1 -*• ^ êirr pkiiiftler. 4 I • « ' WKDJFKSDAY, JULY IS, 1881. ' ••• - |L- •11 ' r-r ^.VANSLYKE, Kditoi-. •«Joyful Tidings." Th* nbovT Is Dm li«*4ing of the ln- t«*t n»W8 from Washington In "regard to the condition of President Garfield, Bulletins from the Physicians in charge MV the rfymptoni* contlnn® favorable and that his complete recovery is tliougtit to hp only a matter of time.--t This is Indeed joyful tid!ngs, and tlie entire nation will rejoice thereat. lOTThv Washington Sunday Kefmh- 8c, Mr, Blaine's personal organ, says: "Tlie manly bearing, the dignified con duct and the chivalrous regar<i for the proprieties which have characterized Vice President Arthur In the most trying ordeal of his life recvive un measured praise from every fair mind ed person. If he should live a thous and year.^ he never would he placed in w> embarassing a situation. Over whelmed with grief lie looked with horror upon the event whose fatal termination would have placed him In the highest, ortice attainable by Any /freeman. Mr. Arthur has shown him- •«lf worthy of ills great office." 1 • i* *1 I^Tlie National i cpubliccm, the stalwart organ at Washington, editor rlally said: "The frothy and stilted stnfl which the base murderer uttered to the world having to magnify his crime, is fully contradicted by his own written pro fessions to the president of devotion to him in his controversy with t>ome uf his party. While begging a place he was against the stalwarts, and in a note to the president said: "I regret the trou ble yon are having with Senator Conk- ling. You are right, and should main tain your position. You have my sup port and that of all patriotic citieens> 1 would like an audience for a few mo- menu.*' Does tliTr not prove its writer a most mendacious wretch in claiming affiliation with those known as stal warts? He was a vagrant endsavoring to live by his wits, a proven rascal «nd petty swindler of boarding houses, demanding an office for services never recorded,and importuning the presi dent and other officials until he became • nuisance to, be abuted. The presi dent of the United States should not be accessible to such wretches. Rtfus- #d office, destitute of any means of sub- port, expelled from one boarding house after another, he at last found the ditch- Filled with malice,anil carefully plan ning tim least detail of crime, he «c. «ompllslied it with deadly dexterity and found refuge in the jail by prudent Mkppeals for haste to the officers by ^4h«n,he w«g t»ken. That such a man ?|§»r* commit such a crime is the terror if the time. That the person of tlie president is not safe froiu the assasiirs --rJland, tlie haud of a common tramp. Is a symptom of some frightfully moral disease not yet understood. That the B«nje»ty of the law will be asserted by »uch penalty as the law provides for liis crime there can be no doubt. There must be no mawkish sentiment, defying •ommon sense, in order to find insanity in the deliberate met hod of a desper- -vagrant; nor must mob law insult the president ly taking from the hands of justice her weapons or her scales * * It is the earnest wish and hope of •very Americau citizen that the great courage with which the president has met the assassin's bnllet mar. to use tiisown words, "enable him to pull through all right." if lie can live, the nation will rejoice, and the awful glimpse we have had of the abyss will teach us all to bear and forbear more and more with eaeh other as a whole people. Hu6hed.f<ir a time at least will be the voices of faction. Grati tude" for the preservation'of the peo ple's president will make U6 realize that his life was equally precious to all, and that whoever harni9 h hair of his head outrage* every citizcn of the land. Lt>ng live James A. Garfield, president ©f tlie United States." miles of good as have i li the best to A KKPOKTKR'N Wilt.. "Saturday, p. ic.--Well, another w »sck hus gone by in about the same old way. Now I mi not ashamed of mv iiitsiuiw. which, I think, requires a <• insiderahie amount of brains. The o*her night I went out for a little v hile to ;i sort of a noeial gathering, and I hadn't got into the parlor before a young lady simpered : 'Oil! Mr. you ain't g.mi^ to put us in the paper Nrwyiiit** I had ;i Iiig notion to say something bad but I didn't. Then I go to some public exhibition, and every pei-eou I meet s.