Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jun 1881, p. 5

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GRAXGWI Informs us th«t tie will be on the market this season prepared to pay the highest market price for Wool. THE first number of the Geneva Lake Daily News for the season made its appearance on Monday morning, and is as bright and newsy as ever. ORSON BUOBKK and wife started on Wednesday last for Little Valley, Cataragus County, New York, where they intend spending the summer. MRS. HKRMAV OWEN, who formerly resided here, but for the past "few years in Chicago, has come out here to •pend the summer. She is stopping With Mrs. Going. THE Ladie3 Aid Society, of Ring- wood, will meet at the house of Mrs. IJ. Waterman, on Thursday next, 1} miles Northeast of the village. MKS. WM. I.ANGHAM, Seer 3 tar jr. THE dry weather came to an end on Thursday last, since which time we have had fine showers nearly every day, and the consequence Is farmers are looking happy. HEREAFTER postal cards In the United States mail-, having any mat­ ter on the address side, except that which Is necessary for direction, are to be thrown nut of the mails as unmail- able matter. . WHAT a comfort'it Is to know these scorching days that you have a place In town where yon can get good Bread and Cakes, the real stafl of life, always fresh. Go to L. Stoddard's, next door to the Post OfHiic. and get ail you want A* exchange reports the robbery of a 00 cent store. Six watches, eleven gold bracelets, three diamond pin*, fourteen gold brooches, and fifty gold rings were taken, a;id the loss aggre- [atfts two dollars and twenty cents. Yn«HS«iitmct for bjiilding the addi­ tion to the Pickle Factory has been let to F. A. Hebard. In our notice of this building a few weeks ago we made a mistake in its dimensions. It is to 20x80 and two stories high. FKLT, the Singer Sewing Machine man was in town on Monday, and re­ ports the sale of seventeen machines in the past three weeks. He took home about forty pounds of fish, caught "from the new bridge Monday evening. LN egg was left at this office on Saturday, produced by a Partridge Cochin he'n, that measures 8 inches one way by 6J the other. If there I* another Elizabeth Light Brahma that can beat this we should like lo hear from her. ' No family should be without a news­ paper, of some kind: and by all means take some paper in your own county. If yen have children growing up, they will learn much from them, and if you are alone you surely want newspapers lor your instruction and comfort. ALL that are in want of Millinery should not fail to call on 3lrs. E. W. Howe. Will sell all kinds at reduced prices for the next thirty days.-- Another lot of Dolmans just received. Black French Chip Flats glJK). Can­ ton Straws 25 cents. f B. A. HOWARD, at his market, near [the Depot, dressed one of the finest beeves last week we have seen for many a day. It was a five year old cow that tipped the scales, alive, at 1,100 pounds, and dressed a good600. It was very fine, and a credit to tht West Side Market. | ROCSE A SIRRS have leased the ffelter building, formerly occupied by jMrs. Searles and will open this week tlce Cream Parlors iu the same. They |vil! keep Ice Cream, Confectionery, blgar&^fcef" They will keep every- triTng in tip top shape, and we hive no doubt will be liberally patronized by the public. We shall speak ibore of thpui next week. ( THE new Steamer, "Lotus," made her trial trip on Saturday evening last, and after a few alterations in her wheels, everything was entirely sat­ isfactory to her builder^. She pre- s«ntiiTWrji lilUffsonre appearance on thi water, and we think will be capa­ ble of running to the Lakes Inside of an hour with ease. It is expected she will be entirely completed within the next ten days. LIST of Letters remaining In the Post Office, at McHenry, 111., June 1st. 1881: Miss Anne McCabe, M. Grey, Mr. FrankL. Ra^nwell, Mr. J. Sandberg, wharles Robb, Mr. H. Vogeler, David Haeger, Mr. James Wood, Mrs. Richard White. Miss Emma Knapp. Postal Cards^-Mr. B. Bernstim,2; Charles E. Abbott. In calling for any of th* above please mention the advertised list. JAMKS B. PKRRT, P. M. PROF. ALLAN CORR is advertised to deliver a lecture at the Universaliat Church, in this village, on Friday even­ ing next,.June 10th. entitled. *'Storm- ing the Rastilc." The Professor comes highly recommended by both the pub­ lic and the press, who pronounce him the foremost, lecturer of the day. Dur­ ing the