m> l , f f . " v . : / * r . 5iU ••\,A-'fM:'-£4.T: « f'^%' Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and L M'HENRY, ILLINOIS. BUSINESS VARUS. Md Kvery Wednesday by f * ^^okjAuuiHiL'l , / ' . ' * " . ; ' . . . <**»•! •'sift' Mo Favors Wlln us and no Fear Shall Jkwe.M DNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1881. ife? IDIT03 AND PUBLISHER., Office In Old J». O. Block, r^OrWMK Kt VCasiDE HouiKw^ ^ ' VBBMS OFfSCBSOBIPTION. I \ fear (in Advance) If V*t Paid w'.thinTUree Months 2,00 . il«bMriptl»na receive^ for three or six la the same proportion. A. E. BALDWIN, M. IX J •HYSICIAN AND SirBGKON. Office fad residenca at the old Stevers place*on Slay St., Woodstock, III. Prompt a tie niton given to professional calls at all hours, v 'ETEBINABY Illinois. C. 8. GBBEN. SURGEON, <*!£» BUSINESS CARDS. H.T.BROWX.K.D. I AX .WD STTROKON. Office over Office, opposite Perryjft Martin'* apftt-.tirs, McHenry, 111. : --f-- J ESSE A. BALDWIN, % ' ATTORNEY at Law and Solicitor In Chan cery. Will practice in State and in Fed eral Courts. Office, 3d Floor, New Custom House, Chicago. •> * OKAS. H. DONNELLY. | Attorney at law %nd Notary Pufciio Woodsfcook, Illinois. Office over 8sca»e,<) Drug Store. SIDNEY DISBBOW, J^OT/LBTJPUBLICand Oouveyaacer O. H. FEGERS, M, D- f RYSIOlAN AND SURttEOS. Johnsbnrjh, Ills.--Office hours 8 to 10, a. X. O. J.HOWARD M O.: MT8ICIAN AND SURGEON. Office at my residence, opposite X. B. Church, Henry. 111. " •' • •"'• '"t "" "• V„ AND BR SON. M. D. IAN and Surgeon. Office at Bulojr'i Drif Store, Opposite Parker McHehry. Illinois. PRATT HOUSE. A. PRATT, Proprietor. First class so- eenmoditlong. Good Barn in connection oonda. III. . <• : c•mgsa tisarrt# Brid*o BABBIAN BBOS. tnrers, McHSnrv, Shop, la Ou til. Or- McHenry. RICHARD OOMPTON. flWPIOB of the Peaoeaud Conveyancer.-- • Will attend promptly to the colleotion of YWo, Lake County, 111. ; -'itlimmmmi I 11 11 . at IlinlTiii'i i 11, ! 'C. _ E. E. RICHARDS. .f 'WAS a complete Abstract o( Titles toland IX In M Honrv County, Illlnsii, Office with 3»unty ( lerk, Woodstock, 111. BOBT. WRIGHT, * aanCactnrer of Custom Maae Boots and 9ko*i. None but thel ba of tnateial Med and all work warranto M Shop North- Wtst corn r Public Square, Henry III. G' E.M.OWEN. EN ERAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in Leading Farm Machinery.-- Prices low and Terns favorable. Mcllenry »•••• . N.S.COLBY., BgcHKNRT, Mo,Henry Co.. 111. Bi eeder of '•flp. Spanish Merino Sheep, Berkt hire an4 Poland China •? wine. A choice lot «f young Back stock for sale. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. GEO SCHREINER. tALOON and Restaurant. Swirly »ool Ta ker House, Me JOHN'SEN D SLTTIS'S MILLS, ILL. Is now prepared to sell and sepair any kind of a Sewinp chine as efcesbas the cheapest. Will also tastire yoar life and property at reasonable Mtes. Please giveme a cal>. f PETER LEICKBM. ,f RBPAIBS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry o* all kinds. Also Repairs Violins inlhencs* Mssiblo manner, on short notice and at rca* Sonsbra rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop ;wt door North of Riverside Block, McHenry J. JL SHERWOOD AND AFFKAPJEK- Algonquin, HI* 1'^jifeA.IjBB-Of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods ^ of all kinds promptly attended to. Farm •ales .1 specialty. Terms reasonable • Pdst Office adilress Algonquin 111. , f• W. H. 8ANFORO, lHoi^cliaiit TiAilo'r |n the store of Ob H. Dickinson, East aide of ,«l»lic Square, : 4 WOODSTOCK, ILL. KfOd Stock of Fiao Cloths for SniMM 41" anC a yson hand. Suits wade to order am r ran ted- Give me a oall. lit W. H. SANFQBD. Ifoods took Ill.