Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Oct 1881, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. ft,'1881. Railroad Time Table. 7 :t5 A. .8:30 ' 1:06 P. raoiNG gOCM» Beneva Lake Passenger....... Geneva Lake Express Lake Freight OOISO JTORTH. Benev% Lake Freisftat ^....8:33 A. * Geneva Lake Express.......... 4:SSP. V fienev* Lake Paaaeneer--4....S «:53 " B. Brss, Agent. McHenry, III Steamboat Excursion. ik 4Nie Steamboat, l'Mary Griswold," will make an Excursion to the L.akes on Sunday next, October 9th, if the weather is good, leaving her dock, in this village at 10J o'clock, A. M. AS this will probably be the last excur­ sion of the season, all shQ«|4; ̂ 1$, themselves of it. , .* V ' i t Jos. FBETT will move into his new Market to-morrow, Thursday. WE learn that Capt. Waiter Hill now has charge of the ice-houses in this village, and all persons wanting ice lujbe supplied by calling on him. JACOB HKTZELL has bought the house and lot of Owen lieariis, and taken possession of the same. Lfearns has removed to Elgin. I PERSONALS. Miss MART BLATMAK returaedTrom the West tnjWednesday last. S. BRISK, of Woodstock, called at our sanctum on Monday. Sorry we were out. JOHN B. COLBY, of'*Clifton, 111., was calling ou friends in this, village on Monday. DR. S. F. BENNETT, of Richmond, made the PLATXDEAL.BR a harried call on Tuesday morning. EMMET RILEY, formerly employed In Doran & Poole's Cheese Factory, re­ turned from a visit East on Monday. MUKSON GREGORY, from Ohio, with his wife, Is vlsitli.-g his brother^ H, S. Gregory, in this village* •*« , AMONG the removals sfnll'"Sfick we note the following: C. V. Stevens has moved into George Gage's house, and J. Van Slyke into the house vacat­ ed by Mr. Stevens. Samuel Poole now occupies the house lately vacated by Aaron Boomer. K. J. PHILLIPS, who lives near Wau- couda, left some very fine specimens of apples on our table a few days since. We did not learn the variety. Thauks. FOR a pail of very fine eating apples, left at this office on Monday, Mr. A. Still will please accept the thanks of the printers. THE Annual Meeting of the Boek Stiver Conference, M. E, Church, will be held at Sycamore, commencing fcto- day, Wednesday. CAPT. WALTER HILL, of the Steamer L^tus, looked happy this Wednesday morning. Cause, it's a girl and weighs fail nine pounds, BUSINESS at the Dryer is still boom­ ing, and the institution is running night and day. Mr. Glayson is doing a ]%rge and profitable business this year. THOSE gentlemen who promised to pay for the PLAINDKALER in wood will pl^ise bring it right along* Otherwise they will see us arouud very soon for the cash. . C. T. ELDRIDGK IS paying the lilgh- est market prize for calves and chick­ ens. Pcrsous having any for sale will do well to see him before disposing of them. WE agree with JOsh' Billings that "pasfrence is a good thing for a man to have but when a man haz got so much ov it that he can fish all day over the side ov a boat without any bait on his hook, laziness Is what is the matter ov lilm." . -' ' • A SHEET of paper dipped in a solu­ tion of cobalt forms a very simple ba­ rometer. When the weather is to be dry and pleasant, the paper will be­ come blue ; and on the approach of wet weather it will turn pink. The bar­ ometer flowers of France are manufac­ tured on this principle. THE following is the Census of School District No. 2, for the year 1880 and 1881, as taken by H. K, Holmes tor the Board: 1880. SEE the notice of Auction Sale, at the residence of John Doran, on Wed­ nesday of next we^k. Horses, Mules, Cows. Hogs, Farm Toole, and Grain w|U be offered for sale. , * ; v ; ^ . v - **DARN a ill." How'the force of this little sentiment, as expressed in Its abrupt yet rounded completeness by Josh Billings, impresses itself upon us j||;this particular season. 1 % A •?.. 1*~"- • -1" #**0 WHKUE are you going lay pretty maid!" To do some shopping," she sweetly said; "And where?" 1 asked In a glad surprise; "Oh, anywhere where they advertise,!'* . x AN TON v ENG«LN has bought ttie Sa­ loon and Restaurant building of Jos Buck, on Water Street, and proposes to repair and put it in first class shape.-- The price paid we believe was $1000. GEO. HAN LEY took First Premiums at both the Woodstock and Waukegan Fairsou his half Norman horse. He is certainly one of the finest horses in this section and is well deserving of all ths commendations he received.