evening, Mrs. Curr, also a brill­ iant Reader and charming Elocution­ ist, will give some good selections. We bespeak for them a good audience 011 Friday evening. For particulars see programmes. WE noticed a fine lot of new Buggies at the Warehouse of E. M.O*wen A Son to-day. They deal with the best man­ ufacturers. and we would suggest that it would he better for those wanting Buggies to deal w'th a well known and reliable firm, instead of buying the shoddy article brought here bv Irre­ sponsible Auction parties. E. M. Owen & Sou are old, well known and reliable dealers, and when you buy of them you know Just what you get. If In want of a buggy, or In fact anything in the Ag­ ricultural Machinery line, do not fail to give the in a call. WI R. SMITH, agent for E. W. Trask, Aurora, hats been detained 011 account of the sickness of his daughter, but will make his appearance here at soon as he can with a full stock of goods in his line which he will sell cheaper than ever. Remember his goods are all warranted by a reliable firm. FROM ttje Osborne County farmer, published )at Osborne City, Kansas^ we learn of the marriage on the 1st fnst., of John A. Morton, formerly of this county, to Miss Carrie Bush, of that place. Mr. Morton's many friends in tills section wish him much Joy in his new departure. > ^THE annual meeting of the McHenry County Sabbath School Association will be held at the Baptist Church In Woodstock, on Wednesday and Thurs­ day, June 8th and 9th. An interesting programme has been arranged. Every Sunday School teacher Is requested to be present. Bring Bible and Gospel Hymns, A GENTLEMAN calling 011 a farmer, observed: "Mr. Jones, your clocK is not quite right, is it?" "Well, you see sir,*' baid Jones, "Nobody don't understand much about that clock but me. When the hands of that clock staud at twelve and it strikes two. then 1 know that it is just twenty mit- ntes to seven."--Ex, Mrs. S. Searlei returned front- the city last week and has open one of the largest stocks of Summer Millinery ever openud in this town. * Now I? the time to make your choice for summer hats and bonnets. We have every stjrle and shape in the market, also •very description of fashionable (rim- oiling." MARY BONSLETT. the youngest aughter of Jacob Bonslett, had the lUfortuue to be struck in the eye i tli a stone from a sllug-shot while at tiuhool on Moudav. Ic was thought at first she would lose her eye, but at the writius:. Tuesday afternoon. Anderson, who is in attendance, there will be no danger of such reunite The bruise, however, is a bad one, and it will be some time before her eye will be all r<ghc again. These sling shots are becoming altogether to common with our boys. They are not only dangtrous but a nuisance in every particular. Our authorities should take the matter in hand at once, and fine and imprison every boy found with one in his possession. A few ex­ amples would put a stop to the nui­ sance. Let it be attendsd to without dclav. AN honest, straightforward, manly man. seeing something in his news­ paper that he does not like, writes to tlfe editor expressing Ills dissent-^-as It is his privilege to and as he would to a friend. No true man would give tip-a friend because of a difference of opinion. Neither does he for a ,[tke reason, part with one of the best of friends--a good newspaper. On the other hand,no-editor who is half an editor, resents, hut rather welcomes and respects the hearty, pronounced expression of contrary opinion from a manly dissentient. But for the one who reads, dissents, and flashes back aiv angry "Stop my paper"--well we are sorry for such brethren. It Is »1- ways a disappointment to meet with the weakness of childhood, where you naturally look for the strength of ma­ turity. The infrequency of the occur­ rence ina^es it a matter of less conse­ quence than it otherwise might b«. Remnants of different kind» very cheap at Fitzsimmons A Evanson's. Go to Mrs. S. Searles for Hats and Bonnets. Over three hundred to se­ lect from and receiving new goods daily. Hats and Bonnets at prices running from 25 cents up. Call and se$. ____________ Notice, All interested In the Re-Union of the old 95th are requested to meet at the Court House, in Woodstock, on Satur­ day, June 18th, 1881, atone o'clock P. M., sharp, to determine where the next re-union will be held. Old comrades come out. J. E. BECKLEY, Secretary. CAMP MKKTING. TIMS Free Methodist Church will hold a camp meetlngt on the Silver Lake camp grouuds, 3 miles East of Nunda. 