•wjsv 3*i±L. '•[•"iJ 'iAT ""- -" ' " vf* ' ~ ' ' > ^*^"->rn'iifiiliiif'ilit'ri c eary ̂ Itlalealer. WEDNESDAY JUT.Y'IS. 1S81. Railroad Time Table. fJOl.VO SOlTTH.f B-eneva Lake Passenger Geneva Lake Express.. B Mficii Lake Fri!i<ht .' Steamboat Express «oiN-oJiroBra. j Gene** Lake Freight ]. Steamboat Express ,, Geneva Lake Express d... .SMV. M Geneva Lake Passenirer «:5<j " B. Br8«, Agent. ' Me Henry, 111 ...7:2^ A. K .8:21 " . .1:U5 t. M . #:!«, " .10:01, 1881 1881 -'iPox Lake, 111#. Summer TWnc Tnbl» STEAMER "LOTUS." MORESBY LEAVE 10:30 A. M.* 6:15 p. m. <iailv. 6:10 A. M. daily 2:30 P. M.» FOX I.^.KE. ARELVFE. 8:0® A. M. <1»ily 4:0# p. M.» 13:00 noon.* 8:00 p. M. daily •This mid.day Trip if fton alternately br the "Lotus" attd "MarvGriswold," provided there is previous noti.e given bv visitors at the Lake. NVALTKR HILT., Captain. THK Board of Supervisors are In ses sion this week. SEE tlie Time Table of the Steamer aLotus," at the head of this column. WE are .sorry to learn that John Doran 5s quite sick, at his residence, South of this village. W. R. SMITH, the Jewelry man. from Aurora, is in town, and will call on our citizens with a fine stock -of goods in liis line. WHAT a pity it is that some of this weather could not be canned op for next Jauuarv. BLAKB <& BKXTFIKLU, of Rich Prai rie. Minn., will please accept thanks for copies of Minnesota papers. GEO OWKN is PUTTING quite exten sive repairs on his house, building a new fence in front, and otherwise mak ing Improvements in and around the premises. STRBET COMMISSIONER STEGEMANN ifi building a new five foot four inch sidewalk from C. B. Curtis' residence to the Plaindealer corner. It la a good Improvement. "WHERE shall we <?pend the sum mer?" puzzles some people. News paper men generally spend the surnnier where they do the winter--in the office grinding out copy. THE next Sociable by the Ladies of thib Mothodist'^ociety will be held at the.M. E.Parsonage. In this village, 011 Wednesday of next week, afternoon and evening. All are invited. PERSONAL. DR.S. F. BKSNKTT, of Richmond, was on our streets on Saturday even ing last. JOHX WEVTWOBTH, oldest son of Isaac Weutwortli . spent Sunday with hie parents in this village. H. KLEIPGEN and some friends from Chicago, have been visiting 1a this village with the pareuts of Mr. Klelfgen. A. D. "Lrxx and wife, ol Chicago, spent a few days with friends in this village last week. J. M. MCCMBER spent the entire week with his family in this village last week. He was on the sick lis{. HENRY and Oscar Ehrens, of Chicago, are rusticating in this village, being the guusts of their Uncle, Geo. Rosen- be rger. Miss LBCT BROWN, who has been staying at F. A. He bard's for some mouths started lor her home in Manie on Saturday. J. A. BALDWIN. Assistant tjnlted States Attorney, of Chicago, his broth er, II. R. Baldwin, of Greenwood, with a friend, made our sanctum a very pleasant call on Tuesday. They were here making a short visit with their brother, Prof. S. D. Baldwin, of this Village. DIED.--In iioimwood, Kansas, June 08th. 1841, of Paralysis, Mrs. Jane Farnliam, agod 78 v jars. Mrs. Farnham was formerly a resi de u.t ol McHenry, and was stepmother to fc. M. and 0. \V. Owen. MKSSJIS. PKKKINS & K 1:1; 1.Kit will start a newspaper at Capron soon, liav- bought the If tUy Herald otticj?, at Free port. The Caproiimcrchuuts have j pledged a very liberal, auioOut ol^ ad- ! v<*vtising. aud" the* boys think they I lu^re a very good chaticc.--Bcloiderc j Standard,f I Fol'NI), oil tlie streetsth thl*,village •] a Pockct Book containing about four \ feet of common Twine. The owner j can. have the same by calling at ibis j office, t.ho\Vlng sufficient cause why j there was 110 money in it and paying j fojrthis notice. We can use the Twine j biit have no earthly use for the Pocket j BoOjc. , 1 j Th* Steamer ."Lotus" is now fully *j completed and painted, aud presents a j very neat and handsome appearance, j For just what she Is intended, parties! of about forty or fifty, she has the j finest accommodations, and speed j enough to satisfy any but the fastest j men. She is a neat little craft and an honor to her owners ami the Lakes. E. FELT, of Wooil^tock. W. s. Crock er, of ltockford, and another gentle man whose name hag escaped us. h:tve been fishing the past two days at the mouth of Dutch <'reek, and with j»ood success. We ain't going to tell how they got excited on . Tuesday ovor a catch of a Pickerel the length of 'their boat or less, and took an involuntary bath iu the creek. We said we wouldn't and--w« are mum. ANOTHER Git AND BOWERY DANCE will be given ou the platform, opposite the Mudgett Cheese Factory, on Tues day evening, July 19th. This platform will accoiuniodatd 48 couple. A large canvass tent has been secured to be used as a silting, where Gelding & Brooks, of Waucouda, will furnish Ice Cream. Cigars, Ac. Music McHenry Quadrille Band. One and all are cor dially invited to attend. THE Times' paper train passed through this place on Sunday morning last about half past seven, leaving oft a newsboy here who supplied our cit- izens.with the Sunday Times. >Ve un derstand this train will run regularly every Sunday morning during the summer season, supplying the stations along the route between Chicago and Geneva Lake. This is a good enter prise for which t'.