BITTEKS WKBT* _ Walked along toe he<Ir*j*« row, Where tang ed vine* end milkweed gt&t* ; Ttie sua was bl»r.:n'» over bead; , Math lagged icif v »ilj dust waa red. - Ho Con er bloomed • Ion^Oie line, <3» fciilier side tl»3 tend 1 ay parched. • Ittid, Thl3 way is like to mine - Hp Co worn aiciig uiy pathway shine; 'ji^r grace nor Iwaty meet my Sttt op-hitl |isU» fetid searching l«ler. I welk.-tl the bedpe's way---• w«r<: gone, the pasture grtf, <-iuM«n Rlory promts n»y eyes! w5$ib jjtaawjett huue of sunset 4VM, Vim KracefuJ vine twined round fend mud With beauty fell U»e liuo haa crowned. Scarlet «nd gold, the berries glow With splendor summer oould not ^ Again the likeness holdeth fast; A "* .The glory came to me »t laat' % #* vAnd beauty in these later days Hakes up for earlier rugged ;W-; The happy tears that out the sight "-"--r, Thy w»y ia always right. f The hap THE PARSON'S NEW com. *f ( \ = The village of Buzzville having gone * Fafely through the canning and preserv ing season; having with praiseworthy YJ Z"al carried off the palm as regarded the * " Annual County Pair," over and above the surrounding towns; having shone conspicuously in an elaborate " Harvest Festival" for their church--and yet sur viving, now cast about for other worlds to conquer before settling down for the winter. "Our minister needs a new ooat," said Miss Hirandy Stebbins, rattling her knitting-needles in huge delight at first producing an idea ; "hedoes, most . dreadful bad, an' that's a fact. Hain't any of you noticed how shiny it's got ? " She cast a reproachful glance on all of the circle--who, while they waged war on unbleached cotton and red flannel, also carried on admirably the war with tongues--and then proceeded : " An' I say it's a oryin' shame to see him git up into that pulpit another Sunday with that old coat on. Sometliin' must be done. I'm awful glad X thought of it." " You hain't though^ of it any quicker'n anybody else," spoke up little Mrs. Bis- ' bee, a stout, buxom matron, with flam ing cheeks ; and her black eyes flashed volumes. " 'Tain't alwua talkin' folks gits the first idea. I've ben a-thinkin' of that same thing for some time now," she added, with a venomous snap at the • placid figure behind the rattling needles. " An' I shall do my best to git the par son one," she added, the best rye-bread premium, which Miss Mirandy had suc cessfully* carried off before her very eyes at the County Fair, urging her V on. " I shall begin a subscription right - straight oit, this very minute," cried Miss Mirandy, with great determination, V $ und star ting from her chair, ignoring IMift ker rival completely. " How much will you give, Mrs. Bassett?" she asked, going into the center of the group to attack the " Square's-wife." " An* I shall start one, with my owa name first, before I ask other folks to give," exclaimed little Mrs. Bisbee, tri umphantly, with an unpleasant laugh at Mirandy, who was known to be "tight as the bark of a tree." ** I'll give $5," she added, in a loud voice, determined to go without her new winter bonnet sooner than that her rival should carry the day. " Ajo.' I'll join you with another $5," spoke up the " Square's wife," looking l-f V.'; sure. There was DO show vmr for the MINS ter's side, tinct?, for various reasons of ,her own, the "Square's wife" had gone over to her rival. So she stalked back to her rockiug-chair grimly, took up her knitting work and watohe<l, as best she j ijiighti the .subscriptions grow enthusias tically uuiler other hands than her own. II At last, ;<& the laughter and excite-iduty had been done and full rsparation th» deacon's wife favoring employing the village tailor, and, as he was second cousin to her husband, family reasons might h^ve something to do with her Opinion. Some of the ladies falling in with her. the idea would soon have been carried, but for the warlike, deter mined at: itude of the other party, who decidedly favored the ooat being made out of town. "'Twill be lots more stylish," said Urs. Bassett, the "Square's wife," with an undeniable air that took immensely. I shan't approve in the least its being done here. When we crive :inv< hint?, let's; give a good one. How we should feel to see the parson up in the pulpit with anything but the best on ! " The view of the parson from his high perch dispensing spiritual things, with #ny thing less thau a town-made coat adorning his person, waa a sifjfht. th«t even in imagination so filled the circle frith disfavor that the whole roomful i»i "i body went over immediately to the *ide of the " Square's wife." All but Mrs. Deacon Higby. She remained firm, frhite the round visage lengthened omin ously, and the little eyes snapped. "Ail' if you think 'Biah Williams would make any but a good coat, vou're much mistaken," she cried, with Indig nation. " I must take back my sub scription. then, for the deacon never'd hear to my givin' his second cousin on his mother's side sech an insult, ef the parson never saw a coat." And, all her feathers ruffled, she sat straight up, and glared at them all. Now it never would do to offend Deacon Higby in all the world; everybody saw that at a glance ; so, with many side- long looks at each other, each lady be gan to cast about how she might grace fully wriggle back on to the other side without arousing the wrath of, the "Square's wife." " I s'pose we had orter employ our own church people," said little Mrs. Bisbee, thoughtfully, seeing no one else was willing to take it up. "An', besides," she added, brightly, "p'r'aps, seein' it's for the parson, 'Biah Williams may do it considerable cheaper. 