ejjMry JHsnfaleF. W|Ct>l*ESDAY, JUNE 8, 1881. VAN8LYKE. KMitoir. ; IVThe Senatorial Ct^teat It* New ^•»rk still remulti* h dejfcd lock, with Mai ltttln prospect of a chni'ge for iljlbnw tlm« to com*. . r The re I* a «rlde dlverill# *f fplnlon among the editorial doctor* in ; i 0i* relifion* pre** In regard fo the •*> * %»erit« ahd demerits of the Revised Testament. It is a sort of a jo-as-yon- » dleciwlon. ; I^TTWO women, in two different iMttahitrg houses, tried Thursday to light kitchen fires with kerosene oil . vne of them succeeded only in burning l|er*.«»lf. but the work of the other- in- pfliided her husband, her child and half «t dozen houses besides her own. The -. devotion of American women to the kerosene eim. tliat has done so much to • depopulate the country, is one of the Mysterious developments ot the /oml- ' nine nature. W M: l. UK coVKi.ffN«'s TRUK rosTtm*. A illspatch from Albany to the New York Herald says: "From his own lips there is authority for stating that Mr. Conk ling, in taking the step or re signing his position in the United States Senate and coming here to seek the endorsement of the Legislature, acted from no mere impulse of the moment,but from cool and deliberate reflection, sustained by the advice and counsel of many of the most promi nent Republicans of the party belong ing to this and other States. He did not come as lias been falsely repre sented, to buttonhole and influence members of the Legislature, but to answer questions and give advice to such persons a? might call upon him. II a man were to come to him and say that,convinced ot the right and jus tice of his (Mr. ConkUng's) case, and prompted as well by that as by warm personal attachment, he would vote for him, he (Mr. Oonkiing) would tell liim not to do so, if it would in the smallest, degree cmbarass or imperil Ills political relations. He asks no man to vote for him. and has certainly dealt with no one who does not feel fully convinced that he is giving lii support without barter or solicit* t!on, but simply irotn conviction. He can plainly see tlmt the lobby has been invoked to prevent his re-election, and that lies and misrepresentation have been employed to aid other agencies to secure ids defeat. He will preserve the attitude he lias taken from the be ginning-- that of being here without any intention of seeking support through the use of any personal influ ence, and will oalml.v await what the better sense of the Republicans decide upon doing. In regard to his object ing 'to the confirmation of Mr. Rob- ertaon, he holds that he had a perfect . right to do so. He voted against at least forty of Grant's nominations, and there never was a word about It Andrew Johnson never called him to account for voting against his nomina tion*. but it was reserved for Presi dent Garrteld to assert an autocratic prerogative which no previous Presi dent ever ventured on. It is easy for lilm to perceive the hand of Mr. Blnine In all that is being done and Is now doing in the manipulation of news papers all over the land, and he has little doubt that the American people tvlll speedily see the animus which pervades the whole canvass against liimand visit their rebuke at the . proper time on the authors of It." UPTIONS for the PLAIKDEALICB will be received in Wauconda at F. B Harrison's Drug Store ami at the PostOfice KIHTOK PLAINDEALKU:--THE meet ing that was ualte J for Friday night, to make the necessary arrangements tor Old Settlers' Day \va* well attend ed, more being preseat than was an ticipated, and a degree of enthusiasm WHS manifested very encouraging to those that have the matter in charge. The spirit of the meeting showed plainly that the people here are deter mined to make June 33d an enjoyable day foreveryone that comes to Wun- conda. Pres. Bangs was the presiding officer, and tlie following committees were appointed: On Fi.nance.-~S. Pratt, II. Golding, E. A. Golding. Entertaining Onm.-^4. R. Wells, Ik K. Duers, Clias. Cogglns. Com. on Ground*.--Slebblus Ford, P. S. Swinson, Henry Hughes, Frank Powers, A. C. Bangs, Warren Powers. Log Cabin Com.-~Daniel Oaks. On Fiags.--llenty Maiinan, Robert Harrison. On Music.