Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Sep 1881, p. 1

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* mm to Truth, to Liberty a M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." «ii Fab heel Krary Wednesday by J.VAX SLYKE, ; EDITOtt AKD PUBLISHER. Ojpee in Old P. O. Block* 1M vsasros Hotrsft.-- *1 TUBUS OF* SffB81BIP*IOH. A'lvancc).... ....§1.50 hlf Wot Paid wlthlaThree Month*,.......t. SO , tafefMHlptions received for three or tlx in the »»mei proportion. ':ii HJl" " i - in * - nam BUSINESS CARDS. H. T.IiROWN.M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SirRGEOIT. 0*ce over the Pott Office, opposite Perry & Martin's Ittre tt|t St iir*, MeHenry, 111. a H. FEGEBS, M. D- rHrSICtAN &.ND SURGEON. JohMbntgh, 111*.--Office hours 8 to 10, a. m. , O. J. HOWARD It D. PHYSICIAN AKD SURGEON. Office at I my residence, opposite X. B. Church, KeHenry. 111. K- V. AS DEB SON, M. D. ftHTSICUX and Surgeon. Office at ST Besley's Drasr Store, Opposite Parker Sense, McHehry, Illinois. . PRATT HO USB. A. PRATT, Proprietor. First ftWrt ae. eonftdiolatioM. aneonda, 111. Uood Barn in connection BABBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, Mo Henry, III. Or­ders solicited. Shop, ia Old MeHenry. hear the Brid ge I RICHARD OOMPTON. . trSTIO* of the Peaoeand Conveyancer.-- Will attend promptly to the collection of bts. Volo, Lake Connty, 111. E. E. RICHARDS. 'AS a complete Abstract ot Titles to land ^ in M -Henrv Connty, Illinois. Office With unty C leifjt, Woodstock, 111. V! ROBT. WRIGHT, Manufacturer of Custom Marfe Boot* and Shoos. None but the be of materal ••ed and all work warranto M Shop North­ west corn r Public Square, Henry III. E. M. OWEN. KKr.BAT, Dealer and Manufacturers ent in Leading n rices lew and Terms .. Farm Machinery. favoraMe. • MeHenry N. S. OOLBT. OHRNRT, MeHenry Co.. III. Bi eeder of Spanish Merino Sheep, Berkt hire and la China Swiue. A choice lot -f young Stock for sale. Please call and examine m ore buying elsewhere. ^ GKO SCIIRKINSR. AliOON and ttestanrant. Neatly ©ptHMrtte ParkBV House, MeHenry, III rat class Billiard and Pool TableP. , iVwr-fpim »KJ*»RiQK«. JSftLLS, ILL. Is now prepared .. ceil and. repair any kind of a Sewing Maebiue as abeap as the cheapest. Will also 8»ure your life and property at reasonable tes. Please give me a cal». -- s R PETER LEICKEM. BP AIRS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry i all kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the be i •oaaiirie manner, on short notice and at roa- fentble rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop : pst door North of Riverside Biock, MeHenry J. A. SHF WOOD ;^TJO^xc>:r^ii] JKI*. AND appraiser ' ' , • Algonquin, III. SALES of Stock, Fanning Tools and Goods of all kinds promptly attended to. Farm Mies a specialtv. Terms reasonable Poet jHUcead'tress Algonquin 111. W. H. SANFORD, AEerohant Tailor In the store of O. H. Dickinson, Kaafc auluof :Mnr ~ iblic Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Pine Cloths for Suiting Syson hand. Suits made to order and r ran ted- Give me a call. 4 al" a fit W. U. SANFORD. Woodstock lit.,Sept. 27th. 1875. 'Batters to the Sreat Northwest." |il 135 aid 137 MaclisoH St.. NEAR CLARK ST. Have a larger stoek and greater variety of jMiyles for you to choose from, than can be ' ftiuud in any other establishment in Chicago 3t the West. It will pay you to call'and see them. Prieet the the .land forjgood goods. BRANCH STORES 8. E, Cor. Clark & Lake sts & S. E. Cor. HaUted and Harrison ste* CHICAGO. :m.