80 we'll sa«&a good deal" "I don't know whether he will or n°t," said the deacon's wife, sturdily. " I ain't in 'Biah's business, an' I ain't a-goin' to say what I don't know nothin* about. But I do say, if the job is taken away from hid, an' he a church member in good an' regular standin', to give it out down in the citv, whv, the deacon '11 be so mad he won't gat over it in mm spell, I can tell you." " • Yes, I do think," said little Mrs. Bisbee, reflectively, and giving a swift, comprehensive look at the "Square's wife" at the same time that she adneiin- istered, under the big table where the work was being cut out, an admonitory pinch on that lady's toes, " that probw- bly 'Biah Williams won't charge sear so much. Wo don't know, you know, but probably ho won't. An' then, besidas, 'twould look rather queer to her us go outside, you know, to git some one Hse to do the work. They'd think thfe 'First Church in Buzzville' had quarreled, maybe," and she finished up with a laugh. "So they wonld, so they would," cried every lady present, delighted to find that some one else had done them the good service of whirling them over safely. " We wouldn't <?o out ef Buzz ville for am/thin1; an' 'Biah Williams is jest the one to do it," they added, de termined to do nothing by halves. So, oil having been poured urpon the troubled waters of Mrs. Deacon Higby's spirit, she oonsidered her husband's family honor to be thoroughly vindica ted, and, resuming her former jolly ex pression, she set about preparing to pas* around the fragrant tea and the abun dance of good -ebeer that accompanied it; and a committee of three--Mrs. Squire Bassett, Mrs. Bisbee, and, in compliment to her relationship to the aforesaid 'JSiah Wdliams, Mrs. Deacon Higby--WAS unanimously appointed to confer with the tailor and order the coat. Feeling quite mire at this point that of th»t outlook; 00 he was forced to content himself with conjuring up new dark plans on the floor. Which done he turned and took a long, deliberate look at his two sons, who were , placidly observing the erratic movements At last they had the supreme pleasure j Gf a belated fly on the ceiling. of seeing and hearing the biscuits, cake j Miss Mirandy Stebbins' letter, though' not in the way she had intended, finally reached the minister's hand, she had full revenge; so also was the wral of 'Biah Williams fully satisfied. But those " two noble lads," the dea con's sons, had the jolliest whipping ever known, and it wasn't safe to say " sew ing society" to tliem for one good spelL --Harper's Bazar. and tea passed out to the kitchen; when, losing no time, they speedily took them* selves out to the charms of a supper with no one by to restrain. When they had finally eaten until not another crumb was possible they each grasped his cap, and flew as fast as pos sible on their pleasant errand. "I wouldn't 'a believed it." Mr. 'Biah Williams brought his hand down hard On his knee, then stared at hi^ wife. "I would," she Said, spitefully. " They're a mean, hateful set. It's jest what I've ulwus told you, 'Biah, only you would have your own way. Now X guess you'll go over to the Methodists." "Ill go to the Methodists next Sun day, Sarah, if you want ter," said Mr. Williams, decidedly. " I'll jine a church where the folks ain't too big for their clothes." " Ain't too big for your clothes, you mean," said his wife, with a bitter laugh. "To think that stuck-up Miss Bassett, whose father used to peddle soap, dared to turn up her nose at your taflorin'!" " An'that Miss Bisbee, who don't know what a good coat is when she sees one," cried the tailor, in the greatest exasper ation, "^settin' heraelt up to tell me how much I was to charge! I guess Fll learn her how to mind her own busi ness." And 'Biah got up, and, sticking his big hands in his pockets', began to stalk up and down the room in high dudgeon. " 'Biah !" Mrs. ""Williams stopped combing out her scanty locks, and, let- Honored and Bleat. Wben a board of eminent plivsicianB and chemists announced the diseovtiy that by com- j biuiug Home well-knowu valuable remedies the j most wonderful medicine was produced, which i would cure Mich a wide range of diseases that , most all other remedim could be dispensed i with, many wero skeptical; but proof of its j merit# by actual trial has dispelled all doubt, j and to-day the discoverers of that gwot y/iftji- ; cine, Hop Bitters, fere honored fend MMMHWI by ! ah as benefactors.--Democrat, Tke Man with the Flail. ) Detroit Free Pregg. i It carried the beholder back to thfrty years ago, when the thrashing-machine was heard only at rare intervals, and the honest farmer spread his golden stalks on the clean "barn floor and flailed away with such tempered blows that not a ker nel was broken. The man who had it sat down on one of the benches in the West Circus Park. The rare sight o£ such an article halted every pedestrian, and the man had to keep explaining over and over: "Weil* Fll have some beans to shell A Pool Once SlMCk " For ten yearn raj wife was confined to her bed with such a complication of ailments that no doctor could tell what was the matter or cure her, and I used up a Email fortune in hum bug stuff. Six months ago I saw a U. 8. flag witn Hop Bitters on it, and I thought I would be a fooi once more. I tried it, but my folly proved to be wisdom. Two bottles cui«d her. She is now as well and strong as any man's wife, and it only cost me two dohaiu. iiachfoi- !.v psy*."