Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Aug 1881, p. 1

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*"'* " ™ '-, t • ..'^SL "', ' i ®3 ^ V- <* ^ ^ ? '•>; • •».* v% ** '*. «. -0 £"<•» • • ' * :z\jr..<:. : V- * ' - ... - J,- Vj, * •*•- '$»* '-*• v TO3S • ' ̂ * * ' «?,»v *; t t ^ - <!», . • * ' *' , i t -i ",:i{i**: ' * 6 A 1 •* t %• , %f *- , .• '*&„ , ̂ T V: •'" 'v- *' . ife <f 1. i#* " " 1 '•* • • i , . , v , «V'. '-r. ; , "Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty andLaw) No Favors Win us and no rear Shall *we." - ' - 1 • ; . . . . . A . "* ' '• i ' •" :.*v' ^ » > •$... x ;VOL. 7. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1881. NO. 2. £« .• iv ! J'~3P JM"! fWrtdw. Published Krery Wednesday by VA>' SLYKE, b *« M v ^ £ i«PITO* A»D PUBLISHER.! * ____ f"\ I*" Office in Old P. O. Block, --OFSOSITK Kl TBBSIDS HOVSS.-- TIU8 0F SUBSCRIPTION." One'Tear (m Advance) .|i.50 If Not Paid wlthinThrse Months ..1.00 Subscriptions received tor three or six . fcnntln in the same proportion. -.BUSINESS CARDS,. H. T. BBOW5T.M.D. PHYSICIAN WD 81TROEOW. OMee OTOT the Post Office, opposite PerryJJfc Martin's Store iir> S'- >ir*, McHenry, 111. a H. FEG EES, M. D- PHTSIOlAW AND STTBGKOW. Johnsbnrgh, Ills.--Office hoore 8 to Iflk A. M. O. J. HOWARD M D.: PHYSICIAN AXD StTRGBOV. Office at my residence, opposite M. K. Church, HcHenry. III. S- V. ASDBB SON. M. D. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. OIBoe at Besley's Dn? Store, Opposite Parker House, McKehry, Illinois. PRATT HOUSE. J A. PRATT, Proprietor. First _e1ass ac­commodations. Good Barn in eonnection Waucouda, III. BA&BIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, MeHeniy, W. Or­ders solicited. Shop, in Ola McHenry. near the Bridge. RICHARD OOMPTON. JU9TICB of the Peaceand Conveyancer.-- Willattend promptly to the collection of lebts. Yolo, L>ake County, 111. * ST.* B. RICHARDS. HAS a complete Abstract of Titles to land in M Henrv County, Illinois. Ofltae with bounty ( lerk, Woodstock, 111. ROBT. WRIGHT, Manufacturer of Custom Mate Boots and Shows None but thef best of materal msed and all work warranto* Shop North­ west corn r Public Square, Henry III. B. M. OWEN. GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in Leading Farm Machinery.-- Prices low and Terms favorable. MoIIenry N. S. COLBY. MCHKNRY, Mr,Henry Co., III. HI eeder of Spanish Merino Sheep, Berkt hire and Poland China Swine. A choice lot »f young Buck stock for sale. Please cell and examine before buying elsewhere. GEO 8CHKEINER. iOON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite House, McHenry. Ml Billiard and Pool liMllKr ' JOHN HENDRICKS. BLIVIX'9 MILLS. ILL. Is now prepared to seU *n<< ropMr any kiwi of » ?«W"'K Machine as cheap as the p.hoaueat. WiU also insure your life ami property at reasonable rates. Please (jive me a cal'," PETER LEICKEM. RBP AIRS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry o* all kinds. Also Repairs Violins intliebes* jossibte manner, on ah:>rt notice and at rea- iondble rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop "rat door North of Riverside Block, McHenry U; i J. A. SHERWOOD AUCTIONE ER AND APPKAISEB, Algonquin, III. CJ ALBS of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods j of all kinds promptly attended to. Farm tales a specialty. Terms reasonable Post >Ace address Algonquin III. BUSINESS CARDS. r A. E. BALDWIN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AXD SCRGKON. Office and residcncs at the «il<i Stivers place on Clay St., Woodstock. 1)1, Prompt attentfcm given to professional calls at all hours. TT^TERINARY V Illinois. as. GREEN. SURGEON, Richmond JB88B A. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY at Law and Solicitor in Chan-eery. WiU practice in State and in Fed eral Courts. Office, 3d Floor, New Custom "House, Chicago. • CHAS. n. DONNELLY* 1 TTORNEY AT LAW *nd Notary Public. t\. Woodstock, Illinois. Office over Stone's Drug 9tcre. JOSEPH N. FRECND. SALOON AND RESTAURANT Bonsletfs old stand, opposite Bishop's) Mill, Mc­ Henry, III. The c loicest Wines, Liquors and cigars to be found in the county. 