Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Sep 1881, p. 5

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SEPT. 21. 1881. m;' Railroad Time Table. «VM HO sontii. Seneva Lake Passenger.. .7:H8*A. M] Geneva Lake Express .8:S1 • Senqra Lake Froijjht P. Steamboat Express 0;i6, » OOIWO WOTTTH. ' Stum La*e Frei*tat #;3S A. Steamboat Kxpre**. ...10:01, • Geneva Lake Express 3:52 p. M] Geneva Lako Passensrer 6:52 B. Best Agent. « Mchenry, 111 1881 18811 •: Fox Lrftke, Ills. ^ArLL TIME TABLE, STEAM EK "LOTUS,** LEAVE MCHENRY J9M V. *. Friday anrt "Saturdays. 7 ;16 P.M.. Mondays, Tuesday8, Wednesdays. andTUura! da 3 a, LEAVE FOX LAKE.. 8:30 A. U. or 6:80 A. M as circumstances may! permit. < I Notice mast be given the evening previous] to intended departara. WAT.TBK giu, Captain Bsx the new advertisement of Fitz- clmmons and Evanson In another col­ umn. , O. C. COLBT & Co. are offering some! rare bargains in both Coal and Wood 'Stoves. Head their advertisement. Miss BEKTIIA HOLLISTBR, of |lsvisiting with friends tn this vi Miss OAUIUK MAKTIN and the MisSes] [Pago are spending this week at Chtca-f fo. MRS. JULIA BISHOP will start oui KThursdsy morning for a week's visit! [with friends in Chicago and Evaftston. MRS. W.W. FORD, of Preston, MIn-1 Fnesota, is visiting her nelce, Mrs.Frank] )olby, in this village. ""TUB youngest daughter of H. C.! bmith, who has been quite low with] |fever, is slowly recovering and Is now| )ronotinced out of danger. MRS. RALPH STEBBINS, who has T&L £been feeling well since her return from] [ansaR City, is now quite low with Bfever. She has the sympathy of licr. [many friends, who hope to see lie r^ ironiid again soon. fir. Browtt tendance. | A. KNIGHT and wi fe, of Chicago,? ipent Sunday In this village. Mrs j |Kn!ght has almost entirely recovered'^ |from her recent severe illness. JOHN POWERS, nephew of Father jjO'Neil, went to Chicago on Monday, to'* >mmence a Course at Bryant & St rat |ton"s Business College. * LOOK put for the programme fori "Our Boys and Girls Dramatic Society"! entertainment, which will be issued ii » few days. THE Rt, Rev. Win. E. McLarei Blshqgi of Illinois, will conduct service] In the Episcopal Churoh at Spring Grove, Friday evening of this week] September 23d at 7:30 The Pair, !*he Twenty-Ninth Annual Fair of? [the McHenry County Agricultural JBoard is now a thing of the past, and, lit is with pride that we cf>ngratulate|st!>*n any otliers,is due the success of-: [the people of McHenry County thatch® late Fair. From the time of their alities, and added much to t*e so* sss of the Fair. Miller & Sons, of Genoa, Wis., also, ad a fine show of Buggies and Wag- ns, which attracted much attention. In the Stove line Whitson A Sons, Woodstock, toon- the lead. They had je reeled a large and commodious tent,' (in which was nicely arranged StoVes of all kinds, Cook and Heating, Coal, am' Wood, They are handling the Goods f the celebrated Michigan Stove Co., nd tiie fine display both at the Fair rounds and in their capacious store was an honor to their thriving bus!-! ness. And as there was no Premiums1 flered on Staves it is due these gen-i tieoien, as well its Messrs. Dacy , and Miller, that the Society award them something adaqnate fo* their mag­ nificent display, and which in a great measure added to the interest of the exhibition. ! To others who added of their abun­ dance or their mite, to makS the Fair, a success. the Society are and undoubt­ edly do feel under many obligations. We are informed by the Secretary that the receipts were about $2,800, and that all the premiums will be paid in full, doilar for dollar. Thl»,| Hiider the circumstances is a glorious result, and is an honor to t|t£ officers of the Society, one and *11. The Secretary, A. 8. Wright, and' the Superintendent, W. T. Palmer, are? deserving of more than a passing no-y tice. To these two gentlemen, more [seconded the efforts of the manage rs||^flort8 have all been in one direction; tin making it a success, for Such it trulylfsnd the society and the pfople owe |ls, notwithstanding the unfavorable^'them a debt of gratitude which it will . THE Ladies Aid Society of Ring ! wood, will meet at the house of Mrs C. Richardson in the village Oil Tfcurs day next. MRS. TTM. LANGITA*, Sec'y THE last of the Gypsies broke camp ©tfTuesday and departed Northward. And now we