---H. W., Detroit, Mich.-Fn$ Ambition in Life. That life is a poor one which »s with- out ambition--which has no object to work for, no height to strive to vcach. A person may be good and kindhearted while willing to live in idle ignoriince, and let the world go on growing in wealth and wisdom, without his taking an active part and interest m its onward movements. He may be good, but most certainly he is dull of mind and sluggish of body. No individual destitute of ambition will make his mark in the world. He will come and go; few will note his coming, and fow will grieve at his going. Ambition it is that gives to men the will and energy and the deter* Kkinationto accomj LisJi great thiugs. WK do not often speak of any proprietory medicine, but from what we have read and heard of Allen's Lung Balsam, wc shall t skethe liberty of saying to those who are troubled with a cold, cough, or any throat or lung affection, from the testimony afforded, we have such contidenoe ifl thi9 article that, were we afflicted in that way, we would make a trial of its vir tues. Beware of the fatal consequences of neglecting tins timelv warning. Now, before it ia too lata, use Alien s Lung Balsam, which will care the disease. Every drug gift in th« land sells it. this fall, and I kinder thought 'twould ting them string down each side of her 'j be easier to flail 'em out. The hardware thin face, she eagerly faced her hus- j man told me he had to send to Ver mont for it. band. " I'll tell you what to do." " What ? " asked her husband, stop ping in surprise. " You charge 'em just twice as much as you would 'a done," said his wife, peering through the two wisps of light hair that hung dismally on either side of her enraged countenance, "an* git your pay out of 'em all; an' then you give it "back to the parson yourself, when the coat's done." " Good for you 1" cried her husband. " Hain't you got a head, though! " And then he was so delighted at her cuteness tlixt he lifted the two wisps like pump handles, and kissed her. Meantime, Miss Mirandy Stebbins, feeling herself ovt rreached in her effort to be the prominent originator of the gift to the parson, and defrauded as to the supper she had couuted so much upon, was doing up her corkscrew curls, in anything but a sweet frame of mind, . Waking Up the Sleepers. 5 " We had a long meeting this morn ing," said Mr. Moody, as the people assembled in the church in the after noon, " and some of you look sleepy. If you arc inclined to go to sleep, you may* d.» as they do in churches in Scotland. Dr. Bonar told me it is still a custom there, somewhat, for members of the congregation when sleepy to rise and <1U ... - , fold their arms. Now, do that; it won't Seems hke old times toget^ disturb the speaker half as much as for you to sit andsleep.̂ "--Chicago Standard. Pretty soon along came a gray-headed Alderman, and when he saw that flail he looked ten years vownger all at on«e. "I handled that for over ten years," he said, as he picked it up and spit on his hands. "" hold of this hickory again." He stepped out one side to give the • crowd an exhibition on the grass, and ; his success was great • At the second | blow the flail end hesitated in mid-sir, i wobbled about and finally came down with a whack on the patriot's head, mak- 1 ing him see more stars than a winter's ! night ever brought out. He dropped ! the weapon with the remark that he was already ten minutes late in keeping an i appointment, and he was rubbing his skull as far down the street as he could ; be seen. The next man to try it was one who got off a passing car under the preparatory to the steep that wouldn't i idea that a dog-fight was in progress, come at her bidding. "A flail? Ha! ha! Why, I haven't " It's outrageous!" she hissed to ber- ! seen a flail since I was married," he self, her false teeth being out, and care- ! chuckled as he reached for it. "I pre- fully placed on the bureau. "I never sume 1 have flailed a thousand bushels was BO insulted in my life. That little ' ^heat ia taj time. You boys stand fat chunk of a Miss Bisbee too, to do it! ' J • • - The boys retreated, and the man lifted the flail oa high and patted the grass in THE Sunday Argtts, Louisville, Kv., ob serves : A Woodbury (N. J.) paper men tions the cure of the wife of Mr. Jos. H. Mills, of that place, bv St. Jacobs Oil. She had rheumatism. ment progressed on all sides, she was utterly unable to bear it another moment longer, and, jumping up, she mumbled something about " must be home," and flounced out of the room. "I'm giad she's gone," said .the " Square'.-1 wife," as the door closed after the retreating form of the spinster; "I'm >-ick to death of havui' her always oome to me for subscriptions; an' she never gives the first cent herself." "She wouldn't see the aeed of the parson's ooat, if she had to open that pocket-book of hern," said a tall, squars- ouilt matron, who looked m if she had identy of opinions of her own, and couM express them when occasion required. "Gracious!" ejaculated little Mrs. Bisbee, with a short laugh ; " who ever sec that pocket-book anyway? I never f oid, an' I don't b'lieve any of you have . feither." for any fancied insult to the deacon's pride had keen made, they one aaid all, m a highly exalted frame of mind, ener getically set to work on the supp-T. " I never .see-such.eaters," s id e muf fled voice. The remark was addressed. IU the depths of a hig oloset fult «nf all sorts of faciily lumber and cast-off nrti- •;les, to another person, who, like the owner of t&Mi voice, was crammed in a most uncomfortable position up ag.imst the door that led into the "keepin'- room," wltere the sewing society was convened. " Wbaekety ! if we shouid eat s.