111., beginning Wednesday, June 8th, 1881, and holding one week.-- No boarding tent, no huckster stand.-- Bring your lunch basket with you or your tent complete. General Superin­ tendent E. P. Hart, of Michigan and Rev. W. B. M. Colt, of Litchfield, will be in attendance. Come and worship with us. C,B. EBKY. Lawns in latest styles and fast oolors just received at Fitzsiuiinous A Evan- son's. _ Nobby Styles in Straw Hats at Colby Bros., Riverside Block. Lawns, new styles, just in. 7c. per yd, »t Fitzfcimtnous dfc Evanson's. Old Settlers' Meeting. At the time of going t6 press the Committee have lieen unable to com­ plete the programme for the Old Set­ tlers Meeting, but we can say that ev­ erything is progressing favorable, and the pro«p«ot* for a large gathering and n good time never were more auspi­ cious. Responses have been received from Hon. John Wentworth and Judge Blodgett. who have signified their 111- tention of being present, and other eminent speakers have been Invited who will be heard from In a few days. The people of Wauconda are making every preparation to receive and make It pleasant for all. and should the weather prove favorable, we shall ex­ pect to see the largest crowd at Wau­ conda on the 23d ever assembled at one time in Lake county. We trust that every man. woman and child in McHenry and Lake counties will make it a point t) turn out on the 23d and help the old settlers celebfite, We shall publish a complete pro­ gramme next week- WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDKALER:--The wel­ come, thrice welcome showers is the grand hailing sign of saiute among all classes, whether animal or vegetable. The best evidence that Saturdays are busy days In Woodstock Is the fact that the assessors of adjoining towns can catch more of their, subjects of assessment here th^i by visiting their homes. Another Item of important testimony can be obtained by watch­ ing the blacksmith shop ot H. M. Foote who has but lately opened shop at the Foundry, nevertheless he finds it nec­ essary, in order to meet the demands, to work himself and two jours out of hours both morning and evening. On Wednesday Prof. ArnolJ, If you know who or what he is, was to have given a free exhibition on our streets and over our city of a Balloon ascen­ sion. The small boys, the young men and their gals, or in the language of the old sohg, when "The young middle aged, old, cripplcd and gray" appear­ ed to witness t/ie scene they beheld in­ stead Forepaugh'8 Advertising Car, and were gracefully permitted to car­ ry free a few thousand ot his bills to their neighborhood, anJ thus while being humbugged aided in humbug­ ging their neighbors, and if 1 were they A'dam Forepaugh would sell a great many numbers less of tickets for the deception But the "shows will coute and the shows vill go." and their tents be crowded ever, though many children cry for bread. D. D. Blakeslee's horse ran on to a stub which is said to have pierced his lungs and exposed his heart, and yet under the treatment of I. A. Austin, 'Ladd) he is in a lair way to recover. A. B, McCounelt had a cow killed by lightning on Thursday. We hear wouderfol stories of hall storms along the line of the Galena di­ vision of thle Northwestern. Horse buyers are not unfrequent visi­ tors these days. The Oat market Is very lively. The avenues to our elevators are thronged with wagons, piled high with oats from mom till night, day after day. Our ways are being mended by a good graveling. Some mention frost on Saturday morning. We did not notice any though out sufficient early to see It If any had been lying around loose. But some must be seen in order that Ven- nor's prophecy may be fulfilled. Rotten egg« Hre a little too plenty with some of our larks to be pleasant. CRYSTAL LAKE PUBLIC SCHOOL. Report for the mouth of May 1881: Days taught 22. Boys enrolled 39.-- Girls enrolled 28. Pupils enrolled 87. Pupils withdrawn 17. Pupils yet members 50. Days attendance 1003.-- Average daily attendance 16. Visits from school officers 2. Visits from others 6. HIGHER DEPARTMENT. Days taught 22. Boys enrolled B.-- Girls enrolled 18. Pupils enrolled 23. Pupils withdrawn fi, Pupils yet mem­ bers 18. Days attendance 396. Aver­ age daily attendance 18. Classes per day 18. Visits from school officers 1. Visits from others 6. Names of those who stood 100 in attendance and punct­ uality: Francis Church, Flora Church, Mattie Ingersoll, Louise Pomeroy, Aggie Simons. H. R. BALDWIW, Teacher. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Days taught 22. Boys enrolled 34.-- Girls enrolled 10. Pupils enrolled 44, Pupils withdrawn 12. Days attend­ ance 60f. Classes per day 90. Visitors 0. Visits from members of school board, 1. The following is a list of those neither absent nor tardy: Eddie Pomeroy, Charles Nash, Walter Wilber Harry Wilber. CABKIB WALLACE, Teacher. Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves In all colors at Stevens A Schnorr's. FOR SALE. A commodious residence, at the cor­ ner of Madison street. Woods took, III., conveniently located to business, school and the various churches. Two lots, well stocked with fruit, both large and small. Pleasantly situated, and well arranged. Good well and cis­ tern. Terms easy. Apply to ASA w. SMITH- Woodstock, (11 Foundation rocks and Gravel deliv­ ered at convenient diUAiices from my residence. ASA W. SMITH. Woodstock, III Dress goods in Plsids 80, per yd, lit Fitzsimmons A Evanson's. Remember that Barb Wire, only 9 euts per O. C, Colby A Co.'s Hardware Store FOX LAKE. J The Steamer "Lotus" will on and after the 1st of June, make regr ular trips to Fox Lake, leaving Mc­ Henry at 6;J5, p. M. dally. WAITCB HILL, Captain. Richmond Department. CONTRIBUTED BV 8. F. BENNETT. A. F. BawKKTT is hm-«br authorized to take anbacriptioiia and ordera for *it vortishie and Job Work for the Pr,Miri>KAi.BR. reo.eiva moner therefor and receipt for the same.-- all orders left with him will receive prompt Attention.--Editor. A. J. Hewe has opened a new SI109 Shop in the south * end of the hotel building where he will now be found ready to wait on customer*. The trotting stallion, "Klrkwood." will be put on the track In training for the fall races, about the first of July.-- All who deaire his services are request­ ed to avail themselves of the same dur­ ing the present month of June. We are just Informed of the sudden death of John Thomas, an old resident and well known farmer of Richmond. His death occurred on Thursday night. June 2d. He bad a paralytic stroke sometime ago. « On Friday Charles Andrews, who lives near Spring Grove, while chop­ ping in the woods, struck at a limb, when the ax glanoed and cut a herrtble gash in his leg. The blade of the ax glanced off the right side ot the shin bone &nd burled Itself deeply in the muscles of the calf of the leg. News has just reached us of the death of Alvah Marsh, father of Henry Marsh, of this Township. Deceased was born In Brattleboro, Vermont, Nov. 13th, 1796, and died at Half Moon Bay,California, on the 22d day of May 1881, having, as will be see-i. attained the great age of 84 years. 8 months and 9 days. He was for a number of years a resident of Illinois, at Napersvllle and Sycamore, and removed to Cali­ fornia in (he year 1867 or thereabout. On Wednesday evening, Juno 1st. at a late hour, A. R. Alexander, of the Arm of Alexander A Hyde, took a new boarder into his family. This boardur is a young lady of very prepossessing appearance, of good temper an<^ ab­ stemious habits, her diet being milk alone. Happily Mrs. Alexander is not of ajealous disposition, so we presume no discord will follow this young mal. den's becoming a member of the fam­ ily, Congratulations. Very pleasant festivities occurred at the house or Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Ercan- brack, last Tuesday morning, the occa­ sion being the marriage of their only daughter, Delia, to Chas. S. Sherman, of the Elgin Watch Factory, and for­ merly a resident of Richmond. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. DeLap, of the Methodist Church. The company was not a large one. only the intimate friends and re­ latives of the contracting parties be­ ing present. Tlio newly married took the afternoon train for their Inme in Elgin. Miss Gertrude Johonnott, of Richmond, acted as bridesmaid and a young friend of the groom's eame up from Rlgln to act as groomsman, Mr, Sherman 1ms always been considered one of our msjt reliable ant! i*opn!ar young men and his bride as one of Richmond's fairest daughter*. Our best wishes, with those of hundred other friends accompany the young couple. By the time this communication reaches the readers of the PLAINDKA­ LER. the new proprietor of the Rich­ mond House will have finished tliu re­ pairs of the house anil be ready for business. These repairs are so exten­ sive and of so thorough a nature that it almost a.nounts to a rebuilding of the Uiside of the house. The reuova» ting process Is going on from cellar to