«e limes is deserving of great credit, and we trust it will be a paying one. We learn that eighty- fire papers were sold in this village. WERE It possible we would publish our paper free gratis, but not being a bloated bond-holder those receiving bill* fiom us will take notice that we do not send them for amusement so inn eh as because we want money. As it is now, "lie who steals our purse steals trash." In the midst of life we are in debt; to owe is human, to pay up, divine. A collector of bills must be patient as a poet, cheerful as a duck, sociable as a flea, bold as a rob ber, cunning as a fox aud watchful as a sparrow.--Ex. Eight Pounds of Ground Coflee for One D"ilar «t Colity iiros., TV.vrrs'de Block, McHenry. WE had the pleasure a few days since of sampling some excellent Cigars from the "establishment «0f our old friend, Hon. E. M Dennis, who is now located at T9 Clark Street, Chicago.-- Mr. Dennis keeps all the choicest brands of Cigars and Tobacco, which he sells at both wholesale and retail. Mr. Dennis Is and old dealer in the To bacco business, knows what a good ar ticle is, and will keep no other, and those of his old friends and acquaint ances who deal in these articles should not fail to give him a call when buyiug iug anything in his line. Fix up the room your boy or boys sleep in. Place something ou the walls that will attract the mind. A few pic tures, even if cheap ones, are better than dead walls. Encourage your boys to keep their room neat and things in place. Educate them to be gentlemen instead of slovens. Help them to beautiful things to think of. Let them feel that you have an interest in them, and that in all the world they have iirft so good a friend as their father and in after years you will be proud of them and they will be a sup port to you and your entire family will be remembered as a good exam ple for years, and a landmark iu the community wherein you reside. THE Chicago Driving Park will hold their Summer Trotting Meeting July 19th, 20th, 21st, *22d and 23d, 1881, and will be in all respects the greatest Trotting event of the season. $50,0>H) in Purses will be competed for, entries for which closed on-the second day of May with the unprecedented number of one hundred and eighty-Jive ent ries, twehnHnjf tienrly/fr^ery flm-clrrss Trot ter In America. "This liberal pro gramme is so arranged that every day of the meeting has special attractions. To the great programme offered the managers of Chicago Driving Park in vite tlie patrons of turf sport6, aud pledge themselves to use every en deavor to make this meeting the moRt successful and pleasant of the. year.-- On the grounds is the finest and best arranged Club House in the country, newly furnished and fitted up this sea son. and kept and controlled by the management, in a manner that must be satisfactory to all its patrons. The best Grand Stand, reserved seat* and accommodations of all kinds of any Driving Park iu the United States, and the acknowledged best ami fastest Race Track in the country. The rail road and hotel facilities of Chicago are unequaled, and need no advertisement. The roads leading to «the grounds are now flv--1 class, and the street cars run from the center of the city to the track gates. I11 order to make racing popu lar, the price of admission lias beeu re duced to fitly cents. Trotting com mences each day at 2 P. M. For pro grammes, or other information, ad dress the Secretary, D. L. Hall, 116 Monroe St.. Chicago, 111. -- r ^llOO in Speed Premiums. The following premiums will be competed for at the coming County Fair, Sept. 13th, 14"th, lflth and 16th.-- To those who reside in Mclleury coun ty please take notice in time to make your entries: Wednesday, Sept. 14th--Free for all Stallions. Purse §300. 1st 0135, 2d §85 3d 350, 4th $30. Thursday, Sept. 15th--Farmers Race. McHenry county. Purse §100. 1st C50, 2d !j2a, 3d 815. 4th 810. Same Day--Colt Race. McHenry county. For 4 year olds and under.-- Purse $100, 1st 950, 2d $25, 3d §15, 4th 310. Friday, Sept. I6th--Free for all Trotting. Purse 8500. 1st 9250 , 2d 9125, 3d 875,4th 950. Same Day.--Free for all Running. Purse 8100. 1st 950, 2d 825, 3d 915. 