J1-,..^ ffl . rt-« --•SjrSw a,-^i!BJ> •-. * ^W^sShJ*1 *«- u^-at^E -- •Jk .j-y*- ^ V*J? ^ I* ^ Jl i, s, #• ^ „ .. v...,.. * •"* j)^ -- ^ ^ ' »f,, 'A***, ^ fv /#***£> - '| * -\^' \ <*' . "*» ,}/ f> f*i "V.-':*, V '< V," _'• .>:,&%*'I ^ ; c ̂ T- %,^ *J„; ,vV.\.4, " ' « * - * ; , " • 5 ^ '-i 1 « ;-.• L,' v;; irsr' 1 • 'W^*• * f^i^^rzk\j*;v*^ ;\ ,- ,\* ••• - t\ * f,f», ,,-^ r %;***^^v-*, r . .v**: •* rw t <""-?»> " *•* < -"t, 'tm v ^ ; * "• *•• * .- \ y i*"'1* * •,»*» . ' it, 4* - »*M »_ > »'* *-. ' '( ',' , - ,K""* " ^ - *" t>.', >»' y**• •, „ - ' _J „ ^-, ,, . ' f '*•' liaiiill^^ **•>* ,l^«f ,,,, : . w*#* i.V'-fV4" 1 <* v::, * rf#jl|.*li.^.^ i-'l t;*<>' « \ ,* ..• >v- »-*} . . >t . ' i : Uf* ' ' .3* "' ^v- - t*.- . • - " -« :,. is- vV.;v.>^i6k s ^'L^rP-lk* •y-iia*. iAtii Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Am." zma, i VOL. 6. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1881. NO. 46. tjli: ri i JOSEPH X. FREUXD. SALOON' AND REST VUliAXT Bonslett'a old stand, s BUSINESS CARDS; [espy PaWinhed Every Wednesday by J. V-A.> iSI ̂ YKE, W *DftP011 *HD >UBlit3HBE.i ^ Office in Old P. O. Block, .., --OF*OBIT8 BIVKSSIDB HOUBB.-- TKSM3 OF SUBSOaiPTXOM. ;T«w (m Advanoe) ..$1.50 •jl£ »jlf !fot pald withiaThree Months, ..80# < Subscriptions received for three or six feon&tef in the samo proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. C i. .' H. T. REOWN.M.D. ' . 0HTSTClAy WD SURGEON'. Offlce over ^ J. "*• Po9t Ortlce, opposite Perry.A Martin's ,'* • store up SHIM , McHeurv, 111. ;. 4r-- : 1 ; & H. FEGEUS, M, D- A l>Hr«IClAK AND SURilEON. Johnaburgh, • 111#.--Office hours 8 to 10, A. M. --1 "V O. J, HOWARD M D.' •>MTSIOIAK AND StTRGEOX. Offlce at i w»y residence, opposite M. E. Church, '?;•; peHenry. 111. 6-':. -v|» 11 -- ^ K' 7• AXDEBSON. M. D. jtjHVSIOIAN and Surgeon. Office at * BesleyM Dm" Store, Opposite Parker (ouse, McHehry, Illinois. - r V PEATT HOUSE. JT A. PRATT, Proprietor. First class ac- . W commodttions, Good Barn in connection i" •• yauoonda, IlL ' Cj BARBIAN BROS. , v JNIGAR MMufMUrem, McHenrv, 111. Or- \J ders solicited. Sh«p. la Ola MeHenry. M^ar the Bridge. RICHARD dOMPTON. JriT^TIOE of the Peaceand Conveyancer.-- W Willattend promptly to the collection of '•tbta. Volo, Lake County, 111. - E. E. RICHARDS. ITT AS a complete Abstract ot Titles to land jl In M -Henrv County, Illinois. Offlce with jfounty t lork, Woodstock, III. ROBT. WRIGHT, ttyfanufacturei of Custom Maae Boots and JSm. Shoes None but the best of inutcriil Med and all work warruntcM Shop Xorth- #«at corn r Public Square, Henry 111. n. E.M.OWEN. iS ENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers VJf Agent in l.ea>ling Farm Machinery.-- "Mces low and Terms f.ivorable. ftfcHeiM'y N. S. COLBY. cHBNftr, McIIenryCo.. III. feeder of iipanisl) Merino Sheep, ijerk: Hire igid lauifChina Swine. A choice lot -f y»W»g 6tock for sale. PleaseeaU and e*auiine fore buying elsewhere. ifcA GEQ SCIIREINEtt. AI^OON and Uestaurant. Nearly opposite 1 '.be Parker. House, McHcnry, III _^clas« ljllliard and' Pool TiWW. JOHN IlENDQICKS. tlLJFiy'S MILLS, ILL. Is now prepared f to sell anil repair any kind of a Sewing aohine as cheap as the cheapest. Will also waifre your lifo and property at reasouablo tcs. Please give me a v.al'. •T" PETER LlJIClvEM. OKPAIKS Watche3, Clocks and Jewelry o^ WL all Kinds. Also Repairs Vi«)ins in thebes1 joaaibls manner, on sh jrt nstice and at rea- MDAble rate's. Also Vjolips for Sale. Shop »*is door North of Hivwside Block, MeHenry I. t- • J, A. SHERWOOD AVt"l'l«» K KK AND APfKAISEK, Algonquin, III. £*A.LRSof Stock, Fanning Tuols and Gooda 3 of »ll kinds promptly attended to. Farm Sties a specialty. Terms reasonable Post ficeaddress