WEDNESDAY AUG. 10. TS81. Railroad Time Table. •;<J1 N'G SQL"IB. geneva T,**e Passenger . ?:« A. * Geneva Lake Express .8:21 " G«n*)va Lake Freight 1:05 F. it Steamboat Express ...5:16, " OOT*l> WORTH* Bene** T.ake FretjrM 9:» A.* Steamboat Express 10:01, " Geneva take Express .1:52 p. v StMva Uk« Pautnrer. «:52 " B. BPM, Agent. MeHenry, IU 1881 1881 Fox Lake, Ills. Slimmer Time Table STEAMER •'LOTUS," mn McHINRT AKRIVK. 10:30 A. M.* 8:00 A. M. daily 6:15 r. ft dally. 4:00 p. «.• VOltAKE. M:00 noon.* 8:00 p. M.dally .This Trip is mn alternately by the-HJ.otus" anil "Mary Griswold," provided there 18 previous notice given bv visitors at the Lake. WALTER HILL, Captain. 6:90 A . M . daily t:30 p. Ma* SRK the new advertisement of Wiedemann in another column. Jos. Wi are under obligations to Dr. n. T. Brown for copies of Canada papers sent us doing his trip East, THE next sociable of the MeHenry M. E. Churcli will be held at Mrs. \Vm. Smith's, Ringwood, Wednesday, Aug. 17th. "All are cordially Invited, We at© directed to give notice that the entries for the Trotting, at the comingr County Fair has been ex tended to August 29th. Those iuterest- ed take notice. WE learn there Is to be a Pigeon and Glass Ball Shooc at Harry DunniU's. Nippersink Point, on _the 14tly. The Steamer ""Mary Griswold" will go up, leaving McHenrv at 101 o'wlack A.. Mv-- . of sport is expected. SEE the new advertisement of F. B. Harrison, the Book Hauntist, Waucon- da. He is a live man in the business and persons wanting anything in his line cannot fall to get it'at bottom fig ures by calling at his store. WHILE in Richmond a few days since, we very naturally called on friend Culver, of the Richmond House, and by so doing learned the particu lars of his "corner on wheat." It's all right, but for the life of us we can't see where frieud Culver can make any thing out of the "deal" when he re quires so many "Hoppers" for his own uee^. Eh ? ^ PERSONAL. I MRS. GEO. W. BESLKY and children are visiting at Waukegan lybis week. ( 25 v« MRS. DR. AXDEKSOX lias been visit ing friends in Chicago the past week MRS. H. D. Luff, of Chicago. It visit ing trie 11 ris in'this village. JOHN DORAN has been again quite sick, but Is now reported better. MRS;, A. D. LYNN, of Chicago, is vis iting among friends here this week. Miss ANNIE EHRENS, of Chicago, is visiting at Geo. Rosenberger's. PAI^JBROWN came out from Chi cago to visit his parents on Saturday. CAPT. C. H. Try on and Geo. W. Hunt, of Hebron were callers at the PLAINDEALER office on Thursday last. MRS. H. SNYDER and daughter, of Evanston, are calling upon friends here this week. MISS MARY BLATTMAN started on a visit to Minnesota last week. She expects to be gone several months. f nox. GE^O. GAGF. and wife are spend ing the summer with their daughter, JIfS. J. M. Smith, at Osborne, Kansas. JOHN WKNTWORTII and * friend from Chicago, are rusticating here this Week. ISAAC WENTWORTH, Superintendent of the Pullman Brick Works, Chicago, was seen on our straits on Monday . JACK POWERS. City Marshal of El gin, accompanied by' his Wife, spent Sunday with friends in this village. DR. H. T. BROWN, C. B. Curtis, and C. A. Knight, with their wives, re turned from their trip East, on Satur day last. They all report a pleasant Journey. MRS. L. C. DIMICK, Mrs. H.T. Dlmick of Chicago, with their children, and accompanied by Mies Llllkie. of the same city, are guests of J. Bishop and family. The Mrs. Dimick are sis ters to Mr. Bishop. THERE will be a social party, for the benefit of the German School of Mc- Hetiry, at the Mcllenry House,on Mon day evening, Augus^J^ii, The Mc- "TuallrTfie Band will furnish the music, and a good social time may be expected. Tickets, including Supper, 41.00. The cause is a worthy one. and we trust they may receive a substan tial benefit. TICKETS have been issued for a Har vest Party, to take place at the Rich mond House, Richmond, 111., on Friday evening of next week. August 19th.