Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Jul 1881, p. 6

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WEDNESDAY, JULY 1881. r. TAN 8LYKE, Editor. The President. Sine* our last, the condition of the president ha* changed for the worse, f tg<in gnve fem in entertained that the assassla's bullet mar yet f>eove fetal. On Saturdry morning the Change was so alarming that a council i\J|'%f physicians was hurriedly called. ^ %rho were obliged to perform an opera- 'J^ .tion, after which he was reported " faster. At the-time of going to press, - ^Wednesday morning, reports are con- it radlutorv and we can but hope for the •',<%e*t. Of one thing we are sure. The ' f i*retident is not yet ont of danger. WAUCONDA. •rsUBSr-RtPTIoirs tor the mnmiAUi will be ree«lv$i( in Waaeowl* at C- B. Barrison's Oral Stare and at the PMt OSce flitted tnient }f the 9" to linci- • the n in- 16.7 fd of one- Lihe '»T v Washi ngton just now seems to bo ' . infested with criminal lunacy. Last * i v .Veek an old man came there, whose 5:5'jkpeciai commission was to assassinate |^!s^:'jBecretary Blaine;and soon after anoth* " fer iaan made his appearance specially & Commissioned to assassinate Vi«*e ^•^""'1*resident Arthur. There is no doubt * that theie is a law of sympathetic Im­ itation that makes this sort of lunacy «x>ntageous. with certain minds and a source of danger There is a case of a family in which one of the children had the St. Vltus's dance, and in a few . "weeks all the other children had the (same disease, and every process of cure was ineffectual. At length the father, at the advice of the physician, placed a block of wood in the house, and laid an ax npon it. He called up his chil­ dren, and told them he wonld chop off the head of the first child that showed the least sign of the dance. This cured the dance in all the children that had the disease by purely sympathetic im- . , Station. It acted as a potent countcr- fIrritant. The surest snd quickest way . to care criminal lunacy by sympathetic Imitation is to deal with it so promptly and sharply as to supply an efficient counter-irritant, and susiiend the law of sympathy which begets the lunacy. Promptly arrest the lunatics and shut them up in prison, and keep them there till they get rid of the disease: and if : , l&ny of them have committed crime* j|pun!=ih them. Society has no other way preventing the spread sf such lunacy. J^Tlt may not be generally known that the garnishee law wag slightly . amended by the legislature which amendment was approved May 31st, and went into effect July 1st. The change is iu favor of the debtor and M ill enable them to make something out of a trial as well as their creditors^ The law now requires that the plaintiff < -deposit one dollar and Ave cents per 4j^mile for the distance the defendant has to amffrem court tc answer the summons. For instance in gar» tiishe«iiig the wages of an employee of the C. & A. shops, which are located about a mile distant from the up-town justices offices it will be necessary to •deposit 81.10.--Blooming ton Leader. k'-!, < }< j Vna the Inter Ocaan of. the ISth. Reference has frequently seen made to the absurd and Inexplicable incon­ sistency of certain New York news­ paper claiming to be Republican, that call Roacoe Conkllng a saint one month and a villain the next; that charge Sessions with bribery, and de­ nounce hiui as utterly corrupt, and then hold him op as a pattern legisla­ tor and righteous law>glver; that accuse Woodin of the gravest crimes In the calender.and then endeavor to demon­ strate that lie Is as pure and spotless as as a call a leaf; that praise Arthur as one of **God's noblemen," and then de­ nounce him a« conspiring against the President's life. The Chicago Tribune has endeavored to cultivate this attrib­ ute of moral irresponsibility, and has succeeded very well, but cannot com­ pete with their New York namesake and other papers. A striking example of the practice described is by contras­ ting what was said by these editors about the Hon. Warner Miller a year ago, and what they are saying about him now. Since he has been elected to the Senate they have discovered tltut Mr. Miller is one of the ablest, most useful, and