-tys: "Well, are you geltii.g it all down?' or 'Got something to wrii«» up havn't yon?' 'I s'poge you fellows get into all these shows for nothing?' or some equally fiat remark. Everywhere it's the same way. Go to church--which some re porters do because tliey culoy it and von are met with the facetious re mark: Well, you have to be pious once In a while, don't yon?' Meet a mau on a stive tear and he asks you If there is any sensation afloat. People don't seem to think that we fellows know anything but "shop.' Why don't they 4sk..a lawyer out In society if he is lookiug tor a .case, or a doctor whether he expects somebody will be sick be- fore he leaves, a bank cashier what the , highest per cent, is upon first mort- g*ge loans? I can't understand it. W«are just like other folks, and there are times, rare it Is sadly true, when we are not on duty and feel that we would like to enjoy social life juat as - otherpeopl« do. But I suppose it al ways will he so, and 1 am too tired to try and understand why." WAUCONOA. «VSUB80ittPTroN<s fcr the ft.AIKtifeAl.Kit Will be received in Wiuicnnita at F. B. Harrison'* Drag Store aua at (tie Port Office Editor Plaindealeu :--For the past ten days flie air of Wiiuconda has been full of talk and caloric. 3arfield aird Gltteau and Conkling and Arthur have been thoroughly discussed but 4*the discussions, heated as many of thent were, were very cold when com pared with the atmosphere. In spite, however of the numerous exciting events of the outside world, our own little Railroad Boon has held Its own and made good progress. People be gin to look upon the schemfe with more favor. Men who a week ago talked about 8100 subscriptions now concede their willingness to go $500. Of course there are the regulation unniber of "fniiiiv follows" who are continually getting ofi some stale and insipid joke (?) about "when the train will start," or '-where tickets can be had," and there is also hanging about, what every country town cm furnish, via.: the superannuated old fossil who talks arrant nohsehse about "the railroads killing the town" and so on, but in spitc^of the clowns and the Croaker?, there areffar sighted, active, able men enough here to prevent the chance now offered from passing without an effort to s2cute a road. An honest effort, even if it results in failure, will be commended by intelligent men and hooted at br fools, while failure for want of an effort finds no one to make excuses for it. Mr. Thomas' proposi tion is so fair that if it be ouee repeat ed the idea of any kind of a swindling scheme cannot occur. He doesn't want a cent of money and won't get a rent of money until tlie road is fully com pleted, equipped and in operation. The committee of seven, and others in terested, are working, quietly to be sure, but steadily and to some purpose as our luke warm friends will find, ere long, to their chagrin. The Lake Zurich people are also aroused, several thousand dollars having already been pledged down there. The right of way, up to within aboul'two Wauconda is considered us secured. In short those w ho vestigated most fully have reasons for considering a railroad Wauconda this fall ail assured fact. Mr.Coggin is about to build an addi tion to his mill. lie has just put in a new set of rollers and a let of other improvements.and reluctantly admits that there is no more room for im proved machinery. Hence, the addi tion. Mr.Todd, the veteran contrac tor of the town, spent Friday in Chi cago arranging for^the material, and the fouudatiou has already been begun. The closing exercises of the Acad emy were largely attended a week ago last Friday and tlie words of praise uttered by the parents and friends will go far toward repaying Mr. Stev ens and Miss Poole for their energetic and persistent work. A Joilg pull, a strong ptirt and a pull all together i6 what launched the Barge a week ago last Saturday, and just tiie same kind of an