Algonquin 111. W. H. SANFORD, JHercliaiit Tailor. In the store of C. H. Dickinson, E$st aide of P«bUc Square, WOODSTOCK, Uvl/, A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al' grays on hand. Suits made to order and a lit warranted- Give mw a call. W. H. SANFORD. Woodstock III.,Sept, 87th. 1875, Scott <fc Co. "Hatters to the Great Northwest." His. 135 and 137 Maim St., NEAR CLARK ST. Ilavaa larger atoek a ad greater variety of Ibrlei for you to choose from, than can be fortnd in any other establishment in Chicago 4>t the West. It will pay yon to call and see £hem. Pricei the lowest^n the land for. good foods. BRANCH STORES $. E, Cor. Clark & Lake sts & S. E. Cor. Halsted and Harrison sts., CHICAUO. M A R C U S ' GERMAN C. S. GREEN. ... VETKRINABY SURGEON, Blebmond Illinois. JESSE A. BALDWIN, '1 TTORNEY at Law and Solicitor in Ohan> x\ eery. Willoractice in State and in Fed eral Courts. Office, Sd Floor. New Custom House, Chicago. CHAS. P. DONNKLLr. ATTORNEY AT LAW *ND NOTARY PUBLIC Woodstock, Illinois. Office oror Stone's Drag Store. ~ SIDNEY DISBROW, VfOTAKY PUBLICand Conveyancer. A iyS Uen, III. A. Mr CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. W7 RANDOLPH STREET, (Brlggs House,) Chicago, 111. Formerly with E R..P. Shurly. .Special attention given to Re pairing Fine watches aud Chronometers. WA Full Assortment of Goods in his line. F. J. CROSS R(fcHenryy< III. Fall Plates wade of -the best 'material and fully warranted, $8.00. Filling one-half usual rates. Special attention paid to regulating bad shaped teeth. Teeth extracted without pain and free of charge Where.Artilicial Teeth ar< 'serted liv him. All Work fully warranted. Pure NftrpUS Oxide Qas always rm and fir tUJ p.iinltMs traction of teeth. m- , opposite Risliop's H«nry. 111. The o loiccst Wines, Liquors ana cigars to be found in the county. Fresh Oysters in their season served up in any •nape desired or for sale by the Csn. U0K>1> STABLING FOR HORSJ£S. ANTON T ENGELN, SAT.OO'X and Restaurant, Buck's old stand MeHenry. III.--Tl,e choicest Kentucky Whiskies, <our Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc,, always on hand. We buy none but the best, aud sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in their season. TAKE NOTICE! You Can Save Money, By coming thU Spring to the RINGWOOD NURSERY Established in 1855. JOHN STERBA. ' Formerlv of Woodstock and Chieago^aa again returned to MeHenry County, and has on hand the largest stock of EEAD7 MADE HARNESSES. COLLARS, WHIPS, ftc., to be found in the Coil nty. and has evervthing made of the BEST MATERIAL. Call and see me. JOHN STERBA. Near the Depot, MeHenry. TAKE NOTICE. ALL ve that are in want of Tni>s in anv form, from one bushel to 500; if you wan t a Tub made to :i bunir-hole, brinjr it along. I will also take buildings to build and furnish, or otherwise just as we sail agree. Shop work of all kinds done to order on short no- tice. F. A. HEBARD. MCHENRY, ILL With vour team, so.e for yourselves, and for a small sum take home a losd ot trees to adorn yonr/l»omos and raiso vonr own. fruit. Owing'to poor health I liav<j not been able to call on you during the Winter. Eter thankful for past patronasro, and hop, ing to merit a continuance of the fame, I re- main, lour humble servant, R A BUCKLAND. | Propriotop* Dated, Uinsrwoed„>*oKenry Co., Illinois, April 9B.188U ,4- A, WENDELL, MeHenry, III. Will take contracts fur putting up Buil<liiigs ami guarantee mv work will compare with aw man in Hie State. I cm and will do work frorii 15 to 2*. per cent clieaper than other carpenters, "a# 1 have two of my boys who work with me. which tn&keft it possible for mo to do so. AH Jobs 1ft"' the Carpenter line promptly Attend to. Give me a call, -A. WENDEUU. 