Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Aug 1881, p. 5

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^ i f d r - A b o . * # * Railroad Time Table. OU1WO BOOTH. ftonera Lake PMSWier Qtkl?ik Lake Express woisro xoRrn. »ene»% Uk« Freight Steamboat rxp^ot Omen Lake .Express ,3:SlF. M r 1 «:»T " B. BOSK, Aeent. McHenry. III S:M A. M 40:01.! Benefg-ljaka Passenger. 1881 1881 Lake, Ilk. Time fable STEAMER -LOTOS." MAT* !•:» a. x.* •:lSr. K. daily. •:» A. *. daily t:W p. *.» MCHENRY f;. FOX LAKE. AKKTVK. 8:00 A,*. daily 4:00TF. M.» 12:00 noon.* 0:00 p. M.(tally alternately by •This mi<l.ftay Trin Is run the "Lotnf" ami- "Mary Griswold," provided there is previous notice given bv ri si tors at the Lake. W-VLTKR fliix, Captain. To the Harvest Picnic* The Steamboat "Mary Griswold" willlosve her dock, in this village. for the Harvest Picnic, at MiddendorfTs Grove,on, August 20th, at 10 o'clook A. M. Pare round tri p 50 cents. All who wish to go should be on hand promptly. TR(7MAKOAMF,eapl«fat. The Steamfer "Lotus," Will leave her dock In this village, for the Picnic at Mlddendorft's Grove, tea Saturday next, August 20th, at 10} A.M. Fare, the round trip. 60 cents. This is one of the most delightful pia6M on Fox t^ake, -and a pleasant time may he expected on that day. ^ . WALTER HILL, Captain. CARD GIVENS, an old resident, who lives south of this village, died on Tuesday, after a lohg and painful ill- ness**.; " ; ' . f : --• .t, --a. ' •: J W#Understand.that they took in -#t the Factory on Saturday last, about sixteen hundred bushels of cucumbers. A very good showing considering the dr^ weAther. "t / DUCK hunting has now fairly com­ menced. nn<l the v are said fo be ufnusu. »"jr thick around the Lakes. Tliel*e is firing *11 along the Hne ««f, sod huiiters are happy. R. WAITK IS building a floating Boat Hoijpe lor the Cedar Island Clubf which wiU-be 22x20 and 9 feet high. It is be­ ing built near the Steamboat landing, In this village, and will be towed up to th# Lakes by the Steamboat. „ • t»i' I.-» e. WE understand there Is to: * be' nn opening Dance at the Parker House, on Friday evening, Sopteinllor 2d, to in- nugurate the*" administration or the new landlords, Tickets will bo issues In a few days. THOSK who ioive to dance should not forget the Harvest Party at the Rich­ mond House, Richmond, on,, Friday evening of thi* week. Aug. 10th. The Geneva Lake Band will fnrnish the music and all who go are sure of hay­ ing a good ttme. DORAN A POOL declared monthly dividends for their butter and cheese Factory as follows: May 80 ets. per one liundred, June 73 cents per one hundred. When we consider this Is a ne*r Factory we think this a pretty good showing. M^HRKRir Pub ic School will op*n one week from next Monday, the' 29th, for the Full Term, under the continued care of Prof. S. D. Baldwin, Principle, The balance of the teachers we have not learned, but presume there will be little If any change froih Inst ytesr, . ON Monday eveni ng . next, the 22d, occurs the Social Party at the McHenry House, for the beuefit*>f the German School, of this tillage. Good Music Will be in attendance and a general good time may be expected. Do not forget to lend a helping hand for this wofthy objeot. TBe Ls&tes Aid Society, of Ri ng• wo#d, will meet at the M. E. Parson- on Thursday noxt, in the after- it^on. it 1s1ioped the ladfes of Mo- Henry Will join them and spend the afternoon in pleasant and social gath­ ering. MRS. WK. LANOHAM, Secretary..4 MANT (Arsons iron towels, fold tlieth And put them awhy before they are thoroughly dry. This is an error and sometimes leads to results not expect­ ed. In their damp condition, there Its mould which forms on them called otcium, one variety of which causjgp qjlbmerous skin diseases. THE last Bowery Dance will He ftven on the Platform opposite the Mudgett Cheese Factory, on. Tuesday evening, August 23d. Golding & Brooks, of Waucondi, will tarnish re­ freshments o<i the grsunds. Tiykets 35 ceuts.. $lusic McHenry Quadrille Band. One and all are cordially iu»4- * PERSONAL. Mils CujitA B. OWEN will sail from Liverpool on the 3ist hist, for home.