Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Aug 1881, p. 8

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tMtriRATION^ roll THIS ItSU. JM •cesnlrle old gentleman in Lin* colnthlrc, England, Aged eighty-three, is, it is atated, so firmly convinced of tlM approaching end of the world, that fee bM ordered ail immense balloon to to mil for his own convenience, by •MM of which he hopes to witness •IM 4Mtrnction of the planet without flNWlagthe of the inhabitants. will take with him In his ascent. Unit provisions, brandy, soda-water, •font and other creature oomforts in mfltatontquantities his re- fttlreneot* for three years, by which time he calculates his life would come to a natural close. ••Is of the opinion that among the debris of the world will be several large fragments, on one of which he will be able to effect a descent at an opportune moment and find a refuse for his few remaining years. He pro­ poses to take with htm no companion hoi a game-keeper, who has been long to his service and for whom he has a (peat regard. He has, however, warned his faithful trainer, who is only titty- two years old, that when the provis­ ions In the balloon are exhausted that ho will have to shift for himself, and may, therefore, in three years time, be Without means of subsistence. Having made these arrangements the old gentleman is perfectly calm and in- deed cheerful. He expects, he declares, to get on better without the world ttunf with it. MFAi Atlanta, Georgia, they man­ ufacture ice artificial!}'. There is what Is called an ice factory, at that place, which is described as follows: On the ground flour is a boiler, 50 foot long and 4J feet in diameter, con­ taining 160 feet of 3i inch pipe. The boiler is kept well tilled with aqua ammonia, which is separated by t,he separated by the steam into aniuiouia, gas and water. The gas. leaving the water in the boiler, forces its way through a six inch pipe outside the building to-the roof, where 1c passes Into 15.000 feet of roiled pi pea. when it Is converted into liquid by cold water thrown over it in fountain jets. The liquid passes into 12,000 feet of J inch pipe, arranged in vertical sections, thirty feet high and three feet apart, and its sudden liberation into those pipes, turns the liquid pure ammonia Into vapor, and the sudden expansion makes the pipes intensely cold. Now above these hundreds of vertical pipes are innumerable little fountain jets throwing spray all over the pipes, the spray freezing rapidly, forming an im­ mense icicle of pure ice around each pipe. The gas next goes into 15,000 feet of absorbing pipe and being cooled by water running ou the pipes, It Is met by water forced into the pipes and thus converted back into aqua ammonia, which goes into a big (toiler and is not used ever again. There is no waste the same ammonia being used and re-absorbed any num­ ber of times. The water used for the spray is drawn from a well 75 feet deep, on tlie premises and the large (docks of ice, wiiich are loosened from the pipes by a little hot steam, come out pure and clear, and free f rom any odor or objectionable taste. Alter the pipes have been stripped, It takes •boat five weeks for a new lot of the requisite thickness to form, But, of course, the pipes^are never all stripped at the same time, the ice towers being in all stages of formation. The fac­ tory has a capacity of thirty-five tons per day, but twenty tons keep pace with the demand,and it isn't stored, but cut as delivered, and it sells from #10 to 012 per ton. 