Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Sep 1881, p. 4

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m f > » '<> ***» .«•.,« „.». \T^.-<p .• * «4" "' . ̂ *T. Vt, . . J PluMtta WKDVKSDAY, SKPT. 14, 1881. JT. VA7V SLYKE, Editor. 1% [f m The President. %i» iiwiikinf At mir beloved anfllWIfcr- inf President from week to week, we CM 4o little more than to give hit con­ dition »t the time of writing. To re- Iterate the hopes and fears that are dally given to the public through the Bulletin* of the Surgeons In charge, and enlarged on by the newspaper re­ porters, wou|d be no oomolation to the ^general render. After hit removal to Long Branch • week ago, for a few day* he was thought to he Improving, and the hopes of the Nation arose ac­ cordingly, but the uulucky (for"him) Saturday and Sunday, brought another change for th3 worse, and at the time of writing, Tuesday, he is lying again at death's door, althongh he is reported a little better than on Monday. It Is now feared that the blood poisoning has attacked his lungs, and if M the gravest results are feared. Tints, from week to week, wlth won­ derful vitality,our martyred President battles with death, and a great Nation of sorrowing people can do nothing but aoxlotuly wait and hope for the tat.' t0^A soldier on duty at the Jail in Washington, fired a shot at Onltean, on Saturday, as he was looking from his cell window, and the ball barely missed its mark. Had it pierced the brain of the cowardly assassin, no one wonld have mourned. The Tribune In speaking of it says: "Guiteau had a nnrrow essspe from death in his cell at Washington yesterday afternoon. 8erg|. Mason of Battery B, while re llevtag the guard in the jail, fired through the cell window point blank at the assassin, and only missed him by a halr's-breadth. Mason was at once Incarcerated for this extraordl nary breach of discipline. The only wonder however Is that a similar at tempt and a more successful one has not been made before. To expect American citizens with weapons to pass within shooting distance and in full view of the wretch and not have a crack at Mm is to exaggerate the power of mankind to resist temptation.1* Captain John McOilvary says: As I tnmed away from the wagon I was com*what startled by the report of a i rlfie. As I had not yet relieved Major Grave*, whose sentinel* were still aronnd the jail building, I at first thought that the shot had been fired fcrj «ir «f«» men. an uteppen for­ ward I saw a man standing just in frontftf the window that looks up to thevrtiiow of Guiteau's cell, holdlntr bis plow presented, evidently having just fired. Still under the impression that It was one of Major Graves' men, I walked rapidly forward, and as I ap­ proached him I was amazed to see that it was Sergeant Mason, of my com­ pany--my first sergeant. He was much excited, and said: **I fired the shot. Captain, and I intended to kill the scoundrel. I did not enlist to gnard an assassin.** The man was immediately placed MiXer arrest, and although he has com­ mitted a breach of discipline, we do 4Pt.believe there is a tribunal, civil or Military, that will for a momeift think seriously of punishing him for the act. Tit (IN KOBRKKY. A Gang of Masked Men "Go Through" a Chicago A A Uon Passenger Train Near Kama# INDBPISNDRNC*, MO„September 7.-- The Chicago & Alton Mail and Ex­ press Tmin, No. 48, was stopped and robbed by twelve masked men. four miles east of Independence, and four- < teen miles east of Kansas City, at 9 o'clock to-night. The express car was broken open and Messongev Fox. refusing to give np the key of his safe, was so terribly beaten that he cannot.posslbly recover. The exact amount taken from the ex­ press safe cannot he ascertained, but it is estimated at from $5,000 to <20,000. After going through the express car, all the passengers wero robbed of money and watches amounting to sev­ eral thousand dollars. The robbers were heavily armed and kept up a con­ tinual firing to Intimidate the passen­ gers. The robbery was so systemat­ ically planned that It occupied less ihan twelve minutes; the robbers, af­ ter securing their booty rode off into the woods