4th 810. Entrance fee 10 per cent. 5 per cent to accompany all entries. Remaining 5 per cent to be paid 24 hours previous to starting. 5 to enter3 to start, best 3iu5. Entries close Monday Aug. 1st, 1881. For further information address the Secretary, A. S. Wright. Wood stock, 111. AQRKAT ENTKKPItfSK. The Hop Bitters MauuficturlngCom- nany is one ot Rochester's greatest business enterprises. Their Hop Bit ters have reached a sale beyond all pre cedent, having from their intrinsic value found tneir way into almost every household in the land.--Graphic. Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols' store, one door north of Perry & Martin's, for anything in Millinery or Ladies' Fur- niEhiug Goods. Real Katatg Transfers. The following is a list of the Real Estate Transfers in McHenry county from June 14fh Jo June 28th, 1881: .Job and w to Daniel Denniaon 140 V fn sec 17, 18 Richmond. St,<00. Cornelius Ctnrv and w to Morris Clary 19 a in seif sec I *r», Mrs. Jane Muricle to Henry W. Tkorne 31a in swif sec 12, Marengo, (300. Ellis Haxham and w to Emily J. Mansfield U 11 sub iliv bit 4 Walkup'd add to Xuiida. $475. Ellis Maxham and *r to Emily Man&lleld la in nwV wee :« Nnnda, fJ7«. I.enaKatthofTaml hits to WmElfets 70 a in sec 1 Richmond 4750. Edward Dolanv to Fred Welticin und H Cheese Factory in sec St Corat, $2,.TOO, John Wiltzien and w to John Hawley nndJi pt hlk 7 Hunt ley, jfi75. EUeu Penny to Entilv \ Ttiarelowr pt Its 1 ft 3 btk 6 Pluinlelgh's add to Alg'n *197. Win D Gates and w to Louis Peterson and w 73.65 a in eS, sec 30 Nun,la, JlS41.i5. Louis Peterson nnd w to Xiles Obcrgand w 16.82 a in e,V see 30 Nunda 420.50. Sarsh Oarmichal t« Wa»h Whittimore eH ee half sec 24 Coral, $2500. • Wash Whitj^more and w to Willis P Whit timore 10a in ncJt sec 31 Grafton 400. John A Johnson and w to . Clarence E Chapell pein sec 29 and 30 Aljronqui », 1*00. . JasGriffin and w to Marv P. AverV, a half It 2 blk 8 Spence.'s 2d aid to Mareit«o, 80, N D Stevens and w to Geo W Smith 20 a sec 9 Mclleury, 900. John (iillilan to Harry B. Hubbard Its in Pliftiileijth's add to Alg'n, l.Ott. Janet Hauey to Wm Shotliff pc In »ec SO Burton. Eineline Kin? et at to Lncla J. Mason nw quarsequar sen 14 Cora^ 800, Mary E Hijr^s to R. G. Smith no quar se (pnr sec S N unda, 3C0. Rachel Cnrtiss to Henry Pinne pc in see 16, 21 anil 28,Cdra! 3000. „ Jos Griflln and w to Mary J. Hezlip It 1 and 5^2 It 2 blk 8 Spencer's 2d add to Marengo Mary J Hezlep and tins to Christina Lock- row pc in sw quai Sec ®5 EarenRo, 1*50. Wm. P. Gray and w to Geo F. Pettihone It Sand 9 blk 15Xunda.320. Minei va K Clapsattle to James R Jackinan pt It 12 lie >|uar sec 8 M:»reu*o, 50. James C. Jackinan and w to Minerva B» Clapsattlept It 11, ne <i«ar sec 8 Marengo., 50 Cnarter to Marengo Pickle Company. C H Simplev Jr to John Hatch 5 a in ne quar sec 34 Coral, 60i E R Morris and w to Johu Hatch 10 a in ne quar sec 34 Coral, 175. David Corliss aud w to John Hatch 10 a in nw quar sec 34, Coral, 450. John Eddj and w to John Hatch 5 a in nw quar sec 34 Coral, 150. John S and Willard Cumtninars and vr to Jas Willzein ltiOa in sec 18 Giafton, 8000. GREENWOOD- EDITOR PLAIXDEALER:--Mr. J. A. Baldwin, of Wilmetta.Cook Co.,is in town visiting his parents and other relatives a^id calling on his old friends. Also Prof. S. D. Baldwin, of your pltse, was in town on Sunday last, Mr. Wm. Di Stewart has his new barn completed. Mr. Wm. Bigham informs us that he has been eating new potatoes of his own raising ever since the 23d of June. Who beat* that iu this latitude? Mrs, R. M. Goddard returned home last Saturday after a four weeks' so journ iu Harvard, where she has been visiting friends aud relatives. Talk about quicfc milking, Bigham beats them all. He informs us that he took a full pail of milk from a cow so quick that just as lie got through she fainted and fell to the floor, and lay several minutes before she recovered. Mr. Job Toles had the misfortune to have about two hundred loads of gravel go out of his dam after he had it completed. But lie Im put it all tmck agniit'andthe mil-Ms now in run- nin r order. Mrs, LA. Barlow, of Harvard. sp»nt Sunday with her sister, Mrs. R. M. Goddard of this place. We are going to have a comity fair this time, it seeins, that is a fair. We judge from all we can learn that ex traordinary eflorts are being made by the officers of the Agricultural Board to make it unusually interesting. The Secretary, A. S. Wright appears to be very much in earnest, and has pub lished some co^felK reasons why people young and old, male aud female, cannot allord to give it the go by. For one we intend to be there, and would ad vise all others to go. if for no other reasou than to see that Secretary. FELO pit SE. CRISWOLO LAKE CHIPS EDITOR PLAINDEALERYour cor respondent has not been around