Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Aug 1881, p. 1

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$'-M**?•& ?f *A ;'> > . ty< vol. 7. JI#DPy pi«s2etlff, f PuMi«lte4 Krery Wednesday by "* . VA> MI.YKE, BDITO I AND PUBLISHER. a Old P. O. Block, :i riMtDi HOCSE.-- '10% k ,ili S--'% --OFRMTTK H-w Tl&RMn OltSUBSCUIPTIOS.r One Toar (in Advance)... . HM If Sot Pail wlthinTlireo Months,.......2.60 Subscriptions focelved for three or six n<Mith« in fis sa'no proportion. •m IV f" UfiQl&.t BUSINESS CARDS. H. T.RROWX.M. D. pHTSTCTAV WD ^TTUGKOV. Office nver 1 the Post OfBoe, opposite Perry;* Martin's •tore up St. iiri, McHenry, 111. 1 •' t C. H. frEGElW, M, D- twrstcivx SURGEOV, I lilt.--Office hours 8 to 10, A. m Johnsburgh, O. J. HOWARD M D.- |>HY8IOTAN AND SURGEON. Office at I mv residence, opposite M. E. Church, IfeHenry. III. E- V. ANDERSON. M. I). PHYSICIAN find Surgeon. JOffice at Besley's Drif Store, Opposite Parker House, McHehry, Illinois. PRATT HOUSE. class ac. _ Good Barn in connection Waneontla, III. JA. PRA.TT, Proprietor. First eomra»d\tlons. BA.RBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or­ders solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry. Bear the Bridge. RICHARD COMPTON. TUSTIOB of the Peace ind Conveyancer.-- (I Will attend promptly to the collection of Itbli. Volo, La tee County, III. E. E. RICHARDS. HAS a complete Abstract of Titles to land In M Henrv County, Illinois. Otflcewith Dounty C ierk, Woodstock, 111. imf t 4- •• -m •V. xitff' £«$i h. ROBT. WRIGHT, Uuafikotartrof Custom M«<te Boots and TO. Shoos None but the! best of mat oral •sed and all work warrantsM Shop North­ west corn r Public Square, Henry 111. E.M.OWEN. Dealer and Manufacturers Agent ID J.eading Farm Machinery.-- M " ' " GENERAL Agent I. rices low and Terms favorable. McHenrv BUSINESS CARDS. A. E. BALDWIN, «. D. > "DHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and IT residcncs at the old Stevers plaeefwr Clay St., Woodstock, 111. Prompt attention given to professional calls at all hoars. -M'HENRY, ILLINOIS. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 17. 1881. Soldiers' Department. SALOON AND RESTAURANT Bonslett's old «tand, opposite IKshop'sf Mill, Me Wines, Lian ounty. ;IT< Henry. 111. The c loirest I and Cigars to lie found in the Oysters in their season served up ; shape desired or for sale by the C*n. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. ors rosh any *gCARL CARLS. • CA^WN wi Boaniing House, Jdknsbujyh, ^ * iCSlRnt K'wmj for Hunters ana Fishermen. «M for the use of Hunters?-- < hotce Urund*»f Wines and Liquors always Cat(pn<l see me. T. on hand VETERINARY Illinois. C. S. GREEN. SUBUEON, Richmond JESSE A. BALDWIN, A TTORNEY at Law and Solicitor ia Chaa. il aery. Will practice in State and in Fed. eral Courts. Office, Sd Floor. New Custom House, Chicago. CHAS. H. DONNELLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW %n<i NOTARY pnbiio Woodstock, Illinois. Office over Stone's l>rug Store. SIDNEY DISBROW, NOTARY PUBLICand Conveyancer, den. 111. DR. C. K. WILLIAMS. DEST 1ST. Residence Dnndee. will be at Wauconda the 10th and 25th of each month. When dates occur Saturday.or Snn. day I make my visits the following Monday- Alse at Algonquin, every Tuesday. Office at Hotel. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and .Jeweler* No. W7 RANDOLPH STREET. House,) Chicajro, 111. (Brijrgs Formerly with E R. P. Shnrly. Special attention >riven to Re­ pairing Fine watches and Ohronomt iers. Full Assortment of Goods in his line. F. J. CROSS, ANTONY ENGELN, O AfiOON and Restaurant, Buck's old stand* £ McHenrv, III.