'Fresh Oysters in their season served up in any shape dasircd or for sale by the Can. - GOOD STABLING FOR llOUSES. ANTONY BXGBlir, SALOON and Restanrant, Buck's old stand McHenry, III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, Sour Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc., always on hand. We buy none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Pitceb. Freeh Oyster a In their season. N' SIDNEY DISBROW, OTARY PUBLICand Conveyancer, den, III. Ws Ms 8ANFORD, Merchant Tailor. In the store of C. H. Dickinson, East aide of -*ublic Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al" rays on hand. Snitamade to order and a At rarranted> Give me a call. W. H. SANFOBD. Woods took III., Sept. S7th. 1875. Scott & Co. "Hatters to the Great Northwest." ffss. 135 nil 13? Msos St.< NEAR CLARK ST. !tave ft larger stoek and greater variety of . styles for you to choose from, than can be ' found in any other establishment in Chicago jr the West. It will pay you to call and see them. Prices the lowaatjin tha land forggood goods. BRANCH STORES S. E, Cor. Clark & Lake 8te & S. E. Cor. Halsted and Harrisii sts,, CHICAGO. M A R C U S ' CERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS --DEALER IN- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock* III. The beat Tonic in the world. Put *up in Pint and Quart Bottles. * P. MAR 118 PatentMa DR. C. K. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at Wanconda the 10th and Sth of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sun. dar I make my visits the following Monday- AIM at Algonquin, every Tuesday. Office at Hotel. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. 1ST RANDOLPH STREET, (Brigg* House,) Chicago, 111. Formerly with E R. P. Shurly. Special attention given to Re­ pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. CTA Full Assortment of Goods in his line. F. J. CROSS, D E I T T X i T , MeH#nryfi III. Full Plates made of -the best |material and fully warranlcd, §8,00. Filling one-half usual rates. Special attention paid to regulating bad shaped teeth. Teeth extracted without Bffilll .»»<* free of charge where Artificial Teeth are| in- serted by him. All Work fully warranted. Pure Nitrous Oxide Qa« »iwa*« on and for the painless extraction of teeth. Every Boy or Girl, Lady or "OfentkrtiH' <g»ok» Age of jEtinms Celebnited tioUl Mundaria WiU receive tlie Housekeepers Friend FREE. A beautiful book, containing valuable Recipes, Ladies Needle work Companion, Almanac and Calendar for 1881, Drawing Slates, Register of Gas Metre &c FOR SALE BT Fitzsfmmons & Evanson SOLE AGENTS FOR McHENRT, ILL. N. B.--Price per package Gold Mandarin Tea, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80c, $1, JOS. WIEDEMANN, Agent Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER, McHenry, III. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al. way s on hand cheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. This Reer has a world wide reputation, and good judges acknowledge it cannot oe sur. passed in the world. Order# by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McHenry, 111. May 6th, 1880. M. Engeln, --DEALER IN- Guns and Revolvers, Gun Material of all description.-- The fineitand best Pocket Cutlery, sll warranted.-- The finest Razors, warranted for two years. Barliers Soap, Caps, lirush es, Straps, Eye Glasses, Spectacle Eye Protectors for Sun or Snow. We also keep a full line ot Fishing Tackle, Minnow Seins, Hammocks, and in fact everything pertaining to Fishing and Hunting, can be found at my Store at reasonable Prices. Violins. Arordeons, Picalas, Flntes, Violin Strings, an<i all other extras for Violihs. Mv stocks of FIN WARB Is complete. Call and examiue it I guarantee Prices that defy all competition. M. ENGELN. STORE IN HOWE'S BLOCK, NEAR THE BRIDGE. PREJUDICE KLLLA. "Eleven years our daughter suffered on a bed of misery under the care of several of thebest-- and sotne of the worst--physicians, who gave her di­ sease various names but no relief, and now she is restored to us In' good health by as simple a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we had poohed at for two years before using it. We earnestly hope and prav that no one else will