99th,1680. MeHenry. D« Soldiers' Department, CONDUCTED «Y DR. S. F. BENNETT. H. HIRAM WIER, Boot and Shoe Maker, Wauconda, ill, 1 would inform the public that I am now prepared to make Boots and Shoes to order, of the l.est material, warrant a tit, and at LOWER PRICES thin any other shop in the county. Call and be Convinced. Wauconda, Noy. 30th,18(Wr H. WIER, ' Every Boy or Girl, Lady or ^Gentleman, purchasing a pat'k- asre of Celebrated Gold M^udarin Will receive the Housekeepers Friend FREE. A beautiful book, coutainins: valuable Kecipos, Lacfies Needle work Companion, Almanac and Calendar for 1881, Drawing Slates, Kogister of Gas Metre <fcc FOR SALE; BY Fitzsfmmone & Eyanson SOLE AGENTS FOR MCHENRY, ILL. N. B.--Price per package Gold Mandarin Tea, 25, 30, 40, 50, GO, 80c, $1, JOS. WIEDEMANN, Agent Franz Folk's MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER, MeHenry, III Beer iif Large or Small Kegs or Bott|ea al. way s on hand cheaper than any other, quali. iv "considered. This Bsur has a world wide reputation, and good judges acknowledge it cannot oe anr. passed in the world. Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN, MeHanry. 111. May Sth, 1880. K. WKiUT.WAN, Proprietor. First class rigs, tyith or without drivers, fiunisfced at reasonable rales. Teaming ot alt kinds done on short notice. Xi« Bonslott, Xear the Depot, McHENRY ' • ' ILLINOIS. Keens constantly on hand the (Inest brands of Flour and Feed of all kinds, which he will sell at Wholesale or Retail at .Bottom Prices. Wve different brands of Fionr always on hand and warranted as represented. M'Flour delivered any where iu the Cor s»if3^ss!isa«(i!P a,M» •»*-*» CilVK ME A CALL, L. BOHSLETT. MeHenry, March 8th, I&«1, Horse Shoeing, General Blacksmithing, WAGON AND N. BLAKE, RINCWOOD ILLINOIS Wotvld respectfully inform his customers and the public generally that he is now bet ter than ever'prepared to doall work in his line. H o r s e S l i o e i n g * We make a speciality in this line, use notli-. ig but hand turne.f Slioes, and guarantee ^satisfaction. 1 titert"»rme horses or those wi(h i feet promi Unremedied. BEPAIRI1> G Of all kinds on short notice. Farmers in want of the best Drag in the market, at bottom figures, should not fail jto leave their orders al once. ®#*Give lis a eall and we will plea'se you both in qnalitv anti price of work. N. BLAKE Rmgwood, 111. March Sth, 1881. .in; New* Store. The undersigned; having leasetl the Brick Store, next door tA the Post Office, is now prepared to offe% to the buying public a choice line of ; ^ Fine Taney Groceries, Canned Goods, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco* At Reasonable Prices. Bread * 'Bread! We are also feeeiviug, Kresh from tha Bakerv at W. odsttwk, BREAD AN)> CARK, apd will supply those we desire yrith any «lil4f)tlty, trom a Miflfi Lo«f up. M-UIVK If* A C-iLL jp* U8TODOARD, McHe«ry, Wa> (16th, 1881. WA0^t)fSOA R. C. HILL, Would rMpefitfull? inform the* Farmers.ot Lake county, that he has opened an Agricul tural Warehouse, on Mill -Hreol, iu the vil lage of Waucondn, where he will keep AUItl CITLTlrRAL MACHlSEhY ot" all kinds, of the best quality a.id make, and sell it t» the f'irmcrs at as low figure* as any other House iu the •Statp. In Mowers & Reapers l shall keep the McCormick, and' Buckeye, of Canton, Ohio, which we consider txest in the market.. Shall also keep in 4tock the Leader Rake, of Ithlea, N. Y., thc.r Tompkins 0»»nnty Im proved Self.Adjustable Cultivator, and a Ken eral assortment ol all kinds of ujachinerv used on a farm. Call and see my stock before purch*«inir elsewhere and be convinced that I inuan business. R Q HiLL- Wauconda. May 3d, 188L F. C. MAYES, M. Engeln, Manufactured fy MARCUS --DEALER IN- PURE WINES. L CIGAI 0RS AND Woodstock III. The boat Tonic in tho world. Put "on in Vint arfd Quart Botiies. F. MARCUS Pat§n|0e. --DEALER IN-- Guns and Revolvers, Gun Material of all description.