-- The Geneva Lake Quadrill« Baud will furnish the music, and mine host Culver and his estimable lady will spare 110 pains to make it pleasant lor ull who attend. We shall expect to see a large crowd preseut ou that oc casion. OBITCARY. In Chicago, August 5th, 1881, of dropsy of t!ie heart, Joseph Doherty, aged vcars, 10 month* amtStiayn. The deceased was a resident of the township of Nunda, his. parents resid ing a short distance south of MeHenry. He was uaiurally a young man of ro bust health, and this he had enjoyed, until a few years ago he was stricken with inflammatory rheumatism, and although he soon recovered, it some what impaired his former health, as a few months ago lie was again attacked, from which he never rallied. Failing to obtain the desired relief from phy sicians here, as a last resort he sought the best medical advice of Chicago, going there 011 Monday last. But it was too late, his disease hud reached its last stages, which resulted in hit. death on Friday morning. His WK mains arrived at Nunda 011 that even ing, and were carried to the once joy ous but now grief-stricken home. We feel justified in saying that none knew him but to respect him, and to admire the noble qualities of head and heart. Uls kind and agreeable disposition en deared him to all; and the large circle of acquaintances with which he moved, will remember him as on* of the ornaments of society, and will cherish his memory long after the words which we pen are forgotten. To l he afflicted ones we can only ten der Our deepest sympathy, by hoping that their lo$$ is his eternal gain. His funeral was held at the Catholic Church, at Mcllenry, where nearly two hundred relatives and friends assem bled to pay the last tribute of respect to a dear friend, whom Death had chos en fqr his mark. N. PIET).--In Kansas City, August 1st, 1881. Jessie XL Wheeler, aged IS years and 9 months. Miss Wheeler was a niecn of H. E. Wightman and Mrs. Ralph Stebblns, of this village,and spent the Summer here two j'ears ago, and has many warm friends among both old and young, who will grieve to read the above announcement. NEVER, since the PLAINDEALER was established, lias subscriptions come in so rapidly as now. The Soldier boys, realizing the value of our Soldiers De partment are taking hold of the mat ter, and besides sending in their own names, are working In behalf of the PLAINDEALER among their friends, and the result Is highly gratifying to us. To those who are thus voluntarily aiding the cause ot the PLAINDEALER words are inadequate to express our thanks, hut we trust the time may come when we can aid them in a like substantial manner. We confidently expect that our list will reach 2500 be fore Nov. 1st. * riM To close out their large stock of 8ummer Goods, Fitzsiinmons & Evan- eon are offering baigains never before found lu this section. Their goods are first Glass, but in order to make room for their fall stock, they are closing them out at almost your own price Call and be convinced that what we say is true. They are bound to close out their summer stock, and are sure to make it an object for you to aall. , / '^THE Parker House, in this village, comes out this week with new land lords, which means Frank Parker and Jj. D. Blackmail, W. Parker having leased his interest and stepped down And out. The new firm are both young men, too well known in this section to twed any encomiums from us. 0. Suffice it to say the Parker House will lose none of its former popularity under ^ the new managemeui. We wish the new firm success. S^tAKBIX STEVENS A SCIINORR, the popular merchants near the depot, will have a new advertisement in the PLAINDEAL- KR next week. They have and are now receiving the largest stock of goods for the fall trade ever brought tQ this county, and are bouud to make it an object for cash buyers to call on them. Look out for their new adver tisement, and in the ineautinie if in want of goods be sure' :o give them a call. THE weather the past week has been simply terrible, the thermometer ranging from 92 to 104 degrees in . the ebade, the latter figures being reached 011 Fridav last. Other thermometers that hung in the sun are said to have r went up through the top and out on the roof, but we don't vouch for that. Saturday^ and Sunday was a little cooler, but at the time of wrUing, Tuesday afternoon its again on the boom. We "pass." Not a "pair" " in oiifcliand. R MCHENRY had a genuine horse-thief j sensation on Friday last. He was first I captured by our towu Constable but skipped away, swam the river anil made his escape. Tally one. Later in the day- he was re-captured by our city Marshal, lodged In the Cad aboose, watched through the long hours of the night, but lo, in the morning, he again skipped. 