- THE traveling public should not fill to notice the change In the Rail- read Time Table, which can be at the head of this column. A Tot*1 vmin 1x5r muler 21 years.... T.otal numlier Males Total number Females Males over 6 anil un<ler 21 Females over 6 unil nmler 31 ... Total over (> and under 21. 1S8L Total nnm»er under 21 years.... Total mimtwr Males Total number Females Males over <» and u inter 21 Females over 8 and under 41.... < Total overfi and under 21 ....... Mtt 243 ..,..,.255 ...... 177 lfii 339 ..520 ... .271 249 183 164 847 THERE is a man in Mcllenry Town­ ship who brings 1J pounds of milk a day to the Factory and takes home Buttermilk enough so that the stray bits gathered from the pail keeps his family in Butter. Now what I want to know is if he is not ander obliga­ tions to declare a dividend in favor of the other patrons. . JOHN GLOSSON. found little swear attention to this may save some words when you get left. THE Pickle Factory, in this village, is still receiving a"few cucumbers dai­ ly. Notwithstanding the unfavorable season, the number of bushels at this tostitutiou will be but little short of last season. THERE is a young lady in Keokuk, la., who is six feet four' inches tall, and •he is engaged to be married.'The man who won her did it in these 'word*: "Thy beauty sets my soul aglow--I'd wed thee right or wrong; man wants but little here below, but wants that little--long. WE have a new advertisement for *G. W. Besley, the West side Druggist, Which will appear, next week. He is now receiving one of the finest stocks of Lanps, all styles, ever brought to this section, to which he invites the atteution of the public. Call and 6ce them. o- RARE, indeed, is the countrv expe­ rience that is not made the excuse for * snake story. Because there is brought In Indiana there come6 a re- * .. fcort tl\at rattlesnakes took possession of the barrels In which a farmer haul- ad some water. There are liquids in fndiana--and , elsewhere--that fre­ quently enable men to see snakes when they look at water, £o the drought part of the st^ry is necessary. THE McHenry Dramatic Society have decided to give their Play, "Among the Breakers,1' at Riverside Hall, oil Thursday and Friday evenings of next week, Oct, 13th and 14th. In the rehearsal of this Play they have spared no pains, and with entire new. Scenery and Stage, will bring it out In a manner second to tio Amateur organization in this county. Every-- „ body should make It a point to hear them the first night. Remember the f i illay ainl date, Thursday and Friday • e veaiugs, Oct.TBth in# I4tli. STILL--YOCNU. The residence of G. W. Young, of Woodstock, was the scene of a pleasant wedding Thursday evening, Sept, 29th, the contracting parties being Miss Edna Young and Mr. Briggs Still.-- The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. H. Bacon, brother-in-law of the groom", assisted by Rev. J. Adams The bride was becomingly attired and the rooms tastefully decorated. After the ceremony an inviting 6upper was served. The large number of friends who were present united in wishing tlie happy couple a pleasant and pros­ perous jouruey through life, leaving many tokens of their esteem^among which wore the following: Gold Necklace, from <5room ; Carpet, Groom's Father and Mother; Bedstead and furnishings, Bride's Father and Mother; Center Table, Grandpa and Grandma Bunker; Dressing Bureau, G. K. and A. K. Bunker; Steel Engrav­ ing, Mr. and Mrs. McColluiu; Globe Lamp, Mrs. W. B. Austin; one dozen Napkins, Mr, W. B. Austin; Velvet Al­ bum on gokl standard, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Butler;'•Museum of Antiquity," illustrated, Rev. and Mrs. J. II. Bacon; Hanging lamp, Joseph Still; Counter­ pane, Mr. and Mrs. Mills; China wash bowl ;lnd pitcher, Mrs. J. H. Fairchild; Shade lamp, Rev, J. H. Fairehild; Pil­ lows and linen Table Spread. Mrs. C, Buchanan; Silver knives, Mr. and Mrs. t\ Whitney ; Lace pillow shams. Miss Celia Northup; Lace tidy, Oelia Law­ rence; pair ot Damask towels, Mr. and Mrs. Schryver; Toilet set and Lamber- rjuiu, Lenta Young; two pair Towels, Mrs. Col ton; decorated toilet-sot, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Crawford; table-spoons and teaspoons, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ormsby; butter knife. Mattie Ormsby; one dozen napkins and pair towels, Mr. and M. D.Hoy; Uoral album, Mary Still; vases and mats, Master Bart and Miss Hattie Young; easy chair,Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Young; bracket-lamp, Mr.and Mrs, A. Still; scrap-book, Mil­ lie and Etta Young; bottle of perfum­ ery. Earl Young: stand cover. Ki-ttie Hoy; pair of