-- Her many friends in this vicinity wish her a pleasant voyage and a safe ar­ rival. MRS. RALP* hTEBOixs started for Kansas City on Monday, having re­ ceived a telegram that her aister. Mrs, Clark, was dangerously ill. MRS. E. MONROE, of Woodstock, was visiting her parents, BIr. and Mrs. R. Holly, in this village last week, Mies EMMA WHITSON and Mrs. John Zimpteinau, of Woods took, was the guests of yjs editor and family on Thursday last. CASPER MCOUBKR, of Cliicago, spent fSunday with his parents In this village JOHN BVRNES, of 276 So. Water St., Chicago, passed through here ou Sat­ urday evening on his Way to visit friends In Lake county. *r A. L. PATTERSON, of the firm of Patterson Bros. & Co., of the Union Stock Yards, Chicago, was the guest of *E. M. Owen over Sunday. I J. M. STIMPSON, ("Umbrella Jim,") is rusticating at Fox Lake. If Jim has -«i sufficient supply of--hair oil--Ducks had better "look a leetle oud." I FRANK SCIINORR, of the Arm of Stevens <Ss Sclinorr, hns b«'(Sn rustica- ting at the Lakes the past week. DR. J. E. MORRISON and wife, of Champaign, 111..are visiting at Samuel Stocker's. The many Friends of Mrs. Morrison wll\ be sorry to learn Aat .she is in very feeble health. ALMOST URANGF.R, oldest son of Hon. F. K. Granger, who has been In Chica­ go the past few months, came home sick last week. His'friends hope that it may not prove of a serious nature. H. B. TYRRELL, of tfunda, was on our streets on Friday. F. A. THOMAS, of the Elgin Leader and John B. Qui tin. of the Chicago Journal, were callers at thh office on Monday. * b - ALLEN WALSH and wife spent Sun­ day with friends in CMcago. Miss BARBARA SNYDER, who has been the guest of Miss Jennie Searles the pant few weeks, returned to Chi­ cago on Tu*sd*y. Miss MAIMIK LAMPHRRK and Miss Loile Bangs, of Waticonda. are the guests of Miss Eftie Jurtis this week. MRS. S. C. WELSH and daughter and Miss C. May Welsh, of Chicago, are visiting with Miss Uorleska Granger tor a lew days. . • '-- T»TE».--On Friday morning, Aupruit ltth, 1SS1, OKOUGE SOilliKIN Ett, aged 44 years. The above announcement was sudden and unexpected, but few of our citizens even knowing that lie was sick at all until the announcement came that he was dead. He leaves a wife, oits child and three step-children to mourn his loss, who have the sympathy of all in their suddeiv bereavement.' 1 Pigeon and Glass Ball'shoot at Barry Dunniirs on the 14th, was well attended, and proved a highly enjoy" able affair for sportsmen. In the pig- 49)1'shoot Wm.Mudgi-ttfook HrstViiZ"^ and in the Glass Rail Shoot the first prize was captured by W. ThurWell. We have not room for the score. An­ other shoot, on a more extensive scale Is oontemplated soon. DR. F.J. CROSS. Dentist, will visit Nunda o n Thursday of each week, and can be found at tbe <1(0(10 over the Pose office, ready to attend to all work In his line. Partial or full sets of Teeth, filling or extracting done on short, notice and on the most reasona­ ble terms. Dr, CrOss 1« a flm cla?s workman aud those Wantlu? anything In the line of Dentistry can do no bet­ ter *I»M to fire him a call. How dear to my heart; was the old family bible, that stood on the table so solemn and still; where offen I've hid every thing I thought liable to get into the hand- of my had brother Bill. How ardent I've seized It, with eyes that were slowing, and shook its wide pages till out the things fell; but now all It9 charming old seoreoy's going, with this new-fangled Bible the book­ stores sell. The new-fangled Bible, the twenty-cent Bible, the new revised Bible, that sn?* hades for hell. THERE are people who in the hot­ test weather will get up In the morn­ ing long' before the flies have begun to open their wings to the rising sun, and they will cook aud hastily bolt a scanty breakfast, rush madly around the house after collars, bonnets, umbrellas and fans, put up lunches that * are not fit to be eaten, spend six hours on a railway train In order to have one or two hours of "enjoyment" at a ltfke side, get back home late at night tired exasperated, fussed out. and the next morning.they will crawl to work with aching heads, aching hacks and rebel­ lious stomachs, aud say they have had a day out. WE a few weeks since visited the new Fox Lake Club House, at Fox Lake, and had intended to have writ­ ten up what we saw there at that time, but time and space have prevented,-- But even at this late day we cannot refrain from saying a few works.