«S«t*. tlth* W7B. ^ i, Scott Sc Co. to ths Northwest" hi. 135 and 137 Misei St.- NEAR CLARK ST. * . * flare a larger etoek and greater variety ®f Stylos for roil to choose from, than can be fbnod in any other establishment in Chicago 3T the WtMt. It will pay vou to call?ani! sec ij^-icei.tho lowest^n the .land focflgood BRANCH OTOBE^ • • 8. E. Cor. Clark & take at* A S. f. Ger. HaSsted aad w "V Harrison sts.f ' CHICA«0#| M A R C U S ' OERMAN T Manufactured --DEALER IX--.' . luRE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. ^ i t%at cibh DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will' Wauconda the 10th and 2Sth of e4bh month. When dates occur Saturday or Snm. day I make my visits the folio^wing Monday- Also at Algonquin, every Tuesday. Office at Hotel. JOSEPH N. FRFJCTXD. QALOON ANI^RESTAUIt VNT 'Itonslett'a T)ld stand, opposite Hishop'A Mill, Mo- Henry, III. The c.ioicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the county. Fresh Oysters in their {season served up| in any shape desired or for sale by the Can. STABLING FOR HORSES* ANTONY ENGELN, f « SALOON and Restaurant, Buck's old stand McHenry, 111.---The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, Sour Mash, Wines, Oigsirs, etc., always on hand. Wc buy none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Frc«h Oysters in their season. SALOON and; HI. Ploaaa . Kisheimcu. Issm Choice brands of W on hand. Call and i fcLS. ause.lJohnsburgh, tor Hunters and jse of Huotets.<-- i.Utuors always Richmond House, RICHMOND, ILL. C. If. CULVER, - - PROPRiB^iltf Having weekly House. I have pui A. M. CHURCH, Watohmaker and Jewe NO. 187 RANDOLPH STREET. (Briggs House,) Chicago, til. Formerly with E R. P. Shurly. Special Attention given to Re pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. JSP"A Full Assortment of Goods in his line. pENTIST i WIcHonry,! III. 1 | Full Plates in.vio of t he best (material Md fully warranted, 9S.OO. Filling one-half usual rates. He Special attention paid to regelating 'j^ad ahaped.teeth. Teeth extracted without pain 4«d free of charge where Artificial Teeth are- In- serted by him. All Work fully warranted. Plire Nitrous Oxldo Cat always^on and for the painless extraction of teeth. • NEW MEAT MARKET,! * , i IN IIO^tc'lH BUILDING ̂ Southeast Corner Pubflo • Square. FIKITT HCHenby oma ' zcii!« of McHcnry ae<f tn public generwlj" that he has leased the abovo building, ai'w^ will, on Saturday, July 30th. open it, with tho choicest slock of KKKSH AND SALT MEATS' ever brought to this town. He intends sit all ttmas to keep on hand a full stock, and with anmtandwell arianged si able to please the public. Call and see me. putchated the above p'ut it In thorough repair, with new furnitue throughout, and would respectfully invite the patronage ot the trav eling public and others. The tables will al ways ue provided with the best that can be procured, and polite and attentive waiters will be in readiness at all times to attend to the wants of guests. No pains will be spared to make this a First Class House. Large ami commodious barns on the premises. Free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Rooms on first floor. Established in 1855. m 'AJOHN STERBA, Formerly of Woodstock and Chicago, has again returned to McHenry Oounty, and| has on hand the largest stock of BEADY HADE HARNESSES, COL LA? County, BEST