5 SB AT, SEPT. 21, >.**#yici3, mm* DEAD. P*icstt>Rirr Garfield Ts Drad! we write the above awiouncementj #W*f jwtrinUs heart In this great Xa- tlon Is filled with sorrow, and the era-' Mem of mourning is seen on every hand.; for twelve long weeks the people had hoped agalnts hope that this bitter cup salght'pawi from them, but It was noU1 IA Mcit3^h»$if IlHTOK lication in yiNfrfMper of the 12th insj lused the felilliiti to fly rather pi iiseuou8ly,aml Induced the «Sb»**»$|| ••ith its many evil tors, to attempt U lemollsh ns Socially, morally and p Sitically. After giving our commtmloa- [tlon in full, the Sentinel .*ays: The above Is a sample of a seriee of com .munimftons which ha ve appeared in, or been enilxflied in w»rreMpondene«vto, one or more lof our county piitcis during the past t'»w Jweeks, and which, if not Wriu>en by the Isnme person, are ir»t»ire<l *n<K-Mi^t"Uud »J this h«ad of tho amateur "Atmfciated Press, ;of this c:ty. Iper with th«*'f^H)|p^|tein• "• m rs Geo. Josiiital'tfrtWwin<i, died-veryi iddenly on Tuesday, under very s*d| id peculiar circurastahces. She hadfj |been Pick for a long time, and her en<Jl ras known to be near.? A daughter wall to be married soon, and the mother! 'was desirous of having gthe .marritge] |polemnized before,her death;so Tues» Iday was fixed for the wedding. Thel gcotnpariy assembled, and while the cer l lemony was be.lng J performed, arid ere| ]the clergyman could conclude the ser- It will'f^'irpa to call at ' ' -i 'i m. Opposite Perry <& Martin's •• 'A > i & m [ McHenry, 4 ~a .t; m . . * - «#<>* V-y/1 V .... m m . " & ., 'a Now, while we do not care what' may be the opinion of the Sentinel «s^v'c®» by saying, "I pronounce you man to who Wo are, we wish to simply ^ife," death closed the earthly ca inform them right here that no arti« lo|jreer °f Mrs. Joslln. Mr. and Mrs. Joslin| or series of articles have appearedniany friends both In this clty^ •from 'Citizen' except over date of Sept"|a«d Bnrrlt. and Mrs. J. was respected ^5th in any of the county papers, ana :is !l" who'knew her. to be and on Monday night, at- t,a'^regards the "Amateur Associated past ten, James A. Garfield breathedj^press." It is all bosh. The article was written to start the Sentinel from its. Rip Van Winkle sleep, and to remind | them that there are old soldiers in McHenry County, (who uever skulked gin rear of a baggage wagon in time of battle) whom they have apparent] forgotten. It seems in this we have been successful, but how long i|j. ?|ylll last we shall not attempt to 8#fv„' Again the Sentinel says': ^ It ie well known in this city that Mr.<sft 'South worth, senior editor of the Setitinel, has*-" been confined to his room tho greater part of two weeks by sickness, ami was unable to 'attend the nicetia^ at which was perfects! Store before you buy your Fall and Winter goods. A large sw>ck toj select from, nil new and choice and prices extremely low. We think, we can show as fine a stock of ./^v- x^4 V * '*i&0 i «>» n.»" M mS < * j „ , v" "W""""""" JACOB BOIJSLETT ̂ It has been sald that "from the fal lien of the heart the mouth utter* th, iMt we must confess that our heart is too full for utterance either by tongue or pen. A man who from poverty and obscurity had risen of tits own exer-J Slant to the Chief Magistracy of the£ greatest Nation on earth, and had just' reached the zenith of his fame, to be ftrack down by a eowardly assassin, and one whose worthless carcass is not fit to throw te the dogs, is indeed catue for great sod lasting sorrow. President Garfield was eminently a a man of the people, and during his long and painful struggle for life, the drily bulletins from the sick room have been eagerly scanned by old and j««iog, apd have marked In the daily life of the people periods of agitat ion J anxiety, hope or despair. Through