> muc-h, I guess ma'd whip us. j&ust look at Miss ISassett stuff !" Thereupon the other figure boiuaeed up with threat difficulty to gvt a good view from the keyhole.. When he, had gotten I11-* i<ye fixed, he drew a long breath. " Wltew ! don't, she. thongii ! An' see Miss Henderson. Her nose w An' Miss Higby to set by an' see 'em, an' never say a word 1 I'll be mp to 'em. I will." Thereupon sbe blew out the ran die, and flounced her thin frame down into the middle of her feather bed, ti*ving to think of something bad enough to satisfy her thirst for revenge. Suddenly she sprang into a sitting posture. 4 " fll git straight up now and write it down, before I forgit it," she cried, in great excitement, "fori nevecr'11 git it into «ay head so good again." And, clambering out of lied, she groped around in the dark to light her candle, when she proceeded to slip her feet into some flannel slippers, and her self into a monstrous hed-gowa-of a won derful pattern. " There, now, what was if ? Let me see," she said, scratching her 'head with the end of ra rusty penholder that she had with great difficulty found, after muuh rummaging, in the bureau drawer. "Oh, yes, *hat was it. Yes ; now, then." The old pen scraped its wey over the small mangy pi«ce of paper :that Mis? Mirandy considered suitable 'for the oc casion, until those words appeared : REVBKKNI) MISTER UIOIKJETT, F-TSAU Bin. (On second thoughts, considering the "Dear Sir" too familiar, she had, with extreme pains, maxked it ewer, while a blush taw over her spare countenance and lighted up the dismal bed-govni.) ETVURKNB MISTER BiiOixntrr, --There bein' an efort t-taried afoot to bnv you a co.vt, I wish to ntn-tm out cf profound renpeak r«t«yonrsi*lf and Mis. Biedgett an -here Mis* Mirandv. finding a till quite a «tock of respect left within her bosom, oouotaded to bestow it liba-ally. so she added, wit h axtra flourishes-- an venr whole in clusive f.imih . that I had the honor to propose the coat, an -should a had the extreme pleasure of predentin it in a way suitable tc tho ocashuu, if tlint insidious creature Mis. fteth Rifbee hadn't iutmtted me at the sewin society this evenin at. Mis. Doacon Higby'H. She started all those ledies to talk awful abost JWC, l etiind Or. Hall's Recipe for Drunkenness. Sulphate of iron, five grains; mag nesia, teu grains; peppermint water, eleven drachms; spirit of nutmeg, one drachm. Take a table-spoonful in water three times a day until the craving for strong drink has subsided. This prep aration acts as a tonic and a stimulant, «ud thus partiallv supplies the place of the accustomed liquor, and prevents that absolutely physical and moral prostra tion which follows a sudden breaking off I r<*u the use of intoxicating drinks. THE Menasha (WiK.) Prem savs: A. <?iiViger, Esq., of this city, uses St Jacobs < >;1 on his horses with decided success and protit. IVRNTY years ago a prominent actor at a London theater thought himself fortunate if he uuule $50 a week. Now, every young gentleman with a good fig ure and a stock of fine clothes expects half that sum for a night's acting. a vigorous manner. "Yes, my stint used to be twenty bushels a day," he continued, and though I do say it myself I " Something* happened. He dropped the flaiL seized his jaw, and danced off as if he had springs under him, and al though a dozen voices asked what hit him he refused to tell. < A DULL, bead and a bilious stomach caa be By ai»J by a third man come sailing ; lbost couquere<l by Kidney-Wort along, and when he saw Dhe flail he re- \ T • , ^ marked fchat his father had used one like i tIr™ p£obft^e tllftt, the southern part it nenrly all his life, and was called the f th? Territory of Utah will supply smartest fiailer in New Hampshire. enough antinomy for tins country. The ; "Cant you use it?" inquired one of ® ^ , ^ the crowd. - i L»ke p1^ yields from 60 to 65 per cent "Why, of course. If you -boys want ^ antimony^ to «ee how onr fathers got their wheat ' Heo-Uugis Uoacbe*, , to mill I'll give you a little exhibition. '< rats, oats, mioe. ants, flies, insects, cleared out , Here, bub, hold my hat* ' by "Rough on Eats." 16c.. druggists. i He buttoned his coat, moistened his ' _ | hands, aud began work. The first blow : ^CHIO^'S Teething Syrup has never : i,iwW o mr.1,'0 a. j failed to give immediate relief a&entised in 1 i J ^ 1 . k® ^°?nd cases of Summer Complaint, Oholora-uifiuitum, craespa.ttgainst a boys elbow, and at; <or pains in theetom&ch. Mothers, when your the third the flailer grabbed the top of I little darlings are suffering fi*>m these or kin- his headand s:it down wath a subdued £r<d caU8e*> do mot homtato to give it a trial look in the corners of his mouth. ? *£^lllJ<urely M pieuHed v itlj the charming ^Well, I guess I'll l>e jogping along," . fSvrup. _ said the owner of the flail, as be rose up. ' -per bottle. "ft'e all in getting the kink out of it A r ^ kUor and . ; ZZt SSSfS npncial study won t git bes head broke tailing MicssKAsa r»KrosizKD Bkkf ToMa the entire . i-mak- i "ig. sorce^esiertitiiig and life-oaotainiitg proi>- Wrties; is invaluable m all enfeebled conditions. ' whother tho resvdt of oxhaniitioii, nei'vous pros- |Oration, overwork«or acute disease, oaiticularlv ^ sf resulting from .pulmonary camplaint*. Oa»- j wcli, Ffaiard A Ob., pronrietors. Kew Tork. Be sure to buy I>1-. Winchell's Teething Hold bf fell druggists. <ia{y 25 ceuts m«re'n twice a day, but a green baud onlv. preparsimK of b#sef contaiiiing it* 1 might's well sit under a brick kiln durinc It oontAim btood aternader. Day, gentlemen." . inc.