the neighborhood much this week, conse quently hasn't much to say. Mrs. O. M. Hale will start soon for the East to visit her friends and rel atives. She will stay about two months. Mr. Charles Wilmington had a pair of sheep nhoars stuck in the back of his neck while shearing for Mr. Mat thew Smith, last week. O. M. Hale bought a horse of Fred Erky last week. There will he a dance at Wm. Tay lors next Friday night, July 15th. Farmer sajs he wishes everyone to be present. Miss Delia Claxton, of Spring Grove, has been visiting her cousins at the factory for the past week. Ml ss Helen Granger has been get ting her buggy newly painted. She says it is as good as any of their new carriages now. Engine and Boiler for Sale. The undersigned lias for sale a Twelve Worse Engine and Twenty Horse Boiler. All in good running or der, having been used but little. Will be sold cheap, for cash or on time with approved note. For further particulars iuquite of WAKD B. GALE. Volo, 111 Richmond Department. COIFTEIBPTED fcr s. P. BWfXBTT. F. n«*K*TT isherehr anthorizod totake subscriptions and orders fir Hdrertisin? and Job Wtrk for the Pr,M\DB M.ER. receive moner therefor and receint for the same.-- all o-iers left -vith him will recelrc prompt Attention .--Editor. C. E. Abbott, Richmond's popular Jeweler, has just received a large stock of Clocks In all styles. Yon who read thl<8, want to go tg^Abbott's and got timed--else how will you know wheth er you are a 5i:llJ man or a common 4 minute plug. It should be generally understood by all who wish to buy Boots and Shoes that A. J. Howe Is located in the Hotel building and keeps everything In the line of ready made goods. He will also make you a pair of Boots or Shoes to order, which will fit over every corn von have on'yoiir toes, and not hurt 'em either. BIRD --Mrs. Merer R. Dolaner, widow of lale I). Delaney M. D.,at K nporia, Kinsat, Ju'.v 1st; 1S91, at th* residence ot her nentiew L. B. Kelloff?, E«q. She was born In Homer, Cortlandt Co.. N". Y., April 23d. 1811. She came to Illinois In 1842. settled at Solon, where she resided until 1872. when she moved to Kansa8. She was one of the excellent of earth, Intelligent, amiable kind and genial, loyed and admired by all. The above announcement, written by R. R. Crosby, will carry sorrow to many hearts In this vicinity. And we cannot let the oefa'sion pass without bearing witness to the many excellen cies ef the deceased. In 1859, when the writer was a boy ."be came to Solon i Mills to teach In the public school, and became a member of Mrs. Delaney's family, which relation was sustained during the two years (nearly) that he remained in Solon. He therefore had ample opportunity to know what man ner of woman Mrs. Delaney was, and is Influenced only by the love of a fos ter son to write ^rords laudatory of her life and character. She was one of the rare women we sometimes meet, who combined ai| exceptionally bright and cultivated Intellect with great common sense and that loving woman ly nature which attract® and commands the confidence of all--and the love of all alst). To her friends her word was a law. because they knew that her opinions were always based on right reason, and received their color from the kindest and purest impulses of the human heart. Her pen, exceptionally used, showed a rarely bright intellect. To the writer she was a mother al most In the sense of consanguinity and the affectionate regard in which he holds her memory is only a type of that felt by all who ever came under her |»ersonal Influence. Her faith in the Immortality of the soul was so strong as to amount, with her, to a cer tainty, and she'used to pleasantly con verse of her expected relations to | friends who had already pa«sed the I narrow bounds which separate this life ! from tltat hIglier wliich await* all j the children of the Divine Father. Iu \ her last j'cars she was stricken by par- | alysls and lost, in part, the powers of , her mind, but we are glad to hear wit ness with Mr. Crosby,that, at the hands of her nephewl l. B. Kellogg, she re ceived that delicate and af?ectionate attention which her pure and affec tionate life made her eminently wor thy of. When a good and pure woman like Mrs. Delaney passes through that change to immortal life which we mis takenly call Death, the world suffers a and liis class of evangelists have ever delivered," ' Can ft be possible that the man flto penned the above rjiiotatlon la le« of rfn intellectual UVn.