garret. Every room will be newly pa­ pered. calsomlned, painted and car­ peted, and every article of furniture from kitchen to bed room including the crockery Is new. from the manufact­ urers hands. One of the greatest Im­ provements will be the conversion of the Itrge room heretofore used as a bar room, into a baggage room and reading room. The latter will be nice­ ly carpeted and upholstered |n an ele­ gant and ' most comfortable manner, and furnished with tablet, writing ma­ terials and the nc^Ws of the day. It is Mr. Culver's intention to make the Richmond House a first-class hotel in every respect, a credit to the town and a real home for his guests. We hope his most brilliant expectations will be mere than realized, and that the peo­ ple of Richmond will, to a man, give Mr. Culver the encouragement he seems determined to deserve. Success to the new management. Outside of the great trade centers, no locality presents 4 more inviting field for enterprising men to Invest in business than Richmond. Surrounded by one of the finest farming districts in the world, snd furnishing a good market for everything the agricultur­ ist may produce. It ought, also, to be a great distributing point for manufac­ tured articles. Almost any manufact­ uring business started here, if conduct­ ed with energy, would at once become a paying Investment. Unfortunately the most of our capital is In unenter­ prising hands and finds Investment in Government bonds and farm mort* gages, at a low rate of interest, instead of being put into business where it would pay a much larger return and Ft the same time help build up the town. One good, live business man,, with twenty thoucand dollars capital would do more for Richmond in Ave years than ail its money lenders have done since Hs first settlement. But now and then a man has the foresight to com­ prehend the possibilities of this loca­ tion, and among them we take pleas­ ure in mentioning the name of A. P. Gray, who has lately added another to the business institutions of the village. Mr. Gray's new Carthage and Black­ smith Shop is very advantageously lo­ cated on the Northeast corner of Main and Mill streets. It Is a good substan­ tial structure, 24x60 on the ground and two Jtories high. The grouud floor i* divided Into two of which is devoted to the wood and the other to the blacksmiths work, while the second floor Is similarly divided Into paint shop and ttore room. The wood work department is under the personal supervision of Mr. Gray himself, the blacks mi thing is done by H. Heck, and the palnttng by G. A. Canfield. all first class workmen in their special lines.-- Mr. Gray is now ready to take orders for anything In his line, such as top buggies,single or double, open buggies road wagons, platform wagons. lumber wagoin, phaetons, &c„ all of which will be manufactured of the beat ma­ terial and In the moat substantial and artistic maimer. Mr. Heck is recom­ mended as having no superior In black- smithing. especially in horseshoeing and the repairing of plows and reapers Mr.Canfield will do general painting as well as the flue shop work. Alto­ gether the establishment Is one that should add materially to the business Interests of the village, and should meet the eneouragemen; suoh an en­ terprise deserves. We have always kept a close watch foranynewsln regard to the much talked of and long waited for Air Line Railroad through this place to Chicago having never lost faith In the ultimate building of a direct line from Chicago to somo point North, to connect with the Northern Pacific, probably at or near Duluth. We have already Inform­ ed our readers that the franchises of the old oompanv have passed into the hands of a new one and that the State of Wisconsin had given a large land grant to help the enterprise. The fol­ lowing special to the Chicago Timet of last Thursday shows that the new com­ pany means business. Just hold your breaths, O ye of little faith. A N«w Itoad, DCI.UTH, Minn.. May 31.