at COLLARS, WHIPS, Ac., to bo found in the Oonnty, and has everything made of the [ATEBIAL. Call and see me. JOHN STERBA* Xear the Depot, McHenry. * . TAKE NOTICE. ALL ye that are in want of Tubs in any form, from one bushel to 500; if von want a Tubmade to a bung-hole, bring it along. I will also take buildings to build and furnish, or otherwise just as we san'agree. Shop work of all kinds done to order on short no tice. A. HEBAffD. MoHENRYy ILL ir» McH< Will take contra^ Btillrfiiigs nail jjual compare with auy can ami will do wo| cent elu'itt>er than 1 have two of my me. which makes It\ do so. All Jobs In tl promptly attetidedi i ELL, norsB iiu r«r putting 5«P my work will Mi* the* State. I >m 15 to *Jh> per car|»e nters. m "lio work wltli jible for me to Carpenter line Give WW a call. fENOELL. WcfT6nfy.l5it.20 • iiUfif: I BLACK H. £. WHiHTMAN, Proprietor. Pirst class rigs, with or without drivers, fuanished at reasouable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. The undersigned, at Perry ft Martin's stoi Church, Is now preparei the lino of Rlacksmithlf on Short notice, and gus With the best of mat workmen wo nre prepftj and Wagons to urdetpltl terms ami warrantial Horse Shoeing & promptly attended to. If in wan; of a now at my Shop, examine osie < learn price before purchfl took FIRST I'UKMIUM J PAIR lawl Fall over all oi undersold,quality consiu Give Me f%HILLIP Hi li4ltenr>-, Jill., MarchS Worth of tte Brick _ aything in fagon Making, satis fRction. ltd first-class _Pt«p Buggies lost reasonable i tad. oal and tm laot be lall: IRISH. a and well arianged shop hopes to b& I r~ * JOSEPHFRETT " McHkhxt, Jnlyf87th, 1881. , / " Mi Eiigeln;* • -DBALEB IN- Ctins and Revolvers, ati vut'it:] \ 9 warrnat.'d.-- lines! Buzors, nmted for two •Gun Material of all description.--. The ftuestand ln*si, Pocket Cutlerv, sll " The warnmted for two years. Barbers Soap, Cups, Brush es, Straps, Eye Glasses, Spectacle Eye Protestors for Ann or Snow. We also keep a full line ot Fishing Tackle. Minnow Seins, Hammocks, and in fact everything pertaining to Fisliingv and Hunting, can he found at my Store at^ reasonable Prices. Violins. Acordeons, Picalas, Flutes, Violin Strings, ano all other extras for Violihs. My stocks of flNW-VRK is complete. Call and examiue it. I guarantee Prices that defy all competition. M. ENGELN. STORE, *N HOWE'S BTiOOK, NKAR THB BBIDGB. . . AGENTS WANTED --FQR-- HEROES OF THE PLAINS; BY J, W. BUEL. ring the lives and wonderfal adven- Wild Itill. Buffalo Bill, Kit Carson. . Cali. Indian ides, A ! Plains, lo hunt! escapes! Wild life in l»k sr iffal Embraein tnresof W Capt. Payne, Capt. Jack, Texas Ji fornia Joe, and other celt:lira lighters, Scouts, Hunters and book of thUUing adventures on t Fights with Indians! Grand Bu Desperate adventures! Narrow Wonderful shooting and riding. the Par West! MM illustrations! 16tTull page colored plates! The grandest hooks for Agents «ver published. Positively outsells everything else. 548 pages, price W. Agents complete oiuflt 50 cents. Outtll and copy for fi. «®*Write at once for agency, or terms and illustrated circulars, to HISTORICAL PUBLISHING CO., <K>2 N. 4th St., St Louia Mo. ^Woodstock, ^ho liest Tonic in the^ world, tut and (j«arl ltoltles, •If. .Put Jup in '.