--ffni. T id marsh, Robert Harrison, W. H. Ford. Chief ManhtiL--Frank lowers. After the meeting adjourned anoth er committee was, selected to see about getting the barge in' running order, consisting of Dr. Weils, Chas. Coggiu and J. L. Pratt. ^ The President, Tiisru? Bang*, E :q., wishes to have me state that those towns which intend contending for the flag give due notice to him so that a committee can meet their delegation outside of the village and count the teams. There will be a«Jog cabin erected on the public square and all ATK of Martin Ntesen <le«'ease«1 The 12j undersigned having been appointed Ex- ccutor of th<> last wilt and testament of Mar. tip Niesen, lute At' the C«untv >>f McHenry, nnd State of Illinois, d I, hereby' gives notice that he will appear before ttie 'Contiiy Court of --MC Henry County, at the Court House, in Woodstock, at the. Juiv term on the third Monday iu July uext, at which time alt persons miring claim? Maninst said Estate, are notified and requested to attend for the pur|K»sc of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to slid Estate are request- ej! to inrfco iniinoaiate payment to the under- signed. Dated this 21st dav of Mav A. D. J8SI. CHAS. KUHNEKT, Executor. THE Nor do we guarantee to sell cheaper than an.y other Drti*r Store in Lake county. Wc are carefrl what we guarantee aiul WE ALWAYS MAKE 6uil GUARANTEE GOOD, no matter what it costs.-- We guarantee to give you a straight forward SQUARE DKAL-every time. Our shop is somewhat known us the Book Haunt, perhaps it is also known as the Bargain Haunt for Drugs and Books. You will "know us by our daily walk." F. B. HARRISON Dispenser of Pills, Pens, Books and Happiness. Wauconda 111 those who nave any old relics are re quested to bring them along and plaee on exhibition. Decoration Day wa? not forgotten. A procession bei:ig formed, headed by a murtlal-band,"the graves were scat tered e'er with flowers." after which prayer was offered and a few remarks made. The mill is overrun with work, Mr. Coggin being obliged to work all night several times the past week to keep up with his orders. The bridge at the'outlet of the Lake is being fixed iu a most substantial maimer. It lias been doub«rrt~m width and the approaches made «s secure as possible. The road between W. H. Ford's and the cheese factory is being covered with gravel to the depth of about a foot. When this job is completed it will make one of the w<>rst pieces of road iu the town equal to the best. Brewster & Johnson iiave raised their store and are putting a cellar un der it. This will give them the ex^ tra room which their increased busi ness demanded. F, W.Morrison lias taken himself, uiiiius his do<r, to Huntley, where lie intends remaining a few weeks and do ing what work he can flurl. Wm. Clark lias returned for the sum mer and is having his usual luck iu eu* ticing the tinny tribe into his bont. Edward Fletcher is back from Min nesota and proposes to remain her* some time we understand. Warren Turner is at last able tr ^waik up town and is occasionally pper in his old haunts. Sheep-shearing has commenced and soon the wool agent will be around re porting in the blandest manner that the market is very dull this year S. II. Felt has taken A school down near Half-Day. Friday evening quite a number from here attended the dance at Gilmer, it Davis' new store. 20 TRAINED Elephants , Coming to , rlnr SL-- That some people, even in this advanced age, continue to encourage and help sup port dealers who have no conscience, and are charg ing from twenty-five, cents to one dollar per pair more for Boots and Shoes than Dwight, who is offering from the largest assortment of the above ever brought tof^Woodstock. A better fine Boot or plow Boot,® fine line,of French or Araeri- ican Kid, pebble Goat, Glove Kid, calf or 8eige,in button side lace, straight-lace, or congress shoes tor Ladies, Misses and children.-- Also a tremendous stoeic of Walking shoes and slippers. In fact we assure all m search of anything made to wear up u the feet, that if ,we fail to suit you either as regards quality, price or fit, you may as well look no further. Our custom made goods, both fine and coarse, are of the celebrated Selz manufacture. Every pair warranted. W. H. D WIGHT. Woodstock, Vll. r urniture •n r ). t" . - - i.