Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Aug 1881, p. 8

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•'i RAXULK D A I K Y STOCK K1NULV. A Mr. Parcel), tn llie report of the New jfoiwy Agricultural Society, says: It iflsportatU tbar dairy stock from the f calf to the old oow, that Is be lug j)Ted for beet, should be handled and ifcrtated kindly. If a calf is handled ^ouyhly and beootnes wild and vicious pthereby. when It becomes a cow yon flnay expect the same, but If handled ^carefully and treated wfth kindness, Jwlien grown up she will be mild and Igentle. It may not always be so, but tn general it Is. There have always been many cows spoiled- by the persons liaviiig the care of milking them, by "whipping them whenever they come in Ilia way, or if when milking her she tielst* her foot or kicks such a fellow •tops milking and commences whipping or worse, kicking the cow, and she be­ comes enraged, holds up her milk, kicks the milk pail out of your hand and sometimes upsets and knocks you over, but be kind and gentle with her, and milk iisrout with as little excite - ment as possible and If she gets over her kicking propensities it will be by mild and not by harsh tre atment. Never whip a cow because 6he kicks, for It will do no good, bat will do a great deal of harm. C. E. ABBOTT, --AND DEALER IN-- WATCHES. JEWELRY, 19"The Irishmen are a very clever people,and their desccndents in this country make brilliant journslirts, artists, actors^and business men. But somehow they don't fancy the old country names, especially the actors, and the following among others are the changes: John T. Raymond's name Is O'Brien, but be had it legally changed. George Clarke was born O'Neill; Frank Mayo was Maguire; W.J. Florence was Conlon; Barney Williams wah Flaherty, and Lawrence Barrett was said to be born Brannigan. The Jews do a good deal of name changing, and of late years the old Hebrew patronymics have been given up for Christian surnames. After all there is a good deal in a name, and people with unhandsome designations are not to be blamed for desiring eu­ phonious family names.--DemoretCt Monthly. "Said she, "And why do you wear a cot on your thumb?" And said he '•Bicycle." "And that sticking-plaster on your knuckles?" "Bicycle." "And that pink court-plaster on your fore­ head V "Bicycle." "And why do you wince whenever your shoulder touches the back of your chair*" "Bicycle." •And why do you smell of arnica and witch-hazel and wormwood and hops and carbolized voseline ?" "Bicycle." And then she asked him what he would think of her if she bruised herself all over for the sake of a whim.and soon and so on, and they had quarrel. You'll see liim'at the parade to-morrow, but you wont know him. He will look no •adder than the rest; a bicycle casts constant gloom over its owner. ••mood and Ble«sed --# board of eminent physicians and chemists announced the discovery that by combining well known valuable remedies the most wonderful medicine was produced, which would cure such a wide range of diseases that most all other remedies could be dis­ pensed with, many were skeptical; but proof of its merits by actual trial has dispelled all doubt, and to-day, the discoverers of that great medicine, Hop Bitters, are honored and blessed by all as benefactors. Qniniae and Arsenic Form the basis of many of the a^ue remedies in the market, and are the last resort of physicians and people who know no better medicine to em- S?t0y !or th,s distressing complaint. * he effects of either of these drugs are destructiue to the system, producing headache, intestinal disorders, vertig<T dizziness, ringing in the ears, and de­ pression of the constitutional health. Ayer s Ague Cure is a vegetable dis* covery, containing neither quinine, ar­ senic, nor any deleterious ingredient, and is an Infallible and rapid cure lor every form of fever and ague. Its effects are permanent and certain, and no.injury can result from its use. Be­ sides being a positive cure for fever and a|jue in all its forms, it is also a superior remedy for liver complaints. It is an excellent tonic and preventive, as well as cure, of all complaints pe­ culiar to malarious, marshy, and mia* matiu districts. By direct action on the liver and biliary apparatus, it stimulates the system to a vigorous hea thy condition. For sale by all dealers. Robinson Wagon Co.. Silverware, &c. RICHMOND, ILL. T. J. DACY. John Donovan. Manufacturers of SPRING WAGONS. *. Phaeton*. tanAlbr daalgus sad price* to BOBUfSOM" WAGKMf CO., CINCINNATI. O. THE HORSE £ WAGON. A MEW BOOK pWJ on the Horse. Hi* hktory. structure, uses •nd treatment. Also giving a few of the most Important and Ettuctive Remedies fcrtke cure of the diseases of the hone. Valuable to every owner and lover of the none* PuWkhed by the S0BX880H WAOOH CC.f •HI. 0., and sent, pottage paid, to any address, on ftCGlpt of THREE 3-CENT STAMPS. D* Kitchen. B. Hed Koonifc 'C* Dioiat' Room 11. ILail. » Three sheets, 19x21, heavy plate paper, contain­ ing elevations, plans and details for the above house- •bo book of "0 papes, giving specifications, itemized estimate and form of contract--invaluable to every carpenter f>r party proposing building, as a guide in tn«kinc bid* or drawing contracts. I'nce 8^.00. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of ***' H. E. WALTON, 330 W. Ninth St., Cincinnatii Q, T. J. Dacy & Co. It is an open secret, well known to the farmers of Mc­ Henry county, that during the last 12 years ours has been the only Agricultural Warehouse in the county where everything in our line needed on the farm, from a pound of the best Barbed Wire to a Threshing Machine could be obtained at all times without notice. It was thought by those who knew us least, that the destruction of our Ware­ house by tire a year ago, would cripple us. Instead of doing so, it has given us new life and vigor so that we are now better pre­ pared than ever before to under­ sell our (would be) competitors. Our Spring stock is by far the largest and best in the county, *nd we are selling so close that it is a rare thing to see any one looking at our goods and going awaj without buying. Our present exhibit consists of Plows, Harrows, Spriug^tooth Parrows, Pulverizers, Rollers, Stulk Cutters, 16 in. Sulky Plows Seeders Diills, fiye and six Shovel,Corn Cultivators, the best Zegal Baibed Wire, Lumber Wagons, 3 springMilk WagonS, Platform spring Wagons, and about 300 Carriages An exami- notion of our stock will fully sustain our claims T. J, DACY & CO. Woodstock, III TRESIS. Magnetic Ointment. WARRANTED To Cure Piles and Chafing Sores. Also,Sere Kyes. Sore liiroat, knrarli**. Brutees, Bonis., Outs, Corns, Sktn Disorders, scrofulous and all Sores, its ert'wt in -it; Kidney, Liver, Mowei hyi i Lung fliseawes, KheinnaUsm, Back­ ache,, Lame new*, Sprains and swellings is re. eanieil by the best phytsicinns an simply wonder­ ful. Forsale by drui^Uts. Price SIS :in<1 40 cents. D. Busom, Boa A Co., Sol* Props., Buffalo, 5.Y. f.t l.u mo em-d by the strain of your avoid ^.imulants an d uao Hop Bitters. If you are younpr and discretion or uis*ij)a ried or single. or pour health or LitiKuiKb u e a s , r e l y o u H o p Whoever you whenever juw t h a t y o u r f c j ^ need - ekaralnjr, inj? <»r stlmuUv without t a k e H o p B i t t e r s . Have yea dy>- pepxia, ktrfnry orurhtarycom plaint, di: ' If you ai !!|l of l**t- _ istoilimrov rmi'l- ^riit work, to %r,: V br.-lill JH't \ s WttJMt»:, u.-e Hop suffcrint? from any In-t;on : if you arv inar- suffering from on a bed of sick- litters. Thousand* die an* nuaiiy f r «> m some I f o r m o f K i d n e y >di?fa»e that might I huve heenprevsnt*-A a t i m e l y HopBitter© P the Sto tch, bfttrtlH, u I -/VII. liver or nerrts t You will oe cured if you uhc Hop Bitters If you »re sim­ ply weak and low hi iiriU'd, try it t I t m a y s a v e y o u r I Ife. It has saved hun* dreds HOP NEVER JAIL D. I. C. Is an absolute and irreaiuta- fure for drunkennesa, n of opium, itoliar Co , or narcotic*. KoMbrdnw- Send for < 'ircular. hop itrrma •>r« co.t Bo«ke>t*r, I. T. 4Ti.ronio, Ont, k Would respectfully invito an examination of their stock of Ml CONS, DRESS hOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c, Which are bein«r offered at very low prices. Our stock is replete in all the variety of Goods for the season, and we feel satisfied we can offer Goods at than can be found elsewhere.-- Onr stock of Hats, Caps, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, Groceries &c.. Is full and complete, and we are confident we can please you both in quality and price. Call and be convinced that these are facts. PERRY & MARTIN. McHenry. Match 22d, 1881. Nevt Hardware Store. I. N.MEAD! NEAR THE DEPOT, AT THEIR TWO STORES, In McHenry and Nunda, Are now Offering the Largest Line of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware &c., ever shown in McHenry County, which we offer to the buy­ ing public AT BOTTOM PRICES? Our stock is complete and comprises everything usually kept in a First Glass Hardware Store. Our store is crammed full of Bargains and we offer the best and most goods for the least money of any one in the business. WB INTEND TO KNOCK THE BOTTOM OUT OF HIGH PRICES IN BARB WIRE. The Best Barb Wire in the Market at 9 cts. per Pound, flCgPCall and see us and learn that we mean business. Store in McHenry, Opposite Bishop's Mill. At Nunda in Palmer's Store. Proclamation No. 17. -BY THE- Old and Reliable Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. --THAT THE PLACE-- To Buy Furniture Is at the old and reliable store of JOHN B. BLAKE, Our stock was never more complete than at the present tinfe and for variety cannot be equaled in the county. We keep none but the very best, and our motto is and always has been QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS* We can'give you anything in the Furniture line as cheap as any other house in the State, and will guarantee everything fcfirst-class and just as represented. My s tock of Coffins and Caskets / Is full and complete and will