--The choicest Kentucky , Whiskies, «o\ir Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc., ; always on hand. We bny none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in their season. Established in 1855. ; STERBA^;, Formerly of Woodstock and Chicago, has I again returned to M'cHenry County, andi has on hand the largest stock of READY MADE HARNESSES, COLLARS, WniPS, &c., to be found in the fJonnty, and has everything made of the BEST MATERIAL. Call and see m*\ JOHN STERBA. Near the Depot, We Henry. TAKE NOTICE. wnnt, of Tubs in any ishel to 500; if von want a Tnbma<le to a buns-hole, brniK it alonjr. I will also take buildings to build and furnish, or otherwise just as we r.un agree. Shop work of all kinds done to order on short no­ tice. P. A. MEBARD. McHENRY, ILL ENDELL, lAia wins . --r^enry, W+tt" take'Jj^ntracts fur pntting' up Bnildittgs ati9 g'uimntew my work will compare witb suiy innn in the State. I can and will l|o work from 15 per cent elfo»j>i»a|itja!i otlier carpenter?, a* 1 have two ofiwiy hovs \*ho work witli toe, which uu&c$ it possible for me to do so. All Job*, prow$4ly CONDUCTED, BY DR. S. F. BENNETT. McEfcnry.j In the Carpenter line tided to. Give uie a call. A. WENDELL. . H'i * >C. 29th, 1««| « ALL ve that are form, from one bushel to 500; mo ts&tvA ,hm &>«;«*• .W," W agfcn Shop D E N T I S T . MoHenry,t III. * Plate*made of -the best {material and, J fully warranted, I8.00. PilllnK ono-hall nsual rates. Special attention paid to regulating' bad shaped teolh. Teeth extracted without pain free of charge where Artificial Teeth ai serted bv hini. ' All Work fully warranted. E. WtiiHTMAN, Proprietor. First class rips, with or without drivers! fiuni«he.i at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. and are iu- iP«rrv A Marti church,is now the line of Jtlacf on short notice,| With the best i workmen we arv^j and Wagous to 01 terms and warrs Horse Sfaoei promptly attende at Worth of store near the Brick iretl to do anything in Ithinif ov Wagon Makinsr, "guarantee satisfaction. material and Hrst-class spared to get «tp Buggies "1 on the most reasonable is represented. To the CId Soldiers of the North- west. Being desirous of makJnsr thls rte- partrnent of the i»LAlNDKAL«R as in. terestirg as possible to the old soldiers and their frlen«Ts, and iny time being so occupied with my bttRiness that I cannot ^ive it as tnuoli time as 1 would wis!?, I hereby s^k all old sbldierp. who feel that way, to colitrjbnte short Rf- tk-les for this Department. Reminis­ cences of army life, incidents that came ^ under their own observation, and anything that would be of Inter­ est to publish, would be g'adly receiv­ ed and assigned a place under tftls head. We are glad to learn that our efforts are being appreciated by the boys who wore the Blue, and shall con­ tinue, so far as our time will permit, to make this department of the PLAIN- DRALKR of Interest to all foldiers. Articles intended for this Depart­ ment should be sent to my address, at Richmond. 111. S. F. BENXETT. tHR COM MO KYKNT. I Th* SWrisnry County Agriwltfenl Kx- h , position, Spvffrin the hHtorT of McHenry Connty hiive so many of onr public men been within her borders as will be during thie great expotltien, Heptem- he* 13--16. spanrftriKto, m., July M,1S8L A.S. WnioiiT. Esq.--Dear Sir: Your favor of the lfith ult. received. I ex­ pect to he with you as promised. Hope nothing will interfere to pre­ vent It. Am T expe. ted to make art address? Please give me particulars a.wliil 'S beforehand, and oblige, ; Yours tralv, S.|M. CCLtx>M, Gov. Pure Nitrous Oxide Oas atwavs' for tho painless cxtrsction of teeth. and; 1 N. 8. COLBT. ^JCHKNRT, McHenry Co.. Ill B eeiler of Spanish Merino Sheep, Berkt hire and Poland China s wine. .V choice lot -f young Ruck stock for sale. Pleasccalland examine before buying elsewhere. S OK0 SCIIKEINER. 