and escaped. The train men made resistance, but not being armed it was of no avail. The rob­ bers selected the best spot In the State for such a deed, it being a wild, lone­ some spot in dense woods, fully two miles from any habitation. Th© ,train was stopped by red lantern signals. In leaving the leader of the gang told the engineer to tell the officers to come on; they were ready for them. There was no doubt but that the lead­ er of the gang was the notorious Jesse James. The train ran Into Kansas City and gave the alarm. Chief of police Speart and fifty men started out on horse­ back, and*a special train with a posse under Marshal Murphy went immedl* ately to the scene of the robbery, and large bodies of men are being sent out from all points in every direction. This robbery occurred within two miles of Glendale. the scene of the no­ torious robbery of October 8,1871. THK BRAKKMAN'S STORT. Frank Burton, the brakeman, made the following statement of the rob* bery: UI was standing on the front platform ,of the sleeper when the ' train stopped, and 1 heard voices and oaths on the back platform. Then one of the robbers cried out: 'We are com­ ing in and going through yon all.' I remembered that the freight train was just behind us and 1 heard it coming up. I jumped oft and ran with my lan­ tern down the track. They com­ menced fchooting at me. The engi­ neer said: 4For God's sake don't shoot the boy; he Is saving the lives of these people.* Then one of them cried: •Stop shooting.* I waved my lantern and the freight train was stopped only a car-length off. When I came back one of the robbers laid to me: 'Hnve you lost anything?' I answered. *60 cents.' Heathen gave me 91.50. Then T heard onWof tlie robbers say to the enginee/: ^Here's 82 to buy a drink in the morning, and to drink it tor Jesse James.*** ' When the robbers entered the Pull­ man car, five in number; all were masked, and while one held an op«n bag or pillow case, each person was relieved of his or her valuables, whiMi were thrown indiscriminately Into the bag. MTTIM papers report that Attorney General McCartney has arranged a case for the Supreme Court now in ses­ sion at Ottawa to decide immediately which will settle the question of an election of county officers this fall. Meanwhile ex-Governor Palmer pub­ lishes a long opinion of Which the fol­ lowing Ifc bis conclusion: 1. That for want of a-law to author­ ise an election on the Tuesday after the first Monday In November, 1881 or any other day until after the first Monday,of November, 1882, no election can be held until the last named day for county judges and county clerks, and, 2. That as the terms of the officers mentioned Is for four years and until their successors are elected and qual­ ified, and as there 3»n be no election until November 1882, and no qualifica­ tion of the'persons elected until the first Monday In December following, the presents incumbents will remain In office until 1882. The whole effect of the adoption of the constitutional amendments and the repeal of the election laws, is to post­ pone the election and qualification of1 the successors of the persons now hold­ ing the office in question until 1883, and to leave them In possession as pre­ scribed by the constitution,/until their successors are elected and qualified.'* Kespectfully, etc. JOHN M. PAI.MSB, --DKALEBU- GENERAL COLEY BROTHERS «4* Mi' 'I ' l' M RIVERS * tiVV'ftfc .-.a -tJ *-» ; 1.1 ..'Ik DE BLOCK, McHENRY, m-u Invito ail exaii inatiou of their immense stock of ^ #, t( I -ai :« . f •*{ Dry (roodsi Dress Goods, Tiakee Notion*. c&O. ^ • - • ::.i >• ' Whl^b dre beinJ offered at very low prices. . fjave the largest as­ sortment of RE.LDY MADE CLOTHING ever shown in McHenry which will be sc Id very cheap for cash HATS i:: Our stock is < bmplete and we are confident we can save you money on these goods j i Paints CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, .> •- ' K ^Opposite Perry & Martin's v Q &• McHenry, • - 4^ '. l 1! } « h *"#»." ""yi'" I^»"»"ny'i"' • j-wilM '!