-- Through the kindness of tire officers of the Club, wc were shown through the , building, and must say that it is one' of the finest arranged Club Houses we ever saw. Everything is arranged for convenience and comfort, as well as beauty, and as each member is accom­ panied by his wife, of course the taste and wishes of the ladies have been consulted. The rooms are substan­ tially and neatly furnished, and every­ thing is run on strict principles, as will be seen by the following Rules, which are posted in the Club House, and we understand are lived up to to the letter: Members and guests will uleaie Reg­ ister on arrival. Rooms will be assigned by the house­ keeper. Hours for meals can be obtained from the housekeeper, aud she respectfully requests you to be as prompt as possi­ ble. Only luncheon served after regu­ lar meal horns. NO CARD PLAYING for MONEY allowed in the^Club House. Drinking allowed only iu the Gents' Parlor. Shooting near the Club House, or of! from the Veranda, positively prohibi­ ted. None but members and their guests will be allowed to occt^py the I'arlors or Kootiis of the [louse, or lounge ou the Veranda or about the Grounds. Housekeeper will see that these rules are strictly enforced. By Order of the Manager*. We shall have more to say about this Club at some future time. REMNANTS Of diflerent kinds of Dry Goods. A large assortment that must be sold.-* Call aud »ee. ^ _ VlTZSPIXOVS * SVAftOIT. The following is a list of the Real Estate Trausfers In McHenry county from June 11th to July 20th, 1881; John Hanev am) w to Dennis Haliterman, pc m nwX fee 30 Itichuioud, *100. Augusta Rnerthcr and bus to <; E Chapel It 2 1)1 k 11 Phiiuleigh':) add to A.lgonqnin StOft. Robt Mr Ada m and w he Win MnCredie ch»eg«; factory in swj* see Si Algonquin, *8,000. _ F W Heine and w to Chss Nolte wX a«H sec 25 Algonquin, ft.fOd Maurice Leo and w to Geo D. Ryder 7,48 a see 20 Alden, *81.7*. Sarah Howe and has to Timothy Loouer It In M.irengo, <0Oa Mary F Tlcnsoc to Wine-;4t Knspp 4 a in se c 1 Riley, S50i Wise A Knapp and ws to James *Dooley, 4 a In Swction 1 Riley, SlOO, Win Renson to Jas Dooley pt ne V sec 1 Ei ley. flS. F R C Jefferson and w to Qeo and Elisabeth Snyder 120 a in sec 18,20.21, Greenwood, $4300. Harley Green and w to E O Finney It IS blk 1, Nunda, 1350. Frank Slater and w to Wm A Boles cheese fhctory, sec 20 Dorr. StSOC, Martin Neison and w to sehoot trustees McHenry, pt It 15 Johnsburgh, *30. Washington Whittemore and nr to Theressa A Templcton pt se V sec 14 Coral, •1390. Sehuyler Hiirgins and w to Caroline CaV- mark, a sec U Dunham, (2430. Thos Gngarin an<l w to Johanoah Craton 15 a m sec 18 tlartland, f35a Sam'I Richardson and w to Jas V Cornne, wH Us 1 and 4 blk 14, Hart's 2d addition to Harvard, SHOO. Judy Whitethorn to John J Donnelly Its 106 sec 6 Dorr. (Ml Frank Slater and xr to .Jos Newman cheese fhctory sec 12 Seneca, <500. Stephen Ward and w to Wm Pal see, 49^V a sec 31 McHenry, and icc 5 Nunda. S130(l. Ency W Bcnrdsiev et al to A It Beardslev at Its 3 and 4, Its 5, B, 7, 8,9, and 10, blk 16, Crystal Lake, $1. Mary Miller ot al to Jaoob Rotbermal w 2BS a e Jtf »w \ sec 13 McHenvy, $1100. Nicholas Itothermal an l w to .),i.y>b Rother­ mal w 2SS a e h sw X sec IS, M c Henry, fl<tt 33 Chna Gilmaker to Wm. Cabal Its In Huntley 9425. Mary M Jenkins and has to Norman Clapp It 55 sec 35 Marengo, S20a Silas C Jayne to ueo H Com stock S a iu ne>< sec 33 Altronqnin R 9, ffldo. Martin Welch and w to N S Ooliiy It in sec 97, McHenry, »L THE new postal law now makes the taking of a newspaper and the refusnl to pay for th 3 same a theft, and any person guilty ef such action Is liable to criminal prosecution the same as if they had stolen goods to amount of subscription. A New York patter1 has already oominenced suit against sever­ al subscribers for such offences.--Ex. THK. Whiting House, at Geneva Lake, is one of the best hotels kept at any Summer resprt in the Northwest. It is the largest House in the village of Geneva, and Its proprietor. W. W. Watson is a horn landlord, ami guests at tills hotel are sure of being well taken care of when under his hospit­ able roof. The Hon. Thos. F. Talman, an old Kane County man. has charge of the oflloe, and is eminently the right man In the right place. The hoiis^ Is located near the Steamboat landing, affords a flue view of the Lake aud its surroundings,and persons visiting this beautiful Summer Resort either for pleasure or business, can do no better than to stop at the Whiting House. Queen Ann Harvest Picnic. August 25th in Michael Sender's Grove. 2} miles East of Woodstock, on the.Greenwood road. A cordial invi­ tation is extended to all farmers, me­ chanics, professional men and all work­ ers in the busy hive of human industry. Leave your business for a day of so­ cial life. Come one. come all. Bring your families, aud if you hnve none don't forg«>t your neighbor's sister, and last of all do not forget your diu- ner basket filled with the suhstantlala of life. Literary programme, Marsha! music and various amusements will entertain you. Per order committee. O. M. KOSIXCK, M. J. WHIOHT. Harvest Picnic. There will be a Harvest Picnic at MlddendorfTs Grove, on the North bank of Fox Lake, on Saturday. August 20th. 1881. Besides thb Picnic Dinner there will be furnished amuse­ ments as follows, beginning at 2 o'clock P. M.: Ladies Boat Race.