let their sick suffer as we did, on account of prejudice against so good a medicine u Bop Bitten.1*--The parents. Established in 1866. JOHN STERBA, Formerly of Woodstock and Chicago, has ngaih returned to McHenry County, and has osi hand the largest stock of BEADY MADE HARNESSES, COLLARS, WHIPS, Ac., to be found in the Conntv, and has evervthing made of the BEST MATERIAL. Call and see me. JOHN STERBA. Near the Depot, McHenry. TAKE NOTICE. ALL ye that are in want of Tubs in anr form, from one hushel to 500; if you want a Titbinaile to a lmng-bole, bring it along. I will take buildings to build and furnish, or otherwise just as we san agree, fthop work of all kinds done to order on short no­ tice. F. A. HEBARD. McHENRT, ILL CAKLfCARLS. SALOON and Boarding Houso, Johnsburgh, 111. Pleasant Rooms for Hunters and Fishermen. Ice for the use of Hunters.-- Choice brands of Wines and Liquors always on hand. Call and see me. A. WENDELL, usmmm McHenry, III. Win take contracts fur putting up Bulldltigs and guarantee mv work will compare with any man in ehe State. I can and will do work from 15 to Sb per cent cheaper than other carpenters, as I have two of my boys who work with me. which makes it possible for me to do so. All Jobs In the Carpenter line promptly attended to. Give me A<»I1. A. WENDELL. McHenry, Disc. 29th, 1880. BLACKSMITH X HE. WKillTMAX, Proprietor. First . class rigs, with or without drivers, fiunished at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. H! Ill FEED L. Bonslett, Near the Depot, McHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keeps constantly on hand the finest brands of Flour and Feed of all kinds, which he will sell at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. Five different brands of Fiour always on haud and warranted as represented. *i~Flour delivered anywhere In the Cor. noration. Orders may be given by Postal L. BQNSLETT. McHenry, March8th, Iftfl. WAUCONDA Agricultural Warehouse. . c. Would respectfully inform the Farmers of Lake county, that he has opened an Agricul­ tural Warehouse, on Mill Street, in the yll. lujje of Wanconda, where lie will keep AGRI ClTl/rrRAL MACHINERY* of all kinds, of the best >|uatity and make, and sell it to the farmer* at as low flguree as any oth^r House in the State. \ In Mowers A Reapers ( shall keep the MeCormick, and* Buckeye, of Canton, Ohio, whioh we consider the best in the market. Shall also keep in stock the Leader Rake, of Ithica, X. Y'.. the Tompkins. County Im­ proved Self-Adjustable Cultivator, and a gen­ eral assortment ol all kinds of machinery used on a farm. Call Rnd see my stock before purchasing elsewhere and oe convinced that I mean business. . .. R CHILL- Wauconda, May 2d, 1881. F. C. MAYES, --AXD DEALER IN-- Ready-lf&de Clothing. Respectful ly lnvitea am inspection of his New Spring Coods Just opened, embracing all the variety usually found in a first- class Tailoring and Ready Made Clothing establishment. Don't fail to embrace this op­ portunity before purchasing else­ where as all my goods will be sold at fair prices. Cutting done as usual. Store in Old McHenry, neai the new Bridge. McHenry, 111. F. a MAYES. April 19th, 1881. Valuable Pr .»perty For Sale, The property formerly used as a Hotel, in the village of Ring wood, is offered for sale. It consists of one large brick House, containing ten rooms, all necessary outbuildings, a good well of water and cistern, and one acre ot land. On the premises are some of the finest fruit and Ornamental trees, shrubbery, &c., to be found in the count}*. It is a veiy desirable location and will be sold dirt cheap and on long time, for good security. Apply to SIMEON POTTKW, Administrator, Of the Kstate of Mrs. M. GnanUiL Wagon Shop. The undersigned, at hi* Shop North of Perry A Martin's store near the Tirick Church, is now prepared to do anything in the line of lllacksinithing or Wagon Making, on short notice, and guarantee satisfaction. With the best of material and flrst-class workmen we are prepared to pet up Buggies and Wagons to order on the most reasonable terms and warrant as represented. Horse Shoeini & Gaeral JfllMi promptly attended to. If in wan i of a new Wa^y>n, be sure to cal at my Shop, oxiunine one of my Wagons and learn price before purchasing. My Wagons took FIRST PREMIUM AT T11K COUNTY- FAIR last Fall over all others. I will not be undersold,quality considered. Give Me. a Call. PHILLIP HAUPERI8H. McHenry, III., March;«lst, 1881. S U M M E R JUST RECEIVED --AT--.