1 'AI.OON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite > • tki J*Hrkcr M«'Hcnry, f>U a-; V •a^First class milliard and l'ool TaoieS. JOHN II END KICKS. BLIVIN'S MILLS, ILL. Is now prepared to sell and repair any kind of a Sewing Machine as cheap as the cheapest. Will also insure yonr life anil property at reasonable rates.. Please give me a cal'. PKTIClt LEICKEM. REPAIRS Watches,Clocks and Jewelry o all kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the best yissible manner, on short notice and at rea- »oniU>le rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop {rat door North of Riverside Block, McHenry J. A. SHE9WOOD AUCTION 15 KB AND APPRAISER, Algonquin, III. SJ ALES of Stock, Farming Tuols and Goods ^ of all kinds promptly attended to. Farm tales a specialty. Terms reasonable Post Jl4U}£,address Algonquin III. W. H. SANFORD, • Merchant Tailor la the store of C. H. Dickinson, East side of »ubllc Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A *ood Stock of Fine Cloth's for Suitings al" vayson hand. Suits made to order and a lit warranted- Give inea call. W. H. SANFORD. Woodstock III..Sept. »7th. 1870. Scott & Co. "Batters to the Great Northwest." As. 135 and 137 Madison St., NEAR- CLARK ST. nave a larjter stoek and srreater variety of styles for you to choose from, than can be found in any other establishment in Chicago ar the West! It will pay you to call and see them. Prices the lowest in the land for.jfood goods. BRANCH STORES 8. E, Cor. Clark & Lake sU & S. E. Cor. Nalsted and Harrison sts., CHICAGO. M A R C U S ' GERMAN Manufactured F. MARCUS --DEALER IN-- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Gentleman, purchasing a pack­ age • of JE VOTE'S Celebrated Gold Mandarin TEA, ^Will receive the Friend FREE. Jdm Bozislett* Near the Depot, McHENRY - - "i ILLINOIS. Keeps constantly bn hand the finest brands | of Flour and Keo<l of all kinds, which-he will sell at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. Five different brands of Fionr always on "naiid and warranted as represented. WFIour delivered any whe rtratw>»i. tnh* W'l Card, Box 107, l 'ost Office. GIVK ME A CAM.. L. BONS LETT. Meftenry, lfareh 8th, 1881. A beautiful hook, containing valuable Recipes, Ladies Needle work Companion, Almanac and Calendar for 1881, Drawing Slates, Register of Gas Metre &c SALE BY Fltzsimmons & Evanson SOLE AGENTS FOR MCHENRY, ILL. N. B.--Price per package Gold Mandarin Tea, 25, 30, 40, 50, GO, 80c, $1, WAUcdNDA Housekeepers {Agricultural Wareliousa. Ifin wan^ofa at my Shop, exa learn iirlce befoi took FIRST I'UB FAlIt Kail fii undersold, quail W*Spr»n, be sure to cal olieofmy Wajrons and RFHASINE! Mv W.IJJOMS MAT THK" COUNTY 11 olliertj. I will not be mMaered; PHILLIP McHenry, III.. Hi A U PERISH. hiaist, tsfa,- STOCK, f -<S u JUST RECEIVED --AT-- an s G. HILL, NEW MEAT MARKET, IN HOWE'S BUILDING. Southeast Corner Public Square. MCHENRT - - - - - ILLINOIS. JOSEPH FRETT Would respectfully announce to the citi­ zens of McHenry and the public generally that he has leased the aliove building, and will, on Saturday, July 30th. opeu it with the choicest sloe k of FKESII AND SALT M K ATS ever brought to this town. He intends at all times to keep on hand a full stock, and with a neat and well ariunped shou hopes to be able to please the public. Call and see me. JOSEPH FRETT MCHENRY, July 27th, 1881. Would respectfully inform the Farmers of Lake county, that he ha* opened an Agrlcnl- tnraMVarehouse, on Mill Street, in the vil. lago of Wauconda, where lie will keep A(>RI CULTlMtAL MACHINERY of all kinds, of the best <iuality and make, and sell it t<> the farmers at as low Aguree as any other Bouse I ia