--Dis­ tance defined by stakes, onp rower.-- Suitable firsthand second prizes will be given. Glass Ball Shooting,--Two prizes will be given, which will be ex­ hibited on the grounds. Number of balls> and rules for shooting to be agreed upon by those competing.-- Speaking by those who will volunteer to do so. A Dancing Platform has been erected, and music will be in at­ tendance through the day and evening Hot Tea and Coffee and luttjh will be furnished on the grounds by those who prefer to buy rather than bring their own. Steamers will be present and give pleasure excursion at reasouable rates. Heroes of tlie Plain* Is the charming title of a new book ju6t published by the Historical Pub­ lishing Co., ot St Louis, Mo. It em- praoes the lives and adventures of Wild Bill. Buffalo Bill. Kit Karson, Capt, Payne, Capt. Jack,Texas Jack.Calllfor- nia Joe, and other celebrated Indian lighters, scouts, hunters, and guides, and is doubtless a book worth having. There are not many people in tills great land of ours who do not feel an interest in the romallc deeds of Hie gallant plainsmen. See advertisement elMwhore. A SOCIAL HOP. A Social Hop will be given at Lip- pincott's Hotel, at Fox Lake, 111., ou the evenings of Wednesday and Sat­ urday during the season. All are cor­ dially invited to attend. COL.O. LIPPINCOTT. AUGUST 3d, issi. Wicked for Clergymen. "I. believe it to be all wrong and even wicked for el-rgymenor other pudlic men to be led Into giving testimonials to quack doctors or vile stuffs called medicines, but when a really meritor­ ious article, made of valuable remedies known to all, that all physioians use and trust in it daily, we should freely com­ mend it. I therefore cheerfully and heartily commend Hop Bitters for the good they have done me and my friends, firmly believing they have no equal for familV use. I will not be with­ out them." Rev.--.Washington, D. C. One Dollar at Co 1 Blosk/McHonry. Eight Pounds of Ground Coffee for Colby Bros,, Riverside RINGWOOO. EDITOR PLAUCDKA LEH :--'tfl»® crop of cucumbers will be comparatively light this year. The busy hum of the!threshing ma­ chine is again heard. Young man obtain a good name first. The mustache and fop buggy nnty come afterwards. Smith. Jeweler, visited our town last week. The celebrity of his goods causes his trade to increase constantly. Not a loafer in onr village at present this is not an advertisement. Jerry Smith is doing a thriving business. Send in your orders at once before the increasing fall trade orowds you out. Harvest is. nearly finished. A goodly number from this vicinity exfiiect to be present at Singers Grove on the 25th inst. T-J. Ellis has drawn lumber for a new barn. The same when completed will add much to the appearauoe and utility of his premises. i Ladies, don't yon think some of the boys are bad off to '"set up," when they will set up grain at night, and spend the gloomy hours in erecting a single shock eighty rod§ long? M. M. Chase is renovating things gen­ erally at the school house. The new fence that encloses the school yard is Xw completed. The new patent seats ve arrived and will soon be placed In order. Through the efforts of Mr. Hall the grass has been mown and the coming years wood sawed aud nicely piled in the wood house. We under­ stand the Directors have been success­ ful in securing the services of Wm, Nickle as Instructor, and in short, everything looks favorable for the commencement of the ensuing school year which event will occur on or about Sept. 1st. V Thus. Lumley. through the assist­ ance of .J. GooiYrow Jk Son. of Elgl n, has beautified his new residence with a fine job of painting on the outside and superfine graining on the interior. The graining especially is extremely elegant, and shows the efleet of accom­ plished skill and superb science in the art. Mr. Lumley now has one of the finest residences in the State the work being executed in first-class shape throughout. Persons <vishiug painting done will do well to call on the above named Painters knowing frftra a per* sonn^ examination of their work in di fie vent places that it is unexcelled. Death has again visited our little village, taking away an old and re­ spected citiaen. Mrs. M. Joues. The deceased has suflered a long space of time with consumption, when about noon on Saturday, Aug. 13tli, Iter spirit tnoks Its flight to an Immortal home.