presume fishing and hunt­ ing down the river will not be follow­ ed half so Industriously by the young men. < OK the news of the death of our Pres-1 Ident being received In this village the Several flag's Were run up at half mast, and the business houses appropriately draped in mourning, in memory of our ^departed chief. NICK SCHAEFERS( team ran away on Monday and colliding with a buggy containiug a lady and gentleman from Elgin, left it In a rather demoralized condition. The occupants narrowly es­ caped severe injury. C. E. MANDEVILLE, D. D, pveather, which they encountered on e third day. j On account of ihe severe storm of Thursday, which prevented us from getting the particulars which we needed, and oy unavoidable absence thb last of the week, we cannot enter into details, but will give our readers'; some of the more prominent charac-[ terlstic features. Class "A," under the superintend ance of Mr. Fred Collison, of Burton was well represented by t>urhams, a few Devone, Ayreshtres, Jerseys. Holstlues, Herefords and Grades. [Jack Wray and Elijah Bowers, of Rich-' ^raond, Fred Collison, Frank Cole and |Fred Hatch,of Burton, each made a; grand showing of Durham cattle, and the competition was lively, S. O.jft Gregory had the only exhibition in^"' Devons. Wm. Bigliam. of Green wood, 1. and Carol Kingman, of Dorr, furnishedlf,!iade ^ai'8 happy for him, and the Jerseys, or Alderneys,0. H. ' Fi»n-||«ilt,,ered the tUorns frotn his P®*»>w»y,§ Iders, of Seneca, the Ayershires, Lyman^j80 'he way would be stuooth for); Sheldon, of Seneca, the IIerefords.$his weary feot> He has been ,lke 4 Lyman Sheldon, O. N. Brass, and . J £fweary traveler seeking a haven where-f ~ . . . h i 1 be hard to repay. Their labors were arduous, but they never flinched, and they are well deserving of the praise] they are receiving on all sides. TO THIS MEMORY OF WMTBROADIBT. Who departed this life September fkh, 1881, at the age of 75 year«. He was born In Nafiertou, Yorkshire, Eng­ land, In 1806. He Came to America when a young man. He* lived some yoars in Michigan, and came thence to English Prairie,"where he was always known as Uncle Bill Broadley. By hi pleasant ways he won the respect of-' ail his neighbors. Some years previous to his deatli lie went back to Michigan,* where lie lived a secluded life. His eyesight beginning to fail him, he re-' turned to the Prairie where he has^5 ince lived with his nephew and niece/J W. H, and Anna Broadley. They; of Rook ford, will Lecture in the M. E. Church,^ . . . .. ., j «In tills village, on Wednesday evenlng.^lL Foote, of Seneca, Geo. Abbott of^'" ,,est# Four weeks before Sept. 38th. Subjest--"Unwritten Hcro-'fjGreenwood, Fred Collison, of Burton.6dl!-at'1 *,e was 8e'ze<^ with a stroke off S. O. Gregory and Asa W. Smith of$l>:^iraly»i8 that rendered him powerless Dorr, presented a brisk competition move* '^e beginnning of hi Grades, and each of all those lots CR.-ii,lneS8 ho would try to »Peak, but his; •led away'a g'oodly share of the i,ed'S"ol,'»u,?' '°0, wa® 'P*r*ly*ed, so that white and bine. G. W. Hunt made a®01'1* a word now ai,a^then C°ultl be *"» l ' 'J~- He \V£» Wtff'mtil tir'hin'ustc^ iP- Ism." Admission 15 cents. The pro-g ceeds for the" benefit of the M. E.| Church. Lecture to. coiuoieutM a$ 8|s o'clock. v ' K TH® Dryer at "this place Is now n pi'AWDSAI.KH! ill be rewm* •» ^miwciMwia at K. h arrison*e Orag Store alhl at the Post omoe EI>ITOU PLAIVUEALKK School op eneii for the fail term with much larg chtsxes in botii rooms than has been customary on opening day. This fact must be taken M a direct compliments to the teaebers, as mast also the fact' that quite a Auirber of pupils are from outside the district, and more such are planning to attend a« soon as the fall^j work of the farmers Sf a little more advanced. Our school Is fast regain-! ingitsold reputation for esoelleiieej and if the present Board of Directors; Icould be retained f<if ten years, wej venture to predict that no "cheap olm" or "penny wise and pound fooli measures would again be consid-j •ered but tiiat our schoid would have al far extending reputation which we* ould uli be proud of. Something ca»! not be had for nothing, and cheap teachers and cheap accessories are an unprofitable delusion and a snare,' a fact which the present school officers seemlaware of. Mrs. Harley llendee has