-- The linestaud best Pocket Cutlery, fill warranted.-- The finest Razors, warranted for two years. Barbers Soap, Onps, Brush ea, Straps, Eye Glasses, spectacle Eye Protectors for Sun or Snow. \^e also keep a full line ot Fishing Tackle, Minnow Seins, Harorr,ocks, nnd in fact everything pertaining to Fishing and Hun tins, ran be found at n}y store at reasonable Prices. Violins, Acordeons, Pica'as, Flules, Violin Strings, ana a 11 other extras for Violihg. My stocks of HNW4RE is complete. Call and examine h. I guaractev Prices that defy all competition. M. KNGELN. STORE IN HOWE'S BLOCK, NEAR THE BRIDGE. MRS. E. W. HOWE is ofleriri^: fndtiee- mer.ts to purehasera of Millinery, Cloaks. Ac. Give her a call. Store four doors Noriu of lljyersiil.e Up use. --AND DEALER IN-- Ready-Made Clothing. Itespectrul ly invites an inspection of his New Spring Goods Just opened, embracing all the variety usually found in, a first- class Tailoring and Ready Made Clpthing establishment. Don't fail to embrace this opr portunity before purchasing else where as all my goods will b« gold at fair prices. Cutting done as usual. Store in Old McHenry, neai the new Bridge. F. C. MAYES, MeHenry, III., April 19th, 1861. SIRS.. SEARLES Ha? opened her new- Store and Is now prepared, with a fine stock of Summer Millinery.'*o wait, upon cus tomers a:xl give them decided b:tr- in Millinery and Fancy Good*. Her Ftock is complete, and slie is coij- stautlv rtH'eivinif new invoices of the latest styles from the city, and is pre pared to wait upon all who may call. Call and examine goods and learn prices before purchasing. Remember the placc, uejv Store, next to my dwell ing. ^lKS. S. SE4.ULES, AND Wagon Shop. The undersigned, at bis Shop North of Perry t Martin's store near tho Brick Church, is now prepared to do anything in the line of IMacksmithing or Wagon Making, on short notice, and guarantee satisfaction. With the best of material ami Urst-class workmen w»a're prepared f.o get up IJuggies and H'ajrijos to order on tha iifost reasonable terms ami yvarranf as repre>ont»d. Horse Steiii & Ceosral Jolbini promptly attended to. ff in wani of a new Wagon, be sure to cal at my Shop, examine one of my W agons ant learn price before purchasing. My Wagons to-.k FIRST I* It KM 11'M AT THE COUNTY I FAIR lftst Fail over all others. I will not be undersold,quality considered. Give Me a Call. PHILLIP HJUJPERISH. MeHenry, 111., March Slst, 1881. Valuable Pr »perty For Sale, The property formerly used ap n Hotel, in the village of Rins^wood, is offered for Ritle. It con&ifts of one laFge brick House, containing ton rooms, all necessary outbuildings,' a good well of water and cistern, aud one acre rrf land. On the premises are some of the finest fruit and Ornamental trees, shrubbery. &c., to be found in the county. It is a vei v desirable location and will be sold dirt cheap and on long time, for good security. Apply to % SIMEON POTUBW, Administrator, Of the Estate of Mrs. M. Crandall. Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols' store, one door noi'th of Perry & Martin's, for anything iu Millinery Laics' FMIV Ptehjtig Gyo'Js. " at(TtXIG.