{ M A R C U S ' CERMAN Manufactured by . MARCUS --DEALER IN -- Sv PURE WINES. >W:-\ .'cigars; Woodstock, Ifi^ est Tonic in the? world. Pu*?taW in id Quart Bottles. " r. MARCUS Patents*. BUSINESS CARDS. A, B. BALDWIN, M. D. ^ "t>HTSIOIAK AND SURGE ON. Office and 1 resWencs at the old S levers place! OS Clay St., Woodstock, III. Prompt attention given to professional calls at all hours. C.8. GREBN. SURGEOJty Jbsse a. Baldwin, f Wt)RNEY at Law and Solicitor in Oban. A eery. Will practice in State and in Fed eral Courts. Office, 3d Floor. Mew Custom House, Chicago. _• CHAS. H. DONNELLY. ATTORNEY Aff LAW and Notary Publlb Woodstock, Illinois. Drug Store. Office over Stone** % 8IDNKT DISBROW, NOTARY PUBLICand Conveyaneer. den. 111. DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTTST. Residence Dundee. Wilt tw at Wanconda the lOtli and 25th of each month. When date* occur Saturday or Sun. day I make my visits the following' Mondav. Also at Algonquin, every Tuesday. Oiltoe at Hotel. A. M. CHURCH, WatchmRker and Jewelei? NO. 187 RANDOLPH STREET, (Brlpgi House,) Chicago, III. Special attention pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. WA Full Assortment of Goods ir» his line. MeHenryyi III*' Full Plates maile of the best Imateii'tat ||d' fully warranted, saoo. Filling one-half usual rates. Special attentiou i>aid to regulating bad shaped teeth. . Teeth extracted withput pain an# free of charge where Artiuctal Teeth aro in. sorted bv him. *?• All Woik fully warranted. Pure Nitrous Oxide Gas alway« an a&a for tho puialess extraction of teetn. ||W MEAT MARKER ^ tN HOWs. B0ILDING; . , » •f Southeast Corner Public Square. McHenrt - - Illinois. JOSlEPH FRETT "ptiMW gBHRI lease! the aliovo btiililiRg, iESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1881 . . . . m IF JOSEPH N. FREUND. GALOON AND RESTAURANT Bonslett's O old stand, opposite HJshop's^ Mill. Mc. Henry, III. The c loicest Wines, Liquors and Oigara to be found in the comity, rresh Oysters in their fse^son serveit upj in any shape desired or for sale by the Can. V; GOOD 8TABLING FOR HORSXS. ANTONY EXGELN, SALOON and Restaurant, Buck's old stand MeHenry, III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, Sour Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc* alway?: on hand. We buv none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters In their season. y Richmond House, RICHMOM0, ILL. C. K. CULVER, - - Proprietor. HAVING" recently purchased the above Houee, I have put it in thorough repair, with new furnitne throughout, ana would respectfully invite the patronage ot the trav- ellng public and others. The tables will al­ ways oe provided with the best that can be procured, and polite and attentive waiters will be iii readiness ot all times to attend to the wants of guests. No pains will be spared to make this a First Class House. Large and commodious barns on the prcmiecs. Freo Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Rooms on first floor. r NO. SALOON anil III. Pleasant Fishermen. Ice ftp Choice brands of w!» on hand. Call and MtL 'iM *e,".Iohnsbnrfrh, llnmers and j» of Itnliters.-- [I.iquors always A. Wi ell, Established in 18^§, JOHN STERBA, Formerly of Woodstock and Chicago, has again returned to MeHenry County, and) tea on hand the largest stock of READY HADE HARNESSES. COLLARS, WHIPa. *c„, to be fttnnij in the Oountv, and has everything made of the BEST MATERIAL. Call and see me. JOHN STERBA. Near the Depot, MeHenry. TA! NOTICE. ALL ye that aro in want of Tuits in any . form, from one bushel to 500; if you want a Tubmade to a bunc-hole, brm* it along. I Will also take buildings to build and furnish, or otherwise iust as we san agree. Shop worfcetaUkfcMta done to order on short no. tiee. 1 < F. A. HE BARD. MCHENRY, lUr jVlcHem Win take »y>ntmcUi| BulkHiig* nnd compart; witli any itia] can and will do work cent ohraper than otl> I have two of my fwyij me. which mtkvs II do so. AH Jobs In the, prom|>Ujr a(t«ni?e d McEToory, D««. wr putting flip i»flv tvorji will ithe State. 1 la to per trpouters, a? work with M® for me to lenter line |tve me a call. EN DELL. Soldiers* Department. CONDUCTED BY DR. S. F. BENNETT. : " ' The nndersipned, at Mil Shop North of Perry A Martin's store near the Brick Church, is now prepared .