•* * ' j.ss^Rcuap«>«iiii»o. WANTED. Apts for the GOLDEK DAWH. ~o&4: Light on the Groat Future. ia this life, throagh the dark valley and in the lite eternal, as seen in the beat Ihongtita of leading authors and scholars, aUBf whom are Risnop's Simpson,. Warren, Hurst and FOBS, Joseph Cook. Beer her, Talifctge, Dr. Currio, I»r. March, Dr. McCosh, Dr. Cros by, Dr. Cuvler, George D. Prentice, Dean Stanley. Wnittier, I.ongfellow, and others. The suiyects tl-eated are Death, Immortality, Millennium and Second Advent, the Resur rection, Judgment, the Punishment of the Wicket and the Reward of the Righteous, A rich feast awaits the reader of this book. Is contains the grandest thoughts of the world's greatest au' hors, on subjects of the most pro found interest to everyone Not gloomy but brilliant. Therein not a dull page in, the book. It is absolutely without a rival. Kv- crvbody wsll read it. School Teachers, stud ents. voting mtn and ladies, acting as agents lot tliis book are making over $100 a month. Sells fast. Ope agent sold 71 the first 15 days, another 46 in S days, another 11 in one dav, another 15 and-S fve Bibles in fi days, & iad'y sold !»ill 10 hoara. Secure territory quick. Also agents Wanted t'oi the best illustrated Revised New Testament, and for the finest family Tlibles ever sold by agent,. Sent! for circulars . P. \V. Z1KG1.EU & CO.. 915 Arch St-, Philadelphia, i'enu., and ISO E. AOaws St., Chicago, 111. •81,000 REWARD For anv case Blind, Bleeding, Ulcerated Or PiUraUagf PiLhs that DEB1NG S PILE REMEDY tails to cure. Prepared liv J. P. MUler M IK, 915 Arch St, Philadelphia, Pa, „V<w genuiiu• uithuul his nt/iuiUirr. dead ,ft»r circular. All druggists or general stores hnvo it or will get it foi you. *1. Sold in .Near the Depot, ^ NicHEN'RY - - - ILLINOIS, i- • tKcens constantly on hand the finest brands of T"lour and Feed of all kinds, which ho wili s|U at Wholesale or Retail at 1 Bottom Prices. Five different brands of Fionr always on hand and warrauted as represented. iWFIour delivered anywhere In the Cor- poration. Orders may bo Rivon W postal* &urd, Bo* 107, Post Orace. ~ GIVE ME A CALT~f J L. BONSLETT. r, Wnph sth, last. ,VTWAUCdH0Aff;^:^ v« 'i,.. . , ."•*» ' Agric\iltural . ..Warahouse. * % ^ ̂ » 1 ' s£. "c.' scx^x^ Would respectfully inform the Farm Lake county, that he has openedj|| Agricul tural Warehouse, on Mill Street, tp the vil lage of Wauconda, where he will keep AGRI CULTURAL MACHINERY of all kinds, of the best quality and make, and.sell it to the farmors at aa tow to ares as aay other Moase tn tie 4tate. < , .. f- In Mowers 4 Reapers I shall keep the McCormiek, and* Buc.keve. of Canton, Ohio, whloh we consider the best in the market. Shall also keep in stock the Leader Bake of Ithica, N. Y., the Tompkins Connty Im proved Self-Adjustable CbV' eral assortment used on a bra. proved Self-Adjustable Cultivator, and'a gen at ot all; kinds of machinery Oall and see my stock before purchasing elsewhere and oe convinced that I mean business. R C HILL- Wauconda. May M. IWL - .. w • - -in-l: F. C. MAYES, *iust tie • -***;% : W'5 (|s •&e. i m a Holdien' Department, recklessly swam "or waded through. I gook from hi* pocket with CONDUCTED BY DR. 8. F. BENNETT. The following have been ordered' for examination to the examining wir- geou at Richmond since litst report in Plaindkalkb: Sherman Kector, Xo. 31839S, ^ C. 85th lll.'Vol. Chronic dlarrtifea, dls> ease of eyes snd effects of mumps. Stewart Nichols, Co. E, 13th Wis. Vol. No. mm, H*rnH of rlglit side. ' • ' . Wm. IC. Wrlfche, Co. O, 8th Illtnols Vols. N<». 406429. Two sabre wounds on head, gunshot wound of right leg •nd rheumatism. 