1 ally two. Ghosts and hob goblins, arm«*d with horse pistols and other murderous weapons, appeared in the evening but as they insisted 011 going beyond "our autorlty," there was no remedy. For further partlcu- L larsjec Chicago Time*, New style Bracelets*! O, W. Oweu's - BANK BALL The game of Base Ball between a Pickup Nine of this village and the Barrington Club, took place at Wan- conda 011 Friday last, and although the day was the wannest of the season a very respectable game was played, which resulted in favor of Mcllenry by a score ot 15 to 11, in eight innings, the game being stopped at that point 011 account of darkness. Wc have si nee learned that the Barrington Club now claim the game because it was not played out. If they are Bill players they certainly must be familiar with the Rule which, governs this point,-- The facts ;tre, we are toid, the Bar- rington's were outplayed at every point, and to try to take advantage of darkness, and insist on playing by moonlight, we should consider a baby game. If not satisfied tiie Mcllenry boys are ready to meet them by day light any day. The following is the score of innings: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 McllEKftr 4 llAKBINOTOJi--2 1 3 3 0 0--15 0--II Queen Aim Harvest Picnic. August 25th in Michael Senger's Grove. 2J miles East of Woodslock, 011 the Greenwood road. A cordial invi tation is extended to all farmers, me chanics, professional men and all work ers in the busy hive ot human industry. Leave your business for a day of so cial life. Come one. come all. Bring your families, and if you have none don't forget your neighbor's sister, and last of all do not forget your din ner basket filled with the substantial of life. Literary programme, Marshal music and various amusements will entertain you. Per order committee. C. M. KOSDICK, M. J. WitiuuT. TO THE PUBLIC. I wish in this manner to give warn ing to tiie public, that they may not be damaged as 1 have been. 1 hare had a man working for me the past tew months. Wagon Making, (and he is well known in this vicinity) who about two weeks ago left me without notice, and without an£. cause what ever, as lie had had his ji*y regularly, andtit,the time lie left was in my debt6ver$3. The leaving part would have been all right, but on the morning lie left lie went into my shop before 1 got there aud mtliciously cut and spoiled all my patterns. Aud this by a man whom 1 had always used well, advancing hiin money when it was not his due, aud doing hiin other fav ors too numerous to mention. This act of destroying my property 1 con sider low and coutemptihie, and if 1 would do as the public advised me 1 would have him arrested at once. But 1 would advise all who may einpioy hiui to be ou their guard, as there is nothing too mean lor him to do. PHIL. HAUPKKISCH. MCHESBV, August 10th, 1831. BIRD CAGES, the finest assortment in town, at the st^yc of O. C. Colby & Co. opposite JJiehop s Mill, ̂ RINGWOOD ClvMKTKRY EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--A stranger passing through Ringwood made ob servations in surveying the objects worth looking at. The shops aud store seemed to be doing a thriving business. Their articles were as good as could be purchased anywhere. But 011 walking far titer on there was to be seen a serious lick of sidewalks. On one corner a building that was once a churdr'but now looking more as if in habited by tramps, and that "the boys" ,were not very careful how they used it. It seems like a serious thing to let public property waste in that way. But however much might be said about that, indignation held supreme sway on going to the Cemetery, and seeing the way people care for their depart ed. The ladies of Ringwood are thor oughly aroused as to the necessity of work being done there. We think It may be necessary for them to take the work of cleaning it themselves--that is, if the gentlemen could be persuaded to contribute the needful articles. We think the ladies ore sufficiently In terested to do something in the way of making it look more like a respectable habitation for the dead. Gentlemen, pleasu coine to the front with hoes, shovels, scythes, rakes, etc., although Yt"would not be advisable for you to allow anyone to think you were going to use them yourselves. The sentiment of all the ladies ex pressed by one of them. A SOCIAL HOP. A Social Hop will be given at Lip- piucott's Hotel, at Fox Lake, 111., on the evenings of Wednesday and Sat urday during the season. All are cor dially invited to attend. COL.O. LIPPINCOTT, 4.CGUST 3d, 1*»1. C R E E N W O O O - EDITOR PI.AINUKALKR:-- We observe that