all these long weeks the Buffering Pre si-! dent has scarcely been out of the •rind* of the people. But the end : at hut, the long straggle te end RINGWOOD ILLINOIS, r-^v, '.'i For Men and Boys both in suits and Overcoats as will be found itil to oiler to the buymV public the •jtfais<30unty. Sheetings, Shirtiugs, Prints, Ginghams, Flannels, Ta-® ° :;l>lo Linen, Cotton ana Worsted Dress Goods, Cloaks, Shawls, No^ ^tiop^Hllte^-^oiuH&febQt^ Earing opened uew' ̂ fnfttireltdoflisi.hi- the store lately «ecupi^ by Mrs. Searles, opposite Perry & Martin's Store, are now prepared an V i • V { Vs"e have add$d a full line of the celebrated Gray Brothers fine goods which for style and durability in this or any other county. The finest Teas imported we have now on hand and we want sell it Should it not suit money will be cheerfully refunded* Butter fand Eggs wanted. Call and see. . 1 ed, calmness and peace rest upon the; waited form, the wearyjeyes are dosedf forever, and the general grief is siu- Wie and heartfelt all over the land. •ii?'. We find the following sensible /«$»arks in the Journal of Tuesday.? the orjr.mization ol" a post of the G. A. R. this city, or any subscijuent meeting of tlie orgnniwition, and has not been able to attend to business since that time, all of whii'li Citizen" was ftilly aware when he wrote is Tindicative effusion. Now just here i3 where the lie comes'i in and the Quartermaster of the 95th^ hould have posted his legal scribe a little better. The first meeting of the . A»R. (and there were none subse |quent) was held on the evening of. August 24th. A mustering officer wasllcustomers to obtain better present from Chicago, when the or auizatlon was perfected, with the xceptlon of three appointive officers J all the elective officers were elected' and installed, a Committee on Rules and Regulations appointed, one o which wasG. S. Southworth, and as we] pretend to know the gentleman, b; iglit at least, we say that he wan there and took part in those proceedings,) and yet he coraes out and says lie w sick and unable to attend," and con jsequently wa« unable to procure what' others did procure for other papers But what is there of sense, reason org FITZSZ " I.'? - •*;. y >'-^*4 i'" v. ri&l ^ M ViSi - .* & *\ '3 0U3 A IMi ri Of'all kinds. ever brought to McHenry County, which they will g^l Bat t he - LOWEST LIVING PRICES. An viking from a common Chair to the finest Parlor J found at thi« store, and of the best make and finish to fee found in toll the mai ket. Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to at reasonable ratei Firsfc-class wjork srUaraoteed, . TJndertakin! v ;K"'. >1! Never will consent to allow his Igiwnsaway from home than iwill give them in any goodi [his linte ̂ !' Av Sept 12th, 1881 BROTHERS We finite & ttifge assortment of Burial Cases and Coflms always oq rjhand and made to order on short notice. Our goods are first-class, land prices within the reach of all. * RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY, IILL. Invite an^raminatioh olftheir^immente stioe The Ninlh Annual • PAIR ̂ 'S< *Ofl entering upon the solemn duties of^ia"?llinei>t in such false statements, only. the office of President of the 0nltedi States, Chester A. Arthur is intitled toi Che patient, hopeful and friendly con.f •lderation of the people of the country He assumes his high Office under cir-2 WH&stance" peculiarly tlelicate and try-! tl^g. During Gen. Garfield's prostrationf be ^lliiblted a degree of good sensef and an appreciation of the gituatioti||ble that tho real author aiight be dis Mitt have made a favorable impressionf|covered to be a most delightful and al upon tlio public mind, and he enters' a crawl out for lack of enterprise aml< always being behind. We also understand the Qdartermns-^ ter oiaims to be the author of the an-j Iswer to our communication, but toj those who know him this is eoually asJ thin as his denial of being at the meet ing of the G. A. R. It is barely poKsi-1 WILL BE Sept. 25 to Oct* t» Inclusive. Competition open to the world.f P Liberal Premiums in all De-| partments. 