--There nre now convincing indications that a new railroad from Duluth to Chicago will he in operation before long. A full corps of engineers under charge of A. B. Schofield arrived here last night and will immediately begin surveying the route on an air line from the South side of St. Louis hay to Chicago. By the terms of the charter a portion of this road, beginning at Its northern terminus, must be built before the first of May next year in order to secure the laud grant, and consequently work will lie begun without delay. This road Is looked forward to with a great deal of Interest by the twin cities at the head of the lakes, Superior and Duluth, as the more outlets to the east that both these cities have the more rapid will be their progress. ----------ip GREENWOOD. EDITOR PLAINDKALVR:-»AFTER a mouth's intermission during which we have'been uncommonly bu«y, attend, lug to necessary farm work Incident to this season of the year, which has left us little time or Inclination to write up "Items" for publication, we again resume the pen, commencing where we left oil. If we remember aright the last sub­ ject on the tapis undisposed of, was tlitt interesting linguistic enigma, ^envious jealousy," which y««ir Wood­ stock corres|>ondent appears to think it sufficiently solved and ex­ plained by Webster, the Lexicogra­ pher, In conjunction with Stewart, the Metaphysician. Though *Vet»*;er de- flues clearly the words envy and jeal­ ousy, we cannot Mud that he throws any light on the complex idea Indicat­ ed by the compound word in question. We can understand readily enough that a person can entertain envy and jealousy at the same time with refer­ ence to one and the same individual, buc these sentiments, remain separata and distinct, the one from the other, as states or conditions of the mind. How they can amalgamate, producing a sort of metaphysical hybrid. Is more than we at present can comprehend. Per­ haps the gentleman will be so good as to explain and also to point out sec­ tion and page in Stewart where the principles applying to thif> subject are treated of. elucidated and set in order, and also tell us what is said. Your correspondent who was so kind as to take our place last week has our thanks. There was in Ills article a certain something which looked allttle queer in one or two Instances. But we do not mention this in the way of cen­ sure, or to detract in anywise from the general character of the communica­ tion, which was, indeed, excellent. In fact, there was one expression which deserves particular notice as an exam­ ple of that nice and discriminating use of language which evinces a dcle- eate appreciation of the nature of the subject about which your correspond­ ent was writing. We allude to the wordulimbH used iu describing the ac­ cident which happened to Mrs. Peatt, of this place. Those unfamiliar with the etiquette recognised-and accept­ ed ii| genteel society may not be aware that "limb" is a term applicable to the Species Hoiuo, designates that portion of the female structure for which leg is the equivolent in the anatomical description of the male.-- This is a nice distinction which Is not always observed. We have an Instance analogous in the use of the word stom­ ach, which is understood to refer, in the male, to that receptacle for food where the process of digestion Is car­ ried on. As applied to the opposite sex, tills term lias a mucli more extend­ ed signification, including not only this--digestive apparatus--but also other eompartinents and subdivisions not necessary to particularise here.-- We mention these little matters be­ cause w4 like to notice these' evidences of culture anil taste in the members of our fraternity. The accident spoken of was caused by a fall from a misstep in walking hastily from the house, the fracture taking plaoe in the large bone a few Inches above the ankle. The p» tlent Is, undoubtedly, In cpmpetent hands,as all the applicances known to surgery designed to keep the fractu*. ed ends of the bone in place, are be* lieved to have been put in requisition If fciod nfttture does her pert,our neigh bor. It le hoped will be rom4 again soon. One of the bridges crossing the Kip peasink at tills place is now In a con- di iion to be used by the traveling pub­ lic. Preparations are now being made, to put up the other bridge as speedily as possible and grade the road. Our neighbor. J. P. Daase, wishes us to thsnk his friends, in Ills name, for tke assistance rendered in euabltng him to go to a distant city In order te have a critical surgical operation per- formed which he hopes may prolong his life and stay among them. A double wedding came off at the residence of J, J. Westerman on Tues­ day, lieing the marriage of Duane So- per to Miss Westerman and John Westerman to Miss Wakely. Toe late for particulars this week. John Mansfield has his carpenters to work on his new addition to hbi hooae. Mrs.C. Mansfield, of Harvard. Is In town visiting friends and relatives. Job Toles has sold his farm of one