%? do anythin.e iu the line of BlacksiuithingdteJ'W.,t>?oii Making, on short notice, and (niar£nt«e satisfaction. With the heetof matcvktl an I first-class workmen Wo are prepared to got up Buggies and Wagons to order on the most reasonable terms and warranties represciupd. Horse Slew promptly attended to. % y If in wan! of a new %ts sure to at my Shop, examine one MWy W«ur«ns and learn price before in:rcImi took FIRST I'ltKMlUM ,V FAIR last Fall over al I etl u n<lereo Id, qua 111y constdfc Give Wagoua (;t)UNTV t Will not be HE. W1UHTMAX, Proprietor. Pint • class rigs, with or withont driver®, fuanlshed at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. and n III) Wll «T«Vtl I VMVl , «# I « » JJV »l i ir w f Vfl %f»*5 choicest stock of FRESH. AND SALT MEATS ever brought to this town. He inteniis at all times to keep on hand a full stock, and with a neat ami well arianjred shop hopes to be able to pleaM tiie public. Call and see me. JOSEPH FRETT McfTBrfBT, JalyfWth, »81. a m --DEALER IN Cuns and Revolvers 9 Gun Material of all description.-- The tinustaml best Pocket Cutlerv, sll warranted.'-- The fines! Uar.orsj warranteil for two years. Barbers Soap, Caps, Brust es, Straps, Eve Glasses, spectacle : - • Eye Protectors for Sun or Snow. We also keep a full line of Fishing Tackle. Minnow Seins, Hammocks, and in fact everything pertuinitig to Fishing and Hnnting, can be found at my store at reasonable Prices. . Violins, Acordeons, Picalas, Flutes, Violin Strings, ana all other extras for Violihs. My stocks of riNWARE is complete. Call and examine it. I guarantee Prices that defy alt competition. M. ENGELN. STORE IN HOWE'S BLOCK, NEAR TiLE BRIDGE. AGENTS WANTED --FOR- HEROES OF THE PLAINS. BY J, W. BUEL. Embracing the lives and wonderful adven! tores of Wild Bill. Buffalo Bill, Kit Carson. Capt. Payne, Capt. Jack, Texas Jack, Cali- fornia Joe, and other celebrated Indian fighters, Scouts, Hunters and (iuides, A book of tin illing ad ventures on the Plains. Fights with Indians! Grand Buffalo hunt! Desperate adventures! Narrow escapes! Wonderful shooting and riding! Wild lile in the Far West! 1(H) illustrations!. 10 full page colored plates! The grandest books for Agents ever published. Positively outsells evervshing eise. 5t8 pages, price #*i. Agents complete outfit 50 cents. Outfit and copy for $3. ffigr*Write at ouce for agency, or terms and illustrated circulars, to HISTORICAL PUBLISHING CO., t!02 N. 4th St., St Louis Mo. Is ear the Depot, McHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keens constantly on band the finest branda of Flour und Feed of all kinds, which lie wilr sell at Wholesale or Retail at , Bottom Pricesr Five different brands of Fiour alwayi on hand ami warranted as represeutqd. 0*Flour delivered anywhere In the Cor­ poration. Orders mav be girou by Postal Card, Box 107, Post Office. . • ijiiris ME A CALL. 'A-' L. BONSLETT. MeHenry, March 8th, 1891, y ^ PHILLIP HiWUPERiSH. Xcnonry, III., March)$«, 1$31. ew lEall JUSTREOIEVEO RMOLtKCflONS OP A FAMOUS RATTI.K PI KI D. Letter From One Who There Graphical'!/ Written. WHERE WE "WJENT1N. 1*be Wilderness, Virginia, Aug. 29. --In my last letter I believe I had Ifroiiiiht the movements of the army in funeral, am? those of my own bri jtade in particular, down to the point where we '?went III" on the mornin of the secona ^ay's fight in the V> I denies?. ^ w Years before, when a very small boy, I *at on the knee of a veteran of the Mexican W&r and listened with 3onij- liijf eyog to his ta?es< of adventure nnd danger. This grizzled old fellow gave me some aage advice *on the ssibject of armv work. "My boy,*'said he as he stroketl my hair,--1 had a re«|>cctnbie brush then, though the space it once oi cHpied in now as bare as a marble slab--"My boy. when vou get to be a big man never go where there is any lighting. It's bad for the evesT* And in my yonthful ontbusiasui.'l respoud- most eiilhnsiastically: "Xo 6ir-ee I won't!" Oddly enough, while stand­ ing behind a sapling which was so ex- asperatingly small that I felt like anathematizing it because It had not attained a vast diameter before 1 -imade Its acquaintance, it occurred to tine that 1 had disregarded his advice, and as a consequence was iu a place of vrent danger to the organs