Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jul 1881, p. 1

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Pledged butto Truth, to Liberty *wd taw; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." VOL. 6. BUSINESS CARDS. n.T.nliows.M.D, PHYSICIAN" AVI) SURGEON". Office ovor the Tost Ottie.c, opposite I 'erry^A Martin's .Jtnre up St. ur*, Mcllcnry, 111. C. H. FKGER', M, I>- 101AX AXl> SUIMEOX, Johnsburgh, Ills.--Office hours 8 to 10, A. M. ivtrs I Ills.- O. J, HOWARD M D. I>11TSICIAN A\n SURGEON". Office at my residence, opposite M. E. Church, ttcH#nrv. III. RJ V. AXDKR SON. M. T>. PHVSIOIAX an<l Surfteon. Oflirn fit Besley'a Dm" Store, Opposite Parker House, McHehry, Illinois. PRATT HOUSE. J A. PRATT, Proprietor. First class nr. cotniao l i t ions. Good Barn in connection Waucon'la, 111. R VRTU AN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or-ilers solicited. Shop, i i Old. Mcllenry. near the Bridge. RICH Altl> COMPTON. JUSTICE of the Peacemd Conveyancer.-- Will '-i t tuml promptly to the collection «»t' lebts. Vol*, ' Lake County, 111. B.-K. RICHARDS. HAS ft romplete Abstractor Titles to land in M Henrv County, Ill 'nois. Office with Ck>uuty ( levli, Woodstock, III. ROBT. WRIGHT, Manufacturer of Custom Mane Boots and Shoes None but the bos; of innteral •se<l ami all work warranto M Shop North­ west corn r Public Square, Henry 111. E.M.OWEN. GEXERAT-. Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in I-ea'tiue Farm Machinery.-- Prices low and Terms favorable. Mcllenry N. s. uor.Br.- MCHEVRY, Mcllenry Co., III. B eedcr of Spanish Merino Sheep, Berkt aire and Poland C'! | ina s \vi ne. A choice lot • f young Buck stock for sale. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. 3tJ.<507C awl He s ta n ra n t . Nen rly O the Parker House, Mr Henry, J S f f i r a t c l a s s B i l l i a r d a n d " - " ly opposite nry. 111 Pool Tables. JOHN HENDRICKS. BLIVIS'S MILLS, IJ.L. Is now prepared to sell and repair any kind of a Sewing Machine as cheap as the cheapest. Will also Insure your life and property at reasonable rates. Please give me a cal ' . PETER LEICKEM. RE P A I R S Watches,Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the best possible manner, on short notice and at rea­ son .ti t le rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop *r«t door North of Riverside Block, Mc-llcnrj IL _ J. A. SHERWOOD AUCTION I : KR AND AFPBAISEK, Algonquin, III. AXES of Stock, Farming Tools and Gontla ^ of all kinds promptly atteivle<l to. Farm tales a specialty. Teruis reasonable Post ifflce address Algonquin III. W. H. SANFORD, Merchant Tailor. In the store of C. H. Dickinson, East side of »ublic Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al" vaysonhand. Suits made to order ami a lit varrauted- (jive me a call . W. 11. SANFORD. Woodstock 111..Slept. 27th. 1S75. Scott & Co. "Hatters to the Great • Northwest." flu. 135 ani 137 Madison St., NEAR CLARK ST. Have :t larger stock and greater variety of ptvle* for you to choose from, than can be found in ar.v other esl. .-\ ! i l intinien t in Chicago or the Won! It will pay you toca.ll an.I see them. Prices the lowost;i ' i i t l ie land for^good gOOd 8. BRANCH STORES S. E, Cor. Clark & Lake sts & S. E. Cor. Halsted and Harrison sts., CHICAGO. M A R C U S ' CERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS --DEALER IN- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock III. The bo»t Tonic in the world. Put "up in Pint and (juart Bottles. F. MARCUS Patentee. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1881. I NO. 51. Published Rvcy Wednesday by J. VAN 8LYKE, EDITOR vND PUBLISHER. Oiflce in Old P. O. Block, r-OnoaiTB RIREBIIDI HOUSE.-- TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. One*Vear (in Adrannc) tl .50 If Not Paid wlthinThree Months,. . . . . . .2 00 Subscriptions receive! for three or six Month* in the same proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. A. E. BALDWIN, M. D. "piIYSICTAN AND SURGEOX. Office And residenc y at tho old Stever." place Clay St. , Woodstock, I1L Prompt atten jtiven to professional e^ijls at all hours. y ETERINAHY Illinois. C. 8. GREEN. SURGE05T, Richmond JESSE A. