Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jun 1881, p. 5

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" ? ' ' ' - " * ' " * ' * ' ' • * " ' " • * " - . » • • • Mm iHii mm V.\ j|e^«iry |>laiafeilef. WEDNESDAY JUNE 29. 1S81. Railroad Time Table. OOL SO SODTa.| fteneva Lake Passenger 7:*» A. M ©eneva I.ake Express ,l:tl " ft«n«va Late Freight W :lMr. M Steamboat Express ,....x6:lt, " ooixo KOBTII. ;. Acnev* T,ake Freijrht .'.......8:S3 A. X Steamboat Express ...10:01. " Geneva Lake Express 5:Mp. m Beaeva i>aka Pasicncer.«. «;W » & Bess, Agent. McHenry, IU Steamboat Excanl4Mu JULY 4th. The Steamer "Mary Grlswold** will make an excursion to Fox Lake, on Monday next, July 4th. leaving her deck in this village at 10} o'clock A. and returning about 5 p. H. IF any Man says it wasn't hot on Tuesday, "shoot h'.m on the spot." SEE the card of Dr. A. E. Baldwin, Woodstock, in anothor column. MRS. DR. HOLM**, of Lansing, Mich­ igan, has been spending a fewdays among friends in this village. ROBT. HARRISON and Dr. Hubbard, of Wauconda, were on out* streets on Tuesday. / ANOTHER car load of Wagons was shipped from Bishop's Wagon Factory, in this village, last week. ICE CREAM at Rouse's Ice Cream Parlors, in Kclter'e Block, two doors West of the PLAINDEALER office. WE understand the "Riversides" of this village and the "Lakes! des" of Waneonda. will play a match game of Ball in this village July 4th. LOST, OU Thursday, June 33d. In or near McHenry. a blauket shawl. The finder will rotifer a favor by leaving the same at this office. MRS.F. J. CROPS, wife of Dr. Crow, Dentist,'has gone to Milwaukee to visit her pareuts. She luteuds being absent about four weeks. D. 8. SMITH, of Button's Bend, Ne­ braska, arrived ill town on Wednesday list. He intends remaining here af>out two months, buying Wool. HON. J. O. SHKIIWIN made our sane* turn a call on Wednesday. lie spent Thursday at Fox Lake, returniug U> Aurora on Friday. CUCUMBERS are only fifteen oents each In Chicago. Thai's cheap enough for the cucumberv|>ut It's the funeral that Costs. <•' W> •i EVERY farmer iu need of a Mowing Machine should cull at E. M. Owen A Sou's Warehouse. They have the "boss" machine. THE matrimonial market in these parts see ins to be almost at a »tand still, at present. We had an idea that when the hot weather set la the swing­ ing on the gates at night would fetch *em, hut it doesn't. ^ Oy Monday a new train, the Steam- boat Express, was put upon the road, and passes this Station as follows: Go- lug North 10:01 A. M. Going South 5:16 p. M. This makes our railroad communication complete. THERE IS nothing like being proper­ ly armed and equipped for the battles of life, Still, few men are In the hap* py condition of the Irishman who sent a letter to a friend saying that while he was writing he had a pistol In both liatuU and a sword In the other. E. J. PHiM.iP#,of Wauconda, ha# left A hens egg on our table (hat measures 9 Inches one way by 6 inches the other. It was produced by a Houdon Hen, and she challenges any Elisabeth Light Brahma or any other ben to produce Its equal. _ WHILK at the Ojd Settlers Meeting on Thursday we had the pleasure of meeting Avery, of the Waukegan e- puhlican. Partridge of the Gazette and McCullough, of the Libertyvllle Times, all genial, whole-pooled fellows, willing to forgive a delinquent subscriber, but never (orget htm. MILLER# SONS, *! Genoa, passed through here on Tuesday with a very fine Buss for Chapman's Livery Stable, Elgin. The painting showed the very fineit workmanship, and the inside was upholstered (u elegant style. This firm have au enviable reputation for turning out stylish and durable work. THE dancing public should not for­ get the party at the Riverside House In this village, on Monday evening next. July 4th. The best of music will be in attendance, and, as usual, DOtliingwill be left undone for the comfort of those who attend. Be sure and put the Riversids down on your programme for the Fourth. A. L. HOWE, who resides Just north of the village on the Johnsburgh road, had forty-nine sheep killed and wound­ ed by dogs one night last week. There were two dogs ani the owners were obliged to pay Mr. Howe $75 each. This is more than all the dogs in the kingdom are worth. Let the worth­ less ours be Killed. WORK at the Clover Dryer Is still progressing night and day. Mr. Doran informed us on Tuesday that in thir­ teen days they had received over 65,- 000 pounds, We understand that Mr. Clayson contemplates doubling his ca­ pacity in this place next year, as he has found thia one of the best points to