of sight, The,same thought had presented It­ self to tne In previous battles; but I Was a private then, and had my at­ tention so Hilly occupied with my own gun that there was no time to waste oil reflections of this kind. Ilere I was a line olttcer and had little to do beyond peeing; |Uat no mem tier of the com­ pany limbered to the rear unless he, could show a hole in his corporation. Nor be in g sufficiently settled ill mind to lake a musket and endeavor to en­ force Orant's cat-tail policy, I devoted my time to looking around on the ,tci'- ritie out curious spectacle. * The peculiar nature of the ground fought over made this fe weird, un- cmtiy contest--a batlie of invisibles with invisibles. Wo had had wood lights before, but none in which the enemy, as well as ourselves, were «o completely concealed as in this. It Whs not even Indian fighting. I never did any of that, but at one time I was a very iudustilous reader of dime novels; and if my recollection is ac­ curate, in these-veracious accounts of border warfare, the scalp locks of the nborjgiues were, at least, occasionally exposed. Here nothing could be fceen of the enemy or their doings but the white smoke that belched out of the bushes and ctuled and wreathed in fantastic design* as it slowly floated Mpward through i^ie l|ot air. The tret suit his ideas of proper snrsjical prac­ tice. At any rate he remained with n* until after the battle and doctored the wound in his own way. DURING THE NKXT DAT I came upon him several times when lie waaciirrying his medical theories Into effect, and in the end they brought about a thorough cure. When­ ever he found a pool or mud puddle, or even a moist place, he deposited the wounded member in it with a tender pathos, which I really think did much toward working repentance in those who had been foremost in abusing him. He followed us through the campaign until the close of the first day's light on the Weldon railroad, when I saw him with his paws in the air and great hole torn through lilt body by piece of a shell, I have not now and never have had a dctlnite-conceptlon of time or space in the Batt'.e of the Wilderness. Look­ ing over the ground, as I have within the past week I find that points which In my recollection are very near each other, are actually separated by con­ siderable distances, while others"which appear from memory to be removed by great intervals, comparatively speaking, are near neighbors In the topography of the field. As to time there Is no appreciable lapse between sunrise and noon, while within that Interval there are periods of a very few moments which seem to stretch away into hours For instance, I know from the recorded time of contempo­ raneous events that our occupancy of the position taken at the time we reached the line and commenced firing must have been quite brief; yet a mul­ titude of little incidents occurred there which it seems Impossible to compress Into the few moments of our stay. All at once, without any prelim­ inary indications, there was a great rush forward. I never knew from whence came the impulse which drove the line ahead, but with a tremendous yell and a mighty serge the blue-clad mass plunged forward, bearing the Confederate line before it as pebble* are borne on the ragged edge of au avalanche. It was one of those unac­ countable things which create them­ selves for particular emergencies. I heard no order given and when I made inquiry afterward I learned that none had been given. It seemed to be a spontaneous conviction, Dashed with electric speed through the minds of the men, that that opposing force had been there long enough, and that fate had decreed them as the instruments of lis removal. Possibly the Influence of the terriflc charge of. the second corps und Wadsworth's division of the Fifth corps, made about this time was the cause of the movement. Before they had exhibited simply * stubborn endurance; now they wefo impelled forward by a sort of fiery vigor, and like hounds on the trail of A wounded deer, in full cry they dashfed on. A few hurried steps brought us to the ^ofl^tion w^k^ had been occupied b, TltK LOCAL Fj The columns of a'paper «§fj llsher's stock in tratle, ami who ask us to use that# peeial benefit must ei tlia same, and we hop#. will, after due consideration, vl matter In tho proper light. public spirited citizen of • should have pride in teeing hte and sarronmfing country Impww#, Every new house or barn In the sur­ rounding connti?; ••cry mew fescr, road or sha le tree; every wt amntr- fact nrlng esd&blistnott^ tlMtlf^Ttrr new bo-ine.»