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY at Law and Solicitor in Chan, eery. Will practice in State and in Fed. eral Courts. Office, 3d Floor. New Custom House, Chicago. CIIAS-. II . DONNELLY. ATTORNEY AT LAW *n<i Notary Woo 1.stock, Ill inois Drupe Store. Piihlk, Office over StoneW JOSEPH N. FREUND. CAtOOS AND RESTAURANT Bonslfltt'a O old stand, opposite Bishop's? Mill, Mc- Hcprv, in. The c loicest Wines, Liquors and . ipars to be found in the county. Fresh Oysters in their season served up in shape desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSE*?. any ANTONY ENGEI N, SALOON and Restaurant. Buck's old stand Mcllenry, HI.--The choiccst Kentucky Whiskies, «our Maslt, Wines, Cigars, etc., always on hand. ' We liny none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in I heir season. C5&RL CARLS. SALOON and Bearding House, Johnsbnrgh, 111. Pleasant Room: for Hunters and Fishermen. lee for the use of Hunters.-- Choice brands of Wines and Liquors always oil hand. Call and see me. SIDNEY DISBROW "ROTARY PUBLICand Conveyancer. den. 111. DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at Wanconda the 10th and i">lh of each month When < occur Saturday or Sun. .lay I make my visits the following Monday- A. M. CHURCH, Watelimaker and Jeweler \ro. 1*7 RANDOLPH STREET, (Brigsrs House,) Chicago, 111. Formerly with E R. P. xhurly. Special attention (riven to Rc- pa irin;r Fine watches arid Chronometers. £S~\ Full Assortment of Goods in his lino. CROSS. T I S T . McHenry,* III. Full Plates made of-the best Jmatcrial and fully warranted, $8.00. Filling one-half usual rates. Special attention paid to regulating bad sha ped tee Hi. Teeth extracted without pain and free of charge where ArtillcialT^eth arej in­ serted bv him. All Work fully warranted. Pure Nitrous Oxide Gas always on and for tlio punless itv traction of teeth. or pack- Every Boy or Girl, Gciitleiinin, purchasing tigfe of JEVNB'S Celebrated Gokl Mandarin TEA, Will receive tlio Housekeepers Friend FREE. A beautiful book, containing valuable Recipes, Ladies Needle work Companion, Almanac and Calendar for 1881, Drawing Slates, Reg-ist-cr of Gas Metre &v FOR SALE BY Fitzsimmons & Eyanson SOLE AGENTS FOR McHENRY, ILL. X. 15.--Price per package Gold Mandarin Tea, 25, 30, 40, 50, (iO, <>0<', 5> 1, Established in 1855. JOHN STERBA, * Formerly of Woodstock and Ohleajro.^has a pain returned to McHenrv County, and jliaB on hand the largest stock of READY MADE HARNESSES. COI.T.ARS, WHIPS, Ac., to be found in the County, and has 'evervthins made of the BEST MATERIAL.1^'al I and see iue. JOHN STERBA. Near the Depot, Mcllenry. TAKE NOTICE. ALT, ve that are in want of Ttt!>s in any form, from one bushel to MX); if von want a Tubmade to a bnnjr-hole, brinffit alonfr. I will also take buildings to build and furnish, or otherwise just as we can ajiree. Shop work of all kinds done to order on short no­ tice. F. A. HEBARD. McHENRY, ILL E. WKiHTMAN, Proprietor. First cla^s riijs, with or without drivers, fnjnished at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short noticc. A. WENDELll, CARPENTER AND JOITOfl McHenry, III. Will t: tke fonfraets f.»r putting up Bnlldliig? ami guarantee'mv work will compare with any man in tt io ^tate. I .cm and will (16 work from 15 to per of nt clioaper th#n other eftrpenttj .-s. i ts I have two of my hoys who work with me. which inakse i t possible fof me to do so. All Jobs Hi the Carpenter line promptly atteiMed to. Give me a call. A. WENDELL. Mcflcnry,X>efl?29th, 1880. Soldiers' Department, CONDUCTED BV DR. 8. F. BENSETT. Ii. Bonslett, Near the Depot, McHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keeiw constantly on hand the finest brands of Flour and Feed of all kinds, which he will sell at Wholcsaloor Retail at Bottom Prices. JOS. WIEDEMANN, Ascent Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER, McHenry, III. I'.eorin l.aiv<> nr'Small Kegs or nottles aL way-"'on hand cheaper than any other, qnali. L\- eini>i'lered. TliisKv'er lias a world wide reputat ion, and pn»d judges ucknowlcdgc it cannot ue sur. I assed in the world. Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McHenry, III. May 5th, 1880. M. Engeln, --DEALER IN-- Cuns and Revolvers, Gun Material of all description."