*--i- JACOB BONSLETt, . Having opened new Furniture Rooms, in the store lately occupied by Mrs. Searles, opposite Perry <4 Martra's Stote, are now prepaid to ofter to the buying public the |0rThe Mexican congress has passed the Eads ship railway bill, and it will in all probability become a law. The enterprise appears to be a very popu lar one and is likely to receive every possible encouragement from the peo ple, to the extent perhaps of serious opposition to the DeLesseps canal. Ead'e scheme is similar to that he pressed before the American congress. It is the building of a ship railway across the shortest portion of the Mex ican part of the isthmus, a distance of some 130 miles. Of various proposi tions for interoceanic transportation the Eads scheme appears to be as feas- Crand CaSa gJay, For town mvl cunitry. W-ivth mi'cs of travel to frn a'.S-t of nil the KVCII lORSPAUSa . SHOW. Will exhibit afternoon aivl evening at WOO OTTOCK, SATUPiDAT, MI Now m ikinpr its lTili iiiinu.il toiir wit!i the ;irt>t. t he onl v "t(*if her'I of Perfovmin^ p"lephM>»ts, l,. ri(Ki Wil<l Hciists. Aiifl in the rreat Oircus in 2 Uiui^S 2i TIVUIUMI Stullions in'l i wo colos-i 'il <'iri 'ns ,eoiTip:tnii 's, pivuiK a liferent pcrforniiiin'e m '\-irli rin£f, one prire ni l tii 'keC to nil. Coming with 10W) men and Virnef. 3 ̂ peeiiil llitil wny 'I 'rnin.i all owneil !>r tlie show. It his no e<|irr1s, ua rivals, ex- liUits tlie woniiei fill net of firing a Unman f'.o !nir from a Cannon loaded with |M)«rrler.-- •^UILA, the famous Frcnch cqiiilibrist rlilcs Uwk flyer a 3- BE IT KNOWN, Throughout the length and breadth of this community that Fitzsimrnons 8c Evanson, Are making pieparations for a Large Cash Trade, This Spiiuc and Summer. Men and Hoys'with cush or its eqnive- lant in hand will save from 5 to 15 per cent on a suit ot Clothes, Hat, Shirt, Boots, Shoes, or in fact anything we have to sell. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS ew Wall Paper, Stock of Of all kinds, ever brought to McHenry County, which they wiM sell at the . V* LOWEST LIVING PRICES. Anything from a common Chair to the finest Parlor Set can be found at this store, and of the best make and finish to be found in the market. Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to at reasonable ratet First-class work guaranteed, Undertaking. We have a large assortment of BuriaJ C ses and Coffins always on hand and made to order on short notice. Our goods are first-class, and prices within ihe reach of all. We invite all our firiends to give us a call, JACOB BONSLETT. McHenry, March 15th, 1881. STILL ON DECK! With a Large Stock of Summer Goods, just purchased, consisting in part of " , Dress Goods, Prints, Cashmeres, Buntings, L iwns. Cambrics, Ginghams. Parasols, Skirts Mitpkins, Shawls, Gloves, Cotton Yarns, Carpet Warp, Tnble Spread*, Toweling!*, Shirtings. Tickings. Deuims, &c., &c., that will be sold as cheap as can be sold by any Liviug Man, tor Cash. &c\, now complete. Finest Teas in the market. Egg-: wanted. Call and see us. 20.000 dozen of FIZSXMMOIfrS & EViLHOOST. The American Keviteil Suva i'estamea The Literary Hevoliition is prompt with its edition of tlie Revised Ne« Testament. The" British monopolists "uiiclialned" their •••lition 311 the morning j>F May 2»th, anil at 8:30 p. JJ. the ?:tme-«]a}'» tlie American eilitioi was all in typ<>. an«l of the various edi tions of the entire Testament, and th»' Gospels pultii^iied heparately ;is man* as oO.OOO eopies a day will he manu factured till the demand is met. The priees for the v«*ry handsome editions, in type nearly double the size of the British editi«n.are a." follows• , The New Testament complete for 10 cent®. The Gospels complete for 7 cents. The Gospels separately each for 2 Ible as any. and if the Mexican govern- j ccnf? mentis willing to aid the enterprise j And In virions forms and stvles pecuniarily. American#, who are nat- | form(t 1ip to f„n TlirkPr Mori."