• ; £r: A »*& * JACOB BONSLETT Illinoi* e in# -? f Oils Drugs Medicines. MTThe CMcngff Tribune of Monday *J»: MIn the terrific hurricane whicli prevailed last Saturday night on Lake Brie immense damage to property and perhaps great loss of life occurred.-- Among other vestels caught In the fu- rlonsgale the schooner David Dows, the larrestsailing vessel whicli ever floated on fresh water, was wrecked and dismantled. The Dow^ was bound from Chicago to Buffalo with a cargo sf 91,000 busheh of corn, and was wrecked some time during Saturday night, going ashore on what is known as *i|ptd1e Ground." near Felee Island, ln i**ke Erie. From the fact that no­ body was visible on board as the wreck Was passed yesterday, it is feared that the entire crew have perished. The David Dows was launched at Toledo last March, and her cost was 983,000.-- Other easualties to sailing crafts are reported from the same vicinity. RINCWOOD ILLINOlt* Never will consent to allow his customers to obtain better bar­ gains away fiom home than he will give them in any goods in his line. $ept 12th, 1881 Mr The re is said to be a baby in Washington born on ttie day that the President was shot , who dis plays all the symptoms of the Chief Magistrate. When lie cannot retain food the baby labors tinder the same difficulty; when he feels bright the baby crows with delight; when liesinks the baby fails so fast as to make the parents despair. It has got so that If the baby cries in the night the neigh­ bors raise their windows and cry l'he President is worse." This story Is 'as triM, no doubt, as half of those that from Washington. SrOiiitean'fi case is a-puzzler* In the first place it is difficult to conceive of punishment adequate for so fiendish a crime. Had he been torn In pieces limb from limb, on the first occurrence of the offense, it would have satisfied somewhat, the country's sense of jus­ tice ; but he is safely and comfortably housed, and enjoying a happy sense of the very noteriety for which the crime was committed, while his victim is in torture*, the c sun try distressed and its business embarassed. In the second place, should the Pres­ ident recover, the wretch can be le­ gally punished only to such an extent as a horse-thief or burglar would for some petty crime in their line--the gross inadequacy Is shocking to the sense of right. In the third place the question arises whether he can be tried at all. If the ordinary course of jurisdiction Is fol­ lowed, and all jurymen who have formed an opinion of the prisoner's crime are excluded, how can a jury be impanelled? Then, there Is the probability that if tried, some priggish juryman would go off with the notion that he was In­ sane Or irresponsible, or that the mal­ practice of the physicians killed the President, and not tho bullet of Qui- teau. ' ' Altogether there Is a provoking mystery about the future of this odious wretch. Crockery Glassware, Wooden and WUlowware, ' A N D T H E L A R G E S T S T O C K O F c ix ioe»xtzas» To be found in McHenry. Prices always as low as good Goods can be sold. No trouble to show goods. Call and be convinced. ^ JtilThe Ninlh Annual WAUKEGAN ~ FAIR I WILL DE HELD Sept.80to Oct- If Inclusive. Competition open to the world* Liberal Premiums in all De­ partments. Interesting Races the last four days. Grand Bicycle Tourna­ ment on Friday Prof. Morris' trained dogs give free exhibitions daily. Prof. Dare on the and tight wire. More attractions than ever. All McHenry county invited and promised a line entertainment. For catalogues or information address, C. A- PARTRIDGE, Seo'y- r"r IWAI. editor In M«riden. Miss* is becoming excited. In the last issue ! of his paper the Mercury, he howls dismally to his constituents; "Let every white man swear before the Xiernal that this is a white country and the white man shall rule it." We Infer from this shriek that some col- , oredconxtftuent of out esteemed con- f temporary has defaulted in the de­ livery of garden truck, due as the sub- •eription price for the paper. Booth- em editors will not permit themselves to be trilled with in this manner, and their position is correct. If a man •glees to give two dozen cabbages and * bushelof pofcitoe* for the Mercury, he o«tl«i ,,£?"