-- The line?t a ml best Pocket Cutlery, sll warranted.-- The fmeM Itiizor . warran ted tor tw 9 years. l iar her <ioap. Caps, I{ru es. Straps, Eye Glasses, spectacle KyeJ'rotectors for Snn .»r Snow. We also keep a full line ot Fishinp Tackle, Minnow Selns, Hammocks, and in fact everything pertniniri^ to Fishing and llnntinjr, can be found at my Store at reasonable Prices. Violins. Acordeons, Picalas, Flutes, Violin ^trinirs, and alt other extras for Violihs. My stocks-of TINWARE is complett- Call nnd e\aniiue it . I guarantee Prices that defy all competition. M. ENGELX. STORE IN' HOWE'S BLOCK, NEAR THE BRIDGE. WFIour delivered anywhere in tlie Cor. pnration, Orders may be given by Postal Card, Box 107, Post Office. GIVE ME A CALL. L. BONSLETT. McHenry, March 8th, 1891. WAUCONOA Agricultural Warehouso. . c. Would respectfully inform the Fanners of Luke county, that he has opened an Agricul­ tural Warehouse, on Mill Street, in the vil. Ia;r«» of Wanconda, where he will keep AGRI CULTURAL Jtf ACIlIXEIfV of all kinds, of the best nualily aad make, and sell i t to the farmers at as low ligurcfc as any other House in the State. In Mowers & Reapers I shall keep the McCormick, and Bnckeve, of Canton, Ohio, which wo consider the best in Lite market. Shall also keep fn stock the Leader Rake, of Ithica, X. Y.. the Tompkins County Im­ proved Self-Adjustable Cultivator, and a gen­ era I assortment ol all kinds of niaehinery u sed on a farm. Call and see niv stock before pnrcha«insr elsewhere and be convinced that I mean business. R C HILL- Wanconda, May 2d, 1881. l ' rejurtice Kills. "Eleven years our (laughter suffered on a bed of misery under the care of several of thehese -and some of the worst---physician*, wlio gave her di­ sease various nan:e* but no relief, and- now stie is restored to us in good health by as simple a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we had poohed at for two y»are before using i f . We earnestly hope and pray that no one else w:l! let their sick suiter as we did, on aceount of prejudice against, so good a medicine as Ilop Bitters."--The patents. . F. G. MAYES, Mnt Tailor! -- AN1> DEALER IX-- Heady-Made Clothing. Keepectrully invites an inspection of his New Spring Goods Ju-it opened, embracing all the variety usually found in a first- class Tailoring and Ready Made Clothing establishment. Don't fail to embrace this op­ portunity before purchasing else­ where as all my goods will b^ sold at fair prices. Cutting done as usual. * Store in Old McHenry, neai the new Bridge. F. C. MAYES. McHenry, 111., April 19th, 1861. Executor's Notice FESTATE of Martin Viesen deceased The J underpinned having been appointed Ex­ ecutor of the I»8t will and testament of Mar. t ie Ktesen, late of the County of McHenry, and State of Illinois, decc-seH. hereby gives notice that he will appear before the "County Court of Mcllenry County, at the Court Honse, in Woodstock, at the July term on the third Monday in July next, at which time all persons naving claims against said Estate, arc notified and requested to attend for the pnrpose of havinsr the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Kstate are request­ ed to make immediate payment to the under- Signed. Dated this 21st day of Mar A. D. J881. CIIAS. KUHJTEBT, Executor. Ind Wagon Shop. • j? ar;i :n'i w pre»:i aek-imjt ce, an<t JSt of ii are pre to order u-rant a Horse Shositt£ & General Jobbing led to. mine . ro fail :MW »vev» i ty eo Give Me a Call. PHILLIP HAUPERISH. McHenry, ?tl,,^»rolk Slst, 1K1. » The undersigned, at his Shop \orth of Perry A Mar'^n'ji store near tlie Urick Church, is now prewired to do anything in the line of Itlacksnrtlhinsr or Wajjfon Malting, on short notice, an# guarantee sati^taction. With the best of iiinterisl and tlrst-class workmen we are prepared to get up Huggic* and Wagons to order on the iuo<t treasonable terniH nnd warrant as represented. promptly Attended tp. If in wan*, of a nerr Wagon, bft sure to c:il at my Shop, examine .me of my Wagons and learn price iieforo fajYi'hasing. My Watron* took rtKST 1MIKMRIM AT TI1K COUNTY PAIR last Fail ovevil 1 others. I will not be undersold,quality considered. The following