>s opened, tut* ne of property In your BlAi. Emf honest reflecting mind IhMMrs fthta tm be true, and yori should not: the local newspaper adds general wealth and pro»p«rft|t «f tlMr.;' place, at well as inrrrriiniphi' mwjjlir tion of the town abroad, ft JNmMlltV; all who have business In the place, en~ | hances the value of property beside* | being a public convenience. **?*! If | not conducted in tho 3utarefttC 6f tint j| ruling political power. llWwimwe I are not filled with brilliant editorial^ | still It benefits you In many way*. It increases trade, it esattaM again*! i m p o s i t i o n , i t s a v e s y o » f r o m I I warns you of danger, it polotSMt dif­ ferent advantages and increases yottr profits. Now if yon want such a futprr you must support it by advertising your business In It; assist in Increas­ ing its circulation by getting yon# neighbors to «ub»crib« ftor it. if yo« want such a paper you must not con­ sider It an act of charity to Support it# but as a means to increase your «t|. wealth ns well as t hat of the * place la which you live. The Ipctl pre68 is tho power that moves the people; there­ fore support it by advertising', scribing and paying for it.--JSp. • 1 V-^ ^ ' -V. r ! SCRATCH M« BACK, A youthful wife Is one of tho of Saratoga at prvs»nt; not bccause she is only 17 ai husband is 70. The dlfiero ages Is fully apparent, for lm ot his years, while lier AhPt»- and dress are extremely girlbh, than that site lias a baby, a dot thing only three months old. Jps like a doll in its girl mothlrt?#- and she is mighty fond of It. When tho nurse brings It to In the midst of % party of WAUCONDA . c. WANTED. Agents for die GOLDEN nn. -OR-- Light on tlie Great Future. in this life, through the dark valley and in the lite eternal, as seen in the best thoughts of leading authors and scholars, anions Whom are ltisii6p*s Simpson, Warren, Hurst and Fos8, Joseph Conk, Beecher, Talma^e, Dr. Carrie, l)r. March, Dr. McCosh, Dr. Cros- by, Dr. Cuyler, George D. 1'rentice, Dean Stanley, Whittier, Longfellow, and others. The subjects treated are Death, Iminortalitv, Mi|lenninm and Second Advent, the Resur­ rection, Judgment, the Punishment of the Wicket and the Reward of the Kijrhteou <), A rich feast awaits the rentier of this book. Is conffnins the grandest thoughts of the world's greatest authors, on subjects of the most pro. found interest to everyone Not gloomy but brilliant. There is not a- dull pane in tho book. It is absolutely mm thou t a rival. Bv- erybody will reail it. School Teachers, stud eats, young men and ladies, acting as agents tor this book are making over $100 a month. Sells fast. One agent sold 71 the lirst 1.% days, another W in 8 days, another 11 in one dar, another 15 and 5 five Hi bles in 6 davs, a lady sold 9 in 1ft hours. Secure territory quick. Also agents wanted foi the best illustrated Revised New Testament, and for the ilnest family Tiibles ever sold by agent,. . Send for circulars. P. W. ZIEGLElt Jt CO.?81fi Arch St-, Philadelphia, Penn., and ltft) K. Adams St., Chicago, III. ARD- •tor any case Blind, Bleedine, Ulcerated or Protruding I'll.Esi that DEBING'S PILE REMEDY fails to cure. Prepared by J. P. Miller M. D., !