the 4tate. In Mowers & Reapers f shall keen the MeCormick, and" Buckeye. | of Canton, Ohio, which we consider the best in the market. Shall also keep In stock the Leader Rake, of Ithica, N. Y„ the Tompkins County Im­ proved Self-Adjustable Cultivator, and a gen­ eral assortment of all kinds of machinery used on a farm. Call and see my stock before purchasing elsewhere and be convinced that I mean business. T f)C HILL- Wauconda, May 2d, 188L M. Engeln, -DEALEB IN-- Guns and Revolvers, by Woodstock best Tonic in the world, pint and guart Bottles. III. Put "up in F. MARCUS Patentee. Gun Material of all description.-- "Thefinest anil l»est Pocket Cutlery, sll warranted.-- The finest Razors, warranted fur two years. Rarbers Soap, Caps, Brush es. Straps, Eve i.lasses, spectacle Eye Protectors for Snn or Snow. We also keep a full line ot Fishing Tackle, Minnow Seins, Hammocks, and in fact everything pertaining to Finhing and Hunting, can be found at iny store at reasonable Prices. Violins, Acordeons, Pica las, Flutes, Violin Strings, ana all other extras for Violihs. My stocks of TINWARE Is complete. Call and exainiue it. I guarantee Prices that defy all competition. M. ENGELN. STOBE IN HOWE'S BLOCK, NEAR THE BRIDGE. Prejudice Kills. "Eleven years our daughter suffered oil a bed of misery under the care of several of the best -and some of the worst--physicians, who gave her di­ sease various names but no relief, and now she is restored to us In good health by as simple a remedy as Hop Sitters, that we had poohed at for two years before using it. We earnestly hope and pray that no one else will let their sick suffer as we did, on account of prejudice against so good a med|ciqe *a Mop Bitters."--Ths p^ents, F. C. MAYES, --AND DEALER IN-- Ready-Made Clothing. Respectfully invites an Inspection of his New Spring Coods Just opened, embracing all the variety usually found in a first- class Tailoring aud Ready Made Clothing establishment. t>on't foil to embrace this op­ portunity before purchasing else­ where as all my goods will b« sold at fair prices. Cutting done as usual. Store in Old McHenry, neai the new Bridge. F. C. MAYES. McHenry, 111., April 19th, 1881. Valuable Pr »perty For Sale, The property formerly used as « Rotel, in the village of l|ingwood, is offered for sale. It, consists of one large brick House, containing ten rooms, all necessary outbuildings, a good well o! water and cistern, and one acre of land* On the premises are some of the finest fruit and Ornamental trees, shrubbery* &o., to be found ir the county. It is a very desirable location and will be soir| dirt cheap aud on IOIIK time, for good security. Apply to SIMEON POTTBW, Administrator, pf the Estate of Mrs. M. C rand all. AT WAUCONDA, I have the largest stock of Summer Oood» ever brought to 1.»ke County, which I will sell at LOW Kit PRICKS THAN EVER «K- FOUE. Ready-made Clothing more numerous than ever aud at prices sotted for everv purse.-- For anything made to order, whether asingle garment or a full suit Maiman's IR the place to buy, Also a full line of GENTs* FURNISHING GOODS, Hats and Caps, Ac. I have a larfcc variety of PIECE GOODS, of the Latest Styles a'nd Patterns, at low ligurcs. Mrs. Maimaa, Who is assisted by Miss Gieselcr, has just received a flne stock ot Spring Millinery, of the latest sty let» to be found in the city which she invites the La<Wes of Wauconda to rail and examine, Hats and Bonnets Trimmed in the latest «tvl«sand at reasona­ ble prices.' Dress Making dotfe promptly and satisfaction guaraoteod. MEflf anything more was needed to excite tlie indignation *>f tho world against the promoters of the atrocities in Ireland, it is the discovery that in­ fernal machines have been sent a.