applicants for (tension were ordered before the pension sur­ geon nt Richmond, under dat*»of June 7, 8, 9,10 and 14. and received by the burgeon. Applicants should report svithin three months of ftbovo date* to inuke the examinations valid: John Etilert, Xo. 324,576, K, 5th M<>. Vol. Btipiure of right sid«*. Geo. Schre i ner. No. 302,1)49; A, 13th lll.Cnv. Disease of lungs. Andrew Ilenderson, No. 281.141, D. 9;>th 111. V<d. Affection of spine, re­ sult ot col«l. Willard 1. Scott, No. 308,980. C, 95th 111. Vo;. Chronic diarrhoea heart disease and general debility. Wesley Storms. No. 6G.776, B, 124th N. Y. Vol. Giuishot tvound of right knee. Lewis H. Bryant.No. 300,GS5. C, 9Cth III. Vol. Guitohot wotrnd of.both legs. Frederick Stlphan,Now 242.743, B,8th III. Vol. Chronic diarrhoea and rheu­ matism. 1*. S. A number of the above have already reported. SUMMER STOCK, JUST RECEIVED M a i n t a n ' s dome HOUSS, . ATWAtJCONDA. I have the largest stock of Summer Goods ever brought to l .nke County, which I will sell at LO'VKlt I ' lUCSS THAN EVKU »K- KOUK. Ready-made Clothing mote numerous than ever and at prices suited for every pnr>e.-- For anything made to order, whether a single garment or a full suit Maim an's Is the plice to buy. Also a full line of WESTS' Kl) It .VlSllING GOODS, Hats ami Caps, &c. > I have a larj.e variety of PIECE WOODS, of the Latest Styles and Fatterns, at low llgures. Mrs. Maisoan, Who is assistert by Miss Gleseler, has jnst received a line stock ot Spring Millinerv, of the latest stylet- to be found in the city which she invites f .he Ladteii of Wancoinia to cull and oxamine, flats and Bonnet* Trimmed in the latent i tylesand at rea^ona. ble prices Dress Making done promptly and satisfaction guaranteed t-hnnges In th« renal on Burean. WASIIIN<}TON. JUKK 29--The r.ext shock of civil service reform will occur in the office of the Commissioner of Pensions after the 1st of July. Com­ missioner Dudley has had long consultations with leading officers of the (.iraiid Army of the Republic, and it is announced that this organization will have great influence in tlie future in shaping the policy of this office. In the first place there will bo a discharge of upward of two hundred clerks at the close of the fiscal year. It is alleged that every one of the clerks selected for discharge, are ex-Confederates. The fact of there being so many reb­ els euiployed in the office is given as a reason why there have been so many delays in the adjudication of the claims ot union soldiers. At any rate, Mr. Dudley says that, whether this fact explains the delays or not he docs not propose to rest until he has weed­ ed out every Democrat and ex-Confed­ erate. Unde* the preceding nmnajre- •M? US for positions have only been required to show that they are capable menj the question of politics has hardly ever entered into the consideration of the qualifications of an appointment. The sudden change in the policy of the Bureau and the determination to make it the asylum for men designated by the Grand Army of the Republic or some other equally stalwart authority, have created great constornation in the olllce. It is also charged np«>n a more sensational basis that over two hundred clerks have been borne upon the rolls In excess ol tlie regular ap­ propriations, and that the discharges indicated above will \>e based upon this allegation. At any rate it is cer­ tain that the pension office is to be thoroughly shaken up, whether to the great lutuie advantage of deserving pension claimants or not remains to be seen. M^*3ir Edward Thornten savs that some years ago when crazy British subjects indulged in the pastime of shooting at the Queen "just for the ton ol the thing," tire authorities were much puzzled to kuow what means t* employ to prevent assassination. Fi­ nally they took to sending such offend­ ers to an asylum, where they were reg­ ularly whipped, and this uiodo of pun­ ishment seemed to act as a perfect pre­ ventive. There are three classes of scoundrels in this country who ought to be servod in Hie same way. The first is com­ pose of such men as Guiteau, who have so strong a desire to leap into import­ ance that.ther do it at the expense of murder. The