- Maiman's AT WAUCONDA, I hnvc the largest stock of Summer Ooods ever brought to Lake County, which I will sell at LO'VKK PRICES THAN EVER BE­ FORE. Ready-made Clothing more numerous than ever and at prices suited for every purse.-- For anything made to order, whether asingle garment or a full suit Maiman's Is the place to buy, Also a full line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Hats and Caps, Ac. I have a lar&e variety of PIECE GOODS, of the Laicst Styles and Patterns, at low figures. Mrs. M&iman, Who is assisted by Miss Giescler, has just received a fine stock ot Spring Mlllinerv, of the latest styles to be round in the city which she invites the Ladies of Wanconda to call and examine, Hats and Bonnets Trimmed in the latest stvlesand at reasona­ ble prices Dress Making done promptly and satisfaction guarunteaU, Hundreds of people who have called at the Wauconda Drug Store and Book Haunt during the Sast few weeks to see the curious ouble headed lamb left there by Mr. W. H. Ford, have had occa­ sion to notice among a host of other new and attractive goods in the various lines, the striking­ ly large assortment of CIGrAlt- RETTES, CIGARS, AND SMOKERS' AND CHEWERS' GOODS. Low prices and "right" prices, good quality, polite attention, al­ ways up to the times, success!-- That's what I'm working for. F. B. HARRISON. A B • •• A l^on loaf credit and f^LI L A 11--t towns, in a mild I u AA cltaate, free from I I L|fml ke*vy saor.s, blight* ^" I leg frosts, and ex- MILLIONS OF ACRE! I **"• for sale in the I Jk ^ I 1% GOLDEN BELT I A M I IV i.i' Kansas, by the | ^ UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, of as rich Soil ss tlw nm ever shone •n, with Brood market* ea«f and west. For ltesertptire ati<f Ittuitrated Book, With Maps, Sent Free, Address UNO COMMISSIONER,-Kanas DivisiM, VMM* W¥» MFOIIML Soldiers' Department. CONDUCTED BY DO. S. F. BENNETT. Tlie following named appllcnnta for pension have been ordered before the examining aurgeon at Richmond since last report in PLAINDEALKR: John Rose, No. 347.636 Priv. L, 3d Penn. Cav. Mumps'causing great de­ bility. Philip Hauprla, No. 104.040, Corp. H, 2fltli Ind. Vols. Hernia of right side. Albert J. Alderman, No. 346,732, Id Lieut. Co. K, 95th Illinois Vols. Di­ sease of liver and stomach, disease of lungs, sunstroke and results. Jerry Smith, No. 363.937, Prlv. E, 17th 111. Cav. Partial deafnessvof left ear. and injury to head on lift side above ear. Gustavns RoNenbeck, No. 374.180. Priv. B. 96th Illinois VnK Deafness. Isaac J. Smith, No. 363J02, Prlv. I, 9Rth Illinois Vols. Injury of shoulder*, rheumatism, rupture and ohronlc diar­ rhoea. George C. Foote. No. 366,342, Priv. 0, 96th 111. Vols. Piles. Rintoi) Wheeler, No. 354,371. Prlv. D, 95th 111. Vols. Hernia, piles, epilepsy and rheumatism. Edwin R. Crabtree, No/375,439, Prlv. 1. 95th 111. Vols. Rupture, Crawford Weaver, No. 352.979. Stl* Batt. 111. Lieut. Art. Vol. Chronic di­ arrhoea, rheumatism and Injury to left aide. Samuel Moore, No. 394,302. H, 144th III. Vols. Chronic Diarrhoea and piles. Albert A. Rosenkrann. No, 354,616, G, 17th 111. Cav, Vols. Disease of eyes and weakness in back. Henry H. Felt, Xo. 337.389, A, 95th III. Vol. General debility. Wm. Norton. No. 364.318, D, 96th 111. Vol. D'sease of heart and lungs. John Eddy, No. 335,338, Priv. E, 95th 111, Vols. Injury to back and disease of kidneys. Henry C. Eddy, No. 379,270, Prlv, E. 95th 111. Vol. Disea«e of lungs. Wilford Mallory, No. 325,455, A, 95th III. Vol. Gunsliot wound left hip. Whitman O. Fisher, No.358,579, Prlv. B, 96th III., Vols. Effects of Measles. Milton R. Goddard, No. 340,947, H, 95th 111. Vols, Bleeding piles. Eli as J, Goodrich, No. 340,261, A, 95th 111. Vols. Fever and ague and diar> riioea, affecting kidneys, uri nary organs 111. Vols. General debility. John H. Howard. So. 371.100, PrK A, 95th III. Vol. Deafncs*, result of Ty« phold fever, ami wound of left hand. Charles Lamb, No. 399,320, Priv., U, 3d Mass. Heavy Artillery. Malarial Fever and resulting paralysis. Michael Smith. No. 400,131, E, 9Cth III. Vols. Disease of eyes causing loss of sight to the left eye entirely. John Alexander, No. 351,016, Priv. E, 95r.h 111. 