1 Interesting Races the last foorjp -days. Grand ^icycle ^Fouma-| ment on Friday ̂ i | ry Goods, Dres$ Goods, m VTolioas. Wo invite all our firiends to ̂ v^ ̂ McHenry, March 15th, 1881, '•* 4 " v 'z • ' a Ely 'V • . 'J ACOB BONSLETT, j ^ "i Near tlip": ,;p>epo^ m&m Which are being offered at very low prices. Have the largest as-; sortment of READY MADE CLOTHIN^«vm which -frill be sold very cheap for i : . v •• ' • . > V "» 1 - J , s > KA.T«|rAM>' .V..." ' w Are bound for the front, a store jammed full of new Goods (more coming every day. Do you waiit good Dark Prints at 5 [per yard I Can you use some of the best cotton battings made? and np<Nt $te succession with a general read. Inelifpitbe part of the people to give| " • confidence and support. Letf im a fair chance, and let pre- > iwrnk In the general hoi>e that indeed be the snc-| CeMoT ef the strong and noble states*! mutt patriot whose official seat he ! lM»w occupies. President Arthur has! 4>«rgood will, and he alone has it in! power to command the permanent! reapect and conffdence of 5he people. t Prof. Morns trained dogs give? together Interesting person to contem-.|]p exhibitions duilv I plate and to know, should anyone de-i# exniDlwons V*411/? [ siriousof experimenting on him be-|| Prof. Dare on tho Iminded to hunt him-up. It is morepxnd tight wire. , :than probable, however, that thopj 'g:imft WouId not be worth tlie oandi«" We do not think the people are jdocply concerned as to Our identity.' although the Sentinel men may be.--. Our political record is a part of our personality, and when occstsion requires,g we iiold ouself ready to defend it.-- Those who know '•Oitizt-n" know that km m I; *.• / y" 1 BOOTS pi 'M; IvW... 44.1 Don't you want a .good, common sense pair of Shoes 0r Boots for i <M-rV<rih?TT^« Ifyoui-self, your husband or cliild for about the same price you would 1 to pay for cheap slop made goods? . r ' !• * More attractions than everj All McHenry cotfnty Invited and' promised a tine entertainment. For catalogue* or information address, ' a C. A» PARTRIDGE, Sec'y. Our stock is complete and we jwe confident we call save you money, jon these gooda. "V^ • ' ' " % ^ •' • Eairitsi;Oils^35rags ̂and mm i' # * Medicines. >\-5^ CLOTHING, -Stevens & Schnorr have suits for •y.'y: ? . SStBy the recent Michigan fire; «j»re than three million dollars worth] Of property has been burned, five hun* deed or more peoplo are reported asi : having perished in the heat and flames*] And twelve thousand persons are said] tom left without homes atul iu abso- i !^ptdeeti|»tion. SI . aprThto is what Judge BeiijArain Bpear, an old resident of Utah, says off the Mormons: "Rebellion is slumtjer-! % in Utah, awaiting Its opportunity^ Xhovo no faith in milk and water] Measures. Tlie evil will never cure it-] Self. The church ie growing richer and mora powerful every year; Its follow -! •wire becoming more numerous; poiy - j fMay is on tbe|increase right straight •long; every foot of agrilculttnral lan i* tiie adjoining territories is being] l*M>led up by Mormons. In ten years! . tfee U. 8. will have several Utahs t deel with. The Murnton Church will! -liever make a false niove. It will bide Je£i time; fend when a wlsis ultimately , it will amaze outsiders by the! • of Its preparations. The trl ^j||jf»<.tbe Government with the Mor BStion is to the highest degree! jlng to the civilized people; ^>3fffttit«ter1tory. he has never failed to vote with hi party, and that from means somewhat^ slender he has contributed more freely J than has the