honest men ever known to politics; bat only a few 1 loiiths ago he was denounced by the *nne papers a*> a deserter from th* artuy. a corrupt and proffligate Congress nan, and one who "secured his seat lu the IJouse as a business investment, and probaMy one of the most profita­ ble h«- ev<'r made in his life." The New York Tinea "aid Mr. Miller, as a member of Congress, ttacritf'-ed the public interests to his personal profit*, mid placed himself in that lowest of all categories of public mew, a it former whose professions of virtue have yielded to the Jlrat temp­ tation. The Evening Poet denounced Miller a year ago sis the "great pulp monopo­ list,'"and suggested, in the event of his ever agalu presenting himself for pub­ lic office, that When ilie people whom he lias mis­ represented gather joyfully at his po­ litical burial, they may well inscribe till i epitaph upon his dishonored tomb­ stone: "Here lie«o»e who did the same at Washington and was always faith­ ful to his duty--the duty 00 pulp." These articles upon the ch-.rarter of Mr. Miller are as false and reekless as those made upon Vice President Arthur by the same men; but, if he had not toeeu elected to the Senate, and placed in position of ItifUtenw, tliey would remained uncontradicted, aiid som* good people might have died helisv- IlilC that Mr. Miller was the ntnet aban­ doned villain unhung,, while the editors who made the assaults knew, if tliey ware ail aoqim inte:! with his character and political and hnsintts ca­ reer. Chat ne was never anything hut a FSUKIIEIITIOW, liowxt, UMIUI UITTU. of tl**- highest moral ttaudiug and cousid- f 1 able ability. mrm** SntroK Plaixdkalkb A rtone Idea" man Is at no time attractive to the masses. This prospective Railroad is uppermost In tlie mind of your cor­ respondent, however, and while he hopes he has room for another Idea or two he frankly confesses to a weakness for the railroad topic. About a hun­ dred of Wauconda'a representative men gathered In Maiman's Hall on Saturday evening last to hear the re­ port of the committee and to confer with a delegation from Lake Zurich and form a plan for vigorous and uni­ ted action. For raxne reason our Lake Zurich friends did not appear, and for a reason, well understood by the mem* bers of the committee, no formal re­ port was offered, but instead, short, clear cut.sensible speeches were made by Messft. Burritt, Seymour, Coggin, Todd, Bangs, Bonner and others. Mr. Thomas was also present and gave in a characteristic ten minute talk the best possible sort of ai\ illustration of the nervous, energetic manner In which he does things. Whether it be to inake a speech or build a railroad one could see at a glance that the nec­ essary nervous force was present in the man. The meeting developed the following facts, via; that the wide awake business men and farmers of the town are strongly in favor of the road, and willing to help it by word and by deed. That the committee have not been united in action, have not vigor­ ously pushed the work entrusted to them and are ashamed of it. Tiiat said committee realizing this latter fact are now fully determined to go ahead systematically and give every man In the community a chance to show his hand, so that taking all in all the meeting may well be considered a gratifying success, and the railroad project in a fair way to go on gaining in favor and in strength at It has from the beginning. We must all bear in mind that only slow, sure, persistent effort in one direction will accomplish a result and that this is as true of a project of this kind as it is of a private business enterprise. Mr. Aug. Landiraeer lost a couple of calves last week in consequence of a pail of water in which some London purple had been dissolved being left where the calves could driuk It. We understand they only got a swallow, but that was sufficient to kill them In a short time, from which it would ap­ pear that Loudon purple Is poison and should be carefully guarded. The Log house erected for the Old Settlers celebration has been removed from the village green. Mr. Miller, the Photographer, quiet­ ly folded his tent the first ot the week and moved to Llbertyvllle, leaving many friends hereabouts