recelv^Clover In the county. TICKETS for an Independence Party at the Parker House, in this village, on Monday evening. July 4th. have been Issued. The Wauconda Quadrille Band will furnish the music, and those who attend can re6t assured of having a good time. Good music and ail that is required for the accommodation of dancen> and make it pleasaut, will be furpished. EXCURSION Tickets for July 4th will be sold from McHenry to any point on the C. 4N.W.R, R., and return, at one and one-third of regular local rates. Sale of tickets to commence Saturday, J^ily 3d. Also for the Saen- gerfest. tobe held In Chicago from June 28th to July 3d. Tickets will be sold to Chicago and return for |I2.05, Tickets good until Jnly 6th, ARRANGEMENTS have been mad* BY our P. M. for an extra tnall from Chi­ cago, to bo brought here by the Steam­ boat Express, Which re aohes this sta­ tion at 10:01, A.M. This will be agreat convenience to our business men, but could it also be arranged so as to bring out the morning papers. It would be more highly prised by the general public. We trust this will be accom­ plished in time. OUR Public School is now closed for the summer vacation. We are glad« however, to be able to inform our readers that Prof. Baldwin has been hired for another year, making the seventh that he has been prlnolpal of this school, which of itself speaks vol­ umes In his praise. As we have said before, no better teacher can be found, and our directors do themselves credit by keepln e hltn at the head of our school. v THE glorious Fourth of July Is to be duly celebrated, as will be seen by an advertisement In another column, at Slusser's Grove, near Halnesvilla. and preparations are being made for a grand old time. Gov. Collnm Is ad­ vertised as the Orator of the day, and several local speakers of note are also expected to be present. This is one of the finest places for a 4th of July celebration to be found in the North­ west. Good hotel accommodations, a cool Grove on the banks of a beautiful Lake; and every convenience one could wish for enjoying the day to its fullest extent. Read the programme in another column and be sure and cele­ brate at Slusser's Grove. You will never regret it. THE entertainment at Riverside Hall, on Wednesday evening last, for the benefit of the Cemetery was well attended, and was really one of the finest home entertainments gotten up In this village for many a day, and the committee of Ladles who had It iu charge arc deserving of great praise for the manner in which they con­ ducted It to so successful a conclusion. Where all wore so gpod, it would be Impossible for us to particularize, had we the time anuspace so to do. but we must say that every part was rendered iu a man net that did credit to all en­ gaged therein, and the large audience present was loud iu its praise. The receipts of the evening were 945.53. and netted the committee the hand­ some sum of $40.53. Tlio Committee wish -us to return their thanks to Prof. S. D. Baldwin for his very valuable assistance in getting up this enter­ tainment, and also So O. W, Owen for the use of an organ free of charge on the occasion. The Can*ntltt«e -will meet at the Cemetery on Tlnrsday of next week, for the purpose of seeing what is necessary to be done, and make arrangements for doing it at once, and invite all interested in the improvement of tho Cemetery to meet and advise with them on that occasion. MARBIRO --At the residence or the bride's parents, in Keystone*. III., on June 2frl, 1881, by Rev. K. An<ler*on, Misi Jennie M'*r«h and Mr. Fred Jewell, of tVhe&ton, IU. The bride was prettily attired iu a walking costume of brown silk, the groom wearing a becoming suit of black. The presents were numerous and attractive and the feast bountifully spread and enjoyed by all. Owing to the fact that a few only of the most intimate friends and relatives lind been invited the number of guests in attendance was somewhat limited, but those who were present enjoyed a most delightful time. The newly married couple left immediately for their fu­ ture home In Wheaton, followed by the well wishes of all their friends. COM. SCHOOL. KKPOItT. The following is the ^report of the McHenry school for month of June, 1881: Whole number enrolled, 92. Days attendance, 1428. Average attend­ ance, 71. HIGHER DEPARTMENT. Number enrolled, 28; days attend­ ance, 460; average attendance, 23. Names ou Roll of Honor, 9, viz.: Hattie Smith, Mattie Smith. Howard Perry, Philip Mayes, Mabel Ford, Frank Colby. Bert Colby, William Mead and Cora MuOmbsr. Number standing over 85 per cent, iu written examinations, 7, viz.: Bart Colby, William Mead, Howard Perry, Millard Stoddard, Hattie Smith, William Wentworth and Callie Bucklin, WHJ. H. Mead and Bert W. Colby won the medals for good atteudauce dur­ ing the school year. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. Number enrolled, 32;c days attend­ ance, 479; average attendance, 34; names on Roll of Honor.7, viz.: Amy Owen, Hattie Story, Horace Hill, Per­ cy Hill, Lulu Colby, Edith Martin aud Bennie Bonslett. ETTA TOBRANCC, Teacher. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Number enrolled, 32; days attend­ ance, 489; average attendance, 24. Names on Roil of Honor, 13, vis.: Jessie Baldwin, Lois Baldwin, Cora Geuet, Nellie Hill Katie Knox, Eflfc Kennedy, Electa Kennedy, Corrie Lumm, Alfred Perry, Josie Wheeler, Katie Henry and Florence Searles. BELLE STODDARD, Teacher. S. D. BALDWIN, Principal NEVER BEFORE In the history of Nunda, has there been as large aud well selected a stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions. Boots and Shoes, and geuersl merchan­ dise, as can-be found at the isa£U store i of Colby Bros. CRISWOLD LAKE CHIPS- EDITOR PLAINDEALER Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Beach and daughter started on Monday for a visit among friends in Iowa and Nebraska. Tliey Intend to be gune about a month. While passing the oat-field of J. Webster we noticed that something is working in them. They are dying at the tops. Neighbor Putnam is making prep­ arations to build a new house The farmers In this vicinity have been busy drawing the bridge that floated down stream last spring back to its proper place. They intend to use what they can of the old timber and put in the balance new, making it a substantial structure. We notice Mr. R. Smith send? his team down every morning after the milk. He has fifteen cans. We understand that James Brock- way, of Deerfleld, has been visiting Mr. Smith at his factory. He was for­ merly an apprentice of Mr. Smith's, He is uow running a factory at Deer- field, Mrs. W. T. Brtggs and her three children started tor their new home in Dakota on Tuesday, where she will meet her husband. We wish her a safe journey, Sunday school is held at the school house every Sunday afternoon at 3 p. M., and meetings once In two weeks In the evening. Edward Allensby's horse, that got badly injured In a wire fence. Is get­ ting along nicely. Beach's garden Is looking good. Potato bugs doing finely. VOLO. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--In your pa- per of Juno $2d you tell of the largest apple tree yon ever heard of, it being on the farm of J. Sherman. After reading said item I took the tape-line to measure, not a whopper to you, but a larger apple tree than you mention. My tree measures in circumference, one foot above the ground, 4 feet, 9} inches. 1 have several trees of the kind. Northern Spy. and they are full forty-five years old. They were brought from Sonooa Co., N, Y„ with a lot of other tree*, aud have yielded some seasons enormous crops. A few years ago my son and myself picked. In one day. from one of said trees, 27 bushels of choice apples, and left on the ground four to five bnshels of drops and enlls. I did not measure the spread of the branches, nor the heighth of said t«'ee. But--w ell, the hoys think the tree is as large as all out doors and with the aid of a thirty foot ladder a boy cannot climb to the top to pick all the apples. Now Jerry yon have no occasion to faint on reading this item. R. CoMrTON. A $10.00 Biblical Prize The'publishers of Rutledge's Monthly ofter the following w;ty for some one to make 310.00. To the person telling us which is the shortest chapter in the Bible by July 10th, 1881^^ will give 910.00 in gold as a prize, Ylie money will be forwarded to the winner July 15th, 1881. Thopewho try for the prize must send 10 cents with their answer tor which they will rccelve the August minil>erof the Monthly, au cxoelleut Magazine of 32 pages, in which will l>e published the name and address of the winner of the prize, with the correct answer thereto. Address. Rutiedge Publishing Company Springfield, Illi­ nois. Wool! Wool! We are again on hand ready to pay the highest market price for Wool,-- Headquarters at Owen's Warehouse, opposite Bishop's Mill. D, S. SMITH, E, M. OWEN ASOM THRESHING MACHINE FOR SALE The undersigned oftet-s for sale one Buflalo Pitts Threshing Machine, all in good running order, and will do as good work as any new machine, Will be sold cheap for cash or will trade for a span of good horses. Inquire of GEO, MILLS, Wauconda. II). Engine