-- A large circle of friends were present at the funeral on Sunday. An appro­ priate address was made by Wm. Nickle after which she was borne to her final resting place. One by one wo are passing away. Our best citlsens are being taken from ns. Let'is p*r form with honor thp duty that Hes be­ fore us for we know not at whst hour we may be called to reap the reward of ot;r welldoing. « We noticed in the last Issne of the PLAlKDRALhR an expression of the sen­ timents of th» ladies of this place in regard to the condition of the ceme­ tery. We coincide heartily with the greater part of Uie article written.--- Its present state is disgraceful, aud a IHtle time aud pains on the part of the community iu general, would greatly change Its appearance for the better. But instead of tlft gentlemen coming to the front with hoes, shovels, scythes rakes. &c., for the ladles to use (which we know they could not do) would not a more pleasing nffeot be produced if the ladies would only make a start and come to the front with tho necessary articles and trust to the men for the performance of the task. We always had a great deal of confidence in men (especially gentlemen) and we have no doubt that if the enterprise is started the male populace of the community will see that a triumphant consumma­ tion is achieved. ORiSWOLO LAKE CHIP# EDITOR PLAINOJRALER:--Having had very fine weather the farmers in this vicinity are very nearly done harvest­ ing. Sam Taylor threshed for Mr. Rhyn- ders. First job of the season. He in­ tends running steady pretty soon. The Griswold Lake Nine played the Slocum Lake Nine a game of base ball last week wldcb resulted in the Slocum Lake Nine being badly beaten. Good for our boys. Miss Etta Kittle finished her sum­ mer term of school Saturday last by having a,basket picnic. She had sev­ eral lady visitors of the neighborhood. She isr'a flue teacher and highly es­ teem eJ by her sclmlors. Herbert Keunicott,of Chicago, has been out aud taken a picture of Mrs. Allensby's house, ivhioh is a very flue picture. We learn that^Old Mrs. Frlsby Is very sick. Geo. Allison has been very sick but Is getting better. Miss Sarah Smith is Tory sick bat Is getting some better. Hen picnic at Clary's last week. Our friend J. V, Stephens is running for County Supt. of Schools. John Grimolby, ot Ring wood, was In our neighborhood iast Sunday. Those cheese makers must be having a soft timeof it this nummer. We see them going to Wauconda Nquite ofteu and early in the afternoon to, We noticed by the W&ukegan Ga­ zette that Vic Burton is dead. He is pretty well known in this neighbor­ hood. Charles rather took advantage of the bumble bees, set fire to the nest then armed himself with a rail. Poor little bees. The Griswold Lake Band has beenl rather quiet the past week. Brace up. Oh, how sweet the music is ou a pfc*8* ant summers evenlug. WOODSTOCK- EDITOR PLAINDKALKR:--MFS*. Prud- euce J., relic of M. W. Hunt, died very suddenly <M Wednesday morning of last week. She was buried from her late residence on Thursday at S o'clock P. M. This leaves another vacancy among the early settlers of Woodstt»ck. Mrs. Hunt and her youngest daughter Ells have lived quite secluded since the death of her huiband which hap­ pened about fifteen years ago. Her intimates were not numerous. Those who knew her best admire Iter most. She leaves her oldest daughter, Mrs. A. W. Tappan. of Louisville, Ken­ tucky, her son, Charles, of Chicago, and Miss Ella, of her own family, to mourn, her sudden death. That wedding on Lake St, did hap­ pen at the residence of the bride, Mrs. Armstrong, who will hereafter make it her home w|th Iter lMNband, Mr. Perry, at Dundee. Cucumbers are coming in to each of our pickle factoties quite lively. That "blessed shower" on Friday night has cooled the atmosphere, and once more life is endurable! Oat harvest is in full blast and we hear complaint of light yield oh «e» count of rust. Corn Is healthy and promises a good crop. W« notice that our colored towns­ man, John Rogers, Is Ordered before the Examining Snrgenn. Dr. S. F. Bennett, of the Soldiers' Department, for examination. If John succeeds in getting his pension, and we think he deserves It, he will take good care of his money when it comes, an 1 we, are pleased to congratulate him on the prospect of success. Peter Fry Is happy. He has one of Dacv's self binders In his harvest Held, and it works like a charm. Judge B. N. Smith has returned from the Red River country, aud re^ ports the wheat crop ot that region "simply Immense." Robt. Richardson, an old settler of McHenry, uow of Sparta, Wis,, has bo en In town