individuals who now as-f mtne to criticise him. "01112611," how-! ever, reserves the right, and always' will, in political matters, to think and soak for himself, and to criticise nn-na and measures as he sees fit. He doe*| not borrow his opinions, nor does \hM trade upon them. If any one will fake the trouble of collecting the sloa-js| dor materials that go to mako up political or military record ot the ed itor ial? writers of the Sentinel, \v>? undertake to 6ay that the record of 'Citizen" will not suffer by the c<ku pari son. \,; In conclusion we would remind thd mammoth Institution of such gigantic [intellect, that with all their vasti [knowledge and great experience in! [the making of a newspaper, (princi pally with the use of the'shearw) itj [would be just as weH if they would «s oould get some of the Amateur^ h . ibersoftbe Associated Press, (i [there is sueh) to liven up their old con-p ;ern, and perhaps then they would b«:j| [able to get the news in season to appear"' [less ancient to the people and not a [ridiculous to their cotemporarie*. oitizi; n Wfjodalock, Sept. 17th, 189L BOUGHT & tJ i' T" At uras' In Laiisii's Block, McHenry III Jrif. Wooden and ^fioware, x <t r< ** ' • John, Peter, Robert and Paul.- |you all, and all brand new best and latest styles, as dressy in fit and}> * as good goods used in the making as caa;b^-li^^l^/lp^|»; undep fch*»yf Horseshoe, and pick you out a suit. *.! .K-f. *,-r ANDl THE LARGEST STOCK To be tound in McHenry. Prices always as low as good Goods can! fiM „|o show goods. Call and be convinced. TO V'-?' ^ fit? m f - m SSfi ft %• ' • • ; Slimmer i. /'"Wear a good Ha*, the secret of your "^pies with the beaver in Canadian brooks, rirtue may ̂ flourish in an old cravat, V, * t % x I ^ 'vr»' J:1 Vv;v.< <) ':-f' Wt, . , .i • But man and Nature scorn a shocking hat* '• '.U ! T«)k, eogaf, fahtlOutnrf ^'i T obaeco STEVENS St SCHNORR. • ' ' ' ' * • ; BOOTS aAND SHOES ' - I Can you aflord to take a day or a half day and go to the • ' i V, C V «*•,'}. •• E. Lawlus, r Anrf K«t a fine Suit, as he has the finest anrt] jtlie lari?es>. Stock of Cloth ini? at Chicago Pi'i-J es. IiealMO keeps Foreign and .Domestic! Clothis. which he wiit make to order at the] lowest prices. R. LAWLUS. %.-iS^ftil probable that ^t. P. railroad company will build branch at no distant day from Spring-!, |kld, W1»M via. the shore of Lake Comol to the head of Genera Lake. Having leached thus far. It will doubtless puslrl •»from Fontanaacross Bigfoot prairie! ^ td Harvard, and perhaps on south ward! | «#o jurnetion with its Chicago' & Pacitkl v,., .^livisloii. This will give Harvard « eompoting line of communication witlil worl'J.as well as of morel fapldand comfortable method of reach. Ing its many Interests at the lake.- Jffarmrd Independent. | JWThe extent of the Arcs in Mlchi hard to realize, ltarely have we , |cnown a calamity so distressing. Fani- ||ne, privation, misfortune, death, come saddest form. It was bad onongii* g ?tQ have the destruction of homestead->f nl^jattd crops, but to this are added th t and the cold, inflicting new hard-^ «pon the harassed and stricken 'jjioople. The seed corn Is burned, and According to correspondents fifty AousJ Had htwhels of-seed wheat will be re. paired for new harvests. Rarely havo '^iwe kuown a case which appeals with ^iich pathetic and peculiar forc«s to the pivmpatbies of the oominanity. Lifctlo * »%n be done to relieve those cruel suf-: but our chari table Golden Star, CREEHWOOD- Editor Plaindealek:--We would jask our neighbor who claims that \w land his hired boy cut thirty-seven hocks of corn 8x8 in one hour and fteen minutes, if he is not spreadin it on rather thick. Touch it ligli 'neighbor, moderate* statements take the best in this community.' Query wonder! who Charley Jones [was beckoning