effort is what is going to secure a railroad. Sumo of -these fellers who said the barge m-ver would be launched again can smoke the above for a week or so. The Pratt Jlou.se i* having a fine run of custom this season. "More," savs the genial John, "than ever before," The hall is to lie litiisliu J ofl into sleop- Ine room* which will be f i t ted u |> iu first class stylo to accoiilmodate the city cousins who arc beginning to get an appreciative idea ot Waucouda as a summer report. Dr. Fritz and wife spent several days of the past week With Mr. C. M. Hill. The Doctor's fine pacer, which was taken sick on the way out, lias fully recovered. By the way, Messrs. Hi 1 & Barkcv are building a fine $30 si iirrle harness lor the Doctor, which is to be "the liiiPot" ever turned out of Wauconda. Mr. Eden Whitcoirb lias returned from Iowa. ** Mrs. F. B. Harrison w ill return from the Kast about the 15th. Little Claude Prat t had a narrow es cape from drowning last week Wednes day, being pulled out of the Lake by Put Lainphere just in the nick of time. Mr. Mott Ford's iiftw residence, just on the erlge of town, will be. when fin ished, one of the finest appointed farm houses iu the county. Tlie plasterers are at work and iJ*" a few we«ks we shall expect to see Mott comfortably settled in his new quarters. A gentleman here by the name of John Mnir. indulged in a little harm less fun on the Fourth of July. He placed an old pinion between two an vils, charged tlie hole with powder and touched it oft. If Bob Ingersoil wants proof that miraclds have existed and do exist, let him come here and find out why no one was hurt. Tlie holes in tlie village building were cIuiiimIv patched up, the holes iti the barns across the way still exist, and a«-e a fitting monument to the exquisite humor, the pure, simple funniness of the gentleman from Wauconda named John Muir. WOODSTOCK. - EorroR Pi.aindk vi.er When did a great nation like onrs have such cause for "fasting and .prayer*' and when such cause for "thanksgiving and praise." And when were prayers and praises anicl thanksgiving so universal. Even unbeliever* In the efficacy of prayer have laid aside their doubts and have unreservedly sent up their petitions to the. Throne of Grace, pleading that President Garfield raigfit be spared to this nation. Them has been no partiznn, there has been no factiouist. Guiteau' lifts "itood alone, of all these fifty millions, and deMred that his damnable deed might be justi fied and prove fatal as by him planned .ind intended. But what weighs liik plans, what weighs his desires, in the balance which stands 50,000,000 to 1, and that 1 a fool too brainless to be stamped with insanity. And what shall be his punishment? Hanging is inadequate and will only feed the van ity and self conceit of one who, with out asingle confederate, without a sin gle sympathizer, sought notoriety by the attempted assassination. There was a custom among tiie Koiuans, if we remember.ancient, history rightly, to punish a murderer by placing him in an air-tight leather hag with a viper, a dog, a monkey and a cock, and throw ing him into-the sea. But such a pun ishment would only" .flitter Guiteau's vanity while vet he lived with thoughts of the notoriety it would give him.-- It were better if it were in the power of man, to guarantee to him a thous and years, of vain youth, add a thous and fold to his love. of notoriety and vanity, deprive him of every vestige of ability to do harm.or to hold the slighest intercourse with man or beast, place tiie stamp upon him marking his crime,deprive him of all sympathy from the outer world ami force him to earn his bread by tlie sweat of his brow and turn him loose a wanderer without relief or hope of remedy. Frequent rains and oppressive heat impedes tlie haying which was well begun, but makes corn leap for joy. The ca«e ot' Wright vs Brown brought before Esquire Johnson by change from Esqiiire Baldwin, was decided in favor of defendant. A.W.Smith for Plaintiff, C. II. Donnelly for Defend ant. I it the case of Greenwood vs Najthan Towne for tlie assessment of damages for laying road across defendants farm jury failed to agree, ten for .