several days. The Presbyterian Society are pro­ gressing with the foundation for tlieir Parsonage, on the corner of Calhoun aud Hayward streets, where they con­ template erecting their new church. The site is a beautiful one, and well adapted to the wints of the society. Lemmers A Cuminings expect to have that water tank vompleted soon which is to furnish the water for our fountain in the centre of the Park, Company G. '.»ave received their bran new brecch loading rifles, are ex­ pecting their dress uniforms soou, and are therefore happy. While the boys feel that their drills and uniforms are a heavy tax on time aud pocket, they are justly proud of their standing among the militia of Illinois, and would like to have the Williams broth­ ers hide in some of our corn-flelds so that they might try their skill at cap­ turing outlaws. Superintendent Palmer Is having the stables at the Fair Grounds white­ washed, and the arrangements to ac­ commodate everybody aud his wife and sweotheart, who are all comNig to the Fair, are just about completed, aud will be iu apple pie order. We all want to see our Governor, and the Governors of Iowa, Wisconsin and In­ diana. We all want to see Prof, Dan­ iel's balloon asoeii6ion, and the best exposition ever known in McHenry County, niul are all anxious to see our Honorable Commissioner of Agricul­ ture and show him our products, so are we going to do our Individual best to add to the exhibition and make it the "Oreate$t Show on Earth," to swell the attendance so that these invited guests shall truly wonder whence all the peo­ ple come from, to till the treasury of the society, so that theie shall be no pro-rating premiums, and uo more debts hanging over the society, aud last but not least.M> that we all can properly aud proudly boast that we are citizens of this grand old MoH enry County. The foregoing was prepared for hut week, but we heoavne interested in haj-making and failed to burdeu1 Uncle Sam's gripsack therewith. Another cool wave makes out* nights tetter adapted to "tired nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep." We notice on our streets the genial face of Elmer Johnson, son of our po­ lice justice, J. H. Johnson. Also are we pleased to have Indulged In a hand­ shake with James D. Parrish, of Johns­ town, N. Y., and brother o! John A. Parrish, of this place. Some young lads thought to take a smoke of clover leaves near Llslie Aus­ tins hay stack, consequently Li she is minus about ten tons of good hay put up by himsolf and boys. The noteworthy Improvements at No. 7 Phoenix Block are about com­ pleted a»d the place will soon sparkle with Blossom's finest stock of jewelry and associate merchandise on one sidef and with the drug stock of Murphy A Wheat on the other. "Mending your ways?" she smilingly inquired of a laborer who was Indus, trlously placing the gravel on our streets, "Yes ma'am, or rather my neighbors' ways, he replied, and after a short pause he added, "You know Madam we are quite ftpt to think our neighbor's ways need more mending than our own." And the gravel seemed to spread all thi easier for this slight atteutiou. She had been bis pupil iu former years, aud was it vanity in him to recall that fact, with some emotion of pride, to be thus recognised, to be thus kindly greeted, by a lady of wealth aud position, by a lady who commands the esteem of all who know her. Was it vanity In him to ask himself If his labors as village pedagogue had contributed something however slight-to that lady-like de­ portment, to those real, unpretending, modest and womanly traiti of her oharacter? \ More aud more, as we near t>«s time lor our Fair, are w* convinced that everybody is f«tHy awake and deter* mined to.iauke It a success. So deter­ mined is Sfperinteukeut Palmer that thereahall be nothing. Ufft uudoue, needed for success, that he Im* given the gmtimfeaiut .-rtrasiK^iwent* Ills al­ most entire attention for m»w»y weeks, and you ImVe hut »o witness Ills teal iu that behalf to boeosne convinced that success feat already accom­ plished. It Is now quite generally be. lieved that General Grant will be here and those who ought to know,and who have no objeet to ifece-9ve or be de­ ceived. assure us that it is almost a certainty that he w9ll He here. And surely car.not aftord to neglest onr part, either by stay lug aw»p, »r by keeping back onr products of industry of whatever branch. Shonfrf all the distinguished personages be* with us who are expected, our county could 111 afford to have theiu witness empty fetalis, empty pens atuf empty stands. There is not a town fa onr