'The majority of editors are men ^eommouced the profession as re- psrters. In this probationary scrvice the training i6 so severe that ere the editorial tripod is reached the cadet is Impregnable to assaults that would an­ nihilate an ordinary man. It is not, therefore, surprising to learn that when Claude Slyster, the editor of a weekly paper at Greentown. Ind., was •track by lightning, last week, while standing at his desk, and had every vwcige of clothing torn from his bodjr, he escaped comparatively uninjured. Had It been auy other man but an odltor, there wonuld have been an ad­ dition to the angelic choir.--Peoria Journal Me Good Preaching. «*» do a good job of work, preach a liv sui t well, doctor a pa­ tient, or write a good article when lie feels miserable mid dull, with sluggish brain and unsteady nerves, and none should make the attempt in such a con­ dition wlien it can be so easily and cheaply removed by a little Hop Bit- ton. See other column. Robinson Wagon Co. Manufacturers of SPRING- WAGONS. Buggies Sc Phaetons. I for designs and prices to * ̂bobinson WAGON CO., CINCINNATI. O. THE HORSE & WAGOK a sew book the Horse. His history, structure, uses •MUeatmciit. Also giving a few of the most • - ' and Effective Remedies wrtiie cuee of the diseases of the horse. 1 Valu^ki* te every owner and lorer of th« pone. * PaMfched by the BOKHSOH WACOS CC., Ciaeia- ttH". °*» a®d sent, postage paid, to any address, on •fceipt of THUri-: liKTNT M AMPS -"-J 1 -- «H-£or,rh P- Kitchen. TB.IVrlrr. K. li-.tUUn*. 'C. Uiuiag Boom 11. 11 all. ™- •-- 19x24, heavy piste paper, contain* W elevations, plans aud details f >r tlie above house- iff boo,c 20 pates, givingsppcificiitkMis, itemized estimate and form of contract--invaluable to every «menter «r p*rty proposing building, as a guide in or drawing contracts. Price $.!.00. Sent by mail, postpaid, OB tcoetptof H. E. WALTON." W® W« Ninth St., Cincinnati! Q> C. E. ABBOTT, -AWD DSALKK lH- WATCHES, JEWELRY, Silverware, &c. RICHMOND, ILL. T. J. DACY. JOHN DONOVAN. It is an open secret, well known to the farmers of Mc- Henry county, that during the last 12 yearsjours has been the only Agricultural Warehouse in the county where everything: in our line needed on the farm, from a pound of the best Barbed YYrire to a Threshing "Machine could be obtained at all times without notice. It was thought by those who knew us lca^t, that the destruction of our Ware­ house bv tire a year ago, Avould cripple us. Instead of doing so, it has given us new life and vigor so that we are now better pre­ pared than ever before to under­ sell our (would be) competitors. Our Spring stock is by far the largest and best in the county, (ind we are selling so close that it is a rare thing to see any one looking at our goods and going awaj without buying. Our present exhibit consists of Plows, Harrows, Spring-tooth Parrows, Pulverizers, Rollers, Stalk Cutter*, 10 in. Sulky Plows Seeders Di ills, live and six Shovel,Corn Cultivators, the best Zegal Ban bed Wire, Lumber Wagons, '6 spring Milk Wagons, Platform spring Wagons, and about 300 Carriages An exami- notion of our stock will fully sustain our claims T. J, DACY & CO. Woodstock, III TH. Magnetic Ointment. ^ WARRANTED To Car* Piles aud Chafing Sores. Also,SoreEjes, Sore Ihront, l.ariw lu\ ItruKes, Boras, CaU, Corns, Hktn disorder*, ftrrofuluus aitiall Sores. lr« ett-.a .. i Kidney, Liver, Bowel hu t tuns ItUeafte*, liheumailsm, Hack-ache, Sprain*, nri i Swellings is re- il» iforsale t>y dnur^igts. 4H) cents* V. ttmmm, ioa h G»., Bole i>rop»., Buffalo, N.I. *» < =' • .fV«% . «t. - • ' . . Would respectfully invite an " " of Dill GOODS, DRESS GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c, Which are being offered at" very low prices. Our stock is replete in all the variety of Goods for the season, and we feel satisfied we can offer Goods at AT THEIR TWO STORES, Iii McHenry Sifld Nuftda, < Are now Offering the Largest Line of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware &c., ever shown in McHenry County, which we offer to the buy­ ing public AT BOTTOM PRICES. • nKx^r.