(W. urally hostile to the DeLeseeps canal, will give the ship railway at least their good wishes for success. In connection with the passage of the ship railway bill, it is interesting to note that tiie GBAKT international railway measure alto went thro'. At the same time the Mexican congress forgot to make any provision for the payment of the pub lic debt* The internal' improvement of the country is probably of more im portance than the payment of old ob- | ligations, that is useless the money for such improvement is to be borrowed out»ide on the strength of the nation al credit. and gilt edges, for the new and old versions on pages facing for $1.50. Tliis edit ion is for sale by the lead ing bookseller*, of the United Urates, or they will he sent by mail on receipt of price. Liberal terms are allowed to clubs. Address,' AMKUHWV BOOK EXCIUNOK, 764 Broadway. New Yovk. STORMS IN THE E*8T. READING. Pa.* June 1.--A terrific rain Storm visited this section of the country to-night, which resulted in great damage. In half an hour three Inches or rain fell. On the Read in-r railroad luifiness has been suspended on account of cave-Ins and wa;h-outs. Reports from tlie rural districts are pouring iu fttat it.g that the storm has beeti very violent and much damage 1M* resulted. I he loss q$ estimated Will not fall short of £75,000. FOUOHKKKI'SIK, N. Y„ June l.-A terrific hail storm yesterdav extended from New Hackensaek to Fishkill Plains. G.rain everywhere was de- •tfoved. Corn and young fruit were kHRe'd. rnwtterries were mined. The storm lasted tliree quarters vtf ah' boor. KOOH* liu.il sioucs w«*re two ii.- 'li- j»»j,1 i^amer The Celebrated Stallion/ ALHAMBRA MESSENGER, Will be kept at tlie Stable of the sub seriberthe present setisou where those who desire can get his services at a moderate price. He was sired by Dole 's Alhambra, and Is one of the best stock getters in the country. JOHS W. SMITH. KjirsC* ... i..y "m McHenry, May 3d. 1881. 100 Feet from the Ground, Yntl wheels licr liabe over Hie same high wire tii<l ilrnt in AinM'ic. i el the gretH Kniflisli I run pc oi'(iyiiiniisii.ic. IJicyclers, the lain.nm scili<i>.i , t Villi»u Kuinily, who tiira souNM-.iinilts, jusjglf, form pyrauiiils. staiul UJXIII tlinr heads, U,I<I tin nearly every act pertVn-ii,p:| 111 a circus riu^: liy riders, acriihiils :ili ' l (rymiiaBls, ii |>oii wleinler iiicjflcs tC'iiiiK it it *2u mile .Hj>eeil, (Jnind con^resn of (iiants, Dtv.-irf.-, ami , 'iviux woii'lers, and the llrst and <niIv > W<Mil-Covered Klepliants. juht se- eitved,-lii>t the world has seen for c.enltirieu, •ind niily Traiiied Giralles ami wonderful Hrthy K!eph:tiit recently '.MIIII , i 'ver> rare a 11 i• til l! kIK .w n to niHiiral hi ' tor.v, K'hinoeeriiH, IIiiipo |inUtiiKi.s. i I,ions, and trained Lious, Tiirer. ' , I.eopanlM, &c., <ic. Spei-iul Circun for Bovn and (iirls in a sene- rate I'inir. The sr. at. grand,.gorsemiB Street {'recession wiin 3 Bands of Music Twenty Klepiip t». aniile of (;hari<>t», huii. dredts of lioiso and ponies, and the lieautiful oriental pa^i i.rt of I.Mia lloohk, Departing: from liell. ' i , m.d a myriad of inai-%el inoiiopij- li/.ed fe.-iiures ran l»V seen every exliiliitjoa duv, at a lout K o'clock in the torenoon.-- Pavilion ordinal land 7 r. M., perforiuancex lie^ni one hour 1 tier. Aduiitituni to all only dOccntti. Children under '•> years 25 cents.-- ADAM r O R F .PAU.CH, Prop (iRK.VT l OltH'M i'lI SHT)' )\V Golden Star IWasi r s Sale of Real Estate. (J^TATE of 11 !:r,oii>. 5IrMerry County. Mc- • fleiM-v fviupty Oirrnlt Court, May Term, A. TV, lS^'. Marv fieidrieh, »r>d Jacob Deirl- rich vc John .1. Dflidrich and Peter Deidrlnli. T?y virtue and lif pursuance of a Decretal Or der made in sail cane at said Term, to me di. reeted and delivered, 1 shall, 011 Tnewlav, the Stli day of Julv A. D. I'-il, at one o'clock"F- m. at the'front door of the dwelling on the wremistes in fche Town ol Mcjlenry Illino is, offer for sile at Public. Vendue, to the hijrhei.t liidder for cash, or one half cash and the lial.iitce secured by inorliraae on Ihe premises, the. following described premium; mentioned in said Decree, to-wit: The Kant half r.3<> of the South west quarter (?