-ulc than Gittean Is a moral one? Tiw proposition of th* "English scientist." to apply the prayer test, was not devoid of commeu sense, as claimcd, but a <qn ire proposition to the religions world to prove what it had always taught--that the infinite Gtod wil! bend from his heavenly throne to answer the prayers of mortal man. The proposition was scouted and fought with invective by the com bined religious press of the world, and why? Because the test, honestly and reverently made, would have proved that the' previous teachings of that press bad been nothing less than Im posture. The same test to-day. yes terday or ta-morrow, so far as Presi dent Garfield's condition Is concerned, would prove Inoperative and void of results, and the man who holds other wise provokes a challenge as to liis sanity. Without regard to religions belief or political opinion, the heart of the world has gone out In immeasura ble desire that President Garfield's life may be spared, and that fact gl»*es u« an ennobling view of our common humanity; but that spontaneous feel ing which the Journal fitly describes when it quotes: "Prayer is the aonl's sincere desire Uttered or unexpressed." will influence Deity to interpose specially to heal the President's wound anil restore him to health Is revolting to reason and common sense. The assassination of Mr. Garfield gave no greater Incentive to prayer and suppli cation to the divine throne than did the murder of Abraham Lincoln. Did prayer avail then? Nay. Will It now? Nay. The violation of natural laws, whether it be by the voluntary volition ot the sufferer or by the hand of the assassin will meet its inevitable punishment. President Garfield, though Innocent himsclf_inust pay the penalty of violated physical law, and all the prayers of Christians and Heath ens cannot change the result. What does Geerge Uage and brother Compton think about It? FOR SALE. One J. I. Case Eclipse Threshing Machine. Has been uted but one year. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Inquire at this office. Wool! Wool! We are again on liand ready co pay the highest market price for Wool.-- Headquarters at Owen's Warehouse, opposite Bishop's Mill. n. S. SMITH. E. M. OWEN 4Son THRESHING MACHINE FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale pne Buffalo Pitts Threshing Machine, ail in good running order, and will do as good work as any new machine. 'Will be sold cheap for cash or will trade for a span of good horses. Inquire of GEO. Mills, w&ucouda, in. We see by the PI.AIXDKAI.KR and other papers that the executive com mittee having in charge the arrange ments for the re-union of the 05th Reg iment, has Invited the rather poor editer of this column to write a poem for the next meeting. We have re ceived no official announcement, but trust the press far enough to believe I that the invitation I? given, and we re- I clve it as genuine. Under such clr- ! cumstHiices a man might wish that he ' were a Poet, but, if he is not, the next j best thing he can do i« to wrfte the i best he can. It may have been under similar circumstances that Alexander ' Smith, the promising English poet j who died in the isle of »ky. wrote: "O, that mv heart wa« quiet as a grave Atloep in moonlight! j Tor, ** 1 torrid sunset holts with jfold | I'll to thn zenith, lierce within my soul A.passion burns trom basement to the cope. PocSy! I'oesv! I'd (Tlve to llieo ' AS pa«ionii tel v m y rich laden years My nubble pleasures, and niv awful joys. As Hero gave her trembling sighs to rtnd Delicious death on wet Leadder's lip. Bald, bare and tawdry as a Angered moth Is my |»oor life; but with one smile thou canit Clothe mi> with kingdoms. Wilt thou smile on me ? Wilt bid me die for theo ? O fair and cold! As well might some wild uaiden waste her love Cpon the calm front of a marble Jove. I nsnnot ilraw regard from thy great eyes, I love theo, Poosv! Tlion art a rock I, a weak wave, would break on thoe and die • • • • • • • • Tis not for me, ve heavens! tis not for me To fling a poem like ft comet, out. Ear splendoring the sleeky realm of night. I cannot give men glimpses so divine As when, upon a racking niiclit, the wind Draws the pale curlains of the vaporv clouds real loss, and we can poorlv express ....... . . " . . . „ : A n d s h o v s r s t h o s e p a l e m y s t e r i o u s v o i d s our sorrow by such words as the heart :• Tl,VObbiiig with stars like pulses! may dictate and the faltering pen write. We have always had a deal of faith in the Chicago Evening Journal, and have counted It aqfiong the rarae aves of journalism, vizTa paper whose edit ing was conducted with skill, common sense, and some respect for the intelli gence of Its readers. But the edition of Saturday evening, July 9th, contains i an editorial entitled "A Prayer Gauge" | wnich would force one to believe that j the person who wrote it and the man- i agement which admitted it to the co!