>JX> Arc h St, Philadelphia. Pa. iVoui; genuine u ith'inl hit xignalure. Send for circular. All druggists or general stores have it or will get it for yoy. SI. Sola- te Mclicnt; by Colby Bros , Druggi*t«. Would respectfully inform the Farmers of Lake county, that he has opened an Agricul­ tural Warehouse, on Mill Street, in the yil. lage of Waucondn, where he will keep AORI CULTURAL MACHINERY of all kinds, of the best quality and make, and sell it to the farmers at as low figure* as any other House in the State. In Mowers & Reapers I shall keep the McCortnick, and* Bnckeye, of Can ton, Ohio, which we consider the best in the market. Shall also keep 4*<iH»o«k ttiV fe«iMlei' Rake, ofltliic.a, N.Y., the Tompkins County Im proved Sejf-Adjustable Cultivator, and a gen­ eral assortment of all^ kinds of machinery used on a farm. Call and see aty stock before purchasing be convinced that t mean I have tho largest stoct. of Fsll" Goods ever brought to |j«ke County, which' I will sell at LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BE­ FORE. Ready.made Clothing more numerous than ever and at prices suited for every pnr«e.-r For anything made to order*whether a single garment or a full suit Maim art's Is the place to buy, Also a full line of CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, flats and Caps, Ac. I have a lar^e variety of PIECB GOODS, of the Laicst, Styles and Patterns, at low figures. Who is assisted by Miss Gieeeler, lias just received a fine stock ot Fall Millinery, of the latest styles to be found in the city wluch she invites tho Ladies of Wauconda to call and examine, Hats and Bonnets Trimmed in the latest «tvlesaad at reasona­ ble prices. Dress Making done promptly and satisfaction guarantead. elsewhere and bti siness. Wauconda, May 2d, 1SSL IK C MILL- F. C. MAYES, --AND .DEALER IN-- Ready-Made Clothing. Respectfully invites an inspection of his New Spring Goods Just opened, embracing all the variety usually found in a first- class Tailoring' and Ready Made Clothing establishment. Don't fail to embrace this op­ portunity before purchasing else­ where as all my goods will b« sold at fair prices. Cutting done as usual. Store in Old MeHenry, neai the new Bridge. ' t F. C. MAYES. IfoBenry, **L, April 1Mb, 188L Will begin Monday morning, Sept. 5th. Harrison, the "Book- ist and Druggist," is after your pennies with a sharp stick. He believes he can give you a better assortment of school supplies tdan his neighbors can, and he knows he can make the 'prices right. It won't cost you & cent to see his stock and get his pri ces. Have you seen the "latest agony" iu paper and envelopes? School Books For sale by • K B. HARRISON, Wauconda, Ills. on Trmf and easy terras, in and Id climate, free from beery snows, blight­ ing fronts, and ex- H1LLIQUS OF ACRES cessive rains. for sale in tbe^ GOLDEN QBLT of. Kansas, by the UNION m of a* clcb as 4lu> s«sn ever Hltone en, vritli s<kmI gamrticta «aa$ hb<1 «c*t. Hw I>e*criptire nnd IttustrateA Book, With Majvt, Sent Free, AdOrvat LAND COMMISSIONER,-Kaasns DfvlslOB, KANSAS CiTV; MISSOURI. zsam fell Ri/ ifiC 3A1LW&Y, tliere » man toppled over and tlfoap- ineared, or^piiuglng to his feet pressed Jiis hands to the wounded part and ran !<> the rear, Meii's fact's we re sweaty black from biting cartridges, and a sort of grim ferocity seemed to be creeping into the actions and appear­ ance of everybody within the limited range of vision. The tops of tiie bush­ es were being torn away by the pounds Ot lead that tore through theui, and we obtained occasional glimpses of gray, phantom-like forms crouching behind the bank of cloud ott .op­ posite sloiie. . v"-'". MT O^TN POSITION behind the company brought me 111 front of a little gap iu our own line, the men, when they knelt at the first lire having dropped away to either side. Stretched from bush to bush hi this nnrrow open space a large yellow- backed spider had spun his web and I watched hiul for soinu time as lie en­ gaged diligently in the work of re­ pairing breaks in tiie net. Scarcely, however, was one mended wiieu a bul­ let would come sweeping through, tear- a new hole in tiie structure. Several tiuies he seemed to give up in despair; but recollecting, as 1 imagined at the time, the successful persistence of the historic insect who labored before