and Boiler for Sale. The undersigned has for sale a Twelve Horse Engine and Twenty Horse Boiler. All in good running or­ der, having been used but little. Will be sold cheap, for oasli or on time with approved note. For further particulars luqutie of WARD B. GALE. Volo, 111 ATTENTION. For seventeen cents per yard you can buy a tine Brocaded Mohair Dress Goods, all shades, actually worth thirty cents, at the cash store of Colby Bros., N uiida. Tent Meeting at Waiuronda. The Christadelpliians of Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin, will hold ,a two days meeting on the groupds of A. North, Wauconda, HI., Jui^3ri and 4th, 1881. Services at 10;30 A. M., and 3:30 aud 7:30 p. M.-- The public $ire cordially Invited to be present Bibl« in hand. Bv OHKKR or COMMITTEE. BIRD CAGES, the finest assortment In town, at the store of O. C. Colby & Co, opposite Bishop's Mill. Haunted Me. Debt, poverty and suffering haunted me for years, cmsed by a sick family and large bills for doctoring, which did no good. I was completely dis­ couraged, until one year ago, by the advice of my pastor, I procured Hop Bitters and commenced their use, and in one mouth we were ail well and flone of us have beeu sick a day since; and I wa»t to say to all poor men, you can keep your families well a year with Hop Bitters, for less than one doctors visit will cost.--A Working- mail. WAUCOJHML Colby Bros., Nunda. are leaders of low prices in Men's Fine Sewed aud Pegged Boots and Shoes, Ladies', Misses' au'l children's Side Lm>e, Front Lace and Button Shoes and Walking i Shoes. Best Goods at low cash prices. OT-SUBSORIPTIOHS for the PLAtvosJh.** witi be received in Wauconda at f. B. Harrison's Drue Store and at the Post Office EDITOR PLAINDEALER:-- It is a very pleasant thought that the stirring events of last Thursday were all wit­ nessed by and will receive attention at the hands •( ye genial editor. One little event in connection' with the Old Settlers meeting, however, may have escaped youratt«utiou. We prestfme it did for the reason that it occurred very early In the morning, as early. In fact, as 1:20. We refer to a "flag raising." We have been to some little trouble to get at the true inward­ ness of this performance aud it is our honest purpose to be ju6t In our report of results. The village of Wauconda owns a flag. It was paid for by sub­ scription and contributions were re­ ceived from Democrats, Remiblicaus and "nothings" indiscriminately, the Idea being to have a flag to be used on public occasions like Decoration Day, Fourth of July and the like. Now it came to pass that during the political stir last spring the local Republican comas! ttee used the flag ou tho occa­ sion ot a public meeting here and their most worthy example was emulated by the local Democratic leaders a few days later at a similar gathering.-- Thus far, then, "honors were easy," but uow cauie our Republican friends with another mass meeting and again does the village flag do duty for them. The meeting over and the morning after arrives aud where Is the glorious ban­ ner of liberty? Gone! No question about that, and the most persistent enquiry fails to reveal any idea where. No one can be found Who will admit having any knowledge of its where- aboutb. The matter is freely discuss­ ed aud variou* rumora are run down and exploded during ilie few days fol­ lowing and then the matter is appar­ ently diopped. Only apparently, how. ever, for our Republloan friends are after that filg all the time. Decora­ tion Day arrives and tihe flag is want­ ed for the occasion. Inquiry is again made, our democratic frieuds lire ap­ proached once more and again deny all knowledge of the flfg. A makeshift is substituted and the ̂ brave boys iu blue,*' who died in defeuse of the union are lemetubered as usual. The loving hands that each ye$r strew their graves with flowers were enabled to do so this year under the shadow of the dear old flag for which thev laid down their lives and this too, in spite of the questionable conduct of the party or parties who all this time had the vil­ lage flag in their possession. When Old Settlers day came around Mr. Robt. Harrison conceived the idea of putting a watch oil certain points with a view of finding out who If any one would show signs 3f repentance aud works meet therefor. Mis foresight was rewarded and a well known Hard, ware merchant of the town and his clerk were fairly caught in the act of raiding the flag iu its proper place at the unseemly hour of 1:20 A. M. last Thursday, The partly* «re well known and comment seeuis unnecessary. We