hundred and ten acres, near Richmond, to Daniel Denuison for four thousand dollars. * Dr. Joseph Dawson, of Chicago, is In town visiting friends. Peleg Dailey is sorely afflicted With rheumatism so lie is hardly able to be about. Also Mrs. D-slley iseonflned to her b9d with erysipelas. They are un­ der the care of Dr. Buck, of Woodstock FBL0DB9M. PEON AVOTHK* COBBKSFOSDEMT. EDITOR PLAINDKALER;--The msln bridge aeross th* creek Is now In cross­ ing order for teams. We think a good job lias Iteen done, a credit to the builder aud commissioners. The farmers are preparing for sheep- shearing. Judging from the large number of sheep washed lie re the clip will be large. Mr. A. Newman says lie has lost 950 worth of sheep this spring, he thinks from disease of the liver. We uotlced last week that Mr. end Mrs. Daily were in poor health. They have been very slok since but are better new. We learn' that Mr. Merchant'! little girl some months since got a small stone In her ear. She wa« lately taken to Woodstock and Dr. Baldwin pro­ nounced It a critical affair. I believe It Is proposed to take her to Chicago. Last week we sprung a Joke In re­ gard to cleaning the store. It is but just to say that help Is very scarce to obtain, and the ladies referred to be­ ing among the best volunteered to aid In the enterprise. Mr, 8. with othor help, iu his genial and courteous man­ ner, as his custom is, made the day as easy and pleasant as possible. The store showed a great Improvement, We beg pardon aiid remain-*. We learn that Miss Nellie Watson was lately married to a gentleman from Marengo. May joy and prosper­ ity go with them, Perhaps some of the people are expecting others to follow their matrimonial tendencies soon. Busftnecis Notice*. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonie restores the appetite. The Meline Sulky Plow at X. if Owen's. Fishing Tackle of all kinds at M. Hugelii's, in Howe's Block, ueer the new Bridge, The Furst A Bradley Sulky Plow at E. M. Owen's. The largest stock of Millinery Goods in the County, at Mrs. S. Searles, Buckeve Force Pumpe, at I, M Owen's. All the firstclass Plows at S. M. Owen's. Nobby Shoes. Nobby Suits, Nobhv Hats. Prices low at Fttsslaimoos A Evansoiis. The finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to be found liirtlie county*, at O. W. Owen's. Mrs. H. H. Niuhols lias the largest stock of Spring Millinery Goods In Mo> Henry County. New stvle Bracelets at O.W. Oweu's WANTED. Cash In exchange for good every dey Soods. Prices reasonable. Now don't forget this. FITZSIMVOXS ft EVAVSOB. Trble snd l'ojket Cuttlery !n endless variety at O. C. Colby t Co's Hard* ware store. h-- Reeds Gilt Edge Tonic certs Fever and Ague. NEW GOODS. Look out for great Bargains In Cloth­ ing. at the store of E. Lawlus, in Lan­ sing's Block, as he lias ju«t returned from the city with anew stock. Go to M. EngeIn's for all klpds of Gun and Fishing Material. In Howe's Block, McHenry. Wauoonda Ice Cram Parlors, GOLD1NG * BROOKS. Would respectfully announce. to the public that they have opened their Ice Cream Parlors for the season aud are now prepared to furnish Ice Cream every day and eveiiipg, by (lie dish or quantity. ^ Wa,also keep on hand flrocerlos of all kinds. Canned Goods, Notions, To­ baccos, Cigars. Confectionery, etc,, which we are selling as low or lower than any other house In the oounty, quality of goods considered. When In want of anything in our line we invite you to call, confident (hat we can please you both In quality aud prion, GOLDING A BROOKS, WAOOOBBA, III,. Jno« ist. MI, if A fee tot of Ready-Blade Dfesses m| fall Suit* just received at Mrs. H. tf*" Nichols' Millinery Store, McHenry, German School Books, and English and German Mas* Books, at M. Eut geln's Howe's Block, n«»ar the bridge, ' ' * G O L D F I S H . Ffsh Globes, and Food for , Flsb a§i M. Engelu's in Howe's Block, near th# bridge. ;P Ladies of McHenry and vicinitjjp don't buy your Hats or Bonnets nntif you have looked at aud priced _good* : at Mrs. S. S»arles. Am now ofl^rinK' g-ester bargains than ever. All worl( Iu repairing done ou short notice. Call aud see the splendid stock of Granite Ware at O. C. Colby A Co's Hardware store. « t, THE LATEST; ! *• J We have a large invoice of celebrated "BroaUheail" Dress Goo da in the latest Htyles. Everybody shouldT ^ see theia before buying. STBVKMS A SOfOnMCB. A GOOD Pants Maker wanted at E, ^ ^ Lawlus' Merchant Tailoring establish- ment, near the Depot. '*; The finest line of Dress Goods lql- . ^ this market can be found at Steveu# ' ' I A Schnorr's. Pile*, chafing sores, chapped hands, salt rheum, skin disorders, btir»*,; broifS- ses. sore throat, aud all iiiflauimatioiiV* yield rapidly on application of Traek'tfi: Magnetic Ointment. ^ Hams. Shoulders, Bacon, Salt Pork'-: Lard and Corned Beef, at Howardnife Market, near the Depot. 