«N'if OUl BKfilMKUTi We presume that among the readers of the FI.AIKDEALER'S Soldlem' De pai tment may be some of the survivors of the 33d Illinois Volunteers, better known as "Col. Mulligan's Regiment,' a:ui tiierefor^ give place here to an order from the General of the Army that will give great satisfaction to the memlters or'that gallant corps. It will be remembered that this regiment Was captured by the Confederate for. ces under General Price In the fall of 1861. and the individual member* of the regiment were afterward paroled, with the exception of Col. JfuHIgan who refused to acoept the ternH of the jVarole^ He *va« afterward exchanged. When Col. Mulligan returned to th« Union Lines hts regiment had dla- solved, and Its members Ir^J been mus tered out of tho service by order of General Fremont, commanding the Western Department. After making « journey to Washington, Col. Mulligan procured an order rescinding th) de partmental order and continuing the regiment In the service. I'Uis order provided that aM officert and men re turning would be considered an having been continuously In tho service. And #ecelve pay and bounty. In the mean time, however, % number of the men had joined other, commands, and al most an entire company had joined the sixty-ninth New York,an IrUh or ganization. In ituki'igup t)ja rolls or the 23d Illinois, it was neues*ai-y class all absent parties as deserters, nnd tills stigma hits rested on all those serving In other commands until now, except iu a number of iiidividluU in stances. where speclel orders have been issued to meet their cases. An order has been issued through tb<* War Department,a$ st*tp<), Vhlcli re moves the disability and odinm from all serving In otlw commands. The Q}*d»r reads^s follows: 1IK4I/QIJ4RTERS OF THE ARMY, AD jyT^NTGKNE^i^'S OfpiCE, WASHING TON. M4Y 11,--Special Ordep Jfq, 108-- Extract--Par. 4. By direction of the Secretary of War, paragraph %f specia) or<lers Mo. 337, December 13. llifil, ffoiq Cliis office. Is revoked, IMP) tU« fo|lvw> lug is sgbftitijtod: ^Any oirdm tiist n)«r Nn*- bten given from tiiis offlce or from the heaJquarters of tho Western Depict* ment, foi mustering out of the service Col. Mulligan's 23d regiment ot Illi nois Volunteers, Irish brigade, are trescindsd, but discharges given tha ei)r listed men under such orders, (being authorised by paragrapii 2, general orders No. 69, August 26, 1861. War Department, Adjutant General's offlov) are recognixed. The officers and men, provided they return to the regime^ will be considered as continuously iu the service from the date they were originally mustered In. Col, Mulligan is authorized to fill up Ids regiment to the maximum standard of an infantry regiment :js prescribed by law. By order Gen. tthenpjui. li. C. Uif^u, Adjutant Gei>oral. Adjutant General Drum, in forward ing the order to the Adjutant General of this State, supplements it with a letter in which he states: "It will be ob«erFed that this order recognizes the action of Geneva! Freuioift in dis charging the enlisted men, bpt does not repognize his course in having dis banded the regimoHtftl organization. By tljis amended autiou the regiment and commissioned officers, &re regarded as in service from its original muster- in up to the date of its final muster-out on July'i4, 1865$ the ei)ljst*?d men as pontiu^oiisly in se'vice from the date of the if enlistment to the date of their filial dl&charge, whether such Anal dis charge was on the Sth, 9th and 10th of October, 184), or at auy other subse quent date, thu» inferentlaily remov ing any pharges of desertion growing out of {.lie transaction in question, ft is proper to st^te, however that the Gofr((>rnM!i'nt reserves the right to pass upon any question of bounty that may at any time arise under this action, op that may bo in any maimer affected 1>J' it." The members of the regiment who served in other commands will, iu con sequence, be deemed to h.iye per formed continuous