county, there is not a farm withla her limits there is not a branch of Industry, not a profess^pn or calling, whose reputa­ tion Is not to be affected for better or for worse by the coming exposition. Them wor'd renowned guests know what our exposition ought to bev let us uot deceive them to our owto disad­ vantage. to our own inertia, let n»rath­ er surprise them by the inagnHasle of our exhibition. They will not go to your farms and places of business to inspect your work but will expect you to bring up specimens, and whether round, oblong, or tqnare. fetch them along, and we are assured by tlie builders that nothing shall be htavtd over wnong the rubbish, bat shnU he tested by its merits. THRESHING MACHINE FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale one Buffalo Pitts Threshing Machine, all In good running order, and will do as good work as any new machine. Will be sold cheap for cash or will trade for a span ot good horses. Inquire of GJCO. MILLS, Wi;uconda. 111. Engine and Boiler for Sale. The undersigned has for sale a Twelve llorse Engine and Twenty Horse Boiler. All in good running or­ der. having Iteeit used but little. Will be sold cheup, for cash or on time with approved uote. For further particulars inqulia of WARD B. GALC. Voio. m ^ FOR SALK One J, 1. Case Eclipse Threshing Machine, Has been UMBI) but one year. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Inquire at this office. Oh what a world of "pads T' When you get tired of trying all tlie kinds just fall back on the old reliable Trask's Magnetic Ointment. Lameness is the precursor of Rheu­ matism. Escape it <»y heating Trask's Magnetic Ointment and rubbing in thoroughly. Nobby Styles in Straw Hats at Colby Bros., Riverside Block. Parasols aud Fans in all of the latest stvles at Stevens A Scliuorr's. Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves In all colors at Stevens & Scliuorr's. Look Out For Bargains In Clothing at E. Lawlus', He has clothing for man, boy and child at Chi­ cago prices. McCORMlCK'S Beat the world. Call Warehouse, McHenry. < them. MACHINES at Bishop's examine FOR SALE. A commodious residence, at the cor­ ner of Madison and Vine Streets, Woodstock, 111., conveniently located to business, school and the varions churches. Two lots, well stocked with fruit, both large and small. Pleasantly situated, and well arranged. Good well and cistern. Terms easy. Apply to ASA W. SMITH. Woodstock, III T l i i y - * appetite. Foundation rocks and Gravel deliv­ ered at convenient dUunces froty my residenoe. ASA W, SMITH. Woodstock, III Ladles of McHenry and vloinlty don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have Jooked at and priced goods at Mrs, S. S**ar|es. Am now offering ?;*eater bargains than ever. All work u repairing done on short notice. Trble and Pocket Cuttlery Sn endless variety at O. C. Coloy % Co's Hard-, ware store. Go to M. Engelu's for all kinds of Gnu and Fishing Material. In Howe's Block, McHenry. WANTED TO EXCHANGE Carpenter work for a good Horse or Cow. Persons wishing Carpenter work an<> pay in this way should apply at ouce to A. WKXPKLL. Mctlenry. The celebrated McCoriuick Twine Binder for sale by R. Bishop, McHeury. Try a pound uew tea at Fituslmoions & Evauson's. IF you want a first oluss Reaper aud Binder call at Bishop's Warehouse and see the McCovuiick Twine Binder, Cail at Bishop's Warehouse and see the McConnick Twine Binder. Tlie best Reaper ill the market New line of black lawns, huntings, light summer dress goods, gingham*, with laite to trim, at Steyens A Scliuorr's, Wauconda Ice Cream Parlors. GOLDiNG & BROOKS. Would respectfully announce to the public that they have opened their ice Creaiu Parlors for the season aud are now prepared to furnish Ice Cream every day aud eveulng, by the dish or quautity. We also keep on hsAd firocerfos of all kluds. Canned Goods, Notions, To­ baccos, Cigars, Confectionery, etc., which we are selling as low or lower than any other house in the eouuty, quality of good* considered. When lu went of auythiiig onr Una wa invite you to call, confident that we can please yon both iu quality aad price. GULPING A BKQOKS. , WAGCOKDA, IU,» Juas 4«t. i*Ql. * The MnlVw tfcrfWf (Xvm's. Wow s» K. * Pb^weTssrWVs <* mtt kfaifi at *« Kngeiu'syln IKmeV lllockr antes MmI* , ' new Bridge. . ' •• "Wis PUNI 4 Bntdtaf Sulky Plow &U.O>we»rs. Ml, Buckeye- fuswr Owen'*. All'tho Owen's flnst-otasa FV»v? ft Plate# The flasst Bne of Hitter aad Ware •» he faand i» the «uwM;, St W. Owen's. Ji fline b>t »t' ICeady-Matle Dr* full r^nks Just received at Mrs„ If. NitfhoU" Milttnrry Storey