-ros^ the Atlantic from thjs country, de* signed, as it Is supposed, to destroy English ships, or English public build: Ings. It is said that fiean Stanley, shortly before his death, received let* ters informing him tluit it w:is a part ot the plan of the Irish malcontents to destroy Westminster Abbey. One of tho worst feature* of the dastardly conspiracy la that it was concocted in this country. Whether it is really in­ tended to carry out the fiendish plots, or whether, as is supposed, it is anoth­ er trick tof extract inouey from the pockets of the1 dupes upon whose cre­ dulity the Feninn leaders impose greatly to their selfish advantage, it is a shame and an outrage deserving the most severe punishment. It is not by crimes sncli as they have pw>pfl»»Jl Nilw redressed, and those wlio^ sn^irp^t, o« advocate tliein show limv little lilted they are to direct a true and needed reform. Perhaps we should say AL bums, and if "AI'* does not bum we want you to know that we have a tine assortment ot PHOTO and AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, bought low for cash. And that is the way to buy, as good for you at> it is for me, and I make it win. I kavc two or three other "trinkets" in stock. Home in and see, bring your "tatting," take a good look through. Al­ ways glad to see you and will al­ ways try to treat you EIGHT. 1 want your trade, am trying to do the square thing by all so as to gtit it and hold it. **Truly yours," F. B. HARRISON, Book Hauntist. long credit and easy termx, in a mild climate, tree from hea*y snows, blight- ing fronts, and cx- MILLIONS OF ACRES | costive rains. for sale In the GOLDEN BELT of Kansas, by the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, ot 63 rich Soil as the snn over hone on, with good markets east and west. For Petriptire and IHustrmM Book, with Map*, Sent Free, Addrru UNO COMMISSIONER,-Kansas Division, KANSAS QITY, MISSOURI. CHEAP LANDS An Elgin old settler of '35 tell# the following story in the Advocate about the first "grist-mill" put ill oper­ ation at that point. Provisions were very searee and very high; there was not enough of anything raised then In Northern Illinois to sup­ ply the demands of the settlers. Flour ranged from fifteen t«» twenty-five dol­ lars per barrel. Common brown sugar was worth eighteen and twenty rents per pound. Potatoes, butter cheese and such art icles had no great market value, not coming under the head of delica­ cies among those pioneers. The near­ est mill was in DuPagc county, south of NaperVille, 25 miles from Elgin, and they were often obliged to go to .loliet to get a grist ground. This necessity, with bad roads, produced the flr«t mill in Elgin, which was a queer affair, hut did the required work very well. This was made of a log =ix feet long and two or more teet in diameter, Mr. Giflord dug a hole in one end, the shape of a mortar, and constructed a huge pestle with a handle which was attached toa spring pole overhead. The grain was thrown into the mortar and in this way pounded Into meal. This was the "Pio­ neer Mil)," and was used by the settler? round about. It was toll free, if they didn't ask the owner to grind for them. ,i EXECUTIVE nuft, » MADISON, Wit...Inly I, 18«l. yjin»,Xi 51; WBIOHT. Sec'y, Woodstock. III.--Bear Sir: 1 have just returned from a brief absence in the northern part of the State, and find 3 'our e» teemed letter of the 15th Inst. I now havfe to say in reply that 1 will b* with you on Sept. 14th, Very resp'y j 'rs, WM. E. SMITH, Gov. WASHINGTON, D. C., July lit, 18JL A. 8, WRIGHT, ESQ.---Dear Sir: Ac­ cept tny thanks for your very compli­ mentary and cordial letter. It will afford me very great pleasure to at­ tend your annual exposition Septem­ ber IfitU. With the highest apprecia­ tion of the support that I have always received from McHenry County, I am. truly, JOHN A. LOGAN. P. S.