service, the chargo of desertion is removed, and the men be entitled to fcontinuuqi' p.iy aud bounty, as though no sqrreljder lu»d occurred. A copy of the original mus ter rolls of the regiment ha« been fur- plslied to the Adjtwnt General of Illinois, and l^no^ron tile at the State Capital. It is the intention (p call a meeting of the survivors pf tlw regi ment in Chicago at an early day, a@*Says Emerson: "Society under goes continual changes; it Is barbarous it is civilized, jt is Christianized, it is rich, it Is scientific; but this chansce is not amelioration.' For everything that is given 6omethi»g is ta^en. So ciety acquires uev arts, and loses o;d instincts. The civilized man has buUt a coach, but has lost the use of his feet; he has a fine Geneva watch, but cmnof tell the hour by the snn." The question, therefore, whether civiliza tion is ^ benefit tp inaukiud. appears to come to this--whether what is gained by it is of uiqfe thai) wllich Isjiost. HAGNiriVRNT SPIKCTAOLK. Some* of Splendor, Wander Beauty. On June Ilth, the, day on which Forepaugh's great show ta to exhibit at Woodstock, there'will be presented during the forenoon, a series of the most superb and novel spectacles ever seen upon the stieets of an American city. At an expense or two hundred thousand dollars, the great showman, Forepaugh, has seuuiffd all the itcces sories. and daily represents. In connec tion with other speotacular displays the fascinating oriental romance of "'LalU Rookh departing from Delhi. The beautiful Indian princess is per sonified by the handsomest lady in America. Mr. Forepaugh pays the prlnoely sum of ten thousand dollars for the services of the lady who rep resents Lalla Rookh in this pHgeant. Iu response to advertisements, in ail paits of the uountri', this lady, oi|t of hundreds of oontestants. Was adjudged the most beautiful, She is borne aloft on the back of a huge elephant, and Is seated in a genuine Eafct Indian howdnh. aud Is attended by Tartarian and Cashmerian maids of honor, fol lowed by rajahs, Mogul lords and the entire court of Delhi, ail clad in the picturesque garb of the East, Another feature of the pageant is the appear* ance of twenty kingly elephants, im* ported from the >Sast Indies expressly for this grand pageant. Hundreds of plumed horses, a mile of gold encrusted chariots, riulily robed processionists, .three bunds of music, trained wild beasts loose iu the streets, and a long Jjsf pf equally jjqv*! features, cum pose this grand parade. Our readers should reach town by leu o'clock on the forenoon of show day. in order to witness this great spectacle. Reduced fares on ail lines of travel. UUJ~il. -- I WW H« Gained if la jFroe<)ont. ft hi)8 always been thought that ears of corn have an even number of rojvs, »nd that one with an odd number of rowa would he an impossibility. *Tn slavery time (his question was discus sed, and *. negr» in Kentucky claimed that he Ind ceen ears of that klnd,-r II is master told him that he would give him h|s--the negro's--freedom for an ear with nn odd uumber of rows. This was in the early spring j but In the tyll du?jng ponirga tiling time, the negro canje with a sound ear of coru with thirteen rows. He got his free papers. A ioug time afterwards the old negro told that Iu ro»*tfng-e»r time lie took a sharp knife, uut out the ope row of grain*, boppd the ear togethor. »nd kuuvy just where to flud it wiien gatle ering time came, JTKKR'K ret. Mar»hal llildmp white In ofBce tMK enme the happy possessor of a brace of beautiful revolvers. Wishing to sfioar his friendship lie presented one of th«t twins to the new incumbent as a sore of badge of ofBoe, retaining the otliar himself. The ex-inarsha) Is a peaoea* hie man, rrhich accounts for tin faet tliat the weapons, which are of tbw Remingtoit breed. 