111. Vol. Rheumatism, lung disease and kidney disease. Napoleon B. Hammond, No, 352.369, B, 153d III. Vol. Rheumatism. Allen B. Stewart, No. 389,405, Priv. A, 153d 111. Vols. Diarrhoea antl, scur­ vy. John Rogers, No. 410,936, H, 8th U.S. Colored Troops. Rheumatism. James J. Weaver, No. 383.195, A, 15th III. Vol. Chronic diarrhoea, piles, rheumatism and injury to right leg from hard inarching. Theodore W. Goodsell, No. 402.729, C, 95th III. Vol. Gunshot wuuud in left elbow and left leg. and chronic diarrhoea. WHAT so,OOO ACMES «RK, Men talk carelessly about acres aod money. It is difficult to realise to the mind large sums of money. Commo­ dore Vanderbilt once told me that he could never realize what #1,000,000 amounted to. The same Is true ol large tracts of land. Men talk of 20,000 40.000. and 50.000 acres, without any re­ alization of the extent of such an acreage. I visited the other day a ranch of 20.000 acres. I Intended to make a thorough survey of It--that Is, to ride arouud it and ride across it. 1 made my survey, but when I learned that the fence which enclosed It was over seventy miles In length, I con- cludetl that I would inspect It by sec­ tions. I did considerable riding In two days nevertheless, but I didn't ride around it. On the ranch there were 1.500 acres al; under the plow, one bit of land nearly as level as a floor, a parallelogram in shape, and the furrow which the plow cut in traversing from onfc end to the other was three miles in a straight line. It is only after one has visited such an estate and devoted days in riding over it, that he realizes what 20,000 acres of land are.--.fir. gfc^-Said one of our suscribers the other day: "I pay hundreds of dollars every year for the education of my children; But I thinic the *20 a year that I pay for newspapers contributes -more to their education Into Intelli­ gent, useful citizenu than the $500 a year I have paid for their schooling in High Schools and Seminaries. Noth­ ing keeps tliiir minds up with the pro­ gress of tlie age like our own home newspapers. Nothing is so cheap as they. It is astonishing that any one should be without them--a liberal sup­ ply of theui."--Sycamore i epublican. Reeds Gilt Edge Toole cure* Fever utd Ague. TO TOWNSHIP TKKASUBlbRS. We have been sent the following letter which we publish, in order that Township Treasurers way know when to make their report: SPRINGFUSMI, Jnly 15,19BL A. MCKTM DUBOIS. ESQ., Carlinvllle, III.: Dear Sir-A am in receipt of your letter nf the 14th Inst., relative to "a difference of opinion existing among township treasurers as to date of the expiration of each fiscal year touching school afairs in view of the require ments of custodians to publish annual statement--taws of 1881, page 124." As you will see by the enclosed cir cular, which I am sending out an fast as I can get It from the printer, I have fixed upon the meeting of the trustees the first Monday in April (or rather the close of that meeting, so as to In­ clude in the statement the distribu­ tion of the State fund, etc., made at that meeting.) as the date of the ex­ piration of the township treasurer's fiscal year. In choosing'thtstdate my aim was to choose a time when the treasurer could make the statement with as little trouble as possible and also to fix a a time when the statement would be of tlie most interest to the people for whom it is made, and this is the way the ease stood with me: The township treasurer who makes the reports to the trustees and direc­ tors and to the County Superintendent called for by law, must balance his books the first Monday in April, the first Monday in October, and Juuo 30, each year. * I did not select June 30 for the rea­ son that the report to the County Su­ perintendent contains some things per­ taining to finances which will not prop­ erly form a part >of the published statement; while In the