vases. Florence Poyer: making of wedding dress, Mrs. Cooper; kid gloves and thread lace collar, Mr. and Mrs. S.;B?Sloeum; Lounge, Alma Young; camprocker, Lewis Young; thread lace si^t, Mary Bunker; china chamber set, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bunk­ er ; boquets of cut j flowers, Mrs. John Medlar; Miss Mila Schryver. Mrs. P. W. Murphy, Mrs, Clark; twenty-five copper cents, with these lines: I send to you|tlie choicest gift Of all the gods dispense, I send you, dear.jwhat iuo»t JOB lack, ^ A little common sense. FROM ONE OF TUB UNINVITED. WAUCONDA. «-OTB30RlPTl0NS for tue PLAiwn*Ai,BR will be received in Wauconda at P. B Harrison's Drug Store and at the Post Office EDITOR PLAIN DEALER-.--Last Mon­ day being the bnrial day of President Garfield, most of the busiuess houses were draped iu mourning, lu the af­ ternoon the school, mill, shops, and stores, with, we believe, but two ex­ ceptions, closed during the service at the Baptist Church, where Elder Brooks delivered one ot his character­ istic energetic addresses. Last week an ordinance prohibiting the running at large of stock in the streets was posted about the village. During the storm Thursday night, Mr. Undrew Bangs lost nine sheep by lightyMg. About a week ago Mr. Warren Powers lose & cow by the same Cause. Thursday night's irale also blew down Frank Harrison's wind mill, leaving the structure a perfect wreek. The young manufacturer and propri­ etor had developed considerable In­ genuity in Its construction, it being 15 feet high aiul capable of churning an indefinite number ot gallons of water per day. We understand that the damage is to be repaired in a fow days, with increased facilities for business. Mrs. Hammoud and family are in­ tending to close their house soon and go to Chicago. Mr. Wm. Marble has returned from the Soldiers' Re-Uulou at Chattanooga. He states that nearly the entire re­ gion south of us has sufferod severely from Drouth. The farmers about here may well congratulate themselves upon their abundaut crops. Mr. Gilbert raised a barn Thursday. Geo. Hicks* new house would have been nearly covered had not the continued rains prevented work. The fates seotn to manifest a special spite against Waukegan Fairs and Wanconda Dramatic entertainments, A large number inteutiiiig: to visit the Fair were prevented from doing so by the rain Friday. The same eause pre­ vented the appcrrance of East Lynne. Never mind, we'll have It yet in spite of fate. It is to be repeated all the same. but the date is uot yet deter­ mined. * We understand ihat John Rooney is importing froin Chicago large num­ bers of very fine young cattle and is selling them to the farmers iu this section. There is a rumor that a first-class sensation was nipped iii the bud the other day by the presence of mind of one of our young Waucondians, We heard that a cei tain young lady had agreed to take a certain young man to McHenry. All things were ready lor tiie proposed trip except tho attach­ ing of the ponies to the carriage, which duty devolved upon the young Waucondian aforesaid. Owing per­ haps to jealously. or possibly to the fact that "East Lynne, or The Mope' meathad been running in his head of late, causing him to think that an elopement was just now in progress, which he proposed to prevent* or it may be to carelessness,--at all events, ho contrived to loose a horse iu the hitching up. thus preventing the trip to Mcllenry. Opinion Is divided In Wanconda regarding the affair. Some say he did just right in preventing the runawav match. Others say they be­ lieve his story--probably the horse did jjet away; still others that some miserable srossips are trying to get up a story out of nothing. If she wanted to take him to McHenry its all ight, and if It rained Jso that they couldn't go it's all rjght. All right anyway; nobodies business. We coufess that our own opinion and sympathies lean toward this somewhat snappish class; at the same time our sacred duty as a correspondent prevents us from with­ holding from the readers of the PLAIN- DEALI:H so importaut an item of news. Rev. Messrs. Green and Cooper;closed their pastoral labors Sunday. Mr. Green's future movements are undecid­ ed. He thinks some of locating In California on account of his health. Many are somewhat impatiently in­ quiring abont our Town Clock. Mr. Morrison states that he has had to fuss with It considerable since he first got it in, but lie thinks If he has good, luck he can get it up by the first of Novem­ ber--or just a little after, may