as well as many fine samples of his work, C. H. Bird, who has been In charge of Harrisoifs Drug Store for nearly rear past, has gone to his bojqe In Con- necticut for a visit and will perbaps return and locate in Chicago in a few week?. A number of depositions were taken during the week past before F. B Harrison as a Notary Public, lu 1 he village office and were the mean* of attracting considerable attention among the old settlers, as the subject matter referred back to 1848 and 1819, when a former resident of this place is said to make a claim that he put dowii a number of ;ube wells In this vicinity The exceedingly heavy storms of last week and the almost unprecedent­ ed rain fall worked a great amount of harm to the farmers. Slough hay, which was i«i*t in prime condition to cut. is now flooded and heavy grain is badly beaten down. The continuous lightning and ear-splitting thunder clap* knocked eveu the railroad mania out of quite a number for a time au suggested thoughts of a road leading to tin. unknewnable, beyoud the grave During the s^orin of Thursday eve nlng last one of Henry Geary's horses was struck while in the field aod in etantly killed. During the Friday night Mr Ed Fletcher received a telegram con tabling the Ead. though perhaps not wholly unexpected. Intelligence that hit> father in Minnesota was dying, and he took the first train the next morning for his father's home. A gathering consisting of some 15 or 20 of the young ladies of Wauconda who were formerly (in their girlhood) playmates aud schoolmates here, oc­ curred at the residence of Mrs. LineB, nee Burritt, at her home in DesPlaiues last Wednesday. The ladies left here together iu a spring wagou and Judg­ ing from the laughter and gayety they all imagined themselves In their "teens" agatn. Tliey report their 'Mien picnic," as tliey please to call it, a most enjoyable affair. Mr. S. F. Dutton. his yife and her friend Mrs. May, of New Haven. Conn, are the guests of Mrs..Robt. Harrison. The Hotel has btfen overflowing full for ten days or more past and Mr. Pratt has announced his intention of enlarging the same at once. Several fishing parties are there at present. Mr. "Lib" Beach has returned from Nebraska, whither he went a few weeks ago. The Bowery dance on Saturday eve­ ning was no exception to the rule now well established for this plaice of amuseineiit. A good time and plenty to enjoy it. Mr. Herman Maiman a*ul family are spending a few days at Fox take. Several of our citizens, among whom we noticed Messrs. Huntington. Me Lain. O.'ilkinH Mills aud others, attend­ ed the Masouic "doings" at Liberty- ville on Saturday evening last, and thiftahience of the members in part of the Brass Band accounts for the milk in thecocoant'.t and also for the life and drum. A number of our oonremp*»rfes are noting the tact of Mr- Sabiiu probable retirement from the office of County Superintendent of Schools, and sug­ gesting the name of Mr, J. V. Stevens as a successor. We beg to add our hearty endorsement to this movement. By virtue of education and business ability Mr, Stevens' claims to consid­ eration In this matter are thoroughly well established. His record |n the county Is a good one and an open one. spoie also. th "J ifq 1' A mob in Perry county, Ark., reel warned Judge Harris and Editor Mntthe4 leave at once, but a truce was effected. A nights ago Matthews was killed by an assa and notice was again served on Judge Hf The deadlock at Albany was bn July 23, aud the Legislature adjourned tbf lowing day. The administration men some concessions by entering into a conf< ot caucus in which Lapham was nomin ORIS WOLD LAKE^CWOnF- " Editor :--John Pal­ mer has resigned his ^pofeitlon as road commissioner, and Harvey Cox is ap­ pointed la his pi ace. Tho commis­ sioners have sent to Oshkosh, Wis., for some lumber to repair the old bridge. The river has risen nearly two feet since the rains. O. M. Hale has sold his black team. The bowery dance Tuesday night was quite a success. There were about 32 couples preseut. E. A. Gold lug was present with his large tent, also plenty of refreshments. One of Matthew Smith's men went home from the dance last Tuesday ight, picked tip his "duds" and left. Cause