5 Wm.E. Borden, Oo.D.Sd Wis. Ko. 356048, Inflammatory rheuniatlstii left elbow joint. Btumiel Cutter. Go.' C,«|h III. Vol. No. 406028. dunsliot wound and g«o- eral debility. Wm. Dnff, Co. 1,8tU III Cav. No. 318631. Dnafiiess. Charles 11. Tryon, Co. 1l, 06th Hi. Vol. No. 31216ft. Gunshot wound In left forearm. Alonzo Pulrcr, Co. I, 4Sth III; Vol. No. 406038. Piles. James A. Dufleid. Co. II, 8th Id. VtSi. No. 117566. Injury to rlglil hip Choulder. Wssrehappyto announce that In the next Issue of the Plaindealeb the Soldiers1 Department will b« enrtoWd by the first of a series of Articles ott the Red Rlyer Campaign, from the graphic pen of M. M. Clothier. Keep the ball rolling, boys^ your contributions. by J9ndlu|C ̂ n •'We w ofgrat not tn the count" ful wo the Re and to ths not show a appreciation, did we e ncknowledgment to for its kind and grace* the poem read at the 96th Regiment-- number of comrades and others wfci ̂ iave personally spoken valued words of commendation. There are two way# In wlilch a man may know be has done a good! thing; one is to have wise men applaud him, and the other Is to have fools revit* hlm.^^nd when such -timber as the 01«195th is made of snyi that poem was a good thfng, by Heaven, any mau who wrote it would bo a lout If he didn't feel proud! Thanks. --jjwaan. May, All was confusion, both inside and ont- slde--one man shouting to comrades to keep out of the water, the Confederate officers giving orders, riding hither and thltSer, scarcely knowing what to do or how to proceed, for the places where the stockade was gone was clear around the en:1 on the opposite side from the camps, and all the guards there wero to keep us in Were those who had been stationed in tha sentry boxes on the portion of the stockade washed away. With the deafening thunder and vivid flashes of lightning, the rain coming down In /loads, the sound of cannon tkiring the intervals between the peals of heavy thunder, the yells from both the rebels and our men, the Eight of the sick and dying who had crawled toward the scene {und been trod upon more ttou once by those who were stronger and better able to cupe with the immense swarui ot human beings for it must be re membered that there were nt this time, over 36,000 prisoners confined within tlie 97 acres, deducting about ? acres of swamp), we say these sights and sounds will be remembered by all who went there to their dying day Is placed large forces near ilngs that had been made and #Hke bearers all night long to ^£»lr and make good the damage, IMP by the next day all was quiet, and the sun shone down and It seemed hotter and the poor men were being released faster than fever, for the ex citement and terrillu storm had hur ried the sick and tnlirtn toward that cemetery that contains the bones of over thirteen thousand Union men. And the 500 additional prisoners that rame from Gen. Mliermail's army that day, missed the certainly awfai aight of the day previous. W The seventh annual Reunion of the Twenly-ilrst Regiment of Illinois Vol. Is to be held at fifflnghaut on the 19th and 20tli of September, Go?,* Cullom and Generals Palmer and Btecfc will pohively be present and*peak, Ex~ Secretary Thompson and Generals Tjjtgiui uud Ogieetaf-kavp alio promis ed to be present' ft Hpwlil^e. The Old Veterans Of Iowa will tbefr annuel Reunion and Cainp George H. Thomas, n< hold *t JSogier- hand the ballot of his ilrSd with choking voice SAii)w**te; paper up in full view; going to perform the laM ed upon me by Henry, to place lot tn the box, where it will for Abraham Lincoln." Though among those standing were many who had been kao "Copperheads,** there was not opened bis mouth to eiin!faag» vote, and it was deposited apd Though I made menUon or It In item to the Uttcir mtoW&ilfalif " It Called out no stateoseat of ss; ila r,cases of dead men being to vote, and so fiurjae I knew, the only instance. It was believed at tile time by tkeew who were present, that %ad the vot« been challenged it must have been re» jected, but to the credit of the bitter partisans, it must be antd m eballenge was offered. A. fS-The Sterling Qwxtte courses. "Once in a while a eowgfatut reaches ns that we charge more tbaa the Chicago weeklies for our papery and that the charge Is unjust. Such parties fa 11 to realize that weeklies are made up from t)K» tfeily edition, and that the ^p^ellMt eosts them nothing. KOV%'<9MW TYFNS setting.costs tweiHgHl#i peret. «M»re than Its print paper, and to put the paper down to the price of a Chicago paper would entail simply «• abeofaite lose or money. Beshlei, the Chicago weeklies take their pay fONMlvaae* auml when a man^s time la out they paper, whereas we have to cai jorlty of oitr subscribers * of the year, tndktine of longer period of timi. growl do not take these count, neither do they refte& that they always deadhead their home paper for obituary notices, and and birth notleea, aw«j lUillliiClWf .tte births of colts and oal al and departures, and a:fhftipW!MI»er things that-.* Chieago pepir-iMutd nlver do forthfqrtft The Wntte k bSwi® ̂ th i 1 lattofi^ and lb a paying IhtlMhililt et It* mM\bct^the _ ' 1'^ "7' tbenAeltes -- • ---- theirjohottose Into • ^MARR WAUCONDA, ii ; ' YTfrtre the largest stock of FnlP ever brought to Lake County, Which sell at LOWER PRICKS THAN KV" FORK. Ready-made Clotlunffinore tuimei. icverarid at prices suited for everj® For iUiythiiiK made to order, whothil 'garment or a full suit \ ^MaimaM's oods puce to buy, GENTS' FURNISHING Oaps, Ac. I have a lar&o variety a of the Lai«st Styles a»d flfrures. full line of Hits and GOODS, Patterns, at low Mrs. Who is assixted by Mi»s (i|ii«cler. has just received a line stock ot rail Alilliuerv, of the latest sty lea to be found in the city winch she invites the Ladles of Wauconda to call and <k\iiniiiie, Iftts and Bonnets Trimmed in t"<; latest st vies and At reasona ble prices. Dress Making done promptly aud satisfaction guaranteed. --AND DEALER IN-- Ready-Mais Clotting. Respectfully invites an inspection of his New Spring Coode Ju^t ogened, embracing all the variety usually foaadin a first- class Tailoring and Keady Made Clothing1 establishment. Don't fail to embrace this op portunity before purchasing else where im all my goods will b« sold at iair pial^yMjKiltMa^^done •as usual, y • • ue - ridge. iVm.'feeg-in Monday morning, Sept. lilt." Harrison, the**Book- ist and Druggist," is after your pennies with a sharp stick. He Itelieves he can give you a belter assortment of school supplies tnan his neighbors can, and h^ knows he can make the prices right. It won't cost you a cent to see his stock and get his pri ces. Have you see^/the "latest agony" in paper tad e&vejlopes? School Books ||^8sMeby F. B« HARRISON, Wauconda, Iff®. erttMt and blight; and ex WUiOiS OF ACBES Iter sale In the OOLDEM BELT of Kansas, by the UMIQN PACIFIC 8AHWAT, 'as rich eo<l »s tbe »*si «v«r alsoae . 