several of your cor respondents are getting anxioas touch ing the matter of prayer, in a way which demonstrates their minds are badly befogged. We venture to sug gest that if they were to do a little more of that tiling themselves it is pos sible they would, bye and bye, see clearer. Try it friends and report ]»ro- gress. lu relation to t'.iis subject, J. Complou, of Volo, says: "But if God does not. want the President to die why did he suffer him to be shot?" In re ply we ask why does not God deprive his creatures of their free agency? Does J. C.. wish in be deprived of his, even though he might otherwise some times go astray? If the Almighty were to interfere to prevent every mean or vile act on the part of his creatures we opine they would soon • aise a clamor for a change in tiie ad ministration. Doubtless men would rather he free and punished when they do wrong than coereed into doing good without any merit011 their part. Again he says: "Would it not have been better to prevent such a rash deed than to permit it and then have to spend several weeks to correct aud repair the damage ?" Here agaiu we are confronted with the same diffi culty with rcspeet to free agency. If J. C. can suggest some way out of this difficulty without making man a ma chine or a puppit, lie will have the merit of having solved one of the toughest problems in all Theology.-- Your Richmond correspondent thinks the efficacy of prayer is disproved be cause Abraham Lincoln failed to re cover. This is singular lo^ic-rbecause a tiling fails once it must always fail. Does not that geutleinan's * very day professional experience prov« its falla cy ? Why does he administer his pills aud potions in one case when lie knows they have failed in another? Why does lie make anv eflort to relieve hu man suffering at all. since such sufler- ing is the consequence of "violation of natural law?" He says, "The viola tion of natural laws, whether it be by the voluntary volition of the sufferer or hy the hand of the assassin syill meet its inevitable punishment." If this be so then Othello's occupations' gone; tiie Doctor may as well hang up his saddle bags at ouce, for the whole theory of medical and surgical treat ment rests ou the assumption tiiat the effects of violated law can be counter act* 1. Better leave Theology alone Doctor; one profession is about as muL-h as any one mind can master In these days. It is weil for us that our prayers arc not always answered, if they were the. petition would soon be come a demand and t lie Caver looked upon ns a right. Gratitude and a sense of dependence would die out and. give place to arrogance and self-sufficiency. What would we think of that parental training which always gratifies the wishes of the child ? Aud again, what would we think ef that which never does? He says that for the "Deity to interpose specially to heal th» Presi dent's wound and, restore him to health is revolting t3 reason and common sense." now so? Is he not a kind Father, aud if lie is may be not, at times, interpose to save ns from the ertUsequences of our own and other's misdeeds? What is there revolting in such an act? Has he 110 care over the creatures he liaS made? Or is he rath er a cold heartless abstraction utterly indifferent to human sorrow? The answer to prayer may not come just as we expect it, or according to the strict letter Of the petition, still it may come--comte in the way of an appar ently accidental suggestion, perhaps as a sud.len mental illumination, which may enable us tee see our way out of a difficulty withou^ interfering with our free agency in the |;*asi. But we do not intend just now to argue this sub ject in detail. Our object in advert ing to it iu this instance was to criti- cisc the reasoning of the gentlemen referred to. If prayer is indefensible let the reason be shown that will stand the test of rigid logical methods of dealiug with it.- F F.IA) DE SK. WAUCONOA. M*81TBSC!R1 PTIONS for Hie PLATNIiEALKR will lie received in Wauronda al F. B. Harrison's Urutf Store and at the Post Office EDITOR PLAIKDKALKU:--The Rail road topic Is justly entitled to a brief respite. $11,430 4ias been subscribed. This sum cad anf will be increased a little. Mr. Thoiias will he communi cated with soon itnd we hope to give your readers good reason to hoist tiieir llags and burn tiieir gun powder in the next issue. IIo|>e is a good thing. Ambrose Hill lias returned froiu Ills "western" trip. Mr. aud Mrs. Dr. Wells went to Chi cago last Monday. Mrs. Wells and her daughter Ilattie are still there visit ing friends, the Dr. returning same Lnst Tuesday Andrew Bangs started his Thresjier on Pat Murray's farm.