been spend- i ntc a few days with friends and) rela-i tiveshere. Dr. Thomas Granthnm has returned] to his home in Waueonda, and reports^ himselfasimdecjded whether to re-f turn to the city for the winter or notj On Mondajreveetiiug, tiie 14th, oo-j curred the flrstjrehearsa] for the play 'of East Lynne which bids fair to be a cony>lete success. Miss Snow? combines with |»er year's cx-j perience "behind the scenes," a rare [stock of patience, pluck and energy the free use of which is^rapldly trans­ forming her company of awkward nov ices into more than average amateurs Ou the 0th Inst, the town officers met In Squire Burritt's office. In ad-| dition to the usiuil routine business,* the question of records was raised and! feebly discussed. It may not be gen er.tJly known, hut It It a fact and a shameful and humiliating one at that that the town of Wauconda has no. legal records. The work which the several Town Clerks have been doing the past few years, sand which (hey have drattm pay for doing, is absolute ly worthless, and the reason for this is that the books which the statutes say shall be provided have not been pro­ vided. The question now is whether the present town officers will follow, the example of tlielr predecessors, or, whether they wiU get the proper |l>ooks and have some records. Voters and tax payors are all interested in this matter, and should each and all 'look a leedle owet about it, eh?" The many friends of Mr. C. H. Bird, willjbe pleased to learn that he has cnred-a lucrative position in a large] wholesaIe'drug;house lii Chicago. The Village Board have been raising the cross walks in some places, and! putting new ones down in otheis. We give notice now that next year we will be a candidate for Trustee. We think iehmoml De O'JicTRlBlITKD Br 8. F. BEKNEtT. S. F, JIKWHUTT is hferebr authnriiivl to take oul^rriptionsaml oriter* fur a lverti»«M«t nmt Work for the rr.AtxOr.Ai.Ktt, roe«siv® •ni'Miey therefor and receipt for the. Muic.^ Iien.iju^ [atlpMffrs left with hiiu will receive prompt^ iVtJcntion.--RdiUrr, • EDITOR PLAiH»iufcft*t--^eidc frcpl [the Fair we have little worthy of iwi*] itiou this week. \ Next week Is Court week, when bsft] Grand and Petit Jurors Will be in Ree<r*dU« JSdf* Tofttej ippetite. The Moltn* renrs. S«lky Local news scarce. Monday evening the band of gypple*! for a time^ encamped near McHenry] passed through Richmond on their' [way North. Silverware at Alexander A Hyde' We are glad to learn that P. J. Kr-! jcanbrack's stallion "Kirkwood" ha*i !beeu taking most of the blue ribbons jat tho fall fairs. He Is certainly one jof the finest horses ever brought tojl ;these parts, and his victories are tor itnte merit. Silverware at Alexander & Hyde%, Farmers are now cutting their clove r| seed and report a large crop. Thoi heads are much better filled than usu-| al, and as high as five bushels of seed! per acre aro estimated forsome pieces. [At present prices such a crop .will gos [far towards covering losses on the] .light, com and oat crops. Silverware at Alexander 4 llyde*s. We were sorry to disappoint several] parties by not meeting them at Wood-^ stock on Thursday as promised. Too] much business, just as a doctor always^ jhas when he wants to go »nywber«; ' particularly bad. full UM, at|d , largo amount of Sw«.Jf?8d 8"°Wi"« >"'« Corn Is being received daily. Wefa"S *>cnS we,e we" ttdorn®d w'1'1 b'»e[ had,. lean, from the f.rm-r, that In after ih« j„dK.. ? w»r It P>«v« . profitable crop, *k.«-{KAlden, and N.S. Colbv, of McHenrv that they will raise more of It anotiierjl , , „ „ Tx . , fc competed with Mr. Hunt on flue woe -.yearf We shall visit the Dryer befon->- v next and give more particulars. CHAPLAIN J. Q. Adams, of Marengo,S ; and L. H. Jones, of Woodstock, liavej gone to Northern Wisconsin to open Camp Meeting. In case of the Inabil­ ity of the Chaplain ( ?) Larry will act| * as Chaplain pro tern. We shall expcin| ;to hear great good from the boys be-! fore they return. ' • [ed sheep, and each were found worthy of prizes in ja variety of premiums N". W. Waterman, of Dorr, had a fine -how of Southdown sheep which were; found worthy. Among the Horses we did not have? much opportunity. We note however' that W. W, Josiyn, of Seneca, took the| blue and C. M. Hughes, of Hartland. the red ribbon on horses of all work The rices were hotly contested and each horse tbat competed earned the*| prize awarded. In the Wednesday , „ ... . „we wouUl make a gowLowe pnd--«nd-? One day while one of the watchen»|A year or two a^0 lliero WM R nnnjh, was at the beside singing that weIl-5jMt!eded rroM walk p(|t down Il0Rr DrJ known hymn, "Oh, Thou, God of Mr||HubbHf.tJ,s Mr> Weir's and Mr. Hill's. At^ salvation," and when she came to the»tll>t tlmc OIie of our truglees lhre(,| ;vv- .