$250 and two for 8200. B. X. Smith for Plain tiff. A. W. Smith for Defendant. Mr. Towne had offered the commissioners to take $£00 rather than make himself trouble and expense or the totvnship cost. But the commissioners only offered at last 9150. Thus in order to keep from Mr. Towne the sum of $50. the difference between them, they have made their township well nigh a 9100 costs and call it economy lor tlie township. And tlie end is not yet. ••The Democrat, in noting thanks to il. Kckert for liberal present of "gaiv den sas"say "it is more blessed to give than to receive." Well, boys, yon should have eaten more cautiously.-- Garden sas is apt to make ones bowels feel as though it were better to--give than take, especially at this heated season of the year. Felo de Se says "Job Toles Is wortli a dam," We always knew that. We have heard it from his own lips many a time. Golden Star I'Uli IliRW^Uc " " Tj •H«IW«ppi9 1 < I t You Forget| ' .OFFEH. ^ TO PARTIES IN NEED OF CLOTHING, A Saving of From 15 to 20 Per Cent! Can be made on Suits bought ot us. Straw JIats Cheap. Lawns; ffoocJ variety, G cents per yard. Ladie? Linen Suits at Cott. to close out. Ladie* nne Skirts, Ciieulars, &c. Shoes of every descrip tion and prices %ll riirht. *Ve sell no shoddy Shoes. The best variety of Laces to be found in the county. Good Ladies Ilose 5c. Better for 10c. Still bett-et 25c. We will orive yon as many pounds ot Sugar for Oue Dollar as any other dealer, and wo think our Teas and Coffees are full as good and sold on if small margin as any deal er can afford to and do business'straight.*' We wish to have the neighbors call and see jis and we Will try and make it pay for every man, woman and child to trade at our Store. Iry and see what can be done. • Vi;ur Kkjsi'ECtkullyv FIZSIMMQNS EViUTSQitT. ssse K.A' That some people, even in this advanced age, continue to encourage and help sup port dealers who have no conscience, and are charg ing from twenty-five cents to one dollar per pair more for Boots and Shoes than Dwight, who is offering from the largest assortment of the above ever brought to "Woodstock A bcttej* fit^ulk)ot or plow Koot., a fine lino of French or Ameri- ican Kill, pebMoTHmi, Glove 'Kid, calf or suge, in lmtt*ln side lace, straight-laee, or congress shoes lor La li *s, Miss rs and children.-- Also a tromcndp'is -stocK of \Y alkmg sliof ,s and slippers. In (a-t we a^sjtrc ail id search ot any!Iiino - rn ulo Io wear up n the feet, that, it we.tail (o siiil yon either as regards <| uality, price or fit, you tnav as well lo i!< no further. Our custom made goods, both line and co irse, are ot the celebrated Sidz m-iniifactnre. Kvery pair warranted. W. H. DWIGHT. Woodstock, 111. l®*Snine people can be most exas perating cool, and Professor Harkness is out: of them when iie says, as quietly as ir tlie affair was only of the slightest possible eon sequence, that it is not Im probable that we passed through the tail of the comet about tiie 20th of Juue. It is too late now to scream abou: it. but hosts of people will feel a6 if they had been grievously cheated out of a sensation, and just at the time the world was to come to an end to. Oil Stoves. The •'Bo-V1 Oil Stove iu the market.-- After once trying it you would not give it up tor in;uiy times its value. For ^'ule by O. C. COLBY & CO., O p p o s i t e t h < 5 M i l l MoH<'iirv, Mav lHth, l*si CHEAP MILLIONS OF ACRES lor sale in the GOLDEN BELT ol Kansas, l>y the UNION PACIFIC of as ricti Hoil i»w tlit> nun cvor »hone on, witb good uiki'Ik>Ih cu»T and went. For Descriptive an<1 Illustrated. Book, with lUapn, Sint l?nc, .id<lrr»ii LAND COMMISSIONER, Kansas Division, KANSAS CITY, on loa? credit and easy terms, in a mild elhnatr, fri'O from hl'HV) MIOIYS, WlKtlt- intr fronts. :Ui<t ex M A R C U S ' GERMAN B*ed*Gl]t Edge Tonic cures Fever «od Ague. Colby Bros.. Nunda. are leaders of low prices iit Men's Fine Sewed and Pegaed Boots and Shoe*, Ladies', Misses' aiul children's Side T.ace. Front I.ace and Button Shoes and Walking Shoes. Best Goods at low cash price. Oh what a world of "pads!"' When you get tired of trying all the kinds just fall b:ii-k on the old reliable Trask's Magnetic Ointment. ' Manufactured b« F. MARCUS -DEVI/ER IX- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock III. The hast Tonic in the world. Put "up in Piut an<l Quart Bottles. F. NIAHCUS Patentee. (•1 j.y.; ^-vs, iitef Milk • / . ...., g-- fi. ' yi ' *• ! 