too the other day when ie was standing on top of tho barn! [facing the Northeast. We are informed that Charles Mur- hy, a farmer living in the Southeast part of town, was bit by ft spider on< [day last week aud was so badly' poi itoned that he was rendered helpless for some two or three days, but we am le ased to state that he is reported ^convalescent. Miss Lettie Miles, who ba3 been vis- |iting her sister, Ura, H. Hartley, an jotlier friends in this village, for the! ip'tst few weeks, returned to her hom ;in Maretigo on Saturday last. D. W. Soper has just received anoth ,,, , . . , . ml And a dozen other patflfcrna ot Coal Stovef ;• lot ot new goods which he proposes^- n I>0 found at our a tore. to .ell « to„ m the Olv. Wm;VrHE COLDEN STAR OF F. HALL, ŵ m He is selling goods cheaper than any store in the Northwest, and. fliis terms are CASH--ONE PRICE TO ALL. Money refunded ifj goods are not as represented. Our expenses aro light, our sales liarge. We do not sell a dollar on credit and our profit is more of a [commission than a profit. We want you to come just once. If it] Idon't pan out juat as you read it here will pay your expenses, tiro®?; Itrouuleand all. Read over the Price List, cut it out and paste it inj fyour hat, and see if your credit dealer will meet the pricey iBest prints {Yard wide brown tiottou.... bleached " .... J Beet " " »» .... nn bleached " .... 40 inch *> Denints... . iGood " 3otton Flannel (40 inch Cashmere, aft wool. • lTable Linen (Corsets. (Flannels •. It >!•<•»• <>oods llioju' Caps ,. [Men's " liom Ixv t raisins |H1b prunes ... ill*t> rice , 5tf» baking powder-...,^. [Ji<;nt 5fc. tea > , 120 biir« bent soap..., uboxesaxto 6 to 6>te. 6 c. ........ 8 c. 10 c. ......... 7*c. ......... fKc. 17 c. U c. 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 e. 00 e. 25 to 30 25, SO, and 75 c. a, 18,20, ai d 26 8. I>, 10, 11, 1'2 "VtoOO tf> i»0 .. 91 Misses 8. G. Starch ff Babbit's flHleratus . « Common utarcli OS " saler;itUS 06 Beat Vinegar 18 Syrnp 7. «, 50. 60 20tb crackers 1 00 No. 1 line cut tobacco 60 ping " Lorilltnl'f... Baaketa-M bushel. Best roasted coffee..... Spices * ay down. Good brooms CLOTUIXU OtJB CBB4T SPECIAL.TY. Boys' suits, from 7 to N.... H 00 •' " M 8 to If 2 «5 to 4 00 Hen's suits 3 00 to IS 00 Women'* Hi W, 20. 21 i 76C. to 1 SO i&M ffef SILVER STAR, "We have just received a immense Stock for the fal and winter trade|̂ and can show you the finest line ot these goods ever brought to McHenry County. Remem- er we buy and sell for cash jbuy our goods at bottom prices, can |tnd will give jyou such great, bargains jthat it will pay you to come [from any yart of the county o trade with us, no matter how great thb distance. We ikeep a full line of the Selz ^celebrated custom r made goods constantly on hand, II y-'M V? iM Full stock of Rubber Goods, cash buys aud cash only. Our prices^ Idraw trade forty miles. Come and see us. We give you more than If U . r% Jl J} I (your mor cj"h worth. Our prices hold trade. If you can't come^i |lOT» il " 1133.6 ana coarse lor call and, satisfy yourselvos. . Wonder if that adult member of jfkiptist Sabbath School has found frien<>l*i et wl,° ,e^ the children of Israel out| d do *11 that jis posssible to brhsgP°f -^SJ'Ft? Fei.o OK 8b. lefd AND RESOLUTE Parlor Headers, for Wood or Coiil. of Cottage Stoves in the' fsend cash with order and goods will be shipped to you. We huvo^j Btwo buyers in the market looking up bargains, and they get A1 * .§C'hicago office, 135 Wrabash Av. Store at Richmond, 111. YOURS TRULY, T >e finest line U.-uiiet. i <iiey life*. Fine si Fltis^ . ioiuiOBs A, Jj.vaujjoiji'ii, ' , L O. C. IpOLBY & CO., Mc&iuliTlY AfiB RUl.'UA.] Kuidee and see, • #> ri theni.|: Go to ' » . * '-i"y men, women and children. I ̂H. DWIGHT, Woodstock, 111. M .3 •• - ,•+/. .9,1 - ' ' '