- ums of a pnblie newspaper like the Journal should be writteu down by an indignant publioTor just what they would seem to have madA of them selves, viz: asses. We do not particu larly find fault with the first part of the JournaTe editorial, although one might naturally rebel against the epithet applied to the "distinguished English scientist" who prnpo>-fid lo the religious world to test the efficacy of prayer in a certain way and under cer tain conditions, via: "in fide I." In cry- ing'Mnfidel." the Journal places itself ou a par with the religious fools and fanatics of all ages who have fled to in vective when "infidel" reasoning could not be answered by argument founded on common sense and right reason.-- The Journal editor or con tributor did not stop to consider that the term "in fidel" may mean something or nothing to the reading public, just as the pre conceived notions of that reading pub lic, in its individual or collective ca pacity, may have been formed. The Mohammedan wil! call the (Christian •'infidel" with the same propriety that the Christian returns the epithet. In fact, when you call a man at; "infidel," you simply say "you do not believe as I do," and the instances are not rare | when the bestowal of the epithet with I opprobrious intent, is really crowning i the recipient with a crown of glory.-- { In the article referred to, the Jouriuxl has fallen into the vernacular of popu lar religious cant, much against its pre vious course and character for good seuse. But the limit of unutterable nonsense is reached when, iu closing uu the article it says: "But we write in all seriousness and humility, and with a thankful heart, when we utter the solemn conviction that if the life of the Chief Magistrate isspared.it has been in answer to prayer; and furthermore, that It will convert more men to a belief in Chris tianity than all the sermons Mr. Moody But nfter all we may be able to write a decently acceptable poem for the re union of the 95r,h, and that we are bound to try to do. Yon have got to stand it, boys! The subscriber will be there. It has been claimed by some of the writer's friends that he has no middle, no golden mesne, "golden mesne" meaning that delectable debating ground between reason and passion which allows Its happy possessor to Judge rightly between a sophism and a syllogism. He denies the "soft im peachment" but will admit that he has always been a little "off" 1 n his opin ions iu regard to the bui'ding of the direct railroad line from Chicago to meet the eastern terminus of the Northern Pacific at Duliith or there- aDout. But madmen's theorl«s some times prove true, aud so *ve have some hopes that our prophesies, oft repeat ed, may prove true, and that the Por tage & Lake Superior Road is to be built. In confirmation of our hopes we clip from the Geneva Lake Herald what follows--but we must allow that Brother Heg basso often lied like the devil on the same subject that we must take his statements cum grano satin.-- Of course we do not intend to insinuate that Brother Heg ever put his pen on paper to deliberately mislead the pub lic. but the boy has been mislead by reports several times and given ug false hopes. (Memo. The report of the big round house being built at Libertyville.) But we have the ut most pleasure iu giving the following from the Herald, and hope it means business: Still on Deck, Our readers may. perhaps, be tired of continually hearing of the prospects for a new railroad, for they have wait ed «o long and in vain, but as there is news from both ends of the road it really looks as if something was going to come of it atter al\ Th« following were dispatche* teceived in Chicago on Saturday: "Chief Engineer Scofleld, of the Chi cago. Portage ^ Superior road, now reports that the contracts for grading, ironing and ballasting sixtv-two miles of the projected line, between Super ior City and the North Wisconsin rail road junction, will be let August 1st.-- The grading, he states, will be com pleted by November." That refers to the upper end, and the following to the oue of most inter est to us: "A spirited rivalry is in progress be tween several railway companies for the possession of a piece of graded j road bed extending from Cicero to W hi-eling. III. 'IMte Chicago, Portage 3b Lake Superior Railroad company, which is locating a route from Chicago northward through Illinois and Wis consin. lias been trying to buy this graded right of way. The Burlington, Northwestern and St Paul •companies are also after it. If is presumed that they want it solely to prevent its fall ing into the hands of tlw Chicago. Por tage & Lake Superior Company." ATTENTION. For seventeen rents per yard you can buy a tine Brocaded Mohair Dres> Goods, all shades, actually worth thirty cents.at the cash store of Colby Bros., Nunda. Lameness is the precursor of Rheu matism. Escape it by heating Trask's Magnetic Ointment aud rubbing in thoroughly. Nobby Styles In Straw Hats at Colby Bros., Riverside Block. Parasols and Fans in all of the latest styles at Stevens A Schnorr's. r 1 • Shoes lor the Million. .Wejhave placed in the .bauds of Colby Bros., McHenry and Nnnda, an immeuse assortment "of #nr best sewed work, consisting of Women's aid M isses Goat and Kid Button aud Side Lace Goat nud Kid Walking Shoes, Serge and Congress Gaiters, Goat and Kid front lace, all of which thev are selling at our wholesale pi ices with a small compensation added. Call and examine goods. FORBUSH ft BROWX, Buffalo, N.Y. Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves in all colors at Steveps & Schnorr's. FOR SALE. A commodious residence, at the cor ner of Madison and Vine Streets, Woodstock. 111., conveniently to business, school and the churches. TwO lots, well with fruit, both large and Pleasantly situated, aud well arranged. Good well and cistern. Terms easy. Apply to ASA W. SMITH. Woodstock, III located various stocked small. Foundation rocks and Gravel deliv ered at convenient distances from my residence. ASA W. SMITH. Woodstock, 111 Ladles of McHenry and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. S*arles. Am now offering g-eater bargains than ever. All work iu *epairing done on short notice. Trhle and Pocket Cuttlery In endless variety at O. C. Colby t Co's Hard ware store. ICR CRKAM at Rouse's Ice Cream Parlors, in Keller's Block, two doors West of the PLAIN DEALER ofliue. YOU MUST NOT Forget the fact that Colby Bros., Nunda, offer better bargains in Cloth ing to cash buyers than any other firm in the county. Go to M. EngeIn's for all kinds of Gun and Fishing Material. In Uowe's Block. McHenry. WANTED TO EXCHANGE, Carpenter work for a good Horse or Cow. Persons wishing Carpenter work and pay In this way should apply at once to A. WKNDILL, McHenry. Great Bargains* In Clothing at E. Lawlu^. Fine light Fourth of July suits at Chicago prices. The finest goods In ninrket for men, boys aud children from a fancy grip to a straw hat. Store in Laiising's Block, near the Depot. New line of black lawns, buntings, light sumu«9r dress goods, ginghams, with lace to trim, at Stevens A Schnorr's. Ladles' Linen Ulsters, Parasols, Hosiery, Silk Mitts in all shades. Neck- Wear, etc.. in endless variety, at the cash store of Colby Bros., Nuuda. Wauconda Ice Cream Parlors, GOLD1NG & BROOKS. Would respectfully announce to the public that they have opened their Ice Cream Parlors for the season and are now prepared to furnish Ice Cream every day aud evening, by the dish or quantity. We also keep on hand Groceries of all kinds, Canned Goods, Notions, To baccos, Cigars, Confectionery, etc., which we are selling as low er lower than any other house in the county, qualjUMJf goods considered. When anything in our line we call, confident that we ou both In quality and GULPING & BROOKS. WAVCOWDA, III,. June 1st, 1S8L When in want of work In my line, give mca call and I will try and please Robf, Murfltt, Jeweler. Nunda, 111. I'HCENIX INSCHANCK OOltPjlNf COM. PAN*, HARTFORD, CON*. BHAKCII, CINCINNATI, July id, 188L Dear Sir:-- The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Phoenix was held in the City of Hartford, on the 30th ultimo, at which the following statement of the financial condition of the Company was presented; and that our agents may coiivenieutly make their comparisons we preseut also the figures submitted one year ago: FINANCIAL STATEMENT. June 30th, 1880 June 80th. 1881 $l.ono,ooooo Cash Capital $1,100.00000 824,809 97 Reserve far reinsmance '.'20,^ SI IlO.it.W IB Res for Unajd Losses 96 StU.li.i 74 Amount of Net Surplus 1,197,<H2 15 2,839,894 87 Amount of Gross Assets 3,317,119ft SOTK.-The first installment only of the new capita! appears in the July statement, but in the statement to be made Januar , r 1st, U&2, the oapital will be Two Million Dollars. Thus it will be seen that the old Phoenix of Hartford continues to oc cupy Its leading position as a Klre Un derwriter. dealing iu strictly first-class indemnity which It will always furnish at reasonable rates of premium. -We thank ouv Agents cordially for their aid and hearty co-operation in extending the scope and usefulness of the Phoenix, and pledge them In re turn every possible faoillty to render their Agencies pleasant, profitable aud of long continuance. k H. M. MAOILL, Central Agent. ASA W, SMITH, Agent. Woodstock, M, NEVER BEFOBK In the history of Nunda, has there betn as large and welj seleoted a stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions. Boots and Shoes, and general merchan dise, as can be found at the cash store of Colby Bros. BnsinesM Notices. Heed's Gijt £4ge To^c,restor»a appetite. The Moline Sulky lW ii 1. Oweu's. _ * Fishing Tackle of all