second is the class led by Nihilists lIKe Schwab, of New York, who clatter and chuckle about tlie shooting of the President, and give out ward thafGrant will get a dose pretty »oon." because he has dared to condemn such persons as thU Schwab and his associates. The third is com­ posed of editors who seek to inflame the minds of just 'such brutes as the above classes, and "incite murder by pretending that the Vice President and Senator Conkling are indirectlv if not directly responsible f<ir the crime at Washington. There ought to be n law whereby such scoundrels could be arrested, tried, sent to the asylum or the workhouse, and have a little sense and humanity beaten into them. Though assuming more virtue than their first named associates in crime, they are more dangerous than either of the other two classes, and should be dealt with accordingly. It is just such tn^n who rouse mobs, in­ cite revolutions and se< tlie crazy mur­ derers at work, while' they go off t» some safe hiding place and enjoy tlie spectacle. Thj people know and real­ ize this in Chicago, and if the crimes which these men have covertly advised should be committed as a result of their labor, even the most patfent ap­ peals to iroderatieu could not pnvent the cetulign punishment which would pursue and fall upon them. It Is a good time for such incendiary cowards to display a little discretion. The path of safety as well as<]eeency, leads that way.---,ntttr Ocean, .T-y? JfirGiiitoaii, the shooter or tlio President, has had a mania for office POTATO BUGS, Bugs! Bugs! We have a few hundred pounds of London Purple and Paris Green, WHICII WE AUK SELLING. We jjuitrartee the London Purple to ue as good and to go as tar as the best Paris Green, and the price makes everybody snicker. If you want to amuse the bugs, "tickle'em to death,""calI at the liveliest store in Wanconda we mean the Book Haunt. Good goods--low prices--polite atten­ tion. F. B. HARRISON Wauconda, III Valuable Pr .»perty For Sale, Tlie property formerly used as a Hotel, in the village of Ring wood, is offered for sale. I t consists of one large brick House, containing ten rooms, ail necessary outbuildings, a good well ol water and cistern, and one acre of land. On the premises are some of tl ie finest fruit and Ornamental trees, shrubbery. &c., to be found it) t l ie county. I t is a vetv desirable location and will be sold dirt cheap and on long time, for good security. Apply to SIMEOX POTTED, Administrator, Of th« Estate of Mrs. M, Cran4all, Newspapaic. Somebody.--if we knew who, we would give due credit ,--writes thus tersely and truthf.i l ly of newspapers and their worth to the world: "The value of newspap^/s is not fully ap­ preciated. but tl ie rapidity with which people are waking up to their necessi­ ty and usefulness, is one of the signifi­ cant signs of the times. Few families are now content with a single newspa­ per. The thirst for knowledge is y,ot easily satiated, and books, though use* fti l--yes, even absolutely necessary in their place, fail to meet the demands of youthor ago. The village newspa­ per is eagerly sought for, and its con­ tents as eagerly devoured. Then coines the demand for the county news state news, national and foreign news. Next to the political come the li terary and then the scientific Journal: . Last­ ly, and above all , come the moral and religious journals." This variety is de­ manded to satisfy th« cravings , of the active in hid. Newspapers are also valuable to material prosperity. They advertise the village, county or locality. They spread before Ihe reader a map on which ma5' be traced character, design atul progress. If a stranger calls at a hotel, lie first inquires for the village newspaper; if a friend comes from a distance tlie very next thing after a family greeting he inquires for your village or county newspaper, and you feel discomfited if you are unable to find a lale copy, and confounded if you are compelled to say you do not take it . for some time. About three years ago he made application for a place to Miss Ada Sweet. United States Pension Agent at Chicago, and threaten to mur­ der Miss Sweet when Ills claim was discouraged. The lady says; He made application