Helleary. Gemotm School Books, ASH) £NGTF»T*A and German Slass Bwks, at M. KM# geli*"# Uowe-ls Block, near niie Bti%i , J 601J> FISH,. ' ' / $ FISH &l0%es, Food for Fish a» J M. Engeln's in Howe's Bfoek.neav th* • bridge. THE LATEST. " $ Wehsrre » Vasge tnvoieo ihosa '̂ v.;3f cote brat e<T "•"BfotwHMnsJ"' Dress €Mbo«4ft» « lathe latest style*. Everybody shoal# se* ghen* before- buying. ? STKITSKS £ SEASON*. , [) Tha facet line of Dress Geods 1 this market e«is ho foatul at &t«veaf| A Sehnoer's. * . ;J 4. FUesvetioftng; sore*, chapped! - salt rlMMiiUs ski a disorders, hum*, brtii^ > ses.sove throat*autf all inflaiuniatioi| ^ SieW rapiklly on appttcatloftof lfra»k*£" ^ !iUM»irOtnitiHm)l. ^ 1 J Banssw Shoulders, Bmemi. Sail Ferit" < Lartfanil Cbrued1 Beef, at Howard** ;; Itarfcet, near the Depot. * >.| WHY DO YOU COUGH When one box of Besley*s Trocbeo wfrf en re you? Store op^osete Psrke# House. I» yon want yonr Watatvpatf* flrsf elass Onle.r. call oa Robett JtMrttti^ Jeweler. Nuudh, New Prints, latest patterns. a|' prices from five ««Kts a ynrd i*nd tip- • wards, at Colby Brus.. Riverside Bioc| 1 Mrs. H. II. Nidsofekeeps hid glove# in all slrades. PauerPhotos at Milter's Stt*H4K|. THK BEST THING -• For a cough is Beslsy's Troches. Try? a box. 3tore opposite the Parkef House, Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols for l*adtes§ Heady Made t?nderW«»ir» We are offering «XU-H bargains Uf Cheviots, at C«4by .Brosw lUvttMl«fc! Block Meiionry, „ . Tea Drinker* veil! ffnd (t new crop Jap. Teas, oncolored and «x* tm fine, over at Fitzsiiuiuons 46 Evjiif son's Call nt Mrs. If. H. Nichols' store, on# # door north of ptorry A Martin's, fo# HH" anything In Mlfiinery or Ladles' Fibs ^ I olslilug Goo*fs. •, „' -'V' i t \-%;j SewtNU Machine Needles for ever* " -i miiehlne inaile. can be found at M. £nV geln's, in Howe's Block, near th# bridge. ' . t Every man. woman and olifld thai p»ys Oath for tltelr goods, should ti ad# where goods are marked on that baslsT " Where they con save from li to 2d ^ percent. Where M will get litem mora good# than #7 will at a credit store. , 3* avaas & sennas*. " - j; Twenty-two nml twenty-fonr foot , ; Fish Poles.only six cents, each, at M% Cs; Engeln's. in flowers Blook, uoar tha-'"i^^ now Bridge. • FENCE POSTS FOR SALS. 8000 seasoned Burr Ouk Fence Poat# 'M < for stile, inquire of H' . JOHN XKMtAN. In cases of Plies Dr, Trask's Mag- " J ̂ netle Ointment acts like a charm, giv4 , I ng quick relief. For Ciatin# aud all; \JJ* Sores and Inflammations it eauela rr- "-'A' erythiug. . Ten cent Moiuie Cloths, tlie latest 5 1 styles iu the market, at Riverside Block, McHenry,- SHROUDS. Just received, at John B. Blake's) . Surniture aud Undertaking Ro<«nis, ' shrouds uf all siges, aud in twenty-Hvo diflerent styles, which will be sold at prices ranging from tl to fS, FOR SALE, f A very fine lUirhain Bull, ono old. Wiltbo ipld ie;us<»nable. • : c',4^ FORSAI.k, 40 Acres of land in Section 12. all fenced, Aisu 80 acres of land, with Si good house an<l barn thereun. with timber aud water in abuuvkuce, lu Seo>\ llou 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal £ Lake and Nuuda road. Good new house, bam and other outbuildings.--- Apply to . JOHN FLV4*J, Shoes lor (be Million* 4 We ilia.*e placed in the hss'iK of « Colby Bros., McHeury and N"H«ta. an Immense assortment of onr best sewed work, consisting of Women's a id ;;; Misses Goat aud Kid Button apd Jjide Lace Goat and Kid Walking !*fn»"s% Serge and Congress Gaiter*. Goat and- Kid front lace, all of which thev are selling at onr wholesale prices with a,'. W small comiiensaitou adtied, UaU aiMl examine goods, ROUBUSH # BROWN. BNIKTS S.T. Do Ton W ant a Machine. v- :9m If yon do. ot eowrse yon want the best, as it costs no IIIUW. |hss why buy from an Agent who carries but one which tie has fixed up purpose to show, when by going to ti»* store o*" O, W, Owen, it> Meiienry, yu«t can have your choice of five, vis: The Domes­ tic, Eldredge, American, Improved Howe, and Si»»gep. We keep al) ilw»» machine* ill stock, and any lady who wants a machine oan set down and try them all. and then »e «ect the one h |«>vi« suits Iter the best. The fii>i tUre«» named, the Domestic. KldtW^e and American, are three of the beat *»» chines on the marker, aud any »ne will be convinced of the iWt by tfttllittg *t my store and trying one |v«»a. Also » fine stock of' 'looks Jewelry, Silver and Plated W ay#, ran?; he fbund at iny st»re. a«d Piano* for sale or rent. a, w, vrgy. 1 .••• V of." I v 4 « **' «, <\ •• '-I?

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