-- First threading qf the season in this locality^-.'", } The neighbors <aj? that 011 Tuesday las|.Mr. Morr!soil practiced 011 a horn. C. M. Hill made a Hying trip to Chi cago with u view , of selling his big teaui. * Eriicst Turnerts about to start out with a horse and wagon and a stock of Notions, &e. llis. many friends will all wish 111 tit success & his new euterprlse. Chleago, Is the guest of C. M. tfnI. Airs. Trumbull is visiting friends and relatives hereabouts. Oscar Soules is reported as very low and sinking rapidly. Dr. Hubbard's boy was thrown from one ef the Doctors horses while riding hiin to water mid received quite a se vere Injury^ the horse stepping 011 him and forc^ig one of the corks Into the leg near the knee, j Tiie srame of Base Ball excited more interest than anytldug that has trans pired hereabouts slljt'e the last circus, unless perhaps we except tiie railroad boom. The score stood 11 to 15 iu fa vor of tiie Mcllenry boys when tiie cat eh ?r in the Mcllenry nine took a ball too hot for comfort and refused' to take liis place, whereupon the umpire decided the game iu favor of tiie Har rington boys. Tuesday, Weduesday and Thursday were hot days. Friday was warm, hot enough to make people and thermom eters lie but not too hot to prevent Mr Morrison from playing (?) 011 his horn. So say the neighbors--but a refreshing shower followed by a Mauatuba wave makes all nature smile at this writing. Herbert Kemiicott, who made pic tures in W»u«'onda about ten years ago. but who for the past four or five years has been conneetcd with the well known firm of llesler & Peabody, of Chicago, aud who enjoys the reputa tion of being the best Landscape pho tographer In the West, took negatives of several of our buildings on Satur day last. Any one hereabout who would like first-class carbon picture of tiieir residence or family or place of business would do Wtell to call on F. B. Harrison, at his Drug Store, he be ing Mr. Kenuicott's agent for this sec tion. Frank Garland, a proficient teacher of short hand writing will form classes here iu that interesting branch this fall. Rev. Mr. Cooper preached Sunday morning to a good audience. The regular bowery dance was pa tronized by about 75 couple Saturday evening. It was a quiet, pleasant af fair and will be repeated next Satur day even i»g. J&ickutoiid Department. CONTRIBUTED BT S». F. BENNETT. 8. F. BKSXETT is hnrubv authorised totako subscriptions and or i^rs for advertising and Job Work f»r the PLUXOKAI.KH. WEIVE iinney therefor and receipt for tiio same.-- all orders left with him will receive prompt Attention.--E(liter. Our Jeweler. Abbott, went to Chica go Monday after more goods. Burrows & Birch are shipping numbers of cheese boxes. large The soldier boys were thick la town last week. The Richmond House grows In pop ularity every day. A. J. Howe has recovered from liis severe illness. The frame for Leonard Howe*a new house is up. Bowel complaints are very prevalent among the children. The harvest is well advanced. The crops are reported au average. Richmond had au exodus of pleasure seekers to the Twin Lakes Sunday. Smith & Haythorn have commenced building a large addition to their store. Early planted cucumber vines .are dying from drought o°r some other cause. A boy, weighing llf pounds took up permanent residence with Theodore hchroeder aud wife ou Friday the 5th inst. Eddie Bennett, Mrs. S. F. Bennett. Miss May Bennett aud Miss Corie Davis, of Elgin, are in camp at Twin Lakes. A letter from A. L. Brown reports him well and enjoying himself muchly iu the family of his daughter at Owa- tonna, Minn. Captain Beckley has our thanks for a copy of the "History of the 95th 111." It Is a book we wanted above all things just now, and it will be highly prized. John Rogers, colored, presented him self to Uncle Sam's surgeon for exam ination last w:eek. He says he Is "not the John Rogers who was burned at the -take." The dancing community should not forget :he Harvest Party to be given at the Richmond House. The tickets are out and we refer for particulars to them. It will be a nice party sure if Mr. and Mrs. Culver engineer It. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Aldrich died of cholera Infantum on Sunday afternoon. It was not thought to he dangerously sick until the day before its death. The be reaved family have the sympathy of the whole community, A report of the death of Lizzie Bil lings reached her father last week.-- ller brother Lincoln went into Chica go, where the death wan reported to have taken place, but could not find the name on the burial permit records. It is hoped the report was not true. Miss Ciissie Harness is having good success in her venture of opening a Dress Makers shop in Richmoud. She lias to employ several women all the time iu order to keep up with her abundant work. Her fine fits aud ex cellent work co 111111 and the admiration of the ladies. Grubs are reported to be doing con- si derable damage to the com by work ing in the yo&ng ears. In a mess of sweet corn we examined nearly half t he ears were affected. Field corn Is also attacked. The worm or grub seems to be the ordinary "cut worm" so often found in the garden in the spring. It is very evident that our Agricul tural Society made a wise choice when It elected Mr. Wright its Secretary.-- lie Is working like a hero for the suc cess of the Kail exhibition, and en thusiastic in the belief that It will be the greatest success in the history of the Society. The attractions he has secured are such as ought to draw an immense crowd. Mr. Wright's energy is untiring and deserves a triumphant success. Revolvers all styles, and Cartridges to suit, at prices ranging from 81.50 to $9.00 at O. C. Colby & Oo.'s Hardware Store, MeHenry. LIST of letters remaining in the Post Office at Mcllenry August 1st. 1881: LETTER*.--Thomas Blatecki, Mr. A. Haubard, Mr. II. W. Binuie, A. L. Fowler, Mr. B. Hamilton, Mrs. Clara E. Hood. Mr, Jay Hawver, Chas. Kearney, Mrs. Louisa Van Pelt. M r. O. S. Masson (for Maggie Strong), A. Z. Fuller. DeKniglit (for Carrie Fisk), Rev, A. Eustace, Mr, John Drorak, Miss Matilda Biand, Nettie Baird. POSTAL CARDS.--Mr. A. Z. Fuller, Walter Thompson, Geo. Weight. In calling for any of the above letters, pleakc mention the advertised iia>t. AUSS PEBEV, Postmaster. her home with him to consult with his mother. We will further suppose, since a home must be somewhere, that it is located 011 Spring Prairie, Wis. We might, in this suppositious way, as well locate it there as at Bowling Green. Ky. The mother isn't charmed eitiier. The swain bethinks him how lie shall get out of the scrape. He tells her it is money he wants as well as a wife. She is equal to the emergency, a»d tel's hiin she owns a business building in a charming village and n farm not far off. We might suppose that village to bejkichmond as well as to suppose it to be Hardscrabble, and Richmond is much the prettier name, lu desperation he returns her letters and declares he will not marry her for love or money. What could she do but tear up his letters and burn tbem be fore liiseyes, returning home sadder and wiser? The objeet of all this sup position is to warn women against an swering matrimonial advertisements. Wool! Wool! We are agaiu on hand ready to pay the highest market price for Wool.-- Headquarters at Owen's Warehouse, opposite Bishop's Mill. • D. S. SMITH. E. M. OWES JbSox THRESHING MACHINE FOB SALE The undersigned offers for sale one Buffalo Pitts Threshing Machine, all in good running order, and will do as good work as any new machine. Will be sold cheap for cash or will trade for a span ot good horses. Iuquire of GlO. MILLS, Waucouda, III. Engine and Boiler lor Sale. The undersigned has for sale a Twelve Horse Engine and Twenty Horse Boiler. All in good running or der, having been used but little. Will be sold cheap, for casli or on time with approved note. For further particulars itiqulte of WABD B. GALE. Yolo, 111 FOR SALE. One J. I. Case Eclipse Threshing Machine. Has been iibed but one year. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Inquire at this office. Oh what a world of "pads!" When vou get tired of trying all the kinds just tall back ou the old reliable Trask's Magnetic Ointmeut. Lameness is the precursor of Rheu matism. Escape it hy heating Trask's Magnetic Ointment and rubbing in thoroughly. Nobby Styles In Straw Hats at Colby Bros., Riverside Block. Parasols and Fans in all of the latest styles at Stevens & Sclinorr's. Kid and Li&le Thread Glove* in all colors at Stevens A Sclinorr's. Look Out For Bargains In Clothing at E. Lawlus*. He has clothing for man, boy and child at Chi cago prices. He Wis* sad Happy. If yon will stop all your extrava gant and wrong notions in doctoring yourself and families with expensive doctors or humbug cure-alls, that do harm always, and use only nature's simple remedies for all your ailments, you will be wise, well aud happy, ami save great expense. The groatest remedy for this, the great, wise' and good will tell you. Is Hop Bitters--rely ou it. See another column. MCCORMICK'S MACHINES Beat the world. Call at Bishop's Warehouse, MeHenry. and examine them. FOR SALE. A commodious residence, at the cor ner of Madison and Vine Streets, Wo.odstock. 