-orcc-resieriitine-and iif, "A cent's as big as a cartwheel to^f.^rd ^ l^>ok at htlr bite into tlw«t her," said the big square woman, who "mt • didn't love Miss Mirandy to death. " It all runs in the family. They wouldn't any of 'em open their mouths'to breathe if tli't-y didn't git some thin' at tho same time they giv it out." H K Well, she won't put anytJiin' in her mouth this time,"observedthe "Square's wife," laughing and settling back com fortably. " It's the first sewin* meetin', I guess, when she's gone home before tea." "An'it means somethin* to go home before tea from Mrs. Deacon Higby's," exclaimed little Mrs. Bisbee, enthusias tically, with an energetic bob of her blac^ curls over at the hostess. " So she's lost her cake an' credit too." "I don't know,'" wud Mrs. Deacon ligby. deprecatingly, though she riggled all over with delight at the im plied praise to her suppers. " My loughnuts ain't so light as usual, an' the o:rf-cake ain't riz quite as I'd like it. The deacon come home last night in a chill, an' I run m the midst of every- thin' to give him a camfire sweat. So I didn't hev as good luck as 1 set oat to hev." Notwithstanding these lamentable failures, the round, comfortable visage of Mrs. Deacon Higby presented a se ries of rippling smiles that threatened to eclipse every feature of her expressive face, while she smoothed her fat hands complacently together. " Oh, well, you can talk," 6aid little Bisbee, "energetically, and begin ning to count up her list of subscrip tions to tho parson's new ooat, "but we all know, as well as the next one, what T . yonr <p°kin* is. Fifteen, twenty, twen ty- rif', rio, twenty-two--Mrs. Spencer Higginson's makes twenty-two--twenty- five, twenty-eight, tliirty, thirty-one-- thirty-one an' a quarter. Oh, dear! what a pity 'twan't jest, an even thirty- two !" "I'llmake it up," said the "Square's wife," quickly, enjoying the distinction of being the only woman in the room to whom a dollar or two more or less didn t make a matter worth a moment's consideration. "Now, then, thirty-two dollars ought to git a real first-rate arti cle. Wbere'll we buy it? that's the question ? " Hereupon ensndd a£vely di»cussion, Let me see--let me we," exclaimed the boy on the floor, crowding up to pn«b the other away from the kevho'*?-. ,:Thai'.-< my pifleo (Jets-way, Tom, I sax. I want to see." •" 'Tain't your place any more'n 'ti* mae," retorted the other, in an awlul whisper that, but for the rattle of cups and sancers going on on the other side of the door, must t-eeds have Ltuen heard. " The closet b'lougs to both of us ; so, of course, the keyhoh' does." "Well, I want to see once," said the first boy, waiving the poiut of <>xe!usive rights; "so git away, or I'll holler;" and h«"> gave a smart push to ttiie figure enjoviug a' view of the society that caused it to take its eye qtiickfy away from the key-hole, while he resented his wrongs. " If y<»u do, you won't git nothin' only a whackin', an' I'll cut au' run," he de- dared savagely, dumping down into the - itjit place on the floor. "So do look if you want ter ; then you've got to give the place back." " Sue's beginnin' on another," cried the victor, as loudly as he dared. " Oh ! my inmzies! I say, Tom--" " What? " said Tom, gloomily, on the floor. "'There won't be a scrap left for us if they keep on eatin' like that. The riz cake's a-goin' just awful! Let's go out in the back yard and holler 'Fire,'an' start 'em home." "Oh, no, we mustn't," cried Tom, in alarm; "that will spoil the whole. " They can't eat much mOre,"he added, decidedly. "An* then, after we've had our supper, we'll start an' tell all we know. Hain't we heard lots ?" he asked, enthusiastically. " Lots !" declared his brother; " I guess we have. Just twice as much as we did at last s'ciety; then 'twas all about Jinny Ann Rogers; that warn't no fun at all." " Let's go to Cousin 'Biah's first," said Tom, eagerly, " an' mad him all up: an' then we'll cut 'cross lots to Miss M'ran- dy's. Let's, Joe." "All right," said Joe. "I don't care which one we go to first. Oh dear ! I wish they was through." But before he could plaster his pale blue eye up to the key-hole again the enterprising Thomas already had pos- Defaris ®f Old BaBdings. (.New York Industrial World.] Vhe variod materials onlleoted from old buildings in course nlf demolition | IMAGINE for a moment the thonsanSs upon foran enormous accumulations in Bome > thousands of boUfies or Carboline, the .doodor of tib.e upi>er wards in New Tork City, ' ""'d petroleum hair renewer, annually sold, and where one eati purchase anr.tliing in the 1 tact,that complaint has bt-en 1 . - j received from all Jtheee thoutwnds,judj«aiui,v my ba.-k. WLKDI wasn't there; but Tom and j bniuiing line from a piece-OF lead pipe . 