be sold at a slight margin above cost. When in want ot anything in my line give me a call and I will be sure to please you. JOHN B. BLAKE. McHenry, March 22d. 1881. THIS NEW AND CORRECT MAP Provos beyond aay reasonable question that the Chicago c& £7ortb. western Is by all odds the best road for you to take when traveling in either direction between Chicap aid all the Principal Points is the West North & NerM Carefully examine this Map. The principal Cities of the West and Northwest are Station* on this road. Its through trains make close connections with the trains of all railroads aMf Junction paints, E. M. OWEN & SON -DEALER IN- 111DH1E, STOVES, Tin. Copper and Sheet Iron Vare, Table and Pocket Cutlery, .Scissors and Shears, Horse Uhsjik, florae Shoes, Horseshoe Nails, and f iles oi every description. Alac everything thutis generally kept in a Hard ware Store. Being a Practical Workman 1 shall spare no pains in trying to give satis faction to all who favor me with their patroc age. All kinds of Jobbing in my line will reccive prompt attention. Please give me a call before purchasing : ewhere when in need of anything in mj N MEAD-line M«Henrr, Oct. 10th. 1879. JOHNSBURCH BEEtfS IS A THOROUGH REMEDY In every case of Malarial Fever or Fevei anii Atfuo, while for disorders of the tstomacb Torpi (lily of the Liver, Indigestion and <li». of the animal forces, which ilebili tate, ithaM no equivalent, and ean have no fnlistitn te. It should not be confounded with triturated coinjiouiids of cheap spirit* and essential oils, often sold under.tne nains of Hit tern. FOR SALE BT Drtifiisu Cizcottrs and Wul Kaictftn e*ti;wl.c:e MartileWorfes. HENR YfSMI LLER, --I)K A LKH^IN-- American and Foreip Marlile. Monuments, Headstones, ETC., ETC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mc Henry, 111. Johnsburgh, Aug. SOtb, 1877 W outd give the people of McHenry and Lake Counties to understand that tney are still in the business, with the largest and b&st stock of Agricultural Machinery Of all kinds, to be found in the market. They have in Stock PLOWS of all kinds, Seeders, Corn Planters, Cultivators, Drills Dra<?s, Pulverizers, Corn Shelters Feed Mills, Threshing Machines, Fon and Wood Pumps, Wind Irills, Open and Top Buggies, and in short everything usually kept in a first class Agricultural Warehouse, r,&£!&&&" All of which will be sold As Cheap as the Cheapest. J5ir*None but the best of machinery kept, that we mean business. Call and be convinced E. M. OWEN & SON. McHenry, April 13th, 1881. GEORGE W. BESLEY, ist and Apolliecary. McHenry 111. --DEALER IN-- Drugs, Medicines, Faints, Oils, and Toilet Articles. I have added to mv already Large Stock, a Fine Line ol TOILET ARTICLES, LAftfPS. CHOICE CANDIES. To which he invites the attention of thebuying public. Physicians Proscriptions Carefully Compounded. Give me a Call. C.W.BESLEY. McHenry, III., Nov. 10th, 1880. a^» T-ORTHKW; cV^Vv/ | _AiT»|aa3 t 0 ££saune« ninera FLQRENC ""N^CToud tl ia** ycta a . iC-ii *°yw I Qmnneseo Ordway OINJS I N *eap O oou F'i oux Falls ^LlgOOA •' f0 YAKKTON Cr"3t°n* C"y YNeill V ft'A W alena CHI. WEST! E . c, K<0 ' V"K\-")« £" i. . L§5?? yCirfCAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY.! THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Oyer all of its principal lines, runs each way tlaii v "from two to four or more fill IIpreil Trains. It is tlie only l-oad west of Chicago "that uses the PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS, It fs the only roa«l that runs Pullman 81ce|>lng Oars North or Northwest of Chicago* I* nonrly|3,000 Miles of Rond* In forms following Trunk Lines: Council Bluffs, Denver & California Lino. Winoni, Minnesota ft Central DakokA Libm Sioux City, Nor Nebraska & Yankton Line. Chicago, St. I'KUI & Minneapolis Line Northern Illinois. Freeport & Dubuque Line. Milwaukee, Green Bay & LakeSuperior Line Tickets over this road are solrl by all Coupon Ticket Agents in the United States A Canada Kemember to ask for Tickets via this road, tbe sure thoy read over it, and take none other MARVIN HUGHITT, Gen'l Manager, Chicago W. H. STENXITT. Gen Past Agt Obieag* JACOB STORY, McHENRYj ILL. DEALER IN Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutleryv Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes. Grindstones* Window Glass, CRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE. J. 8T0RY. COLBY BROTHERS! --DEALEKSIX-- General Merchandise, RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENY. ILL. We have one of the most complete stocks of Goods ever brough* to this1 market, consisting in partol Dry Goods and Clothings HATH _AJNI.> CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, fB Paints Oils Drugs and Medicines Crockery, Glassware, Wooden and WUlowwara, Groceries Etc. Etc, J3j§F~We have one of the finest Stocks of Teas to be found in tlis county, to which we invite the especial attention of the public, sat­ isfied that we can suitjthem both in quality and price.

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