0o«m! markets eswS aisdl wesit. and' Tllmtiratod JBoofc, . Maps, StmW fSteee, Aidre** A>DICIMO»VIUI. The 9th day of August, 1864, Is one that all prisoners, confined In that loathsome p*n and are living to-day, will never forget. It was terrible hot and sultry, in fact the whole month, so far, had been dry and Intensely warm. A little after noon the elements of heaven opent'd up, and such a storm of thunder lightning and rain, with some wind, the writer never before experi enced and never expects to again. > It must have extended over quite a large amount of territory, for In less than one hour from the time It began, the run, as the Rebels called such brooks or streams. Increased so much that lt( soon covered the whole of the swamp that divided the two sides of the camp, and went through the stockade with such velocity that the timbers running aorosstlie stream and through the swamp were, badly undermined, and quite a stretch was entirely washed out. This caused great consternation among the Rebels. The rain was yet coming dowrt, in torrents, while every prisoner was drenched to the skin and the wind had blown down nearly one-half the little contrivances the men h|d up for Shelter, generally consisting of one or two blsnkets fas tened together and put up in shape of a dog tent, yet not one-half were thus well provided for. Of course the stock* ade being down In several places the well men began to crowd toward the spots, and many seeing the timbers floating toward the outlet that had bqen washed from the side where the stream entered the stoekade, swam toward them, for wood |f|s one of f lie iieceijaries of which we #er« sntlly in need. Von could see/'llHribi plunging in from both sides of swamp, ut terly regardless swim or not, would have Dee* teen for their psnions who their resetie. capturing the tl made so mucfe lowed to keep immediately i during the night, bersVere cut up 'mfc: •• .->* itiit %4s - %. '!*.k x'-ji.:. Store the new "•/i % '**• % . , l"KJ i 'A.'- i tiiey could any Instances it It had not fortunate oom- who went to tat succeeded In that Would have- ood, win not al* for (orders were to the effect that if one of those tlin- or otherwise dSnc. away with, the whole camp would be kept out of their then scanty rations for some days, we do not remember now just how many. This was a rieky and foolhardy undertaking, and it Is a 'great wonder that many had not been drowned or crushed to death by the heavy timbers bein^ swept through at |pch fearful speed, yet not a* tingle 'itsau lost his lite. As the crowd gath- i|fed ahoilt the openings that the great Volume of water had made, guns from the fort at headquarters, fired at long range, the shot juit barely mfssiitg the inside of the iuclosure, the guards iWed. and troops sent *on the ek trom their quarters -to drive aw ww "Soldiers of the Northwest' ette, Indiana, SeptembWfl, The exercises will consist of regimen till Reunions, drills, dress paradeseauip- lire chats, sougs, Ac., together with ad dresses by prominent ex-soldiers and others* Cooked rations and teuts fur nished free to soldiers who will go luto camp aud comply with the discipline of the same. The next Reunion of Grant's old reg iment, the Twenty-first Illinois, occurs in Effingham, September 19,30, and III aud as Geueral Grant hue promised to be present if he ia this Oountrr at that time, great preparation* iH» being made for a graud demonstration. Kxploalon at Wiucheater Arinorjr. Seventy tltousand cartridge percuss ion caos* exploded at W itidies&er ar mory August 19. Thousand! of pieces of metal struck into Maurice Beiliey's llesh half to three-quarters a( an inch and many burned in hi* eyes. There Is no spot two inches square on the tnwti of Reilley's person that