4Ave some idea of MLU: good qualities. Joe Higbr aas noble lads, an th«yben au ! to a magnifioent French (plate ' TimSeer told m« ali e'leul it. So pardon my fe^uniptioT iu BE believe I would a 'give for the coat if I'd ben -let to, an present*pucks to Mis. B'odjjett on: your eldest daugbter *n Sarab Ann, an all Uie jent. xl"onrs to command. MIRANDA STKKBIKS Miss Mtrandv couldn't help reading this over three or four time*, she was so delighted with it. Then she blew out the light aud clambered iuto her feathers again. "On second thonghts," she said, as she drew up the thick comfortable about her spare chin, "I won't send it now. I can atl'ord to wait, an' when theoost's done I'll jest git 'Biah Williams to stick it in one of the pockets. Th:it'i! be of ail sort, from giant cross beams to littk* joist j osts, «au be had in these yards, where there ace also win dow i«as:ies, window weigiits, doors, shutters, iron and woodeu -staircases, window frames, -doorposts, flouring luth- ing, tiling, wainscoting, bric&s, brown stone 4ror:ts, griuiik; steps, gr«inite col umns,, iron girdets and iroD fr««iits, iron PATIKHTS learn <what doctors know, 1St&t % eentuiued apjitioatiou of auy particular intrrnal mediciue lou«x its power, aha report must be HAD to esjjeruiH-.nt The use of I>E. HOUKAK'S PA&> enforces the SYSTEM by absorption and witueut poisoning, and this is the reason of its , gioat popularity. Try it. j i F<m Headache, Com^apation, Liver G«raplaa.xt j and uE bilious derangements of the blood, there j stair-taftines. and. in fact, anvthbig and I j? 6*J~:ua' 48 F.ilcrt's D»y- •'v^i vriiiin/ tli-it httih ev,-f h.'.-u i^.l ,n 'Vht Liver Pilib. They «tand nnnvalled in Bo-e\«.i taat aws evo n, tu ^cd m ( movmg toning tho ^)miu,h aad glvlB< a I10U.HJ. J>oor Jinobs, bell 1 caudles, 1 healthy motion to the liver. Hold by all draggista. iron rulings and balconies, not men- ! tion the cornices, sre there in profusion ; IT i« «aid that foor adllton PAUFC-G-- at and C<urf/i-ion. Tke profits of thk I nisi- 1 Frazer jU&e Gnass wem sold in 1879, and we ness are said to be <?reat, and while it j frequently huppetu that laige figures FOE Khewnatifim, SpraiM and Braiiies, Skipping Hard Places. , Boys, I want to ask you how yon think a conqueror made out who went through a country he waa trying to subdue and, whenever he found a fort hard to take' let it alone. Don't you think the enemy wonld bftzz wild there, like bees in a hive, and when he was well into the heart of the country don't jou fancy they would swarm out and harass hitp terribly ? Just so, I want you to remember, will it l»e with yon, if you skip over the hard places in your lessons and leave them unlearned; you have left an en emy in the rear that will not fail to harass yon and mortify yon tiiBM with out number. " There was just a little bit of my Latin I hadn't read", said a vextd student to me, "and it was just there the pro fessor had to call upon me at examina tion. rhere were just two or three ex amples I had passed over, and one of these I was asked to do on the black- bovd." The st a lent who is not thorough is never well at his ease ; he cannot forget the skipped problems, and the con sciousness of his deficiencies makes hia nervous and anxioas. Never laugh at- the slow, plodding student; the time will surely come when the laugh will be turned. It takes time to be thorough, but it more thau pays. Resolve when you take up a study that you will go through with it like a successful conqueror, taking every strong point If the inaccurate scholar's difficulties closed with his school life it might not be so great a matter for his future ca reer. But he has chained to himself a habit that will be hke an iron ball at his heel all the rest of his life. What ever he does will be lacking somewhere. He has learned to shirk what is-hard, and the habit will grow with years. THE forest acreage of North Carolina is probably greater than three or four oi the Northwestern States combined. WHAT IS COOD FOR I AN IS GOOD FOR MASK Mr.J. A. Walton If ONE < f the mot nmatNli stable proprietor® and Mnode'l stock OIPIMHME the northern part oi the elty of pfcllMflnhk -(1 1245.N. Twelfth street. Mr. W. fias devoted (Mt best years of hia life to the ttadjrs&d tnfliiaj| '" T*<t an authority & 01 hoiM*, and he is considered. «•» all matters pertaining to hopwHrtA. firou* o! hearing wtui he had tosaita M" persona regarding the merit* of «*r. Sxami" a remedy it.r ;omeof the ills that horwbn geir to, the writer resolved to go direct t» Walton 8 stables for the purT>o«e of inter him on the «ubjeet. Mr. fcalton talfceu rtr upon the matter and said: "After nuanrMMM active experience I can safely my that I oaSiMt ST. JACOBS ON, a remarkably gof -L linimoBt te 1-- sprains to tte horses foranytlu«g hke „pr limbs, bruiser and simi- lar I have used ST. JACOBS of] - jr» OiLondoiiS of horses, and can state ftr\ that I never knew it to Jail. It ia f f\ j\ now dMlB months since I first commenced uMng that Ott on my horses, and I shall continue to u*e it. J happened to commence using ST. JACOBS On. 9 horses in this way: My father ts over efehljr years of ape and i<? stibjeet to many of tiw ail men 5s incident to old age. Among other thinps he ha« Rheumatic attacks, pains in his ;parte«rf ooBsOUt f-everal months since, und after nibbing himaetf limbs and joints, and aches in different parte his body. mmeneetl using Sr. JACOB iONTH-HGENTS WANTED-90 fa A.Jdrc«* Jay Branson, bctrott! Cure poftlilTe, Send fos* circs* kr. I>B. M ARTIN 4 CO., HO 8t«te Street, Chica<o. ptiim. I Bnglftnd. H ^ iSinoroii. I I voi. faanutoci^Lr V doth bound, for oply io - - MANHATTAN BOO* CO., U W. IMH SL, N.T. R.O. BOX ^n;:. Llt^rfiture. I jw MM Knio voi. faanuwHneiy V | bound, for QBit ru. V V Mlim WANTED Tocnnvam for old pictures tn be cepiwl and und liniahtKl in first-ol.iFB style, y<H) s.Tniilf fraa. No exnital roqaired. Ad(ire«s 0. 