•;,«M<i«>wnfthat way. He failed of re-elec-j |tion and Ai«(?) cr»>ss wftlk Was forth- Swi tii torn up, and laid again farther] tfjnp .^trest (right between the lots ot'i It n o new trustees) . Hence we say, wej j|ure a candidate fo^ . election next] |«pring« If, when Uii lflug "make up5 ftlieirslatp," they leave us of!, wo shallj ^riui Independent, and probably get^ left. During the past- two weeks. Lake! St-bird stanza-- While tiie angel eboirs are cryias,-- G lory to the Great I Alii, ^ I with them viU'still be vyin£<* Glory, glory to the Lamb! * O, how prccioQS v ils the sound of Jesus name! lie could not tell his thoughts, but his! countenance beamed with untold j*oy,j which told as plainly as the tongue could speak, that he was thinking of '^jthat far-away laud, and of that choIrN in which he so soon would DE num-! OUR Wauconna «eighbors " it«s to! hsve a rare musical and Dramatic treat, on Friday and Saturday ev, r|aU Kirkwoodi of Richmoud took^ nlngs of this week, at which time|first money S|lver Dukft 2d> LWvC Flora Snow, the gifted and rising } M ftnd Unfcnown 4th> Ifl young Actress, with the assistant ofA,^, race of Saturday Quickstep, of» , » ciiicago, took 1st. Klrkwood 2d, SUver^^ Pilous to his death Duke 3d and Bashaw Jr. 4th prize. On account of the inclemency of the County has been deprived of three^ berered, to sing of the Savior's dylngf*. , , , , . f . ,. . , ' ,ftffcood citizens by death. Two of whom love. Often: during his sickness he t? » . , , « , , _ » . . . . . K g -- M r . G e o . B e s l i e l a n J M r , J o h n M o would be heard to mention his brother® Harry's name, as tiiough he longed to? Wauconda's amateurs, will bring out -»" ;the beautiful Drama of "East Lynne," which will be followed by Songs, /"'• Duet?, &c., making altogether one of, tho finest musical and Dramatic enter i talnments ever held hi Wauconda.-- * No one should fall to go. For full ,uV particulars see the programmes. & Mr. C. E.*t Silverware at Alexander & Hyde's. Miss Crissy Harness, whose Dress [making establishment has heretofore been In the building one door south sot, [the old Gazette office, has now remov-1 ed just across the street and occupies [the house formerly the home of Steph jen Potter, where she will be happy to see all friends, old and new. Miss Harness* very large business speaks well for her skill as a dressmaker. Silverware at Alexander & Hyde's. I Au anxious correspondent Is Inform ed that mumbletypeg is property a mas­ culine game, the intricacies of whteh we have*neversufficiently mastered to be able to elaborate them In print. A practical illustration may, however, be obtained by finding two boys and a jack knife and giving them (the boys and jack knife) the hint. Silverware at Alexander St Hyde's. On Monday evening a very pleasant] party of young ladies did honor to the! occasion of Eddie Bennett's early de­ parture for Chicago, where he again] [enters Rush College to pursue his med­ ical studies. The.young ladles camel !n quite without ceremony to spend( the evening with the young Doctor/ and what, with music and merry con- iverse they had a nice time indeed. Itj was almost enough to make one Wlsh^ to be young again. Silverware a^Alexander'&3ly«ieW We acknowledge the receipt ofabaj [of tlour from the mill of Mr. Cogglrw,] lat Wauconda. This flour, so the miller] [writes us, is made and finished 011 roll-! {ersand not ground like.ordinary ffour.j Its quality is simply splendid. Mr.i ICoggius has been at a large expense] putting in the machinery necessary to] 'manufacture this flour, but the I in-' proved quality of tho produet will! [make it pay. . * Silverware at Alexander & Hvde's. MARENGO. EDITOR PLAINDBALKU:--Marengo i ighiug for a tirst-class Laundry. C. W. Ingeraoll Is buildjng an exteu- ive addition to his already coinuiotli- our Wareh'mse. Bartholomew & Co. have put up a new set of scales for the accommoda On Sunday and Monday of