- s*;;\ i " ' a ":X:< •*- *' 4',/ • i The Methodist Conference of Utah, in the course of a recently-utter­ ed arraignment of Mormon'sm. calls attention to the rapid gains of that evil system through immigration. Missionaries in large numbers are sent to different parts of the world to preach the doctrine of Mormonism. The Book of Mormon is printed in a number of foreign languages. In this connection we regard valuable the suggestion tliat has been made that an effective and practical way counteiiact the evil is to send missionaries aird printed docu­ ments to warn people atuoug whom the Salt Lake emissaries go. Inform those ignorant |>eople of the bad character of the system they are arited to accept, and so, if possible, cut oft the source of supply, isliall we not have an Auti- Mormon Missionary Society? FOR SAI.K. 40 Acres of land in Section 13, all MORTGAGE SALE. BY virtue of a power of sale contained in a. Sate Mott GAPE, execute D by Peter Leick. em and Catherine Leickem his wife, to STM'L H. Walker, Octobor 2ft, <v. D. 18*5, ami record, ed In THE Hcforrtnr'N Office ot the ponnty of McHenry, in book 47 of MnrtK*ire8, on to S«nre the pay­ ment of three certain IN°M'S8ORY notes ot even ilato with sai<L Tiiorlpnfre, for the sum ot four hundred dollars line #100 one year after date, #100 two years nftcr DA to »nd $200 three years after date, with interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum, said notes payable, tonaid Samuel IF. Walker or order. Default- huvinp been made in the payment of thi principal and interest of said notes, there be TAG now due on the same t he sum of one hun dred and ninety-four dollaro and thirtv-throe cents, AS interest, and said SUM of four Imn- dred dolln rs AS itrincipal, as by the terms of said MortjjfiKO, I shall, as Kxccutor of the last will ami testament of the said SAMUEL HT, Walker, clereasoil,on Saturday, the L.ITH tlay of October A, I),, 1881, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M., of said day, at the east door of the Cour House, in Ufoodstock, in said County of Mc­ Henry and State of Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest ahd BEST bidder for cash, the following described Keill Estate, situated in the County of McHenry. AND State ot'jUinois, to-ivit:--COMMENCING AT the north-west corner of l,ot No. 5, Block No. IS, and running south 5>L feet, th*uce east 75 feet, thence north 5FI feet, tlicnce west 7# feet to the place of beginning, it being the West part of LOT No. 5, in lllock IS, in the Village of McHenry on the west side of Fox ltiver, together with all the ri^ht aud equity of redemption of tho said Mortgagors, iheur heirs and assigns. J. W. CRISTY. Executor Of the Estate Of 1 Amtuef 11. WfUker, Mortgagee. September 8th, 1881, JOHN DEERE. ST. LOUIS. MO. MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS or FARM MACHINERY. PLOWS. CULTIVATORS. 'JOHN DEERE" STEEL, "ADVANCE" WALKING, SULKY, * "DEERE" SPRING, "TEXAB CLIPPER" CAST, "PEERLESS" COMBINED, RANCS" CHILLED, "ARCTIC* TONG ÊLÊ WESTERN VEHICLE HEADQUARTERS,'" - 'CORTLAND" PLATFORMS, "MITCHELL" WAGONS, "STANDARD" BUGGIES, "CORTLAND" BUGGIES, PHAETONS, SURREYS, OPEN ROAD WAGONS, CARRIAGES, ETC. PLEASURE WAGONS. IMPROVED H008IER GRAIN DRILL, RAMEY&80ANTLIN EVAPORATORS, DEERE ROTARY CORN PLANTERS, FAN MILC8.CORN 8HELLEM* COATE8* 8ULKY RAKES, KENTUOKY OANE MILLS . JMOLINE 8TALK GUTTERS, , ". .. JStX06l.8IOR OIDER MILLS.! ETC., ETO. ' OATXLOdiUtS FURNISHED ON APPLICATION Ithaca, Calendar Clock, A Perpetual Mechanical Calendar connected with the most superior Eight and Thirty Bay (either weight or spring) Clock JIoTement. IT INDICATES PERPETUALLY The Day of tho Month, „ The Month, of tho Teciy The Hour of tho Iter, The Day of tho Weak. KASmcmES B7 SSI Ithaca Calendar Clock Co., , Ithaca, N. Y. NEW YORK OFFICE WITH WATERBUBY CLOCK COk, No. 4 Cortland St. Calettdars Printed in all Langnagea, It it indispensable lo every plaec of butincM--a necesMty in every huu» bold, filanufactured in nu­ merous s.ylcs raligimj widely In prices to suit the va­ rious warns of the public. All clocks are thoroughly regulated and calendars mechanically worked throucK the changes of eight years uf time before leaving too MITCHELL, LEWIS & CO., Racir.e, Wte., I f a m i t o c t a w r s o f ^ W R E I G U T S minted AGENTS I AGENTS! AGENTS! F JOHN B. GOUGH'S bran' NEW book, entitled SUNLIGHTAND SHADOW li the best diance offered to voa. It* Scenes are drawn from the bright mad aliadyeidca o£ ii/e, portrayed at oqjy John JB. Gough Can portray them. This grand work--«for the fir* the " fcrmiing » book > M outselling all others tm to one. The Jorty-thMt fioauiMu/is now in press. Its jrmnense safe has be«a made entirely by active canvassers. Nuntltcrbuok cosfc pares with it lor quick and profitable returns. We an gartin^more agents now than ever before, and weh»> - - - - - - t h i s b o o k . < w i ! l r e a c h Om Jiumdrsd ttmaamd Copitt tit th* next/eat months. Alfo 80 ocreH of laud. «rit4i a good ItoMxe Hiitl barn thereon, with timber nnd water in abundance, in Seo t iou 22. AUo n»y h'uno.scead on the Crystal Lake and Numl.i road. Good house, bani .ami other outl.uHilinirs.-- i...•y . n » -- ' .• 1 Agents, now it jour tittu to mait „ same time circulate a thoroughly fit out uijrs -- ! tooo move agents at once, to supply this » to the thousand* who are waiting for fit the tak t» enfy now commencing. The book »ew# and most «f ike territory is new clear* "r money, *nd attlw rxi<lat* book. £•> 'erms given. Send Cor }m$Si THE MITCHELL STANDARD PLATFORM SPRING WAGON. Afeo Threc-Spritif; and Kour-Spring Wagons, and Side-Spring Buggies. A- MITCHKLL WAGON IS Monarch of the Paad; or'y TNE vury best stock used in its con* stmction and made by the best wason mcchmics in iheworft The Spring Wa*jon and Bugpy Dc* apartment is euurcly separate fromihe Farm Wagon shops. And for the manufacture of thij clasa of . wotk Hiiaiiriii )I ii i.cBa fur Ca^ilojuu torn iliawrawj i'rica L«t. . ' ftlTCBSU, LEWIS d CO., ^aclao, Wit. ^:i>'fh^hi^r':opened"new Fnftiftnre Rooms, in the store lately odcu|, .by Mrs. Searles, opposite Perry & MartinV Store, are now prepared after to the buying public the ' ^ , A < Sanest Stook of 7timitur« ^ ' '* > • - <>f kinds* ever brought to McHenry County, which they will i® at the • I Lowest LIVINC PRICES. • Aav thin^ from a common Chair to the finest Parlor Set Mut •Sc " found at thi« store, and of the best make and finish to be fouud ia the market. V f * Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to at reasonable ra^Mi First-class work guaranteed, Undertaking. We have a large assortment of Burial Cases and Coffins al ways OQ hand and made to order on short notice. Our goods are first-class, and prices within the'reach of all. We invite all our firiends to give us a McHenry, March 15th, 1881. call, JACOB BONSLETT. T STEVENS & SCHNQHR, Near the Depot McHenry, Illinoii, Are bound for the front, a store jammed full of new Goods and more coming every day. Do you want good Dark Prints at 5 cents per yard! Can you u$g some of the best cotton battiugs made? Don't you want a good, common sense pair of Shoes or Boots for < yourself, your husband or child for about the same price you would have to pay for cheap slop made goods? CLOTHING. -i John, Peter, Robert and Paul.--Stevens & Schnorr have suits for you all, and all brand new best and latest styles, ns dressy in fit and as good goods used in the making as can be i'ot'ud. \Yalii, under tb* Horseshoe, and pick you out a suit. Wear a good Ha*, the secrot of your looks, Lies with the beavcr in Canadism brooks. Virtue may au old cravat, # . But m&n and Nature scorn a shocking hat. Coffee, Tobacco. Tea, Sugar, Fish, Canned Goods, Starch, Salerftus, STEVENS & SCHNORB. BOOTS AND SHOES. "We have just received an immense Stock for the fall and winter trade, and can show you the finest line of these goods ever brought to McHenry County. Remem­ ber we buy and sell for cash buy our goods at bottom prices, can and will give you such great bargains that it will pay you to come from any part of the county to trade with us, no matter how great the distance. "We keep a full line of the Selz celebrated custom made goods constantly on hand, both fine and coarse for men, women and children. W. H. DWIGHT, "Woodstock, III, L V: j. Jf-Ai- "IBt •M

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