-- ' <*•' •. ' . . .. 4 than can be found elsewhere.-- Onr stock of Hats, Caps, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, Groceries &c.. Ts full and complete, and we are confident we can please you botlv in quality and price. Call and convinced that these are facts. PERRY & MARTIN. McHenry. Match 22d, 1881. Our stock is complete and comprises everytbiug^ually kept in a First Class Hardware Store. Our store is crammed full of Bargains and we offer the best and most godds for the least money of any one in the business. WE INTEND TO KNOCK THE BOTTOM OUT OF HIGH PRICES IN BARB WIRE. i The Best Barb Wire in the Market at 9 cts. per P unci l^r^Call and see us and learn that we mean business. Store in McHenry, Opposite Bishop's Mill. At Nunda in Palmer's Store. ; vT'v ' W -K" *-*- # »• For set! I&kGE- 'i--; To Buy Furniture Is at the old and reliable store of JOHN B. <«Z> McHexury, Zllmois Our stock was never more complete than at the present time and for variety cannot be equaled in the county. We keep none but the very best, and our motto is and always has been QUICK SALES AND SMALLJPROFITS* We can give you anything in the Furnitmfe line as cheap ag .any other house in the State, and will guarantee everything ^first-class and just as represented. • , Proclamation No. 17. -BY THE- Old and Reliable Dealers in AC1ICM1UL IMPLEMENTS. My stock of Coffins and Caskets „ Is full and complete and will be sold at a slight margin above cost. W hen in want ot anything in my line give me a call and I will be sure to please you. JOHN B. BLAKE. McHenry, March 22d. 1881. E. M. OWEN & SON If you are a mn of ened by the strain your avoid Ptimolantsand age Hop Bitter*. If you are youm? and discretiou or dUHipa ried or old r,r man of h t- toT* toiling over mid- nitrht v.(»t k. to re--tore brain riei veand waste, une Hop B. sufTering from any in- tion ; i t you aiv tna younpr, sufTi'rintr fron 111/ on a bed of *ick- Bittere die an jiiiuily f r o m some form of Kidney a-** that iniifiit poor health «jr la:iffuUi] neas, rely on Hop Wioever yonarc, whenever you f^el that your sy«t<n needM clean^in/. ton ini< or stimulating, without <nfojr/oal/iiy, t ah e Mop B i t t e r s * have b£en pr< by a tnnei> HopBltters Hare you<i|f a, kiflm u inartj plaint, di:~ of the •fomar boireU, bloo liver or neive$ You will cured if Hop Bittei D. I. C. is an absolute iun<i irresiati 1>U- cure for fdninkerine ( > I U I U I* otica. \ by dniGr Send foi ular. If yAuarrj»ir a k on. ^>w spirit' it t It may eaveyour 11 fe. It has s a v e d h u n dreds HOP BITTKRB M'VU CO Rofhfatrr, fi. Y* iTOAiie' M AaVaglli^'V New Hardware Store. I. N. MEAD ! NEAR THE DEPOT, --DEALER IN-- HARDWARE STOVES, Ti. Coper and Sheet Iron fare, Table and Pocket Ontlery, Scissors nnd Sheurs, Horse Itn»ji8, Horse Shoes, Horgetihoe Nails, an<i t iles ot every description. Alsr. everything thalis generally kept in a Hard ware Store. Being a Practical Workman 1 slmll spare 110 pains in tryinu to give satis f:t«-t,ion to all who favor me with their patror ;ige. All kinds o! Jobbing In my line will receive prompt attention. I'lrase j?ive me a call Detore purchasing elsewhere when in need of anything in mj line Mifjpnvv. Oct. 10th. H7». mj I. N MEAD. JOHNSBURCH Would give the people of McHenry and Lake Counties to understand that tuey are still in the business, with the largest and best stock of Agricultural Machinery Of all kinds, to be found in the market. They have in Stock PLOWS of all kinds, Seeders, Corn Planters, Cultivators, Drills Drags, Pulverizers, Corn She.lers Feed Mills, Threshing Machines, Fon and Wood Pumps, Wind Irills, Open and Top Buggies, and in short everything usually kept in a first class Agricultural Warehouse, All of which will be sold