be. • We have a flue Hue of Underwear which we are selling at Fifty .Cents,-- Usual price 75 Cents. * PERRY * MAKTIK. jar In the test eases submitted to the Illinois Supreme Court on the question of the election of certain county otficers, the court has decided that there is to be no election for tijese oflicers until 188*2. The eflect, as we understand it is that the County Judge, Probate Judge*, County Treasurer and County and Probate Clerks now in office will hold over un­ til their successors shall be elected oue year trom next November, as pro­ vided by the constitutional auiend- "ttteAt Of 1S80. -- MAREKCO. EDITOR PLAINDKALER:--The Fair is over and everybody is glad of it. On account of the rain Tuesday it was con­ tinued over Saturday su that really Weduesday was the first^ day of the Fair. Thursday there was a large at­ tendance, Friday It rained all day and not a ticket was sold. Saturday was a good day aud a large crowd was upon the grounds. The exhibition of live, stock, agricultural implements, farm produce, &cM was tully equal to any of the previous fairs. Floral Ilall pre­ sented a beautiful sight, its exhibition of the work of skillful hands was un­ surpassed by any of our former efforts. Taken as a whole the fair can be pro- uouueed a success. The Chicago Comedy Company play­ ed to gopd honses every ni^ht last week. The acting was fair though not as rcflned as it should be. A. S. Norton, of the firm of Norton & Co., had the end of one. of his fingers taken oft while takiug a barrel of su­ gar from the dray. The Litta Company,^as mentioned last week, sang to a full house and their effort was highly appreciated. The Band boys gave one of their so­ cial hops last Friday night. About two hundred Invitations were out. Lawyers Coon and Curtis were at- - •- WOODSTOCK E. Furer has begnn .work on the new building be proposes tor erect next door south of the Express Office. It is to be bHck and One s|«ry with base­ ment. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Kirk }o»t their only child early last week. It was sick but a «liort time. Geneva Lake was the place of intermenit. The C;iseys were Iridicted for mur­ der by the Grand Jur^y hist week. The father, however, «wds released upon bail. We understand the amount was 35000. The house for the sold folks being built by Circuit Clerk Richards on Throop 8t„ is about- finished. Circuit Court adjourned last Friday afternoon, having only been in session four days. His Honor, .hul^e Kelluu), occupied th2 bench this term. The new houses being built by Dr. A. E. Baldwin aud E, Arnold, ou Clay St., are almost completed ami will soon be ready for occupancy. Both are models of neatness and are excellently planned for ?onvenience an^ comfort. The workmanship is. substantial and speaks well for the contractors and builders, Messrs. Brink and Oorlett. Two such handsome residences will also add greatly toward making Clay St., sec­ ond to only one other street in the city as rearards nice residences and fine aud well laid out grounds. The following resolutionsof respect were adopted by Post Xu. 108 G. A. R., Thursday, Sept. 22d, 1SS1, at their headquarters in thisx'ity. Post Com­ mander Col. Wm. Avery in the chair: WHEREAS , While it seems mete that we. as eitizens, should, in this hour of the Nation'(i great loss, mingle our public expression of heartfelt sorrow in the overshadowing misfortune that weighs so heavily upon all, wo, as members of this "Grain! Army." recog­ nize the loss of a comrade in arms, a tie so dosely knit by sympathy of suffering, danger an>l victory, iliat we feel the'crushing isrief that follows the loss of a loved and cherished brother, t lie re I ore Jicsotved, That we express Jour deep sympathy with the family of our mar­ tyred brother, and beg the prlvilegeof mingling with them our tears over our mutual bereavement. The Circuit Court rooiuo was draped and otherwise presenting emblems of mourning In memory of our late Presi­ dent during the session of court last week. The work was done by the 3otinty officers and their ladiet and was a credit to .all concerned. The German Presbyterians have pur­ chased a lot on Chemung St., and will at once proceed to erect a church building upon the same. The marriage of Miss Edna Young, eldest daughter of Geo. Young, Esq., of this city, to Mr. V. B. Still, of ttiis town, wsts celebrated last Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The ceremony took place at the residence of the bride's parents, and was performed by the Rev. J. II. Bacon, of Nunda, assist­ ed by the Rev. J, Adams of this city,-- There were quite a goodly company of relatives, itHlni.iteffriends and aeigh- bors present, a&f^ 3fiv<uity invitations having been given. Among the more prominent of the guests iu attendance were the following: Geo. K. Bunker aud wife, A. K. Bunker and family, W. B. Austin and family, Grandfather and Grandmother Bunker, Miss Mary Bun­ ker. Frank Bunker and wife, Wm. Ormsby and wife,'It D. Hoy and wife, Pctei; Whitney and wife, Leander Young and wile, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Still, a:id a host of others. The pres­ ents were numerous aud elegant aud the preparations throughout was mark­ ed by good taste aAd all agreed It to be the most pleasant event of the kliul that has occurred In this city for some time past. Miss Young was born aud brought up iu this city and is a gener­ al favorite among her companions and acquaintances. Mr. Still is a well-to do young farmer, living near town, and is a model of respectability and mor­ als nutl possesses all that is necessary in litis respect to make him popular and well thought of Dy all that know him. The happy couple are followed by the kind wishes . fftr future happi­ ness and prosperity In life by a host of friends aud acquaintances in this com­ munity. One circumstance connected with tills wedding which wj had al­ most forgotten to mention was that then* were four generations present on the bride's side of relatives. PERSONALS. • •Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, of Davenport. N. Y.,are visiting their friends Rev. Buell and family of this city. Allie Kimball, a daughter of James Kimball, is extremely low with ty­ phoid fever. We understand that Martin East­ wood, an old resident of this city, is dangerously sick. G. K. Bunker, of this city,and Burton Wright, of Greenwood, were invited by th4 Governor to attend the funeral of President Gartieid at Cleveland. Both are gentlemen of prominence in our county aud all well thought of by its people. Miss May Munger Is very ill with ty­ phoid fever. Mrs. Horace Taylor, of Ridgefield, Is very sickt She came here to visit her husband's parents and was taken ill.-- Dr. A. E. Baldwin was called who pro­ nounced it a caso of typhoid fever too far advanced to break up. John Early who'lias been quite sick with brain fever® is about again al­ though not looking its well as formerly D. W. Miller is out once more. He has had a hard aud long siege of it. A Richmond I)ei>sirtment. OONTHIBL T&D BT S. F. IJBNNKTT. The Commissioners are putting in substantial and solid abutments for the Solon bridge. „ The social at the Ut. R. Parsonage last Friday evening passed off '*ery pleasantly. Wonder if the author of ^Where ig~ nor ante is bliss, 'twere folly to be wise," meant Dr. Bliss! The quadrille party at the Richmond House Friday night was thin--prob­ ably on account of rain and mud. but a good time was had, allee samee." Silverware specialties are, just now, what Alexander & Hyde want to show you. Anything'not in stock will be or­ dered. Watches and jewelry repaired and engraving beautifully doue. P. G. Skinkle his been dividing up and finishing oft* the upper story of his building oii Main St. for a residence. As soon as finished it is to be occupied bv George Hicks. It will make fc tiice cozy place for a small family, y CREENWOOO-: EurnjR PLAINDEALEU:--Mr. .and Mrs. H. Hartley are both quite Mck with chill fever. i N. C. Vaikenburg of Mlnhentiolis, Minn., fs iu town visiting with his un­ cle, Job Toles, and family. Gad Moses had his secoud finger on, his right hand badly bruised and It­ erated by getting it into the "iSWrt' shelter gear on Monday last. Mrs. McCabe and daughter, of Hin- uesota, are iu town visiting friend- and relatives. Mrs. McCabe is a %istei of J. Toles. Mrs. J. II. Garrison and Miss Mary Sweetmau returned from Elgin on Saturday last, where they, have been visiting relatives the past week. Mrs. W. B. Hart has gone to Dundee and Elgin on a visit. ------------ Now that Milan Hicks has com the improvements on his store it makes one of the fittest hardware estab­ lishments to be found in this part Of the country. Mr. H. has a stock, too. that fills the store from end to end, aud inVite? the public to "call and see before purchasing elsewhere." On Saturday, October 1st, Mrs. Richard Aylewood, of this Township became the happy mother of twins, boy and girl, the former weighing 6| pounds, and the latter 5$ pounds Mother and babies are doing nicely These last arrivals make five now com­ ers