believe this to be a f ill-, uuprejuiliced statement of the facts, and if the par­ ties Implicated can derive any pleas­ ure In the contemplation of thetu we feel sure the citizens of Wauconda will join in a perfect willingness that they may. The periodical railroad excitement is at fever height again. Friday even­ ing a meeting was held in the cala­ boose in order to give Mr. T. Thomas and Mr. W, S, Grubb a chance to dis­ close their soheine to the business men- of this p>acc. One of the above gen* tie men comes from Chicago and the other from Baraboo, and tiieir plan if to oouneot a wad frouwome point on the C. «Jfc N. W, near Palatine, to Lake Geneva, and then sell It td the C, & N. W. They ofcred to build It from Lake Zurich to this place for 925,000,' and say tiiat if a united eflort in made by the people along the line the project is sure to go through, A committee was appointed to examine into the matter. You can't do better if yon want to preserve noire memento of Old Set­ tlers Day tliau to buy a Photo of the Log Ci.blii, Miller has them lor sale. Wanted--A liberal reward will be given to the party or parties present­ ing the best design for a Lea'her Mfdal, to be given to the Barge Com­ mittee. Those intending to contest must hand in their application soon. Mr. Miller, the Artist from McHenry still has his tent on the public square, and he int"nds to remain there some time. Those who wiijh to see them­ selves In a frame will not soon have a better opportunity. ' Few towns can show a painter that can handle a brush as wall a? Mr. Wait did wheu he made ilie "Welcome" sign that hung across the street at Gohlings Everyone remarked ou the skill shown in painting It. The Drum Band did themselves brown. The Pratt House was full aud so was its table. You may put as many in there as possible and you can't eat them out. Mr, Pratt is bound to have a bountiful supply of the good things to eat, and he always does. Some Hainesville parties had a nl;e sail boat on the Lake, but as it was not advertised few knew it. and so few availed the nselves of the chance to en­ joy Hsail. Quite a number of Wauconda Masons attended the funeral of a brother Ma- sou at Bafrington on Sundny morning. They had an impromptu dance at the Bowery on Saturday eveuiug which was a decided success. The "Lakesldes" are to play the "Riversides" at the grounds of the lat­ ter on July 4th. lliohmond Department. COXTRTBL'TKD BY S. F. BENNETT. S. K.. QK N X E T T is linrebr authorize*) totake •nbarripilot)4*nil orders for arlvertii'UK !\nU J o b \ V < » » - K f o r t h e P L A I X D K R E C E I V E money therefor and receipt for the samt.-- all or»lers left with liini will receive prompt Attention,--Eilitor. Peter Birch and family were mado liappy on Sunday by the • ndvent of a The R. D. Scott faintly gave a very pleasant concert at the Richmond House Hall on Monday evening. D. A. Potter exhibits some mam­ moth strawberries sent him by his son-in-law, at Benton Harbor, Mich. Charley Andrews has added a new mill and other Improvements to his syrup manufactory at a coat of sev­ eral hundred dollars. More extended notice hereafter. **OX LAKE, The Steamer ^Lotus* will on and after the 1st 'of June, make reg< tdar trips to Fox Lake, leaVlug Mo- Henry at 6:1t, p. M. daily. W A L T H U - L , Captain. At the S (*ott. concert, Monday even­ ing, Iris Goodrich, the beautiful grand­ child of Mr. and Mrs, Richard Wray, won the prlxe df a gold Hug oflered by the troupe. I t will take a good many years for her to ̂ row to the ring, but we hope she may. There ivill be Universalis! preaching j at the Baptist Church, Iu Richmond, | on Sunday. July 3d. Alt are Invited, I anil the friends are requested to | spread the news of the appointment. i Surgeon John Green, late With 111. ! Vol. made us a pleasant call last week, j The "Old Doctor." as hU friends famil* j larly call him. jjot a rebel bullet in the back of his neck, and is now suflcring from the eflect* of the same. The genial J . Q. Adams, of Marengo, was seen upon ou: ' streets Saturday.-- It always does one good to shake the hand of J .Q. Adams. l ie is one of the men God made before he got all the material for making men of used up.-- He was the guest of Al. M. Clothier over Suuda\\ Frank Smith, whilom with Smith & Haythorn, Richmond, now of Smith Bros,, dealers in groceries, drugs, med­ icines, Ao., Nunda, came up on Satur­ day evening to see old friends. It really seemed good to see Frank on the street again. He was a popular young man here, (and Is yet) and wtt much missed when he weut away, The churns of Solon, always public spirited, propose as usual to celebrate the glorious Jth. Good for Solon.