--Since the above was received --The Secretary. Is pleased to state to thy ladies of McHenry County that will accompany the Geu- • ' ' 4.S. W. ATMORA, III., Juiie M, 1881. A.?$. WMOHT, ESQ.. Woodstock. Illi­ nois Tours of the 25th, inviting me on bchalt of the Agricultural Society of your county to be present at Its ex- position on the lath of September, is re­ ceived. I accept the invitation with pleasure. Hoping that you will have a successful Fair, a thing which I ob­ serve you. are laboring hard to bring ttbout.i am, Resp'y ynnrt, , ,, JOHW C. SHKSWTLT, M. O. ,, j., > , SPHINOFmi.D, III., April 1#, 18&L, MR. A. S. WIW;HT, Woodstock, Illi­ nois.--Dear &ir:--1 received yonr favor of the lst.hin$t„ kindly inviting uie to be present at y«*ur county Fair. Shall do myself the honor, unless something happens now uuforseen. . I am wiping to acknowledge my obligations to Mend .Joslyn, and will collect nil charges 1 have to tnake froiu him, I IYours truly, f II. D. DKMKMT, Seo'y of Stats. KBW YORK, Jnne*), 1W1. A. S. WRIGHT.--Dear Sir:--Yours of rune 22il. containing enclosure fron *I?(Ol!UR OR NXIMI, Th" New Ymrk Srtn lfl«« Millie Chri? tine, tho two-hemde«f nightingale, arrived in fowtt yester­ day. She is two pretty. diatincC women, joined oy natnre in one. There in no doubt tha^ (%e fi:is never ^)een alone ify one of her*$ since her birth, which happened in SroflQt Carolina, thirty years ago. She i<* short and of the same height. Her outlines and her general appearance* are very similar to each other. She is black, and the features of her faces are those natural to colored persona, bnk Very pleasant aiid Intelligent. Shrt wore, two open work polonaises of * brown color,over a wide skirt of some dark material. SIIT spoke English, German. Italian and Spanish, in s voice that was low and musical. Some­ times, in answer to questions, she would speak both together in the same words; bnt she was was alsto capable of carrying on two independent con­ versations with the utinoet facility* She called herself"l" ami said laugh­ ingly that she never spoke of uboth of me." Her two heads, she said, wem independent of each other, but liei* tastes were similar ami her acquire­ ments were just the same. She paid only one fare when traveling, and or­ dered dinner only for one, which cor­ responded to her mutual appetite. "Won't you dance for us. Millie?" said Mr. Smith, her personal manager. lit resppnse she at once arose, and hef four little feet twinkled charmingly as she trod a number of dlflicirlt meas­ ures. Subsequently she held up two ?f her feet and walked with tin? other two with perfect ease. The nightin­ gale is two women joined together, back to back, in the manner of tlMr Siamese twin*. Jgr"The Celestial Dragon has broken loose In San Francisco, On Monday last he waved his fiery tall above the two Chinese societies. Hop Sing Tong and Suy Sing Tong. The members of these rival organizations are all Tongs and all Sings,but there the identity ceases, for-a Hop is a very diflerent sort of man from a Suy. and he lets oft tire crackers before a different joss. The Suys begun the battle, and they very properly thought that if they could manage to disable the other feHows'joss, the victory would perch upon their banners. They did not, in fact, have any banners, but they start­ ed forth all the same, as one of them expressed it. to "laisee belle" with the Hops'joss. They knocked down the sentinels at tile Hops' ^loor. They threw the colored paper 'itltar decora­ tions into the street. They wrote offensive . remarks in perpendicular linss on the walls. They