4A, TIIE STAR OIL STOVK. CALL AND SEE THEM. O. C. COLBY & CO, McHenry J. ESTEY & COMPANY •Sv j : 1 ' I'i 'srit Ko. liSO. --l'r«n»L Va'iv, ' -p . ' No. -Biivk View. BRATTLEBORO, VT. A New Style of Organ, designed fcr Sunday Schools, Chapels, etc., and Soid at Moderate Price, iy ALL OUE ORGANS ABE WARRAMKD, AND ARE MADE IN THE SAlft THOROUGH MANNER AS FOR THE PAST 35 I EARS. t^Scnd fur Illustrated Catalogue before deciding what to Boy. O. W. OWEN, Agent, McHenry, .HI- Roomsi -ff-v.. • lit." '• - jretryt Stora, . . t01*' McHenry, Blinois, JACOB BONSLETT, Havinjr opened new Furniture Rooms, in the store lately occupied by Mra. Searles, ojiposite Perry & Martin's Store, are now premred to ofler to the buying public the j Finest Stock of Furniture Of all kinds, ever brought to McHenry County, which they will sell at the % LOWEST LIVING PRICES. • Anything from a common 'Chair to the finest Parlor Set can bo found at this store, and of the beat make und finish to be found iu the maikct. : - Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to at reasonable rates 1 irst-class work guarauteed, Wo have a large assortment of Burial Cases and Coffins always on hand and made to order on short, notice. Our goods are first-class and prices within the reach of all. ' We invite all our firiends to give us a call in II .» 1 1 r i JACOB BONSLETT. McHenry, March 15th, 1881. BAUER P 4 A N 0 S . GRANDS, UPRIGHTS AND SQUARES, Established is Chicago over 25 Years, Used and Recommended by over 25,000 Artists & Amateurs Our .Patent Self-Bearing Agraffe attachment, Concave Namo- Oeinl, and unproved Veneered Bridge, are valuable improvements, used in the Bauer Pianos oiilv. " Th.© Bauer Cabinet Grand, 1 he newos t an t i n iMt I ' cv fec . t i n l . l u ! a r t , o f I ' i ano MAfc in j r . TJV t he tn t r i i r i u* a . ; v . " f t « , ; i ; , i , r o 7 y w , o - v m ! u , , , ° t o n c » » " « « « « » Prominent ArWsts Pronounce it a IWarvel of Pefection. K F S K S . ! t . » C K U . * • C O . , ' ( ' l i i r n j r o , I I I : * fpfeut ' r 1 i.urcliHgcrl of y,»n. I »«n hUppy RMnrinm •n v,sr;rt1,°l,,eu<,rii: »»",vV•*«•> i"»wrs5 r.nu iii.uoii i,i< (hi H s,i ul li.i \ c iiiiniil in.iie in ('((iiul viiui'K in liower and rnritv of toni Vr'f'V \'"i " v »p" ( ' l , l tV 1i »»y tiisl on i r . i on wlii< li me in e!V( ..lAMiINij my KNAItK f..r the UAII KH h:is jnovct n lusting mo. 1 I'lttsl>nr>rli, P.,., N«v. JO«N UKBLING, Factory, 125, 127, I29E- 129 Street, KewYork. A Complete Assortment of the Favorite Pianos will be founil at our Warerooms. IM-IM WABASH CO* CHICAGO BOOK WALTER ENGINE! Effective, Simple, Durable ail Cheap. Compact, Substantial, Economical and Easily, Managed. Guaranteed to -work •well and jjive full power claimed. JUST THE THING TOR A PBINTDT3 OFFICE Every Farmer -who runs a Cotton Gin, Corn Mill or Wood Saw, should have one. 8KB Ot'B LOV PRICES. 3 Horbe Power Engine anil Boiler $240 4* " " " 280 0i " " " 370 8i " " ' 400 SEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. James Xj©±±o1 <fe Co., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. if for lit Sjriii Trade. ROBT. HARRISON, Wauconda, Illinois, 2ra?̂ s*t5?s."iŝ .trs2*"" Summer Dress Goods, I have an unuf uul large stock, which I proposeto sell at the Lowest Living Prices. Notions and Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats <fc Caps, In short there i* nothing that i« usually kept In a fii-st-ciniA general store but nrbat can be founil in mv siiH-k. imrt i <1 «•!\ r<>n>|H*tiii«• n i nhcr in priruHur ijuuliiy ol goods. Call and be f.onvinci-il ihnl il i» tor your nilci't^l if trHi'i- Willi me. Oouotry Produce ol'all kinrli taken in|e\change lor goods,for wbioh the! hiirbest Market Price will be paid. «-A LIB£r.VL l/isrotj* T FOi: CA9H. * Waucftnda, 111., -li.JW*!. ruu HCBT. HARRISON.