-- Itichmnnd hasn't public spirit enough to {jot up a oulehration. Indeed, i t is a question that leu vexed the outside world, whether Richmond has public spirit enough to attack an:l make a sanguinary e:ul of a good, able bodied louse. I t is,not yet. derided. Lamonoss Is the proourior of Rheu­ matism. Escape it by heating Trask's Magnetic Ointment and rubbin? in thoroughly. Nobby Styles in Straw Hats at Colby Bros., Riverside lilock, Parasols aud Fans in all of the latest styler, at Stevens $ Schnorr's. ' Shoes lor the Million. We|ha»-e placed In the hands of Colby Bros., McHenry and Nunda, an Immense assortment of our best sewed work, consisting of , Women's aid Misses Goat and Kid Button and Side Lace Goat and Kid Walking Shot?s, Serge and Congros# Gaiter*, Goat and Kid front lace, all of which tliev are selling nt our wholesale pi ices wi smsll compensation added. Call examine goods. KOKi'hJSH A RROWV, Bnffiilo, X.Y. Ki<l and Lisle Thread Glore« lu all colors ai Stevens & Schnorr's. Business J»o4ictf8, Reed's GHt Edge Tonie iftlon* ffcf appetite. The Mollne Owen's. Sulky Flow a* B. Fishing Tackle uf Engeln's, fu Howe's new Britlg^. all kinds U X, BU»vk, ueer Ilie The Furst & Bradley Sulky Plow lit E. M. Owen's. Buckeye Owen's. All the Owen's. Force ft* & * first-class Ptewi nt $. Ill, The finest ltne of Stive* Mid Flate«t Ware to be*fotind iu the eonnty, at O, W. Owen's. r nir n A fine lot of Readv-.Made Dresses SIMI full Suits just reoei^d at Mrs. H. Nichols ' Millinery Store, M^Hetsry. German School Books, and EnglHflfc German Mass Books, at M, gdln's Howe's Block, near the brl4g*» GOLD FISH, Fhh Globos, and Food fer Fish aft M, Engeiu's in Howe's Block, near the bridge. FOR SALE, * A commodious residence, at the cor- Call audsee the splendid stock of ner of Madison and Vine Streets. Granjte Ware at O. U. Colby A C»V Woodstock, 111,, conveniently located Hardware store. to business, school and the various churches. Two lots, well stocked with fruit , both large aud small. Pleasantly situated, and well arranged. Good well and oist 'ern. Terms casv. Apply to ASA v*. SMITH. WOODAIQOK, III Foundation rocks and Gravel deliv­ ered at convenient distances from my residence, ASA W. SMITH. Woodstock, 111 New style Bracelets at O, W, Owen's Ladies of McHenry and vlolnltv don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at aud priced goods at Mrs. S, Searles. Am now oflering g*eaier bargains than ever. All work In 'epairing done on short notice. Trble and l 'ockct Cuttlery !n endless variety at O. C. Coloy t Co's Hard­ ware store. Reeds Gilt Edge Tonic cures Fever and Ague. YOU MUST NOT Forget the fact that Colby Nunda, offer better bargains in lug to cash buyers than any other in the county. THE LATEST. We have a large invoice of thoea celebrated "Broadhead" Dress Goods In the latest wiyles. Everybody should see them before buying. STKVIMI A scaxoaa. The finest line of Dress Goods it> this market can be found at Steven* & Schuorr 's. Pile*, chafing sores, chapped salt rheum, skin disorders, burus, brul* ses. sore throat, aud all iuflauiuiatUMft yield rapidly ou application of Tvaftltfl Magnetic Ointment. " Bros Cloth- fhni ALt that-are in want ol Millinery should not full to call on Mrs, E. W. Howe. Will sell all kinds at reduced prices for the next thirty days.-- Another lot of Dolmans ju«t received. Black French Chip Fluts $1.50, Can­ ton Straws '#> cents. The Cheese Box Manufactory of Messrs. Burrows & Bir^li didn't do a had business last week, A sale -vas made every daj of the week up to Sat­ urday, and the aggregate of wiles was over 2.000 boxes. We are told, (and not by Interested parlies eithei) that Messrs. Burrows & Birch mak*? a better cheese box for the money llian Is made at any other manufactory in Northern Ill inois, Not yntll Friday, or thereabout, were the citizen* of the village made aware that any change in tl ie administration of the Richmond .post Office was con­ templated. Then it transpired that 1). A. Potter had been appointed as suc­ cessor to J. V. Aldrloh. and we suppose the new office will be located, pretty soon, in Mr. Potter 's store, I t will not be quite a# convenient location as the corner, but is a good one nevertheless. The Richmond House, under the able administration of Landlord Culver, is indeed a home-like place for the "wea­ ry sojourner" to go to. Everything about the house is new and clean, the lundladv is the right woman in the right place, landlord Culver seems to have been horn lo be a landlord.