As Cheap as the Cheapest. THIS NEW AND CORRECT MAP Frovos beyond any reasonable question that the Chicago <Si ITorth. western H'y Is by all odds the best road for you to take when traveling in either direction between Chicap and all the Friacipl Points in the West North & Northwest Carefully examine this Map, The principal Cities of the West and Northwest are Stations on this road. Its through trains make close connections with the trains of all railroads and Junction paints, rvO<>" lie | --Ashland * O fi&auneei V Ur&inera FLORENC Quinm J/</rris la/if Worcester SpaldirfgT7^C Ordway Cloud Clayton ttndtr/iJ. rvi^v I S (TOINJ3 I N f y £ A p O N.OR MT JK-. ' C•«« «»/>, -VyWft Priucii#? C t l flu % ^ WwJinaif^l'v/snoS •Alcona YANKTON Sioux Creigt NeiU WF.STV'!'"U?S O , Ktatnty .v .Chi. \j\*c CHICAGO N0RTH-WE8TERN RAILWAY. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Over all of its pruicijMii lini's, runs c.'icii \v:i\ daily from two to four or more fast K&prcss Trains. It is the only road west ot Chicago'that ii*en the PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS, It fs tlie only road '.hat runs Pullman Sleeping Cars Xorth or Northwest of Chicago. It has nnarly|3,000 Miles Of Road- 1" forms following Trunk Lines: Council Bluffs, Denver A California Line. Winona, Minnesota & Central DaknltA Linsa Sionx City, Nor Nebraska Jt Yankton Line. Chicago, St. Prul ft Minneapolis Line Northern Illinois, Freeport & Dubuque Lino. Milwaukee, Green Itay ft LakeSuperior Linft Tickets over this road are sold by all Cou«pon Tiokct Agent-s In the United States ft CnnadA Remember to ask for Tickets via this roari, ibe sure they read over it, and take none other tf AEVIN HUGH ITT, Gen'l Manager, Chicago W. H. BTESNITT, Gen Pass Agt Chicago JACOB STORY, MeHKIVKY. DEALER IN 83|H°None but the best of machinery kept, that we mean business. Call and be convinced E. M. OWEN & SON. McHenry, April 13th, 1881. mmm) w t I 18 A THOROUGH REMEDY In every rase of" l\lal.'ii i<i1 Wver or l-'evci and Aguo, while for (iisorners of the Klomuch Torpidity of the Liver, ludlyutiion dis. turbance's of the nniniul forces, vrlncjn ilobili tate, itha* no equivalent, and can b:ivo no substitn tc. It should not I* confounded with triturated compounds of chcuo npiriu and essential oils, often fcold iittiter tntt nam« of Bitters. ^ ^ # *J«V Drtmieta ttsd V, u» Hkijvi.*.: t MarMe_Worti IIENRYGMILLER, --I)K Al.Klt jlN -- Aiierican and Fcreip MarWe. Monuments, Headstones, ETC., ETC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mc Henry, 111. Johnsburgh, Aug. 20tb, 1877 GEORGE W. BESLEY Dmittist ail Aptlecaif. McHenry 111. --DEA.LKR IN-- Brags, Medicines, Paints, Oils, and Toilet Articles, I have added to mv already Lar<je Stock, a Fine Line ol TOILET ARTICLES, LAMPS. CHOICE CANDIES. To which ho invites the attention of thebuying public. are. Scissors, Shearsi Table and Pocket Cutleryv Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstones, Window Glass, GRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE. J. STCRY. COLBY BROTHERS! --DEALERS IN-- Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give meaCalt. C.W. BESLEY. McHenry, 111., Nov. 10th, 1880. General Merchandise, RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENY, ILL. We have one of the most complete stocks of Goods evey brough* to thi? market, consisting in partot Dry Goods and Clothings HATS _,VIVI> CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOJSS, Paints Oils Drugs and Medicines Crockery, Glassware, V? ooden and Willowware, Groceries Etc. ^"Wc h ave one of the finest Stocks of Teas to be found in the county, to which wc invite the especial attention of the public, sat­ isfied that we can Buit^thcm both in quality-and price.

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