38-calibre, became rusty and dustyDecoration day eall* ed up memories of war and its ensinee so during the afternoon Mr. Hildrup busied himself in cleaning up his bat tery. While so engaged the pistol WM discharged, and the bullet crashed through the plnte-gluss window of tho marshal's office, weat sixty feet iwtst the portico, aud through another win* dow, dropping harmlessly on the ohalr of justico iu Judfe Ilarlau's noun room. The building was deserted, ati4 hut fewjtnew of ft, but the bullet holes were yesterday proof of the ex cellence of the weapon, the carelesa- liess of the marshal, and the strength of the powder. There is no necessity for correcting the Impression th*| there was a duel between Jones pud Hildrup. for. although the former was given the choice of weapons he cele brated the day in the shctfly groves of W»rren.--Tribune, M I©" The dog which was thrown from the Niagara Bridge nti.d miraculously espnped drowning in the rapids is still j}live and unable to save himself. Food Is thrown to the animal every day in 4 paper bag from the bank, more than 300 feet above. As |t strikes the ground the bag bursts open and tho dog devours its contents. This singular operation is watched by a large number of people every day. Clifford KaibQeisuh, the railroad ticket agent at the place, has devised a plan for rescuing the dog, of which he ho|>e8 to make a trial soon, After the animal has been left without food for two or three days and Is famished, a bag with a spring attached to it and containing a piece of meat will be let down. It Is expected tlpic when the dog seizes the meat, the spring will close upon htm, and he will be drawn up in a bag to the bank above. Wonderi or the Microscope. A thousand wonders In nature are lost to the human eye, and ouly reveal ed to us through the microscope. Thinfc of dividing a single spider's web into a thousand strands, or count ing Mip arteries and perves in the wing of a gossaii}pr moth, yet, by the aid of the powerful lens of a microscope, it is found there ave more than 4,000 muscles |n a caterpil lar. The eye of a droue pontalns 14,- 000 mirrors, and the bpijy *f every spi der le furnished with four UHje lumps, pierped with tiny holes, from each of which issues a single tbroad. and when a thousand of these are jqiued togeth er. they make the silk line of which the spider spins a yeb, aud which we call a sutler's thread. spiders have bfesn seen as small a* a grain of sand, and those spin a thread go tine that It takes 4,000 of them, put together, to equal In si#e a single Ijalr. --Church C nion. It is gratifyingto find occasion ally a Judge who believes that bis bus* ness should be to see that justice la done in his court whether all the an cient rules and tradition" are carried Into efleet or not. One of the'moet outrageous present abuses consists fa securing changes of veune in order to defeat Justice and securing them by swearing to the predjadice of tlw Judges of that circuit; some ta case* where it Is certain that the Judgp knows nothing of the parties or (help c*6ps. We recorded a few weeks ago a case in which Judge Eustape of Dfx? on ordered the arrest of such parties for perjury; apd iu impaneling the grand jury for the May term of tho Cook county criminal court. Judge Hawes called attention to the fact that inost of the affidavits tied wlt|» pell* tlons fop ehange^of venue allege |>n$* udlce, and are svorn tp by persons ab» so|utely unknown to Yh# judges.^ These persons u epe guilty of perjury and sfypuld be Indicted am) he as^ffl the jury to investigate the Styl^jeetinpa. fully.