unknown to anyone. Mr. aud Mrs. L. H. Beach and daugh­ ter have returned from their trip to Iowa and Nebraska. They say they had a very good visit and that crops are looking flue In Nebraska. C. J. Cogglns'llour for sale by R. 6. Smith, at his factory. Matthew Smith hired a young man 1 Wauconda and brought him home. He stayed one day and went home to his ma. Poor boy. Mr. Charles Wilmington had the misfortune to lose one of his most valuable horsee last week. We under­ stand that it died of the colic. u Ji New Furniture! Opposite Perry Jk • r , •r 1 b \ Martin'* Store, r^lT' 'litjUrfU'urtfl -t* ' ' -,1 : * '• Illinois : , u J - ' Jill Summer Good* muitbe converted Into Cuh >t 01 rdless of Cost. JACOB BONSLETT, Having- opened new Furniture Rooms, in the store lately occupied^ by Mrs. Searles, opposite Perry & Martin's Store, are now prepare# to oiler to the buying public the; w « j: 'T 9"The dead-lock at Albany is finally solved by the election of t he Hon. Eldridge O. Laplutm, of Canau- dagua, to the seat formerly occupied by Mr. Conkllng in the Uritsd States Senate. For Sale. In Woodstock, a house and Ave acres of land, situated on the Cheinuug road, thirty rods North of the Woodstock Brewery. I? a desirable piece of pro<- perty, and will be sold reasonable. In­ quire 011 the premises. JAMES GAXXAGHRR. ISuit M lmlfrftfne. Goods, former price 25 cents we will offer at Lawns, 5 cents per yard. price 8 and 10 cents, 14 * Fine Plaids 'Also a fine lot of 10 and 12 cents.-- cents per yard, former I Remnants Very Cheap. Come and see »fl perhaps you: may find a few other goods also at bargains |SjgT~Choice Butter and Eggs wanted FIZSBIMONS A SITAXfSQlT. Finest StoolE Of all kinds, ever brought to McHenry County, which thev Will sell at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. Anything from a common Chair to the finest Parlor !^lt fian be found ut this store, and of the best make and finish to be found in the market. K ISF"*Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to at reasonable rates First-class work guaraateed, a . XS IT5 That some people, even in this advanced age, continue to encourage and help sup­ port dealers . who have no conscience, and are charg­ ing from twenty-five cents to one dollar per pair more for Boots and Shoes than We have a large assortment of Burial Cases and Coffins always 09 hand and made to order on short notice. Our goods are first-class, land prices within the reach of all. We invite all our firiends to give us a cllenry, March 15th, 1881. call, JACOB BONSLETT. P P I A N O S . NEW MEAT MAHKET, IN howe's building. Southeast Corner Public Square. McHkmrt - - - - - Illinois. J03J5P.H JFftEXI ffouStt respectfully announce to the citi- lemnf McHcnr." ani the public generally that he hne leased the above bnlMing, and 111, on Saturday, .fuly 80th. open it with the choicest stock ot FltESll ANl>SALT MEATS ever brought to this town. He intends at all times to keep on hand a fnll stock, and with a nest and well ariansred shop hopes to be able to pleaae tbe public. Call and aee me. JOSEPH PRETT MeHlirar, July 27th, 1881. GRANDS, UPRIGHTS AND SQUARES, Established in GMc&go ont 26 Years, Dwight, who is offering | Used and Recommended by over 25,000 Artists & Amateurs from the largest assortment of the above ever brought to "Woodstock Our Patent Self-Bearing Agraffe attachment, Concave Name- Board, aud improved Veneered Bridge, are valuable improvements, used in the Bauer Pianos onlv. REPORT OP THI C O N D I T I O N A better fine Boot or plow Boot, a fine line of French or Araeri- ican Kid, pebble Goa*^r-W«ye Kid, calf or seiare, in button side lace, st.r»ighfr-i«V6'^7'o'f' congress shoes tor Ladies, Misses and children.