seized upon the wooden idol five feet high, the veritable joss himself, herself, or it­ self, of the Hops--and valiantly cut ofl his, her. or its cue. Now everybody knows that a joss jan't do anything without a pigtail, and the Hops were, to all intents land purposes, left With­ out any joss at all.. What could they do? They could tie on another pig­ tail and set Joss up in business again when they had more leisure, but their immediate duty wa« t? revenge the lost cue. This they did by attacking the enemy !n a narrow alley of China­ town, and when they got through there were three Chinamen doubled up with bullet holes in the abdomen, and two more groaning with cuts on the scalp. Otiters were injured and five or six of tile ring-leaders were arrested. It was. on the whole.* WT interesting row.--Infer Ocean. visit Illinois in the fall of the year anil if so 1 slisill be glad to attend your A g- fj.culttirai Fair. rrulv.yours, U. 8. URANT. . srarvoFn'i.o, in., 28, issi. A.S. WRIGHT, ESQ.--Dear Sir:--The kind Invitation to ine bv the McHenry Connty Agricultural hoard through j'on as Secretary to attend its exposi­ tion Scptetrfber 14th is received, and it certainly will afford me great pleasure to accept the invitation and have the opportunity of visiting old friends and making new ones--unless i should be prevented from coming by some unknown circumstance. Very truly yours, JOHN M. HAMILTON, Lt. Gov. SON OF THK LATK SENATOR DOUUI.A8S CHICAGO, III., July 30, 1881. A. S. WRIGHT. ESQ.--My Dear Sir.' --Your letter requesting my attend­ ance during your exposition, and des- ignatinj; Sept loth as the day when such promise is most desired is re­ ceived. It will afford me much pleas­ ure to be with you on that daj*. How- evenfT^woulrt here incidentally remark that^iny knowledge of Illinois farming is IIHJCII like what Senator Vance, of North Carolina, stated his knowledge of tinauce to be. Said he: "All I know about finance is that it takes two names a dumued sight tatter than mine to get money out of a bank." I shall, therefore attend your exposition as a pupil, not as a professor, and sitting at the feet of your elders shall seek to tenro Bucolic wisdom. Very re?p'y yours, STKFIIBN A. DOUOLAM. SPRINGFIELD, III., Aug. 3, 1881. A. S. WRIGHT -.--Dear Sir:--Your in- vinition to the exposition has just reached me. I shall be glad to attend if possible, aud I know of nothing now that stands in the way. Thanking you for your kind invitation, 1 am, ' Very truly yours, " I. H ELLIOT*. Three Mesla a IM|, s 1: This is *n* unknown Injury fn (fW city homes of some of the poor child' ren who are sent into the country for the summer, as shown by the following! incident from Uppineoffk Magazinei One little fellow arrived l«te one night and viewed with approval® the sitting of the breakfast table iii the morning. He did full justice to thtf meal, and after lie could eat no more, was a*ke# how he liked if. He said tint he liked it ftrsfafate. but thojtght It aiittla to<»„ Small Money Orders. / One of the proposed improvements in postal facilities is a species of pos­ tal money order, whereby small amounts may be sent by mail, as «ou- viently as in the war times wlten the paper fractional currency was In use. The order will be printed on a slip of bank note paper, aud its peculiar fea­ ture is a triple row of uutnbers ou one end, &o ,-M'ranged that by punching out the proper figures any ettto from one cent 4® five dollars may be expressed. These orders are to be sold^ for a low sum, probably five cents each, and the postmaster, in receiving the amount to b« forwarded, will punch out the cor­ responding figures aud give the order to the sender. The plan is much cheaper and more convenient than the present