--4^cofmore Repubitdrm. *• • 'j f&*The admirer of two girls at Waupaca, Pregon, could not choOM between them, and neither was willing to relinquish |ier claim in favor of tho other. They therefore arranged to decide the question by t|ie toss of a coin, aud the tossing wms done, care fully and fairly, in the presence of an invited company. T|ie loser accepted her luck uncomplainingly, and is to be first bridesmaid at the wedding. * A somewhat similar ca&e bad » different termination at Bowertou. Mfch. The glrU In this Instance were sisters, and they were willing to divide the loiftf between them. In order to carry out that idea they have started for Utah, where they will practice polygamy| but the haraionisus sjsters have ea» acted a solemn vow from the m|p- pever to have more than two wives, yy^ A little girl iq EJast 5few York who was sick for m»n/ months, bad a number of bantam Ohickens brought to Iter bedside fqr her to see. and reach ing out her iiaqd the took one of them, and begged that |t might be allowed to scay with l)er. Ifer wish was grati fied after snipe protest, aud she has taken such pains in training it that it ba$ become ane of the most remarkable trained bantam cocks ever known. He crows at a word of command from the little girl, aqd is a skill full retriever.-- Until he V46 iftore thai? six inqijths old he never saw one ot his own kind, and now, when the little girl speaks bis nan|«N he will fly frou) the flock ot chickens aud couie to her shouldur. Parasols and Fans in all of tho titp veM>i 4 Scarf's, JCllPfcOVMENT FOR IiADIRS. -- The Qqeen City Suspender Co., of Clncia* nati, are now manufacturing and In- troduaiug their new Stocking Sup* porters for ladles »nd eiiild'eu, aud their une^ualed Sk|r( Suspenders for ladies. IJoue should be without Mi^Wt onr leading physici)ins recommend them aud are loud in their pfttMp* These cootls are manufactured l»JP lailies wlio have made th« wail>» of adles aud children a study, and tliejp ask ns to refer tliein to some reliable and energetic lady to Introduce theai In this county, aud we certainly thiak that an earnest solicitation in evevy iiousehold would meet with a ready response, aud that a determined worn 111 could make a handsome salary and have the exclusive agency for tM* county, Wp atjvise sonje Jady wl»0 N Iu need of omployu',ent to ««nd to thl* Cqippany h«r name aud address. a*H| mention this pa|>**r* Adiip^j Queeft City Su«pe|jiler Company , if'oe' i#7 4 HQ West fourth Stn Cincinnati, OI»io» Vsrloni C«u»es-- Advancing years, care, sickness, dlat aproinlment. and hereditary predi»> position--ail operate to turn the hair gray, and either of tbeni inclines it to shed, prematurely, Ayps If 4 IB VIGQR will restqre faded QF g^y^ light r« il iiair toa rich brown pr hjj,c|i. as may be desired. Jt ami cleanses the scalp, givlpg it ft healthy action, ft remove* antT oureii tiaiidrufi snd humors. Hy |U use fa& |ng hair JS checked, and a l?«W grow||| will be produced in all i>**e« where tha fojiicies are not <|eiitroved or this jjlatu|s decayed. |it ftilefis are beat|t|» fully §huwn up braslty, weak, or siefciv hair.pn which a few ^ppluatiiuno h||I produce the gfoss ^tui fiwiin^i of voqth.^ l(an|ii<*ss and sjjre iu |t$ oners ation. it iupnhip^u|)ie 9s a flirtings and is especially value*] for the sol* lustre an<| richness of |one it jmparu, }t coqtaius ue|tiier qii nor ilye.ans| will nqi sail nor cu|or wlji'c c*mbrie| yet it lasts long qn tho Mir, awf Veep# it lyesb and vi^rous. l^ave never been abjo^* Maeaul^y, *»tQ dlsuov-r that « HMwi IP aqy the worse fur lining attw^ed^ By jiiqiiiy cranky gracious, Mac, y«uiS| ought to have a goat some up behjn<| you suddenly, and y«Mt*4 Utlalk 4i%*§|