-- Aflahie to all who enter the house, he makes friends il l the t ime. The iuU tial dance which Mr, Culver gave was a success. The company was not aionc composed of young people from abroad, but many of our prominent citizens attended, to show their appre­ ciation of a good hotel. Whether or not i t be the effect of the pruachiug we have done through the I 'LAiNPKAi-i ' l t for some years, mod­ esty forbid# us to guess, but one fact i» patent to any one who travels over the roads now-a-days, viz: that those having that work in charge are In most cave*, showing more sense than com­ mon. Piling mud. or dirt to make mil l into the middle of the road is not so often seaii . but gr,m| gravel and sand instead, 4s being used. Heretofore much of the work on the roads has been worse than thrown a.vay. Most of the pathm:t*tcr* ought to have "eand and, gravel" beaten Into their heads, even if i t has to be done with a big gravel stone. Postmaster Aldridi lias "been trying to secure for our village an earlier mail than the usual evening one, and with what success will be seen by the following official letter from the Su­ perintendent of the K, R, Mall Service Chicago; J?4ILWAV MAII. SERVIOK. OriMCE Sl'J'T.HTII DlVIMOX, CHli;*t;o. IlA„ June 34, 1S8I. Sir-~If you can arrange to have the pout-lie* carried free of charge to the P.O. Dept. , between P. O. and R. R. depot at your place, we will give you an exchange of pouches wlt ' i Nunda, III. , by Steamboat Express, This would give you Chicago mail of the night bafore cariy next forenoon. Kospectt'itU v. J A M K B K . \ V H 1 T E , Supt. To JamkS V, Ar.PltloU, P. M. Kichtiifiml, III. If the free carriage between the d£- pot and Post Office can be secured, (and it can be) so as to carry the above outlined plan Into eflect It will give us the early morning Chicago papers "wet from the pre*s." We are inform, ed that the arrangement will be made. Go to M. Engeln'a for all kinds of Gun aud Fishing Material. it| liowe's Block. McHenry. WANTED TO EXCHANGE, Carpenter work for a good Horse or Cow. Persons wishing Carpenter work and pay In this way should apply at oiive to A. WKXI»ELIm McHenry. ^ Gi*eat Bargains. In Clothing nt E. Lawlus'. Flue light Fourth of July suits at Chicago prices. The finest goods in market for men, boys and children from a fancy grip to a straw hat. Store iu Lansing's Block, neat the Depot, Netvliueof black lawns, buntings, light sumiiisr dress goods, ginghams, with lace to trim, at Stevens A Schnorr's. Ladles' Linen Ulfters, Parasols, Hosiery, Silk Mitts iu all shades. Neck- Wear, etc.. in endlcs* variety, at the cash store of Colby Bros., Nunda. Wauconda Ice Cream Parlors. GOLDING & BROOKS. Would respectfully announce to the public that they have opened their Ice ('ream Parlors for the season and are uow prepared lo furnish Ice Cream every day and evening, by the dish or quantity, We aUo keep o:i hand Groceries of all kinds, Canned Goods, Notions, To­ baccos, Cigars. Confectionery, etc,, which we are selling as low or lower than any other house in the county, quality of goods considered. When in want of anything HI our line we invite you to call, confident that we can please you both iu quality and priue. GOADING 4? BROOKS, WAUOONDA, III,, June let, 1881. FlKii WORKS Of all descriptions, cheap. At Bes- ley's Drug Store,opposite the Parker House. When tn want of work in my line, give uiea call and I will try and please Robt. Murdtt, Jeweler. Nunda, 111. Eight Pounds of Urnuud Coffee fnr One Dollar at Colby Bros.. Riverside Block. McHenry. EMPUJVMKKT you LAPIKS. -- The Queen City Suspender Cn„ of Cincin^ nati, ari) now manufacturing and in­ troducing their new Stocking Sup» porters for ladies t»nd chiidrvu, *nd their une^uajed Skirt Suspenders for ladies, \'i)iie should h« wiMioiit them: onr. leading physicians recommend them and are loud in their praise These goo<u are manufactured by ladies who have made Che wants of adies and children a study, and they ask us to refer them to some reliable and energetic lady to introduce them in this county, and we certainly think that au earnest solicitation in every household would meet witu a ready response, aud that a determined worn in could iimke a handsome salary aud have the exclusive ogenuy for this county. We advise noine lady who is in need of employment to send to the Company her name aud nddress, and mention this paper. Addreao, Queer. City Suspender Company. Xos. 147 «fc West Fourth St.. Cincinnati, Ohio. Quinine atqd Ar«eutc Form the basis of many of the ague remedies iu the market, and are the last resort of