8. Ho. 408 Sl«rket !StHnrri»bur, h, Pa. freely with the liniment eight and r.ioniinit.I.. onrdimr to the printed directions, he obtained tte most decided relief. When/rer he haa any p«Jil ii' w he uses ST. JACOBS On. and it always drivea the pain away. Now I fullv know from personal observation that' Wkal it abo4 for man is good far heart.' "--Further reports brine the gTatimncls- telligenee that Aristides Welsh, Esq.. of Aon- heim Stock-Parm. near Philadelphia, BL, tiw breeder of that famed racer. lr.xjaois, above I resented, uses and strongly endorses ST. JA On. as a wonderful remedy in it.- effects i stock. His experience with the Great i Remoly justified him in giving his unau indorsement of it, and in snrine that his groom should always use it on the farm. ; (£} GEORGE W000LEY, L U M B E R ! 242 S. Wafer Sr.. fklcvti 111. Established 1874. Price-list free* Piles t'ilitliiirglh Pn. ARO.MATIC H1MI. A pie,-, sant. hi' PS speedy cure for > I i» I. W One pickage--fonr uoaw --w.ll cure in every oHA Price CM dollar. So'd ly sent bynuil. UK. JU H. HAUKM* ^ ^ •1>000 REW1RD. Boy MtMttw *fnrf Septrtnbrr 1, IWft. FkaKK t?t.Dl)11K>&; wh<»n ItiBt, 8 yo«rc and 4 nearly 4 feot in hpifihl, slight li^ht*hr t\Tn hair, i.'trfje a;raylsta-blu*J eyeii, sliirlu scar over right regular ;c;;turos, dunj led neok and lace long neck, scar back of onoiumd; H timid and yietd ns/ nature, buj>p;wsd t<» havu l>«en taken West. Any .nfi>r- mation v.ill tie liberally rewarded. RICHABD 4.. KT.- DBXDaK. 6J9 Waahington , Now Yor4. --The Strongest, Ch«ftp®»t nnd most I" CllvCDur(ib?« WIRK A PICKttT KKNCK. Patented Jaty, 1^1. Sfwl Po«ts tot Wirr or Board Fencca will la»t a lifetime. If you wouM aafa tnoneyj or desiru employment* Mid for tltefcrated OirooUr. AddreM A. TODD, PtatoMyvilte, N.T. JPor Otallls ind AMP ALL DIM ASM ... Camill kj Malarial A W1RHANTUD CUM. PHoe,gl.OO. •LUME. Mill, OHM, Htl, j' LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VESETABLE COMPOPKIi. laaPosltlveCure •wall (1«M PalilU CcnpUinti.' BS4 W I HMUM ItMikMt ftcialr smputatimm. it will cure entirely MM wont f ono of rwmala Cow* iflalnts, all ovarian ttvMtu, Ioitau)nutiuu aod llcem tton. Fedtiiisr mod Dis^taeementa, and the eonarqaens •fCnal Vitaiantm, anA to yartioularly to Ik* Cknn^e of Life. (t will tiiseolv* Ml «arly ita^e of dcweloj-nieat. The teooeser So <M» ewoui hamoi-B there is cliwkwl Ter75peedilx bj it* M». MavinoTea faintuesis, flatniency, dectreyaall trmtmm for^ltoisianti, and KHCTM weakness r ft tin i>imn| II aw Bloating, HeartaeSww, Kerront FroetraUett, Ocaisel BsbUltj, OeeplsMneM, Peprefslon aa4 lat>- g»sla. lknt. of teartef dorm, caaslny pate, m||ti j •ad bkCta<;lK», Is always percuaiu-nt!y cnre<! hy llAtta j It at, si 1 tiroes end asdarAllclrcnnictaneM«Mtl» wltb the IfaH'a Omt gevtri the femaJatgrSlM. flartfea oireof Ki Jwey Oompiaiats c( aUlMr Mttv | OssB^cud la onsurpanvd. * j LTBli £. PIVSllAlffS TK8ET&BLS O* FOCKDM prepared at (33 and SI® Western IWM, ' liynn,Mate. Price(L aixbottlesi'osria. SsBttywO ! In the (bra of pills, alio lntfaa farm of losenfMl •» j rsesipt e>f prtoe, $1 per box (areithsr. Hra. FtnkkwB [ all letters of luquiry. Bead tor | M&mm as abore. Mention (Ms . 6,000 AGENTS WANTED, TO SELL THE LIFE Of PRESIDENT GARFIELD. Complete, iselsdhqi HI* Dr*ll>«sM RwHsL Profnseiy Illustrated. New Steel Portrait of U.iJU the tinnat m ile. Po. trxite nf hi* Mrtts and Mother.Guiteau. tho Sui*eons, th» Cabinet of the Staootmtf; the Sick Chamber, the Faseral nant, Ac. The oniy complete and mstbenuo m There is n Fortune f«r Ageslt (Ml It field with t!iig_Bo*k, Ontfit OUe. 8p«ak c II IJ BBAKD BStMn Cklcace, ] *4»T O* WKKAKBi ' , AX.WATS CUIUBUE »* OTflPti;, nmcijr MUSTANG UHIMENT. itanuMvun. Shtnwstlw, Barns sai Rasldl, Sttngi and Bites, fnts til Brnl*ea, Spnlai * Btftchea,' fsntraeMHsMlts StMrjotota, Bnekuke, T< / lirnptloM, ... •*roat Bites, •*" *:®' aad *11 extsmal Aiassasa. f*fs*««l cae U family. tMist,itosrA|| * nt. Swliany, FWUM1M% •an Vast, < Sf.T. f 3 LINIMENTS ETBICUSBTIU rr-.\RRVOUS DKBIUTT, LMS topaised pomn carsd if MATykEtsfll IINOROTODLEI»CTNVLT««NE»4O BRIT Fsd cjsmbicod; sis* of Pad, 7x10 Inrht s iS ,tu«M»t larjer tiuin^tbus Dsaotr <>«1 -atrip Belts wbei. yi>n aan n improred for $2 •• El«*ri« Llchf* papsr, sent free unseated; laaMtdLSL C Ciy wn? VTAfTe MONET 1 ^ 'S'aus & Lir^aM MMaaik ig^a TC whniA«» Off & N»»»T fcatf »r3 ® 03- t» THK&A.'>. ST8.r~ -- laVlGO&ATEOig li.HR .HGSTMIT 8U TFSSTS m Or.J. COiOX- H.anaaiaa.Mia. (M^SrfMaSw. My iiikoald be without LTDU.K. PINKBAM UVB FIUA They enra eonsMpatton. •art tospldity *t the Urer. Sices taper bi MTMd by all DnolM.'VI O.K.U. Mre" TO ADTKB-. ** Pltase Mjr yon aaw tke sirertiwrni fa this paper. Ito. 41 ost as good sm helpin' gire it: " and, t »re paid for noma houses, the profit*) are • Pncie HmnV N«rve todBouaLinimeut, sold by hugely tickled at turn of affairs, afee composed her mind and fell asleep. On the first .Suudaj in Dec; iiih<-r--a bright, beautiful day--the " First Church in Buzzville ** was crowded to its utmost capacity. The presentation had taken place the evening before, and con sisted m the coat being sent over by the hands of the tailor's boy, with a note containing the names of tho fair donors. All eves and ears were therefore agog to sen the parson in his new habiliments and to hear'how he returned thanks. As he went op the broad aisle, every neek was craned to catch a sight of the new coat, and many nudges and smiles were {riven to express the general satis faction that was bubbling over in the audience. After the first prayer, with a few pre liminary " hems," the parson stood up and began to unburden his mind of the deep debt of gratitude that teemed to weigh hioi down. "Heai! It gives me great pleasure," he mumbled ; then sought relief in his handkerchief, whi'-h. being in the depths of his left-hand pocket, required a "strong pull and a long pull" to get it out. "Hem!" Whiz--rustle--went some small white object out beneath the parson's hand up into the air ; then it settled slowlV- and made its way down, down, toward the floor, when it fluttered a moment, to land in the second pew from the front, directly in Deacon Higby's lap. The two boys leaned past their mother to see the sight, and almost laughed aloud. They didn't laugh again for many a day ! The deacon heard the concluding words of Parson Biodgett's acknowledg ment, who, now that he had his hand kerchief, was all right; then he slowly unfolded tlje paper JJQ his hand and ex amined its contents. co:re««poiitliiiir!y great. Rice itlv some j all druggi^L hoiiKes oti Twenty-thirj^ street were j taken down, and as dt*>y were finwlied j in hard wood, ornamented with rnirwrs ; and great spacious fire-places, the price demanded was very large, but tlic old 1 brass work at id glas& a out; paid the pur chaser for wliat he had invested, and the wood, stone and bricit of the house ! was all clear profit. The two firms who 1 do the largest traffic of fcke kind carry to their yards about fifty truck-loads of material a day. Thee there are dozens of others in the trade who do a much more modest business. HOW T« SW;UUK HKALT1I. It is itMAja aoy ene will srfl« from deroogwnenta bruogtiton by impure blood, when SOOVILL'S !SAR .A- PAliUJLA ANB STILIilKGlA. «r BLOOD.A!*I> l.IVKK SVIiUP. will restore auel'h tothx pbyali'ilor (rannation, ft is aatreaetheiiiw? ajmi{j,pleasant to tttke. and tbe BKKT 1JLOOD PURIFIKU ever ciwwwered, caring Sorofsla, fifplillitio dteorilers, WMIUGH of tbe Kidney*, Krystpeiaa, Halaiit, Nerroos dborders. Debil ity. Bilioua complaints, and Dissasss oi tly» Blood, xiveu Kidneja, Stomach, 8|pn, otc. BAKER'S PAIN PAJC7ACEA onres pain in ao& beaat. _____________ DR. BOG2WI WOUC SYBUP iMteLtly deatnvs WORMS. / and vigor of body, bw work. 1 know not what- I site it also a clearness of credit. iTh» Mron T«n<e t* n\ IswjisrsXoH vf JVe*! E CoaeM« of Iron. • • vian ttmrk, amf IWI I pha(««, MtiKitrimtmf I I erirft- the le^ttoMe I |4remstirs. It swim g u.. vsnfis&s% -.IiMTimc.froaskUI ir id I found that my nstnrat fasoa natn«tt|has»doa»t»t>stfca IVMM MUIIMIJonnaL AddrwF.BrabnJMB.PI1 The Etiology of Diphtheria. Dr. - Hubert Airy has made a report ! $66 to the local government board of Eng land, of the results of his investigations into several local outbreaks of diph theria. The disease did not seem to be affected by elevation or dampness of •ite nor by foulness nor over-crowding, gc tntOfl *"»piM „»<i, *» He found abundant instances of its con- • M Addre« sun-bon & Co.. Portund. Me. tagiousnesa, as in schools, from visits to OA A Decalootnsnies, SSc; 900 small, 10c; 13S laise l(lc; OUU &Uchoice, loo. E. Kettbert <1 Co., Cleveland, Ohio. flT A mPPTC umnwitn. aasrsM, Biaaoara W aluHfiW imtrioaa C« .Pituburnh. Pa. the dwelling of a diphtheria patient, from making purchases at a shop where j the shopwoman had diphtheritic sore I throat. There was one striking case of i the conveyance of diphtheria to a new | locality, by a person who had been in j contact with a diphtheria patient, but | had not herself contracted the disease. This would show that the poison can I attach itself to the person or clothes of a visitor or occasional attendant, and be thns transported for some distance. Dr. Airy concludes that dipntheria is caused by an organism which caajnultiply both within and without the human body, its increase in the latter case being pro moted by clay soils, by the season, and by moisture' It is also capable of in fecting both water an<J uiilic and seems to flourish best ia the autumn months. DU. III'MTEJi, 103 State »t.,Chicago, treatssue-cesstoUr Throat and Lung Dkeases by Inhalation. ! rflO A WEKK. (12 a day at home ea«ily made. Costly | Via outfit fiee. Address TbCE A Co., Angosta, Ha ' vnil&in MEtl If yon would learn Telegraphy in ! 1 UUnU 191 CIs fonr months, and be certain of a ait- I oatiou. address VALENTINE BROS., Janesrille, Wi». /jlT' • * For Business at the Oldest A Best j _^iyr^CotamercialCollege. Circularfrea. yCCCiy AddressC-BAVi.iKS,Dubuquc,Ia. A<;KNT« WANTED for the Best and Fastest-Sti'Ung Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced B per ct. NATIOKAL PLBLISHIKG CO., Chicago. Ill .^"re relief i CXHH1 KI00ER8 P«T111E8.m"^,S!S •MB^an|MaHB^MMMBpLiiurlestown, Haas. GUNS $777 to CFTUOOFM £PM. Addna% Qsmt T«t Bum Works. Iluabwik. P*. YEAR and eznenses to Agents. Outfit free. Addms P, lc.-b.eryv Aofwu, ' J * 4 W J M T « V lUlfUTIIil IT TME OR. HARTKIt MEDICINE CO., M. 313 Mm IAi STHIT. 4*y «n4nl?ht for truth; my «nys«lf bycmnwnuidlat roots and harks sad inh oWtiutd or !• u Im i«-»t «n«l «l<-ep .oxf >: t*blv. notsaf viillt ug£it£ D<a k City. ttV'S Vsei and ^proved by the leading PHYSI- CIA3S8 of EUROPE and AMERICA. ^ The most Valuable Family Remedy known. For the Treatment of woinras, bvshs, 80RES, CUTS, CSILBL SEES' DTSFASA, SEZUSAXXSK. CATARRH, EEM0SSE0ZD8, Ste. AlMfor Conghs, Ccldi, Sore TLrcat,Cro*p and Diphtheria, «te. JOrTry tliua. Si a&d 50 ceat tisw «f all ear goad* CUAX0 KML AT TaErili-AEES-FHtA EXPOftfOOK.! >«diTMhA VMollatC^d- VaseLawi VueliB*TeO«tl Ti^ooimrcrwBL Ani ia*1 nam* •AX. AT TU FAJUS j 0SL@^S*<