5^, r v tiTHY DO YOU COUGH When one box of Besley's Troches will.. *'! cure you? Store opposste Parker . ^ House. Ir you want your Watch put In firs# class Order, call on Robert Murflt# Jeweler, Nunda, New Prints, latest pattern*. prices from five cents a vnrd and n wards, at Colby Bro«„ Riverside Bloclf Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets un||U: til you have seen and priced goods * Mrs. 8. Searles. ' . Mrs. H.H.NIoholskeeps fe|i glovetff;tfi In all shades. Panel Photos at Miller's Stmllo, . If inseacrti of Bargains cal] at C, .1 Hall's Richmond and Dundee Stores, THE BEST THING ' For a cough Is Beslsy's Troches. Tii||l| a box. Store opposite the Parked House. . .V Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichole Ready Made Underwear. We are offering extra bargains I a Cheviots, at Colby Bros., Riversid# Block McHenrr. Eight Pounds of iironnd Coffee tw§ One Dollar at Colby Bros- Riverside Block. McHenry. "rPI 80RISEN DOORS. I %m now prepared to make to ordetf and will keep on hand a good supply of . - Screen Doors which I will sell at the \ Lowest Living Prices. If iu want of , these articles give me a call. J.B.BLA*«. McHenry. Way 11th, UN. - A fine line of Wall Brackets a| slaughtering Prices, at O, C. Colby 4f Go's Hardware Store. Mrs. H. H. Nichols was In the city last Friday snd bought lior third la^' voice of Millinery Goods this Spriiigw Mrs. Nichols lias sold 120 Hats ami ' Bonnets iu 10 days, the "live and ie$ live" motto brings customers from faf } and near. Call and examine goods for yourselves aud be convinced that tliii is the "Boss" Millinery Howe In tlMff! county. ; SjcwiNii Mauhine Needles for every? ' machine made, can be found at M. En# gelu's, iu Howe's Block, uenr tli# bridge, ^ Every man, woman and child thai pays Cath for their goods, should trad% where goods are marked on that basisllt Where they can save from 15 to per cent. /;> Where IB will get them more good# than 91 will at a credit store. SIKVAIIS ASUBNORB, ;; - Twenty-two and twenty.four foof Fish Poles.only six cents eaoh, at Mi Edge I u's, Iu Howe's Block, wear the new Bridge. La PIES, have you seen those styllsf*. cheap hats at Mrs. Searles'? If yoti% have not you should call at once, a§ , they will last but a few days. FENCE POSTS FOR 8AL% 3000 seasoned Burr Oak Feuce Poet* fur sale. Inquire of JQBK DORAN. Do not fall to call at Mrs. hearted and examine the Bargain Counter, E. LAWLUS. In Ills Merchant Tailoring Depart* ment. keeps the best of Foreign and Domestic Cloths. Gents' Furnishing Goods at the very lowest prices, Lauer A Becker's old staud, McHenry. Ten cent Mouiie * Cloths, the lateet styles in the market, at Colby Brosn Riverside Block, McHenry. , When In want of work lo my line, give mea call and I will try and please Bobt, Murfltt, Jeweler. Nunda, 111, BARGAIN COUNTEH. Mrs. Searles has established a Bar­ gain Counter in her store, where a nobby and stylish hat can be found at aimost your uwn pric*. Call ami «« them. O. C. Colby A Jo. are now prepare^ to do all kinds of Jobbing, at their netf Hardwire Store opposite the MUU SIIROUDS. Just reoeived. at John B. B'ake*% Suruiltire and Undertaking Ro"nisv shrouds of all sizes, and in twentv-ftvei different styles. Which will be tsid at prices ranging from 91 to 8&, FOR SALE. A very fine I 'wrham Bull, ova yea» old. WiU be sold reasonable. J» W- SUIT®. . FOR SALE, 40 Aores of land in Section ti, al| fenced. AUo 80 acres of laud, with at good house aud barn' thereoa^ with timber acd water ip abuudaiwe,In Sec* lion 32. Also my homestead mi the ("vyaral Lake and Nunda road. Good uew' hou*e. baru apd other •outbuildings.--% Appb' to Jwhn Fu'frltY. Shoea lor tbe Million, We !lia.'« itiaced iu the h^uda Colby Bros.. McHenry'and Kunda. •»% immense assortment.'of onr le at •«sr4 work, consisting of Women's ai^' Misses Goat aud Kid Button and Sid* Lace Gout ami Kid Walking 8**rgt' and Congrce* Gaiters. Goat Kid front lace, all of which thev an| selling P'W wholesale prices with % small compensation addeJ, Call au«| examine gomls. YORBUSH * BLOWIF. Ba ' •' v».<> -V j , «!S

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