last week, tramps of the most suspicious stripe became a terror to some portions of [our town, and on Monday evening ii'nts got abroad that they wouid be [arrested as vagrants, or other availa­ ble charge. Whether it reached their [ears we cannot say. but we have heatd nor seen uothlng of them since. We see our friend from Greenwood s turning his attention to prayer, We therefore conclude that he has l:}id aside his Oaffle* and greatly fear be is about to become what his nom de plume indicates--a suicide. Brethren let us fervently pray that the evil day come not when he shall say, "I have no pleasure in life." It would seem from last reports that pickles now have an established price, viz., 91 per bushel, though some have faith that they will advance to 91JM) per buKhel. We venture the opinion that the much discussed election question wil be decided by the Supremo Court 011 [the theory advanced by Ex-Governor Palmer, vis., that the present iitcum bents will hold till the election of 18*3. Our people are gloomy and down­ cast In spirit at the latest news from Long Branch, and from every conn tenance Is reflected the query, "must our President die after all these builded and re-bullded hopes?" Has all his patient suffering been In vain? Have the prayers of the people, the whole people, have "the prayers of the righteous ceased to avail?" # Fishing Tafkle ©f all ligelnrs, iu Biuck, |new Bridge. The Fifrst * Bradley Saiky Plow . M. Owen's. r Buckeye rim [Owen's. XTOSfM, -- - All the ANMMI Flows M Jt, Owen's. / Tl>e finest Tine of Sttfvor Ware to be foHitd is ilie 1 W. Owen's. A fln« lot of Rea4y»l full Suits just received at Nichols' Millinery Stom,! German School Books, SSMI and German Mass BookS^ nV geln's Howtfs Block, near IIew this wegI, GOLDFISH, Fish Globes, and Food for Ffnlt M. Kngein's In Howe's Block, near bridge, THE LAI Wo have a larger !ccl«brated "Broadt In the latest aiykes. see them before buying. • - aTWT--»« i--SHM The ffnest line of this market can be A Scliuorr's. Piles, ohattng sores, salt rheum, skin disordesa,' sea. sore throat, sN afi li _ Sleld rapidly on apptfoatkmif laguetic Ointment. Hams, Shoulders, BstMt Sail Figlt M' Lard and Corned Beef, at IWwanl% Market, near the Depot. WHY DO YOCOOCOB J When one box of "-iim Tir^fils wfB ̂ wire yon? Storo op{NMl«Tuk«r Horn, • -MRS. H. II. NICHOLS was in the city [ou Monday of this week buying goods and wishes to say to the ladies of Mc­ Henry and surrounding country that lie lias a fine stock of Fall Ulsters and Circulars, Fancy Handkerchiefs,1 Mourning Handkerchiefs, Lace Collars and Collarrettes, ParzamenU Triia^ mlugs, Spanish Lace, Jet Bracelets, and a fine line of Notions In general For-ftM^h is Beslsy** Troetiet, at living prices. Call and examine * bos. 3tore opposite At ] goods and See for yourselves. One®®00*®* door north of Perry is Martin's Goods House, McHenry. MBS. H. II. NLOHOLS. IF you vui your W class Order, call 6a [Jeweler, Nunda, New Prints, latest pattern*^ prices from five cents a yarCnnc11 wards, at Colby Bros., Blvevrflls r THE BEST THING ieslsy's Ti OppNllS Call at Mrs. 11. Bft Nichols Ready Made Underwear, riUiSiuiini tramiuii HteeMlrlifc; hlaeraser** aoldlnaad iWnMni; slsnttim MiSaSmtaiistrktiea: hU mniMMoo: Us M New line of light sumonsr dress with lace to trim, st Schnorr's. Call at Mrs. B. II. Nichols* door north of Perry A ckicsto, n|«»ything in Millinery or nlshlng Goods. the OsbtMS. Tb* only oomplet# and authentic1* nm Um firttmm Art* in '*« ftrld Kith SWJKB A farm of about three hundred acres to sell or rent. For particulars Inquire [of Mrs. L. C. Gates, McHenry, III. NEW FALL MILLINERY, Of the latest styles just received At |Mrs. Searles', which the ladies are in- (vited to call and examine. The largest and most ootnplet* let if Knit Under wear ever offered in [this market, just received direct from [manufacturers. Will be sold at bot [torn prices. Exmulue the goods And [prices st Colby Bros. CLOTHING. We now h»ve the largest line of (Children's, Boys', Youths' and Men's Clothing ever shown in McHenry, which will lie sold at prices to suit the times. "COLBY BROS. Dwlght buys more boots and shoes than all other dealers in Woodstock, Sweacher on Thursday the track was un-\« usable on Friday. Hence the pro-f l^ure,d t1hIttt Ml" would have gramme was continued till Saturday^01"® ie ' )eei* Prevente<L fhe and prevented the grand cavalcade, p ;n.eral iermon wasdelivered by Rev.; The promised Baloon ascension wasl^ °f Rlchmo"d- Hi* greatly delayed by the storm, the wind:j|*va#* °®> e mu,,t reign until He preventing an inflation till Saturdavl^f Put a" enemies under Hls feet - » ' l he «ast enemj' that shall be destroy-! (busker are among the old settlera oi , , . . . , , ™ t h i s s e c t i o n . M r . B e s h e l ' s f u n e r a l o c see him. Although telegrams and let-:$ . ^ ,n , , „ , ,, t»cm red on Saturday the 10th, and iMr, tens were sent no replv came until two*fe., , . i&.McCusker* 011 Sunday. Anotheria., * k ijlor dispatch was 6ent at his death giving"-! ... •«in ample time to attend the fuuerat V,7,'lS * compftrat,vely f®""* mwi. hamla In tlietr Canning Factory but tliey could not lie round. W. fartS?1? 0""' H" "" l"!e"i • i^ick a long time. EXTENSION TABLES. Extension Tables only One Dollar per foot at John B. Blake's Furniture Store. Call and see them. SEWING Machine NeediM for machine made, can be focMd at M,1 gelu's, iu UowoV Mock, wNur bridge. Every man, woman pays Oath for their goods,! where gootii an ttarlto' Where they can saw, per cent. >,,*., Where 95 will get them wore than #7 will at a credit store. ^ j ^ ' Stevkws », mxai, PARTICULAR NOTI AH persons kuowing thei debted to the Estate of Geo, deceased are hereby and settle the same an or 1st, as after that time all be left with a Justice of the Peaos collection. All persons having de bald estate are requosted lo them at once to the payment. iroricjE. fion of their feed 8tore and coal triple.' E. F. and F. L. McKeuuoy employf M., when the clamoring was quieied a ? | THE Marengo Republican says: "In the Z-a Situation (a Spanish paper pub-| plished at Lima, Peru) of the third of" .August we find In full Gen. Hurlburt's ^address to the President of Peru ori^, „.. j ^ ^ , presenting his credentials from Presi-jgored with the presence of Gov. Cullom^ ^rair,i® .ed is death." The funeral was well at-« by a success satisfactory to all. F4 ,. , . , „. • . r On Wednesday the Society «r« ho^^"1"1"1. "'H old frie„d«. H,.ren>a108! s:'; r • dent Garfield, which is full of goodlueut. Gov. Hamilton, State Attdit0/4Cemetery for Interment, where he wll^ ^ ;Sound sense, such as we all know the .'General to be qualified to make. We- ' would be glad to lay the whole of it] -before our readers, but will only pub-S •lish his closing remarks,which a^e very! , ^ eloquent and interesting, and in keep-! ' ? ing with the rest of It: " ^•'1 Esta es, senor, mi mas vehemente * ^f aspiracion i deseo; I si puedo contrib-' ;ulr de una inaiiera eficaz a tan feliz ;;,-resultado, ere ere haber llenado com K - ^ ^plidamente una buena parte de la'J mission que se me ha confiado. i'i Dlgnaos aceptar, senor, mis mas^-°mmi8S'oner of Agricultuure, and all #ardientes votos por vos personalmente" •|if espresaros la esperanza de que vues- ? |̂tra administracion tienda a la pas 1 a.; • :1a felicidad de vuestra patria. Swigert, and Secretary of State De-" ment, all of whom added to the inter-^ !estof the occasion by showing them-|i selves to the people and making short| and pithy speeches. | On Thursday we had speeches froni| Mayor Harrison, Congressman Sherwin Ex-Gov. Beveridge and Ex-Adjutant [Gen. Hlillard. On Friday came the man for the oc-! casion. His Honor Geo. B. Lorlng, sleep until the Resurrection morn, aud, meet to part no more. "E. R.,M English Prairie, 111. JSntertainment and Supper. Phere will be a three shilling enter- ftainment and supper, given by the young people of of Ringwood in the *- ^l-M. E. Church on Friday Evening, 8ep- . Member 30tb. ' As the object of tliefin0^ressi|ve w,u BOt to meet church expen g||and no pains being spared to efleet|§ Floral Hall was well adorned a grand result, we hope every perf-on^the useful and ornamental, and •^Jwfthin reach will «oo»e out and as iuMtestlmony tbat the ladies vied AUCTION. The undersigned will sell at public iction^ at his residence, situated 1l« the town of Greenwood, six miles' northeast of Woodstock, two miles Southeast of the village of Greenwood,' Thursday, September 22d, commencing !at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following de scribed property: A farm of 240 acres who heard blip feel well paid for .all#4 Cow*< r,ew milchers and springers,: the time, monsy and labor expended^ two-year-old heifers, 10 yearling by the Society and the people in and«,'e"er" half blood Jerseys, 6 heifer, about the Fair, and we venture the as-2ca're8,~r',a^ blood Jerseys, 13 hogs, 3 horses. 