postal order, wliivh. however, it js not intended to supersede. The new design is only for small amounts, and will be limited to live dollars, while a still smaller one, limited to $"2.50 is also contemplated. This.proposition will be recommend­ ed to Congress by the Postmaster Gen­ eral, with a good prospect that it will be adopted. The object is to facilitate the intercourse of the masses 6( the people in the ordinary business trans­ actions of daily life. It Is based upon the fractional currency precedent, with the difference that the "postal currency'* will be AVAILABLE for POSTAL yu,reuses o»lyr .m . .. . thomffit of this re mirk, but it was re- memliered when ho showed the great­ est amazement at the table being sefi again for dinner. Two meals a day I was a luxury he had never dreamed off he had never had more than one meat- a day. and supposed that his breakfast was all that he would get that day.--* When he found that there was still m supper to come, his admiration knew no bounds; aud his last direction t«r his neighbor in the next crib, as bo fell asleep that night, was, "Wake DID if thejjr sets that table again uigkt.** . . . ; _ t i.v ~~ A NEW YORK, Aug. 9.--A portion of the big hotel at Rockaway Keach includ­ ing the bars and the restaurant, located . in the centre of the building, was open* ed to the public to-day by Gen. HustedV' the new receiver. There are twelve- hundred;rooms hi the building, and a1 large number of thi^m- are pow ready for permanent guests. Over two hun­ dred persons can stand at the bar at one time. The kitchen which like the : hotel itself is claimed to the largest In the world, covers seven-eight!* of an acre of ground. It has four immense ovens and twin ranges, cabable of cook­ ing for ten thousand penplo, and two auxiliiary ranges capable of increasing the capacity one half. Four steam . pumps supply the hotel with water drawn from forty wells sunk fourteen feet down in the sands between the bay aud the ocean. These pumps have % capacity of a million and a half gallon* per day. The railroad and boats carry large numbers of people to hotel ' throughout the day. -jiif1 . if CROPS-CONOITIOJI, IllttA An. The correspondents of the Illinois Department'of Agriculture for thia county report on August 1st as follows: IUCHEXRT--The limited area of . wheat made a poor vield and the qual- : ity is medium; fail wheat will not av­ erage ten busliels-per acre, and spring k wheat about twelve bushe;* per acre; rye. about fourteen bnsheK barley, twenty bushels; oats forty hu*heU. Oats iii localises injured by r«u.t. aud there is more complaint than usual that the crop has lodged. The quality of hay. except on low lands tiiat werw J overflowed is good; the crop was sared. in fair condition and will make un av- eiage yield of about one and a half ' tons per acre, tiax vviU make an av-- * erage yield of about eleven Unshel* per acre. Nearly hall the corn was platit- ed early and is doing well--rh« lat* corn i> not doing as \wH-- prospect* are not favorable for much over lliree- I'unribs of air average yield |»er acre,. Broom corn is nearly up to an average in condition. Sorghum cane will inak* about three-fonriiis <»f an. aw rag* yield. Pastures are Bp to an aven>|{*. Prospects are eucoiiragtug for an a*- erage crop oi |lristi and sweet potatoes. Farm auimals are healthy and doing J:. well. Fruit crop will he light. Wu»»t ;V: and grapes about tliree-fonrtha of a ^ crop, apples one-third of a cr»»p, one-tourth ota crop. BlRO CagkS. the tin^st as>o»tmea4 III town, at U»e store ot O. C*rft>y A Vo* opposiip inshop's Mill. Klght Poumls ot I^NF One lH»lk*r at •••#****. McHenry. . '••v. ' 'rM % ' ¥• •M ~'4

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