111., conveniently located 10 business, school and the various churches. Two lots, well stocked with fruit, both large and small. Pleasantly situated, and well arranged. Good well and cistern. Terms easy. Apply to ASA W. 8MITH. Woodstock, III Tiie singular death of a Mrs. Friend, living not far from Bllvin's Mills, Is re ported. She was in the potatoe field using Paris green to kill the bugs. A mosquito bite on her leg itched, and she scratched it until it bled. The Paris green on her baud poisoned it, and the limb at once began to swell.-- Two days afterward she was delivered of a healthy child, but the poison in the mother's systeril proved fatal to her. The leg swelled to a great size and she died in much agony. Matrimonial advertisements In the newspapers are almost always humbugs The per«on who inserts them gener ally does so through a purulent curios ity or with a deliberate evil intent.-- Reporters often get hold of cases where the dupes of these advertise ments are badly sold out. We might suppose an average case, as a warning to any one inclined to put faith in the genuineness of "matrimonial" ads.-+ We will suppose a buxom widow, "to marriage inclined" picks up the Chica go Times and reads one of these ads. There is romance iu it, (and, may be a husband) and she concludes to answer it. A loving correspondence ensues At lust a meeting is arranged. She must be discreet, tor tiie world must not know what is going on. She therefore tells her friends she is going to Chicago to spend a few days, or to Philadelphia or New Yotk. BHt she stops, we will suppose, at, say MeHenry where the anient swain is to meet her aud wlieiiL'tt she expects to fly with nim to what shall be her future home. Tiie lightning speed of the locomotive has seemed *low to her ardent haste.-- He is at the appointed pl.tce. She is charmed he isn't. Bu| be1- takes Foundation rocks and Gravel deliv ered at couveiiieiit distances from my residence. ASA W. SMITH. Woodstock. Ill Ladies of MeHenry and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until )*ou haVe looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. S^arles. Am now offering f[renter bargains than ever. All work n -epairing done on short notice. Trble and Pocket Cnttlery in endless variety at O. C. Coltiy t Co's Hard ware store. Business Notices. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonie wetonri tk« appetifl. > - ' . The Molipe gnlky Plow at jB. X Ow ten's. Fishing Tackle of all kinds Bt M« Engcin's, iu Howe's block, near ttm new Bridge. Tin* Furai A firsdley Saftj. FltV ll ; E.M. Owen's. Buckeye Foree Patape, at X. ll Owen's. All the first-claaa Plows >f K. V# Oweu's. The finest line of Silver and Flst«4 Ware to be found in the eonty, at O. W. Owen's. A fine lot ef Ready-Made Dresses and full Suits just received at Mrs. H. BL Nichols' Millinery Store, MeHenry. German School Books, and and German Mass Books, at M. gelo's Howe's Block, near the bridge. GOLD FISH, Fish Globes, and Food for Fish a M. Engelu's in Howe's Block*apirv, bridge. ^ TOE LATK9T. X;. We have a iarge Snroice ef celebrated "Broadhead** Drees in ihe latest styles. Everybody see them before buying. , STimi A anssML The finest Ttae of Dress Ge*ds in this market can be found at Steveao 6 Sclinorr's. Piles, chafing sores, diappwt iMnds* salt rheum, skin disorders, burns, bwi» ses. sore throat,and ail iufiammatto* yieM rapidly on applicatkmof Trask'a * Magnetic Ointment. Salt Perk al Howards Hams. Shoulders, Lard and Corned Beef, Market, near the Depot. WHY DO YOU COUGH $ When one box of Besley'sTroches cure you? Store epposate Parfcer House. IF you want your Watch pot fa class Order, call on Robert Marltt Jeweler. Nunda, New Prints, latest patterns, at prices from five cents a yard aaa mf wards, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block