published statement some things should, accord­ ing to the spirit of the law requiring the statement, be given more In detail than they are In the report. Again, many treasurer* think the report a burden at thislseason'of the year, and T did not wish to put any duty upon them now which seemed to me could as well be done at another season of the year. From the statements made to the trustees and the directors In October and April, each treasurer can readily make up his statement for publication; AW AHOT OPSKAKRa £• An Sllenvllle, N. Y. letter t* tN 4 New York Sun says: "On Salnnfa* morning last, as Jacob Uhl, a farmer of Prospect Hill, with his seven-year-of<f ^ boy, was loading his wagon with logs 1 from a pile he had cot about a mller % from his hou3e,be heard an ominous . hiss and rattle. Then a monster rat* ^ J tlesnake thrust his Mead out betweei^ the logs, and Mr. Uhl says that he then1. saw what seemed to him hundreds of the reptiles In the wood-pile. He gave a leap from the pile, and telling the ; frightened boy to drive the oxen o«# to the road and wait for him, hft / grasped a stick and began fighting ther- f^ snakes, which seemed to mm© fromf •• '.--J; every crack in the pile of logs and from the rocky ledge behind. For -r5 three hours he fought, in S broiling sun. By that time this snakes werv< . 3 pretty well thinned out, and those that; were left crawled slowly back to their*" den under the logs. When Mr, Uhl re-: v- J; covered from the exhaustion caused ty ^ his hard fight he surveyed the field be- f' fore him. There were, according to , - ~ *T his story, twenty-three rattlesnakes thirteen blacksnake. four pilots and ^ 5^ several adders and other snakes, mak-' " - ing fifty-four in all. One of the rat- / J' tiers had nine|een rattles, and another had the almost incredible number of i'|: thirty. The others ranged from six ~ t\:l. to twelve Or thirteen rattles apiece. Mr.Uhl says he found, the fangs or - several snakes in Xhe top of Ms boots, which were of thick cowhide. Tho only bite he received was from a big ftp blacksnake on his left arm. The arm 'c. is swollen and somewhat painful, b«t - the wound is not dangerowi. Several ,* • ,|; years ago two hunters killed 107 snakes «. . of different varieties in the same spot, « for they will contain everything that tlw<i -wnngSmttiM ed April for the reason that that tfato ,8 cents to 11 wt« p«r pouud. ISf-Some Idea of the extent ts which sugar is adulterated in this mar­ ket may be obtained from the remark '/ of a broker yesterday, while being In- terviewed on tlie subject. "Ic has got to such a pass" said he, "that you have got to straddle a barrel and ride It to%|: your door from the refinery or some- body will get hold of it 011 the way, ^ ^ so that, Instead of the sugar yoo paid % for, you will get a mixture that you don't want." The material with which the real cane sngar is now most com- X , monly mixed, is called grape sugar, or glucose, which costs about three cents a pound to make, and* sells from 6| to < "fyttBiL hni 1 Tko tm U pr^cticaliy tlie end 0/1he treasurer's [ adulterators' ofter Among the brokers ll year of office, and once in two years the end of his term of office; so that a statement in April will include usually, only the business transacted by one man. Furthermore, the publication of the statement at that time will be of more interest to the people than at any other time, for ths reason that then the election of trustees and di- tors, and the appointment of a treas­ urer once In two years, being near at hand, their attention Is especially called to sciiool matters. I trust that the date selected will be found convenient. Very truly yours, JAMIS P. SLADI, State Supt. Public Instruction. to take twenty-live barrels of gran­ ulated sugar, abstract twenty-five per- / cent of the prime article and sub»ti- & tute In Its stead the glucose, returning the barrels to all appearance the same as when they received them, ten per * cent of the profit being retained for' • the work of adulteration. The fran«l can be detected by taking a handfal of the sugar and dissolving it in a glass of cold water, when the foreign body £ sinks to the bottom of the gla»s, attd i assumes a sticky form with an acid ' taite. Whether the nse of |1M adul­ terated article is Injurious to the health is still a vexed question.