kinds at llt^ EngeluV, in Howe's Block, uesr tint new Bridge. The Furst A Bradley Sulky Plow at fi. M. Owen's. * Buckeye Force Pumps, at X. Owen's. « Allthe ftrtf-clas* Plows st E. Owen's. (t The finest line of Silver and Platen- Ware to be found in the county, at Og W. Owen's, A fine lot of Ready-Made Drew* ani| full Suits just received at Mrs. M. H*./ Nichols' Millinery Store, Mcllenry. pf German School Books, and Engtlskff andjGerinau Mass Books, at If. En^;: geltrS Howe's Block, near the bridge. '4^-3 GOLD FISH, Fish Globes, and Food for Fish at - M. Eugeiu's in Howe's Block, near'"then bridge. » . Call andsee „the splendid »t«ek s^.; Granite Ware at ©. C. Colby * f Hardware store. «! THE LATEST. ' - We have a large invoice ®f those celebrated "Broadhead" Dress Good*„ ^ in lhe latest styles. Everybody sboui<$. ?P soe them before buying. k * STEVENS ft Scuxoaa. The finest line of Dress Goods In this market cau be fouud at Steven* & Schnorr's. Piles, chafing sores, chapped bands, salt rheum, 6kln disorders, burns brnl> ses. sore throa t, and all inttammatloti yield rapidly on application of Trask's Magnetic Ointment. Hams. Shoulders. Bacon, Salt Pork Lard aud Corned Beef, at Howard** Market, near the Depot. WHY DO YOU COUGH When one box of Besley's Troches will cure you? Store opposate Parker House. IF you want your Watch pnt In first class Order, call on Robert Mar flu Jeweler, Nuuda, New Prints, latest pattern*, at prices from live cents a yard ahd np- wards, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block Mrs. H. H. Nichols keeps kid gloves in all shadesi Panel Photos at Miller's Studio. Remember that Barb Wire, only i cents per pound, at O. C. Colby A Co.'a Hardware Store. THE BEST THING For a cough Is Beslsy's Troches. Try a box. Store opposite the Parker House. Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols for Ladles, Ready Made Underwear. - We are ottering extra bargains in Cheviots, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block McHenry. • k ;,y -SCREEN DOQR8. I am now prepared to make to order and will keep on baud a good supply ojjta Screen Doors which 1 will sell at thdL Lowest Living Prices. Jfln want of these articles give me a call. f- J. B.BLAKK. McHenry, ltoy 11th, 1881. A flue line of Wall Braotmts al slaughtering Prices, at O. O. Colby A Co's Hardware Store. SEWING Machine Needles for every machine made, uan be found at M. E11- goln's, in Howe's Block, near the bridge. Every man, woman and child that pays Ca«A for their goods, should trade where goods are marked on that basis. Where they can save from 16 to 25 per cent. Where #5 will get them more goods than $7 will at a credit store. STKVKN* ft SUUHOMk Twenty-two and twenty-four fnnt Fish Poles,only six cents each, at II. Enge In's, in Howe's Block, near the new Bridge. FENCE POSTS FOR SALS. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Posts for sale, inquire of JOH V noRAH. In cases of Piles Dr. Trask's Mag- netic Oiiitmeut acts like a charm, giv ing quick relief. For Chafing and all Sores and Inflammations U excels ev erything. Ten oent Momie Cloths, the latest styles in the market, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block, McHenry. O. C. Colby A 3o. are now prepared to do all kinds of Jobbing, at their new Hardware Store opposite the MIIL SHROUDS. ^ Just received, at John B. Blake'a Surnlture and Undertaking Rooms, shrouds of all sizes, and in twenty-five different styles, which will be sold at prices ranging from 91 to 9S. FOR SALE. A very fine I hirham Bull, on* year old. Will be sold reasonable. J, W. SM1TW. FOR SALE. 40 Acres of land In Section JS. all fenced. Also 80 acres of land,' with a good house and barn tltereoa, with timber and water in abundance, in tfeo* tion 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good new house, barn a»d other outbuildings.-- AppO to JOHK FlLSKY. Do You Want a Sewing Machine. If you do, of course you want the best, as it costs no more. Then why buy from an Agent who carries but one which he lias fixed up ou purpose to sh»w. when by going to the store of O. W. Owen, In McHenry, you can have your choice of Five, via: i'he Domes tic, Eldredge, American, improved Howe, aud Sieger. We keep all these machines in stock, and any lady wlm wants a machine can set dowu and try tliern all. and then select the one which suits her the best. The first three named, the Domestic. Eldredge and American, are three of the best ma chines 011 the market, and any oue will be'convinced of the fact by calling at ' my store and trying one themselves. Also a tine stock of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry. Silver and Plated Ware, can be found at my aioi*. Orgaue ami Pianos for sale or rent. a w. DWKIU Meilaary, AfeU I**! IM. 1 •