physitii&n? and people who know no better medicine to em­ ploy for this distressing complaint. The effects of either of these dm#* are destructiue to the system, producing headache, intestinal disorders, vertigo, dizziness, ringing in the ei»rs, and de­ pression of tlie constitutional health, Ayer's Ague Cure is a vegetable dis­ covery, containing neither quinine, ar- senip,"i»or any deTeteriou" ingredient, and is au Infallible and rapid cure for every form of fev^r and ague. Its effects are permanent and certain, and no injury can result from its use. Be­ sides being a positive cure for fever and ague in all its form*, it is also a superior remedy for liver complaints. It i* au ogi^eDent tonic and preventive, as weii as cure, of all complaints pe­ culiar fo malarious, marshy, and mias malic districts. By direct action on the liver and biliary apparatus, it stimulates the system to a vigorous healthy ponditio'i. For sal© by all 4eaU-;v». llams. Shoulders, Bacon, Salt Fork Lard and Corned Beef, at Howard^ Market, near the Depot. WHY DO YOU COUGH When one box of Besley'sTroches wtl) cure you* Store opposste Patker House. IK you want your Wat oh pot tit first chis* Order, call on Robert Murfttt Jeweler, Nuuda, New Prints, latest patterns, at prices from five oents a yard and up­ wards, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block Mrs. H. H. Nichols keeps kid glove* In all shades. Panel Photos at Miller** Stttdtow Remember that Barb Wire, only 9 cents per pound, at t). C. Colby A Ce.*K Hardware Store TIIK BEST THING* . For a cough Is Bes|?y's Troches. Trjr a box. 4tore opposite the Parker* House. Call nt Mrs. 11. II. Nichols for Ladles* Ready Made Underwear. We are ottering extra bargains la Cheviots, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block McIIeurv. SC11EEN DUOHS. I am now prepared tn make to order and will keep on hand a good supply of Scre«» Doorat which I will sell at tlM I.owe«t Living Prices. If in want of these articles give me a call. , J. B. BLAK*. BIcHcnry, May 11th, 1*81. A flue line of Wall Brackets M slaughtering Prices, at O. C. Colby £ Co's Hardware Store. SKNVING Machine Needles for every machine made, uan be found at M. En- g<-Mi's, iu Howe's Bloek, near tha bridge, Evnry man, woman and child that pays Cash for their goods, should trade where goods are marked on that basis. Where they uan save from 1ft to li per cent. Where 95 will get them »ore good* than 97 will at a credit store. s,i k v EK« A scuMoaa. Twenty-two aud twenty-four fuel Fish Polas.only six cents each, at M. Kngelu's, iu Howe's fiiaok, near tlta new Bridge. > FENCE l'OiiTsTb« SALX, 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Poeta fur sale, inquire of JOHJf DORAN. Iu case# of Piles Dr. Trask's Mar netic Ointment acts like a charm, gl** ing quick relief. For Chafing and al| Sores and Inflammations It excels tTs •rything. Ten cent Momie Cloths, the latest styles iu the market, at Colby Bros^ Riverside Block, McHenry. O, 0. Colby A TJo. are now pre pa re 4 to do'al] kinds of Jobbing, at their uew Hardware Store opposite the Mitt. SHROUDS. Just received, at John B, Blake's Surniture ahd Undertaking Rooms, shrouds of all sizes, and in twenty-five lifturent sty les, whioli w|ll be sold at prices ranging from 81 to 96, FOR SALE. A very tine Durham Bull, MM year old. Will be sold reasonable. J. W. SMITH. FOltSAI Ei 40 Apres of !and iu Section If, all fenced. Also 80 acres of laud, with a good house and barti thereoa, wlt|| timber aud water iu abuudauce, iu lion 22. Al.-o my homestead ou the Crystal ; Lake and Nunda i-oud. Good ne«r house, burn *i;d other outbuilding?,*- Apply to JOHN* F|,t'»M, Do You Want a Sewing Machine. If you do. of course you waat the , bept. a» u cost- no mora. Th#u why i bnv fi-otu an Agent wbu uarries bt|t •one which lie !i:« fixed up «u purposa { to show, when by going to the store of O. W, O»en, in Mallenry, you can have vo':r ciioite of Five, viz: Cite Doiuee- tic. Eldredge, American, Improve*! Howe, aud Si»ger, W# keep all these machines in stock, and any lady who wants a machine can set dnwji «»d tr» then) all. andthcji *6MV( fhd on* which suits her the ha.t. The ttr.t three named, the Domesti«i. fcldredga au4 American, siu tbreo of the best <ua chineii on the market, aud any <V;e will be couviiitted of the f act by t>«])jng 4$ lay store and trying one themsHves. Also a tine stock «>f C|a«k*, Watche^ Jewelry. Silver and Plated Ware, t>;«N be found a' my store. Organs and Pianos for sale or reut. a v. t>wur. SgcHenrr, AprU 10»n. 1S81,

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