Mrs. H. H. Nichols keepe kid (love* in all shades. Panel Photos at Millar's Stadlaw THE BEST THIN0 For a cough is Beslsy's Treebaa. Try a box, * * House. Steea oppoeite the Parker Call at Mrs. R. H. Nichols fo| T aifss. Ready Made Utkderwear. We are oferlac extra bargalae fa Cheviots, at Colby Btea, Riverside Block MeHenry. Tea Drinkers will find (thfs sessaaft) new crop Jap. Teas, uncolored and ex tra fine, over at Fltasimssoas 4k Kvss* sou's Call at Mrs. H. II. Nichols* store, aaa door north of Perry & Martin's, for anything iu Millinery or Ladles* Far» nishlug Goods. SEWING Machine Needles far amy machine made, can be found at M. w* gein's. In Howe's Black, near Iks bridge. Every man, woman and ekIM that pays Cash for their goods, shenld irada where goods are marked on that basis. Where they can save from M to M per cent. Where #6 will get them tliau #7 will at a credit store. StIVBRI , Go to M. Engelu's for nil kinds of GIIII and Fishing Material. Iu Howe's Block, MeHenry. WANTED TO EXCHANGE, Carpenter work for a good Horse or Cow. Persons wishing Carpenter work and pay in this way should apply at ouce to A. WENDELL, Mcllenry. The celebrated McCormick Twine Binder for sale by R. Bishop, MeHenry. Try a ponni new tea at Fltzsimmons & Evansou's. IF you want a first class Reaper and Binder call at Bishop's Warehouse and see the McCormick Twine Biuder. Cail at. Bishop's Warehouse and see the McCormick Twine Binder, The best Reaper in the market New line of black lawns, buntings, light summer dress goods, ginghams, witli laee to trim, at Steyens A Sclinorr's. Wfuiconda Ice Cream Parlors. GOLDING & BROOKS. Would respectfully announce to the public that they have opened their Ice Cream Parlors for the season an I are now prepared to furnish Ice Crea.n every day and evening, by the dish or quantity. We also keep o:i hand Groceries of all kinds, Canned Goods, Notions, To baccos, Cigars. Conlectiouery, etc.. which we are selling as low or lower than any other house ^n the county, quality of goods considered. When in want of any tning in our line we invite you to call, confident that we can ph ase you both iu quality and price. GOLUINO & BROOKS. VTAUCOSDA, III,, Jase tot, Twenty-two and twenty-foar Fish Poles,only six oents each, at II* Engelu's. in Howe's Block, near the new Bridge. FENCE POSTS FOR SAL*. 9000 seasoned Burr Oak Fenee Poet# for sale, inquire of Jon* DOftAK. In cases of Piles Dr. Trask's netlc Ointment acts like a charm, giv ing quick relief. For Chafing and all Sores and luflammatioas It easels ev erything. Ten cent Momle Cloths, the styles in the market, at Ctolbj Riverside Block, MeHenry. SHROUDS. Just received, at John B. Blake^S Surniture and Undertaking RooaiB, shrouds of all sixes, and iu tweuty»Cva different styles, which will be soM at prices rauglug front §1 to IS, FOR SALK. A very fine Durham Bull, 1 old. Will be sold reasonable. J, W. sum, FOR SAI.E. 40 Acres of land in Sectlaa IS, all fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house and barn thereon, with timber aud water in abuudaoce, ia 8eo lion 2*2. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good new house, barn and other oatbuildii Apply to JOHN Fusi Shoes for the Million*. We Ihare plsced In the hau«l* at* Coibv Bros., MeHenry and Nunda, aa immense assortment of our beet sewed) work, consisting of Women's a)d( Misses Goat and Kid Button and Side- Lace Goat aud Kid Walk lac Shows,, Serge and Congress Galteia, Goat and Kid front lace, all of which they are- selling at our wholesale ptleee with Sw smsll compensation added. Call HA examine goods. rOttBlTSII A BROWS, KMKKX.T. Do Ton Want m Machine. If yon do. of course yoa want Iks best, as it costs no more. Then why- buy from an Agent who carries but one which be has fixed up ns purpose, to show, when by going to the store of- O. W. Owen, in Mcllenry, you can have your choice of Five, via: The Domes- tie, Eldredge, American, Iruprvxedi Howe, and ;>i»ger. We keep all three machines in stock, and any lady whet wants a machine can set down and try them all. aud then select the one whlefc stilts her the best. The first tklM named, the Domestic. Kldredge and American, are three of the best ma chines oi< the market, and any one will lie convinced of the fact by celling t| my store aud trying one tb>a*»lH» Also a tine stock of Clocks, Watches* Jewelry. Silver and Plated Ware, cait be found at my store, piauo* for sale or rent. 9mm «mh| O, W. 3«rg&