.' *S FLOP 9IU«», ?bat Hot Water ON Feet High. One 6f the most singular natmt phenomena in this section of Montana, is the formation of two geysers In tks strip of country known as the. •'Sag," about a mile and a half from Mr. Pat* tereon's ranch on the Shonkln. It first seen about a JOOnth ago, but until lately has it assumed proportions which constitute Its wonderful forma* tlon. It is situated In a small eanymt running out from the wall of rock* ON the east side of Alkali Lake. TWO geysetS have appeared, or.e of thea being of monster proportions, throw* ing up a column of hot water and steam over one hundred feet high; tbe other spouting about fifty feet, but with A' larger proportion of water, diameter ^ about four incites. They are Intel* inittent in character , and are active fa the morning hours, about eight or nine o'clock. The formation of the country is a sandstone and gneiss, and has alt the appearance of an ancient rlvit bed. What has produced this cnrioM phenomenon, IT is of course useless to speculate, as there is uo evidence of volcanic aoclvSty, and no hypothesis can be formed which will account for It.--North ontana River Prem, S 'J tar The Sleeping Beauty of the day. Is a long slender German yonth who la slumbering at Trexlertown Peniw* M4 has been for more than sixty days. Various efforts have been made to wake LIIIN; a revolver has beea dis­ charged close to his ear; he has bee* subjected to the operation of a GAK: H vanlc battery; pins aud needles bavo been pushed into tils flesh, and a rail hotjron has been pass'ed up and dowa his spinal column. Tlie mildness ol these applications would have Induced Dr. Watt's sluggard to admit that bo had not been called too soon, and that > he did not wish to slumber AGALR.W This somnolent paragon takes hit 'FL victuals regularly In A soft or UQTFID form, in the shaps of boiled egga awt -- beef tea. He Is a stringer and whea he walked fast asleep into tbe hotel more than sixty days ago they thought blm an iuipestor, especially after ha had occupied a bed several day* wwl nights without paying for it. So they pulled his arm, twisted his ears aad twitched his hair but all to no PNRAMI* He was accordingly carried, still ing, to tlie aimshouse, where preseut teposes and snores. He has *JBEEN visited by a number of wbotiave givew a nuinbe lite most satisfactory one *>•*»* there Is something wrong la' tho part of the sliunberer's brain. CablMt posltivafar TO STCDA Martin's ty-four foot acb, at M. 19*The Sycamore Republican trn$)F LAYS; *TFC* acquittal of K imbell WHT was on trial at Geneva last week FIT murder. Is one of those events bring courts of justice Into con teaspt.-* All admit that, while drunk, lie taat Into the work shops iu Aurora aad without i>rovocntlou shat down oog. Ills fellow workmen, THE fense Is that he was CV momentarily insane--when was done, and that he WASA^ zen, had beeu a good soldier, I decent man when sober. Thl to establish the precedent I can commit murder with |§ lie only became drunk Ar license. It would be with additional sever!T mitted through drunki ft a* an additional cr|« M-L i- EHPLOYMKWT WB Queen City Suspender < nati, are now manufactt troduciug their new St porters for ladies and «trlhfc their uuequaied Skirt SNS|MF| IFJTVK ladies. Noue should bp WITHFE once, as our leading physicians them and are loud in their ' These goods are MANUFACTURED BY ladies who have n>*de the wants of ladies and children A study, and thajr ask VIS TO refer them to some reliabfer^ and epergetic lady to introduce THE^ In this county, and we certainly thin|| •** that an earncs ̂ solicitation In every household would meet with a ready response, aud that a determine^, WOIU in could make a handsome aslant, "and have the exclusive agency ITER TAM_ county. We advise some lady who |T^ iu need of employment to nd tO tlNf Company her name and ADTMA mention this paper. Addr^SS, FT Cit v Suspender Company, Xo#. M 140"West Fourth ^t.. Cincinnati, Various Cause*-- Advancing years, care, sickness, appointment, and hereditary position--all operate to Uiru gray, and either of thp3| sited, premiitfirejy,' , VIOOR will REFTPRE fail light ri-D hair JO A ritfli nrowo 'black. a§ may TYS desired, ^T and cleanses the scalp, GIVING healthy action. It removes ana dandru# $nd humors. By its |M IN«£ hair £ checlied. and it new' (~ will be produced in nil casestvliC follirie? are uot dr.«trof$A glands decayed. Its <8ffejjfja,I tolly shqwii on br*shj\ ^TAK. hair,on which a few ^PPLIQI'^ produce the gloss and youth. HitrmU'S? ^tul sure i^ ation , i t i« incomparable AS A < and is espet is'ily valued (of lustre and richness of ton© ^ It contains ^either oil NV will not soil por color WHIM* vet i t LAS££ long on tb% keeps IT FF?<H and vtgorom. Berneiftljer that^ Barb •RTY •

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