within less than two miles of road, within a few weeks. Who says the race is running out! O, you just couie here 1--you fellows who have been bragging on your blooded chickens! Just call arouud and see something worth seeing--reg ular calico-backs, dyed iu the feather blue-blooded Golden Pheasants! Walk sround--shan't charge anything--6ut as to your brag Cochin-Brahma-Game Plymouth Rock, Shanghai birds--go 'way! A resident of Etkhoml informs us that the people of that burgh confi dently believe the Superior & Chicago R. It. is being pushed iu earnest, and anticipate a boom iu real estate. To anybody wtio wants to invest in the county seat of Old Walworth, we will sell a three story brick store, with res idence rooms overhead, east side of pablic square, next door to post office and in every way a first class, desira­ ble location. Cost us 81,800. Will sell it dirt cheap, or trade far Mcllenry Co. property. Address editor ofjjthls column, Richmond, 111. A report reached town Saturday evening that Mr. Peet Harness is Mr. Lewis Hatch's house on English Prairie.sick \yith smallpox. Mr. Har­ ness drives a peddling wagon, and was taken sick ou the road somewhere lu the vicinity of Wilinot. Dr. McClellan was called who advised him to get to his home as soon as possible, but he was unable to get farther than Mr. Hatch's when Dr. McClellan was again sent for. On his arrival the disease had so far developed that the Doctor was able to pronounce upon its char­ acter. The report raised qnite anj ex­ citement in the village. It appears from the report ot*- the proceedings of the Board of Super­ visors that the petition of the Town of Richmond for aid in buildiug the Solon Bridge was denied by that hon­ orable ajid august body, while the pe­ tition of theTown of Burton for sim­ ilar aid Was laid over until the Decem­ ber meeting of the Board. The square injustice of this action of the Board is too patent to need comment. The towns may as well make up their minds that they will uot get any County aid except at the end "of a lawsuit. If their claims are pliliuly legal, tho beRt tiling they can do is to commence an action a| law to compel a justice which an aslulue Board of Supervisors deny. This is one of the best. If not the latest: -1 believe,"'said Brown- to Smith, "that my wife is becoming aesthetic." "What makes you think so?" said Smith curiously. '•Well," replied Brown, "she throws a kiuder far away look into her eyes, and she mopes around just as I've heard the aesthetics do, ard she calls a garter an elegy 'encircular' and the Sweet By-and-By 'Saccharine Futur­ ity'--and that ain't half,"--and he paused to take breath. **1 thought so," mused Smith audibly, "but see here, neighbor Brown, be careful you don't make a mistake. My wife got to acting the samo way, pat­ terning after the Boston highflyers and I thought she was getting aesthetic too, but come to find out, It wasn't half so bad as that--she was only a natural born fool!" £ii8tue8» Notices. • Reed's GHt <&ge Tonic r£ttof%s 9k» appetite. The Mrtttne itaiky Plow nt!*. * Owen's. . Fishing Tackle of nil kinds at H. Engeln's, in HoWe*s BWdt, near It* new Bridge. The Furst A Bradley bulky Plow at E.M.Owen's. Buckeye Force Fuo»pa, fct lL Uk Owen's. Largest OfMilllnery and Fancy Goods to lie found in the County is at Mrs. II. H. Nichols'. 1 visited the city again this week and noW invite the attention of the Ladies to the following: Light Cloaks and Dohlmans, the latest thing out. Ladies'and Children's merino un­ derwear, Hosiety, all sizes. Children's Knit Jackets and and Hoods, Dress and Cloak Trimmings, all kinds. Corsets, a fine assortment of Misses'sizes,Plumes the lafgeRt stock ever brought to Mo- llenry County. Aud in short we have one of the largest, best selected and most fashionable stock of Millinery, Fancy Goods, etc., ever brought to this town, which we are bound to sell at prices within the reach of all. Do not purchase until you examiue our stock ami learn the prices. MRS. H- it. NICHOLS, FOR SALE OR RENT. A farm of about three hundred >cre? to sell or rent. For particulars Inquire of Mrs. L. C. Gates, Mcllettr?, English U . E w A fine lot of Ready-Made Dresses tad 4f full Suits jfist received at Mrs. H. H. Nichols' Millinery Store, Mcllenry. German School Books, and and German Mass Books, at geln's Howe's Block, near the bridge. GOLD FISH, Fish Globes, and Food for Flsb M. Engeln's in Howe's Block,near I bridge. THE LATEST, We lttTe a targe In celebrated "Broadhead" Dress Goods in the latest styles. Everybody should ̂ j| see them before buying. -f] irirm*8anM9i CLOiHlNG. Butler & Warner, Nunda. are offer­ ing Bargains lu Clothing. They have the finest stock to be found in the county. Their Clothing Room, up­ stairs, presents a flue line to select from. The largest and most complete lot ofKuitUuder wear ever ottered in this market, just received direct from manufacturers. Will be sold at bot­ tom prices. Examine the goods and prices at Qblby Bros. CLOTHING. We now h*ve the largest line of Children's, Boys', Youths' and Men's Clothing ever shown in Mcllenry which will be sold at prices to suit the times. COLBY BROS. • • : Dwlght buys more boots and shoes than ail other dealurs iu Woodstock. EXTENSION TABLES. Extension Tables ouly One Dollar per foot at John B. Blake's Furniture Store. Call and see them. CLOTHING, CLOTHING, , CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING. CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING. CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, At STEVENS Jk SCHNOKU'S. Parasols and Fans In all of the latest styles at Stevens & Schnorr's. Kid and Lifde Thread Glove* fB all olors at Stevens & Schnorr's. The celebrated Broadhcad Dress Goods, at Butler & Warner's, Nunda. These Goods have no superior lu the market. Purchasers of Dry Goods should not fail to call at Butler & Warner's. Nun­ da and examine their stock for the Fall and winter trade. No trouble to show goods. Twenty-two and twenty-four foot Fish Poles,only six cents each, at M. Engeln's, In Howe's Block, uear the New Bridge. Just received at J. W. Cristy's a new stock of the celebrated Vermont Wool- In Cloth and Yarns. first-chus Plow* M &. M. All the Owen's. The finest line of Slltrtr and Plated Wart4 to be found in the connty, at O;-' W. Owen's. . * The finest line of Dress Goods la this market can be found at & Schnorr's. Piles, chafing sores, chapped hands, salt rheum, skiu disorders, bums, brai­ ses, sore throat, and all inflammation yield rapidly on application of Traak*S Magnetic Ointment. 11 " Hams, Shoulders, Bacon, Salt Perk Lard and Corned Beef, at Howard's Market, near the Depot. v WHY DO YOU COUGH When one box of Beeley's Troehes wtllil cure you? Store opposste Parker^ ilouae. W IP you want your Watch pntIn first;-; -o class Order, call on Robert MnrAtt } Jeweler, Nuuda, ' ^ ^ New Prints. latest patterns, al,t prices from five cents a yard end up-;" wards, at Colby Bros:, Rlvereide ^ THE BEST THIKO For a cough Is Beslay's Troches. „ t a box. Store opposite the Parker ̂ House. Oa\\ at Mrs. II. H. Nichols for^adtci| ! ^ Beady Made Underwear. , ^ New line of black lawns, bantings^ \ ] light summer dress goods, ginghams, * with laeo to trim, at Steve us Schnorr's. Call at Mrs. IL H. Nichols* store, oosfc, H door north of Perry & Martin's, for > <- anything iu Millinery or Ladies* Fur- * „, nishtng Goods. ^ - ^ SEWING Machine Needles for every | machine made, can be found at M. En* ge In's, In Howe's Block, Mat the-- j bridge. • * FOR SALE. ! ' A commodious residence, at the eer* , ,ner of Madison and Vine StrMUfe.S¥|5 Woodstock, 111., conveniently locatra v.; io business, school* and the *ariona~- ̂ churches. Two lots, well stock*4 with fruitv both large and staalL Pleasant ly s i tua ted , and wel l arraage«k l 'y- Good well aud cistern. Terms' easy^i, # ? % ' ASA %. SMITH. ^ V Woodstoek, life :-3s" r"" Revolvers all styles, and Cartridges to suit, at prices ranging from ®1.50 to 88.00, at O. C. Colby & Co.'s CLOTHING. New Stock Overcoats and Snlts, now open at Fltzsimmon8 & Evauion's. SHAW Lj$. A very fine as&rtiuent of all wool shawls, for which we are the exclusive agents in Mcllenry. Good and cheap. Call and see them at Colby Bros. TWO JERSEY BULLS* FOR SALE One ayearljng, the other a six months old cajf. Also a yearling Ayreshire Bull, thoroughbred. T. IlAOO*. Waueoada, IU., Sept. I2th, 188L „ OVERCOATS. A full line at Colby Bros, Hats and Caps, all the latest styles, at Butler & Warner's, Nunda. Don't make a mistake and buy your Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Underwear, &c., until you have seen eur stock. I'KBBV A MAKTIX. Sewing . ,-y Foundation rocks and Gravel waw « ered at couveuieut distances from oajr residence. ASA W. Swn, *J Woodstock, 111 j f#KCE POSTS FOR SALS. * ' 2060 8easoued Burr Oak Fence Post# ^ for sale. Inquire of JOHK DOEAH. In cases of Piles Dr. Trask*t netic Ointment acts like a charm, glff-v*' ing quick relief. For Chafing aad alt Sores and Inflammations it e«mte ery thing. • ^ Ten cent Momle Cloths, the latssfH styles in the market, at Colty Br0S^|^^;| Riverside Block, McHenry. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Do large carbuncle on the back ot his head caused all the trouble. teudiug Court at Woodstock last ireek, We have the finest line of Corsets in the couuty. Among them is the Coraline, the best §1.00 Corset in the worLd PERRY & MAUXIN. HORSES FOR SALE. I have a good road team aud a good farm team lor sale. Will sell one or botfc» luqeire of H. C. MKAD. Shoes ior the Million. We (have placed in the hands of ColUv iiro«., McHenry and Nunda. au itntiujiise assortment of our best sewed wflfU. consisting of Women's ajd Mis*esvGoat and Kid Button and Side Lace Goat and Kid Walkius: Shoes, Ser^o and Congress Gaiters, Goat and Kid front lace, all of which tbev are selling at our wholesale prices with IUAII compensation added. Call and xatujUn* goods. t PfiWte Auction,&his residence, three miles south of McHenry, on Wednesday, October 12th. 1881. commencing at 11 o'clock A. M., the following property: 4 good work horses, 1 uiule team, 4 two year old colts, 2 oue yew old colts, 25 head cows, heifers, aud steers, 140 head hogs and pigs. 45 acres standing corn,lumber wagon, cultivators, har­ rows, plows, etc., 3te. Also a quantity of tame hay. Terms, all sums under 910. cash. That amount and above, 8 months will be given on approved notes at 7 per cent., 8 per cent. If not paid at maturity. No property rc|| moved until terms of sale are complied with. JOIIN Doit AN. You Want a Machine. If yon do, of course you want the best, as It costs no more. Then why buy frojii an Agent who carries but one which he has fixed up on purpose to show, when by going to the store of O.W.Owen, in Mcllenry, you can have your choice of Five, viz: The Domes­ tic, Eldredge, American, Improved llowe, and Singer. We keep all these machines iu stock, aud any lady, who wants a machine can set down and try them all. and then select the oue which suits her the best. The first three named, the Domestic. Eldredge ami American, are three of t*,st UV}. chines on the market, and any one will be convinced of the tact by calling at lay store and trying one themselves. Also a hue stock of Clocks. W atclies, Jewelry, Silver ami I'iated \\ are, can befoHiid at my ator* v/'^r*an8' aud Pianos tor sale or rent. ^ ^ owmn Trble and Pocket Cuttlery Sn e variety at O. U Colby % Co*i H ware atwp.,: • »• 40 Acres of land in Section IS, fenced. Also 80 acres of laud, with • good house and barti thereon, witlk timber and water in abuudanee, io See*;; tion 22. £ ; Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good sef?' house, barn and other outbuildings^** Apply to JoiiH FLUSKT. > SHROUDS. Jn«t received, at Joha B. Surniture and Undertaking shrouds of all sizes, and In tweBty4lva different styles, which will be sold at prices ranging from ®1 to 98. v -g W^uconda Ice Cream PwtoM^ g GOLD1NG & BROOKS. ~ ' Would respectfully announce Is public that they have opened their ice Cream Parlors for the season aaa are now prepared to furnish Ice Ctoaas . every day aud evening, by the dish cfj quantity*. . „ . We also keep oa hand Groceries all kinds. Canned Goods. Notieas, To* baccos. Cigars. Confectionery, etes* which we are selling as low or iowe^p y than any other house in the eottaty, quality of goods i-ousidcrod* ™iHKl in want of anything in Our liaa w* invite you to call, confident that wai . . can please you both in quality a«i|f price. GOLDING A Bttuoxa. ^ WACCONDA, HI.. Juno 1st, ISSL ] ssâ nM The Grey Bros.,Kino siiuuiuus &, Evausou's. Shoe* at F1U- LLTMLEY--SMITH---At the r«si<1«Mie «t the bri<l<>'i> parents, in Volo, 111., oa wm U.»v, Sept- **»»». I*»l. tl>« Re*. J. W. joiil.m, Mr. tieorge A. Lu!*»•>•. of Ktaaw« Mi ltenry t'Ow, 111., »#tl MlMittUit. o: \ .»lo, Co., 111. TU« uuwly UMrrieti coapl» rewir«il 1 ous prcteuU, for wbiuli Ibtfir I>I«M»1* N< »!*• nuiny thanks. The h«m»y took UM> »t : t •riiiw.n train for Wilmingtoa. HAllTK--WALLACK. - At Crvstal Pent, HHh, l"**U l>v Rev R B. WnjpUt, Ml Carrie t'. W.ilUoe, nf OrvsWil L*k«J, iu w. ' jlHrU', of l>euvc*r. Oal«M*nlo. WANTED TO EXCHANGE, Carpenter work for a good HoraO or Cow. Persons wishing Carpenter work ami pay iu this *va> should apply ut once to ^. V\ ibNoKLL, AicUeuiy. Cook's Cid^r SVtlM* ' Two mites Northwest of WaiMMda, is now prep.-tred with TWO I'RRSSBS, to muke your apple* l»»t# Cidei ou sliort notice and in tto he^l maunor. Give me a eaU amt 1 »»ll guarsMtee taihaitetiaa io »««ry ticulai. • H

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