- A(8og trem€iy<jU>|»atoefc<of. Walkiy shoes.and slippers. .. - , tn Tact we 'airiff search »ofauy thing made to \veafr ufc> it t1 teet, that if we fail to suit you either as regards quality, price or lit, you may as well look no further. Our custom made goods, both fine and coarse, are of the celebrated Selz manufacture. Every pair warrauted. " 3 W. H. DWIGHT. "Woodstock, HI. The Bauer Cabinet Grand* The newest and most Perfect Production in the art of Piano Making. By the intru«!ii« tlon of an improved Violin-Slipped Sounding Hoard tiie.volume of tone is greatly Increased and left entirely free from Metallic Qualities Prominent Artists Pronounce it a Marvel of PefecUon «MHS. JULIUS BaUEB ft CO., Chicago, 111: Bauer Piano which I purchase*! of yon. I am hafrajr 4 The more I Vise it the wetter I like It. I have had plunos" from Uektxbm&n : Tbe Bauer Pianq ftiTor eveiy iray. ' to say, is KnlebrateH factories,hAt have fotand none to eqntl yotii* hi power »iM >p»rtt<r hat my first on' " s nroved a last Vours respoclt'ully, eqi I am Kind tliat my first opinion whit b proinpted me la GING my KN ABE for tho BAUKR has provetl a lasting in*. JOUX uKBtomm, -or- TIE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, --AT-" Close of Business June 30 '81 RK80UKCKB Loans and discounts (16A,347 40 Overdrafts 80S 91 U. S. Bonds to nenure circulation.<. 60,000 00 \J. S. Bonds on hand ISO (10 Owe from approved reserve agents. 38.9H7 79 Due from other National Bcnks.... 16,H7871 Keal estate, furniture and fixtures. 4,200 00 Current expenses and taxes paid... 31240 Checks and other casn iteino BIRO Bil ls of other banks 1,471V 0C Kre'l paper cur. nickels A pennies.. 33 00 8pecie . 30,048 90 Legal tender notes 11,000 00 Redemption fnnd with U. 8. Treas- urer (5 per cent of circulation) 2,060 00 Total LIABILITIES. capital stock paid in Surplus fund w Undivided profits. National bank notes outstanding.... to check 190,028 iw Individual de|K>sits 8UL>ject Demand certificates of deposit.. Certified checks. .9316,994 SI . SO,000 00 . 2A.R28 «3 . 3.H40 37 45,000 00 icity elXOHANl Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 28,|1879. Factory, 126, 127,129E. 129 Street, New York. A Complete Assortment of the Favorite Pianos will be flume at our Warerooms. JULIUS BAUER & CO. 182-184 WABASH AV. between Monroe and Adams CHICAGO BOOEWALTER ENGINE! IffiictiTe, Simple, DiraMe and Okq./ Qempaeti Substantial, Economical ami Easily Managed. filial anlasil to work wall and griy® ftill puww JUST THE TBHrGPOB A PBINTIN3 0FFI0B Every Farmer who runs a Cotton Qin, Ck>m Mill or Wood baw, should have one. IBB OUR LOW PRICKS. Hone Power Engine and Boiler.... 880 870 1,131 28 1.JW5 00 Total (816,994 91 STATE OF ILLINOIS, !-McHenrv County, I, John JT. Murphy, Cashier of the above named R>ink, do solemnly swear that the alMire statement is true to the best of my knowledge und lteln:f. Johk J. Mrnrnr. C ishier. Snlwcribed and sworn to before me this day of July, 18X1. 6. It 7th DO.VXBIXY, Notary Public. CORRECT--Attest: W. H. STRWABT K. A. MUltPHT. JOHK J. MVBPIIT, Directors. Money to loan on real estate, for long time :it low interest. - JOHN J. MURPHY". Golden Star Oil Stoves. The "Boas" Oil Stove Iii tlie market.-- After once trying It you would not give .It up (or many times its value. For Sale bv O. C. COLBY * CO., SC-Henry, ilay I3tl, ISil Opposite th» Mill THE STAR OIL STOVE. CAUL AND SEE O. C. COLBY & THEM. McHenry SEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. J"am es Leffel & Co., SPRINGFIELD. OHIO. I.ESTEY&COMPMY [llll fir lit Sllill lull ROBT. HARRISON, Wauconda, Illinois, Has now in store one of the largest stock oi Goods, for the S brought into Lake county, to which he in rites the attention o _ and Sum ner trade the-buy ing pubile. In Ko §80.--Front View. No. 820 -- Back View* BRATTLEBORO, VT. A New Style of Organ, designed for Sunday Schools, Chapels, etc., and Sold at Moderate Price. BT ALL 0UE 0RGAK8 AEE WARRANTED, AND ARE MADE IN THE THOROUGH MANNER AS FOR THE PAST 35 YEARS. to flbMi Cattkps teflav iecidiu what ti Bv. O. W. PWEN, Agent, Meljeury, 111. Summer Dress Goods, I have an anutual large stock, wkleb I propose to sell at the^Lowest Ltrlng Prices, Notions and Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps, In short there is fonrd In BIT stork convinced that it Is tisnalty kept In a flrst.elass general stare but what ram fee oinpetition either in prioea or euallty of goods. Gall aad ha nterest to trade v itb me. Oonntry Prodncaef all kinds taken in|exchAnB«ror goods, for which thef highest MarlseS ill be paid. STA LiBK&AL DISCOUNT FOR CASH. Price Waucoada, I1L, M*7 S4..1U1. ROBT. HARRISON.

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