in person for a position in the. office. He afterward called at the office one day and said lie wanted to see me privately. Previous to his second visit he f-ent a long let­ ter to me, which 1 had not read at the time or I should not have permittei him to gee me. In the letter he claim­ ed to be k lawyer, and said he was com­ petent to fill any position under the government. I t was a crazy sort of letter. When he came in I had my back to him, and when I saw hiui he looked tired and weary, and so hopeless that I pitied him. I explained to him that 1 had plenty ot heip. All the Lime 1 was talking to lii tn 1 noticed he look­ ed very peculiar, and was ondeavoring to smile. When I refused to employ hiin he said: "Perhaps yon do not know whe I am." He then went on to say he was Rhine great prophet, relig­ ious revivalist , or important personage 1 did not pay much attention to what he said as I saw he was insane. He then told me he was determined to have a position in my office, and said: "If you don't give it to me you will be sorry." 1 left him and passed into my private otllce, and tlie last words 1 heard him say was that he had a revol­ ver. I did not see thd revolver, and do not know that lie attempted to use It . He was then taken out of the office and I never saw hltu again nor receiv­ ed Any more letters from hi in. ALL that are in want of Millinery should not fail to call on Mrs. E. W. Ilowe. Will sell all kinds at reduced prices for the next thirty days.-- Another lot of Dolmans just received. Black French Chip Flats $1.50, Can­ ton Straws "25 cents. >0 HOSPITAL NKKOKD, No palatial hospital needed for Hop Bitters patients, nor large-salaried talented puffers to tell what Hop Bit­ ters will do or cure, ac they tell their own story by their certain and abso. lute cure# at home, BIKD CAGES, the finest assortment in town, at the store of O. C. Colby & Co. opposite Bishop's Mill, JfSTOn Sunday there were many papers that encouraged tlie wild talk about Guiteau being in league with fierce partisans. On Monday there were only a few to countenance such a theory. On Tuesday It 'v*s repudiat­ ed hyuine out or every ten of those that at first encouraged i t . Comment­ ing on this change of sentiiueut tl ie Philadelphia /Vew sityj; We hear men in the passionate bit­ terness of the hour whisper of conspir- ncy. and in some caseg the intense feeling has pointed to Individual re­ sponsibili ty. All such expressions fciiotild be discountenanced and rebuked. Our country has uot yet sunk to tha; degradation. Our politics, bitter and unlicensed as i t is, has not fallen to that horrible depth. Partisan rancor Way he the influence which shall pre­ cipitate one tottering intellect over the bounds, bnt even its vehemence does not dream of the dagger or the pistol. The thoughts which have ruu through the mimls ot many, are only the phantoms of a heated and feverish moment.and in the coolness of reason they are dismissed with a shock that they were ever entertained. No, as­ sassination is not the weapon even of faction. It dors not mark an appeal from defeat to the bullet. Let ns no; cast such a reproach upon our country or i ts institutions or any portion of i ts people. Tlie bloody crime is ap­ palling enough without attempting to see in i t more thai) It contains, I t begins and ends, so far as relates to i :s conception and execution, in the im­ pulse and execution of one low wfetch. New style Bracelets at O, W, Qweu'f WHAT TO WRIT* AltOVT. Marriages, birth*. de«tba. flnpi. ments. divorces, house wnruling*, par*, ties, law suits, personal*, arrivals, ilo* pnrturcs and changes of buslttew; pra* scntation of watchcs,cine*, etc.; pKr» nics and festivals, when, whet* bjr CtW, What pa-pose sad how at­ tended; excursions. by whom, t® what point, by what conveyance; lectural^ concerts, and other entertainments*, by whom and for what par poo*; hunting parties, wolves killed swl captured; game, its scarcity or aboariaape; newa from old residents; emigrants ae<M passing; new pianos.organs, currlagea buggies, etc.; relics, fndlaa or «tlier, finding of; very old people; Iowa, vH» lage and city elections, with nama* and title of officers, majorities, etc;; grange and secret society elect!