tiie royal Bruce, he dashed into the, breach with renewed vigor, vAt last a' missile whistled along, and carried away one uf the branches to which the web wa; attached, and the silky floss was re­ duced to a shapeless ruin. If ever In the department ot entomology, au at­ tempt WHS made to express disgust, I think this specimen is entitled to the honor of having made it. He surveyed the wreck from one corner of the fragile roof, snd tiien turning on Ills heel--if tiie expression is allowable iu this connection--climbed out of sight in the tangle; of green leaves. I think t his individual was supremely disgust­ ed, as well as astonished, at th6 violent methods of the strange creatures who had invaded his domain. Soon after this I had my attention called to the curious antios of a dog who insisted upon being present and taking part in the proceedings. He ^nid fallen in with the regiment ou .the march to tiie Kupidan, aud after bear­ ing patiently a liberal allottment of kicks and other disrespsctful treat­ ment--induuing the mortittcation of having a lamp Kettle tied to liis tail-- he seemed to consider himself duly en­ listed and deported himself according-^ lv. He had evidently been laid out by, nature on a retaugular plan--a square* built mongrel with (to paraphrase the boys coin position on the horse) a short crooked leg at each corner. He was an uugainly beast but he had the real metal in him. He followed us into the tight witii a stouter heart, I think, than some who carried muskets or wore shoulder straps. Whenever a bullet struck a brunch within his range of sight he plunged at the fractured part, and bit and pawed it as if he thought this enertjeiic course ol proc dure was in some way to his adopted battalion. Then he leaped around through the brush.looking for auother place ou which to wreak his unreason- ng vengeance. During this perform­ ance he held his tail defiantly erect, and conducted hiuifeclf iu a very mar- ial manner indeed. But uufortuuate- y for his bodily comfort, before the lit at this point, closed a ball came ilong and carried away a link of the proudly waving member. This catas­ trophe would not have occurred had he been modestly brave and kept his tail down. The injury however was not sufficiently serious to send him to the hospital.. Probably thera Were too many rcckie&s amputations there to i hems*lv*t Iu Immedifct® " Here aiid there a slouched hat dodging about among the trees was all that %vae visi­ ble of ihe force which had given tis such a warm reception; and eveu now while on the run, tiiere were enough who made occasional halts and sent bai*k their cylindrical compliments to make the pursuit anything but agree­ able to the pursuers. We were among their dead and wounded, and as we swept along I noticed that most of them wore new uniforms, and that their 8olt felt hats had been but a short time out of the box. Some in iu their dying agony were clutching the grouud and the branches of the bushes that drooped over them; some were trying to stand, and staggered about with blood gathering like a red sweat on their torn faces and falling drop by drop on the green leaves. 1 stepped inadvertently on one. who as his soft, yielding body rolled oyer, glared at ine with his glazing eyes as 1 passed on. It was a wild whirl. A few details came with startling dis­ tinctness out of the confused picture as the dark rocks lift their sharp out­ lines above a turbid, tumbling stream. Our own Are had mainly ceased, and over the roll of musketry thnt came up from other parts of the line, above tiie cheers and yells that peopled ths gloomy environment as with shrieking devils, rose the rustling tread of thous­ ands of eager feet. This hunting of human beings was royal sport, and none of us in that moment of rabid ex­ ultation, would have believed it pos­ sible that but a short distance iu the future lay our own rout. Now and then we overran little batches of "Johnnses," who were per­ mitted to make their way to the rear or slip through to their own line, pro­ vided tliey chose to take 'that slight rise. 4 We'll end the war right here, ]«ften- ant!" was shouted In my ear by Day? Mills, a stalwart Scotchman of my company, as he lumbered through the brush by my side. "We will, that, Davy," I gasped back in reply; for. notwithstanding the fierce excitement of the thing, 1 had a sort of dim consciousness that both wind and legs were giving out. and 1 thought if there was to be much more of tills galloping over rougli ground, I should have to prop ray back against a tree and take a rest. < 4/ternriNiTKD NEXT WMWL jlsTRAY NOTICE. Came Into the inclosure of tlto un­ dersigned, ou or about August 20th, 1881, one Black Sow, has short tail and will weigh about 125 pounds. The own­ er is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and take her away. James Ouir. Sept. 5th, 188L ,.vi * %\ Shoes lor the Bullion. We lhave placed in the hands of Colby Bros., MeHenry and Nunda. an immense assortment of our best sewed work, consisting of Women's aid Misses Goat aud Kid Button and Side Lace Goat and Kid Walking Shoes. Serge aud Congress Gaiters, Goat and Ki<l front lace, all of which they are selling at our wholesale prices with a small compensation added. Call and examine goods. FOUBUSII A BROWN, BudlO, X.T. get t»«d wlttteiivy band. That makes the jwitigjit jealous, and altogether ilm Is aggravating Httle creature. ^ affecting thing alio has done gif-Va* at a big hotel hop. She wore Hm quite low In the back and was nurbft* ingly pretty. While she danced, her venerable spouse sat out vn the verse* dah smoking aud chatting with a airete of men, old and young.lfStHMtenii' ran out to him, put iter bauds on hit knees, bent her liend Into his lap* and said In the tone of a child to a pwmtit "Please scratch my bade.** \ The old fellow thrust Kit Kawif-'tlrira " the back of her dress a little. fliiMiujr her soft skiu with his- brown^;w«ltfdled ^ fingers; • " *. * "A little to tho other slde»" ehe ittvr» mured, "there, that's the spot. Thank you," * - And she ran back to her waits purt- ' ner, totally uncouscioua (f) of tip tingling fiie had caused among (he male spec;ators. ~>y£- IMPROf IMG THIS /fv'fe They are actually about to txraii-tfet a road between New York and Phihs* delphla, In which a speed of '^AMbtt miles an hour la prOmleed. lu^avher words it is expected to make tho £|g. tauce between the two ottloe In aixitff an hour. This Is almost m ̂ swift flying; It is more rapid than tbe tight of tiie storm. They believe a' fritsm locomotive can be so Improved as to do swifter aiiji more efficient work aft less cost. Then comes Edison to Mw-7 front, and he declares that the oMttar of the future is to be electricity, iwl the place for testing them Is on tho elevated roads of Ne w York City. If we.can make eighty miles an hoar tweeu Philadelphia and New Yftrlt it will not be many years before the same rate of speed will be detMa&i# between New York and San Fran@ta*ite< The child is living Who will see distance between thoae tvo cities eov*. ered in forty-eight hours. Kren w!lh» the present speed ou the £ng^lslt,jnw^ about fifty miles an hour, wrhoo the - tunnell under the Channel is completed ' the traveler can leave London iu litis* early morning, spend the greater patt ol his day in Paris,an«| return to hte ' home or hotel in London before bed. time- What a marvelous age fur tra*» eling we live iu. V ** ' * mm . It Is simply tuarveious how quickly constipation, biliousness.sick headache, fever and ague, and malaria, are cored Seller's Liter PHls.1 JSrlt Is astonishing that so otherwise sensible psrsons sheold «#•" gard Mr. Yen nor, tiie Canadian wentfc*'" er prophet, as any things tat mi arrant humbug. can iaak« guseses, aad eo can anybody; but nobody, eiceept by va^ue h'hI unsclettttfta mm teil weeks in|od*MM*4vfctt the "Tfijjlf er will be at .jlm-'Wm- simple reason that no h«K«; all the coudttftaiR upon whMi the lutiou of the w - - "Lindsey's great n»edic£|i' »ria, audall to use it.

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