<) and the Went fractional Southeast quarter (^) of Section Nineteen (IW): and the North half (V) of I.ot One (I) of the Northwest quarter (H) and the Northwest quarter (J.O of the North, east quarter ( V) of Section 1'hirtv (:|0): all in T o w n s h i p K o i ' t v - f v c ( 4 5 ) I t i i n i r " > ' K a ^ t of 1 lie Third (:}<i) Principal Meridian, in Mid Me,Henrv Countr, and containing Wi U-l',(0 loHjLaees this mortliiiff 1 a r reo of ,B , ,d. A K. Oil Stoves. The "Boss" Oil Stove in the market.-- After once trying It you would not give it up for mai v times its value. For Sale by O. C. COLBY & CO., Op)io;itc the SI ill. May 13th. Kiel. STAR OIL STOVE. CALL AND SEE THEM. O. C. COLBY & CO* McHenry Read! for tfit Sjriu Train. ROBT. HARRISON, , Wauconda, Illinois, Has now in store one of the largest stock of Goods, for tlio Spring and Snin ner trade ever brought into Lake county, to whicli he Invites the attention of the buying public. In Summer Dress Goods, I h&ve'an unncual large stock, which I propose to sell at the Lowest Living Prices. Notions and Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats <fc Caps, In short_ there i* nothing that is usually kept in a tlrst-class general store but what ean be fourd in my »to<-k, an<i r <lefv fompetlU<>n either in prices or quality of goods. Call and b« coBvinc.eii that it i- tor your interest to trade w itl( me. Oonntrv Proiiuce of all Rinds taken in cxchaufre.Jor Roods, for which thel hiithcst Market Price will Le paid. LIBEltAL DISCOUNT 1 01; CA^Il. w ... %c ROBT. HARRISON. M itucuiKln, III., M^y 2ii..iSSl. A FULL STOCK OF" GROCEfaESp"^ •, ( All Fresh and now. Teas, Coffees and Sngais, »s cheap its the cheapest. Crockery and Glass Ware in endless variety. Tea Sets at 50 e&ttts, Castors only $1.50. All other Goods in proportion. We have established a FIVE CENT COUNTER, to which wo invite your attention, as it is full of Bargains. We are buying and selling for cash, and believe we cin make an object for you to trade with us. J- R. WELLS & SON. I WAUCONDA, June 1st, 1881. J. W. Cristy,|SUMMER SmiWQQB, ILL., Invites an examination of his New Stock of Dry Goods <fcc. &c. Which is being offered at very lovr prices.-- My stock is replete In all tne variety of Ciooils for the season, and we fe«l satisfied we can offer goods at LOWER I'lGUItKS than ean be found elsewhere. My stock of Groceries, BOOTS & SHOES Is full and complete, and we are ̂ on f ident we can please you b"t'» >" f&ts Call and beconrinc^d that these are tacts. J. W. CBI9TY. BIN©WOOD, May JTD, 1881. STOCK, JUST RECEIVED -A.T-- Maiman's AT WAUCONDA. I have the largest stock of Summer Got 4* ever bronght to Lake County, which I will sell at LO ¥KK PU10KS THAN EVER BE FORE. Ready-made Clothing more numerous than ever and at prices suited for every purse.-- For anything made to order, whether a single garment.or a full suit Maiman's Is the place to buy. Also a fall line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HfU a«d Caps, 4c. I have a lar^e variety of PIECE GOOD®, of the Latest Styles and Pattern*, at tow figures. Mrs. Maixaan, tVho is assisted by Miss Gieseler. tas just received a fine stock ot Spring Millinerv, of the latest styles to be found in the citjr which she invites the Ladies of Wauconda to rail and examine. Hats and Bonnet* Trimmed in the latest «t vies and at reatonA.i ble prices Dress Making done promptly aud satisfaction guaranteod. f 1 The Celebrated Stallion Wm. Grant, Formerly owned by O. L. Payne, of Lib ertyville, 111., has been purchased by the undersigned, and will be kept the pmw season at the stable of Joseph N. Freund, op pusite itishop's Mill, where we invite th« formers and others to call and see hint WILLIAM GRANT is a dark bay, weigh iug 1,300 1hf., H>\ hands high; in sue, styk and action is a perfect Horse--sired by Tigei Whip, weighing l.iVK) lbs. His sire by an lm ported English Coach Horse. Saul Ttgai whip took the First Premium at the Kani County Fair, showing Ave Stallion Colts.7 Will in in c; IM 111 took the Premium of Ihe Svi Stallion Colts, and is a perfect Carriayi Horse. He is without (]uestioo one of the bed bred horses iu thi* part of the ronntrv. Fm further particulars apply to the undersigned «t ilisbop's MiW, or to the groom at the stabi* JOHN W, lUMM. MCHKUPT, LIT, May »th, UM. .-:r f . V !