150 tons of hay, 1 Star'*' Feed Instructive'^""61"*1 Cool®y Creamer, No. 5, 3 [address will be the means of addingf l'IoW6« 2 dra«s' and other^-farming im-' largely to the wealth of the county,^l)le,n«nt8- A free lunch at noon, bccause they were so practicable and Jf ^EKMS OF SALE. On thp farm, $2,000i be lal»l«cash'tlie balance on time to suit the iaside unheeded. ^ ^purchaser. A credit of four mouths on personal property at 8 percent, in-; ^terest,on all sums of 910 and over; under thatatnoqii*, web; 2 per Lceut.! sertion that the hint? given out in liis^j'101'8 'm<^re than interesting and in«trm«tr»oV^titl witir borel with! olden times be the recipients of a mo-tSt!ie gentlemen in making the Fair a ; ^Interesting entertainment aud a de--^success. In short we ne^r gaw tliis lightfui feast. A most hearty iavlta-'-(lePartment 80 filled ^r so hand- ^-tion is extended to all. " gamely decorated. Jl'ime and space < Br ORDEK OF OOMKITTEI:, KWILL not permit as to particularize oil' for cash. Sept. 12 th, 1331. It would take too much space to give the names of the large number who' have attended the various fairs. The . absence of so many has had a very qui-'- [e t i ng effect on the news market. M rs. R, C. Hill aud Mr. Calgrove are both quite sick a* this writing, Mrs, Wm. Baseley aud Miss Mary Baseley have gone to visit relatives in Wisconsin. ' Mr. Addison B. Fo*ler, a former res ident, now llviuiT in Minnesota, spent a couple of days among old friends se •uringaffl davits regarding a claim for! a pension. The "T.a's" beat tfa» badly at; Base Ball ou the 18tb. Miss Flora Snow has prepared a gen line Intellectual feast for the citizen* [of Wauconda. She has worked'inces-j santiy. almost, with her amateur com4 p:uiy and announces that ou next Fri- day and Saturday evenings tiie play' will be given in first class style. A concert and an all night dance will, follow the Friday evening entertain-' ment. For farther particulars see] sm all bills. > Harrison's circulating library hns jumped into popular favor, and he has found it necessary already to enlarge it, Mr. Kucker. a former resident of Wauconda Is iu town. • - Last Sunday afternoon a Sabbath School Convention was held in the; Baptist Church. Among the speak Ave re Mr. E. S. Wells and Mr. Fanvell night and day. One day last week they received two huudred and fifty bushels of Tomatoes. Carlos Alcott and wife have gono to York State to visit a few days wltli friends aud relatives. The Marengo Pickle Factory has salted about seven thousand bushels of ucumbers tills season. Owing to the dry weather the crop was somowhat short. \ Chicago runners are very numerous! 'of late, and Ryder, proprietor of the Ityder House, the mau who neverj smiles, does manage to look cheerful. Although the erops this year do not] come up to tiie usual standard yet ourj merchants are doiug a tine business, which we think speaks well for the! general prosperity. Dr. J. Q. and Jerome Adnms, Mr, Jones, of Woodstock,and a gentleman from Ringwood, started hut Saturday for the Nortli ou a health-seeking tour,; IjThey intend making the north branch of the Wauconda their principal stop ping place. Well, now then, if the! Doctor and his friends don't have heaps" of tun then we don't know. [ A number of our most prominent citizens topk In the Chicago Fair las jweek aud pronouuee it a grand treat. Now Charlie that is too bad,aud we' 'sympathize with you, but it is coming CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, J 'i /. «.f$ULOTHlNGffc ,, ;; CLOTHING, CLOTHING, > lla%^?i;LOTir! NO,' •' " ' „ CLOTHING, -- CLOTHING, '• t -^lothing;J:";:'" " / CLOTHING, ^ CLOTHING, AT STEVENS & SCHNORR'S. Strayed from the, promisee of undersigned, near Voto, on pr Sept. 10th, 1881, a White year old last spring. Had a right front leg, made by being' tied head and foot with a rope, Anyou* returning said Heifer or giving tsfSr> matioi» where site may 1M (OWD will [be suitably rewarded, ' MAKTOT WMMAMS. Do Parasols and Fans in all of the latest styles at Stevens & Schnori*s. Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves In •$ [colors at Stevens A Schnorr's. Tho celebrated 13 road head Dress foods, at Butler A Warner's, Nunda. [These Goods have no superior In Irarrket. Purchasers of Dry Goods should not [fail to call at Butler & Warner's, Nun Ida, and examine their stock for the jfall and winter trade. No trottU* to [show goods. Twenty-two and twenty-four foot 'ish Poles,only six oents each, at M. [EngeIll's, in Howe's Block, uear the new Bridge. Yoi Want a Macbtne. If you do, of oourae yon want te best, as tt costs no more, buy from an Agent who en*T one whicli lie has fixed up o| your choice oHrtve, v»: tic, EI* * * Howe ana stiver. w* i maci.lneslDStock,and a . want* amaohtnoe*nset down and fry Sw t»«»^».««5«feen sel^the one whtol »«,M her.UMr be*. The 8m threo nsmed, the Domoetle. fidredge and Aiperlcaoi three of Uw b& ma! £hioes OH the market, and any one will be oonvinoed of tbe faot br cnBte at lay store aod tnrNf one themselves. Also it line> stoek of docks WaWfceo, lewelry, Silver and Plated .Wan,- enn bi« fbbnd at aiy store. Ocgans Pianos for sale or rent. Oi W. Moltenry, April mtt, Nfl. SSI lust received at JF. W. Oriaty's a new stock of the celebrated Vermont Wooll­ en Cloth and Yarns. ' .omething to keep your hands warm. The Marengo Baud Boys displayed ;their musical talents at tbe Woodstoci [Fairand accredited themselves right Revolvers all styles, and Cartridges t to suit, at prices ranging from tiio to t 19.00, at O. C. Colby & Co.'s CLOTHING. Wew Stock Overcoats and Snlts, 0 IWMttOOl.. on; Butler ^:1^ra,*jneir- keep thej^ me'* as 'we would celebrated Hendeftpon <fe Co.'s Roots vjsnd Shoes, which are acknowledged as . S;{!TiurdreSjr„rtLm of the <!.>«* exhibitions of Aerl . learn prices. : 1 • If you want to buy a first class pah S;j3of Boots or Shoes, call at Fi>z>iimmniis Jtfc Rvau-ion's. Thoy stll the beat go-. QLEO, H. KING. J ./^SGBRWOOD, Auctioneer, , ' Y. CLOTHING. IA.^-4, BiUler & Warner, Nunda. are ofler ing Bargains in Clothing. They have Jthe finest stock to be found in t lie Dacy, the "Boss" Machine man, had Their Cl°rhi"g Bf>m' ,up" ?*'-iair6. presents a fine line to select " yfro in. ultnral Machinery, Buggies, &c., well ^.eversaw. His l^rge t^nt, decora ted! with Hags, in ancLaroaM which could of Chicago, and Mr. Stanley, of Lake^royally. A-great many of our citizens open ntFltBBlmmoiis * wanted 9 -- SHAWLS. A very fine assortment of all wool [shawls, for which we are the exclusivi agents in McHenry. Good aud cheat*. Call and see them at Colby Bros. articles exhibited here wish. Judging from the immense stock Boots ana Shoes at J. W. Criaty's had an eye 011 business while away 'Forest. Iu the evening Mr. Stanley •conducted a young people's meeting. " a sopt. 19th, issi. Those new Japan Teas at J. W.! r[Cristv's are creating a good deal of; ^stir among lovers of Tea. NEW FALL MILLINERY. Mas. E. W. HOWE has just reoelved a- [new stock of Fall Millinery Goods, of; |the latest styles, to which she invites ?the attention of the Ladies. No old 'Goods. Ailnew, nobby aud cheap. ^:via the Market. 'be found machinery of all kinds, was^ ^j;; eastern trip, quite as much as pleis- ^characterUtic of his so-ahead basluessjlure. fifcall and see. . iwere in attendance and therefore ex- fpcct the Woodstock i>eople to remem- |her our Fair comtneiicing Sept. 27th, DIKD.-Tn Marengo, III., fept. 15th, 188! .•Little l'enrl, iiifuni da lighter of Marcus J jjjiuii Lydia Jkl. York. This is tho first dark cloud that has^ ^shadowed tiie brightness of thelr| learthly sun during the tiirea years of f {their wedded life, and in this theirs ^ore affliction they.havo the heartfelt {sympathy of many friends. New Hoods for the Fall a nd Winter! •trade,atFiualmmons & Evauson. [TWO JERSEY BULLS FOR SALE One a yearling, the other a six month-; >ld calf. Also a yearling Ayreshlre [Bull, thoroughbred. T. Eaoox. s/auoonda, 111., 8epL 14th, in. "OVERCOATS. A full line at Colby Bros. '* ' Hats aud Caps, all the latest styles, •at Butier & Warner's, Nuuda. Head jusrters for* Boot* and Sho»s Jias b^en (•hanged to J, W, Cristy's in [Kin"Wood this fail, We dkm4t think clisnce to buy Combs the other price and wo can nt. from 5c to f" loid fine comb it! Over 100 shapes of iu dou't that ̂ Librsi just nicely started ways I® al wnys try to Wesre kaowaas Dru ̂Slorfc and I our tront name is

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