--CM* caff0 Journal. 19*The editor of the Banner, of Nashville, Tenn.. has a clock made by one of the Gulteau family, which he has threatened to destroy. Hearing of his intention, an aunt of the assassin wrote him a letter, giving a brief ac­ count of the history of the family, and demonstrating agaist the destruction of the timepiece, which was, she said, made by her husband, Calvin Guiteau. •'What" she continues, "the old clock or my husband has to do with the at­ tempted assassination of President Garfield I cannot as a wife, a mother and a tme American woman solve. The Guiteaus are an old American family. Some of Its members have held high and responsible positions In the civil service of the Government, and never' until an unworthy son of a noble sire struck down our beloved President, has a cloud of scandal disgraced the name. I hope you will not destroy the old clock. It was the hard work of an hon. est man, who, if living, would raise his voic with yours and every good citizen in condemnation of the actor who cast a gloom over our land, and who sought, in the most brutal an cowardly manner, to take the life of one of the J»est men ever called to preside over the destinies ot this country. Keep the old clock, and when your hear it tick, or gaze upon its face, may it recall to your miud the fact that Calviu Gusteau its maker, was one of God's noblest honest man, a faithful bus bans, a loving father and a true Amer­ ican." ' MV The new Secretary of the Inter­ ior is giving evidence that he will maintain the pledges ot tlie Govern­ ment given to the Indians, and will hold those who deliberately violate them responsible to law. The persis­ tent determination of parties on the border of the Indian Territory to en^ ter It and appropriate its valuable lands, has ied to a definite decision by the Attorney General, which Secretary Kirk wood has forwarded for the In­ formation of the covetous intruders.' By it they are Informed that off per­ sons. other tfian Chocktaws and Chick- asaws. and those specified in the treaties with the Indians, such as Government employes, teachers, me­ chanics, travelers, eux, are intruders, who, if tltey persist in violating the laws, do it at their peril. Secretary Kirk wood Is fortunate In having »p- right and determined men in charge of the Department of Indian Affairs. He has lately appointed a young In- : dian, brother of Bright Eyes, who ap­ pealed so eloquently for the Poucas, to . a position in the Department, where : he can be trained to do good service ̂ for the red men of the forest* This a good precedent. |^wDo you thiuk, mam in a," said a little one, "that Uncle Jim Mooney is a good man?" "Why, my child,he is the best of all my brothers, and an excell­ ent man.w "And will he go to Heaven f "I think so my child. Why do you ask?" "Oh nothing much," replied the child, waking from a sort of reverie; "I was thinking what a homely augel he'd make, that's all." E. LAWLUS, Merchant Tailor, keeps the beet of Foreign and Domestic Cloths, which are made to order in the latest style* ; Also gents' Furnishing Gooda ol |he 1 be&t quality at city prices. |^A strange sea monster has heen ; seen by a sea captain who recently ar- ;; rived at Galveston. Texas. The mas­ ter mariner reports that while abowt halfway between Materia end St. Ve­ gas, Canary Islands, he passed one at> :• the most remarkable tteh that he ever saw. This marine monster is de«eribed \ as being about forty feet in lengthy frith four large fins or wings, arranged In a row down its back. These fins va--. rled in length, according to the reckon­ ing of Capt. Larson, frooa eigeteen to twenty-two feet, and in width from six to nine feet. At the time of its bel'ig sighted the fish was about a quarter or a» mile to windward of the vessel, aod,. was lashing the waier with its tail and wlngs,evideotly In combat with M»» other monster. Hnu> CAGES, the finest assortment town, at the store of ©. G. Colby 41 Ott opposite Bishop's Mill.

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