#®*, installation of officers; caucuses, eoi|» ventions and other public seeetings) political and temperance news; asees*B ment and collection of taxes, whan ba? gnn, how progressing, etc.; anouot of mail matter received. Sales of farms, prices, tyttllty; da* struction of crops by insects and other plagues; rental of farms, by whom, I# whom, etc.; rate of wages for fart* hand; clearing of woodland; pasinraga* rate per acre per head for stock, acre* used and number of cattle; prices of corn. hay. aats, wheat,etc.;crops, bo# flourishing as compared with farrnet 3'ears; items regarding large crops} amount of wheat, oats, etc., recelyed* in the market; dairy newt number of cows kept, what blood, yield of •MRI* amount of butter and clieese madt^p plowing, harvesting, etc.; new barn%* houses, fences, reapers; drains dugf repainted houses; sale of horses; fruity prospects for abundance ortearcitr off public sales of farms or stock, well! taig, when remarkable for deptl^ amount of water found; roads, Condi* lion; new ones laid out or old nasi closed up; new or umafa bridges, • Sales of horses and litre stock gaa». f rji erally; weight, cattle and hogs; feed* q lug statistics, number of cattle au<§» 1 hogs fed by different persons: receipt 4i of stock, cattle and hops from other 1 J points, with prices at which they vara "1 bought; shipment of cattle, wbea, t* / » what place, by whom, tu wham, ale, u. Ijieoaiiug aiicI IMHw. jf n ' uiimlfoiis, religious miatliigB» wvttal*. . " donation visits, to ' wkee, amoaaf' given; Sunday sobools, aans af oflu cers, number of teacher* aad Mteias%* •« organization of new wheals. |aMlta» ^ Hon and conventions. Teachers, where teaching, i pupils, beginning or ending < presentation to teachers, change af school books, new school houses, er aew furnishing and repair of same. Manufacturing euterpreaes, elevators, mills, and other projected busiaett lm* provemente, by whom, etc. Send so that letters will reaeto MB by Monday, or uot later tfeaa Taaaiajr noon. m - i :• amber at.. 'af «Mft Two4Md<a.H»lf-l)iillw QkfMkaa There are a great many people la their religion that remind tae af '• Icicle Phil,*1 a pious old darky of tha old times in Texas. Well, Phi! was a fervent Christian with a great gift of prayer. He att«uded all the Saturday night prayer meetings on tbe neigh­ boring plantations, aad oaald pray louder and longer than any .of tha brethren. But Phil had oaa weakness --he dearly loved money, and* differ­ ent from the negrs generally, be loved to hoard it. Near by us lived a man, who, not troubled about any scruples, would pny Phil a dollar to werk In hit Held ou Sundays, Ou* Buuday night as Phil came home after dark I MOOS|> ed him with: "Where have you bees Phllf '•Oh, just knocking about, uiassa." "Ton have been working for Miner.** "Well you see, masse, the old old fellow is iu neods, and he jest showed me a silver dollar and I jest oeuldn't stand it.,% "Ain't you afraid the devil will gel you for breaking the SabbathP Phil scratched his bead a ailaate, and said: l,I guess the Lord*ll *sease m uiassa." * "No, He says: 'Remember the Sab­ bath day aud keep It holy/ ** Phil went oft looking pretty saber and it was not long before I beard bis voice in fervent prayer baok ot tbe barn, and so 1 thought I wo*|d atlp down a^ar enough to h^ar. "OLI, Lord f* I heard him say, Ht hire this day rippod and teared. (Missed and sweared at then) oQiifouuded oxen of Millerff, and jest broke the Sabbath day. O, Lord, please forgive BM; please forgive me, for you kaaw l*a nothing but a miserable hsatbea aay» how; If you'll jest forgive a* tbte time I'll never do it again aa laag ae I live, 'capting be give roe *100 a day." At this point I was obliged to beat a hasty retreat, but I am thinking thai poor Uncle Phil isn't tlie only #S.M Christian la this toriA-»f.wWli Christian 06tenwr. • 4UKNU fcxr««i>aiaii> The Bop Bitters M;iimfiettirlegUl»w» pauy ig one of Rochester's greatest business enterprises. Their Hop Bit* lers have readied a sale beyond all pre­ cedent, having from their Intriasie value fouud their way iuto aiiuuat a$#QT household ia the Iftad,~»6frqpM|» j- 4

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