did not il^ '* ••Id *° where the site lis penetrated. ~ clothing was cut to pieces and te3th knocked out and «pa mangled. The' side of the building was sliatterod and windows broken* None of Reilley*s Companions Were ii^ured. B^illey died at uigtit? . % "; K*Ues of the War. CS^K. A. B. Lawrence, of Warsaw, who wHs presented with the original gate- poet to the Andersonvilie stockade re cently, had a section of it sawed and sent to several Grand Army suitable plecef for gavel-heads. ben (If. Y.) Courier. A Reunion If the soldiers and from Indlftta and Ohio will be helAl Richmond In the former State* Sept. 28th and 29th. Full arrangement for the oouafort of visitors are being made, and a large attendance is anticipated? The fifth annual encampment of the 6. A. P. and the soldiers and sailors of of Bmdford county, I'a. is to be held on the fairgrounds ^t East Towaudn on Octaber 11 tb 12th and 13th. # Mis Dead Hujr'i Veto. 8pBiN«riKLD, HL,dept. 3.--The £*tor Ocean in a rcc^nt number. #ln answer to a correspondent, gave a list of those States which perilled their soldiers to prepare their v«te« it^tlie field aud catnpe any where, thirty days before the day of the November election, and al ter tlie baltot )itd been properly certi fied to by a?ptat« agent, it was seut home t^frielids to be deposited in the ballot box at the precinct where he was entitled to vote aml where he w»»s registered/ Henry Wade, who lived hi MeConn- ellsvllie,N". YM sent his ballot home to his father in due' time, and very {oon fliereafter was killed. On tite uioruiiig'of the eleejion, after a lurge number had assembled around the polls, Mr. Wade took the ballot and went to lis. After voting himself, he OLJEELE^CLAIL^; ' *e#rtsesi' «t»dM .<^e principles, andjplve an its subscription; price. ThUltl the most ot country papers Chloago never notices home ment and home entei home and tbl^ur compensate ftjf^te dttereiwe l» prlti, New not unfreqneM < tory of human toller for Instance, was unt tury ago. Quite formsdisease cast ov«f the world of America. The 14lHF eo»trtte*i«tt to humau ailments, however, cowef from the land of poetry, palothig nwl blue sklet--from I^y "*>p|lt*><»aled' the pellagra or thr^pe^- efewiU. e ry." A fearful vtuune,. aw»;Jlgjgh. The cause of this new speclefti: e^f |ip> want of together wlthnll the s Ich orowd ^ M9«e' aa li thongh Utfe tliooiy Me me to be recouollaUe with ffce^ Ami though it spreads with •«**emo ity nttiere once It 'tea arance, it remains mAaad t».edh lo«aUtie«, ©ten £ho«(|li a4)olainx liont the nflM evils. lsco«fin*<i chielly to tn* fer. ot Lombarrty and Vea- I4i, thej^mi®" land# of Italy; hat m dissaee la* of hospNpi and mad houses, hat Aate the fkiliisl number of the af» ed at five ln«Mln4 Louia Glob* Democrat. ..t f" •' - ; „-..y *r > - J _ - *" Jfe* ' sjGLl- |That a Oomkt Did.--In 17IS. ton, an ecoeatrlo XtllenarlaM t and asmpaomer. who served as a ty to Slr tsaac Newton when of Mathematics at Cangpf|4fn* predicted that a ooeset weeM^'afiwar, at noon on Wedm^dajf, Oct* asMl that the woild wonld bo fire on the followiH gfWay. et came, and an a^nM#dinar|r More than one hanitre«| waited on tlie primate ** the^ day to request that might be prepared, and men, who believed world was eomli^j^ rled women with " living. Many water, sbinktllf Ulftt eafbr fire came, wad tiir GIHbsit chief direotor el the ftanheivi issued instructions is the to kticpnWui'leelwet m M sotnetl^'W tlnuihshipinthe powder into the river. only rentem^red aow by tiou efJtwephus. ' rf-x 5 .s-